A Narrative Report On The Practicum Training

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A Report Submitted to the Faculty of the

Diffun, Quirino


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Diploma Course




This narrative report attached hereto entitle “A NARRATIVE REPORT ON


CITY” prepared and submitted by MS. JESSEL I. TAAN in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for graduation for the Diploma Course in ASsocaite in Hospitality

Management, is hereby endorse for approval.

Practicum Coordinator


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the



Dean, Institute of Home Science and Industry


Above all, the narrator attributes her success to the Lord, her brother

Jessregi and her sisters Jessa and Jesstine Kaith but most especially with her

loving Mr. & Mrs. Rolly Taan and Perlita Taan for this endeavor has been


She wished to express her heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to those

who shared their efforts and time during the performance of the course, our

beloved Dean of the IHSI Department for her wholehearted assistance and

cooperation which she generously extended during the accomplishment of the


She wishes to thank Mrs. WhilHelmina Fernandez, the adviser of AHM

whose guidance ignited in her unfaltering desire to go through.

Sincerest appreciation is also accorded to Mrs. Jemalyn R. Madera, her

cooperating teacher for her valuable suggestions, unfailing supervision and

unfading guidance and assistance, which led to the improvement of this report.

But most of all, to our Almighty God to all His blessings and guidance.

The Author

With all gratefulness, this piece of work is dedicated to her loving

parents, Mr. Rolly M. Taan and Mrs. Perlita I. Taan. To her brother Jessregi and

to her two sisters Ms. Jessa and Jesstine Kaith. To all her lative, friends who

helped and to the person who inspire.

The Author



TITLE PAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i

APPROVAL PAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------- ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------- iii

DEDICATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------- v

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ------------------------------------------------------ vi


A. Significance of the Practicum Training ------------------------------ 1

B. Objectives of the Practicum Training -------------------------------- 2

C. Location and Duration of the Practicum Training ---------------- 2


A. Historical Background of the Cooperating Agency -------------- 3

B. Mission and Vision of the Cooperating Agency ------------------ 4

C. Objective of the Cooperating Agency -------------------------------- 4

D. Function and Duties of Employees ----------------------------------- 5

E. Description of Hotel Rooms -------------------------------------------- 6

F. Work Atmosphere and Interpersonal Relation -------------------- 7




Appendix A. Certification ---------------------------------------------------- 13

Appendix B. Performance Evaluation Report for Trainees -------- 14

Appendix C. Daily Time Record -------------------------------------------- 21

Appendix D. Registration Card --------------------------------------------- 22

Appendix E. Tariff Sheet of the Hotel ------------------------------------- 23

Appendix F. Room Occupancy Report ---------------------------------- 24

Appendix G. Linen Monitoring Sheet ------------------------------------ 25

Appendix H. Daily Inventory and Consumption Report ------------ 26

Appendix I. Menu and Drinks Available at the Hotel --------------- 31

Appendix J. Daily Sales Report ------------------------------------------ 33

Appendix K. Daily Inventory and Consumption Report ------------ 42

Appendix L. Pictorials ------------------------------------------------------- 43


The author, Ms. Jessel I. Taan was born at Dumabato Sur, Maddela,

Quirino on January 03, 1992. The author’s parents are Mr. Rolly M. Taan and

Mrs. Perlita I. Taan ans she gas one brother, Mr. Jessregi Taan and two sisters

namely Ms. Jessa Taan and Ms. Jesstine Kaith Taan, who are residing now at
Dumabato Sur, Maddela, Quirino. The author is the second daughter of

the family.

The author finished her elementary education at Dumabato Elementary

School. And finished her high school education at Maddela Comprehensive High

School. The author finished the Associate in Hospitality Management at Quirino

State College, Diffun, Quirino. And presently taking up the Bachelor of Science in

Hospitality Management at the same school.

The author believes that she will finish this course because she has an

inspiration and that is her family, who are very supportive, helping and sacrificing

for her to become successful woman.

The author also thankful to God our Creator beaches He gave her her

wonderful and good parents.

Chapter I


Taking an On Job Training (OJT) is one of the most exciting event our

lifer as a student and who are presently taking up Associate in Hospitality

Management (AHM) students of the Institute of Home Science and Industry,

Quirino State College should undergo in a period of time, and serve as the best
training ground as a student. The undersigned was assigned to be trained at

Citylight Hotel, Baguio City for one summer. It provides experience that transmits

between the past role of a full time On- Job Training. This role gives opportunities

for the student to sensitized and learned theories practices and convert them to

professional skill.

Generally, the practicum training program aims to expose the students to

the real world of managing a hotel and restaurant establishment and serves as

revenue for strengthening their own.

A. Significance of the Practicum Training

The Curriculum of the Associate in Hospitality Management (AHM) of

the Institute of Home Science and Industry was designed to maximize the

requirement of professional education efficiency and let the students

understand the importance of practicum training in the filed of hotel and

restaurant management. The training also serve as an experience learning on

their part before they will graduate their chosen career, hence such practicum

is very significant.

B. Objectives of the Practicum Training

The general objective of the practicum training is to reflect on the practical

application of knowledge and skills in real work environment and to ensure

that their education has the essential balance between theories and practice

hence the following:

1. To test career interest and fain valuable work experience in the

various segments of the hospitality service industry.

2. Recognize, develop, and practice skills necessary for future career.

3. Compare and contrast different types of organizations, company

cultures and work environment.

4. Explore different departments/areas within an organization gaining

invaluable perspective regarding issues, concerns and behaviors of

employees of various sections/levels.

5. Improve their marketability upon graduation.

A. Location and Duration of the Practicum Training

The intern had completed the requirement of the practicum training at

Citylight Hotel, located along #225 upper General Luna road, Baguio City, the

summer capital of the Philippines. The duration of the practicum training was

from April 14 to May 20, 2007.

Chapter II


A. Historical Background of the Establishment

The City Light Hotel started and established when a friend of Mr.

Wilson Angheng a successful Filipino-Japanese businessman suggested that

hotel is a good business. The friend further recommended that Baguio is the

best place since it is a famous city and told to be the summer capital city of
the Philippines, hence the said hotel was named as City Light Hotel meaning

Baguio is a city of light. In the year 2001, the hotel was established because

of prime importance that Baguio is a Tourist spot in Cordillera .

The City Light Hotel was classified as one of the standard hotel. It

consist 20 standards single beds with common toilet and bathroom, 1

standard twin, two single beds with common toilet and bathroom, 2 standard

double; twin semi-double beds with common toilet and bathroom. 1 standard

double bed with toilet and bathroom, 2 de luxe double with one double bed

with toilet and bathroom- carpeted, 6 de luxe twin with two semi- double beds

with toilet and bathroom, 3 family room with two semi-double beds with

balcony, 1 executive suite with double bed living room, 1 presidential suite

with one master bedroom with toilet and bathroom, one room with two semi-

double beds, one room with one double deck, living room and fully finished

kitchen; and one big appartelle with two semi-double bed, one room with two

deck with common toilet and bathroom and fully furnished kitchen.

The City Light Hotel becomes famous in the following year not only

because of the convenience place to stay and to rest but also a place to

boast. Its, Citylight’s light box studio café you can only experience the

different kind of approach in serving their food and beverages.

With the tune, newest hit song played in studio café

accompaniments to the food beverages they offer. The manager and

employees assured that their clientele is comfortable and secured.

B. Mission/Vision of the Cooperating Agency

B.1. Mission

Providing a convenient place to stay when people come to visit the

Cordilleras as well as to provide employment or the hardworking and

deserving new graduates of various schools.

B.2. Vision

To promote tourism, to give the convenience first class

accommodation gracious service.

C. Objective of the Cooperating Agency

To seek medium to long term specialization on hotel, restaurant, catering,

seminars, wedding and other service that can offer and to make sure of

convenience that come first.

D. Functions and Duties of Employees

The General Manager and Owner: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anghen

The general manager overseas the general operation of the hotel.

He also manages and supervise all the employees and does the decision


Bar and Dining operation Manager: Mr. Rolando Pedeglorio

He is in-charge of managing hotel and operation of the bar dining

area. He assures that everything is in good condition.

Accounting Officer: Ms. Deolina dela Cruz

She is in-charge in all the paper works and budget the income and

outcome of their revenue.

Housekeeping Supervisor: Ms. Luisa Mangaliag

She supervises the entire housekeeping department. She checks

the linen, availability of the amenities and the condition of the rooms.

Kitchen Supervisors: Mr. Jose Varias

Chef at the City light Hotel and also used to supervise the kitchen

department. He is responsible in the entire foods offered by the hotel.

Front Office Supervisor: Ms. Bernadette Paquitol

She is the head in front office department. She checks the check in/

out of their guest, the availability of the room and a group public relation


E. Description of Hotel Rooms

The City Light Hotel was classified as one of the standard hotel. It

consist 20 standards single beds with common toilet and bathroom, I

standard twin, two single beds with common toilet and bathroom, 2 standard

double; twin semi-double beds with common toilet and bathroom. I standard

double bed with toilet and bathroom , 2 de luxe double with one double bed

with toilet and bathroom-carpeted, 6 de luxe twin with two semi – doubled

beds with toilet and bathroom, 3 family room with two semi-double beds with

balcony, I executive suite with double bed living room, I presidential suite with

one master bedroom with toilet and bathroom, one room with two semi-

double beds with common toilet and living room. It also consist one appartelle
with two semi-double beds, one room with two deck with common toilet and

bathroom and fully furnished kitchen.

F. Work Atmosphere and Interpersonal Relation

During the practicum, trainees were scheduled for orientation with the

assigned employee. In this we were trained to ask questions, informed where

and whom to contact if there are problems occurs. As trainees, we were

scheduled to tour on the properties of the hotel, department heads in every

division and were briefed with our duties and responsibilities including the

policies and benefits of employees. We were taught on how to fill up work

book and diaries.

During my practicum training, I tried my best to be cheerful and smiles

at strangers or guest in order to attract and protect the image of the hotel. We

exhibit sincerity in my doings, ever courteous to our costumers. The generous

use of words coupled with good ethics and etiquette is being provided in order

to have frequent hospitable atmosphere. Not all are created equally attractive

but all can do there best to be neat. Many department in a hotel required

Their trainees and employees to wear their uniforms. In the hotel, the

knowledge on foreign language is valuable.

To be successful in the business venture of a hotel, all workers or

employees in a hotel in all phases of the business hotel must be courteous

and friendly, efficient and prompt, attractively attired and neat and should be

proficient in English and Foreign language.

For me, my practicum training is enjoyable because the employees of

the hotel including my co-trainees are all good to work with.

Chapter IV


A. Summary

The practicum training was focused on the application of knowledge

and skills learned in classrooms of AHM students. It is in this where trainees

have experience the actual activities in a hotel and restaurant whereby good

ethics, courteousness, respect, sincerity and love of work should also abide

in every trainee. To sum it in this part of the curriculum were students are fully

trained and served as an eye opener to trainees what is there chosen career;

hence such practicum training will serve as their inspiration to engage or to

work in hotel world.

Furthermore, the trainee learned the proper work relation ship, good

work attitude and harmonious.

Every department has its kind different kind of approach and selling of

service. All of these need to know by the trainee. Aside from the knowledge

and skills developed enhanced. She learned the proper work ethics, a

harmonious relationship in every employee of the different sections of the

hotel. The practicum training then determines the work experience of the

trainee in preparing the students in the real world of their chosen field of


B. Conclusion

Practicum training is very important to every AHM students because it

is a mixture of hard work, commitment, patient, perseverance, and good work

ethics and harmonious dealings with the co-trainees and employees of the


Hence, I conclude that such training should be continued in order to

further enhance the knowledge and skills of students.

C. Recommendation

The trainee recommends to abide and require to undergo strict

screening of students, likewise recommend to the succeeding training to

spiritually and seriously take this part of the curriculum because it will serve
as training ground for each one, gain more knowledge and skills that will give

each one enough confidence to work in the future in the field of lodging and

food industry.

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