Shenell Done Communication

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The Reason Why Students Drop-Out of Secondary Schools and Colleges

.In my opinion students drop out of secondary schools and colleges because of many
problems faced in the world today. Clearly some of the main reason being that person are led by
their peers which leads them in to trying new ideas, lack of money to maintain all school supplies
necessary, classes may have become boring and frustrating, also a bad environment affect a
student and even having a mental illness can be a major factor.
The generation that we are currently living is filled with evil-minded people, lazy people, selfcentered individual and robbers and thieves. Most young individual find it not important not
work towards their goal when the road gets difficult, this results in them giving up on everything
including dropping out of secondary school or college. The effects of this is that he/she may end
up stealing and committing other criminal actions so that they can make a living.
Another major reason students drop out of secondary school and colleges is high percentage of
decline in school work such as: Home-Work, projects, labs and assignments. Young person
would find it more fun to spend his/her free enjoying life with friends and mates, which leads us
back to the point of peer-pressure, sometimes it always manages to catch up on us some way or
the other. Lack of parental and guardian supervision plays a major role where without them a
students becomes unguided not knowing how to make the right choices
Lack of money to maintain all school supplies can sometimes be difficult when you dont have
enough support from close person to you such as: family and friend, there may be times a student
is looking for a part time job to gain support but because of class schedule and other reason this
becomes even more difficult to this individual. This students can then decide to take this job but

then he or she can be abstain from a full education. In the future what can happen is that the
students who has poor attendance can suffer poorly in the case of not gaining enough knowledge
and understanding in his/her young ages. There is a 20% chance that he/she get call for a
successful job in their future life.
Classes may become boring and frustrating this can be a major turn off to a students causing an
increase in drop out of school. Classes should be about finding amazing ways to gain knowledge
and also to share it. Teachers/Lectures should not be long and drain about speeches or lessons, it
should be brought to their attention that they are dealing with young people. what a student needs
to do is pay more attention in classes; where ever he/she is lost in classes they have the power to
ask his/her teacher/lecture to repeat or go over. Students should be more alerted to work situation
at school so to prevent drop out. Students who drop out of school should be monitored severely
so their problem is known.
A bad environment is a major negativity to a childs learning, the environment where a students
grow can also affect the maintenance to his/her future career, the surrounding you are familiar
with helps frame your future as an individual who has goals. A bad environment foundation can
cause poverty or even cause this individual to become homeless and poor. Poverty is not an easy
situation, some individual tend to have a break down after being affected by poverty.
Having a mental illness can cause school drop, the constant absent from school leaves you no
choice. Mental illness is a sickness to an individual where he.\/she is affected. Before entering a
schooling environment it is normal that they tell you if you have any sickness to refrain from all
classes not wanting anyone else to be affected. Students who are absent a lot from school tend to
drop out of school. Students who are chronic NON-ATTENDERS receive fewer hours on
instruction from his/her teacher or lecture. This then makes it difficult for this the person to catch

up or that it may cause them more strain on themselves making them sicker. Pregnancy can be on
the main mental sickness to a student. . Pregnancy can be cause from too much disengagement
from school, where a student may find herself caught with other activities that Pregnancy is one
of life most important factor and also one of the main reason why students drop out of school. It
can cause this individual to become alone if the partner does not support, which then bring back
up the point of becoming a victim of poverty. Pregnancy prevents may not concern school. Over
1.2 million girls around the world drop out of school because of teenage pregnancy.
In my opinion I think all these issues can be resolve easily if the government of the country takes
action into helping students who drop out of school, also having community groups to help
support each other when the roads get rough. These individual can plan activities such as games
and other hobbies to help occupy their time. Churches around the community can also help them
by supporting financially and spiritually to gain a better social life. The drop out of school must
As I stated above there are many factors that causes students to drop out of school. Main reasons
are teenage pregnancy, financial problems and peer pressure. There should be some laws place in
force to try to decrease the amount of students dropping out of school.


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