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Dealing with difficult classroom situations


School is the place you go to learn, and the place you escape from when you play hooky. When you

school someone, it means you’ve educated or put that person in his or her place. But sometimes school

isn’t just about educating someone because school also produces negative effects to students, school

covers up a very huge of time in a student’s life, school pressures and forces students to their limits

causing them to pause or to rest from their academic demands. An example is a student who skips his or

her class. Many students skip their class for certain reasons. It may be personal or school problems which

pushes the students to skip his or her class and this issues alarms their teachers because they are the one

who manages the student, the teacher must find ways for the student to be able to enter his or her class.

Ever since, students who skip class has always been a problem of the teachers. Every student knows they

shouldn’t skip in class. It’s not only because it is wrong but students who skip their class are one of the

burdens of the teachers and parents and it has many negative impact in their academic grades. Attending

class is very important for good education. For example, when someone skip class, student missed out on

a lot of different group activities and some of the teachers are inconsiderate. But sometimes, we need to

skip class such as when a family emergency occurs or if you feel sick but instead of relaxing from

nonstop educational requirements given by their professors they are just stressing their selves more. Every

time a student skip class it’s inevitable that they also skip their education. Going to school is like having a

job, they are mostly alike in such reason that you get paid with knowledge. Students continue their habit

of skipping in class will continue

them to cope up with the school demands like quizzes, requirements, and performance and can lead also

to a failure during exams or getting spelled. They have the lower chances to successfully graduate and it

will be definitely hard for the students who always skip in class especially this time, The prices of

materials that we need in our everyday lives is now pricy and how can you help or return the sacrifices of

your parents if you as a student has no interest in studying? Having a suitable job will not only benefit
you, but also your family. It is a direct waste of money for all those who have to pay for their education.

Some of the reasons why students skip class they keep on ranting that the demands of school is hard

nowadays they keep on making reasons not to attend the class because of the bunch of the requirements

given by the teachers that need to be finished immediately. Students must need to be more responsible,

always remember that studying will give a positive result, it is the fruit of hardships and also the sacrifices

of their parents. This article shows how teachers and students must cooperate to help each other conquer

this vast issue of teachers and the school. This issue must and should be prevented to help the students

and to help their parents, and to ensure the future of the students. Students with a hobby of skipping

classes should not be tolerated because it could influence its classmates to do the same thing which results

to lower class attendance. This situations regularly occurs in every school or in every classrooms the

following solutions are suggestions for getting students back on track and keeping your cool when this

challenge arise.


The reasons that students have for skipping school are hard to determine because of the different

problems and obstacles that we as teenagers face. Parents and specially the teachers should be aware of

what reasons why their students skip classes. There’s every reason why they are students skip their

classes. On the other hand skipping classes is not always the students choice but some situations pushes

the student from skipping their classes an example is financial problem, which mainly happens to students

who live in a far flung areas, financial problems lead them from skipping their classes because they may

not have money for lunch break or they may not have money to pay for transportation. This problems

often happens when parents of the student don’t have enough money to provide the needs of the student,

one main cause of this is unemployment. Data shows that on the latest reading of unemployment rate this

April,2019 is 5.1 percent. This rate is partially higher than the former rating in April 2018 which recorded
5.5 percent. This means that 2019 is .4 percent higher than the recording in 2018. This data shows the

amount of families who has an unstable income or budget, which may take effect on their students, they

may not give the needs of their student which may lead to skipping of classes. This commonly

encountered problems may lead to a very harsh effect which a deficiency in learning or no learning at all,

and every teacher wants their student to graduate, to learn and to improve its ability, that’s why this

problems triggers the teachers to do more to help his or her students and to find an early solution in this

rapidly moving problems that is commonly encountered problems inside the classrooms. An example

solution is that home visitation, home visitation to monitor the status of the learner. Gather information

regarding to the reasons of being absent. And help the student to boost in school

activities. Many students who skip classes can be seen at computer shops, malls, billiard pools they waste

their time in their vices and other unimportant things. They didn’t value the hardships and sacrifices of

their parents who gave their full efforts just to support just to give them a better future. They just wasting

the money given by their parents, instead of entering to class to learn, and to graduate to pay the sacrifices

and efforts of their parents. There are also certain reasons why students skip class but these reasons aren’t

they fault but their financial status. One of these example is budget deficiency which implies to students

who doesn’t have enough budget to pay in school fees especially those students whose parents doesn’t

have permanent jobs and stable income, even though they want to learn they don’t have any choice but to

skip classes because of irregularity in their financial status. At this age, teenagers are curious to try non-

benefit things such as smoking, drinking, staking drugs and gambling they are prone also to be on a fight

neither in school nor outside of the perimeter of the institution. “Curiosity kills” that’s why students are

exploring and experiencing new things they are more likely to be prone in some hazardous events.

Students are tend to pay expenses in school and not to waste money it in a bet it may also lead students

into many financial problem in school fees, parents must be the one to guide their own offspring in their

home but as a second parent teachers must do their roles in school in preventing students to escape in

classes and involving their selves in gambling activities. Gambling are more likely to be an addiction in
some point in a particular student. In this generation, teenager’s ages 15 to 18 years old are already in

relationship. Students take that as an inspiration but having a fight with your partner is also one of the

reasons why they skip classes, why? Because in this certain situation people are more likely to be alone.

They want to let their feelings out by skipping classes. Each student having in relationship must know

their limitations, some of the students who are not matured to handle relationships will has the tendency

that entering into relationship with a lack of maturity in handling that will only destroy you especially

when you are studying. Unhealthy relationships will ruin your concentration in focusing on your studies.

Simple fight can be bigger as they want to argue with each other. As a teacher we have no problems in

students who are in relationships as long as they can do their responsibilities as a good student. But in this

certain situation as a teacher I should be aware on what is happening in my students especially if the

problem will truly affect the student. I will talk to my student personally so that he or she can speak out

what he really feels. Talking with students who really needed someone to talk will lessen the pain that he

or she is experiencing for. Saddest reasons like having a family emergency. It is a sudden happenstance

of an unfortunate event wherein in one case or another, you have to excuse yourself no matter what your

situation is, but sometimes. This reason being overused. They use it as an alibi for them to skip classes to

attend their errands, this situation is commonly used by students who get excessive pocket money from

their families they give the needs of their child in excessive way because their parents feel the guilt when

they can’t provide the attention needed by their child. For example, the parents of the student works

abroad, they spoil their child in material things like gadgets, clothes and shoes. In this certain situation a

child tends to avoid talking to other people and they don’t want to hear any other voice for them to be

heard, because they know that this will lead them into a bad effect and a bad influences. These bad

activities may happen to anyone who suffers from some problems. As a teacher talking to a student face

to face with good moral and approach I can say that this situation can be solve immediately if this student

will cooperate as well, in this institution it is also the responsibility of the teacher to talk to the student if

there are problems and concerns that they don’t know situation to help their students even just a little bit

of their time because attention may be one of the reason why students commits this kind of activity. They
didn’t want also the method of teaching of their subject teachers, they find it boring or feel sleepy when

the teacher starts to explain or discuss the lesson instead of listening to the discussion, students are busy

talking to each other or they just skip classes and find a place to do what they want or they stay in canteen

just to waste the time. Student’s reason why they are also skipping classes because of the terror teachers

that are often scolding students who can’t pass school works at the right time. Students are more likely to

skip on that particular subject because of the fear and sadness that they feel towards that teacher. Students

are more likely to be alone and bullied by their classmates because of being called down simultaneously

in front of the class, they think it is the best way to skip class that getting scolded most of the time. The

reasons is that students are much prone in to situations wherein they think that studying may become

worst if teachers are their enemies. So as a teacher, we cannot deny the fact that it’s hard to discipline

students who are sensitive and emotional, some are fragile. It is hard to scold and correct students because

they think that they are way better than that teacher. Well as a teacher its normal for us to get mad when

some of the students can’t comply their requirements on time, especially when there is given time to

comply for the said requirements. And as a teacher we are not just getting angry without any reasons. As

a teacher we are just correcting the wrong doing of students because it’s for their own good and not to

feel that they are not belong in class. We just want them to be a good student. We also consider some of

the students just to pass them in our subjects. Because we don’t like that one of the students can’t be

graduate on time.


Skipping Classes is defined as any absence from class that is not authorized by the school. This includes

students who do not attend class, who refuse to go to class, who leave without permission, or who have

problems being on time for class or leaving early from class. There are a lot of examples that shows every

reason of why student/ students skip class, but the main points are only four which is personal, family,

friends, and environment. The main reasons why students skip class is Personal attitude, Laziness- too

lazy to do any work and decided to skip class, Sleep late at night- socializing at night with social media
and end up sleep late at night, Playing video games, involve in online gaming and not having enough rest.

Family and friends, spend time at an arcade- spending time at the arcade with friends during class hours,

Vandalism- feeling great when among friends tend to do “great” things together. Do-non benefit things-

trying new things such as smoking, drugs, drinking alcohol and other non-benefit things. Family,

problematic parent- parent can’t provide the needs of their child and leaves impact to their child, unaware

of surrounding, family is so busy that no one is taking care about each other. Less attention- the father or

mother don’t have time to make sure everything is fine due to lots of work. Lastly, Environment,

neighbor- bad influences from neighbors such as drug dealing and culture shock. Stress-surrounding can

be so stressful that affects students mind and body. There are loads of reasons why students keeps on

skipping their classes, but the teachers will also find ways to resolve each problems and reasons, truly that

the ‘’students sin was great, but the teachers love was greater’’, they will stick to their goals which is to

change the perception of the students into something worthy, because they love, they care and they value

their students. For teachers, students are like gems, hard as a rock, but as shiny as the stars, students are

Placed in school to help develop its mind, body and soul, and the teachers offers it’s learning, hard work,

tears, sweat, and passion for the student to fully mature and develop. Because each teacher believe that

every student whom they meet and helped, are those who will help them in return in the future. That’s

why being a teacher a selfless profession, because it is an unending commitment to the government and to

the students. As a student it is our responsible to follow the rules of each institutions. Think of the

consequences if you skip classes, what will be the reaction of your parents if they already know that you

are skipping classes just to do some of your unimportant errands. They will be hurt of course. Always

remember that there’s nothing wrong with studying because it is our key to be a successful someday, can

you imagine you graduate on time, you’ll find a job, you can now pay the hardships and efforts of your

parents. See, there are so many advantages of studying. Just enjoy it, don’t pressure yourself too much.

And as a teacher it will be more difficult for us that student decided to skip class just to waste the time

instead of listening to the discussion, like we are questioning ourselves, if we did our responsibility as a
teacher, what will be the results of their grades because as a teacher we don’t want to failed students,

instead we want them to be learned and enhance more. The teacher’s duty is to help and mold the student

in all aspects, the teacher molds the mind, the spirit and the body of the student. The teacher is one of

those who build every single professional that works in our system, because behind every successful

person, is a hardworking teacher who taught him/her the best values in life. And that’s the reputation of

the teacher, to fully develop and secure the future of each and every student. To help the student have a

brighter future, and to build a system that if full of well learned professionals. Because educated is not

enough, what values learned is needed.


For those students who doesn’t want to enter their class because they don’t want to be scolded by their

terror teachers, there are some reasons to avoid that situation. Just listen to the discussion, focus – you can

block yourself from getting distracted by other things. Start studying early, instead of your usual

cramming session. Nobody ever sets out to cram because it’s a great idea – they do it because of poor

planning. Plan out your study routine ahead of time so that you’re not trapped into a cram session, having

to lose sleep and, likely not eating properly as a result because most students skip classes because they

would rather to go home and to go to sleep. .Poor planning tends to cause the domino effect - other bad

habits start to follow suit because of time constraints, convenience, necessity, etc. Now that you’re aware

this happens, avoid it like the plague. For instance, students should be allowed to miss only a certain

number of days in each advisory, if they miss over that number, they should be automatically fail of that

grading period. Only when schools begin to do this, I think, will there be a big improvement in school

attendance. As a teacher took roll each period and the attendance sheets would be picked up each period.

As soon as a student was marked absent, her house was called. The school office would then inform the

student’s parents that their child was not in school. If that student were found to be skipping school, she

would either receive a detention or a suspension. Let the students know that if they choose to skip school,

a punishment is in store. This is one of the reasons that students give for skipping classes. “This subject is
boring” but whatever the reason, the student has clearly lost his drive and motivation to stay in class and

do his work. To prevent this, we as a teacher must be genuinely interested in making the subject matter

interesting to students, should also take genuine interest in their children’s education and encourage the

student to stay in school. If teachers would make their lessons more exciting, it would make their lessons

more exciting, it would interest more students and educate them at the same time. Encourage students to

attend school, the school should provide better lunches. Teachers have to stop discriminating against

students and they also have to make the classes more interesting. There are some students who cut class

because some of the teachers doesn’t have interest in teaching but give too much homework. Our school

doesn’t have a lot of communication with parents don’t know what their children are doing. Teachers

should have more activities inside and outside the schools like dancing, parties, sports, films. Society

today seems to suffer from a widespread lack of purpose. This lack is not only widespread but also

contagious. It has passed from minds of individuals, through the heart of government and has now

penetrated the walls of the school system. As a result, school has taken on the appearance of an institution

visited for no other reason than tradition. With no answer evident, school becomes a place to go for the

sole purpose of having a place to go. Problems arise when students have no other place to go. The

solution is easier said than done. Society needs to make a turn around and there is no better place to start

than the institutions which shape future. School must begin to give direction and provide enlightenment,

students must be required to comprehend rather than memorize; learning must become a privilege instead

of task. Following these steps can encourage positive results in areas far beyond truancy and delinquent


School is a place to learn to be a fully developed human being, school, together with the teachers and the

curriculum molds the students to be the person they wanted to be in the future. The future of the student is

the focus of the teachers, the teacher mold them into a very well disciplined and educated person. But

before the student achieve his/ her goal, the student must take the long and stressful process of education,

students are more likely to be pressured because of time given by their teachers. The students invest their

major time and effort to achieve their goals. Just like the Chinese multi-millionaire Jack Ma who said that

“You must fail a million times to succeed once.” That is what happens to a student, they are challenged

and practiced to fail for them to learn and to succeed in making decisions in life, but some students who

failed and cannot take the challenge are more likely to feel unworthy of worthless, because the challenge

is greater than their skills or ability, which lead them to Depression.

Depression is one of the most rampant mental illness that every teenager is experiencing because of

indefinite standards of the society. Dealing with depression is not easy, it may lead you to anxiety that

causes death if we can’t stop this you may fell that you are sad or anxious at some point in your life is a

normal part or our life but if this cases will last more than 2 weeks it can be symptoms of depression. At

our age we are in critical stage wherein we are prone to a lot of challenges that may lead to end our life.

Depression at some point occurs on your on our school activities such as quizzes, performances and oral

recitation if this school activities will be held not one at the time there are possibilities that a person will

overthink and end his or her own life some may think that depression is a joke that it is very easy to

overcome but they don’t know we have different sensitivity tolerance and emotions. It may fall to

different situations it can be curable but sometimes its spreadable. In this situation depression can happen

in any time, places, and even now. There are lots of reasons to spill when it comes to the symptoms and

its causes but to further understand, depression is one of the reason why individuals may suffer into lots

of struggles and concerns in life but it doesn’t end there. There are lots of individual who attempted

suicide, why because we have different levels of sensitivity and emotions. Posting on social media cannot

help you on solving your problems financially or just for attention that you want, our society has a lot of

judgment to state about you once you move, it’s your sin. In this particular place we must not share lots of
information about yourself because some may listen but the majority will not even care about you.

Attention seeker may named next to your name by posting lots of circumstances happening in your life.

Social media is not a diary that once you post, it is for keeps. Depression is not a sin but it is accidental. It

is not your choice to be in that situation but more likely you’ll ask yourself “Is this a karma” karma that

life gets really tough sometimes or is it “is this just a struggles that I should face because GOD gave

nothing that we cannot do” the spirit must be lift up when in terms of when you’re in your lowest point in

our life. In life we need spices to be thrilled and put seasonings to have color and textures so that it will

not be plain or to lack in tastes. Depression is not about yourself do not ventilate yourself in a four sided

room with a black color and crying all day in there. Pull yourself up do not think about the judgment, the

standard of the society, the things that are keeping you backward than forward. Be motivated and happy,

smile not just often but always. In life we cannot deny the struggles around us, negative thoughts that are

keeping us to over think. Think positive always, be yourself and believe in yourself.


Depression is not easily recognized or may be mistaken as another problem, although severe

depression might be displayed in symptoms such as suicide attempts, severe withdrawal, or emotional

swings. One of the reason of depression is school works, they cannot afford on doing things at the same

time just like activities and lessons that are hard to cope up because they are prone into mixture of words

if it is at the same time, it will come up into their minds jumbled and puzzled just like in memorizing and

recitations. Being a student anytime is study time that is why students must be ready but in some point

and situations, students are into anxiety, they will feel alone and down for a few days then going to school

will be a hard time for them .This is commonly happening to those who cannot cope up with that alone .

A student in the age of 12 to 19 are more likely in their critical stages if doing school works in houses is a

must then every students will struggle in finishing them . For example, they will be a passing of notes

tomorrow and a recitation for a subject and then a laboratory performances and lastly quizzes and
requirements, in this situation this school works is unhealthy for the students to take this kind of bad

medicine and overdosing themselves into such kind of unhealthy habitual medicine of school works.

Another reason of depression is pressured by grades, pressured by their parents and pressured by the

expectation of the society especially if the student is an honor student they are more likely to get

pressured for what will be the feedback that they will hear. In this situation student will overdue time and

effort to a certain activity or any requirements so that the expectation for that particular person may

somehow reach. Those who are showing skills in school is not just pressured by their teachers but also

pressured by their parents as well. Maybe other people think that those who got failed grades are a

disgrace to the family and to the institution as well but students think that way negatively. Students

always do this kind of routine because they want to make their parents proud by just giving back the

effort that their parents gave. Studying is a must but pressuring students is a bad idea because students are

prone into suicidal thinking. On the other hand bullying is one of the reason of depression. For example in

this institution students are diverse with each other , different culture, beliefs, and norms because they

came from different school when in JHS that it why they are adjusting things in a new school and we

cannot deny bully to be the suspect that will possibly have a victim . In a room we cannot avoid those

bully to say something or to tease a person in a very bad way, by scolding, by giving lots of nicknames,

by laughing with them as if they are the most inappropriate person that they have seen. If a student is

sensitive enough surely it will get scared on getting school every day because the student will know that

another day is a bully day they will see people who wants to approach them to be more likely an enemy

and they are ventilating themselves in a chair that comes up as their friend and foundation . If you’re

unattractive they are more likely to be the victim of bullying another one is racism. Bullying is no joke for

a student because they feel that anytime they will get bullied for no reason. Cyber bullying is one of the

most rampant reason for bullying because social media is using every single day worldwide by many and

with that students are also one of it. You will see every night that students are really active at night and in

here cyber bullying can come up, by mentioning them in unnecessary and inappropriate pictures and

comments that are really not good to see as a student they learned about GMRC and students must be
respectful so that other people will respect them too. Bullying can happen to anyone as a student even you

cannot do anything about it you must cope with all the hindrance to reach success. Never mind bullies and

study harder for a better success and to have a good grades by motivating one another in school. Lack of

budget is also one of the reason why students are more likely experienced depression because lots of

financial problems existing in a person then school project will be an addition for its own problem that is

why there are lots of working students in a fast food chains just to have money for their studies and to

lend money to their parents as well. The expenses will explode if the student is lacking financially.

Filipino teenagers are very eager to pursue to finish their school even if their parent or their family could

not help to support them financially. They go to school and at the same time, they are working for their

needs for the school requirements and for the payment of their tuition fees. If we know that a teenager

finishes her or his school with the help of themselves through work after school they are admirable.

Filipino teenager is admirable for being diligent and industrious. Being a working student, it is not easy

because definitely you’ll get tired, sometimes you can’t focus more on your studies because you are not

just focusing on your studies you also have to focus on your work. Being a working student is very hard

they need to give their 100 percent of attention when they are in the school and give 100 percent of their

strength when they work. Being a working student is much different especially on the schedule. Their

duties as a working student are hard while they’re still in the school. They have different time for working

and give a time for studying. A working student is responsible enough to handle their life being a student.

They will know how hard to handle a job while they need to go to school after their work. They will

know how important the commitment and the time when they become a working student. And because of

that some of the student feel depressed because instead of just focusing on their studies they need also to

manage their work in order for them to pay their school fees. They are being problematic because of the

hectic schedule they think that they can’t passed their requirements on time, they can’t passed their exams

because they have no time to do all that. And of course there will be always a terror teacher that makes

the student feel depressed, they are part of the reasons why students are suffering more from stress several

of the students have suffered – usually, but not exclusively, girls. Some have dropped out of school
because of the attitude of teacher towards the student scolded his or her in a class full of judgment. If that

teacher will scold that student in front of the class then that student must feel bad for him or herself by not

giving all the best that the student can give. The student may take it negatively because some of the

students doesn’t want to be correct, or the way the teacher approach the student is not good. And because

of that, student will always remember that day when that teacher scolded his or her in a class full of

judgment. The student can be traumatized because of what happened, the student may not go to school

because of what happened in their class. In that event you cannot deny the fact that students will get

scared on going to school and seeing the same path with that single teacher it may lead into anxiety and

emotionally inclined if necessary. So as a teacher I think that they are jut their way to mold students to be

prepared when they are in college and some reasons why some of the teachers being so strict is because

some students has no discipline, they didn’t follow the rules of the institution, they think that teachers are

very considerate that’s why their doing bad things, that is why they are just being strict when it come to

this. But also a terror teachers must be sensitive and responsible in giving advices and lesson on students

because it is really bad to cope with that alone especially if it strikes the student really hard, especially

some of the students are too sensitive when they are being scolded.


Depression kills, depression is a silent killer. Depression is not easy to be found. Depression lives inside

the persons mind and body. A depressed person is more likely to feel full of everything but can still

empty at the same time. They wanted to shout, to talk and scream for them to release the negativity that

built inside them but they end up whispering they’re fine. Depression is not a joke, that’s why severely

depressed students are more likely to end they’re lives. Because for them it’s the only way to get out of

their sadness, and embrace the unending joy of being free from problems and depression. There are

humongous reasons why students get depressed. It can be from their family, peers, or the school itself.

Family must be the first one to recognize if their child is depressed or if their child is suffering into

something, but at some point, family can also be the cause of the depression. Some families intend to
choose the path of its student even though it is against the will of the student, this ends up into fear, fear

of failing and fear of being judged or compared to other students which some parents, usually do to their

child. Peers, bullying is one of the main reasons why depression occurs which peers are more likely to

bully more. Even a joke can be serious sometimes because jokes are funny but sometimes it’s not. Jokes

are the least hurtful way of bullying someone, but sometimes this least can have a major impact into one’s

life. School is also a factor in developing depression into one’s mind. Because of the hectic schedules,

terror teachers, and pressured deadlines. This are the common factors why depression can also be

obtained in school. Because not every student can endure this stress in their lives and every single person

has its own level of stress tolerance. Truly depression kills or attacks those who are mentally and

spiritually weak. That’s why it is the teacher’s duty to teach students on how to manage time and stress at

the same time.

But these factors takes time and perseverance to fully build and develop. The teacher must teach the

student to value their lives and learn to manage their stress. Stress tolerance also is a must to be learn

because having a very high stress tolerance means being able to deflect all the stress that comes around

the student or the person. And achieving a high stress tolerance is a process that takes some time and

effort on the teacher, it is the teacher’s duty to teach the students values in life, this includes overcoming

challenges in life, and depression is one of these challenges that the teachers teach to overcome. Positivity

and healthy spirituality is a main factor of overcoming this challenges. Depression can impact many

aspects of students’ performance at school, including both academic achievement and social relationships.

Students with depression may not only benefit from mental health services but can greatly benefit from

support by caring adults in their school settings. Understanding, patience, knowledge of the nature and

course of depression, a desire to be helpful, and a commitment to improving outcomes can be major

factors in helping these students to succeed in school. Teachers must guide their students to monitor

improvements in the student’s perspective in dealing with all the challenges that come along the way, the

teacher must teach them build their physicality, emotionality, and spirituality to come up with a higher

tolerance in overcoming the stumbling blocks that come along the way of the students in achieving their
goals or in achieving their real happiness, all of these can be obtained through the help of god, which

fulfills our spirituality. Having god in the center of everything can outcast all the negativities. Because

god is the teacher of every one of us, he taught us all these values that we use in our daily lives, and the

teacher is the one who spreads these values to its student. To overcome all the challenges of the students.


Socially, depressed children are more likely to be withdrawn, experience social skills deficits, and derive

less enjoyment from their surroundings. To others, they may appear to be uninterested in school or to

deliberately choose to show these behaviors. Children and adolescents who are depressed generally want

to be successful academically and socially, but lack the ability and motivation; they are not choosing

these behaviors. We teachers, should Develop a Working and Collaborative Relationship with the

depressed student, teachers should not be afraid to talk with depressed students about how they feel.

Many times, they are seeking someone who cares about them, although it might not seem that way. Avoid

Negative Techniques Strategies such as punishment, sarcasm, disparagement, or other negative

techniques are not effective and likely will only reinforce feelings of incompetence and low self-esteem,

which may deepen the depression. Remember that these students are not choosing to be depressed. They

want to feel better and do well, just as you want them to do well. When depressed, they lack the personal

resources to do their best work. As an analogy, we would not expect someone with a reading disability to

read at grade level and would provide extra help and support, not punitive approaches. The student with

depression needs to receive extra support and caring as well, not criticism, punishment, or indifference. If

you notice changed in adolescent’s behavior, do not overreact. Being overprotective and using

punishment can make things worse for a depressed child. Always look for the positive, and praise the

child for that behavior. Be patient and don’t criticize. Make Adjustments or Accommodations in

Assignments or Tasks, this approach does not mean that expectations are lowered or that the student with

depression should be given unearned grades. However, giving more time, breaking assignments into

smaller pieces, offering extra help in setting up schedules or study habits, or pairing the student with
others who express an interest in helping are examples. Such accommodations are provided often for

students with learning disabilities. There is no reason that the student with depression cannot receive

similar considerations. Plan for Success to the extent possible, arrange experiences so that the student can

be successful and be recognized for successes. Scheduling pleasant activities and providing opportunities

for successful leadership are examples. It is very important that depressed students feel accepted as a part

of the school and all teachers believe in their competence. Make or organize seminars to fight depression,

students should aware be aware with that and especially the teachers, administrators, and other school

staff must also be knowledgeable about depression because the disorder can seriously impair academic

and interpersonal behavior at school. We as a teachers should educate our classes about depression to

avoid negative stereotypes of depression, emphasize that depression is not a “crazy person’s disease.”

Communication is key so listen. Youth who attempt suicide have usually given hints that they are

depressed or have directly asked others for help before their attempt. Allowing an adolescent to express

him/herself without judgment can prevent their feelings from being “bottled up” inside, where these

feelings may turn to hate. Listen to your child or student and then seek advice of a counselor or therapist

to help you understand ways to deal with the child’s depression in the future.


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