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David Pearce
Giles Atkinson

CSERGE Working Paper PA 98-02


David Pearce
Giles Atkinson

Centre for Social and Economic Research

on the Global Environment
University College London
University of East Anglia

The Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE) is a
designated research centre of the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
This paper has drawn extensively on collaboration with many colleagues. In particular, we
wish to thank Kirk Hamilton, Richard Dubourg, Carlos Young, Mohan Munasinghe and John
Proops without implicating them in any errors that we may have made in outlining the results
of this collaboration here.

ISSN 0967-8875

Few concepts appear to have captured the public and political imagination more than
that of sustainable development. The concept is intended to embrace the idea of
ensuring that future generations inherit an Earth which will support their livelihoods
in such a way that they are no worse off than generations today. In economic terms,
then, we can equate development with increased, or at the very least, constant per
capita well-beingover some time horizon. If this definition can be agreed upon then
what matters is what has to be done to secure it. Significant progress has been made
in clarifying the many controversial issues that have emerged since the formulation of
the problem in the Brundtland Report of 1987. Hence, one decade later there have
been great advances in both the theoretical aspects of desirable development and the
ways in which that development might be indicated. Much of the ongoing debate has
focused on the need to manage sustainably a portfolio of diverse assets and within
this portfolio which assets merit special attentionwith regard to the conservation of
critical stocks. Many of these issues are embodied by the continuing weak versus
strong sustainable development controversy. More recently, a number of additional,
but in many ways familiar, concerns have been raised. In particular, there have been
timely reminders of the role of technological progress in taking care of the future
and the role of social capital in the development process. The latter is particularly
interesting as it motivates what many have instinctively felt regarding the
implications of current social issues for sustainability. Many of these contributions,
however, have yet to permeate the measurement and indicator debate. This has up to
now largely been characterised by the concept of sustainable or green national
income. More recently, this accounting inform-ation has been reformulated in terms
of genuine savings - the value of the aggregate change in the portfolio of assets
held by an economy. Nonetheless, crucial measurement issues remain; in particular,
the costs incurred by additional depreciation of many environmental assets.
Nevertheless, to the extent that the scientific community can offer evidence
regarding what constitute critical natural assets, the key indicators for an
economy will be twofold: are stocks of critical natural assets declining? and are
genuine savings rates persistently negative? A positive answer to either of these
questions would be an indication of unsustainability.


Introduction: The Origins of Sustainable Development

Few concepts appear to have captured the public and political imagination more than
that of sustainable development. The concept is intended to embrace the idea of
ensuring that future generations inherit an Earth which will support their livelihoods
in such a way that they are no worse off than generations today. While there are
numerous precursors (see, for example, Barry, 1977; Page, 1977), the most
celebrated formulation of the concept is that given by the World Commission on
Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission) in 1987:
development that meets the needs of the present generation without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
(WCED, 1987, p43).
In economic terms, then, and equating development with increased, or at the very
least, constant utility or well-being, sustainable development has come to be
equated with a development path that ensures non-declining per capita well-being
over some time horizon.


The Basic Theory of Sustainable Development

Definitions of sustainable development are not in themselves very interesting,

although there is an interesting debate on how development might be measured in
terms other than per capita gross national product (GNP) (see, for example, Atkinson
et al. 1997). Hence, although the debate regarding what is to be sustained has some
merit, arguably what matters is what has to be done to secure it. Pearce (1998a)
suggests that the conditions for sustainable development are likely to be invariant
with the definition since the conditions will be couched in terms of opportunities,
capacities and capabilities: i.e. sustainable development becomes an enabling
concept rather than solely a particular path of change.
What determines the ability of a given set of humans to improve their well-being
(utility) is the quantity and quality of capital assets - in other words, wealth available at the time. This notion can be traced back to the economic growth theory
of the 1970s. It is elegantly and accessibly summarised in Solow (1992). The
concept of capital has widened from the classical approach, with its focus on
produced goods or man-made capital (KM in notation), to embrace the skills and
knowledge embodied in humans, or human capital (KH) and natural capital (KN).
Natural capital refers to traditionally defined natural resources, such as oil or gas,
forests, land and to the stocks of environmental assets such as clean air and water.

Modern expositions of economic growth would add another type of capital, social
capital (KS). Social capital concerns the relationships between individuals, between
institutions (including government), and between individuals and institutions. This is
not to suggest that this form of capital is easy to measure in a manner consistent with
how other forms of wealth are quantified. Nevertheless, it has been found that
different societies can have broadly equal endowments of other forms of capital, but
that certain societies perform better in terms of economic and social development.
The missing link is thought to lie in the fact that the better performing societies
have less conflict between social groups, more participatory decision-making
procedures, greater trust between economic agents, and so on (World Bank, 1997).
Thus Putnam (1993) found that one of the factors explaining Northern Italys better
economic performance compared to Southern Italy was the presence of many more
voluntary associations. Fukuyama (1995) identifies successful communities and
companies with the presence of reciprocity and trust. Indeed, more recently, Knack
and Keefer (1997) dispute the findings of Putnam but do find that trust and civic
co-operation have significant impacts on aggregate economic activity. They argue
further that these positive impacts can be increased by, for example, reducing the
degree of social exclusion. Similarly, the breakdown of social capital - while difficult
to measure - is believed to be reflected in more crime, more violence, family
breakdown and so on.
To complete the discussion of the capital base for sustainable development we need
to add two further factors. The first is the rate of technological change which is a
disembodied or embodied stock of knowledge and skills. If this rate of technological
change is positive, then the capital stocks listed above can yield higher and higher
flows of services. A declining capital stock may not therefore be of major concern
provided the rate of technological progress compensates for the loss of that stock. Of
course, some technological change is not wholly good. Chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs), for example, were thought to be a major techno-logical advance for the
development of aerosols, solvents and cooling systems. But to day we recognise
CFCs as the major source of stratospheric ozone depletion and a risk to human and
ecosystem health. Other things equal the net benefits of this innovation are less than
previously thought.
The second additional concept is population change. It is possible that growth in
population can improve human well-being by stimulating technological change.
There is some evidence for this in historical terms where changes in invention and
innovation appear to be linked to increases in population, and there is some modern
evidence for this relationship too (Boserup, 1981; English et al. 1994). But
population change is more likely to reduce capital stocks, particularly KN. As
population expands, pressure is put on marginal productive land for example, and

forests are cut down or burned to make way for agriculture, urban expansion and
roads. And if sustainable development is concerned with per capita utility or wellbeing, then population growth will mean that more and more output will be needed
just to keep pace with additional numbers of people. Whereas techno-logical change
is likely to make capital more efficient, population is likely to depress some capital
stocks and make sustainable development less feasible.
The condition for sustainable development, therefore, amounts to each generation
leaving the next generation a stock of productive capacity, in the form of capital
assets and technology, that is capable of sustaining utility or well-being per capita
than that enjoyed by the current generation. Notationally,
dK/dt 0,

where K = KM + KH + KN + KS

That is, the change in (the real value of) aggregate assets at a point in time, dK/dt,
must be at least zero in the aggregate. The aggregate asset stock, K, consists of the
portfolio of various capital stocks discussed above. Implicit in this expression is an
assumption that changes in these constituent components of the overall stock, K, can
be traded off for each other. In other words, if some part of natural capital, KM, is
depleted then this is consistent with sustainability as long as adequate investment is
made in other forms of wealth; e.g. assets such as human capital. We will have need
to qualify this observation in the remainder of this paper. However, for present
purposes it will suffice to note that most of these required caveats centre on
clarification of what is meant by adequate.
The World Commissions definition of sustainable development made it clear that
the emphasis on future generations was only part of the story: concern with the poor
now was also important, indeed the highest priority. These questions pertain to the
distribution of wealth within each generation. The analysis above can be applied to
this equity issue as well, for the poor cannot improve their lot without access to
productive capacity. If their well-being is to improve, then they must secure better
education (KH), better technology, more man-made capital (KM), and more KN. Social
capital will matter as well in the sense of the need for more participation in decisions
that affect their lives, and more consultation. Control over resources can be
facilitated by establishing secure property rights to land and other resources.
The expression above suggests that the sustainable development over time can be
analysed in terms of the conditions necessary for its achievement, and that those
conditions can be interpreted in terms of a constant capital rule (CCR). This is that
the change in the real value of assets must be negative in the aggregate. This requires
modification insofar as: (a) technological change increases the well-being that can be

derived from a given stock of assets; (b) population growth can be thought to
decrease the per capita well-being derived from this same given stock.


Weak and Strong Sustainability

An implicit assumption in the constant capital rule (CCR) is that all forms of capital
are substitutable for each other. On this rule, known as the weak sustainability (WS)
rule, any one form of capital can be run down provided proceeds are reinvested in
other forms of capital. Weak sustainability does not necessarily imply that
substitution is easy or inexpensive - we may have to surrender a great deal to obtain
one extra unit of some forms of capital, a feature of weak sustainability that tends to
be ignored by those who have criticised it. Moreover, WS requires that the running
down of any form of capital is compensated by investment in some other form of
capital. It is not consistent with running down capital stocks and consuming the
proceeds. For example, where a non-renewable asset such as a stock of oil is being
mined, WS requires that some portion of the revenues of this mining activity be
invested in alternative assets. As a weak rule, then, WS is not particularly weak,
and empirical tests show that it is quite easy for a country to fail a weak
sustainability test (see Atkinson et al., 1997).
Objections to weak sustainability tend to centre on the assumed substitutability of
capital stocks. Indeed, it can be argued that the philosophy of sustainable
development arose precisely because there were concerns about the unsustainability of forms of economic development that sacrificed the environment in the
name of economic growth. The problem can be formalised by saying that the critics
regard at least some forms of capital as have no substitutes. Take the ozone layer, for
example. Clearly there are some substitutes for its protective functions. Skin cancers
and cataracts are one of the risks of exposure to UV radiation in areas where the
ozone layer has been thinned by CFCs. Individuals can protect themselves against
these risks by wearing sun glasses and suitable clothing, as well as by changing
behaviour so as to avoid continued exposure. But high levels of UV radiation are
also thought to interfere with immune systems and with the functioning of some
important ecosystems, especially marine systems. It is far from clear what the
substitute is in this context. The ozone layer may therefore have some of the
characteristics of an unique asset crucial to well-being and perhaps survival. Those
who believe in the non-substitutability of natural capital support strong sustainability
SS does not imply that WS is irrelevant, although some writers appear to think this.
What SS requires in addition to WS is that the stocks of KN should not decline. In
addition to is needed because a situation in which natural capital is preserved but
other forms of capital are allowed to decline could hardly be called sustainable

Strong sustainability has come to characterise ecological as opposed to environmental

economics see Pearce 1998b.

development (it might be survivable but even that seems very unlikely).
Alternatively, it might be argued that while a trade-off exists it is a bargain that most
would view as highly unpalatable. This goes back to an earlier remark we made in
that WS itself does not necessarily imply that compensating for a loss of a particular
asset is inexpensive.2
However, many writers have criticised the weak sustainability approach because it
assumes substitution (see for example, Victor et al., 1994; Cabeza-Guts, 1996).
First, they suggest that one should not focus on weak sustainability because it creates
a sense of comfort to the effect that the environment can be dis-pensed with, but it is
hard to understand why such a discussion should preclude advocacy of strong
sustainability by those who believe in it. More to the point, the preliminary evidence
on weak sustainability indicators shows the potential for surprise: a large number of
economies fail the weak sustainability test and if they fail that they are likely to fail
any strong sustainability test (although not necessarily so) - see Atkinson et al.,
(1997). Second, it is suggested that monetary indicators of constant capital fail
because they use market prices rather than externality-adjusted prices. But the whole
point of valuing capital is to value the externalities. Whether this is done by applying
shadow prices to marketed outputs or by valuing the externality, e.g. air pollution,
directly, is immaterial. Moreover, if prices are irrelevant, constant natural capital has
no meaning either since it is unclear what numeraire would be used to value the
stock of natural capital that is to be kept constant.
We return to the weak and strong sustainability debate later.

Admittedly, many proponents of WS tend to relatively optimistic with regard to this.


Is Sustainable Developmenta Redundant Concept ?

As a concept of equity between generations, then, sustainable development might be

claimed to be little more or less than the guiding rule that households throughout the
world use in determining their savings behaviour and their bequests to their children.
If this is a reasonable interpretation of human behaviour we can then ask what point
there is to a concept that embodies motivations and behaviour already present in the
population. Setting up sustainable development as a policy objective, which is how it
has come to be interpreted, might be gratuitous.
Two reasons might be advanced as to why sustainable development remains a valid
policy concern.
4.1 Time horizons
First, sustainable development invites us to consider a longer term time horizon than
overlapping generations may consider appropriate, and it invites us to seek out
guarantees that development will be sustainable. In the real world, generations are
said to overlap to the extent to that say, family members from different generations
co-exist at a given point of time. Overlapping generations models would suggest that
the present can and will take care of the future so long as any one generation cares
for the next and ensures that well-being in the next period is no less than well-being
This observation that generations do care for each other weakens the emotive force
of sustainable development as some kind of new and separate objective. But there
remains the suspicion that intergenerational bequests between any pair of generations
may not be consistent with non-declining utility over long periods of time. The fact is
that current generations cannot provide any guarantee that the next generation will in
fact utilise its inheritance in such a way that it leaves the right bequest to the
following generation. We can only say that past generations behaved this way, and
that we need to ensure that current generations behave this way also. No-one can
bind the next generation. All we can do is to ensure that they could behave that way
if they chose, and this is achieved by leaving them a per capita asset stock at least
equal to the one we have today.
According to some, this inability to bind the next overlapping generation is already in
evidence - selfishness and me now attitudes have perhaps increased effective
discount rates in some countries (Oberhofer, 1989). Yet, positive discount rates are
not a sign that the current generations consumes at the expense of the inherited
capital stock for future generations, but rather indicate that capital productivity exists
and that this benefits future generations. Ultimately, any given generation could
consume its capital and obey the pairwise generation CCR by simply ensuring that

the following generation is better off than it is, but worse off than the preceding
generation. Another way of putting it, is that over-lapping generations models give us
pairwise potential improvements without any guarantee that the path of development
over many generations has constant or rising per capita well-being.
However, this problem of not being able to guarantee actual rising utility over time is
not peculiar to overlapping generations models. The only guarantee would be some
over-seeing intergenerational authority providing disincentives to break the constant
or rising per capita well-being requirement. No such authority exists, but the point is
that if sustainability is believed to be a good thing then it requires that we maintain
well-being from the current period given existing stocks of assets. Concerns that
future generations, once themselves incumbent, will break this contract and squander
their birthright are for practical purposes beyond our control.
4.2 The composition of capital
The second reason for thinking that sustainable development is not a redundant
concept is that it focuses attention on what exactly it is that should constitute the
bequest between generations.
While SS has come to be associated with a constraint on the stock of KN there may
be equal reason to suggest that other forms of capital should be constrained to be
non-declining. Believers in social sustainability, for example, might argue that the
stock of social capital should not decline further because the symptoms of its decline
are intolerable levels of social unrest, crime, drug abuse and so on. SS might
therefore take several forms: social strict sustainability and environ-mental strict
sustainability would be two examples. Table 1 shows the possibilities. The essential
point is that concepts of strict sustainability do raise issues about substitutability
between assets, and this focus has greatly sharpened the environmental debate. With
development of measures of social capital, it is possible to anticipate that the same
will happen to that debate as well.
4.3 Beckermans critique
Beckerman (1995) suggests that weak sustainability adds nothing to conventional
economic optimality. If, for example, substitution between forms of capital is to take
place the criteria for judging its desirability appears to be the conventional one of
what contributes most to human well-being. The general thrust of this view is
correct: WS is indeed an optimality criterion, up to a point. But what it precludes is a
persistent declining path of per capita well-being over time, which is not what is
envisaged by conventional optimisation when translated into rules for maximising the
present value of utility over time. The potential contrast between sustainability and
optimality was established early on in the sustainability literature - see, for example,
Pezzey (1992).

Table 1:

Weak and strong sustainability rules

Form of sustainability

dK/dt 0 where


K = KM + KN + KH + KS
dK/dt 0 and
dKN/dt 0

STRONG: environmental

dK/dt 0 and
dKS/dt 0


Beckermans characterisation of strong sustainability is unfortunately a caricature

since he interprets it as meaning that one should preserve the environment in all its
forms. While there may be some people who believe this, it is not what SS means in
much of the sustainable development literature. Rather what is intended is either
conservation of some overall stock, within which there would indeed be substitution,
or conservation of critical non-substitutable stocks. It is, however, possible to
sympathise with Beckerman to the extent that the SS advocates have not come up
with an empirical justification for their views.
4.4 Technological change again
As we saw in the introduction, technological progress offers the opportunity to
augment consumption opportunities for a given stock of wealth. Indeed, Nordhaus
(1995) and Weitzman and Lfgren (1997) have separately argued that the prevalence
of exogenous technological change effectively absolves the need to undertake
accounting for changes in natural assets (presumably, either in a weak or strong
sense). Weitzman and Lfgren (1997) suggest that with a total factor productivity
growth of 1.5% per annum in the USA, technological change would swamp all other
losses of assets as estimated by the usual procedures - see below - by adding as
much as 41% of GNP to an indicator. This appears to lend some support to the view
that no matter what the degree of care between generations and the bequest of assets
across time, technological change will always take care of the future such the current
generation is always the poorest.

However, in theories of endogenous technological change (see for example, Romer,

1990; and Barro and Salah-I-Martin, 1995) the creation of new techno-logy uses
scarce resources that could otherwise be employed elsewhere in production (and
thus do not just fall on the system like manna from heaven). Recognition of these
opportunity costs of developing new technologies could go some way in dampening
some of the more over-optimistic claims that have been made (Hamilton, 1996b;
Barbier, 1996). Thus, Hamilton et al., (1998) show that, by contrast, assuming that
technological change is not costless but endogenous could make the technology
premiumjust 3% of GNP.
Undoubtedly though, a thorough empirical inquiry into the impact of technological
change upon prospects for sustainable development is required.



Environmentally Strong Sustainability

SS does not require that trees never be cut, or that oil and gas should not be
exploited. This is because the constancy requirement is expressed as a restrict-ion
on the stock of heterogeneous forms of natural capital. If so then that stock can only
then be measured by finding some numeraire. The obvious numeraire is money, so
that constant natural capital would be interpreted as a constant real value of the
natural capital stock. There are problems with a value measure of this kind. One of
them is that the individual prices used for valuing capital will change as preferences
change. If, for example, future generations do not value wetlands, they will
implicitly be attaching a shadow price to them of zero. They will not then figure in
the measure of natural capital. They might value, say, forests more, so that the
requirement for a constant value of KN to be passed on to the next generation could
be met by substituting forests for wetlands. Or they may simply put a higher shadow
price on a reduced physical stock of KN, retaining the constant value rule.
The idea of running natural resources down in physical terms is almost certainly not
what many advocates of SS would claim they mean by SS. How serious a problem is
this for the constant (real) value concept? Alternatively, physical loss of the asset is
an indicator of non-sustainability if it provides critical services. Hence, either some
physical amount of the resource is to be conserved or its physical stock size
should not fall below a certain critical level or else catas-trophic consequences
may result. However, while this might be argued to characterise assets such as
the ozone layer it is debatable as to whether it applies to all such natural assets;
this would imply that each natural asset should be kept physically intact. The
question here is which assets are critical in this way?
Much is made of the fact that we cannot know for sure what future generations will
want. As such, we may find that they will place very different values on the things
we value. As far as sustainable development goes, however, this may not matter. If,
for example, a given natural resource is truly essential, it will be essential for
whichever generation is concerned. Unless, that is, technological innovations provide
a substitute for its functions. If other resources are not essential, then the SS rule
would ensure that environments in general are conserved, even if there is significant
change in the composition of that capital. Of course, this assumes that scientific
evidence for criticality exists and can be used to inform preferences of those whose
decisions guide the composition and size of an asset portfolio (Hamilton et al.,
What are the reasons for favouring an SS rule ? There are several candidates:
Uncertainty about the value of the degree of substitution between natural and
other assets should be one reason for a cautious approach to natural capital


conservation. That uncertainty remains as long as we are ignorant about the

workings of global and local ecosystems.

There is an asymmetry between types of capital with respect to reversibility:

once certain critical capital stocks are lost they cannot be re-introduced. That
is generally not true of man-made capital. This is the irreversibility problem;3


The unknown scale of effects from loss of critical natural capital, particularly
where thresholds are thought to be present - witness the divergent views about
the effects of global warming. This is the scale problem.

The combination of irreversibility and uncertainty should make us more cautious

about depleting natural capital. However, they do not add up to a complete
justification for SS.

Consumers have an apparent loss aversion that arises when certain natural
resources are depleted, which means that they value a unit of loss far more
than they value a unit of gain (Kahnemann and Tversky, 1979).


A distinct notion to that in (d) is that that individuals have lexical preferences,
i.e. preference orderings which are always dominated by one object of value,
just as a dictionary orderswords according to the first, then second letters of
the alphabet, and so on. A few contingent valuation surveys have found that a
minority of respondents have indicated intrinsic value as their motivation
whilst simultaneously being unwilling to pay anything at all for conservation
(Stevens et al., 1991; Fredman, 1993; Hanley et al., 1995; Spash and Hanley,
1995; Common et al., 1997).

These studies are open to several criticisms:

(i) where evidence of lexical preferences has been elicited through survey
approaches, it is crucial that respondents are given a realistic trade-off context. A
study by Hanley and Milne (1996) found that 99% of respondents thought that
wildlife and landscape have a right to exist. But this percentage fell to 49% when it
was suggested that conservation costs money and jobs, and to 19% when the cost

Of course, investments in man-made capital exhibit irreversibility in the sense that once
destroyed say, as an act of war this represents a permanent resource cost. The point is,
however, that we still have the blueprint for reconstruction of the asset. The same cannot be
said of many forms of natural capital such as biodiversity.


was translated to be 25% of the respondents income. While the authors of this study
see the remaining 19% as a salutary reminder that not all individuals are willing to
trade-off conservation against other things, it might equally be pointed out that 80%
of respondents lost their belief in a rights based approach as soon as the reality of
trade-offs was presented to them. Arguably, rights may be easily assigned and
defended when they cost nothing;
(ii) they may not in fact be identifying lexical preferences at all. Foster and Mourato
(1997) conduct a contingent ranking exercise on pesticides and bread. Respondents
are asked to rank various combinations of attributes (price, health (of consumers)
and birds (the environmental impact)). A lexical algorithm would then rank all
options on a single attribute, say price, and then decide any equally ranked option
on the basis of, say, health. 18% of respondents appeared to respond according to a
lexical algorithm. While this appears to give support to the presence of lexical
preferences, Foster and Mourato note that conformity with the algorithm is not
necessarily conformity with lexical preferences. They show that the 18% of
respondents could simply have utility functions in which there are very strong
preferences for a particular attribute of the options. That is, although the price at
which these respondents would be willing to trade-off - give up a unit of an
environmental benefit - will be relatively high a trade-off nevertheless still exists.
Much of the case for or against SS thus tends to rest on empirical issues relating to
scope for substitution about which little is known. Those that have been estimated
tend to relate to conventional natural capital stocks such as aluminium, copper and
paper (see Brown and Field, 1979), and not to assimilative capacities. Some very
confused efforts have been made to place economic values on total stocks of natural
capital (see Costanza et al., 1997, and, for a critique, Pearce, 1998b), the overt
purpose of which tends to be to demonstrate that KN is non-substitutable. But a world
without any natural capital at all is self-evidently un-sustainable. What matters is
whether a world with, say, 10% less KN is sustain-able. The issue is akin to minimum
critical sizes for ecosystems or populations.
We therefore have a challenge to decide what the relevant parameters describing
substitution possibilities are, and until we have a clearer picture on this issue, the
special claims for environmentally strong sustainability must be regarded as
unproven (but not unprovable).



Socially Strong Sustainability

Because the focus on social capital is comparatively new, it is worthwhile

considering in a little more detail what it might mean and whether it necessarily
contributes to sustainable development.
Putnam (1993) speaks of social capital as comprising certain features of social
organisation - norms of behaviour, networks of interactions between people and
between institutions, and trust between people. Empirical studies of economic
growth have shown that conventional growth accounting models (stressing labour,
capital, technology) explain only a limited amount of the difference between growth
rates in different economies. World Bank (1997) refers to studies of the Asia
Miracle economies which suggest that - prior to the more recent economic crisis institutional arrangements for co-operation and information exchange may be as, if
not more, important than conventional factors. But close interpersonal and interinstitutional arrangements may not always be good for sustainable development.
After all, price-fixing cartels are a form of social arrangement, as is the Mafia. This
suggests that social capital may have positive and negative contributions to make to
both economic growth and human well-being in the wider sense.
On the positive side it is suggested that social capital contributes to economic
development by:
flows of information between economic agents are better and higher if there
are closer social relationships. Such flows may relate to anything from price
information, information on the availability of materials or labour, through to
information on the credit-worthiness of individual agents;
(b) trust reduces the need to search out information in order to make a
transaction: i.e. transaction costs can be reduced. Trust may also result in
behaviour which avoids the need to make laws and hence to intervene via
social links between individuals and organisations and government also
reduce the need for overt public control. Governments may find it easier and
more efficient to operate via established social links than to legislate. The rise
of voluntary agreements as a means to control environmental problems may
be a case in point. Polluters simply agree to self-regulate and, in turn, selfregulation will be all the more efficient if the polluters have a social
arrangements whereby they trust each other.
Also on the positive side, social capital contributes to environmental improve-ment







substituting for other forms of capital, especially man-made capital.

Arrangements to share machinery (e.g. tractors, harvesters) mean that fewer
tractors are needed;
reducing the high discount rates that often imperil the environment. This
happens because individual insecurity is reduced by ganging together to
fight particular causes and by spreading risks among the social group;
reducing external effects, i.e. the spillover effects of one agents actions on the
well-being of another agent. Effectively, such behaviour is inhibited by the
concern for neighbours and third parties arising from social norms of
resolving the risks arising from common property. Common property involves
a whole community owning and managing a resource, a situation that has
risks of environmental destruction if the resulting communal management
system breaks down. The stronger the social ties, the less likely the
management system is to collapse;
inhibiting anti-social behaviour that damages the environment, whether it is
simply the dumping of illicit waste, litter or perverse destruction of wildlife.

Social capital could have negative results by keeping contracts to those within the
social circle, when those outside are more efficient. Examples include price-fixing,
closed contract award systems, and even the requirement that small firms institute
some social welfare system to look after those in the social group, imposing costs
that impair productivity. One might summarise these problems as the creation of
rent by restrictive activity and through lobbying of government and others. An
example of a social arrangement with both positive and negative effects is offered
given by Hausman and McPherson (1996). They argue that efficiency wages - i.e.
paying workers more than the going or market wage rate in return for higher
productivity - leads both to increased co-operation between worker and employer
but also to unemployment (as not everyone who wants a job at the going rate can
find one).
Social capital therefore presents a new and challenging dimension of sustainable
development. It may, as some have argued, account for the dynamism of some
economies and even for lower environmental damage than might otherwise occur.
Others suggest that it could easily just as well contribute in a negative fashion by
restricting economic interests to specific groups. And, of course, the social group
could also be persuaded to destroy the environment in the name of its own group
interests. Clearly, there is much research to be done in this area.



Measuring WeakSustainability: Genuine Savings4

Pearce and Atkinson (1993) introduced a measure of sustainable development based

on a net savings criterion. Hamilton (1994) has called this measure genuine savings
and provided an extended framework for a more consistent treatment of natural asset
Genuine savings is derived as follows. A measure of gross domestic product and
green net national product (NNP) in an economy with natural resources and
environmental assets is (see Hartwick, 1993; Mler, 1991; Hamilton, 1994; Atkinson
et al. 1997): 5
GNP = C + S
NNP* = C + [S - dKM - r(R-G) - p(E-A)]
where: NNP* = modified or green net national product; C = consumption; S =
gross saving; dKM depreciation of man-made capital); r = unit resource rental; R =
resource extraction or harvest; G = growth rate of the resource (zero for nonrenewables); p = marginal social damages from pollution; E = emissions; A = natural
assimilation of pollutants.
Hence, the terms r(R-G) and p(E-A) are respectively the value of depreciation on
natural resources and the value of net pollution damage. The term in the square
bracket is the genuine savings (Sg) rate for this economy. It describes the value of
change in assets over the accounting period. Hence,
NNP* = C + Sg
Sg = GNP - C - dKM - r(R-G) - p(E-A)

Sg = S - dKM - r(R-G) - p(E-A)

In other words, genuine savings is simply gross savings less depreciation on assets
(here, man-made capital, natural resources and environmental assets). Note that it is

We have focused solely on this one measure of sustainability, but promising developments
include the World Banks work on measuring total wealth see Kunte et al. (1998) and World
Bank (1997). Ecological indicators have made less progress but those based on the diversityresilience link are interesting see Perrings (1997).
Atkinson et al. (1997) use the term measure of economic welfare (MEW) for gNNP plus
the value of environmental services, ie gNNP is a special case of MEW.


an indicator of weak sustainability. If Sg < 0 there must be a presumption of nonsustainability.

It should also be noted that it is now commonplace to include a measure of human
capital appreciation in net savings, usually by incorporating current educational
expenditures - see World Bank (1997). In addition, it is also possible to add a further
term to reflect the present value of future economic growth due to technological
change in the year in question.
7.1 Criticisms of genuine savings
Several criticisms have been advanced against genuine savings as a measure of



positive genuine savings do not necessarily indicate sustainability. The

reasons for this assertion can be found in Asheim (1994) and Pezzey (1994).
Atkinson et al. (1997) suggest that genuine saving is a one-sided test for
(weak) sustainability. What is proposed is a more cautious test for
unsustainable behaviour rather than sustainability per se. Even so, the
empirical evidence that is emerging indicates many countries appear to fail
this apparently simple test (Atkinson et al. 1997).
Martnez-Alier (1995), Victor et al. (1996) and Cabeza-Guts (1996) have
pressed the case for indicators that effectively deny the range of substitution
possibilities embodied in genuine savings. In other words, their critique is that
weak sustainability is not strict sustainability. These are largely negative
criticisms in that no actual alternative indicators are presented but serve to
make the important point that genuine savings - or for that matter any single
sustainability measure - is not exclusive as a means to evaluate progress
towards sustainable development. Nonetheless, these critiques overlook the
fact that strict sustainability is not a unique measure of sustainability either.
Indeed, SS has to be supplemented with WS, as noted earlier. Nor has
empirical evidence been advanced to the effect that the relevant substitution
elasticities are zero. The problem for advocates of strong sustainability is that
assertions of non-substitutability do not constitute evidence on nonsubstitutability. Those who criticise weak sustainability for assuming
substitutability therefore commit at least a parallel fallacy in assuming nonsubstitution.
Martnez-Alier (1995) notes that countries failing weak sustainability tests
tend to be located in the developing world.6 Yet, many developing countries

As it happens, a number of developed economies fail the test or are perilously close to nonsustainability. See Atkinson et al. (1997).



are highly dependent on resource extraction activities and the depletion of

these assets often means that high levels of savings need to be generated if
aggregate real wealth is not to be run down. Several developed countries - e.g.
the Netherlands and Germany - have expressed concern over their
responsibility for resource depletion in other countries. In this respect,
indicators of these dependencies would be useful, such as presented in
Atkinson and Hamilton (1996).
In principle, there is nothing to stop any importing country assisting a
developing country upon whose resource it is dependent in its efforts to
become more sustainable. However, this is a distinct proposition to the
argument that resource trade affects sustainability and its measurement. That
is, the extent to which the existence of resource trade alters the way in which
genuine savings should be measured. This will only be the case if international
resource prices are changing over time. While, the economic theory of
exhaustible resources predicts these prices will rise but actual long-term
historical trends indicate a decline in the real price of many resources
(including oil). In response to this, Hamilton (1996) concludes that a balanced
and prudent view is that the standard Hartwick rule still offers a useful rule of
Cabeza-Guts (1996) has questioned the use of genuine savings where
countries such as Japan and United States appear to pass this (weak)
sustainability test. Given the earlier comments in (a) above regarding an
appropriate interpretation of such results this is a reasonable point. However,
genuine savings can still offer new information concerning the nonsustainability of developed countries where environmental damages are
recognised as a form of natural asset loss. Such impacts are likely to be
associated with significant costs. Hence, not only must the current value of
resource rents be debited from genuine savings but also the social costs of
emissions of: (a) stock pollutants such as carbon dioxide (Hamilton and Ulph,
1996) and; (b) flow pollutants with cumulative effects or impacts on stocks
(e.g. on human health and hence, human capital) such as sulphur dioxide and
particulate matter (Hamilton and Atkinson, 1996). On this basis, Hamilton and
Atkinson (1996) show that the United Kingdom exhibited significantly
negative genuine savings in the years 1980 to 1986.

It is worth noting that this indicator is able to capture a significant feature of pollution
problems, namely transboundary pollution flows. The rationale for adjusting
measures of national income, in the presence of transboundary effects, is an
extension of the polluter pays principle to the domain of national account-ing. This
means that the estimates of the unit marginal social costs of pollution in a given
country should include all costs, including those in other nations. These unit marginal


costs should then by multiplied by the total level of emissions in that country. The
argument for this treatment of transboundary pollution in the case of savings rules is,
if anything, even stronger. Some portion of a given countrys total savings should, at
least notionally, be set aside in order to compensate the recipients of the pollution
emitted and transferred across international boundaries (Hamilton and Atkinson,




While the literature on sustainable development covers many of the issues raised in
the early literature on economic growth models, it seems fair to say that, whatever
the merits of the original formulation in the Brundtland Report of 1987, one decade
later there have been great advances in both the theoretical aspects of desirable
development and the ways in which that development might be indicated. Hence,
there has been an ongoing debate regarding the meaning of constant capital,
controversy regarding the relative merits of weak and strong sustainable
development as a framework for analysing these issues, the increasing attention
given to the concept of critical natural assets and more recently the role of social
capital formation and maintenance in the development process. Familiar, but often
neglected, aspects to the debate regarding the role of technological progress in
taking care of the future have also been raised. Indeed, it has been suggested that
the existence of such technological change implies that sustainability does not
matter. In order to evaluate the realism of these claims it would appear that what is
required is a greater understanding of how technological change is created.
Certainly the concept has given fresh impetus to the measurement of sustainable or
green national income. The suggestion here is that a rearrangement of that concept
in the form of genuine savings, originally introduced by Pearce and Atkinson (1993),
has much to offer for the measure-ment of sustainability. As we have noted, not
everyone would agree with this a dispute which can be located in the continuing
distraction caused by the weak versus strong debate. We would argue that much
of this debate is misguided, at least in broad terms, as maintenance of assets is
common to both approaches. Nonetheless, crucial issues remain. This is most true
concerning critical natural assets where trade-offs, insofar as they exist, are highly
unpalatable. Perhaps we have reached a stage in human development when
additional environmental depreciation does have such high costs that it constitutes de
facto non-substitutability. This is what many ecologists have been saying for some
time. But advocates of strong sustainability have been strongest in assertion and
weakest in offering empirical substance for their views. That does not make them
wrong, but it does suggest they have yet to be proved right.
Nevertheless, to the extent that the scientific community can offer evidence
regarding what constitute critical natural assets, the key indicators for an
economy will be twofold: are stocks of critical natural assets declining? and are
genuine savings rates persistently negative? A positive answer to either of these
questions would be an indication of unsustainability.



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