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American Journal of Tourism M anagement 2013, 2(1A): 1-9

DOI: 10.5923/s.tourism.201304.01

Energy, Water and Waste Management in the

Accommodation Sector of Tamale Metropolis, Ghana
Conrad-J. Wuleka Kuuder1,* , Ernest Bagson2 , Vida Mintah Prempeh3, Abu Mumuni1 , Raymond Adongo 1,
Esther Ekua Amoako 1

University for Development Studies, Dept. of Ecotourism and Environmental M gt, Nyankpala Campus, Tamale, Ghana
University for Development Studies, Dept. of Community Development, Wa Campus, Ghana
Sunyani Polytechnic, Dept. of Tourism and Hospitality, Sunyani, Ghana

Abstract This study was aimed at identifying environ mentally friendly practices adopted by accommodation facilities in

Tamale Metropolis. Fro m time immemorial environ mental problems have been associated with the operations of
accommodation facilities world wide. In th is regard, measures and initiat ives have been put in place in recent times to
minimize the effects of the accommodation sector on the environment. What is the effort of the accommodation sector in the
Tamale Metropolis and Ghana holistically in this regard? A total of 42 facilit ies were sampled fro m 68 registered hotels in the
Metropolis for the study. The data collection tool used was questionnaire. Parameters of concern centered on water
conservation, energy conservation, waste management and corporate social responsibility. Fro m the study, it was realized
that only 8% had environ mental policies in p lace. Close to 97% of the facilities d id not live up to their corporate social
responsibilit ies. Ho wever, about 60% used low flow shower heads while 97% used treated water to irrigate gardens and lawns.
The use of energy saving bulbs as well as towel and napkin reuse were popular practices observed. Based on the above,
training programmes are reco mmended for hotel operators and employees on environmental management practices.


Tamale Metropolis, Hotels, Environ mental Practices, Environmental Management

1. Introduction
Management of the environment has become a crit ical
issue to the hotel industry in recent times in the wake of calls
for a more responsible tourism development and the growing
environmental awareness among tourists, associations,
organizations and governments. This has led to the evolution
of the green hotel movement wh ich has become a new trend
in the hospitality industry. As a new trend, environmental
management has been vigorously pursued especially by
mu ltinational hotels. This has given birth to international and
regional init iatives, certificat ion schemes and award of
eco-labels which have been used to encourage development
of less damaging and environmentally friendly hotels as well
as educating the customer.
In this light, it is therefore important that environmental
man ag ement in hot els be p laced in th e framewo rk o f
sustainable development since this will always result in a
sustained tou ris m industry . Env iron mental man agement
p ract ices in ho tels are usually geared to wards en ergy
conservation, water conservation, reduct ion of waste and
* Corresponding author:
[email protected] (Conrad-J. Wuleka Kuuder)
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/tourism
Copyright 2013 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved

establishing good relations with local co mmunit ies. It is as a

result of cost savings that waste management, energy and
water conservation have become popular environ mental
management practices, as managers have co me to the
realization that they could save on their water and energy
bills if they adopt good conservation practices[29][36].
It has been realized that sound environmental management
is beneficial to all hotels as it results in profitability,
customer retention, imp roved corporate image and cost
savings among others. In spite of the apparent positive
impacts of hotels on the overall development of countries,
they also exert pressure on the environment of destinations
sometimes with dire consequences. Most of the studies on
the impacts of hotels on the environment have been
conducted on coastal and island resorts[29].
The growing environmental consciousness in the industry
can be attributed to government regulation, changing
consumer demand, advocacy and initiatives by Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) and ethics by
professional associations among others[27]. Environ mental
management has now gained popularity and consequently
has been recognized by many hotels worldwide through
efforts put in by various associations, for example,
International Hotel Environment Init iative (IHEI)[32],[28],
W. Y. K. Penny[31] refers to environmental management

Conrad-J. Wuleka Kuuder et al.: Energy, Water and Waste M anagement in the
Accommodation Sector of Tamale M etropolis, Ghana

in simpler terms as a process and practice introduced by an

organization for reducing, eliminating and ideally p reventing
negative environmental impact arising fro m its undertaking.
In the same vein, the Environ mental Protection Agency
(EPA) of Ghana also posits that environmental management
is a process by which the collection of policies, structures,
resources, systems and processes are brought to mutual
interplay for the ach ievement of clearly defined
environmental policy directives. With part icular reference
to environmental management within the touris m and
hospitality in Accra, Ghana,[32] is quoted as saying that it is
a process adopted by hotel management which helps them to
monitor the hotels activities and implement appropriate
programmes to reduce the negative impact of an indiv idual
hotel on the environment.
Environmental Management in hotels is not only
concerned with output of the operations that damage the
environment, but of significant importance is the input of
resources as well as all systems and processes involved in the
operation of accommodation facilities. According to[24] the
benefits of environmental management include; increased
profitability, improved customer satisfaction, imp roved
emp loyee satisfaction, improved relationships with local
communit ies, improved public relat ions and competitive
advantage. Environmental management also helps improve
the image of destinations and reduce operational costs. The
goal of environ mental management is protecting and
preserving the environment and this has beco me increasingly
important in the face of resource shortages, increasing costs
and undesirable changes in climate and the environment[8].
Hotels can be divided into different categories but the
service remains the same, although the range and level of
service differs fro m hotel to hotel. The hotel industry uses
large amounts of energy resources for functions such as
transportation, laundry, food service and air-conditioning,
while it also releases waste in several other different forms.
P. Bohdanowicz[7] states that growth and progress of the
hotel industry in tourism destinations depends on ongoing
accessibility of natural resources. Hotels are enormous
consumers of natural resources and hotel guests are often
much less concerned with conserving resources such as
water and power when they are away from ho me.Hotel
operations therefore impact the environ ment in many
different ways[38]. D. Kirk[25] again points out that many
hotels and restaurants which are located in areas of natural
beauty and historic significance, have a delicate eco-balance.
It is not only the location of the hotel that affects the
environment but also the amount of lu xury and co mfort
provided by hotels to the customers to attract them to the
destinations. More lu xury and comfort can be associated
with greater consumption of water, power and other
resources and ultimately result in higher generation of waste
depending on the presence or otherwise of environ mental
management practices in the destination. N. Tzschentke et
al[35] found out in their research that hotel managers in
Vancouver viewed the hotels impact on the environ ment as
a great concern and some regarded it as their only concern.

To have environmentally friendly hotel management

operations, hotels need to first fo rmulate environ mental
The hotel industry in Ghana has experienced rap id growth
since the structural adjustment programme of the mid 1980s.
This rapid growth is in response to the growing opportunities
offered by the investor friendly climate coupled with the
stable political terrain in the country and to some extent the
oil find. It is on record that international tourist arrivals rose
fro m 399,000 travellers in 2000 to 802,779 in 2009 wh ile
tourism receipts rose from US$386m in 2000 to
US$1.6152bn in 2009. Similarly, the number of hotels also
increased fro m 1,345 in 2005 to 1,775 in 2009[16].
According to the Ghana Ministry of Tourism and the
National Touris m Development Plan 1996-2010, the total
number of international tourist arrivals was expected to rise
fro m 802,779 in 2009 to 1,062,000 in 2010[16] and this
invariably means more demand for overnight stays in
accommodation facilities. With specific reference to tourism
and accommodation development, it has been noted that the
northern parts of the country which includes Tamale, suffers
fro m a locational d isadvantage (peripheral area) and
invariably has only 7% of the national hotel acco mmodation
stock. The northern, co mpared to the southern sector of
Ghana is said to have entered the hotel acco mmodation
business quite late and there is relatively low involvement in
the sector by foreigners[1],[2]. Not withstanding this late
entry however, it is worth assessing the collective impact
that these facilities exert on the environment in the
Metropolis, hence the study.
1.1. Problem Statement
The tourism industry is one of the worlds largest and
fastest growing industries and since travel for purposes of
tourism is synonymous with an overnight stay in hotels,
environmental management in hotels is key and obviously an
important step towards achieving sustainable tourism
development. In Ghana, the tourism industry is growing at a
rate of about 3.5% per annu m and the hotel sector in general
has experienced a rap id growth in response to the growing
opportunities offered by prudent macro-econo mic policies
[16]. According to records at the Ghana Touris m Authority,
Tamale Metropolis has the largest number of hotels and
guest houses in the northern region accounting for 68 out of
the total of 92 in the region[17]. The gro wth in hotels within
the metropolis has sparked some concerns about their impact
on the environment. This is in v iew of the fact that the
benefits of tourism culminating in the springing up of these
accommodation facilities are often accompanied by some
negative environmental and social impacts. A mong these
impacts are revenue leakage fro m co mmunit ies, air, noise
and water pollution, degradation and depletion of natural
resources, biodiversity loss, energy problems and social
vices, encroachment and its accompanying problems,
cultural and heritage related problems such as pseudo arts
and cultural shock, sewage disposal problems among others.
The hotels form a large part of the touris m industry and

American Journal of Tourism M anagement 2013, 2(1A): 1-9

even some authors equate tourism to acco mmodation

development[2]. Concerns have been raised about the
detrimental impacts of hotels on social and natural
environments. Hotels are also resource intensive and in order
to reduce their negative impacts, it is imperative to adopt
environmentally friendly activ ities in their management[19].
The literature is clear on environmental management
practices and initiat ives by hotels in North A merica, Europe
and Asia[29] but wo rth mentioning is also the fact that some
studies have been done in the developing world[13],[6] and
in Ghana in the Greater Accra Region[29] but not much is
known about environmental management practices in hotels
in specifically an underdeveloped and deprived region like
the Northern Region and Tamale Metropolis for that matter.
This study therefore intends to exp lore the environ mental
management and responsible tourism practices in hotels in
the Metropolis. The ultimate aim of the study is to identify
environmental management practices adopted by hotels in
the Tamale Metropolis while seeking specifically to: Identify
activities in hotels within the metropolis that are unsafe to the
environment and to find out environmentally friendly
management initiat ives adopted by hotels in the Tamale

2. Environmental Management
Practices in Hotels
The hospitality industry has been traditionally considered
one that does not have a great impact on the natural
environment co mpared to such industries as gas and oil and
other consumer product manufacturing industries. However,
the hotel , in particular generates much mo re negative
environmental impacts than the public perceives, consuming
a vast amount of local and imported non-durable goods,
energy and water, as well as emitting a large amount of
carbon dioxide[26],[8].
As an emerg ing business strategy in the hospitality
industry, environmental management has attracted much
interest fro m industry practitioners as well as scholars.
Though there are several environmental management
practices, this study focuses on energy and water
conservation and waste management.
2.1. Energy Consumpti on and Efficiency
Energy saving has been considered one of the most
significant areas of environmental management in the hotel
industry because hotels in general consume considerable
amount of electricity and fossil fuel energy in various
operational areas. According to the U.S Environ mental
Protection Agency (EPA), reducing energy use by 10 percent
across the hospitality industry would save $285 million[30].
It is reported that the potential for energy saving through
green practices such as replacing light bulbs with energy
efficient ones has been estimated at 10-25 percent depending
on the age and size of the hotel[8].
Based on literature reviewed on various studies on energy

management practices of accommodation facilit ies, energy

management practices include the following: imp lementing
renewable energy programmes such as the use of wind
power, solar power and run-off river power, adoption of
automated (computerized) energy control systems,
installation of energy-efficient laundry equip ments, use of
digital thermostats to control guestroom energy consumption,
installation of occupancy sensors (which automatically turn
the lights out when guests leave the room), reduction of
air-circulating equip ment through imp lementation of
smoke-free policies, use of energy star-qualified products,
installation of triple-glazed windows or reflective glass to
save energy for heating and cooling, rep lacement of outdoor
and exit signs with Light Emitting Diode (LED) signs and
use of waste heat from the power generators[21][28][8][30]
Hotels are immense energy users and for instance their
operations require the use of energy on a daily basis for 24
hours, irrespective of seasonality, number of guests and
location[12][23]. Hotel operations are made up of small
operations which provide goods and services to satisfy guest
needs. Energy is required to maintain the tools which are
used to carry out the functions efficiently and to maintain the
flow of guests[18]. The energy consumed by hotels is used
for space heating, cooling, ventilation, hot water, lighting,
laundry, kitchen, recreation and other miscellaneous uses.
However, it has been found that the energy consumption
patterns of hotels are different around the world[11].
According to a study which compared energy consumption
in hotels in Europe and America, European hotels consume
about 39 billion Kilo watts of energy annually, half of which
is consumed in the form of electricity[11]. For examp le,[18]
found that hotels in New Zealand used up to 75% of
electricity as their main source of energy and also used other
energy sources like coal (12%), LPG (9%), petroleu m fuel
(3%) including natural gas and wood (1%). Several
researchers have also provided examples of hotels
consumption habits and types of energy consumed. P.
Bohdanowicz[7] reveals that the use and consumption of
different forms of energy by hotels lead to the release of
harmful gases such as CO2 into the atmosphere and this
enhances air pollution and global warming. The harmful
gases said to be emitted by hotels due to consumption of
different energy resources is estimated at 160 and 200 kg of
CO2 per m2 of roo m floor area, depending on the type of fuel
used to generate electricity[25][9][7].
S. Becken et al[5] also opined that it is important to know
the fuel type that is used to generate energy for the sector. A
study conducted by[12] and[10] in Hong Kong and a similar
one by[28] in the Greater Accra Region o f Ghana show that
hotels operate on three types of energy namely electricity,
gas and diesel. S. Becken et al[5] further noted that within
the New Zealand acco mmodation sector, hotels are large
energy users in terms of per visitor night and annual usage.
Based on this pattern of energy consumption, it is clear that
the hotel sector could make a major positive contribution to
the environment by taking some measures to reduce energy

Conrad-J. Wuleka Kuuder et al.: Energy, Water and Waste M anagement in the
Accommodation Sector of Tamale M etropolis, Ghana

consumption which will, in return, reduce pollution and

resource depletion.

The generation of waste by hotels is one of the visible

effects that a hotel has on the environment. A. Kasim[23]
states that it is not the size of the hotel that makes the
2.2. Water Consumption and Efficiency
difference but also the type of functions being held at the
Hotels may have high water consumption depending on hotel and other important events taking place at a particular
each hotels accommodation capacity, standard and the type time. Waste generated by hotels does not only increase their
of facilities and services provided[7]. A. Kasim[23] noted operational costs but contribute to resource depletion. There
that lu xury hotels in particu lar consume large amounts of is a variety of waste produced by hotels including paper,
water for leisure purposes such as swimming pools, spas and food, metals, plastics, alu min iu m and g lass. N. Erdogan and
golf course irrigation. As reported by[24], the use of water in E. Baris[14] conducted a study to examine environ mental
a hotel is extensive and this utilizat ion include cold water for practices imp lemented by Turkish hotels and found out that
kitchen, drin king, laundry, for circulat ion in air conditioning, paper and food waste were the greatest amounts of waste
hot water for guest bathrooms and circulation for space generated by the hotels. The food and beverage service area
in particular generates various solid and organic wastes such
Water conservation practices of hotels include; use of as packaging, food waste, alumin iu m cans, glass, bottles,
water-efficient devices such as Low-flow or infrared-activat corks and cooking oils. A. Kasim[23] estimated that hotel
ed faucets, low-flow showerheads, low-water-volu me toilet, waste consists of 46% of food waste, 25.3% of paper, 11.7%
sink aerators, and Energy Star qualified cooking devices, of cardboard, 6.7% of p lastics, 5.6% of glass and 4.5% of
institution of a linen reuse programme, regular fixing of metal waste. As again reported by[23], hotel waste is on a
toilet and bath leaks, use of water-efficient laundry much larger scale as compared to waste generated by
equipment and dishwashers, placing water metres in households.
guestrooms to track usage, adoption of water saving
Previous research has indicated that the level of hotels
campaigns in kitchens such as washing dishes when there are commit ment to waste sorting and recycling varies,
full loads or not using running water to wash vegetables and depending on regulatory pressures and local governments
adopting water-efficient or xeric gardening.[21][24][28][8] support.
For examp le, European hotels actively implement waste
Research has provided data on daily water consumption sorting and recycling programmes in offices and kitchens,
by tourists. In Spain, a tourist consumes 0.88 cubic meters but not in guestrooms[8][14] wh ile Ghanaian hotels are less
(880 litres) of water per day as compared to a local Spaniard committed to recycling programmes, with only 17 percent
who consumes an average of 0.25 cubic meters (250 litres) adopting recycling programmes in Accra[28]. N. Erdogan
per day. Similar consumption patterns have been recorded in and E. Baris[14] pointed out that wo rking with local
the Mediterranean regions where 0.40 cubic meters (400 governments and recycling firms can significantly pro mote
lit res) of water are consumed by a tourist in comparison with waste sorting and recycling activities among hotels.
0.07 cubic meters (70 litres) per person per day[23]. Literature on studies on the accommodation sector indicates
Furthermore, it has also been estimated that the consumption the following practices concerning waste management have
of water by guests in a hotel per night will depend on several been adopted by hotels. Placing recycling bins in front and
factors like the hotel standard and facilities. For example,[23] back-of-house areas, purchasing used or recycled-content
again found out that in a high standard hotel organizat ion, the products, adopting a donation programme (leftover guest
hotel room would require 396 gallons (1,499 litres) of water amen ities, old furn iture, appliances and food), composting
per day, which is enough to support 14 local people. It is organic kitchen waste, using refillable amenity providers
further estimated by[7] that the standard consumption pattern such as swimming pools, providing reusable items such as
of hotel guests would range between 170 and 360 lit res of cloth, napkins, glass and cups, grinding left over guest soaps
water per n ight.
to use as laundry detergent, purchasing food items and
Water consumption at these rates without monitoring or cleaning chemicals in bulk containers as well as recovering
control will likely lead to water shortages. Another impact of used cooking oil and food waste[21][26][28][8][30][14][22]
hotels on water is contamination. Wastewater fro m hotels, if [34].
not properly managed could lead to pollution of water
2.3. Waste Generation and Management

3. Study Area and Methods of Data


American Journal of Tourism M anagement 2013, 2(1A): 1-9

Figure 1. Map of T amale Metropolis

The study was carried out in Tamale Metropolis, in the

Northern Region of Ghana. The Northern Region is the
largest in terms of land size in Ghana. Tamale is the
administrative capital o f the northern region and is about
600km north of the capital city, Accra. Tamale Metropolis is
bordered to the north by Savelugu and Kumbungu Districts
and to the West by Sanerigu and Tolon Districts. It is also
bordered to the East by Yendi Municipal, to the south by
Central and East Gonja Districts (see Figure 1). It is a major
business town of the northern part of Ghana and plays host to
a number of regional branches of financial institutions,
NGOs, educational facilit ies, a teaching hospital which
serves as a referral point for the northern parts of Ghana
including southern Brong Ahafo Region. The Cup of African
Nations (CA N) 2008 wh ich was hosted by Ghana also
brought in infrastructural imp rovements in Tamale with the
construction of an ultra-modern sports stadium acco mpanied
by improvements in the hospitality sector wh ich witnessed
the springing up of many hotels and guest houses. The main
economic activit ies include trading, auto mechanics/
engineering works, building construction/masonry, spinning
and handicraft works including farming, sheabutter (cooking
oil) extraction and dawadawa (local med icinal spices)
processing. The town is considered one of the fastest
growing in West Africa with current estimated population of
about 537,986 people[15]. The Metropolis is also the tourism
gateway to the northern parts of Ghana owing to the

existence of an array of facilities such as an airport, tour

operators, tour guides associations and some magnificent
attractions within the northern region such as the Songnayili
Project (tradit ional ho me stay project), the Larabanga
Ancient Mosque and the Mole National Park.
3.1. Research Instruments
The data collection instrument used was questionnaire
emp loying open ended and close ended questioning
structures[3]. Questions were woven around the objectives
to make the aim o f the study achievable. The first five
questions on the questionnaire sought information on the
characteristics of the surveyed facilit ies with regard to the
category/ grade of the facility, respondents position in the
facility among others. The second part of the questionnaire
was to ascertain whether the facilities had environmental
policies. The remaining part required respondents to indicate
the various environmentally friendly practices adopted by
their hotels.
3.2. Sampling
Secondary data was collected fro m the Northern Regional
Office of Ghana Touris m Authority (GTA,) to help ascertain
the total number of acco mmodation facilities in Tamale
Metropolis. Fro m the data obtained, there were 68 reg istered
accommodation facilities with the GTA in the Tamale
Metropolis with grades ranging fro m, hostel and budget to

Conrad-J. Wuleka Kuuder et al.: Energy, Water and Waste M anagement in the
Accommodation Sector of Tamale M etropolis, Ghana

2-star facilities. The grading of these facilities is shown in

Table 1 belo w. Those who responded to the questionnaire
were the managers/manageresses (25) or their assistants
Table 1. Grades of facilities/Population/Sample
Grade of Facility
Guest house
2- star



Source: GTA, Tamale Regional Office/Authors construct (2012)

Based on this grading, all the 1-star and 2- star hotels were
purposively sampled due to the fact that they had a greater

impact on the environ ment. Stratified random sampling was

however used to sample 2 hostels out of 5, 8 guest houses out
of 12 and 20 budget facilities out of 39 to obtain an overall
sample size of 42 facilit ies. The sampling procedure for the
stratified random method involved writ ing the names of each
category in folded sheets and the lucky dip method was used
to pick up close to half or more than half of the facilities in
each grade. Since the sample size of 42 is more than half of
the total (68), it was considered representative. Table 1
shows the population and sample. Simple frequencies and
percentages were used to analyze the data collected fro m the

4. Results
4.1. Environmentally Friendl y Practices

Figure 2. Environmentally friendly practices

American Journal of Tourism M anagement 2013, 2(1A): 1-9

Figure 2 above shows some environ mentally friendly

practices that were considered in the study of the facilities
surveyed. The main pract ices included energy conservation,
water conservation, waste management and support for
locals and NGOs towards environmental programmes. The
research conducted centered on these areas of environmental
Two of the facilities surveyed representing 8% had
environmental po licies in p lace. The t wo (2-star) and one
1-star facilities claimed to have this in p lace. These policies
basically revolved around promoting pro-environ mental
behavior like sorting of waste before disposal.
Coincidentally, the 1-2 star hotels had the largest number of
rooms and emp loyees probably in line with[28] who opined
that only larger hotels seem to be at the forefront of
environmental management. About 92% of the respondents
did not have an idea about environ mental management
systems and these same facilities did not have environmental
Close to 20 of the facilities surveyed representing 48%
were located in areas where proper drainage systems were
absent hence effluent waste was not properly d isposed off.
Solid waste such as office paper and toilet roll were also
burnt in the open within facility precincts. These practices by
the facilities are sources of air pollution and could also lead
to an outbreak of cholera. The study revealed the most
popular environmentally friendly practices adopted by the
facilit ies surveyed were; use of energy saving bulbs, reuse of
towel and napkin, use of reusable items such as ceramic cups
and plates and training of staff on environmentally friendly
practices such as water conservation, energy conservation
and waste management. This trend may be due to the fact
that all acco mmodation facilities would want to cut down
operational cost to make profit and remain co mpetitive[35].
On energy saving, 3% of the facilities surveyed had central
control systems for their lighting and air conditioners which
enabled them put off these facilities when guests are not
The use of alternative energy sources such as LPG and
solar power was also observed in a few facilit ies. Only about
5% of the facilities surveyed used solar water heating
systems. Use of reusable items such as ceramic cups and
plates, spoons, and ladles was practiced by 95% of the
facilit ies. Water conservation was an area that most of the
facilit ies gave much attention to probably because it is a cost
saving measure. Sixty percent (60%) of the facilities
surveyed had low-flow shower heads fixed in their bath
facilit ies. However, the irony was that about 98% of the
facilit ies surveyed still used treated water to irrigate gardens
and lawns. About 98 % of the facilities surveyed did not live
up to their social responsibilities of assisting the locals and
NGOs towards environ mental management programmes.
The use of energy saving bulbs as well as towel and
napkin reuse which are all environ mentally friendly were
common among the facilit ies. However, environ mentally
friendly initiat ives such as recycling of waste, installing of
solar water heating systems, composting of organic waste,

donation programmes among others were virtually absent.

The least practiced conservation and waste management
practices were composting of waste (3%),solar water heating
systems (5%), donation programmes (5%) and helping
locals in environ mental issues through donation of cash and
materials as well as public education on environ mental
management (3%). On water conservation, 3% of the
managers reiterated the need for their guests to have a nice
and enjoyable bath, hence not much attention was paid to the
type of shower heads fixed in their facilities.
All respondents indicated that recycling was not their
priority and that the technology was not easily accessible
consistent with[29] findings in a similar study in Greater
Accra Region of Ghana. About 5% of the respondents also
admitted hotels and customers in Ghana and Tamale
Metropolis for that matter had not reached the stage of
environmental sensitivity and that it was a gradual process.

5. Conclusions
The study was carried out to identify act ivities in hotels
within the met ropolis that are unsafe to the environment and
to equally find out environmentally friendly management
initiat ives adopted by the hotels. The use of energy saving
bulbs, reusable dinning items such as cups, plates and spoons
as well as towels and napkins were the most popular
practices. Other environ mentally friendly practices such as
use of energy saving bulbs including reuse of towels and
napkins which were identified among these facilities were
noted to be aimed at reducing cost and attracting or satisfying
guests. Environmental in itiat ives such as recycling of waste,
composting of organic kitchen waste and support for
environmental agencies were the least popular practices
among the accommodation facilit ies sampled.
Fro m the study it can also be concluded that about 97% of
the facilities surveyed do not live up to their social
responsibilit ies of assisting the locals and environ mental
agencies and NGOs towards management of the
environment. In addition, 92% of the facilities had no
environmental policy. Ho wever, the study was an
exploratory one and did not go much further to identify
reasons why particular environ mental management practices
were either adopted or not adopted by these facilities.

6. Recommendations
Based on the findings of the study it is recommended that
the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), Environ mental
Protection Agency (EPA) in conjunction with the Tamale
Metropolitan Assembly (TAMA) and other bodies tasked
with enfo rcing environmental standards should organize
training programmes for managers and employees of
accommodation facilities on environmentally friendly
management practices as identified in the study. These
training programmes will help sensitize them on their mo ral
and social responsibilities with respect to the environment

Conrad-J. Wuleka Kuuder et al.: Energy, Water and Waste M anagement in the
Accommodation Sector of Tamale M etropolis, Ghana

and communities in wh ich they operate.

Secondly, education of guests on environmental issues
should be incorporated into operational and management
policies of the facilities since they are major p layers in the
sector and the failu re to include them could lead to little or no
positive results. This can be acco mp lished through brochures,
posters and signs. Guests could be educated on issues such as
water and energy conservation, respect for local culture,
proper disposal of waste among others.
Finally, management of accommodation facilities should
be assisted with recycling technologies by government and
trade associations.


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