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Artificial Intelligence 59 (1993) 233-240



roots of knowledge systems and
expert system applications
Edward A. Feigenbaum
Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Department

Stanford, CA 94305, USA

of Computer Science, Stanford


Bruce G. Buchanan
Computer Science Department, University


ofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

15260, USA

During AFs first decade (1956-1966), the task environments in which

AI scientists investigated their basic science issues were generally idealized
"clean" task environments, such as propositional calculus theorem proving
and puzzle solving. After the mid-19605, a bolder and more applied inclination to choose complex real-world problems as task environments became
evident. These efforts were both successful and exciting, in two ways. First,
the AI programs were achieving high levels of competence at solving certain
problems that human specialists found challenging (the excitement was that
our AI techniques were indeed powerful and that we were taking the first
steps toward the dream of the very smart machine). Second, these complex
real-world task environments were proving to be excellent at stimulating
basic science questions for the AI science, in knowledge representation,
problem solving, and machine learning. To recognize and illuminate this
trend, the Artificial Intelligence Journal in 1978 sponsored a special issue
on applications of artificial intelligence.
E.A. Feigenbaum, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Department
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. E-mail:
[email protected].



of Computer Science,

0004-3702/93/$ 06.00 1993

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

E.A. Feigenbaum, B.G. Buchanan


Salient among the early applications of AI was the work of the DENDRAL
group, applying AI to problems of the analysis of the mass spectra of organic
molecules and the induction of new rules of mass spectral fragmentation.
The paper "Dendral and Meta-Dendral: their applications dimension" [3]
was solicited by the editor of the special issue. The article appeared in 1978,
thirteen years after the start of the DENDRAL Project. In those thirteen
years, many DENDRAL papers had been published in the literature of both
AI and chemistry. Some of the results of DENDRAL and Meta-DENDRAL
as applications to chemistry had been reported to chemists. The time was
ripe for reporting these results not merely as chemistry but as applied AI,
and the special issue provided us with the appropriate vehicle.
In this note, we will look both backward and forward from the 1978
publication date of the special issue. Though this note is necessarily short,
two other and longer works have done this job thoroughly [8,9], the more
recent paper having the advantages of perspective of time and experience
with the technology transfer of DENDRAL to an industrial setting.


DENDRAL in the context of its time: more history

The DENDRAL Project began in 1965. Feigenbaum had been searching
for a task environment in which to investigate processes of empirical induction (of models and theories from data) and had oriented his thinking
toward finding such a task environment among the activities that scientists
do. Lederberg, a geneticist whose work in 1965 on exobiology involved
the mass spectra of ammo acids, suggested the task of analyzing mass
spectra the formation of hypotheses of organic molecular structure from
mass spectral data. Buchanan joined the effort shortly thereafter; his orientation was philosophy of science blended with AI, a concern for the nature
of scientific discovery and the information processes underlying it.
DENDRAL work was largely experimental work. One of the earliest
of the experimental results was also perhaps the most important. That
was the knowledge-is-power hypothesis, which has become the slogan by
which many in AI remember the DENDRAL Project. As we extended the
limits of DENDRAL's abilities, what we found was that we needed, more
than anything else, more domain-specific knowledge of chemistry and mass
spectrometry (having more powerful AI problem solving methods was useful
but not crucial to our success; more knowledge was crucial). Toward this
end, we recruited the collaboration of Djerassi, a world-class specialist in
mass spectrometry, and with Djerassi his team of researchers, visitors, and


One of our important early motivations, investigating the processes of

theory formation (in scientific work, and elsewhere) was postponed for




several years. We made a decision (in retrospect correct) to achieve experimental results and gain system-building experience on a more concrete
problem first: the hypothesis formation problem of inferring from one set of
spectral data one (or a few) candidate molecular structure (s). Success with
DENDRAL led us back to the original problem of theory formation, which
now appeared in a quite specific and concrete form that was "meta" to
DENDRAL (hence the project's name, Meta-DENDRAL). If the knowledge
of mass spectrometry was crucial to the progress of DENDRAL, then we
must codify it, and we knew of only two ways. Either work in the painstaking one-on-one fashion of our interaction with Djerassi's chemists (which
has since become known as the knowledge acquisition part of knowledge
engineering). Or, infer the knowledge directly from electronic libraries of
mass spectral data and the known structures that gave rise to the data. The
latter was the task of the Meta-DENDRAL learning program.

Did DENDRAL make a difference?

How did DENDRAL affect AI? The AI science of 1965 was largely
dominated by the theme ofthe "generality dimension" ofproblem solving. At
center stage was the program GPS, but the GPS model was being challenged
by problem solvers based on theorem proving using the newly discovered
and programmed resolution method. Hardly mentioned in the discussion
was the role of knowledge in problem solving. For example, in a very
important early paper by Newell, Simon, and Shaw [11] describing their
chess playing program, the word "knowledge" is used only once, and that
use is incidental to the paper's main line.
Because generality dominated the field's concerns, the issue of levels of
competence in performance did not motivate the field very much in the early
1 9605. That was odd, because the dream of human-level and beyond-humanlevel performance was strongly present at the birth of AI (e.g. predictions
of world-class chess play; predictions of new theorems to be proved by AI
programs; performance of an AI program on the New York State Regents


geometry exam).

The DENDRAL group was strongly focused on the performance dimension of AI and played a key role in reinstating the view (the goal, the
dream) that AI programs can perform at the level of the most competent
humans performing the task (and perhaps beyond). It did this with enough
specificity that its results could be extended by the group itself, and by
others. For the DENDRAL group, the extension was to MYCIN, then to
EMYCIN (the software generalization), then to applications in medicine,
engineering, molecular biology, x-ray crystallography, submarine detection,
etc. This system-building experimental AI effort, sustained over a period of

E.A. Feigenbaum, B.G. Buchanan


fifteen years, engendered concepts, methods, techniques, software, and (not

least) credibility for the approach. A new sector of AI was born, as well as
a sector of the software industry.
How important was this to AI? In 1985, when the Editors of the Artificial Intelligence Journal asked key AI scientists for their views of the
most important happenings in AI over the previous decade, Allen Newell

There is no doubt, as far as I am concerned, that the development

of expert systems is the major advance in the field during the past
decade.... The emergence of expert systems has transformed the
enterprise of AI, not only because it has been the main driver of
the current wave of commercialization of AI, but because it has
set the major scientific problems for AI for the next few years...
[l,p. 385]

We think of DENDRAL as the "grandfather of expert systems". (Though,

in the modern style, perhaps we should think of it as "the mother of all
expert systems".) In 1968, we wrote a paper summarizing the first three
years of the DENDRAL experiments, in which we used the DENDRAL
results to challenge the "generality" paradigm. We stated and defended our
knowledge-is-power hypothesis of problem solving. That paper, in several
places, links the system's behavior with that of"the expert", and the felicitous
phrase "expert system" came into use in our project thereafter. Much more
important than the coining of a term was the fact that we helped to set
in motion a shift in paradigm in AI from one based on generality to one
that was knowledge-based. The knowledge-based paradigm is today the main
operating paradigm of AI. For example, one of the major textbooks of AI
(Rich and Knight [12] concludes the book with this:
If there is one single message that this book has tried to convey,
it is the crucial part that knowledge plays in AI programs. [12,
p. 579]

DENDRAL was not the only agent that brought about the shift of
paradigm (at MIT, Moses and the Mathlab/Macsyma group were influential supporters of and early contributors to the expert systems viewpoint),
but it was one of the most significant agents.
By 1967, the DENDRAL project faced a crisis of knowledge representation. The amount of new knowledge (represented as LISP code) that was
pouring in via the knowledge acquisition interactions with the chemists
produced a complexity of the knowledge base that we could neither manage nor sustain. Inspired initially by the Newell-Simon use of productions
as an architecture for problem solving, we conceptualized productions as
modular situation-action "rules" in terms of which we could represent the





knowledge of mass spectrometry. By early 1968, we had re-represented the

entire knowledge base of DENDRAL, had provided a clean representation for the remainder of the DENDRAL Project, and had given ourselves
the right representational leverage for the soon-to-happen MYCIN work.
This contribution of DENDRAL to AI has been one of the most robust.
As expert systems moved into industrial and commercial use, most of the
implementations were rule-based systems.

Well, DENDRAL, what have you done for us lately?

Riding on the maturation of time-sharing technology and the birth of

the ARPAnet, Lederberg and Feigenbaum established the SUMEX facility,
a national computational resource for applications of AI to Medicine and
Biology. DENDRAL was ported to SUMEX's PDP-10 and made available
throughout the 1970s and early 1980s to a wide national community of
academic and industrial chemists. They used DENDRAL primarily to gain
the advantage of its superb structure elucidation methods (not, however, for
its mass spectral analysis expertise).
In the original article that is the subject of this note, we pointed to
a problem of technology transfer at that time: the absence of "satellite
engineering firms" for AI that could "map research programs into marketable
products" that would benefit the chemical industry. In this simplistic wish
of our younger selves was a stunning naivete: that such firms, if they existed
would want to "harden" our software; and that buyers for our software
existed in the industry. Also in the original article, as a way to improve the
chances for technology transfer, and with some prescience, we called for a
small computer to come into being, hopefully inexpensive, that would run
advanced symbolic manipulation languages (we asked for INTERLISP)!
Several factors, not least among which was the impending end of federal
funding for the DENDRAL Project, led Stanford to license the DENDRAL
programs to a company specializing in software for chemical structure manipulation, synthesis planning, and literature searching. The key players of
the DENDRAL Project in the 1980s were all of a breed that might be
called "computational chemists". They were hired by the company to do the
technology transfer, and more importantly for the company to guide and
develop other projects within the firm. (Our former chemist collaborators
regard the DENDRAL Project's training of many of the first generation of
computational chemists as one of the most significant contributions of the
DENDRAL as a software entity with a unique identity was "de-constructed". Its structure manipulation algorithms have been used in the various
products ofthe firm, including three chemical database management systems.

E.A. Feigenbaum, B.G. Buchanan


These systems, using DENDRAL ideas, algorithms, and chemical structure

representations, are used (according to the company) by the "overwhelming
majority of the world's chemical and pharmaceutical industries to manage
their chemical information".
The focus on mass spectrometry was apparently not a marketable focus.
Nor apparently was DENDRAL's unmatched capability to do systematic
structure elucidation even when coupled with excellent modern interactivity that would allow a chemist to shape and control the search for structures.
As AI researchers, we seriously underestimated the problems of technology
transfer and the nature of the barriers to technology diffusion. "Underestimate" is charitable: we really didn't have the foggiest idea. This same lack
of understanding was to plague the embryonic AI software and applications
industry throughout the 1980s. While the small, cheap symbol-manipulating
computers we asked for did indeed help to lower acceptance barriers, we
largely ignored the social, psychological, and business aspects of reluctance
to try new tools. We comment on all of these, and give the subject extensive
discussion in our recent case study paper [9]. We also failed to appreciate
until 1988 [5] the crucial role played by champions of the technology in
industry. A technology does not transfer itself; it is transferred on the strong
shoulders of champions of the technology. None of the early industrial users
of DENDRAL became an industrial champion for DENDRAL.

What about Meta-DENDRAL? What did it do for AI? For industry?

Around the time of Meta-DENDRAL's birth (circa 1970), work in the
machine learning area was at a low ebb (exceptions were Waterman's work
at our lab on learning of production rules, an ancestor of Meta-DENDRAL;
Michalski's work on variable-valued logic and its application to learning;
and Winston's thesis work on concept acquisition). Meta-DENDRAL was
the stimulus that led to the resurgence of the machine learning area. This
was due to three factors:
First, Meta-DENDRAL focused on knowledge: the learning of knowledge,
not process. In addition, it took a knowledge-based approach to the learning
task. Meta-DENDRAL demonstrated in a concrete way that "knowledge
acquisition is itself a knowledge-based task". In the early 19705, these were
powerful ideas.
Second, it turned out that an important part ofMeta-DENDRAL's learning
algorithms were generalizable. The generalizationto Version Spaces was
done by Mitchell [10] in his thesis, spawned much research, and was very
Third, Meta-DENDRAL had demonstrably significant results. A paper
we published in 1976 [4] reported new mass spectral fragmentation rules




for certain subfamilies of the chemical family called androstanes. As far

as we know, it was the first paper in the literature of science that reports
the discovery of new scientific knowledge (albeit of a routine kind) by a
computer program (there is now another). Perhaps in the future that will
be viewed as a landmark event.
We characterized Meta-DENDRAL's task as an induction problem with
not many examples to start with and no teacher to pre-classify them. Some
of the design considerations implied by this goal are still being addressed
by the machine learning community. Here are several examples:


Noisy data: We could not assume that the empirical data given to the
program were complete and correct. The data were known to contain
spurious (noisy) data points and to omit data points that the theory
predicted should be present.
Multiple concepts: Meta-DENDRAL had to learn the preconditions
(LHSs) for more than one concept (mass spectral process), but did
not know how many concepts needed to be learned.
Unclassified data: Meta-DENDRAL was given sets ofx-y points without
havingthose points labeled as positive or negative instances of a concept.
Thus we first had to generate possible explanations of each x-y point
before we could consider positive and negative evidence associated with
each explanation.

This is the stuff of excellent AI science. But did Meta-DENDRAL find

any application in any industrial setting? No. Nor have any of the other
complex machine learning procedures (however, machine induction based
on algorithms of Quinlan have had a marginal success ) The industry of AI
applications is still awaiting the dawn of an era of knowledge engineering
significantly aided by machine learning.


[1] D.G. Bobrow and P.J. Hayes, Artificial Intelligencewhere are we? Artif. Intell. 25 (3)
(1985) 375-415.
[2] J. Brinkley, R. Altman, B. Duncan, B.G. Buchanan and O. Jardetzky, The heuristic
refinement method for the derivation of protein solution structures: validation of
Cytochrome-b562, /. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 28 (4) (1988) 194-210.
[3] B.G. Buchanan and E.A. Feigenbaum, Dendral and Meta-Dendral: their applications
dimension, Artif. Intell. 11 (1978) 5-24.
[4] B.G. Buchanan, D.H. Smith, W.C. White, R. Gritter, E.A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg and
C. Djerassi, Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference, XXII: automatic
rule formation in mass spectrometry by means of the Meta-DENDRAL program, /. Am.
Chem. Soc. 98 (1976) 6168.
[5] E.A. Feigenbaum, P. McCorduck and H.P. Nii, The Rise of the Expert Company (Times
Books, 1988).

E.A. Feigenbaum, B.G. Buchanan


[6] P.D. Karp, Hypothesis formation and qualitative reasoning in molecular biology,
Knowledge Systems Laboratory Tech. Report 89-52, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

[7] D.B. Lenat and E.A. Feigenbaum, On the thresholds of knowledge, in: Proceedings
IJCAI-87, Milan, Italy (1987) 1173-1182; also: Artif. Intell. 47 (1991) 185-250.
[8] R.K. Lindsay, B.G. Buchanan, E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Lederberg, Applications of
Artificial Intelligence for Organic Chemistry: The DENDRAL Project McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1980).
[9] R.K. Lindsay, B.G. Buchanan, E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Lederberg, DENDRAL: a case
study of the first expert system for scientific hypothesis formation, Artif. Intell. 60 (1993)
(to appear).
[10] T.M. Mitchell, Version spaces: an approach to concept learning, Doctoral dissertation,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University (1978).
[11] A. Newell, H.A. Simon and C. Shaw, Chess playing programs and the problem of
complexity, E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Feldman, eds., Computers and Thought (McGrawHill, New York, 1963).
[12] E. Rich and K. Knight, Artificial Intelligence (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2nd cd., 1991 ).


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