EPMA Trade Effluent Standard

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The law stated here is as of 1 August 2008.

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[1st April 1999]

Arrangement of Provisions

1 Citation
2 Definition
3 Particulars to be furnished
4 Trade effluent to be treated
5 Control mechanism for discharge of trade effluent
6 Outlet for discharge to require prior approval
7 Particulars of trade effluent discharge required by Director-General
8 Nature and type of trade effluent to be discharged
9 Trade effluent to be free of certain substances
10 Maximum concentrations of certain substances
11 Method of analysis
12 Penalty
13 Exemption
14 Transitional provisions
Actual Provisions
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Environmental Protection and Management (Trade
Effluent) Regulations.
2. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, controlled watercourse means a
watercourse from which water supplied by the Public Utilities Board under the Public Utilities Act
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(Cap. 261) is obtained but does not include a watercourse from which water is pumped into a main
of the Public Utilities Board.
Particulars to be furnished
3. (1) An applicant applying for a licence under section 15 of the Act shall furnish the DirectorGeneral
(a) particulars of the trade, manufacture, business or building construction carried on or to be
carried on by him and in the course of which the trade effluent is wholly or partly produced
or of which the trade effluent is the waste or refuse;
(b) details of all the processes or operations employed or to be employed by him, to produce
the final products of the trade, manufacture, business or building construction;
(c) particulars of all the raw materials and chemicals used or to be used in the processes or
(d) details of the layout of all the machinery, plant and equipment used or to be used in the
premises in which the trade, manufacture, business or building construction is or shall be
carried on, as the case may be;
(e) an estimate of the amount of water consumed or used or to be consumed or used in the
trade, manufacture, business or building construction;
(f) particulars of the physical, organic and chemical nature of the trade effluent; and
(g) such other information relating to the discharge of trade effluent as the Director-General
may require.
(2) In his application for a licence, the applicant shall furnish the Director-General such other
information as the applicant considers to be relevant to the consideration of his application.
(3) A licensee shall not discharge trade effluent into any watercourse or land otherwise than in
accordance with these Regulations.
(4) A licensee shall, within 14 days of a change in
(a) a process or operation referred to in paragraph (1) (b); or
(b) the layout of the machinery, plant and equipment referred to in paragraph (1) (d),
which affects the amount or the physical, organic or chemical nature of the trade effluent
discharged and which has been made after the Director-General has granted the licence, notify the
Director-General in writing of the change in the process or operation, or the layout of the
machinery, plant and equipment, as the case may be.
(5) Any licence granted by the Director-General to discharge trade effluent into any watercourse or
(a) shall be subject to such conditions as the Director-General may impose;
(b) may be revoked, or suspended for any period, by the Director-General without assigning
any reason; and
(c) shall cease to be valid when the licensee fails to comply with these Regulations or any
condition imposed by the Director-General in granting the licence.

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Trade effluent to be treated

4. All trade effluent shall be treated before it is discharged into any watercourse or land, unless an
exemption is specifically granted by the Director-General.
Control mechanism for discharge of trade effluent
5. A person who discharges trade effluent into any watercourse or land shall, in connection with the
discharge, install such sampling test points, inspection chambers, flow-meters, and recording and
other apparatuses as the Director-General may, from time to time, require.
Outlet for discharge to require prior approval
6. (1) A person shall obtain the prior permission in writing of the Director-General before he
makes or causes to be made any drain or other connection to a watercourse for the purpose of
discharging trade effluent into the watercourse.
(2) In every such case, the position and design of the outlet for the discharge of the trade effluent
into the watercourse shall be approved by the Director-General and shall not be altered or changed
without his prior approval.
Particulars of trade effluent discharge required by Director-General
7. A person who discharges trade effluent into any watercourse or land shall, at such times as the
Director-General may require, submit particulars of
(a) the amount of water consumed or used for the purposes of a trade, manufacture, business
or building construction carried on by him and in the course of which the trade effluent is
wholly or partly produced or of which the trade effluent is the waste or refuse;
(b) the physical, organic and chemical nature of the trade effluent;
(c) the raw materials and chemicals used in the trade, business, manufacture or building
construction and the direction of the flow of any liquid or the trade effluent from or produced
by the machinery, plant and equipment used in the trade, business, manufacture or building
construction; and
(d) such other information relating to the discharge of the trade effluent as may be required
by the Director-General.
Nature and type of trade effluent to be discharged
8. (1) No trade effluent other than that of a nature or type approved by the Director-General shall
be discharged into any watercourse or land.
(2) The temperature of the trade effluent shall not exceed 45 Celsius at the point of its entry into
any watercourse or land.
(3) The pH value of the trade effluent shall not be less than 6 nor more than 9 at the point of its
entry into any watercourse or land.
(4) The caustic alkalinity of the trade effluent shall not be more than 2,000 milligrams of calcium
carbonate per litre at the point of its entry into any watercourse or land.
Trade effluent to be free of certain substances
9. The trade effluent discharged into any watercourse or land shall not contain any of the following
(a) radioactive material;
(b) any pesticide, fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, rodenticide or fumigant;

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(c) refuse, garbage, sawdust, timber, human or animal waste or solid matter;
(d) petroleum or other inflammable solvent; or
(e) a substance that either by itself or in combination or by reaction with other waste or
refuse may give rise to any gas, fume, or odour or substance which is or is likely to be a
hazard to human life, a public nuisance, injurious or otherwise objectionable.
Maximum concentrations of certain substances
10. (1) The Director-General may stipulate
(a) the maximum volume and quantity of a substance which may be discharged into a
watercourse; and
(b) the maximum rate at which the substance may be so discharged.
(2) Subject to paragraph (1), no person who has been informed by the Director-General by notice in
writing of the volume, quantity or rate may discharge the substance into a watercourse in a volume,
quantity or at a rate in excess of that so stipulated.
(3) Any trade effluent analysed in accordance with regulation 11 shall not contain the following
substances in concentrations greater than those set out below:
Limit for
Limit for
discharge into a
discharge into
watercourse other
a controlled
than a controlled
watercourse in
in milligrams
milligrams per litre
per litre of
of trade effluent
trade effluent
(a) Total Suspended Solids
(b) Sulphide (as sulphur)
(c) Cyanide (as CN)
(d) Detergents (linear alkylate
sulphonate as methylene blue
active substances)
(e) Grease and Oil
10 (Total)
1 (Total)
10 (Hydrocarbons)
(f) Arsenic
(g) Barium
(h) Iron (as Fe)
(i) Boron
(j) Manganese
(k) Phenolic Compounds
(expressed as phenol)

(4) The 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand at 20 Celsius (referred to in this paragraph as BOD)
and the Chemical Oxygen Demand (referred to in this paragraph as COD) of any trade effluent
analysed in accordance with regulation 11 shall not be in proportions greater than those set out
(a) 50 milligrams per litre of BOD and 100 milligrams per litre of COD where the trade

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effluent is discharged into a watercourse other than a controlled watercourse;

(b) 20 milligrams per litre of BOD and 60 milligrams per litre of COD, where the trade
effluent is discharged into a controlled watercourse.
(5) The concentrations of the following metals in the trade effluent shall not exceed those set out

(a) Cadmium
(b) Chromium (trivalent and
(c) Copper
(d) Lead
(e) Mercury
(f) Nickel
(g) Selenium
(h) Silver
(i) Zinc

Limit for discharge into a

watercourse other than a
controlled watercourse in
milligrams per litre of trade

Limit for discharge into a

controlled watercourse in
milligrams per litre of
trade effluent




(6) Where 2 or more of the metals specified in paragraph (5) are present in the trade effluent, the
concentration of the metals shall not be more than
(a) 1 milligram per litre where the trade effluent is discharged into a watercourse other than a
controlled watercourse; and
(b) 0.5 milligram per litre where the trade effluent is discharged into a controlled
(7) The concentration of
(a) free chlorine shall not exceed 1 milligram per litre where the trade effluent is discharged
into a watercourse;
(b) colour shall not exceed 7 Lovibond Units where the trade effluent is discharged into a
(c) phosphates, expressed as PO4, shall not exceed 5 milligrams per litre where the trade
effluent is discharged into a watercourse other than a controlled watercourse and 2
milligrams per litre where it is discharged into a controlled watercourse;
(d) calcium and magnesium, expressed as Ca and Mg respectively, shall not exceed 150
milligrams per litre where the trade effluent is discharged into a controlled watercourse;
(e) nitrate, expressed as NO3, shall not exceed 20 milligrams per litre where the trade
effluent is discharged into a controlled watercourse;
(f) chloride, expressed as Cl-, shall not exceed 250 milligrams per litre where the trade

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effluent is discharged into a controlled watercourse;

(g) total dissolved solids shall not exceed 1,000 milligrams per litre where the trade effluent
is discharged into a controlled watercourse;
(h) sulphate, expressed as SO4, shall not exceed 200 milligrams per litre where the trade
effluent is discharged into a controlled watercourse;
(i) tin shall not exceed 5 milligrams per litre where the trade effluent is discharged into a
controlled watercourse; and
(j) beryllium shall not exceed 0.5 milligram per litre where the trade effluent is discharged
into a controlled watercourse.
Method of analysis
11. For the purposes of these Regulations, the trade effluent discharged into any watercourse or
land shall be analysed in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Public Health
Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation of
the United States, as amended from time to time, or in accordance with such other method of
analysis as the Director-General thinks fit.
12. Any person who contravenes regulation 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 shall be guilty of an offence and
shall be liable
(a) on the first conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 and, in the case of a continuing
offence, to a further fine not exceeding $300 for every day or part thereof during which the
offence continues after conviction; and
(b) on a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding $20,000 and, in the case of
a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $500 for every day or part thereof
during which the offence continues after conviction.
13. The Director-General may exempt a person or class of persons from any provision of these
Transitional provisions
14. (1) Any document or written permission prepared, made, granted or approved under the
revoked Trade Effluent Regulations (Cap. 348, Rg 4) in relation to the discharge of trade effluent
into a watercourse shall, as far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of these Regulations,
continue and be deemed to have been prepared, made, granted or approved under the
corresponding provisions of these Regulations.
(2) A permission granted under regulation 4 (2) of the revoked Trade Effluent Regulations in
relation to the discharge of trade effluent into a watercourse shall continue and be deemed to be a
licence granted under section 15 of the Act for the discharge of trade effluent into a watercourse,
until such time when it is revoked by the Director-General.
[G.N. Nos. S 160/99; S 265/2005]
This legislation was last amended on 31 Jan 2008

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