Problem and Review of Literature: Surigao Del Norte National High School Peñaranda ST., Surigao City

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Surigao del Norte National High School

Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Chapter 1


This chapter includes the introduction, review of

literature, conceptual framework, statement of the problem,
scope and limitation, the significance of the study, and the
definition of terms.

The Badjao tribe consists of nomadic seafaring individuals.

The men of the tribe are expert spearfishers known as pantana

fishermen. Badjao have different mode of dressings, dances,

languages, superstitious beliefs, and literature. Given that they

are an ethnic group, the badjao have a vibrant culture, which

includes their language. Although their linguistic

characteristics have been preserved, they are still being

treated unfairly because they cannot effectively interact with

residents. Discrimination and self-fulfilling prophecies are

experienced by Badjaos. They were labeled as having low emotional

quotient, poor hygiene, and slow learners. They struggle to

interact with others and communicate their needs and wants due to

a language barrier .Because of these, the researchers want to

explore and expand the knowledge about badjao community. Thus,

this study aims to learn about the values, belief and traditions

of the badjao community in Surigao City.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

According to Valdeavilla (2018), the majority of them has

emigrated to neighboring countries like Malpaysia and Indonesia,

whereas the people who stayed in the Philippines relocated. Many

of them were forced to migrate to urban areas due to loss of

employment and state neglect. Begging has become a common means

of subsistence for many. Although some people may believe that

badjaos beg because they do not want to work ,In reality, the

reason for this is that they are unaware of any other

opportunities to make money to pay for their daily meals.

Executive assistant Gary Arellano(2019),stated that the NBI is

still investigating and cannot confirm that the syndicate

controls Badjaos. They currently know that Badjaos send their

collections to the head of their family or tribe (Alejano,2019).

Due to their lack of access to government social services,

healthcare, and education, the majority of Badjaos are

particularly vulnerable to exploitation by organized crime groups

looking to use them as street vendors in urban areas (Dela Cruz,

2019). In addition, Hadja tribe men place a higher value on

daily income than attending school, leading to children begging

in the streets (LA Dator, 2018). Based on these statements from

the said researchers, they focus more on how badjao people behave

today and claim the way badjao make a living is by begging for

money. To address these gaps, the Badjao are a nomadic tribe that

lives in boat houses or stilt huts on shallow water and relies on

traditional free-diving for fish and pearls. Therefore, the main

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

source of income for the Sama-Bajau people is fishing and other

related activities.

The values, beliefs, and traditions of the Badjao community

in Surigao City are the focus of this study. They were frequently

the target of prejudice and discrimination, and the city dwellers

excluded them from the society making them otherized.This is

against the citizen of the Philippines' right to freedom of

movement throughout the entire nation, regardless of gender,

ethnicity, or even social class (Dela Cruz, 2019). As far as the

researchers are aware, the Badjao population in Surigao City only

relies on government assistance. But in this study, the

researchers want to learn more about them by interviewing and

surveying their traditions, values, and worldviews to demonstrate

that the Badjao community is comprised of great native people.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

t spring water for the treatment and cure of disease. This therapy has been practiced all

over the world from early history (Hamzah, Z. et. al.,2013).

Hot Springs are therefore widely used for bathing and curative purposes. They

are classified in different ways according to their physicochemical characteristics, such

as temperature, pH, alkalinity and salinity, among others (Esperanza, R., et. al.2014).

The physical and chemical parameters of groundwater play a significant role in

classifying and assessing water quality according to Anjali, D. et. al.,(2013). Physical

and chemical characteristics of hot springs can vary from spring to spring. They can vary

in temperature, flow rates, composition, and other properties (Rosales 2003).

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Patil. P.N, et al., (2012) said that water is one of the most important and

abundant compounds of the ecosystem. In the earth, all living organisms need water for

growth and survival. As of this moment, only earth is the planet having about 70 % of

water. Therefore it is necessary that the quality of the water should be checked. The

availability of good quality water is an indispensable feature for preventing diseases and

improving quality of life. It is very essential and important to test the water before it is

used. Water must be tested with different physic-chemical parameters. Selection of

parameters for testing of water is solely depends upon for what purpose we going to use

that water and what extent we need its quality and purity. Water does content different

types of floating, dissolved, suspended and microbiological as well as bacteriological

impurities. Some physical test should be performed for testing of its physical appearance

such as temperature, color, odour, pH, turbidity, TDS etc, while chemical tests should be

perform for its BOD, COD, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, hardness and other characters.

For obtaining more and more quality and purity water, it should be tested for its trace

metal, heavy metal contents and organic i.e. pesticide residue.

Generally water in hot spring is basic, and in some of hot springs the water is

acidic. Chemical content of the water in hot springs changes according to the chemical

composition of rocks situated on path of the hot water flow. When the temperature of

water increases, it caused to increase the dissolving rate of minerals. So it may be a

reason to increase the herbal value of water in hot springs (Rajapaksha, B. et. al.,2014).

Some physical and chemical parameters are tested regularly for monitoring

quality of water such as the following according to Patil. P.N, et al., (2012):

Temperature controls the rate of all chemical reactions, and affects fish growth,

reproduction and immunity. Drastic temperature changes can be fatal to fish according

to Patil.P.N, et al., (2012). Springs with a temperature between 35° and 45°C are

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

mesothermal; those with higher temperatures are hyperthermal and lower temperatures,

hypothermal (Esperanza, R., et. al.2014).

pH is most important in determining the corrosive nature of water. Lower the pH

value higher is the corrosive nature of water. pH was positively correlated with electrical

conductance and total alkalinity (Guptaa 2009). The reduced rate of photosynthetic

activity the assimilation of carbon dioxide and bicarbonates which are ultimately

responsible for increase in pH, the low oxygen values coincided with high temperature

during the summer month. Various factors bring about changes the pH of water. The

higher pH values observed suggests that carbon dioxide, carbonate-bicarbonate

equilibrium is affected more due to change in physico-chemical condition


Electrical Conductivity shows significant correlation with ten parameters such as

temperature , pH value , alkalinity , total hardness , calcium , total solids, total dissolved

solids , chemical oxygen demand , chloride and iron concentration of water. Navneet

Kumar et al (2010) suggested that the underground drinking water quality of study area

can be checked effectively by controlling conductivity of water and this may also be

applied to water quality management of other study areas. It is measured with the help

of EC meter which measures the resistance offered by the water between two platinized

electrodes. The instrument is standardized with known values of conductance observed

with standard KCl solution. High conductivity increases corrosive nature of water.

Dissolved Oxygen is one of the most important parameter. Its correlation with

water body gives direct and indirect information e.g. bacterial activity, photosynthesis,

availability of nutrients, stratification etc. (Premlata Vikal, 2009). In the progress of

summer, dissolved oxygen decreased due to increase in temperature and also due to

increased microbial activity (Moss 1972, Morrissette 1978, Sangu 1987, Kataria, 1996).

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

The high DO in summer is due to increase in temperature and duration of bright sunlight

has influence on the % of soluble gases (O² & CO²). DO in sample is measured

titrimetrically by Winkler’s method after 5 days incubation at 293 K. The difference in

initial and final DO gives the amount of oxygen consumed by the bacteria during this

period. This procedure needs special BOD bottles which seal the inside environment

from atmospheric oxygen.

Salinity measures all the salts dissolved in water. Salinity is often measured by

measuring how well electricity travels through the water. This property of water is called

conductivity. Water that has dissolved salt in it will conduct electricity better than water

with no dissolved salt. The more salt that is dissolved in the water, the better the water

conducts electricity (McCaffrey S.).

Turbidity is a measure of the light-transmitting properties of water and is

comprised of suspended and colloidal material. It is important for health and aesthetic

reasons. Higher levels of turbidity are associated with disease causing bacteria’s (Patil.

P.N, et al., 2012).

Total dissolved solids (TDS) are a measure of salt dissolved in a water sample

after removal of suspended solids. TDS is residue remaining after evaporation of the

water. The TDS load carried in streams throughout the world has been estimated by

Livingston (1963) to 120 mg/L (Patil. P.N, et al., 2012).

Chemical composition consist in hot springs water has its own beneficial for the

human’s health where it generally can increase metabolism, accelerate healing, soothe

muscles, improve blood circulation and detoxify the body’s lymphatic system. The

composition and physical properties of various hot springs waters are vary in term of

salt, sulphate and chloride content (Hamzah, Z. et. al 2013).

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

These literature and studies are important as they help the researchers to gain

further ideas regarding the main focus of the study. This will serve as the basis to the

researchers to understand the concept in analyzing water quality of the Hot Spring.

Chapter 3


This chapter contains the research methodology use in this study. It includes the

research design, research locale, materials and data gathering procedures.

Research Design

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

An experiment method of research was used in the study. It aimed to analyze the

water quality of the Hot Spring water in the upper and lower stream of the research


Research Locale

This study was conducted at Mapaso Wellness Resort. Mapaso Wellness Resort

is a hot spring area located at Brgy. Magsaysay, Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines. It

can be reach through riding bus, multicab, tricycle and even motor bike.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Figure 1. Location Map of the Study.


2 Mineral Water Bottles

1 Ice Box

1 Thermometer


6 pcs. 100 mL Beaker

1 pc. 600 mL Beaker

1 Wash Bottle

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Tissue Paper

Data Gathering Procedures

In order to facilitate data gathering, a strategy was employed. Permission to

conduct a test/experiment was sought from the office of Chemistry Division in Caraga

State University, Ampayon, Butuan City.

A letter was given also to the Mapaso Wellness Hot Spring personnel asking

permission to conduct and get a water sample in the research locale. Upon approval, the

researchers measured and recorded the temperature of the spring from the upper and

lower stream and got 1 liter bottle of water sample from the upper and lower stream,

then it was preserved in the ice bucket with ice inside.

The water should be tested before 24 hours so upon getting water from the

spring, the sample was brought immediately to the Chemistry Laboratory of Caraga

State University where the testing will be done.

To determine the water quality of the water sample, a multi-tester, beaker, wash

bottle, and tissue was used. The researcher asked assistance to the laboratory in-

charge and the test was conducted.

Each water sample had undergone three trials to have an accurate average. The

lower stream was first tested using the multi-tester of different parameters (pH,

temperature, conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solids, resistivity, dissolved oxygen,

and turbidity) and after was the upper stream of the water sample. The remaining water

in the bottle was used to rinse the probe of the multi-tester after it was sunk in the

beaker of water sample and tap wipe using tissue paper to avoid contamination for the

next sample. Then the result revealed was recorded in a table ready for interpretation.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Physical Parameters


The researcher brought a thermometer to the Mapaso Wellness Hotspring. Upon

approval from the personnel, the researcher measured its temperature within 1 minute,

three times in both stream to get an accurate mean.


To measure the murkiness of water the researcher used 3 vials and Turbidimeter

(TN-100). The researcher washed the inside and outside of the vials using the water

sample in the lower stream. And the researcher labeled the first vial as Trial 1, the

second vial as Trial 2 and the third vial as Trial 3. Then, the researcher get the water

sample of the lower stream and put a quantity of water in each vials not exceeding to the

line of the vials which indicates required amount of water. After that, researcher turn on

the turbidimeter and press the button “read” to measure the turbidity of water. Waited

until the turbidimeter stops and recorded the data. The researchers repeated the

process in Trial 2 and 3. Then, the researcher rinsed again the vials for the water sample

of the upper stream to avoid contamination.

Chemical Parameters


To measure the pH the researcher prepared a muti-tester with a probe PH-C301,

wash bottle with distilled water, 3 beakers for every trial and tissue. After preparing,

researcher washed the beakers using the water sample in the lower stream. And the

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

researcher labeled the first beaker as Trial 1, the second beaker as Trial 2 and the third

beaker as Trial 3. After the beaker, the researcher rinse the probe PH-C301 with distilled

water and tap wipe using a tissue paper and connected the probe to the multi-tester.

Then, the researcher get the water sample of the lower stream and put 3/4 of a water in

each beakers. After that, researcher turned on the muti-tester and selected the “pH” as

the first parameter to be measured. Put the probe to the first beaker and press the

button “read” to measure the pH of water. Wait until the “lock” symbol appears beside

the number meaning it was stabilized. And then recorded the data. Then, the researcher

rinsed again the probe for the next trial to avoid contamination. The researcher repeat

the process in Trial 2 and 3, and to the water sample in the upper stream.

Conductivity, Salinity, Resistivity and Total Dissolved Solids

To test the Conductivity, Salinity, Resistivity and Total Dissolved Solids, the

researcher prepared a muti-tester with a probe CDC401, wash bottle with distilled water,

3 beakers for every trial and tissue. After preparing, researcher washed the beakers

using the water sample in the lower stream. And the researcher labeled the first beaker

as Trial 1, the second beaker as Trial 2 and the third beaker as Trial 3. Then, the

researcher rinsed the probe with distilled water and tap wipe it using a tissue paper and

connected it to the multi-tester. After that, the researcher selected the parameter to be

measured either Conductivity, Salinity, Resistivity and Total Dissolved Solids. Put the

probe CDC401 to the first beaker and press the button “read” to measure the parameter

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

the researcher measured. Wait until the “lock” symbol appears beside the number

meaning it was stabilized. And then the researcher recorded the data. Then, the

researcher rinsed again the probe for the next trial and to the next parameter to avoid

contamination. The researcher repeat the process in Trial 2, Trial 3 and to remaining


Dissolved Oxygen

The researcher prepared a muti-tester with a probe LDO101, wash bottle with

distilled water, 3 beakers for every trial and tissue. After preparing, researcher washed

the beakers using the water sample in the lower stream. And the researchers labeled the

first beaker as Trial 1, the second beaker as Trial 2 and the third beaker as Trial 3. Then,

the researcher rinsed the probe with distilled water and tap wipe it using a tissue paper

and connected it to the multi-tester. After that, the researcher select “DO” as the

parameter to be measured. Put the probe to the first beaker and press the button “read”

to measure the Dissolved Oxygen of water. Wait until the “lock” symbol appears beside

the number meaning it was stabilized. But in DO the researcher only get the range of

the Dissolved Oxygen. And then the researchers recorded the data. Then, the

researcher rinsed again the probe for the next trial to avoid contamination. The

researcher repeated the process in Trial 2 and 3 and to the water sample in the upper


Finally the researcher analyzed the significant difference of the data using T-test

statistical treatment.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Chapter 4


Based on the data gathered, the researchers come up with the following results

and findings.


Problem 1. What is ………………

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Table 1. Water Quality results in the Upper Stream

Upper Stream
Parameters Remarks
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean

Physical Parameters

Temperature 38°C 38°C 38°C 38°C Mesothermal

Turbidity 5.83 NTU 6.42 NTU 6.44 NTU 6.23 NTU Excellent

Chemical Parameters
pH 5.79 pH 5.78 pH 5.76 pH 5.78 pH

Conductivity 2.81 mS/cm 2.78 mS/cm 2.80mS/cm 2.80mS/cm
Salinity 1.43 g/kg 1.47 g/kg 1.45 g/kg 1.45 g/kg
Total Dissolved Unacceptable
1383 mg/l 1445 mg/l 1428 mg/l 1419 mg/l
Resistivity 390 Ω.cm 354 Ω.cm 359 Ω.cm 368 Ω.cm
Dissolved 4.82-5.02 5.28-5.48 5.07-5.27 5.06-5.26
Oxygen mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

Water quality parameters are divided into physical, chemical and biological.

Examples of physical water quality parameters are temperature, and turbidity. Examples

of chemical water quality are pH, conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solids, resistivity,

dissolved oxygen, heavy metals, nitrate and phosphorus. Examples of biological water

quality parameters are pathogens and indicator microorganism.

Table 1 shows the feature of the physical and chemical parameters of the upper


Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

The first physical parameter is the temperature that was measured using

thermometer. The temperature recorded for the three trials remained constant which

was 38°C and the mean is also 38°C which means that the temperature is mesothermal.

Springs with a temperature between 35° and 45°C are mesothermal; those with higher

temperatures are hyperthermal and lower temperatures, hypothermal.

Another physical parameter is the Turbidity. Turbidity is the ability of light to pass

through water, that is, a measure of the water’s murkiness. Measuring murkiness gives

an estimate of suspended solids in the water. 5.83 NTU was the reading for the first trial,

the second trial was 6.42 NTU and 6.44 for the third trial. The mean of the trials is 6.23

NTU which indicates excellent turbidity. Less than or equal to 10 NTU’s indicates

Excellent water in terms of turbidity. 15 to 30 NTU’s indicates Fairness in turbidity and

greater than 30 NTU’s indicates Poor water in relation to the measurement of the

turbidity. High turbidity is often a sign of poor water quality and associated with disease

causing bacteria’s.

The first chemical parameter was the pH. Potential of Hydrogen (pH) is a

measure of how acidic or basic water is. The first trial read 5.79 pH, the second trial was

5.78 pH and on the third trial, it resulted in 5.76 pH. The average of the three trials was

5.78 which implies that the water in the upper stream is acidic since the range goes from

0 - 14, with 7 being neutral, below 7 is acidic and more than 7 is basic. Water with a pH

of five is ten times more acidic than water having a pH of six.

Conductivity is the ability of water to pass an electrical current. When we

measure conductivity, we are measuring how easily electricity is flowing through the

water and we get an indirect estimate of how many salts are in. In the first trial, the result

was 2.81 mS/cm. The second trial read 2.78 mS/cm and 2.80 for the last trial. The mean

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

was 2.80 mS/cm which means that the water has low conductivity. Basically, low

conductivity (0 to 200 mS/cm) is an indicator of pristine or background conditions.

Midrange conductivity (200 to 1000 mS/cm) is the normal background. High conductivity

(1000 to 10,000 mS/cm) is an indicator of saline conditions

. The next parameter was Salinity. Salinity is the ability to measure all the salts

dissolved in water. The more salt that is dissolved in the water, the better the water

conducts electricity. The first trial was 1.43 g/kg, second trial 1.47 g/kg and third trial

1.45 g/kg. The mean of these trials was 1.45 g/kg which implies that the type of the

water is brackish water. Brackish water is a mixture of fresh water and seawater which is

below approximately 33g/kg or 33 ppt. Seawater generally ranges from 33 ppt to 38 ppt.

Freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams contain some dissolved matter—1 ppt or less.

Hypersaline water, or brine, is very salty seawater, above approximately 38 ppt

Another chemical parameter is the Total Dissolved Solid. Total Dissolved Solid

(TDS) is any minerals, salts, metals, cations or anions dissolved in water. It comprises

inorganic salts and some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water.

1383 mg/l was the reading first trial. The second trial was 1445 mg/l and the last trial

read 1428 mg/l. The mean was 1419 mg/l and it means unacceptable water for human

consumption because it falls in the range between 900 and 1200mg/L. Accordingly,

excellent is less than 300 mg/L; good, between 300 and 600 mg/L; fair, between 600

and 900 mg/L; poor, between 900 and 1200 mg/L; and unacceptable, greater than 1200


Resistivity is the ability of water to resist an electrical current, which is directly

related to the amount of dissolved salts in the water. Water with a high concentration of

dissolved salts will have a low resistivity. On the first trial, the result was 390 Ω.cm, the

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

second trial was 354 Ω.cm and in the last trial it resulted into 359 Ω.cm. The mean was

368Ω.cm and it indicates medium resistivity. Pure Water has an approximate resistivity

20,000,000, Distilled Water is 500,000, Rain Water is 20,000, Tap Water is 1,000 –

5,000, Brackish water is 200, Coastal seawater is 30, Open seawater is 20 – 25. Since

the type of water is brackish, it falls approximately 200 Ω.cm resistivity.

Next is the Dissolved Oxygen where the range was being recorded. Dissolved

Oxygen (DO) is the amount of oxygen that is present in the water. The dissolved oxygen

level can be an indication of how polluted the water is and how well the water can

support aquatic plant and animal life. In the first trial, the result ranged 4.82-5.02 mg/L.

On the second trial, it ranged 5.28-5.48 mg/L and on the last trial the range was 5.07-

5.27 mg/L. A mean range of 5.06-5.26 mg/L means good value and better water quality.

2-4 mg/L indicates only few value/level of DO, 4-7 mg/L have good value/level of DO

and 7-11 mg/L indicates very good DO level.

Table 2. Water Quality results in the Lower Stream

Lower Stream
Parameters Remarks
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean

Physical Parameters

Temperature 36°C 36°C 37°C 36.33°C Mesothermal

Turbidity 14.91 NTU 15.99 NTU 15.93 NTU 15.61 NTU Fair

Chemical Parameters

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

pH 6.13 pH 6.20 pH 6.30 pH 6.21 pH Acidic

2.46 Low/Pristine
Conductivity 2.35 mS/cm 2.58mS/cm 2.46mS/cm
Salinity 1.35 g/kg 1.29 g/kg 1.32 g/kg 1.32 g/kg Water
Total Dissolved
1330 mg/l 1293 mg/l 1315 mg/l 1313 mg/l

Resistivity 382 Ω.cm 391 Ω.cm 386 Ω.cm 386 Ω.cm
Dissolved 6.15-6.35 6.10-6.30 6.70-6.90 6.32-6.52
Oxygen mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

Table 2 shows the feature of the physical and chemical parameters in the Lower

Stream. The water has undergone three trials. The temperature was measured using the

thermometer. On the first and second trial, the temperature was constant which is 36°C

and on the third trial, the temperature rose to 37°C. The mean of the temperature is

36.33°C which means that the temperature is mesothermal.

Turbidity was also measured. 14.91 NTU was the result of the first trial. On the

second trial, it read 15.99 NTU and 15.93 for the last trial. The mean was 15.61 NTU

and indicates fairness in turbidity.

The first chemical parameter is the pH. The pH of the first trial was 6.13 pH, 6.20

pH for the second trial and 6.30 pH for the third trial. It got an average of 6.21 pH which

means that the water is acidic since 6.21 pH is below 7 pH which is the neutral level.

Next is the Conductivity of the water. On the first trial, the result was 2.35 mS/cm.

The second trial was 2.46 mS/cm and 2.58 mS/cm for the last trial. The average was

2.46 mS/cm. It means low conductivity which indicates pristine water.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Another parameter is the Salinity. 1.35g/kg was the result for the first trial; 1.29

g/kg for the second trial and 1.32 g/kg in the third trial. It got an average of 1.32 g/kg that

means the water is brackish water.

The next parameter tested was the Total Dissolved Solid. 1330 mg/l was the

result for the first trial. 1293 mg/l on the second trial and 1315 mg/l for the last trial. The

average was 1313 mg/l which implies that the water is unacceptable for human


Another is the Resistivity. On the first trial, it read 382 Ω.cm. Second was 391

Ω.cm and 386 Ω.cm for the third trial. 368 Ω.cm is the average and it means that the

water has medium resistivity since it a brackish water.

Dissolved Oxygen was also tested. The first trial ranged 6.15-6.35 mg/L, the

second trial ranged 6.10-6.30 mg/L and third trial ranged from 6.70-6.90 mg/L. It got an

average range of 6.32-6.52 and that means the water is of good value.


Table 3. Comparison of the Mean of both Upper and Lower Stream

Mean of the Mean of the

Parameters Indicators Upper Stream Lower
Physical Parameters

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

<35°C - Hypothermal
35°C-45°C - Mesothermal 38°C 36.33°C

>45°C - Hyperthermal

<10 NTU - Excellent 6.23 NTU

15-30 NTU -Fair 15.61 NTU


>30 NTU - Poor

Chemical Parameters
<7 - Acidity 5.78 pH 6.21 pH

pH 7 - Neutral

>7 - Basic
0-200mS/cm - Pristine 2.80mS/cm 2.46mS/cm
200-1000mS/cm - Normal
1000-10000mS/cm - Saline

< 1 g/kg - Freshwater

Salinity <33 g/kg – Brackish water 1.45 g/kg 1.32 g/kg

>38 g/kg - Hypersaline

<300 mg/L - Excellent

300-600 mg/L - Good

600-900 mg/L - Fair

Total Dissolved Solid
900-1,200 mg/L - Poor

>1200 mg/L- Unacceptable 1419 mg/L 1313 mg/L

Approximately 20,000,000
Ω.cm – Pure Water
Approximately 500,000 Ω.cm
Resistivity – Distilled Water
Approximately 20,000 Ω.cm
- Rain Water

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Approximately 1,000- 5,000

Ω.cm - Tap Water
Approximately 200 Ω.cm 368 Ω.cm 386 Ω.cm
- Brackish Water
Approximately 30 Ω.cm
- Coastal Water
Approximately 20-25 Ω.cm
- Open Seawater
< 2 mg/L - Low
2-4 mg/L - Few
Dissolved Oxygen 4-7 mg/L -Good 5.06-5.26 mg/L 6.32-6.52
7-11 mg/L - Very Good

McCaffrey, S. Water Quality Parameters and Indicators. Namoi Catchment
Management Authority.
Patil. P.N., et al. (2012). Physico-Chemical Parameters for Testing of Water – A
Review. International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3 (3).

Table 3 shows the mean of all the parameters tested in both upper and lower

stream. It indicates the comparison of both streams in different parameters.

The temperature of the upper stream is more hot compared to lower stream but

both water samples indicates mesothermal which means medium ranges of temperature

and pressure.

Turbidity indicates excellent in upper stream which supports good quality of the

water but the lower stream indicates fair turbidity, thus they differ in quality.

The pH in both stream are acidic. The more the less than 7 are the pH, the more

it is acidic. So if it is compared, the upper stream is more acidic (5.78 pH) than the lower

stream (6.21 pH) of the water sample. In conductivity, both upper and lower stream of

the water sample indicates low conductivity which is less than 200 mS/cm, ( 2.80 mS/cm

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

and 2.46 mS/cm respectively). Though lower stream is greater than in the upper stream,

both indicates a pristine condition of the water sample.

Salinity is defined as the ability to measure all the salts dissolved in water. The

water is both in a range of brackish water, not quite saltwater, but it’s definitely not fresh

water. Also, the resistivity of the water is both in a range of brackish water that indicates

approximate medium level of resistivity in 200 ohms centimeter.

Total Dissolved Solid of the water samples differ from the upper to lower stream.

Though they differ in value but they are in the same range that indicates high level of

TDS that generally considered unfit and unacceptable for human consumption. The

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) of the upper and lower stream are not the same in number but it

both indicates the same in range, means good dissolved oxygen level that supply good

water quality.

Table 4. Significant Role of Water Quality Parameters

Parameters Water Quality Significant Role

Physical Parameters

Medium ranges of temperature and

Temperature Mesothermal pressure which means medium
Turbidity Excellent and Fair Higher levels of turbidity are associated
with disease causing bacteria’s.
Excellent and Fair means low levels of
turbidity and indicates low range of

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

disease causing bacteria in water.

Chemical Parameters

The acidity of the water may prove

useful in balneotherapy or treating
pH Acidic
minor scrapes, prevent infection and
skin problems.
Low conductivity decreases corrosive
nature of water. It indicates pristine
Conductivity Low
condition of the water which somehow
good to people.
The type of water is brackish water, not
quite saltwater, but it’s definitely not
fresh water. It provides goods and
Salinity Brackish Water
services that are economically and
ecologically indispensable. It also help
to maintain healthy water environments
Total Dissolved Solid of the water
indicates high level of TDS that
generally considered unfit and
unacceptable for human consumption.
But if the pool water has become
contaminated and the TDS level
Total Dissolved
Unacceptable confirms this, the pool should ideally be
drained and refilled with fresh flowing
water which is the routine in the
Mapaso Hot spring. There is no way to
reduce Total Dissolved Solid effectively
without replacing some or all of the
pool water.
Resistivity Brackish water
Water with a high concentration of
dissolved salts will have a low
resistivity. Thus, resistivity directly

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

related to the significance of salinity.

The amount of oxygen in water, to a
degree, shows its overall health. That
is, if oxygen levels are high, one can
Dissolved Oxygen Good
presume that pollution levels in the
water are low. Good level of Dissolved
Oxygen indicates better water quality.

Water quality defined as the physical, chemical, and aesthetic characteristics of

water. It determines the ‘goodness’ of the water for particular purposes. Water quality in

a body of water influences the way in which communities use the water for activities

such as drinking, swimming or commercial purposes Thus, if the water quality is good,

the health of the people in the community will be ensured safe otherwise it brings

harmful effect to the lives of people in the community.

Table 4 shows the significant role of the water quality parameters of the Mapaso

hot spring to the people in the community. It indicates that each parameter has its

different role not just in a quality of the water but also to the people in the community.

Table 5. Paired T-test on the significant difference between the Water

Quality (Physical Parameters) of the Upper Stream and Lower Stream

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. Decis Interp
Mean Std. Std. 95% (2- ion retati
Deviati Error Confidence tailed on
on Mean Interval of the )
Lowe Upper

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Pair 1 Rejec
Temperature .3333 .2324 3.1008 t HO1 Signif
1.66667 .57735 5.000 2 .038
of Upper 3 5 8 icant
of Lower
Stream Rejec Signif
t HO1 icant
Pair 2
- -
.1505 - .0002
- .26083 9.921 8.6253 2
Turbidity of 9 61.579 64
9.27333 28 9
Turbidity of

Table 5 showed the result on the significant difference between the Water Quality

of the Upper Stream and the Lower Stream in terms of the physical parameters. It has

been showed that the null hypothesis was rejected thus there was a significant

difference between the water quality of the upper stream and the lower stream in terms

of the Temperature and Turbidity. The significant value of the Temperature and Turbidity

were .038 and .000264 respectively. This implied that the Temperature of the upper

stream and in the lower stream has a significant difference in level as well as in terms of


Table 6. Paired T-test on the significant difference between the Water

Quality (Chemical Parameters) of the Upper Stream and Lower Stream

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences T df Sig Decis Interpr

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Mean Std. Std. 95% . ion etation

Deviati Error Confidence (2-
on Mean Interval of the tail
Difference ed)
Lower Upper
Reject Signifi
Pair 1 - HO1 cant
-.4333 -.6834 .01
pH of Upper Stream 3 .10066 .05812 7.45 2
0 -.18327 8
pH of Lower Stream 6

Pair 2
Conductivity of
Upper Stream - Reject Signifi
Conductivity of .3333 4.78 .04 HO1 cant
.12055 .06960 .03386 .63281 2
Lower Stream 3 9 1

Pair 3 Rejec Signifi

Salinity of Upper .1300 4.50 .04 t HO1 cant
.05000 .02887 .00579 .25421 2
Stream – 0 3 6
Salinity of Lower

Pair 4 Do
TDS of Upper - not Not
106.0 49.869 28.792 229.88 3.68 .06
Stream – 17.883 2 Reject Signifi
00 83 36 353 2 7
TDS of Lower 53 HO1 cant

Pair 5 Do Not
- - -
Resistivity of Upper 23.629 13.642 .30 not Signifi
18.66 77.364 40.031 1.36 2
Stream - Resistivity 08 25 5 Rejec cant
7 55 22 8
of Lower Stream t HO1

Table 6 projected the result on the significant difference between the Water

Quality of the Upper stream and the Lower Stream in terms of the chemical parameters.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

It has been showed that the null hypothesis was rejected to the pH, Conductivity, Salinity

which means that the water quality in upper stream and lower stream suggest significant

difference in terms of the abovementioned parameters with the significant value

of .018, .041 and .046 respectively. There was no significant difference between the

water quality of the upper stream and the lower stream in terms of the Total Dissolved

Solids and Resistivity with the significant value of .067 and .305 respectively.

Chapter 5



Mapaso Wellness Resort is a Hot Spring located in Baragay Magsaysay, Mainit,

Surigao del Norte. It is often visited by people since it is known as one of the beautiful

spots in Caraga and also it is reportedly can give medical relief or balneotherapy.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

The researcher conducted this study to analyze the water quality of the Hot

Spring. Specifically, it identified the feature of pH, temperature, conductivity, salinity,

total dissolved solids, resistivity, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity of the hot spring water

in two samples, the upper and lower stream of the spring.

Water Quality is defined by its physical, chemical and aesthetic characteristics of

water. It determines the ‘goodness’ of the water for particular purposes. In determining

the water quality of the hot spring, the researcher asked permission to the Mapaso

Wellness Resort to get a water samples in the locale. The water samples are preserved

in the ice box and immediately tested not exceeding 24 hours in Chemistry Laboratory,

Caraga State University with the used of the Multi-tester and other laboratory

apparatuses with proper assistance of the Laboratory-in-charge.

The parameters are classified into physical and chemical. Example of physical

are temperature and turbidity and for chemicals are pH, Conductivity, Salinity, Total

dissolved Solid, Resistivity, and Dissolved Oxygen.

. The temperature of the hot spring is mesothermal which is just in a medium

hotness type of water. The Turbidity indicates excellent in upper stream which support

good quality of the water and fair in lower stream.

The pH of both streams indicates acidic in nature. The acidity of the water may

prove useful in balneotheraphy or treating minor scrapes, prevent infection and skin

problems. The conductivity of the spring is low therefore it decreases corrosive nature of

the hot spring water and it indicates pristine condition of the water

The Dissolved Oxygen (DO) of the spring indicates good dissolved oxygen level

that supply good water quality and the type of water is brackish water, not quite

saltwater, but it’s definitely not fresh water. The resistivity of brackish water indicates an

approximate medium level of resistivity of 200 ohms centimeter.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Total Dissolved Solid of the water indicates high level of TDS that generally

considered unfit and unacceptable for human consumption. But if the pool water has

become contaminated and the TDS level confirms this, the pool should ideally be

drained and refilled with fresh flowing water which is the routine in the Mapaso Hot

spring. There is no way to reduce Total Dissolved Solid effectively without replacing

some or all of the pool water.

Water quality in a body of water influences the way in which communities use the

water for activities such as drinking, swimming or commercial purposes Thus, if the

water quality is good, the health of the people in the community will be ensured safe

otherwise it brings harmful effect to the lives of people in the community.

The result revealed by the T-test suggested that there was a significant

difference between the results of the physical parameters tested, the Temperature and

the Resistivity in the upper and lower stream of the hot spring, thus the null hypothesis

was rejected. There was also a significant difference to the pH, conductivity, and salinity

which are chemical parameters tested on the water sample, thus also rejected the null

hypothesis. Moreover, there was no significant difference on the Total Dissolved Solids

and Resistivity of the water sample both upper and lower stream, it does not rejected the

null hypothesis.


The feature of the parameters both upper and lower stream identified the water

quality of Mapaso Hot Spring in Barangay Magsaysay, Mainit, Surigao del Norte. Based

from the experiment conducted, the researcher concluded the following:

1. Based from the results in different parameters, the researcher finally concluded

that the water both upper and lower stream of the Mapaso Hot Spring plays

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

significant role to the quality of the water and to the people in the community who

gained benefits in the spring.

2. Though the parameters differ in level, they have the same range of indicators

that identified the quality of the water as good.

3. Thus, the water of Mapaso Wellness Hot Spring is considered as good quality.

That the water can be used in balneotherapy, and proves safe in bathing



The following recommendations are suggested based on the conclusions drawn:

1. The Government tourism in the Municipality of Mainit should have to conduct

further research about the water quality of the spring to ensure the benefits of the

spring to the people in the community.

2. People in the community should have to maintain cleanliness of the spring to

maintain its positive feedback as one of the tourist destinations. However, they

must help promote the spring to others.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

3. Future researchers to include the trace metals that are present in Mapaso Hot

Spring in order to supply information about the condition of the water quality of

the spring.

4. The future researchers must determine and differentiate the water quality of the

spring in the lower stream before and after it is used by the people.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City


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Peñaranda St., Surigao City


Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

The area of the research study, Mapaso Wellness Resort

The upper part of the research locale The lower part of the research locale
where the water samples taken. where the water sample taken.

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Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Apparatus used for determining

Water Sample in a Vial ready for testing
the turbidity of the samples.
its turbidity.

Preparing to connect of pH probe to the The Multi- Tester

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Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Waiting for the result of the tester to stabilize and record the result corresponding to the tested

Rinsing the Dissolve Oxygen probe, Measuring the turbidity in water

before and after testing. sample.
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City


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