Client Response 2

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Assessment item 3

Client Response 2
Value: 20%
Due date: 11-May-2015
Return date: 01-Jun-2015
Length: 1000 words
Submission method options
Alternative submission method

You are a consultant for the business 'CSU eCommerce Consulting Services'.
It is your role within the company to respond to customers that have lodged an eCommerce
query that requires action.
All clients, that you are directed to respond to, have an ongoing relationship with your company
and have pre-paid blocks of time for any queries they have.
Clients need to know that the advice is accurate so you will need to provide references to backup
your assertions.
References used must be from reliable sources; Wikipedia or other crowdsourced services may
contain accurate information, however this advice needs to be backed up with reputable sources
that can withstand scrutiny.

Task Requirements
You are to write a professional business style email response to the following client. A response
example is provided under 'Presentation' below.
Your completed response with references should be prepared in Word format and submitted.

Client 2

Name: Mr Michael Fitzgerald

Background: Business owner of electronics retailer, 'Gadget Garage'.
Incoming correspondence:
I currently run a successful bricks and mortar electronics retail store in a popular retail mall.
I am interested in possibly selling online but am not sure if this is for me. The primary success
factor of my business is the customer service and knowledge my staff provide customers.
I have read about a model of industry analysis developed by Michael Porter that may be of
To help inform my decision making can you please provide an analysis of the factors I need to be
aware of, in possibly trading online.
I look forward to your advice.
Michael Fitzgerald
Owner, Gadget Garage

The objective of this assessment is to develop your ability to:

Analyse technology needs in specific situations and develop customer-focused plans and

Evaluate problems posed by utilising electronic commerce, including security, legal

jurisdictions and effectiveness.

Marking criteria

0% - 49%

50% - 64%

The response provides

some value to the
client but could have
The response
included other key
Value of the response provides little to no
elements or higher
to the client
actionable value to
quality reference
the client.
material in arriving at
the conclusions

Relevance of the
response to the
business case

The response
The response does addresses some
not correctly address aspects of the scenario
the scenario the
raised by the client but
client presented, by overlooks key aspects
use of high quality that will expedite a
reference material. positive conclusion to
their query.

The response is
unclear as to the
next steps the
Clarity of the response business should take
in providing value
or the steps are not
articulated in a
professional or
detailed manner.

65% - 74%

The response provides

a well articulated
response that provides
a range of value and
covers most of the
relevant details of the

75% - 84%

The response provi

provided clear valu
the client but could
have benefited from
some additional

The response
addresses the key
aspects of the clients The response is hig
scenario but overlooks relevant to the clien
some smaller aspects with little or no
that can affect the
omission of any
longer term
relevant aspects.
effectiveness of the

The response is well

The response is hig
articulated with
understandable to th
actionable steps for the The response is easily
client with the
client and most
understandable by a
exception of some
concepts being
client while properly
aspects/concepts th
properly explained to explaining all key
may require further
the client
concepts being raised
explanation as to ho
understanding their
in the response.
they relate to the qu
potential lack of prior
or may be delivered


0% - 49%

50% - 64%

65% - 74%

75% - 84%

The business
example(s) used are of
Use of relevant
The business sources value to this clients
The business examp
No business sources while relevant are of scenario, however
used are of great va
referenced real world used or the quality limited value to the
these could have been
to the response and
business examples
or relevance of these business or
more strongly linked
clearly state the nee
reiterating the
examples are
in the response or
for action in the adv
reasoning for the
addressed within the more relevant
examples exist in
articulating a similar
The core reference
The key reference
material used is
The reference material
material used is from a
from a non
cited is of high quality
Quality of the
non academically
The reference mate
academically based
and for most part was
reference material and
based source or there
used is of a high
source, or
well applied however
application of this
is a limited linkage
quality and is overa
its recency or
material to the
between the high
well linked to the
academically based
relevancy to the case
quality reference
details of the query.
sources are cited in
could have been
material and the
arriving at the
advice being provided.
conclusions reached.
Referencing is missing
An incomplete or
some key components
The reference style
Professional language inappropriate
or included errors
The response is fully
correct and the
referencing style/
and/or some parts of referenced and mostly
language appropria
correct referencing
the response lacked a professional in the
with only some min
style used.
language style is
language used.
professional language
Example required correspondence. Feel free to change.
Dear [Client Salutation and Surname],
Thank you for your query.
I have researched the circumstances of your question and can provide the following response.
[Detailed response with citations]

Please feel free to respond to my query with any further questions you might have.
Jane Smith
Consultant - CSU eCommerce Consulting Services
Ph: 02 69242325
Email: [email protected]

Reference List

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