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CPPREP5010 – Manage Customer Service Activities in the Property


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CPPREP5010 – Manage Customer Service Activities in the
Property Industry
Student Name

My name is written on each page
I have kept a copy of this assessment prior to submission and
Declaration have been advised that the Registered Training Organisation
will be keeping my assessment for auditing purposes
This assessment is my own work


Assessor Name

Assessment Methods (circle whichever is appropriate)

Questions Project Case Study Role Play Observation

Verbal Written Other:

Assessor Feedback S US

Signed: Date:

Instructions to Student:
Please complete all sections in order to be deemed competent in this Unit of
Competency. You will be required to hand in typed assessments. You agree that you
have kept a copy for your records and that the Registered Training Organisation will
be keeping your assessment for auditing purposes.

Instructions to Assessor:

The learner should complete all aspects of this Workbook to be deemed Competent in
this unit.
Some of the activities can be completed in class or they can be taken home as
fieldwork, unless they are being completed via distance education.
Any Assessment completed in class as either a role-play or demonstration needs to
have the attached Assessor Feedback form completed. This needs to be attached to the
learner’s Assessment Booklet.
Alternatively, components of this Booklet can be completed if the learner requires gap
training and assessment combined with Recognition of Prior Learning in the critical
evidence supported for this unit. This can be done verbally via a professional
conversation or evidence can be provided in written form at the discretion of the
Registered Training Organisation.
This document forms part of the overall Assessment for the entire Diploma of
Property (Agency Management) CPP51119.
Reasonable adjustment can be provided in cases as required.
Select the correct answers below:

Q1: Choose the correct statement:

A. Customers are somewhat easy to replace so don’t worry about
how you treat them, especially if you are having a bad day
B. Customers are our most important asset
C. Customers should be treated in the same manner as they treat us
D. If a customer is rude, you have the right to be rude back to them

Q2: SLA stands for:

A. Service Level Attitude
B. Service Level Appraisal
C. Service Level Agreement
D. Such Lovely Attributes

Q3: True or False?

We should always treat tenants well because one day they may become
Buyers and then eventually they will become Vendors
A. True
B. False

Q4: True or False?

Creating a ‘Wow’ factor makes no difference to customers as long as
you have the cheapest price, they will list with you regardless of the
service you offer
A. True
B. False
Q5: If a customer is not happy with our service, it is important to
remember that:
A. Customers are like buses – there will be another one around the
B. We can turn them around by handling their complaint in a
professional manner and finding a solution that works for everyone
C. It doesn’t matter what they think. We are always right.
D. We can just pass them on to a colleague and they’ll know what to do

Q6: The following legislation applies to the property industry:

A. Property Stock Agents Act 2002
B. Property Stock Agents Regulation 2014
C. The Property Market Act 2019
D. A and B

Q7: Customer Service Systems:

A. Are a waste of time and resources
B. Should be well maintained and updated regularly
C. Cost too much and are difficult to use
D. Are too complicated to use so only the Licensee should be trained in
how to best use them

Q8: When an Agent receives feedback, they should:

A. Only pay attention to it if is positive
B. Hide any negative feedback from their manager
C. Thank the customer and collate, analyse and take the feedback into
D. If it was negative, send negative feedback to the customer

Q9: True or False?

The feedback we receive from customers should be used to improve our
systems, processes and policies
A. True
B. False

Q10: True or False?

Coaching, Mentoring and Training cost too much and don’t offer a good
return on investment for a small Agency
A. True
B. False
Q11: Why is it important to identify and manage risk in the Property
A. Risks can lead to issues with severe consequences if not
B. Risks can cost the agency money
C. Risks can impact an agent’s personal reputation
D. All of the above

Q12:. Which of the following sources of risks might impact your

Agencies brand and reputation in the community?
A. Complaint handling procedures
B. Use of Twitter and Instagram
C. Internal team meetings
D. Both A and B

Q13: What is the main Act that informs the WHS process for the
property industry in NSW?
A. The Fair Work Act 2009
B. The Work Health and Safety Act 2011
C. The Privacy Act 1988
D. The Property Stock and Business Agents Act 2002

Q14: Using the Hierarchy of Control, what is the most likely method of
control to use when you are doing an open home and there have been
recent cases of COVID identified in the community?
1. Engineering and isolation
2. Elimination
3. PPE
4. Administration and isolation
Answer the following short answer questions

1. What do you think are the specific needs and expectations from a
customer service perspective of each of the following (25 – 50
words for each):


Vendors expect effective marketing strategies, regular updates on
property listings and market trends, and skilled negotiation to
secure the best sale price. They also value trustworthy advice and
support to navigate the selling process smoothly.


Buyers seek comprehensive information about properties,
assistance throughout the purchasing process, and transparency
regarding pricing and conditions. They value knowledgeable
guidance and support to find a suitable home within their budget
and preferences.


Landlord requires timely rent collection, effective property
maintenance, and prompt resolution of tenant issues. They also
value clear communication regarding property management
activities, regular updates on property performance, and
assistance with legal compliance and documentation. Building a
strong landlord-tenant relationship based on trust and
transparency is essential for providing satisfactory customer
service to landlords.


Tenants expect timely responses to maintenance requests, clear
communication regarding lease terms, and prompt resolution of
any issues. They also value a respectful and professional
relationship with their landlord or property manager.

2. List three legislations relevant to Agents that can impact the way
in which customer service is provided?

1. Property Stock and Business Agents Act 2002 (PSBA)

2. Fair Trading Act 1987
3. Residential Tenancies Act 2010

3. Is it possible for an Agency to provide quality customer service if

their employees don’t feel they are making a genuine
contribution? Discuss your answer (50 – 100 words)


No, this is because employees who lack a sense of purpose or

fulfilment in their work are less likely to be motivated to deliver
quality service. A genuine sense of contribution fosters employee
engagement, leading to higher job satisfaction and a greater
commitment to meeting customer needs effectively. When
employees feel valued and impactful, they are more likely to go
above and beyond to deliver outstanding customer service
4. In your own words, what do you think constitutes great customer
service? (50 – 100 words)


Great customer service is about exceeding customer expectations

by consistently delivering exceptional experiences. It includes
active listening to understand customer needs and problem-
solving, and personalized assistance that meets customer's
preferences. It also clear communication, transparency, and
professionalism at every sector is essential. Great customer
service is also building trust, fostering positive relationships, and
showing empathy towards customers. Finally, it’s about making
customers feel valued, respected, and satisfied with their
interactions, leading to long-term loyalty.
5. Why is feedback from customers about their experience
important for an Agency? (50 – 100 words)


Feedback from customers play a vital role in the company

since it helps the company to know what their progress and what
they could do better. When customers share their thoughts, it
shows the company how to make them happier. Good feedback
can also help the company get more customers because it shows
others that they're doing a good job. It's like a circle - happy
customers give feedback, the company listens and improves, and
then more customers are happy. So, it's important for companies
to keep listening to what their customers have to say since
customers are always right.

6. List three ways in which you can obtain feedback from customers

 Emails
 Surveys
 Free text message
 Direct communication
 Use of social media such as Facebook
 Feedback forums

7. Describe three ways in which employees can learn the skills

needed to provide exceptional customer service

1. Employees to review and analyze customers’ feedback,

including compliments, complaints, and suggestions, can
provide valuable insights into areas for improvement.
2. Companies can organize workshops or seminars led by
industry experts or professionals in customer service. These
events provide employees with valuable insights, tips, and
best practices to enhance their customer service skills.
3. Employees can interact with customers on a daily basis and
learn the necessary skills and confidence in providing
exceptional service by observing experienced colleagues,
receiving feedback, and handling real-life situations.
8. What are the steps that should be taken when a customer
complains? (150 - 200 words)

Listen actively: Allow the customer to express their complaint fully

without interruption. Show empathy and understanding by listening
attentively to their concerns.

Apologize sincerely: Apologize to the customer for any

inconvenience or dissatisfaction they have experienced, regardless of
fault. A sincere apology can help to reduce tension and demonstrate
your commitment to resolving the issue.

Investigate the issue: Gather all relevant information about the

complaint, including details about what went wrong and how it
occurred. This may involve reviewing records, speaking with staff
involved, or examining the product or service in question.

Offer a solution: Once you understand the issue, propose a solution

that addresses the customer's concerns and resolves the problem to
their satisfaction. This may involve offering a refund, replacement,
discount, or other appropriate remedy.

Follow up: After resolving the complaint, follow up with the

customer to ensure they are satisfied with the outcome. This shows
that you value their feedback and are committed to providing
excellent customer service.

Learn from the experience: Use the complaint as an opportunity to

identify any underlying issues or areas for improvement in your
products, services, or processes. Take proactive steps to prevent
similar complaints from occurring in the future.

9. Discuss how employee motivation and satisfaction can impact

customer service (150 - 200 words)

Employee motivation and satisfaction are critical components in

delivering exceptional customer service. When employees feel
motivated and satisfied in their roles, it positively influences their
interactions with customers. Motivated employees tend to approach their
tasks with enthusiasm and a positive attitude, which creates a
welcoming atmosphere for customers. Additionally, motivated
employees are often more productive and efficient, leading to faster
response times and quicker issue resolution. They also demonstrate
initiative and creativity in finding solutions to customer problems,
enhancing overall service delivery. Moreover, satisfied employees are
more likely to build strong relationships with customers, fostering
loyalty and repeat business. Also, employee’s enthusiasm and
professionalism contribute to the organization's brand reputation, as they
serve as effective ambassadors for the company.

10. Employees should be empowered to make decisions around

complaint resolution. Explain how this might impact the customer
service experience (150 – 200 words)

When employees are empowered, they feel a greater sense of ownership

and responsibility for their work. They become more invested in the
success of the organization and are motivated to contribute their best
efforts. This engagement leads to improved job satisfaction, higher
morale, and reduced turnover rates. Employees have the freedom to
adapt and respond to individual customer needs and preferences. They
can exercise judgment and creativity in finding solutions, leading to
more personalized and efficient service interactions. Moreover,
empowered employees are more committed to meet customer
expectations, resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Furthermore, empowering employees fosters a culture of continuous
improvement and innovation within the organization. When employees
are encouraged to experiment, take risks, and share their ideas openly, it
creates an environment where creativity flourishes. This can lead to the
development of innovative products, services, or processes that drive
business growth and differentiation in the marketplace.
You have planned an auction for a large property in a rural area with
a pond, livestock and uneven ground. In keeping with COVID-Safe
Practices you are holding the auction outside.

There has been a much larger turn out than you anticipated including
families with young children and elderly people.

Outline the steps you should take using the Hierarchy of Control to
ensure the safety of all attendees including other staff members,
while maintaining a customer service focussed approach? (250 – 350

Elimination: The first step I will take is to identify any hazards that
can be eliminated altogether. In this scenario, potential hazards may
include uneven ground and the presence of livestock near the auction
area. I will designate a safe area for attendees away from uneven
ground and livestock to eliminate these hazards and ensuring a clear
and hazard-free space for the auction.
Substitution: If elimination is not feasible, I will consider
substituting hazardous elements with safer alternatives. For example,
if the pond poses a risk, I will cover it or create a barrier to prevent
accidental access by attendees, especially children and the elderly.
Engineering Controls: The third step is to implement engineering
controls to further minimize risks. This may involve setting up
barriers or fencing around hazardous areas, such as the pond or
livestock enclosures, to prevent accidental entry. Additionally, I will
ensure adequate lighting and signage to alert attendees to potential
hazards and guide them safely throughout the auction area.
Administrative Controls: I will also implement administrative
controls to manage risks through policies, procedures, and
communication. Prior to the auction, I will provide clear instructions
and safety guidelines to attendees, emphasizing the importance of
staying within designated areas and avoiding contact with hazardous
elements. Also I will assign staff members to monitor the auction site
and enforce safety protocols throughout the event.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Finally, I will provide
attendees and staff with appropriate PPE, such as high-visibility
vests for visibility in the outdoor setting, sturdy footwear for walking
on uneven ground, and face masks for COVID-19 protection. I will
encourage attendees to bring their own PPE if possible and have
additional supplies available onsite.
This role play should take 10 – 15 mins

Pete Jones has contacted you about selling his property. It is a 4

bedroom, 2 bathroom home with a double garage and it is 6 years

He paid $875,000 for it when he bought it and since purchasing it he

has added a swimming pool and re-painted the interior.

He has advised that another Agent has told him he could somewhere
between $1,400,000 - $1,600,000.

He has made it very clear that he will only list with an Agent that
lists the property at this price.

When you check against other recent sales of a similar size and age,
in the immediate vicinity, you believe that the property would only
achieve a sales price of $1,200,000 at most, even with the pool and
the re-paint.

In this role play, you are to ensure you provide Pete with a quality
customer service experience, while explaining to him why he is
unlikely he will achieve this sale price.

Observation Checklist - Role Play 1

The following checklist will be used during the role play by your
Assessor. Your performance will be checked against the assessment
criteria of your role play.

When preparing, use this checklist to understand the skills and

knowledge you need to demonstrate and achieve competency. All the
criteria described in the Assessment Checklist must be met.

The role play should take about 10 - 15 minutes.

You can provide video recording or a podcast for this assessment if

it is being completed via distance learning and there is no teacher to
participate in the activity.
Agent: (Smiling) Good morning, Pete! My name is ……..Thank you for coming in today to discuss
selling your property. Please, take a seat. How can I assist you?
Pete: (Sitting down) Morning. Well, I'm looking to sell my house, and I've heard great things about
your agency.
Agent: (Confidently) Thanks. Before we go into the details of your property, I would like to share a
bit about my background in the real estate industry. I have been working in this field for over 5 years
assisting clients like yourself in achieving their property goals. Over the years, I have developed a
deep understanding of market trends and effective selling strategies, which I'm excited to leverage to
your advantage.
Pete: (Smiling) Likewise, [Student]. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
Agent: Now, Let's talk about your property first. I understand that selling a home can be both exciting
and overwhelming, and my goal is to ensure you have a seamless and rewarding experience
throughout the process. You mentioned it's a 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom home with a double garage, and
it's about 6 years old. Is that correct?
Pete: (Agreeing) Yes, that's right. Plus, I've added a swimming pool and repainted the interior since I
bought it.
Agent: (Acknowledging) Those sound like valuable upgrades. Now, based on recent sales of similar
properties in the area, including yours with the pool and repaint, I estimate the maximum sale price to
be around $1.2 million.
Pete: (Surprised) What? But the other agent said I could get much more! That is the list of my
property should be between $1.4 to $1.6 million.
Agent: (Empathetic) I understand your concern, Pete. However, it's essential to set realistic
expectations based on market trends and comparable sales data. While your property is certainly
attractive with the upgrades, we must consider what buyers in this area are willing to pay.
Pete: (Frowning) I see your point, but I was really hoping for a higher price.
Agent: (Reassuring) I completely understand your perspective, Mr. Smith. It's natural to have high
expectations for your property's value. However, after conducting a thorough analysis and considering
various factors such as comparable sales and current market demand, I believe the most realistic sales
price for your property would be around $1.2 million. Let's work together to get the best possible
outcome for you. We can still market your property effectively and highlight its unique features to
attract potential buyers. And who knows, we might even exceed our expectations!
Pete: (Nodding) Alright, I appreciate your honesty. Let's proceed with listing the property at the price
you suggested.
Agent: (Confidently) Despite the initial estimate, I'm confident that with the right marketing strategy
and approach, we can maximize the value of your property and attract qualified buyers. With your
permission, I'd like to move forward and secure the listing, allowing us to embark on this journey
together towards a successful sale.
Agent: (Smiling) Great! I'll get started on the paperwork right away. And remember, I'm here to
support you every step of the way.
Agent: (Closing warmly) Before we conclude, I'd like to invite any feedback or questions you may
have. Your input is invaluable to me, and I'm committed to ensuring your satisfaction every step of
the way.
Pete: (Appreciatively) Thank you for your professionalism and transparency,
Agent : I'm confident that with your guidance, we'll achieve a successful sale.
STEP Instructions S U/S Assessor Comments

1 The student introduces themselves

and discusses their experience in the

2 The student demonstrates a

knowledge of building rapport and
providing a quality customer

3 The student discusses recent sales

and explains to the Vendor why they
believe the sales price will not be as
high as another Agent has said

4 The student handles any objections

in a professional manner

5 The student secures the listing

6 The student asks for feedback from

the Vendor
Write a Customer Service Script: 250 – 400 words

Instructions – You have just received a call from Fran Frankfurt. She
is interested in selling her home and is shopping around for a good
deal. She has asked you the questions below and she is quite pushy.

Write a script from start to finish that addresses these questions. Be

aware of the customer experience that Fran is receiving when she
talks with you.

The script will start with…

You: Good morning. This is You The Agent speaking.

Fran: Hello You The Agent. This is Fran Frankfurt. I want to sell my
You: ________________________________________________

Questions that Fran will ask you include:

 How much will it cost to sell my home?
 Another Agent offered to sell it for half that cost. What is the
best price you can offer?
 What can you offer that another Agent can’t?
 How long have you been working in the area?
 I want to sell my home for as much as possible. Can you help
me to do this?
Mourta: Good morning, Fran. My name is Mourta and I am the
Fran: Good morning too. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name
is Fran Frankfurt. I want to sell my home.
Mourta: It's a pleasure to speak with you. Thank you for
considering us to help you sell your home.
Fran: How much will it cost to sell my home?
Mourta: That's a great question, Fran. The cost of selling a home
can vary based on a few factors, such as the listing price, any
necessary repairs or upgrades, marketing expenses, and agent
commissions. I would be happy to go over our fees and provide
you with a detailed breakdown.
Fran: Another Agent offered to sell it for half that cost. What is
the best price you can offer?
Mourta: I understand the importance of finding the best value,
Fran. While I can't speak to the specifics of another agent's
pricing, I can assure you that we strive to provide competitive
rates while delivering exceptional service and results. Our goal is
to maximize the return on your investment while ensuring a
smooth and stress-free selling experience.
Fran: What can you offer that another Agent can’t?
Mourta: We take a personalized approach to every listing,
tailoring our strategy to meet your unique needs and goals. Our
team is dedicated to providing top-notch customer service,
utilizing cutting-edge marketing techniques, and leveraging our
extensive network to attract qualified buyers and negotiate the
best possible terms on your behalf. Additionally, our track record
of success and satisfied clients speaks volumes about our
commitment to excellence.
Fran: How long have you been working in the area?
Mourta: We have been proudly serving my community for 7
years, establishing deep roots and building strong relationships
along the way. Our intimate knowledge of the local market
trends, neighborhoods, and amenities enables us to offer valuable
insights and guidance throughout the selling process.

Fran: I want to sell my home for as much as possible. Can you

help me to do this?
Mourta: Absolutely, Fran. Maximizing the sale price of your
home is our top priority. We will work closely with you to
showcase your property's unique features and highlight its value
to potential buyers. From pricing strategies to staging advice to
expert negotiation skills, we will employ every tool at our
disposal to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
Mourta: Is there anything else I can assist you with, Fran?
Fran: No, thanks for your time.


Think of a time when you received exceptionally good customer
service. What was it about the service that made it good? How did it
make you feel? Did you tell anyone about the experience?

One day, I went to my local grocery store to buy some ingredients

for dinner. However, I couldn't find a particular spice that I needed. I
approached one of the store employees, and without hesitation, they
offered to help me locate it. Not only did they guide me to the right
aisle, but they also went out of their way to recommend other similar
spices that might work for my recipe.

Their willingness to assist me and going beyond my expectations

made me feel genuinely cared for as a customer. It was reassuring to
know that I could rely on their expertise to find what I needed. As I
left the store with all the ingredients in hand, I felt grateful for the
exceptional service I had received.

I couldn't wait to share my positive experience with my friends and

family. I mentioned how helpful and friendly the staff at the grocery
store were, and I even recommended it to others in my community.
Their exceptional customer service left a lasting impression on me,
and I knew I would continue to choose that grocery store for my
shopping needs in the future.

By contrast, think of a time when you had a negative customer

service experience. Why was it negative? How did you feel
afterwards? Did you tell anyone about it?

A few months ago, I had a negative customer service

experience at a local shop that sold expired milk. I bought a
carton of milk without checking the expiration date, assuming
it would be fine. However, when I got home and opened it, I
noticed that it had already expired two days earlier. Feeling
frustrated, I returned to the shop to request a refund or an
exchange. However, when I explained the situation to the staff
member at the counter, they were dismissive and reluctant to
assist me. They claimed that it wasn't their responsibility to
check the expiration dates and refused to provide any
compensation. This made me feel disappointed and
inconvenienced, as I had wasted both time and money on the
spoiled milk. I left the shop feeling frustrated and decided not
to return in the future. Later, I shared my experience with
some friends and family members, cautioning them to be
wary of purchasing perishable items from that shop.
Evaluate two people working in the real estate industry and the level
of customer service they provide

Instructions: Attend at least two open homes and complete a

checklist for each open home you attend. You may choose to attend
an open home for the sale of a property and one for a rental property

Open Home One: Property for Sale Date: 4/2/2024

Activity Yes / Comments

The Agent showed a genuine interest in Yes The agent greeted all attendees
all attendees warmly and engaged in conversation
with each one, showing genuine
interest in their needs and

The Privacy Policy was readily available Yes The agent had a visible privacy
and in plain sight policy displayed in the property or
provided it upon request, ensuring
transparency and compliance with

The Agent took all relevant details of Yes The agent diligently collected contact
attendees information and preferences from
attendees, demonstrating
attentiveness and professionalism

The Agent adhered to COVID safe Yes The agent followed all necessary
practices COVID-19 safety protocols,
including wearing a mask, providing
hand sanitizer, and maintaining
social distancing measures.

The Agent asked relevant and engaging Yes The agent asked attendees about
questions their preferences, requirements, and
concerns, fostering meaningful
conversations and understanding
their needs.

Overall feedback relating to the level of

customer service provided by the Agent The agent provided exceptional customer
service, demonstrating professionalism,
attentiveness, and a genuine interest in
meeting the needs of attendees. The
adherence to safety protocols contributed to
a positive open home experience.

Open Home Two: Rental Property Date: 5/2/2024

Activity Yes / Comments

The Agent showed a genuine interest in Yes The agent welcomed all attendees
all attendees warmly and engaged in conversations
to understand their rental preferences
and requirements

The Privacy Policy was readily available Yes The agent provided a copy of the
and in plain sight privacy policy upon request and
ensured that it was visibly displayed in
the rental property.

The Agent took all relevant details of Yes The agent diligently recorded the
attendees contact information and rental
preferences of attendees, demonstrating
thoroughness and professionalism.

The Agent adhered to COVID safe Yes The agent implemented necessary
practices COVID-19 safety measures, including
wearing masks, providing hand
sanitizer, and maintaining social
distancing guidelines.

The Agent asked relevant and engaging Yes The agent asked attendees about their
questions rental preferences, budget, and specific
requirements, facilitating productive
discussions and understanding their

Overall feedback relating to the level of The agent delivered excellent customer service,
customer service provided by the Agent showing genuine interest in meeting the rental
needs of attendees. Their professionalism,
attention to detail, and adherence to safety
protocols contributed to a positive experience.

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