Facts at Your Fingertips: Catalysis Fundamentals

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Facts At Your Fingertips

Catalysis Fundamentals
Department Editor: Scott Jenkins

Catalyst basics
A catalyst interacts with chemical reactants to increase the reaction rate.
Catalysts form fleeting intermediate
chemical complexes with reactants,
allowing the reaction to follow a different mechanistic pathway that requires
lower activation energy (Ea) than the
corresponding uncatalyzed reaction.
Ea is often thought of as an energy
barrier over which the reactants must
pass to form products. Activation
energies are often shown on graphs
that plot reaction coordinate against
thermodynamic free energy (Figure).
Reaction coordinates are one-dimensional representations of the progress
of a chemical reaction.
Catalysts are broadly categorized
as homogeneous or heterogeneous.
Homogeneous refers to those catalysts that are dissolved in the reaction medium, forming a single phase
with the reactants. Heterogeneous
catalysts exist as a distinct phase
from the reaction mixture and are often porous solid particles.
Both categories are important for
industrial chemistry. Examples of liquid-phase, acid-base-catalyzed reactions include hydrolysis of esters and
amides, enolization of aldehydes and
ketones, esterification of alcohols,
halogenation of acetone and others.
Heterogeneous catalysts play a key
role in the production of petrochemicals, including cracking, alkylation,
polymerization, isomerization, dehydrogenation and many others.

Mechanism of action
Most chemical reactions involve simultaneous (rather than sequential) bond
breaking and bond forming. Along
the pathway of reactants to products,
the molecules adopt a configuration
that represents the highest potential
energy state, known as the transition

state. The transition state is

characterized by bonds that
are both partially formed and
partially broken. Catalysts
form an intermediate species
with one of the reactants and
stabilize the transition state,
allowing the reaction to proceed with a mechanism that
requires lower energy. As
products form, the catalyst is

Catalyst features

Increasing energy
Ea for uncatalysed reaction

Energy, kJ

atalysis is among the most important chemical phenomena

in industrial chemistry, as well
as in many biological and research
fields. This one-page reference provides a review of several of the fundamental concepts underlying catalysis.

H for both
catalyzed and

The following summarizes

key catalyst characteristics:
Reversible reactions. In
the case of reversible reactions, the
catalyst acts on both the forward and
reverse reactions. The catalyst does
not affect the position of the equilibrium, but it does accelerate the rate at
which equilibrium is reached.
Energy. The presence of catalyst
does not affect the potential energy
of the reactants or products. It affects
only the activation energy.
Selectivity. In reactions with multiple
feasible mechanisms, catalysts can
often exhibit selectivity by binding to
the transition state in a way that favors one reaction pathway over others. Catalyzed reactions often show a
different product distribution than the
same uncatalyzed reaction.
Reaction rate. In homogeneous-catalyzed reactions, the reaction rate is
generally proportional to the concentration of the catalyst, while in heterogeneous catalysis, the reaction rate is
proportional to the surface area of the
solid catalyst and the concentration of
active centers (catalytic sites).

Solid-catalyzed reaction steps

Solid-catalyzed, fluid-phase chemical
reactions generally undergo the following steps:
1. Diffusion. Reactants in the fluid
phase diffuse to the exterior surface of a catalyst particle and into
the catalyst pores
2. Adsorption. Reactants adsorb to
the active centers in catalyst pores
3. Reaction. The surface-adsorbed
reactants form products


MAY 2015

Activation energies for

the steps of a catalyzed

Reaction coordinate

4. Desorption. The product molecules desorb from the exterior

surface of the catalyst pores
5. Diffusion. Product molecules diffuse back into the bulk fluid
In most cases, one of these steps
contributes most significantly to the
overall reaction rate, and often the
others steps can be ignored or combined when determining reaction
rates. The significance of each step
depends heavily on the reactants
and the reaction conditions.

Influencing factors
The following are factors that can play
a large role in determining which step
is more or less significant:
Fluid-dynamic factors
Catalyst properties (such as particle size, porosity, pore geometry
and surface characteristics)
Diffusion characteristics of fluid reactants and products
Activation energy requirements for
adsorption and desorption of reactants and products to and from
solid surfaces
Overall Ea of the catalyzed reaction
Thermal factors (temperature and
heat-transport characteristics)

1) Perry, R.H. and Green, D.W., Perrys Chemical Engineering Handbook, 7th ed., McGraw Hill Professional,
Section 4, Chapter 12. 1997.
2) Wijngaarden, R.J. and others, Industrial Catalysis: Optimizing Catalysts and Processes, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim,
Germany, 1999.
3) University of Texas, Chemistry 302. Course material on
chemical kinetics. Accessed from ch302.cm.utexas.
edu, April 2015.

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