The Stanford Microarray Database: Nucleic Acids Research, 2001, Vol. 29, No. 1 © 2001 Oxford University Press

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Nucleic Acids Research, 2001, Vol. 29, No. 1

2001 Oxford University Press

The Stanford Microarray Database

Gavin Sherlock*, Tina Hernandez-Boussard, Andrew Kasarskis, Gail Binkley, John C. Matese,
Selina S. Dwight, Miroslava Kaloper, Shuai Weng, Heng Jin, Catherine A. Ball, Michael B. Eisen,
Paul T. Spellman, Patrick O. Brown, David Botstein and J. Michael Cherry
Department of Genetics, Center for Clinical Sciences Research, 269 Campus Drive, Room 2255b,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5163, USA
Received July 28, 2000; Revised and Accepted October 24, 2000

The Stanford Microarray Database (SMD) stores raw
and normalized data from microarray experiments,
and provides web interfaces for researchers to
retrieve, analyze and visualize their data. The two
immediate goals for SMD are to serve as a storage
site for microarray data from ongoing research at
Stanford University, and to facilitate the public
dissemination of that data once published, or released
by the researcher. Of paramount importance is the
connection of microarray data with the biological data
that pertains to the DNA deposited on the microarray
(genes, clones etc.). SMD makes use of many public
resources to connect expression information to the
relevant biology, including SGD [Ball,C.A.,
Dolinski,K., Dwight,S.S., Harris,M.A., Issel-Tarver,L.,
Kasarskis,A., Scafe,C.R., Sherlock,G., Binkley,G.,
Jin,H. et al. (2000) Nucleic Acids Res., 28, 7780],
YPD and WormPD [Costanzo,M.C., Hogan,J.D.,
Cusick,M.E., Davis,B.P., Fancher,A.M., Hodges,P.E.,
Kondu,P., Lengieza,C., Lew-Smith,J.E., Lingner,C. et
al. (2000) Nucleic Acids Res., 28, 7376], Unigene
[Wheeler,D.L., Chappey,C., Lash,A.E., Leipe,D.D.,
Madden,T.L., Schuler,G.D., Tatusova,T.A. and
Rapp,B.A. (2000) Nucleic Acids Res., 28, 1014], dbEST
[Boguski,M.S., Lowe,T.M. and Tolstoshev,C.M. (1993)
Nature Genet., 4, 332333] and SWISS-PROT
[Bairoch,A. and Apweiler,R. (2000) Nucleic Acids
Res., 28, 4548] and can be accessed at http://
Microarray experiments are routinely performed to examine
gene expression (1) or DNA copy number (2) on a genomic
scale. Typically many thousands of DNA samples are arrayed
on a glass slide, and labeled cDNA or genomic DNA from
control and experimental samples are competitively hybridized
to the array. Images of the slide are then acquired and processed to
produce a data file that contains dozens of values per spot for
several thousand spots. Although the salient information for
each spot is the ratio between the experimental and control

samples, the other values may be used as filtering criteria for

determining which data are reliable. Thus access to all the data
for each spot is required for its comprehensive analysis. A
single microarray of 20 000 spots may generate in the order of
a million pieces of information and an experimental series (e.g. 3)
may therefore generate more than 50 million data points. A
major goal of the Stanford Microarray Database (SMD) is to
organize this vast amount of data, such that a researcher can
filter their data to retrieve only that which he or she wishes to
work with, and then perform analyses on that data.
SMD is accessed over the Internet using a web browser, which
allows for significant flexibility and remote access, without the
need for special software installation on client computers.
Updates made to the software that runs on the server machine
are therefore automatically reflected for all users. Although a
few features do require a recent, JavaScript enabled browser,
multiple platforms (MacOS, UNIX and Windows 95/98/2000)
can access SMD without difficulty. SMD runs on a Sun server
running the Solaris operating system, and uses Oracle 8 as the
database management system. Scripts are implemented using
the Perl language (, in conjunction with the
DBI module (,
that allows the scripts to connect to the database, and the CGI
( and GD (http:// modules. For improved
performance some of the more processor intensive tasks
(e.g. clustering, image generation) are implemented in the C
programming language. All of the source code that is used by
SMD will be made freely available to academic researchers
who wish to set up their own database using SMDs model.
Since SMD uses Oracle as its database management system, it
is implemented as a relational database, table specifications for
which can be found at:
SMDs loading program allows Stanford users to load their
experiments into the database via a web form, specifying the location of their data and image files. The user may load experiments
either individually or via a batch procedure, to minimize user time
spent loading. The database accepts data produced by both
GenePix ( and

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 650 498 6012; Fax: +1 650 723 7016; Email: [email protected]

Nucleic Acids Research, 2001, Vol. 29, No. 1

Scanalyze (http://rana.Stanford.EDU/software/), and loading

is implemented via a queuing system, which allows users to
monitor the progress of their experiment loading, and provides
advanced and robust recovery procedures should a problem
occur during loading. Original 16 bit TIFF images are
archived. In addition, during loading, a proxy GIF image is
generated from the two TIFF images. This GIF image is stored
on the file system, and allows the user to visualize and assess
their original data (see below). Data normalization is
performed during loading and both the normalized and original
data are stored.
The data and associated experimental information loaded into
the database are not static, but instead may be later modified by
the owner of the experiment. The owner may opt to modify or
add to any of the associated experimental information (experiment
name, channel descriptions, category, subcategory and experiment description) that describe the types of questions being
asked. In addition the owner may visually inspect their data, by
means of the proxy GIF image, and then flag or unflag their
data based on whether a spot appears to contain reliable
information, either visually, or by some filtering criteria. Users
may also renormalize their data using one of two automated
methods or can enter their own normalization factor.
Normalized data will be recalculated, and the new results
stored in the database.
If there is a systematic problem with a microarray print run
(e.g. a PCR failure occurred for some clones, or some clones
are found to be contaminated) database curators can modify
the details of that print run. All experiments that used microarrays from that print run are automatically updated to reflect
the current information.
One of the larger yet more important challenges facing SMD is
the association of known biological information with
individual spots on an array. Since microarray data cannot be
analyzed meaningfully in the absence of biological context, a
large part of our effort is expended to associate the microarray
data with the most current biological annotation available.
SMD currently contains results for arrays of DNA from eight
organisms, and it is therefore necessary to use several
resources to obtain the biological information about each DNA
sample spotted. For the systematically sequenced ORFs of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SMD stores gene names, biological
process and molecular function from the Saccharomyces
Genome Database (SGD) (4) (
Saccharomyces/), and these are automatically updated when
SGD itself is updated. For Caenorhabditis elegans ORFs,
SMD uses the title lines that are provided by Proteome as part
of their WormPD database (5), which are well-curated information ( For
human and mouse clones, the association between an EST and
a gene is often still being determined and likely to change.
SMD therefore stores human and mouse Unigene (http:// in a relational format within
the database, and updates this data as new Unigene builds are
posted. By storing the accession numbers of each clone that


has been arrayed, SMD is able to connect a clone to its latest

gene assignment through Unigene. Thus when users retrieve or
analyze data, they can always see it in its most current biological
context. SMD also provides hyperlinks to external databases,
where users can view additional information about their genes
or clones of interest.
The large number of experiments in SMD (9022, as of
November 13, 2000, of which 313 are public) necessitates
simple, intuitive interfaces that enable the user to narrow down
the experiments with which they are dealing. For each experiment, SMD records the name of the researcher, a category and
subcategory that describe the biological nature of the experiment, and the organism that served as the source of the DNA
spotted on the microarray. Each of these criteria may be used
simultaneously to create a query that will narrow down the
number of experiments for subsequent examination or
analysis. A researcher may also limit the experiments of
interest based on the print run during which a set of microarrays was fabricated. After selecting the search criteria a
researcher may select whether to look at arrays individually, or
whether to combine the results of the selected arrays for
retrieval and analysis.
SMD offers researchers several options when examining
arrays individually. A researcher may download all the data for
an individual array to a local machine, or examine the data online,
sorted and filtered according to various criteria. Additionally a
user can view the proxy GIF image to evaluate the placement
of the grid used during data acquisition, and elect to change the
flag status of any of the spots. Since the GIF is a clickable
image map, the user can browse the individual spots, viewing
both the data acquired during scanning, and the associated
biological information (Fig. 1).
To analyze microarray data comprehensively, the results of
many microarrays are typically combined. When retrieving
data from multiple arrays simultaneously, a user may apply
several filters to the data as it is processed for retrieval, and
select what biological annotation to have associated with the
data. Filters may be applied on a spot by spot basis
(e.g. minimum signal intensity, or flag status) or on a global
basis (e.g. only retrieve data for genes whose expression varies
by a certain amount). The spot by spot filters may also be
combined using Boolean AND and OR operators, such that a
researcher could request data, for example, from spots that
have normalized ratio > 2 AND (channel 1 intensity greater
> 150 OR channel 2 intensity > 150). After retrieval, data may
be preprocessed, e.g. the data may be log transformed, or a
mathematical operation such as centering the data for each
gene (or experiment) by the median (or mean) expression
value for that gene may be carried out. A file is then generated,
which the user may download for analysis on their local
machine, or the user may continue with online analysis.
Currently SMD provides online hierarchical clustering (6) and
Self-Organizing Maps (7,8), which use XCluster underneath
(9) (
SMD will in future support k-means clustering (10), and the
use of Singular Value Decomposition to find patterns in the
microarray data (11). In addition methods for comparison of
these analysis tools are being developed to allow the researcher


Nucleic Acids Research, 2001, Vol. 29, No. 1

Thus, during a typical analysis run, a user would first select

the experiments in which they were interested, then select the
filtering criteria they wanted to use to retrieve data for those
experiments, and what preprocessing they wanted for the
resulting dataset. Finally they could choose to cluster the
resulting file, and visualize the clustered data in their web
browser, with the biological data in the cluster to help them
interpret the expression patterns.

Figure 1. Zoomed spot image. A close-up of an individual spot, generated

from the proxy GIF image, is shown, with all of the spot parameters, and the
associated biological annotation.

to better understand the similarities and differences in analyses

using different methods.
After the data have been analyzed, files that are compatible
with TreeView (http://rana.Stanford.EDU/software/) may be
downloaded, or the results may be viewed online. Online
browsing of the clustered data is facilitated by clickable maps,
ORF name searches, and display of the joining correlation
between genes or experiments, and links to external biological
databases (Fig. 2).

The enormous quantity of data produced by microarray experiments also poses a challenge for the public dissemination of
the results. Many current publications of microarray results
require supplemental web pages in order to fully release the
data to interested researchers. Furthermore it is in the best
interest of the scientific community at large that the data and
tools are available to all. Therefore SMD is endeavoring to
provide a public interface for data release to the biological
community. The aim is that upon publication, or at the experiment
owners discretion, data will be made world-viewable. Published
data will be organized into curated datasets that can be either
analyzed online or downloaded. The scientific community will
be able to search and analyze experiments by their criterion of
interest, whether it is by organism, by publication, or by category
of experiment. In addition, in collaboration with the Arabidopsis
Functional Genomics Consortium (,
results from plant microarrays are provided. SMD will not
however act as a pubic repository for data, and instead will
make all of its source code available to enable other institutions
to set up their own microarray databases using SMDs model.
SMD will be supported as long as the microarray community at
Stanford University supports and uses it.
Once SMD has met its immediate goals of providing a database that can be used by both local and public researchers to

Figure 2. Hierarchical cluster. A portion of a hierarchical cluster, which can be easily navigated, is shown. Red indicates up-regulation in the experimental sample,
and green indicates down-regulation in the experimental sample, with respect to the control. The intensity of the color indicates the magnitude of up- or downregulation (see 6).

Nucleic Acids Research, 2001, Vol. 29, No. 1

analyze and retrieve microarray data, the project will embark on

some more long-term goals. Of key importance is the annotation
of the experiments themselves. Currently only a limited
amount of information is stored for each experiment. In the
future we hope to allow researchers to store as much information
as would be needed to reproduce their experiments. Although
the storage of these data will be invaluable for people other
than the experimenter themselves, its entry should not be too
onerous on the researcher. A second goal is to implement a
flexible way such that results of analyses can also be stored in
the database. To be useful, this system would need to capture
all the various criteria and parameters that were used in the
analysesin essence the database would store the results of
computer-based experiments, in addition to the microarray
ones, with full information on how to repeat the experiment.
Finally, and closely related to the first two future goals, is the
support of a data exchange format that will allow researchers to
easily exchange microarray data. SMD intends to support and
help define the format being discussed by the Array XML
working group (





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