Viscous Flow in Pipes: Internal Flow External Flow

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(c) Srinivas and Auld 2009 ---- www.aerodynamics4students.


Viscous Flow in Pipes

Pipes are closely associated with fluid flow. We encounter pipe flows almost everywhere- for water
and gas supply at houses and offices, in fluid machinery, for transporting oil over long distances and
at many other places.
A flow can be an Internal flow or an External Flow, the distinction being obvious. Internal flows are
further classified into Pipe Flows and Open Channel Flows. A pipe flow is one where the fluid fills the
conduit completely. The main driving force is pressure although gravity may also be contributing to the
flow. On the other hand, an Open Channel Flow is open where the fluid does not fill the conduit
completely. The driving force now is gravity.

Figure 1: Flow Classification

Classification of Flows, Laminar and Turbulent Flows

A flow can be Laminar,
Turbulent or Transitional in
nature. This becomes a very
important classification of flows
and is brought out vividly by
the experiment conducted by
Osborne Reynolds (1842 1912). Into a flow through a
glass tube (Fig.2. ) he injected
a dye to observe the nature of
flow. When the speeds were
small the flow seemed to
follow a straight line path (with
a slight blurring due to dye
diffusion). As the flow speed
was increased the dye
fluctuates and one observes
intermittent bursts. As the flow
speed is further increased the
dye is blurred and seems to fill
the entire pipe. These are what
we call Laminar, Transitional
and Turbulent Flows.

Figure 2: Reynolds Experiment

A similar experiment may be conducted today using Hot Wire Anemometer, which measures
instantaneous velocities at a point. The traces of velocity at the three regimes of flow are shown in
Fig.3. It is clear that while the laminar flow has a predominant velocity in the main flow direction,
turbulent flow has a significant component of velocity in the flow normal direction. While laminar flow
is "orderly" turbulent flow is "Random" and "Chaotic".

Figure 3: Hot Wire Signals for Turbulent flow (top), Transitional flow (middle) and Laminar Flow
It is also found that a flow in a pipe is laminar if the Reynolds Number (based on diameter of the pipe)
is less than 2100 and is turbulent if it is greater than 4000. Transitional Flow prevails between these

two limits. But it should be pointed out that people have preserved laminar flow at very high Reynolds
number through carefully monitored conditions.

Figure 4: Flow at the entrance to a pipe

Consider a flow entering a pipe. Let us think of the entering flow being uniform, so inviscid. As soon
as the flow 'hits' the pipe many changes take place. The most important of these is that viscosity
imposes itself on the flow and the "No Slip" condition at the wall of the pipe comes into effect.
Consequently the velocity components are each zero on the wall, ie., u = v = 0. The flow adjacent to
the wall decelerates continuously. We have a layer close to the body where the velocity builds up
slowly from zero at wall to a uniform velocity towards the center of the pipe. This layer is what is called
the Boundary Layer. Viscous effects are dominant within the boundary layer. Outside of this layer is
the inviscid core where viscous effects are negligible or absent.
The boundary layer is not a static phenomenon; it is dynamic. it grows meaning that its thickness
increases as we move downstream. From Fig. it is seen that the boundary layer from the walls grows
to such an extent that they all merge on the centreline of the pipe. Once this takes place, inviscid core
terminates and the flow is all viscous. The flow is now called a Fully Developed Flow. The velocity
profile becomes parabolic. Once the flow is fully developed the velocity profile does not vary in the
flow direction. In fact in this region the pressure gradient and the shear stress in the flow are in
balance. The length of the pipe between the start and the point where the fully developed flow begins
is called the Entrance Length. Denoted by Le, the entrance length is a function of the Reynolds
Number of the flow. In general,

0.06 Red for a Laminar Flow


4.4 R 6ed for a Turbulent Flow


At critical condition, i.e., Red =2300, the Le/d for a laminar flow is 138. Under turbulent conditions it
ranges from 18 (at Red = 4000) to 95 (at Red=108)
Application decides whether a long enough entrance length is required or a shorter one is required.
Take wind tunnel for instance. Here the aim is to have a uniform flow over the model in the test
section. So one desires to have a longer entrance length.

Pressure along the pipe

It is easy to visualise that the forces acting upon the pipe flow are inertial, viscous force due to shear
and the pressure forces. Let us ignore gravity, i.e., let the pipe be horizontal. When the flow is fully
developed the pressure gradient and shear forces balance each other and the flow continues with a
constant velocity profile. The pressure gradient remains constant.
In the entrance region the fluid is decelerating. A balance is achieved with inertia, pressure and shear
forces. The pressure gradient is not constant in this part of the flow and in fact, it decreases as shown
in Fig.5 .

Figure 5 : Pressure distribution along the flow in a pipe.

Fully Developed Laminar Flow in a Pipe

We will now consider a fully developed laminar flow in a pipe and derive an expression for the velocity
profile and then deduce some results important from a practical point of view. This derivation can be
carried out in a number of ways - (1) by a Control Volume Analysis, (2) from Navier-Stokes Equation
and (3) by a Dimensional Analysis. We follow the first approach.
Volumetric Flow Rate
Another quantity of interest in pipe flows is the volumetric flow rate, which is obtained by integrating
the velocity profile. Considering a disc of thickness dr at a radius r we have

dQ=2 r dr u

Q=0 2 V c
leading to


r dr

R2V c


If we now define an average velocity, V, such that


Q= r 2 V we can verify that

V c P D2
32 l


The volumetric flow rate written in terms of pressure gradient becomes,


D4 P
128 l


Correction for non-horizontal pipes

If the pipe considered in the previous

analysis were not horizontal, one should
include gravity effects in calculating velocity
and volumetric flow rates. Referring to Fig.8.
we see that if the flow is inclined at an angle
to the horizontal, the pressure
difference term need be modified.
Accordingly, the force balance becomes

P l sin 2


We need to replace the pressure difference

term in other equations as well. Accordingly,

D4 P l sin
128 l


P l sin D 2
32 l



Figure 8: Flow through an inclined pipe.

Energy Considerations, Friction factor

Figure 9: Energy balance for a pipe flow.

Consider the pipe flow as in the previous section and perform a energy analysis. With reference to
Fig. 9, we have for a mass balance,

1 A1 V 1=2 A2 V 2


Since the flow is incompressible and it is a constant area pipe, we have,

V 1=V 2=V


Now applying the energy equation for a steady flow,

z = z h f



Note that every term in the above equation has dimension of length. We are considering a fully
developed flow, which means that 1=2 . We have no external features between (1) and (2) to
add in or take away energy. As a result, loss of head is given by,

h f=

P1 P2

z 2z 1


A force balance in x-direction on the control volume gives,

Note that,

L sin = z

P R2 R2 L sin w 2 R L=0
P R2 R2 zw 2 R L=0
Dividing by

R2 we have

2 L
z = w

An inspection of Eqns 12 and 13 shows that



2 w L
4 w L
or h f =


Again we remind ourselves that this result is valid for both laminar and turbulent flows.
Dimensional Analysis
Through a dimensional analysis it is possible to derive an expression for "loss of head" in a pipe flow.
Assuming that pressure drop is proportional to pipe length it can be shown that

32 l V
64 l
Re D


Thus pressure drop now becomes,


l V
P= f
D 2





The non-dimensional quantity f is referred to as "Darcy's Friction Factor". For a laminar flow it is given




It is left for the student to show that


8 w


Turbulent Flow through Pipes

Turbulent Flows can be calculated using the Navier-Stokes equation along with a model for
turbulence. Several models have been developed for the purpose. They start from the simple
algebraic models to the most involved Reynolds stress modelling. In addition, Direct Numerical
Simulation (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) are among the recent computational methods to
handle turbulent flows. A full discussion of these is beyond the scope of a first course in Fluid
Mechanics. However many of the textbooks available do cover these topics.
Based on experimental findings a velocity profile has been arrived at and is called Logarithmic
Overlap Law. This can be developed as follows.

Logarithmic Overlap Law

Figure 10 : Logarithmic Overlap Law

Figure 11 : Velocity and Shear Stress profiles for a Turbulent Boundary Layer
A typical boundary layer velocity profile for a turbulent flow about a flat plate is shown in Fig.10. This
profile is to be studied along with the shear stress profile also shown in Fig. 11. The profile is marked
by three distinct zones or layers- (1) Wall Layer, (2) Outer Layer and (3) Overlap Layer.
Wall Layer
Wall Layer is the one is closest to the wall. In this layer the flow is dominated by viscous shear force.
From Fig. 11, it is clear that shear stress is almost constant in this layer. By defining a friction velocity

u *=
it is established that for this layer,


u =y



u +=

y u*
y =


recalling that =/ . The wall layer extends from the wall to a y+ of about 5 and merges with the
logarithmic profile in the Overlap region at around a y+ of 30.
Overlap Layer
Overlap layer is in between the wall layer and the outer layer. As the name indicates, both laminar
and turbulent shear stresses prevail in this region. The velocity profile is given by the logarithmic law,

u + = ln y + B

where the Karman constant,


B5.0 .

is 0.41 and

Outer Layer
Outer Layer is next to the Overlap Layer. It is found that in this layer u is independent of ,
molecular viscosity. The flow is dominated by turbulent shear. The velocity profile is now given by the
Velocity Defect Law -

U u


Power Law Velocity Profile

In many engineering calculations it is usual to employ a power law velocity profile given as

u = y n = 1 r



The exponent "n" is a function of Reynolds Number. However, n=7 seems to be applicable to a wide
range of pipe flows and is the one commonly used. It is referred to as "One seventh power law". The
power law cannot be used to calculate the wall shear stress as it gives an infinite velocity gradient at
the wall.
For a power law it can be shown that the ratio of average velocity to the centreline velocity is given by,

2 n2
U n12n1
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