Children As Artists

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Learning together series

Children as artists

How to help children learn

Try to see things from their point of view. Understanding how children see the world
will help you to help them as they learn.
Let children be children. A skilled five year old grows from a busy four year old, a
curious three year old, a cuddled two year old, an adventurous one year old and a
communicative baby.
Be a playful companion. You can enjoy childhood with the children as well.
Feelings matter both the childrens emotions and your own are part of any
situation with young children. It is very helpful to be aware of your own moods as
well as the childrens when enjoying yourself with them and during difficult moments.
Dont expect to be perfect. Everyone does something they dont mean
sometimes. Children can be forgiving as long as we are thoughtful most of the time
and are ready to say sorry when we should.

Children as artists
Young children are artists. They use all sorts of
materials to show what they have noticed about
the world. They might draw the rain falling onto the
tent during a family holiday, paint a giraffe seen at
the zoo, model a fish from clay and press patterns
into its body. What they make can say more about
their experiences than they are able to describe in
words because, with their hands, they can show
the fatness of those clouds, the giraffes long neck
or the amazing scales on the fish.

But children need help to become artists. Just as

you help plants to grow, you can provide the right
conditions to help children develop as artists.

What children need to

become artists
First-hand experiences
It is easy to give children something to make
art about. There are so many rich experiences
to be had in quite simple everyday activities like
feeding the ducks, walking in the rain, cuddling
a rabbit, collecting leaves, seeing a fire engine,
having a picnic in the garden, going to the zoo
or listening to a piece of music. Anything that
involves doing and using their senses (touching,
looking closely, smelling, moving about, listening)
will give children something to think about and
ideas for things to make things they can say
using materials.

Good materials to use

Children will use anything to make marks
tomato ketchup and spilt milk are two favourites.
They love to use all of the following, and more.
Drawing. Chalks and pastels, wax crayons,
pencils, felt-tip pens (many wash off just with
water) and charcoal sticks.

Painting and printing. Readymixed liquid paints

sold in bottles are easier to manage than the
little water-colour paint boxes.

Cathy Myer

Paper to draw, paint and print on. Any kind of

paper will do brown wrapping paper, large
sheets of coloured paper, plain white drawing
paper, old rolls of wallpaper or scrap paper
that has already been used on one side. Each
gives children a different experience.
Modelling. Home-made playdough and other
soft modelling materials (especially clay),
cardboard boxes and tubes, wood, glue and
card, building bricks and construction kits.
Cutting, weaving, wrapping and sticking. All
sorts of materials are useful here fabric, wools,
ribbons and paper including used giftwrap,
tissue paper and sweet wrappers. Scissors
are essential and must be sharp enough to
cut, as children get frustrated by trying to learn
to cut with blunt scissors. (Make sure that
good scissors have rounded ends and always
supervise children when they use scissors.)
The natural world provides free art materials
including leaves, petals, feathers, pebbles,
gravel, bits of bark, sticks, sand and mud.

Space for being creative

Cover a big table or the floor with newspaper
or a plastic tablecloth to keep things clean. A
tray or a wooden board on the table or floor
can also provide a good flat surface that is
easy to wipe down.
Making art outside is wonderful and there are
many simple ways to provide outdoor spaces for
making art. Peg a sheet of paper to the fence for
painting on, offer chalks for drawing on paving
slabs, lean a board against a wall to make an
easel or lay a board across bricks to make an
outside table. Children can even paint on walls
using just water.
Blackboards are very useful as they can be
wiped clean and used time and again. They can
also be turned into an easel by clipping a piece
of paper over the surface. The sand pit gives
a great opportunity for building sculptures in
sand, shaping and carving it to make threedimensional shapes.

New skills

Time for being creative

Children need to be shown how to use all

these materials. They need to know how to
use scissors and glue, how to mix paints, how
to squeeze, roll out and join clay, how to press
things into the clay to make patterns and textures
and how to load a sponge with paint and print its
shape onto a surface.

Making something takes time. Children need

to feel that there is no rush that what they are
doing is important. If it is possible, children love
to have a space ready for making art, where they
can go whenever they want to make a model or
a picture. This doesnt need to be a large space
and could be a corner at home which is set up
for making. Of course, this isnt always possible
but a cupboard, shelf or box full of a childs
art stuff that is always in reach is just as useful.
Children like to choose what they need and help
to clear away afterwards.

This is not the same as showing children the

right way to draw a cat. The adult way of
drawing a cat using two circles with ears and
a tail has nothing to do with childrens own
experience of a cat. They can draw (paint, stick,
model) cats in any way they choose once
they have been shown how to use the stuff for
making their art.

Learning together series

Someone to talk to
One of the best ways to help children develop as
artists is to talk about what they have done. It is
not very encouraging if you always ask What is
it? when they bring a drawing or model for you
to look at. But asking children to talk about what
they are doing is often very revealing and thrilling.
Children look at the world and show it in amazing
ways. They choose what is important to them
the fluffiness of a cat, perhaps and describe it
with marks. Young children dont care much about
drawing something that is correct. Everyone
knows that cats have four legs so they may not
bother to draw the right number of legs on their
cat but that fluffy coat might be really special to
one child and so that is what she will draw.
Talking to children about what they have made
will help them to develop their language but it
also shows them you think their art is important.
Children need confidence to learn anything, and
knowing that you value what they do is a great
boost to confidence.

Valuing what they make

Time spent talking to children is one way of
showing that you value their art. Another is to show
it to family and friends. Art is made to be seen and
shared, so put it up on the wall or on a shelf so
that others can enjoy it. It can be difficult to keep a
collection of models on the shelf for a long time as
they take up space and can fall apart when moved.
A photograph of the clay pig or the playdough pizza
is an exciting record of the original and will give you
all something to talk about. Pictures are easier to
keep as they can be collected into a folder. If you
date them they will be a real treasure to look back on.

Creative ideas to enjoy with

Babies and toddlers
Put a large piece of paper or a plastic
tablecloth on the floor and one or two pots of
paint with a brush in each for a baby or toddler
to explore the magic of colour. This is even
better outside on a warm day when it can be
done with no clothes on.

Provide a bucket of water and a decorating

brush or a paint roller for painting the outside
walls or the fence with water.

Provide plastic pots containing liquid paint and a

plastic tray for finger painting.

Make playdough by mixing 300 grams of flour

with 100 grams of salt and gradually adding
water. Add food colouring.

Provide damp sand with scoops, spoons, spades

and lolly sticks for carving. Provide plastic tubs
and cardboard boxes for moulds for the sand.

Provide a range of tools for painting, such as

pieces of sponge, strips of stiff card, sticks and
short-handled brushes.

Children age three to four

Babies learning starts

from the first day

Provide cardboard boxes for your child to

cover with paint. They can be left plain or
they can be painted with patterns. Use them
afterwards to build colourful towers, castles
and walls.

Go for a walk and make a collection of

things, such as a green collection or a soft
collection. If you collect several different
types of things, you could sort and group
them together at home.

Children as artists
Useful publications
Helen Bromley (2006) Making my own mark:
play and writing, London: Early Education.
Ursula Kolbe (2005) Its not a bird, yet,
London: Peppinot Press.

Peg a large piece of paper to the fence or a

board for painting on. Provide wide and narrow
household paintbrushes.

Make pavement art by providing chalks for

drawing on the patio or the path.

Go for a walk to collect leaves, grasses, moss,

shells, sticks, pebbles or feathers. These can
be arranged into patterns and used over and
over again.

Make natural weavings by wrapping and winding

wools round a stick or even a tree trunk.

Tear, roll, twist and scrunch papers, and glue

them to a piece of paper or card to make a
lovely textured surface.

Cathy Myer (2003) Not just pictures, London:

Early Education.

Make a collection of things that can be painted

on one side and pressed onto a piece of paper
to make a printed pattern. A good way of
making a printing pad is to squeeze some liquid
paint onto a plastic tray or saucer, cover it with
a piece of J-cloth and press the printing object
onto the pad. The paint squeezes through the
J-cloth and the shape of the printed object
comes out clearly.

Useful contacts

Collect pebbles, shells, sticks, stones, corks,

old keys anything to press into sand to
make patterns.

Provide clay for modelling. Clay is strong and

really holds its shape. It is great for exercising
hand and arm muscles that are needed for
drawing, painting and writing. Roll, squeeze and
pinch the clay into shapes. Press things into it to
make patterns and textures.

Cathy Myer is a freelance consultant and

writer for art, early years and primary
education. Although mainly working
with adults she still enjoys
teaching and learning
from children.

Ursula Kolbe (2007) Rapunzels supermarket,

second edition, London: Peppinot Press.
John Matthews (2003) Drawing and painting
in early childhood: children and visual
representation, London: Paul Chapman.
Cathy Myer (2000) Not just pictures: children
developing creativity through art, London:
Early Education

Most art galleries and museums have

special activity days, so look out for those
which are suitable for young children in your
local area.
Libraries also offer activities and are a good
source of information for whats going on.

Learning together series

British Association for Early Childhood

Education (Early Education)

The Learning together series of leaflets aims to help

parents and other caring adults understand childrens
development, play an active part in their learning and
enjoy the children they spend time with. The leaflets
cover a wide range of topics, including life with babies and
toddlers, childrens behaviour, being outdoors, drawing
and writing, reading, maths, ICT and equality and more.
The leaflets can be downloaded from the Early Education

Registered as a Charity in England and Wales No. 313082

Registered as a Charity in Scotland No. SC039472
A company limited by guarantee

Early Education promotes the right of all children to education of the highest quality. It provides
support, advice and information on best practice for everyone concerned with the education
and care of young children from birth to eight.

Early Education
136 Cavell Street, London E1 2JA
tel 020 7539 5400

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