A Review On Growth & Future Plans of Solar Power Generation in India

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)

[Vol-2, Issue-3, March- 2015]

ISSN: 2349-6495

A Review on Growth & Future Plans of Solar

Power Generation in India
Dheerendra Kumar Singh1, Nagendra Kumar Swarnkar2, Dr. Mahendra Lalwani3

M.Tech. scholar, Power Systems, Apex Instiutte of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Apex Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering (RTU), Kota

AbstractAlthough energy is a prime agent in the

generation of wealth but energy crisis is one of the biggest
issues due to limited availability of fuel or raw material for
conventional sources. In addition, the increasing prices of
oil, gas, coal and uranium (for nuclear power) also indicate
the demand of some other sources to generate the power
which do not affects the environment and fulfill the power
demand of rural and urban areas effectively & efficiently.
Therefore alternate sources must be targeted to meet the
reliable& quality power continuously. Renewable energy
sources have the enormous potential and can fulfill the
present energy demand. Major types of renewable energy
sources include solar, wind, hydro and biomass, all of
which have great potential of energy. Solar energy is clean,
pollution-free, reliable and most promising & more
predictable than other renewable sources and less sensitive
to changes in seasonal weather. This paper presents a
review of growth, advantages and applications of solar
energy in India.
Keywords- Conventional sources, Energy crisis, Quality
power, Renewable energy, Solar energy.
Since the energy is a significant factor in economic
development, it is considered as a prime agent in the
generation of wealth. Limited fossil resources and
environmental problems associated with them have
emphasized the need for new sustainable energy supply
options that use renewable energies. Renewable energy
(RE) sources have enormous potential and can meet much
higher times the present world energy demand. They can
improve diversity in energy supply markets, secure longterm sustainable energy supplies, and reduce the
atmospheric emissions locally & globally[1]. They can also
provide commercially attractive options to meet exact needs
for energy services particularly in developing countries and
rural areas, create new business & new job opportunities,

and offer possibilities for local manufacturing of apparatus.

In this paper, a review and study on growth of solar energy
& future plans to meet energy demand in Indian scenario is
presented.Major types of renewable energy sources include
solar, wind, hydro and biomass, all of which have great
potential to meet future energy challenges.Solar power is
one of the most promising & more predictable than other
renewable sources and less sensitive to changes in seasonal
weather. Whereas, generation of power from other
renewable sources is limited to sites where these resources
exist in sufficient quantities and can be harnessed, solar
energy can produce power at the point of demand in both
rural and urban areas [2].
Table 1.1 shows the comparison of solar energy &oil
resources which shows why the solar energy is future of
country in power sector [3].








effect of use



Solar Energy
They are abundant
Can be
Zero emission
Pollution free
& environment
Used where it is
available or
transported where

Oil Resources
They are abundant in
Ore is drained, can't
Releases greenhouse
Harmful to the
Has to be transported
from its source site
forfurther processing,
exposing the
environment to
pollution from

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Climate change








Energy Supply

Evenly distributed
in the world

Leads to more
development. i.e.
more jobs
Need storage
between production
and consumption.
Depends on
altercation of
Large amount of
land is required
Reduces our
reliance on oil,
Safe guarding
national security.
Allows for selfsufficiency
High Capital and
Maintenance cost

Once generated,
they produce high
amount of energy

Uneven distribution
which leads to flow
gapand price
Lesser sustainable

[Vol-2, Issue-3, March- 2015]

ISSN: 2349-6495

an average of 3.6% per annum over the past 30 years [2].

Portable form of
energy. Easy to store
Do not depend on
Not large
geographical area is
Over-reliance on oil
as a resource can
undermine a
countrys energy
Cost of producing is
low since they are
naturally available.
Furthermore they are
cheap to transform
fromone form of
energy to another.
Limited supply only


The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE)
provides lot of fiscal & non-fiscal incentives for the
promotion of RE such that concessional excise & custom
duties, generation based incentives, Viability Gap Funding
(VGF), enforcing the Renewable Purchase Obligations
(RPO) and other. At G20 Summit 2014, the Prime minister
of India stressed the need to improve generation of clean &
green energy in competition of conventional energy.
According to National Action Plan on Climate Change
(NAPCC), a minimum share of RE in national grid was
only 5 percent in 2009-10 and it should have to be increased
by 1 percent every year so as to reach 15 percent by 2020.
In actual practice, the share of RE has been increased from
7.8 percent to 12.3 percent in last five years i.e. from 2008
to 2013. India is world's 6th largest energy consumer,
accounting for 3.4% of global energy consumption. Due to
India's economic rise, the demand for energy has grown at

Fig. 1: RE at a glance (as on June 2014) [4]

In September 2010, the installed power generation capacity
of India stood at 164,835.8 MW, while the per capita energy
consumption stood at 612 kWh whereas in June 2014, the
installed power generation capacity of India stood at
2,45,273 MW, in which 31,707 MW was shared by RE. Fig.
1 shows the division of total installed capacity and RE
installed capacity of India [4].
MNRE set a target to install 29,800 MW in addition from
various RE sources during the five year plan period (i.e.
upto March 2017) which includes small hydro, wind, bio
and solar power are expected to 2100 MW, 15,000 MW,
2700 MW and 10,000 MW, respectively. Fig. 2 shows the
year wise growth of RE till FY 2014.

Fig. 2 Year wise growth of installed capacity of RE in India

(as on June 2014) [4]
Fig. 3 shows how the cumulative capacity is continuously
increasing globally and what will be it up to 2030 [5].

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)

Fig. 3: Advanced scenario of Globally Cumulative Capacity

up to 2030 [5].
Solar power is becoming more and more popular as the oil
prices keep increasing. The demand of natural resources
such as coal, oil and gas continues to grow on a daily basis
worldwide. These types of fuels are playing a role of
destruction in terms of global warming and increasing air
pollution. Consequently, solar power is one of the best
alternatives that provide solutions of above problems. Solar
power is known to be one of the cleanest renewable
energies today. Worldwide, electric power generation
creates 40 percent of the pollution contributing to global
warming, and is the fastest-growing source of such
pollution. However, usage of solar energy is spreading
significantly as the demand for electricity increases
throughout the world. Solar electricity is an equally
significant energy option for developed and developing
countries because of the cost of transmission lines and the
difficulty of transporting fuel to remote areas, developing
countries are increasingly turning to solar energy as a costeffective way to supply electricity.
The solar energy provides electricity without giving rise to
any carbon dioxide emission. Although the cost of
generation of electricity through solar is high but for large
plant &in long term, the running cost & maintenance cost
per peak KW are reduced at a level which is low as
compared to other conventional plants. Also the efficiency
of solar power plant is constantly increased due to new
innovations in the field of material of PV cell. In todays
scenario, cost of solar power has become down to $ 0.12
per KWH and concentrated solar power has become $ 0.21
per KWH in India [4].Due to this process & MNRE
provides some beneficial financial schemes, the prices of
PV cell further reduces and hence expected generation
through solar increases.The mission of Jawaharlal Nehru
National Solar Mission (JNNSM) is to meet its total
deployment target 20000 MW by 2022.

[Vol-2, Issue-3, March- 2015]

ISSN: 2349-6495

Fig. 4: Solar reaches grid parity with conventional power

between 2016 and 2018 (Source: A T Kearney)[10]
Between years 2016 to 2018, the structure of solar industry
will rapidly evolve as solar reaches grid parity with
conventional poweras shown in fig. 4 [10].
Solar power technologies may be divided as follows [1]:
Photovoltaic Cells (PV)
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
Crystalline solar cells
Amorphous Solar Cells
Other Solar Cells (Edge Defined Film fed Growth)
According to their applications, the type of solar power
technology is used. The advantages of using solar power are
proven itself due to its economic & environmental aspects:
For solar power generation, fuel is freely available.
Most of the PV cells are from silicon which is
abundant and nontoxic element.
It does not generate any types of polluting gases
and harmful emissions.
Life of PV cell is approximately 30 years and also
it is safe & reliable.
Recycling of PV cellis possible as this may help
environmentally and reduce the cost of fabrication.
PV cells & its modules are almost maintenance
free and may install easily.
Solar power for rural areas is advantageous where
the power transportation from conventional
sources is not possible.
Solar PV modules may install at roof top of the
public & residential buildings which makes ecobuildings and positive energy buildings.
It creates job & business opportunities globally.
It increases the security of energy supply,
economic growth and environment protection.
Solar power has many applications in which following
are very common [1]:
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)

Grid-connected domestic systems

Grid-connected power plants
Off-grid systems for rural electrification
Hybrid systems
Consumer goods

Off-grid industrial applications

The above applications include all the fields where solar
power is used like house lighting, solar cooker, solar water
heater, solar water pumping, telecommunications, watches,
calculators, toys, battery chargers, professional sun roofs
for automobiles,water sprinklers, road signs, phone
boxes,traffic signals, marine navigation aids, security
phones, remote lighting, highway signs and waste water
treatment plants[1].

It has been realized that development of clean & sustainable
energy is necessary for human being. Since the nonavailability & dependency on fossil fuels may create a big
problems in lack of generation of electricity therefore the
promotional activities & accountability of Renewable
Energy are required to prevent our earth from
darkness.Therefore, a common person should also have an
aim to reduce energy utilization and use the applications of
solar energy in various fields which is clean & sustainable.
India has a huge potential of solar energy and due to its
applicability in various fields & advantages, Central & State
Government also provide various schemes, as discussed in
this paper, to promote solar energy & other RE sources
which have no adverse environmental impacts and no
warriors for completion.Development of solar power is
expected to contribute in bringing down emissions per unit
of GDP by 20-25 percent by 2020. India has total installed
capacity through RE 31,707 MW (as on June 2014) in
which installed capacity of solar energy is 2647 MW.
MNRE has planned to improve solar energy generation
from 2647 MW to 10,000 MW up to March 2017. As
discussed their advantages & applications, this will also
help to improve industrial &economic growth of India. Also
it helps the security of energy supply, economic growth,
environment protection and open new job & business
opportunities. Thus there is a need to strengthen the efforts
for balancing non-conventional sources with other sources
for a quality & reliable power supply.

[Vol-2, Issue-3, March- 2015]

ISSN: 2349-6495

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