A Mathematical Approach To Analyze Factors Influencing Adoption of Solar Based Power Production in Residential Buildings in Tamilnadu State of India

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Jeyapaul, Vol.10, No.2, June, 2020

A Mathematical Approach to Analyze Factors

Influencing Adoption of Solar Based Power
Production in Residential Buildings in Tamilnadu
State of India

Praveen Paul Jeyapaul

Professor, Mepco School of Management Studies, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi - 626001, Tamilnadu, India
([email protected])

Corresponding Author: Tel: +91 9443557010, [email protected]

Received: 23.03.2020 Accepted:29.03.2020

Abstract- The objective of this research paper is to find out the important factors influencing the adoption of solar photo
voltaic system for individual households and to find out if there is any difference in the adoption of solar photo voltaic system
(SPVS) among the households with differing income levels, and their place of residence namely rural and urban place. Further,
TOPSIS is applied for ranking the groups of households based on the influencing factors. Data was collected from respondents
in rural and urban areas, living in own and rented houses. Respondents also represented various income strata. It is found that
people with higher income levels are generally more open to the idea of adopting SPVS and people living in rented houses are
less likely to adopt SPVS compared to those living in own houses whether in urban or rural areas. The outcome of TOPSIS
shows that the respondents with high income, residing in their own houses in urban areas are ranked first in the willingness to
adopt SPVS.
Keywords Solar photo voltaic system adoption, Roof top solar, TOPSIS, Domicile, Household income, Own and Rented

1. Introduction produced was through coal. There is a clear correlation

between the residential environmental quality and energy
India is the third biggest producer and the third biggest generation through fossil fuels implying that use of fossil
user of electricity in the world [1]. It is a comprehensible fact fuels generates environmental effects that negatively impact
that per capita energy consumption is an indicator of the social wellbeing beyond tolerable limits [10]. To alleviate the
standard of living of people in that country and this is evident drawbacks of fossil fuels, Intergovernmental Panel on
from studies done very early to till date [2, 3, 4]. Electricity Climate Change (IPCC) endorses renewable fuels for
(energy in general) is an important catalyst for generation of electricity [11]. Renewable fuels can achieve a
socioeconomic development [5, 6]. According to [7], the major role in fulfilling rising energy demand [12] and the use
consumption of electricity is a direct reflection of the of renewable energy is on the rise [13]. Since renewable
economic development of a country and electricity has energy is environmental friendly [14] it is gaining much
become an essential commodity. importance these days [15].
Choice of fuels used for generation of electricity by any The government is making efforts to increase investment
country or organisation has consequences on the global in renewable energy in India [16]. Electricity generation by
environment and economy as well [8]. Renewable energy thermal power stations in India declined by 2.15 percentage
technologies were ranked in [9]. Dependence on fossil fuels during April-October of financial year 2019-20 compared
for electricity production draws criticism to those with the corresponding period in financial year 2018-19 [17].
technologies. These fossil fuels are both environmentally Public acceptance or public support of solar energy is an
harmful and unsustainable. India's electricity production is important contributing factor in the success or failure of
dominated by fossil fuels especially coal. During the 2018-19 government decisions about the sources (renewable/non-
fiscal year, about three-quarters of the country's electricity renewable) used for electricity generation that will meet the
Jeyapaul., Vol.10, No.2, June, 2020

growing demand for energy needs and public support is consumption of electricity is an immediate indicator of a
recognized as an important factor in shaping the country’s economic development [44].
implementation of renewable energy technologies [18].
1.2 Power Scenario in India
Among the various renewable energy sources, solar
photovoltaic system is considered the most environment
friendly, economical [19] and sustainable [20] for electricity With the development of Indian economy, the
production. Adoption of solar power becomes a necessity households in the country has seen fuel progression starting
from firewood to coal, to oil, to electricity. Because of their
due to rising fuel costs, global climate change, and growing
higher disposable income, households have become more
demand for electricity [21]. During the last decade, solar
photo voltaic systems (SPVS) ranging from kilowatts (kW) and more dependent on the electric gadgets for basic
to hundreds of megawatts (MW) were widely deployed, necessities, recreation and comfort. Economic growth of a
demonstrating the feasibility of photo voltaic (PV) country causes expansion in both domestic and industrial or
technology as a major sustainable power source [22]. commercial sectors where electricity is used as basic energy
input. Electricity consumption in agricultural sector has also
In India, the potential of wind power [23] is lower than accelerated keeping pace with country’s growth [45].
the solar power potential [24], and hence solar energy
resources have gained a significant attention. Consequently, As per the data given in the booklet ‘Growth of
the world’s largest solar photovoltaic (PV) project is in India Electricity Sector in India from 1947-2019’ published
[25]. The Jawaharlal Nehru national solar mission introduced annually by Central Electricity Authority (CEA) of India, it
can be observed that there is a steady increase in growth rate
in 2010 with a target of producing 22 GW solar power by
of household demand for electricity in India, and a large
2022 has already lead to a substantial growth in the installed
solar capacity with more than 7.5 GW added in last 6 years portion of this demand is met by thermal power plants [45].
[26]. The Installed Capacity of India as on March 2017 was
3,26,833 MW which includes 2,18,330 MW of thermal
From the literature it is evident that a large portion of power, 6,780 MW of Nuclear power, 44,478 MW of hydel
residential electricity demand can be met only by solar power power and 57,244 MW from renewables. The per capita
when it is combined with battery storage system. Further, to energy consumption in India was 883.64 kWh at the
make solar installations attractive to general households, beginning of the 12th five-year plan (April 2012) and as on
suitable tariffs and subsidies are to be provided by the March 2019, the per capita energy consumption was 1181
government. Also, suitable changes to grid operations are kWh [46]. According to Brookings India study [47],
necessary to facilitate the penetration of electrical power aggregate electricity demand in India could grow from 949
generated from solar energy into the grid in order to enable TWh in 2015 to between 2074 TWh and 2785 TWh by 2030.
large-scale adoption of solar PV systems [27].
The country's total installed capacity of solar power
In recent times, in many countries, solar PV systems plants reached 34.406 GW as of February 2020 [48]. Rooftop
have gained acceptance as a source of clean energy at solar power accounts for 2.4 GW, of which 70% is industrial
household level [28]. The solar PV module is made up of or commercial production [49].
silicon which converts solar irradiance to DC voltage which
is then converted to AC voltage by an inverter. Adoption of 1.3 Power Scenario in Tamilnadu
solar PV system at household level can provide an
environment friendly solution to electricity shortage and can Tamil Nadu has added 13,287 MW to the State grid
reduce the burden on grid thus freeing up precious electricity through conventional and non-conventional means from the
for other applications. year 2011 to 2018, thus making the state not only self
sufficient but also a power surplus state [50]. The present
1.1 Importance of Power to Economy/GDP average power demand of Tamil Nadu is about 14,800 MW
to 15,300 MW which is fulfilled by the electricity board. An
The relationship between a country’s electricity all-time high maximum demand of 15,440 MW was required
consumption and economic growth is well established by and successfully met on 27.04.2018. The daily average State
several studies [5, 29, 33, 31, 32, 33, 34]. Since 1970s, consumption has increased from 200 MU during 2011 to 330
economists and policy analysts have focussed on the causal MU in 2018 [50].
relationship between a country’s energy consumption and
economic growth and have found that there is a positive 1.4 Importance of solar power in power independence
relation between the two [35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41]. It’s long among households
been obvious that economic growth and energy demand are
linked. As economies grow, energy demand increases; if Power independence among households has many
energy supply is inhibited, GDP growth of a country reduces advantages first to those households and subsequently to the
in turn. This has been observed since the Industrial country as such. Adoption of SPVS will free up precious
Revolution [42]. This is because energy is the basic building electricity required by the industry. The immediate benefit
block of economic development. Electricity is one of the of installing SPVS is that it drastically reduces the electricity
significant infrastructural inputs in socio-economic bill of households, and this benefit can be enjoyed until the
development of a country [43]. Growth in industrial life time of solar panels which could be about 25years [51].
Usually electricity is generated far away from the

Jeyapaul., Vol.10, No.2, June, 2020

consumption point and almost 23% of electricity generated is neighbour attitudes, environmental protection image, power
lost in transmission and distribution. Unlike the conventional production monitoring, solar energy knowledge. Under
energy produced, electricity from solar energy is usually Complexity the factors are installation space, availability of
produced using the rooftop solar panels and is consumed service providers, building location, difficultly in
within the building, thereby literally eliminating the maintenance, building structure. Under Compatibility the
transmission and distribution loss [51]. Solar power provides factors are effect of the new system on the existing system,
reliable energy and energy security along with energy land use area, installation cost, global trends i.e. worldwide
independence to households and industry. The “fuel” for popularity of renewable energy and social value [66].
solar panels is free for all to use [52]. Solar energy is an
In a similar study [68], the authors have used Rogers’
important source for clean energy which helps to overcome
model of innovation diffusion framework [67]. They have
the increasing anxieties about greenhouse effects caused by
identified drivers and barriers for SPVS adoption at
conventional energy sources [53, 54]. Solar panels as such
household level. The categorization of drivers of solar
release no pollutants, requires very less maintenance and is
adoption are presented as financial advantage and feasibility,
highly reliable, with life span of 20–30 years [55, 56].
reliability of technology, environment friendliness,
However the same cannot be said for lead acid batteries
independence from grid, energy security, and compatibility
which are conventionally used to store energy.
of SPVS with existing household wiring. The barriers for
Tropical climate with abundant sunshine favours SPVS adoption among households is attributed to high initial cost,
deployment in India. The Annual Average Direct Normal long payback period, perceived complexity of SPVS,
solar Irradiance in Tamilnadu is 5.52 kWh/m 2/day. This is maintenance, unforeseen troubles, performance efficiency
ideal for the installation of household rooftop SPVS. There is drop, trialability - Return warranty over performance, other
an assumption that beyond 2020, solar energy could surpass people opinions and experiences.
all other forms of renewable energy sources [57].
Solangi et al, [18] have considered various factors that
affect public acceptance of solar energy. The factors were
1.5 Factors affecting adoption of solar panels
public knowledge, public awareness, subsidies and
incentives, interest to the current environmental issues and
An energy transition from one system to another is
global warming, cost of solar generated electricity, how
characterized by socio-technical complexity [58], where the
households saved electricity bill, how low is the cost of
success of transition is dependent on changes happening in
SPVS and what other users’ experience was.
energy production and distribution infrastructure; and
consumption patterns at the consumers’ end. Uptake of In their study on “Assessing the Feasibility of Large-
renewable energy technologies by the larger sections of the Scale Adoption of Solar Power in the Residential Sector”,
society is influenced by or constrained by economic, policy the authors [27] have considered payback period denoting the
and societal acceptance challenges. The economic barriers breakeven point for the customer, suitable tariffs and
include higher capital costs generally associated with subsidies.
renewables [11], and additional cost or expenditure that may
Walters et al., [69] studied about the Short-Term Initial
be required to integrate renewable energy produced with the
Uptake and Long-Term Sustained Diffusion of solar PV
existing electricity-grid infrastructure [59]. Overcoming
system. The most influential factors for short-term diffusion
these constraints which the general public may face in
are Market Maturity, Subsidies, and Knowledge of
adopting renewable energy sources especially solar PV
Technology while for Long-Term Diffusion, Environmental
requires supportive government policies [60]. However,
Stewardship, Understanding of Net-billing, Self-reliance and
policies designed regarding electricity supply and procuring
Cost Comparison are the influential factors.
electricity from the public are often conceived and executed
by different governmental bodies [61]. This often results in Walters et al., [70] identified fourteen factors that acted
conflicting policies among the governmental bodies creating as barriers to household solar investment. The fourteen
confusion and slowing the adoption of renewables [62, 63]. factors are High Initial Costs, Uncertain Return on
Local community resistance to renewable-energy projects Investment (ROI), Subsidies, Reasonable Energy Price, Cost
present societal challenges to the adoption of renewable Comparison, Knowledge of Technology, Market Maturity,
energy [64, 65]. Understandable Net-billing, Daily Insolation Variability,
Installation Quality, Grid Reliability, Self-reliance,
The critical factors of social acceptance for solar PV
Environmental Stewardship, and Carbon Footprint. These
rooftop system were studied through diffusion of innovations
fourteen factors were in turn assigned into seven categories
theory by Suppanich and Wangjiraniran [66]. The attributes
namely Financial Motivations, Energy Supply Motivations,
of diffusion of innovations theory [67] are Relative
Environmental Motivations, Decision Makers’ Incomplete
Advantage, Observability, Complexity and Compatibility. To
Knowledge, Technical Barriers, Financial Barriers, and
measure the above said attributes, Suppanich and
Institutional Knowledge [70].
Wangjiraniran have used various factors under the attributes.
Under Relative Advantage, they have used revenue i.e. Salman Ahmad et al., [22] have used factors such as
ability to sell solar electricity, environment protection, Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Attitude towards
unlimited power, global warming, and technology using solar PV system, and Behavioural intention for solar
development. Under observability, they have used factors PV system. The measurement items under Perceived
such as facility to monitor income from selling electricity, usefulness are Solar electricity serving individual/

Jeyapaul., Vol.10, No.2, June, 2020

households daily needs of electricity, lowering the electricity different localities. The opinion of respondents about their
bill, complete tasks with same ease as normal power supply willingness to adopt SPVS was sought on five point scale
and confidence among the public that solar power can be a which ranged from strongly agree (rated as 5) to strongly
reliable source of electricity in future. Under Perceived ease disagree (rated as 1). After the responses were sought,
of use, the measurement items are solar electricity being easy initially, to understand the important criteria influencing the
to use as source of electricity, easy to learn and use solar adoption of SPVS, simple average method of the ratings was
energy, easy to become skillful in using solar electricity, used. Here, the average of the responses on individual factors
solar technology being easy and flexible to use, house being for all the respondents was calculated to get overall opinion
suitable for solar installations and technical obstacles in on each factor. Then, TOPSIS method was applied to rank
using solar electricity. In Attitude towards using solar PV the respondents based on their locality for their acceptance of
system, the items are perception about solar electricity SPVS. Weights for the various acceptance factors were
becoming a major source of electricity in future, idea of assigned in order to apply TOPSIS. Then, based on the
using clean source of electricity in house, right time to use results obtained from TOPSIS, the different groups of
solar electricity and Overall enjoyment in using solar residents were ranked for their acceptance of SPVS. In order
technology as a source of electricity. The factor Behavioural to understand the importance of each and every criterion, the
intention is measured though intention to use solar electricity weights assigned to the individual criterion were varied and
for house and an individual’s plan to have some renewable the corresponding ranking of the group of residents was
energy technology for their house for generation of obtained. Initially, equal weights were assigned to each
electricity criterion and later on, weights were varied in a systematic
manner keeping the weight for one criterion constant and
While many studies have studied about uptake of RE in
varying all other weights by a small amount between an
rural areas, most have not studied about the uptake of SPVS
upper bound of 0.3 and lower bound of 0.1. Like this, 30 sets
for individual households with the objective of reducing the
of weights were taken to find their effect on the ranking of
overall electricity consumption by those households thereby
the respondents.
freeing up the energy available for industry. Also the
researcher could not find any literature pertaining to the The basic principle of TOPSIS for ranking the
comparison of adoption of SPVS between rural and urban alternatives considered is that the chosen solution should
households with differing income levels. have the smallest distance from the ideal solution and the
greatest distance from the negative ideal solution [71]. In
2. Methodology TOPSIS, the decision maker has to express the weights of
different criteria.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate empirically the
A Multi Criteria Decision Making problem is expressed as,
differences in the factors influencing the adoption of solar
PVs among residents of rural and urban parts of Tamilnadu.
The factors were clustered into six main heads such as a)
perception of cost of installation of SPVS (PCS), b)
electricity bill saving month on month (ROI), c) importance (1)
attached to uninterrupted power supply (UPS), d)
environmental consciousness (EC), e) general willingness to
adopt solar PV system (WA), f) willingness to adopt solar
PV system with subsidy (WAS).
In order to explore the acceptance of solar PV system and The weight matrix is given as,

W =  w1 w2 . . . wn 
to rank the acceptance of the same based on the locality of
residence (rural (R) versus urban (U)), data was collected (2)
from 100 respondents out of which 50 were from rural areas
and 50 were from urban areas. The respondents were selected where,
based on their domicile nature, that is, whether they live in A1, A2, . . . , Am are the different groups of respondents
their own houses (o) or live in rented houses (r). Within this based on locality, domicile and income.
classification, it was ensured that varying income levels of
the respondents was included. Thus in rural area, respondents C1, C2, . . . ,Cn are the SPVC adoption criteria.
living in rented houses and with a monthly income varying xij is the rating given by Ai group of respondents with
from INR 10,000 (coded as 1) to above INR 50,000 (coded respect to criterion Cj.
as 5) was considered. The same was repeated with rural
residents living in own houses, urban residents living in wj is the weight assigned to criterion Cj.
rented houses and urban residents living in own houses. Thus Let J be the set of criteria for which greater xij values are
the coding given is as follows: for example, Rr1 means the better and J’ be the set of attributes for which lesser xij values
participant from rural area, living in rented property and are better.
falling in income category of INR10,000.
A questionnaire was developed based on the five factors
mentioned above and administered to respondents from

Jeyapaul., Vol.10, No.2, June, 2020

Steps involved in TOPSIS method are presented below: 1

 2
SI i' =  ( v'j − vij ) 
Step 1: Framing of normalized decision matrix: for i = 1,....m (10)
Normalized decision matric is obtained by normalizing the  j 
scores using equation (3). Step 5: Estimation of the relative nearness to the ideal solution
xij Ci* :
rij = for i = 1,..., m; j = 1,... n (3)

1/ 2 SI i '
2  Ci* = 0  Ci*  1
  x ij  ( SI *
+ SI i ' ) (11)
 i  i

Step 2: Framing the weighted normalized decision matrix: The alternative with Ci* closest to 1 is the best group for
adopting SPVS.
The decision maker assigns a set of weights (wi for j = 1…n)
for each criterion based on the preference for each criterion.
3. Results And Discussion
Each column of the normalized decision matrix is multiplied
by its associated weight.
This research is conducted to find out the factors that are
An element of the weighted normalized decision matrix is considered to be important in influencing the adoption of
given by: solar photo voltaic system among the general public for
residential use so that fruitful policy decisions could be made
vij = w j rij (4) by the government for the proliferation of solar PV. These
factors were decided based upon previous researches in
Step 3: Estimation of ideal and negative ideal solutions: various countries such as Malaysia, Ghana, Pakistan etc.
Ideal solution is given by, The average of ratings given by different categories of

A = v ,....v
* *
n  (5)
respondents was calculated and is recorded in Table 1.
Table 1. Simple Average of Ratings by Respondents
where Factors
v = max ( vij ) ; if j  J
j (6)
i Ro1 5 4.6 1.6 1.4 1 2.6
For the adoption of SPVS, Ro2 5 4.8 1.4 2 1 2.6
Ro3 5 5 3.4 2.2 2 2.4
A* = {minimum value of Perception of Cost of system,
Ro4 2.4 5 3 2.6 3.4 3.8
maximum value of ROI, maximum value of Importance of
UPS, maximum value of Environment conscious, maximum Ro5 1.2 5 3.8 4 4.4 4.8
value of General Willingness to adopt, maximum value of Rr1 5 5 1.2 1.2 1 1.2
Willingness to adopt with subsidy}. Rr2 5 4.8 1.2 2 1 1.4
The Negative ideal solution is given by, Rr3 4.6 4.6 2.4 1.4 1 1.6
Rr4 3 4.8 4.4 3.6 1.6 2

A' = v1' ,.....vn'  (7) Rr5 1.4 5 4.6 5 1.4 1.8
Uo1 5 4.6 1.4 3.2 2 3
where, Uo2 4.8 4.8 1.8 4.4 3.2 3.6
v 'j = min ( vij ) ; if j  J ' (8)
Uo3 3.4 5 3.4 4.4 4.6 4.4
i Uo4 2.2 5 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.6
Here, A’ = {maximum value of Perception of Cost of Uo5 1.2 5 5 4.8 4.6 4.8
system, minimum value of ROI, minimum value of Ur1 5 5 1.2 4.4 1 1
Importance of UPS, minimum value of Environment Ur2 4.6 4.8 1.6 4.8 1.6 1.6
conscious, minimum value of General Willingness to adopt, Ur3 4.6 4.6 2.2 4.4 1.6 1.6
minimum value of Willingness to adopt with subsidy}. Ur4 4 4.8 4.4 4.6 1.4 1.4
Step 4: Computing the separation measures for each Ur5 1.8 5 5 4.6 1.6 1.6
alternative: * Respondents opinion where, 1is Low rating and 5 is High rating
Distance from the ideal solution is, From the outcome of simple averages (Table 1), it can be
1 seen that the respondents living in rented houses and with
 2
SI i* =  ( v*j − vij ) 
2 lower income both in the rural and urban areas feel that the
for i = 1,....m (9) cost of SPVS is high. But those in the higher income group
 j  irrespective of the status of accommodation or domicile feel
that the cost of SPVS is acceptable.
Likewise, the distance from the negative ideal solution is,

Jeyapaul., Vol.10, No.2, June, 2020

Fig. 1. Perception of the factors considered among different categories of rural and urban residents differentiated on income
There is a clear divide among those residing in own PV. All of the respondents were very keen to know the cost
property compared with those residing in rented houses. savings they may get by installing solar PV. They were
Understandably those in the rented houses are far less inclined calculating the monthly interest rate for the investment and
to adopt solar PV. The opinion among those in the rented were keen to know about the payback period for the same.
houses is that the solar PV becomes an additional burden when Also many households in the lower income group use less
they plan to shift houses. Thus to lessen the domestic demand electricity and don’t need to pay electricity charges since it is
on the grid, the house owners may be motivated to install solar free as per the Tamilnadu government policy directives for
PV in their property so that it can be useful to anybody who provision of free electricity of 100 units bimonthly to all
occupies the house. domestic consumers in all slabs [73].
In this analysis it is also found that cost involved in the When enquired about the importance attached to UPS,
purchase and installation of off grid solar systems for homes is households in the lower per capita income do not find UPS to
the most important factor which influences the attitude on this be important, while households in the higher per capita income
system. During interaction with the respondents, it was found category attach more importance to UPS. This is true for both
that almost all of the respondents’ initial enquiry to the idea of urban and rural residents, whether they are in rented or own
installing solar PV was about the price of the product. There is houses.
a general perception that the SPVS is costly, which is not
Environmental consciousness is more prevalent among
completely unfounded. The cost of 1kW SPVS (Solar PV,
urban residents irrespective of the per capita income of the
inverter and batteries) is INR 1,20,000 or USD 1600, price of
households. This may be because there is more air pollution in
0.5kW is INR 72,000. India's per capita income was recorded
the urban areas due to higher density of automobiles in
to be INR 1,13,500 in Financial Year 2017-2018 [72].
general. In rural areas the density of automobiles is lesser and
Households with higher monthly income whether in rural or
thus the rural residents don’t feel the impact of pollution and
urban areas, generally use high power rating electrical
consequently have less cognizance of the same. When asked if
appliances and will require 1kW system. These households
they will adopt solar PV to mitigate pollution caused by
can afford for solar PV. Most of these households are
thermal power stations, most of the urban households were
concentrated in pockets of urban and rural areas. Rest of the
positive irrespective of their domicile while most of the rural
population both in urban and rural areas which use low power
households had opinion otherwise.
rated electrical appliances require only 0.5kW system but
these households have less per capita income, hence they Willingness to adopt solar PV seems to be a factor
hesitate to adopt SPVS. independent of households’ opinion on other factors such as
environmental consciousness or ROI. It is clearly evident that
One interesting feature that can be observed from the study
only households with higher income in both urban and rural
is that, irrespective of the income level or the place of
areas, living in their own houses are willing to adopt solar PV.
residence, almost all of the respondents are very particular
about the return on investment (ROI) they get from the solar

Jeyapaul., Vol.10, No.2, June, 2020

Further there is a clear divide observed with the As the next step in TOPSIS, weights are assigned to all
willingness to adopt solar PV among rented or own house SPVS adoption attributes. Different weights are assigned to
dwellers with or without subsidy. Most of the respondents the attributes to signify varied importance given to those
living in their own house are more open for adoption of SPVS. attributes and to rank the respondents. About 30 combinations
Almost all of the respondents in rented houses irrespective of of weights were assigned to the attributes and the results were
urban or rural dwelling and per capita income are not willing ranked to identify those residents who had the most
to adopt SPVS. willingness to adopt SPVS. One of the 30 sets of weights
assigned to the attributes is shown in Table 2 and their
Another main aspect for non-adoption attitude is that there
corresponding computations are presented below.
is no power deficit in Tamilnadu and the state has witnessed
surplus power in the financial year 2018-19 and has continued Table 2. A Sample of Weights Assigned for the Various
to move forward with adequate plans for surplus power in the SPVS Adoption Attributes
forthcoming years [ 50]. Further it should also be noted that
almost all of the households both in the rural and urban areas SPVS Adoption Factors Weight (wj)
already have inverters. This coupled with the factor that the Perception of Cost of SPVS (PCS) 0.1
state has little power cut contribute to the lower adoption of
ROI importance (ROI) 0.2
Solar PV.
Importance of UPS (UPS) 0.2
In order to rank the different groups of respondents (based
on domicile and per capita income) on the six factors Environment consciousness (EC) 0.2
influencing the adoption of SPVS, TOPSIS was applied. General Willingness to adopt SPVS (WA) 0.1
The respondents’ mean rating of groups of respondents Ai Willingness to adopt SPVS with subsidy (WAS) 0.2
with respect to criterion Cj is given as,
From step 2 of TOPSIS, the weighted normalized decision
matrix considering the above weights is obtained as,

Using step 1 of TOPSIS, the normalized decision matrix is

obtained as:
From step 3, the ideal solution is found as,

and the negative ideal solution is

Consequent to step 4, the separation from the ideal alternative


0.0822 0.0805 0.0634 0.0448 0.0207 

SI =  
* 0.0974 0.0917 0.0839 0.0558 0.0555
i  0.0661 0.0548 0.0273 0.0103 0.0029 
 0.0890 0.0767 0.0722 0.0634 0.0573 

and the separation from the negative ideal alternative is

Jeyapaul., Vol.10, No.2, June, 2020

0.0257 0.0269 0.0406 0.0589 0.0842  The approximate cost of 1kW SPVS is INR 1,20,000
(USD 1600) which includes lead acid batteries for power
'  0.0048 0.0114 0.0195 0.0565 0.0695 
SI i = backup. In an average household, the approximate bimonthly
 0.0552 0.0591 0.0789 0.0901 0.0977  electricity bill would be around INR 2000 (USD 27). After
 0.0377 0.0440 0.0415 0.0606 0.0697  installation of SPVS the bimonthly electricity bill is reduced to
Finally using step 5, the comparative nearness to the ideal INR 500 (USD 6.7), effectively saving INR 1500 (USD 20)
solution is for two months. This will lead to a yearly saving of INR 9000.
This means that the cost of SPVS can be realized in 12-13
0.2381 0.2504 0.3904 0.5678 0.8027  years. The life of SPVS is 25 years and above. Thus
Ci =  0.0472 0.1107 0.1883 0.5030 0.5560  households can enjoy electricity at lower cost after this period.
 0.4548 0.5187 0.7431 0.8973 0.9711  If the government provides subsidy for SPVS and if it is
 0.2977 0.3645 0.3650 0.4889 0.5487  available for INR 60,000 (USD 800), then the payback for
An ordering of different respondents groups is done, where the SPVS will be reduced to 6-7 years. This will be more
group which is closest to the ideal solution A* is ranked first. attractive to prospective users of SPVS, and many will be
The rankings obtained by the 20 groups of respondents after willing to adopt SPVS readily, thereby reducing overall
applying TOPSIS technique are shown in Table 3. consumption of electricity from grid and reduction of
greenhouse gases.
Table 3. Values Close to Ideal Solution, Associated Ranking
and Domicile 4. Conclusion
Closeness to Respondent
Rank This paper aimed at finding out the factors that are
ideal solution Group
considered to be important in influencing the adoption of solar
0.9711 1 Uo5 photo voltaic system for individual households. The paper also
0.8973 2 Uo4 aimed to find out if there is any difference in the adoption of
0.8027 3 Ro5 SPVS among the households with differing income levels and
their place of residence namely rural and urban areas; and
0.7431 4 Uo3
ranking the groups of households accordingly using TOPSIS.
0.5678 5 Ro4 It is found that there is a clear divide among people on the
0.556 6 Rr5 adoption of SPVS based on their place of residence
(rural/urban), status of residence (owned house/rented) and
0.5487 7 Ur5
income level. It is observed that, people with higher income
0.5187 8 Uo2 levels were generally more open to the idea of adopting SPVS.
0.503 9 Rr4 Further there is a very clear divide between people living in
0.4889 10 Ur4 rented houses compared to those living in own property.
People in rented facility are very reluctant to spend money on
0.4548 11 Uo1 SPVS. It can be observed that the general willingness to adopt
0.3904 12 Ro3 SPVS among the people living in rented houses is very less.
0.365 13 Ur3 This is true even if the SPVS is offered with subsidy. Thus
there is no big difference on the opinion on adoption of SPVS
0.3645 14 Ur2 among people living in rented houses, whether rural or urban.
0.2977 15 Ur1
It is also observed that people living in urban areas were
0.2504 16 Ro2 more environmentally conscious, but even when they were
0.2381 17 Ro1 environmentally conscious, those living in rented houses are
0.1883 18 Rr3 reluctant to adopt SPVS. Further, people with lesser income
were not very particular about having uninterrupted power
0.1107 19 Rr2 supply in their homes in contrast to people with higher
0.0472 20 Rr1 income. Almost all of the households were very particular
It was observed from the results of TOPSIS that, for all the about the return on investment from the SPVS. Almost all of
weight combinations, Uo5 ranks first, showing that the the households with lower to mid income had the perception
respondents with high income, residing in their own houses in that SPVS is expensive and that they cannot afford one.
urban areas are more open to adopt SPVS. Based on the The outcome of TOPSIS shows that the respondents with
number of ranking occurrences, Uo4 is considered to be the
high income, residing in their own houses in urban areas are
next group of respondents who are willing to adopt SPVS.
more open to adopt SPVS. Further, urban residents in own
Similarly rural respondents with higher income and living in
houses with a monthly income of INR 40,000 are considered
their own houses are also willing to adopt SPVS. Observing
to be the next group of respondents who are willing to adopt
the rankings in Table 3, it can be seen that the respondents
SPVS. The ranking by TOPSIS also shows that rural
with higher income and own houses whether in urban or rural
respondents with higher income and living in their own houses
areas are positive to the idea of adoption of SPVS. Further, it
are also willing to adopt SPVS. It can be seen from the results
was also observed that Rr1 (rural, rented, low income) group
that the respondents with higher income and own houses
of respondents showed the lowest willingness to adopt SPVS.

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