Drug Study - Tramadol, Hyoscine-N-Butylbromide, Co-Trimoxazole, Potassium Citrate
Drug Study - Tramadol, Hyoscine-N-Butylbromide, Co-Trimoxazole, Potassium Citrate
Drug Study - Tramadol, Hyoscine-N-Butylbromide, Co-Trimoxazole, Potassium Citrate
Generic Name: Classification: Indication: - Acute alcohol intoxication, FREQUENT: dizziness, Monitor pulse and blood pressure.
- CLINICAL: Analgesic concurrent use of vertigo, nausea,
- Tramadol - Management of centrally acting constipation, headache, May cause dependence.
Action: moderate to analgesics, hypnotics, drowsiness
Brand Name: - Binds to µ-opioid receptors, inhibits moderately severe opioids, psychotropic Avoid alcohol, OTC medications
reuptake of norepinephrine, pain. drugs, hypersensitivity to OCCASSIONAL: vomiting, (analgesics, sedatives)
- Ultram serotonin. Reduces intensity of pain opioids. pruritus, CNS stimulation
stimuli incoming from sensory Dosage & Route: (eg. Nervousness, anxiety, May cause drowsiness, dizziness, blurred
nerve endings. Cautions: agitation, tremor, euphoria), vision.
MODERATE-MODERATELY - Sensitivity to opioids, asthenia (loss of strength),
Therapeutic Effect: SEVERE PAIN increased ICP, hepatic / diaphoresis, dyspepsia, dry Avoid tasks requiring alertness, motor
- Reduces pain. PO: Adults, Elderly: 50-100 renal impairment, acute mouth, diarrhea skills until response to drug is
mg q4-6h. abdominal conditions, established.
opioid-dependent pts. RARE: malaise, vasodilation,
RENAL IMPAIRMENT anorexia, flatulence, rash, Inform physician if severe constipation,
For pts with creatinine blurred vision, urinary difficulty breathing, excessive sedation,
clearance of less than retention seizures, muscle weakness, tremors,
30ml/min, increase dosing chest pain, palpitations occur.
interval to q12h.
Dry crackers, cola may relieve nausea.
Dosage is decreased to 50 Palpate bladder for urinary retention.
mg q12h.
Sips of tepid water may relieve dry
Generic Name: Classification: Indication: - renal insufficiency, - Slight gastrointestinal The tablets must not be masticated or
- CLINICAL: Antiurolithic persistent alkaline urinary disorders may appear which diluted. The active component of Acalka
- Potassium - Treatment of patients infections, obstruction of the can be palliated by means of is contained with a porous wax matrix.
Citrate Action: with renal lithiasis and urinary tract, hyperkalemia, the joint administration of As this was matrix is insoluble, it can be
- The aim of the treatment is to hypocitraturia, chronic respiratory or metabolic food. eliminated in visible form in the feces.
Brand Name: restore the level of the urinary formers of calcium alkalosis, active peptic ulcer, The active component, however, has
citrate and to increase the pH of oxalate, phospate intestinal obstruction, patients been released in the gastrointestinal
- Acalka urine to 6-7, and to this end, the calculia. submitted to anticholinergic tract.
dosage pattern are: - Uric acid lithiasis therapy, patients with slow
alone or accompanied gastric emptying, adrenal Must not be administered to patients
by calcium lithiasis. insufficiency. receiving potassium-sparing diuretics
Renal tubular acidosis (traimterene, spirolactone, or amyloride).
w/ Ca nephrolithiasis.
It is advisable to carry out an evaluation
Dosage & Route: of electrolytes (Na-K-Cl) and CO2,
creatinine and hemogram every 4 hrs.
- adjust the dose in
accordance with the It is recommended that the patients in
needs of the patient. If treatment with Acalka follow a diet w/o
necessary, the dose salt and increase the intake of fluids.
can be increased,
though it is not The recommended treatment in case of
advisable to exceed hyperpotassemia is: IV administratioin f
the dose of 100 mEq 10% dextrose solution, containing 10-12
(10 tablets)/day. units of insulin/1000ml. Correction of the
possible acidosis with IV sodium
bicarboate and hemodialysis or
peritoneal dialysis.
Generic Name: Classification: Indication: - Glaucoma, prostatic - Dry mouth, blurred Monitor pulse and blood pressure.
- CLINICAL: Antispasmodic hypertrophy, tachycardia, vision, reduced ability
- Hyoscine-N- - Spasms of the megacolon & mechanical to sweat, tachycardia, May cause drowsiness, dizziness, blurred
butylbromide Action: stomach, intestines or stenosis in GIT. constipation, urinary vision.
- Hyoscine stops the spasms in the bile duct retention, allergic skin
Brand Name: smooth muscle by preventing (gastrointestinal tract), reactions Avoid tasks requiring alertness, motor
acetylcholine from acting on the including those skills until response to drug is
- Amucin muscle. It does this by blocking the associated established.
- Buscopan receptors on the muscle cells that with irritable bowel
the acetylcholine would normally syndrome (IBS). Inform physician if severe constipation
act on. - Spasms of the occur.
reproductive or urinary
systems (genitourinary Dry crackers, cola may relieve nausea.
tract), for example
period pain cramps. Palpate bladder for urinary retention.
- Management of motion
sickness & other forms Sips of tepid water may relieve dry
of nausea & vomiting mouth.
Generic Name: Classification: CHRONIC BRONCHITIS - Hypersensitivity to FREQUENT: anorexia, Monitor daily pattern of bowel
- PHARMACOTHERAPEUTIC: PO: Adults, Elderly: 1 trimethoprim or any nausea, vomiting, rash, activity/stool consistency.
- Co-trimoxazole Sulfonamide/folate antagonist double-strength or 2 single- sulfonamides, infants urticaria
- CLINICAL: Antibiotic strength tablets or 20ml younger than 2 mos., Assess for overt bleeding, ecchymosis,
Brand Name: suspension q12h for 10-14 megaloblastic anemia due OCCASSIONAL: diarrhea, edema.
days. to folate deficiency abdominal pain,
- Bactrim Action: pain/irritation at infusion site Monitor vital signs at least 2x a day.
- Septra - Blocks bacterial synthesis of UTI
essential nucleic acids. PO: Adults, Elderly: 1 RARE: headache, vertigo, Monitor for cough, shortness of breath.
double-strength or 2 single- insomnia, seizures,
Therapeutic Effect: strength tablets or 20ml hallucinations, depression Continue medication for full length of
- Bactericidal in susceptible suspension q12h for 3-14 therapy.
microorganisms days depending on severity.
Space doses evenly around the clock.
Children 2mos and Older:
8mg/kg as trimethoprim a Take oral doses with 8 oz water and
day in 2 divided doses for drink several extra glasses of water daily.
10 days.
Notify physician immediately of new
symptoms, esp. rash, other skin
changes, bleeding/bruising, fever, sore