Generic Name: Brand Name: Pletal: Pharmacologic Class: Pharmacokinetics General Indications Contraindications Before

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Drug Data Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Pharmacologic Pharmacokinetics General Indications Contraindications Before
cilostazol Class: -suppresses cyclic CNS: dizziness, 1. Assess patient’s pain level
adenosine monophosphate -reduce symptoms of Heart failure; headache 2. Asess for history of heat failure
Brand Name: Quinolone (cAMP) degradation. intermittent known predisposition to bleeding; 3. Assess patient and family’s knowledge of drug
Pletal phosphodiestera claudication history of ventricular arrhythmias; CV: palpitations, therapy
se inhibitor Increase in cAMP in QT interval prolongation; tachycardia
platelets and blood -pheripheral vascular severe renal impairment;
vessels leads to disease moderate to severe hepatic EENT: pharyngitis,
Patient’s Dose: inhibition of platelet impairment. rhinitis
50mg 1 tab BID aggregation and During
vasodilation. GI: abdominal pain, 1. Administer drug with food
Therapeutic diarrhea 2. Monitor vital signs especially heart rate
Class: Cilostazol also inhibits
adenosine uptake into Respi: cough
Antiplatelet, cells, which augments Drug interactions
arterial the cAMP-elevating
vasodilator effect of PDE-III Diltiazem :may increase
inhibition. cilostazol level After
1. Note general condition of patient
Erythromycin : may increase 2. Tell patient that effect of drug may take
cilostazol level as long as 12 weeks
Onset Patients Actual 3. Instruct patient not to drink grapefruit
unknown Indication juice while taking the drug
Peak reduce symptoms of
2-4 hours intermittent

Drug Half Life

11-13 hours

Source: Springhouse Nurse’s Drug Guide. 2007. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, page 325

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