(544436410) Wreckwatch - Tradus

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Folosirea smartphonului in detectarea accidentelor rutiere

si t r an s mi t e rea i nf o r mat i e i c at re i n st i t ut i i l e c e
se oc u p a d e s i t u at i i l e d e ur ge nt a
Summary. Accident detection systems help reduce fatalities stemming from car accidents by decreasing the response time of emergency responders. Smartphones and their onboard sensors
(such as GPS receivers and accelerometers) are promising platforms for constructing such
systems. This paper provides three contributions to the study of using smartphone-based accident
detection sys- tems. First, we describe solutions to key issues associated with detecting traffic
accidents, such as preventing false positives by utilizing mobile context information and polling
onboard sensors to detect large accelerations. Second, we present the architecture of our
prototype smartphone-based accident detection system and empirically analyze its ability to resist
false positives as well as its capabilities for accident reconstruction. Third, we discuss how
smartphone-based accident detec- tion can reduce overall traffic congestion and increase the
preparedness of emergency responders.

1.1 Introduction
Emerging trends and challenges. Car accidents are a leading cause of death [1]. Automated car accident detection can save lives by decreasing the time required for information to reach emergency responders [2, 3, 4]. Conventional vehicular sensor systems for
accident detection, such as OnStar, notify emergency responders immediately by
utilizing in-vehicle sensors, such as accelerometers and airbag deployment monitors, to
detect car accidents. Figure 1.1 shows how traditional accident detection systems
operate. Sensors
Fig. 1.1: A Traditional Accident Detection System

attached to the vehicle use a built-in cellular radio to communicate with a monitoring
center that is responsible for dispatching emergency responders in the event of an emergency.
Car accident detection and highway congestion control is an emerging application
for wireless mobile sensor networks. Recent advances in smartphone technologies are
making it possible to detect car accidents in a more portable and cost effective manner
than conventional in-vehicle solutions. Rapid accident detection and response can save
lives and reduce congestion by alerting motorists as soon as possible, giving them time
to reroute. Recent smartphones, such as the HTC Nexus One (an Android-based
device), have significantly increased computational abilities compared to previous
devices. For example, the Nexus One has a 1Ghz processor and 512MB of RAM
compared to the older Palm Treos 312Mhz processor and 64MB of RAM. The
pervasiveness of smartphones also means that the infrastructure required to establish
such a wireless mobile sensor network is already in place and available after installing
appropriate application software.
Smartphone manufacturers also have begun including a plethora of sensors that enable devices to detect the context in which they are being used. For example, the HTC
Dream (also an Android-based device), possesses a compass, accelerometer, and GPS
receiver allowing application developers to determine the geographic position, heading,
and movement of the user. The processing power, popularity, and relatively low cost
[5] (compared to other traffic monitoring techniques) make smartphones an appealing
plat- form to construct a wireless mobile sensor network that detects car accidents.
Smartphone-based accident detection applications provide several advantages relative
to conventional in-vehicle accident detection systems, e.g., they are vehicleindependent, increasingly pervasive, and provide rich data for accident analysis,
including pictures and videos. Building a smartphone-based wireless mobile sensor
network for accident detection system is hard, however, because phones can be
dropped (and generate false positives) and the phone is not directly connected to the
vehicle. In contrast, conventional in-vehicle accident detection systems rarely incur
false positives because they rely on sensors, such as accelerometers and airbag
sensors, that directly detect damage to the vehicle.
Solution approach Use onboard sensors and physical context information to
detect car accidents. This paper shows how smartphones in a wireless mobile sensor
net- work can capture the streams of data provided by their accelerometers, compasses,
and GPS sensors to provide a portable black box that detects traffic accidents and
records data related to accident events, such as the G-forces (accelerations)
experienced by the driver. We also present an architecture for detecting car accidents
based on WreckWatch, which is a mobile client/server application we developed to
automatically detect car acci- dents. Figure 1.2 shows how sensors built into a
smartphone detect a major acceleration event indicative of an accident and utilize the
built-in 3G data connection to transmit that information to a central server. That server
then processes the information and notifies the authorities as well as any emergency
WreckWatch provides functionality similar to an accident/event data recorder by
recording the path, speed, and forces of acceleration on a vehicle leading up to and
during an accident [6]. It can also notify emergency responders of accidents, aggregate
images and video uploaded by bystanders at the scene of an accident, and send
prerecorded text and/or audio messages to emergency contacts. We built WreckWatch
using Google An- droid on the client and Java/MySQL with Jetty and the Spring
Framework on the server. The WreckWatch server utilizes custom XML and JSON to
communicate with the client

Fig. 1.2: Smartphone-Based Accident Detection System

applications and the clients use standard HTTP post operations to transmit
information to the server. WreckWatch also uses a digital PBX running Asterisk to
communicate with first responders and emergency contacts.
Paper organization. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section
1.2 describes the challenges associated with using smartphones to detect traffic
accidents; Section 1.3 describes how WreckWatch overcomes these challenges; Section
1.4 empir- ically evaluates WreckWatchs ability to prevent false positives and accident
reconstruc- tion capabilities; Section 1.5 compares our work on smartphone-based
accident detection systems with related work; and Section 1.6 presents concluding

1.2 Challenges Associated with Automatically Detecting

This section describes the challenges associated with detecting car accidents via
software running on smartphones. A key challenge of developing software to detect
collisions is the lack of integration between the smartphone and the vehicle. In contrast,
conventional in-vehicle car accident detection systems rely on internal sensors (e.g.,
airbag deployment sensors) and can assume that any instance of high
acceleration/deceleration is caused by a collision. These assumptions must be rethought
by smartphone applications seeking to replace or augment the functionality of
conventional in-vehicle systems.
1.2.1 Challenge 1: Detecting Accident Without Electronic Control Unit
Conventional in-vehicle accident detection systems rely on sensor networks throughout
the car and direct interaction with the vehicles electronic control units (ECUs). These
sensors detect acceleration/deceleration, airbag deployment, and vehicular rollover [7,
8]. Metrics from these sensors aid in generating a detailed accident profile, such as
locating where the vehicle was struck, number of times it was hit, severity of the
collision, and airbag deployment.
Smartphone-based accident detection applications must provide similar information.
Without direct access to ECUs, however, it is harder to collect information about the
vehicle. Although many cars have accident/event data recorders (ADRs/EDRs), it is unrealistic to expect drivers to connect their smartphones to these ADRs/EDRs every time
they got in the car, which would require a standardized interface (physical and
software) to ensure compatibility. Moreover, while many new cars have some form of

any smartphone application that required interaction with an onboard computer would
be useless in cars that lacked one. It is therefore necessary to collect the same or similar
information utilizing only the sensors present on the smartphone device.
Section 1.3.2 explains how WreckWatch addresses this challenge by using the sensors in the Android platform to detect accelerations/decelerations experienced by car occupants and Section 1.4 analyzes device sensor data captured by WreckWatch.
1.2.2 Challenge




Vehicle-based accident detection systems monitor a network of sensors to determine if

an accident has occurred. Instances of high acceleration/deceleration are due to a large
change in velocity over a very short period of time. These speeds are hard to attain if
a vehicle is not controlled by a human driver, which simplifies accident detection since
we can assume any instance of high acceleration constitutes a collision involving
human drivers. Since smartphones are portable, however, it is not as hard to attain such
speeds. For instance, it is not hard to drop a phone from six feet in the air, but dropping
a vehicle from that height would require significantly more effort.
Since a smartphone-based accident detection application contacts emergency respondersand may dispatch police/rescue teamsit is essential to identify and suppress
false positives. Due to smartphone mobility it is hard to programmatically differentiate
between an actual car accident versus a dropped purse or a fall on a hard surface. The
inability to accurately identify and ignore false positives could render smartphonebased accident detection applications useless by wasting emergency responder
resources re- sponding to incident reports that were not car accidents.
Section 1.3.2 explains how WreckWatch addresses this challenge by using device
us- age context, such as speed, to filter out potential false positives and Section 1.4.2
provides empirical results evaluating WreckWatchs ability to suppress false positives.

1.3 Solution Approach

This section describes the client/server architecture of WreckWatch and outlines the solutions to the challenges presenting in Section 1.2.



WreckWatch is separated into two main componentsthe WreckWatch server and the
WreckWatch clientthat are shown in Figure 1.3 and described
The WreckWatch client acts as a mobile sensor, relays accident information to the
server, and provides an interface for third-party observers to contribute information to
the accident report. For example, Figure 1.4 shows how images of an accident can be
up- loaded to the WreckWatch server. Emergency responders can access the uploaded
images via mobile devices en route or a standard web browser at an emergency
response center. The WreckWatch client provides mapping functionality through
Google Maps on the device to ensure that emergency responders can continuously
receive information about an accident to prepare them for whatever they encounter at
the accident site. This map also allows other motorists to intelligently route themselves
around an accident, thereby reducing congestion.

Fig. 1.3: WreckWatch Architecture Diagram

Fig. 1.4: Accident Image Upload

The WreckWatch Android client is written in Java based on Android 1.5 with
Google APIs. It consists of several Android application activities1 for mapping, testing,
and im- age upload. Background services detect accidents by polling smartphone
system sensors, such as the GPS receiver and accelerometers. The polling rate is
configurable at compile- time to meet user needs and to provide the appropriate power
consumption characteristics. The WreckWatch client can gather data from phone
databases (such as an address book) to designate emergency contacts. Communication
to the server from the Android client uses standard HTTP post operations.
The WreckWatch server provides data aggregation and a communication conduit to
emergency responders, family, and friends. It allows clients to submit accident
character- istics (such as acceleration, route, and speed) and presents several interfaces,
such as a

Activities are basic building block components for Android applications and can be thought of
as a screen or view that provide a single, focused thing a user can do.

Google Map and XML/JSON web services, for accessing this information. As accident
information becomes available, the WreckWatch server posts location, route and
severity information to a Google Map to aid emergency responders, as well as other
drivers at- tempting to navigate the roads near the accident. This map is available over
HTTP through a standard web browser and is built with AJAX and HTML, as shown in
Figure 1.5.
Fig. 1.5: WreckWatch Accident Map

The WreckWatch server uses digital PBX functionality to make/receive phone calls
and provision phone lines dynamically. It can therefore interact with emergency responders via traditional circuit-switched networks and create accident information hotlines
in response to serious accidents via an Asterisk-based digital PBX running Linux. The
server can also be configured with emergency contacts to notify via text and/or audio
messages in the event of an accident. This data is configured at some time prior to a
collision event so the server need not interact with the client to notify family or friends.
The WreckWatch server is a web-based service based entirely on freely-available
APIs and open-source software. It is written in Java and built using Jetty atop the
Spring Framework. It utilizes a MySQL database to store accident information and
image meta- information. The server communicates with the clients via a RESTful
architecture over HTTP using custom XML (for the Android application) and JSON
(for the web-based application).
All communication between the clients and the server is initiated by clients. The
servers operations (such as accident information upload) are performed by individual
handlers that can be configured at runtime and are specified by parameters in an HTTP
request. This architecture enables the addition of new operations and functionality without any software modifications or the need to recompile. All configuration is handled by
an XML file that is parsed during server startup.
The PBX is built on Asterisk and connects to the server through a Java API. The
An- droid client and web client pull information from the server and can be configured
based on user needs. Due to the loose coupling and use of open standards between
clients and

server, additional clients for other platforms (such as other smartphones or desktop applications) can be implemented without the need to update the server. The WreckWatch
server architecture also supports a heterogeneous group of clients, while providing appropriate qualities of service to each device.


The remainder of this section outlines how WreckWatch addresses the challenges presented in Section 1.2.






The challenge presented in Section 1.2.1 explains why it is hard to detect car accidents
without ECU interaction. To address that challenge, WreckWatch uses Androids
onboard sensors to detect the forces and accelerations associated with a car accident,
as shown in Figure 1.6. The Android platform provides an orientation sensor
comprised of three
Fig. 1.6: Device Sensors Provide Acceleration Information

independent accelerometers that allow WreckWatch to detect car accidents in the same
manner as vehicle ECUs.
In the event of an accident, the smartphone will experience the same forces and accelerations experienced by the occupants of the vehicle. Moreover, if the smartphone
remains stationary relative to the vehicle during the collision, it is possible to use the
data gathered from the smartphone to recreate and model the forces it experienced. In
this case, the smartphone can provide data much like that gathered by vehicular ECUs.
Smartphones are often carried in some form of pocket [9] attached to a person. In
these cases, the smartphone would experience the same forces as vehicle occupants, and
could thus provide more information than in-vehicle systems by recording the forces
experienced by occupants rather than just the vehicle itself. When this directionality and
movement is combined with speed and location information from the GPS receiver, it is
possible to fully reconstruct the accident, including any secondary impacts.

Using Context Information to Eliminate Falsepositives

Section 1.2.2 describes the potential for false positives, which is a key concern with applications that automatically dispatch police or rescue. To address that challenge,
Wreck- Watch employs the following sensor-based and context filters:
In order to prevent excessive power consumption and WreckWatch is only enabled when plugged in GPS receivers consume a substantial amount of power and
sampling them at the rate necessary to accurately determine speed would make
WreckWatch unusable because it would limit the lifetime of the device to several
hours. However, users are able to plug smartphones into cigarette lights in vehicles
to provide them with power. Requiring users to plug the smartphone in helps to
establish context, which will eliminate false positives, and also mitigates the power
consump- tion of the GPS receiver. However, it is also possible to plug a
smartphone in to a wall socket in a home which necessitates additional filters.
Speed filter determines whether users are in vehicles. WreckWatch uses the
smartphones GPS to determine device and (consequently) vehicle speed. However, it
only begins recording accelerometer information and looking for potential accidents
15mph. This filter helps eliminate any acceleration events due to significant
acciden- tal smartphone drops that might occur outside a vehicle as well as
reducing battery drain. After WreckWatch determines that users are in vehicles, it
maintains that as their context until the device is unplugged, which prevents
WreckWatch system from shutting off at stop lights. This speed threshold can be
adjusted at compile time to prevent overloading operators and falsely alerting
family of an accident.
Acceleration filter prevents drops and sudden stops from triggering accident
notifications. Filtering alone does not eliminate all false positives, such as a drop
inside the vehicle or a sudden stop. To address these issues, therefore, WreckWatch
ignores any acceleration events below 4Gs. This value is designed to detect even
minor acci- dents but filter out a drop or sudden stop and was chosen based on the
empirical analy- sis presented in Section 1.4. This threshold is significantly lower
than the acceleration required to deploy airbags because of physical environment of
the smartphone. Accelerometers attached to the vehicle are what trigger airbag
deployment. These accelerometers are physically mounted to the chassis of the car
meaning that their motion will directly mirror that of the vehicle and will
experience every force the vehicle experiences. Smartphones, however, are likely
to be held in a pocket or in a cup holder. Car safety systems are designed to reduce
the force on the occupants of the car during an accident and because of this, the
forces experienced by the phone will be significantly less than the forces
experienced by the accelerometers in the car. These systems accomplish this
reduction in force by increasing the time over which the change in velocity
occurs. The net change in speed is the same, but the acceleration is less because it
occurs over a longer period of time. Therefore in order to detect car accidents, the
detection threshold must be significantly lower than that required to deploy the
airbag. In contrast, the peak accelerations experienced inside of a football helmet
during play are approximately 29.2 Gs [10]. This value represents the maximum
value experienced by a player and would be significantly larger than many minor

1.4 Empirical Results

This section describes empirical results of tests performed on the WreckWatch application described in Section 1.3. These results demonstrate WreckWatchs ability to
prevent false positives and gather information to reconstruct an accident accurately.
1.4.1 Overview of the Experimentation Platform
All experiments were performed on a Google ION device running the vendor image of
Android 1.5 on a 525 Mhz processor with 288 MB of RAM. The device was factory
reset before loading WreckWatch and no additional third-party applications were
installed. WreckWatch recorded acceleration on three axes at the highest possible rate
and wrote these values to a CSV file on the SD card in the device. This data was then
downloaded to a Windows desktop computer for analysis in Excel.
In all graphs, positive z-axis values indicate positive acceleration in the direction from
the battery cover toward the screen. Likewise, positive y-axis values indicate positive
ac- celeration in the direction from the USB connector toward the smartphone speaker.
Fi- nally, positive x-axis values indicate positive acceleration from left to right when
looking at the device with the USB connector closest the observer.
1.4.2 Evaluating




As described in Section 1.2.2, avoiding false positives is a key challenge when

detecting car accidents with smartphones. To analyze the potential for false positives,
we conducted two experiments designed to simulate events that generate accelerations
whose values could potentially be interpreted as car accidents. For the first test, the
Android device was dropped from ear height in the drivers seat of a car. The device
bounced off the seat and wedged between the seat and center console. Figure 1.7a
shows the acceleration on each axis during the collision with the floor.

(a) Acceleration During a Fall

(b) Acceleration During a Sudden Stop

Fig. 1.7: Acceleration During Falls and Sudden Stops

Using 9.8 m/s as an approximate value for Earths gravity, the device experienced
approximately 2Gs in each direction with nearly 3Gs on the x-axis before coming to

rest. The required acceleration to trigger airbag deployment is 60Gs [11, 12]. In
addition to being 30 times smaller than required to deploy an airbag, this value is well
below the
4Gs used as a filter. It is therefore unlikely a smartphone could be dropped in a
manner that would exceed 4Gs. This data supports the use of a filter as presented in
Section 1.3.2 to prevent false positives.
Another potential scenario that could potentially generate a false positive is a sudden
stop. This test was performed in a vehicle by reaching a speed of approximately 25 mph
and engaging in a sudden stop. The test results are approximate as the exact speed was
unknown and braking pressure was not exact. Figure 1.7b shows the acceleration
experi- enced on each axis during the stop. As described in Section 1.3.2, because the
smartphone remained stationary relative to the vehicle, it experienced the same forces
as the vehicle. In this instance, the acceleration experienced by the smartphone was
actually less than that experienced during the fall.
This result is attributed to the fact that although the stop was sudden and forceful,
the car (and consequently the smartphone) came to a rest over a period of time that was
longer than during the drop test. In other words, the change in velocity was greater but
the actual acceleration was less because the change occurred over a longer period of
time. Based on this data, it is unlikely for the smartphone to experience 4Gs of
acceleration simply due to a sudden stop.
1.4.3 Evaluating Accident Reconstruction Capabilities
WreckWatch can reconstruct an accident based solely on the data gathered from the
smartphone. Due to the smartphones presence in the vehicle during an accident, the
smartphone will usually experience the same forces at the same time as the occupants
and the vehicle itself. For example, 40% of cell phones are carried in some form of
pocket [9], in which case the device will experience the same forces experienced by the
person wearing the pocket.
If the smartphone experiences the same forces as the occupants of the vehicle, we
can identify what happened during the accident and reconstruct it. In the event of an
accident, emergency responders could determine whether the smartphone contained
information that could be used for reconstruction by asking the occupants whether the
device was in a pocket or not. To demonstrate this approach, we next analyze the two
experiments conducted in Section 1.4.2.
The graph in Figure 1.8a shows it is possible to determine that the smartphone was
initially experiencing zero acceleration along the x-axis indicating that the x-axis was
perpendicular to the ground. This orientation is consistent with holding the smartphone
to the ear. While falling, the smartphone tilted such the left edge of the smartphone
(relative to the screen with the screen facing away from the ground) was the closest
edge to the sky and then flipped again such that the left edge was closest to the ground.
When Figures 1.8a, 1.8b, and 1.8c are combined it is clear that the bottom of the
smartphone made contact first, followed by the left edge, and finally the back of the
The acceleration experienced during the sudden stop was actually less than that experienced during the fall. Given what is known about the event, it is therefore possible
to identify the orientation of the smartphone during the event. By examining the graphs
in Figure 1.8 it is possible to determine that the smartphone was resting at an angle such
that the top of the smartphone was higher than the bottom of the smartphone. The
decrease in acceleration along the z-axis is indicative of the force induced on the device
by the seat as

(a) X-Axis Acceleration

(b) Y-Axis Acceleration

(c) Z-Axis Acceleration

Fig. 1.8: Acceleration During a Sudden Stop

(a) X-Axis Acceleration

(b) Y-Axis Acceleration

(c) Z-Axis Acceleration

Fig. 1.9: Acceleration While Dropped in a Car

the car came to a rest. Graphs of other sudden stop events also have a similar
appearance so long as the device remained stationary relative to the car.
These reconstruction capabilities give accident investigators the ability to identify
what was experienced by the occupants of the vehicle and provide them with information that an ADR/EDR simply cannot provide. This information can also be combined
with that present in the ADR/EDR to better understand the entire accident rather than
simply the forces experienced by the vehicle itself. WreckWatch gives investigators the
capability to analyze a real-world accident in a manner similar to the way they would a
controlled collision involving crash-test dummies. Although WreckWatch cannot
provide investigators with all impact information (e.g., the forces experienced at the
ribs [13] or the pressure on the face [14]), it can provide them with specific
information about the overall force on the body and how effectively the restraints
protected the passenger.

1.5 Related Work

This section compares our work on smartphone-based accident detection systems with
related work.
Vehicle localization [15] and rapid data acquisition are important to an Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS), which utilize sensor networks to monitor traffic conditions and make adjustments to increase safety and reduce congestion on transportation
networks [16]. These systems count cars to determine speed and congestion, as well as
detect ice build-up and other hazards [17]. An ITS is not limited to highway traffic

itoring [18] and a major advantage to WreckWatch is that it could be utilized in a

system designed to monitor trains, buses, or other forms of mass transit.
Using cell phones to construct a wireless mobile network for traffic-related applications is not new. Traffic conditions are often measured via loop detectors that count
vehicles and determine their speed. Since these loop detectors are embedded in the
pave- ment there is a high cost associated with their installation and maintenance [19].
Cell phones have been tapped as a potential solution because they provide a
substantially larger amount of information at lower installation and maintenance costs.
Loop detectors are often installed in main highways, limiting available information [20]. In addition to lower maintenance costs, cell phone tracking could be available
on most roads without installing specialized detection hardware. For instance, the European National Institute for Transport and Safety Research conducted a study that used
the volume of cell phones in range of a given tower to identify potential areas of
congestion or accidents [19]. This work is similar to WreckWatch in that it utilizes the
cellular ra- dios for the communication of information, but the sensors present on the
Android device present a much greater level of accuracy and ultimately provide more
information than could be gleaned from signal triangulation.

1.6 Concluding Remarks

Although conventional in-vehicle accident detection systems provide emergency
respon- ders with crucial information at the earliest possible time, adoption of these
systems is limited by their non-portability and cost. Smartphones present a promising
platform on which to construct an accident detection system. Significant challenges,
however, are as- sociated with developing an accident detection application for
smartphone-based sensor networks. This paper described how the WreckWatch
smartphone application accurately detected traffic accidents by combining (1)
contextual information to determine when a user is in a vehicle with (2) high G-force
filters that helped to suppress false positives, such as a dropped phone or sudden stop
that may occur while a vehicle is in motion.
In developing and evaluating WreckWatch, we learned the following lessons:
In the event of an extreme accident the phone may be destroyed preventing
it from contacting emergency responders. As with equipment embedded in the
which is how systems like OnStar function, there is a chance that the phone would become damaged during an accident and be unable to transmit accident information.
With- out providing redundant or ruggedized equipment, which would significantly
increase cost and reduce usability, there is little that can be done to prevent the
destruction of communication equipment. This is a weakness of such a system however
the severity of such an accident would likely draw enough attention from witnesses that
WreckWatchs notification would be superfluous.
Accidents exert extreme forces on a phone that are unlikely to occur when
dropping it. The forces experienced during a car collision are extreme and highly unlikely to occur in any other event other than a high-speed collision. These events are
therefore easier to identify and categorize accordingly. Moreover, by combining the accident detection process with contextual information to determine when the user is in a
vehicle, false positives are less likely.
Smartphones can surpass the functionality of conventional in-vehicle accident
detection systems. Modern smartphone platforms possessing a GPS receiver and ac-

celerometers can be utilized to detect car accidents and represent a portable alternative
to conventional in-vehicle systems, such OnStar. Moreover, smartphone-based
applications can surpass the functionality of conventional systems by leveraging the
other device fea- tures and network functionality, such as contact management and
Internet access, which allows accident victims to alert emergency personnel, family,
and friends immediately and automatically.
Collision events can be modeled based on data collected from a smartphone. If
the smartphone remains stationary relative to the vehicle during the collision, the smartphone will experience the same forces as the vehicle, which allows reconstruction of the
accident based on the data gathered from the smartphone. This data allows accident
inves- tigators to determine not only what happened during an accident, but also
provides them with insight into the forces experienced by the occupants. In this case, a
smartphone- based accident detection system provides more information than a system
like OnStar that only collects information about the vehicle itself. This data could then
be used to analyze the effectiveness of the safety features of the vehicle, such as seat
It may not be possible to detect all accidents with smartphones. Due to the filters
utilized to prevent false positives, it may be possible to experience a low speed fenderbender without the application detecting it. More work is needed to enhance the
filtering mechanisms to account for these types of collisions. In particular,
WreckWatchs filtering algorithm could be enhanced to determine whether the user is
in a vehicle or not utilizing history information. For example, users often travel similar
routes to work and Wreck- Watch could learn where stops or reductions in speed are
common by analysis of trends (e.g. if a person usually travels through an area at 40mph
but occasionally slows to a stop indicating a potential traffic jam or if a person always
stops at the same locations and then resumes driving indicating the presence of a traffic
light). Likewise, WreckWatch could use known intersections to identify potential stops
and anticipate them or download traffic information to predict the location of traffic
jams resulting from long-duration reductions in speed.
In-vehicle Bluetooth radios connecting the phone and vehicle increase the potential for smartphone-based accident detection systems. Although WreckWatch
does not rely on any interaction with the vehicle, direct interaction with the ADR/EDR
would increase the accuracy and information available to smartphone-based accident
detection systems, such as whether brakes were applied and at what pressure, whether
the occu- pants were wearing seat belts, whether cruise control was on, whether head
lamps were on, etc [6]. Many vehicles currently possess onboard Bluetooth radios for
hands-free communications. Extending this link to provide interaction with the
ADR/EDR would make a direct connection to the vehicle feasible. Many vehicles
already possess a hard- ware connection to the ECU for problem diagnosis. This
connection could be used in legacy vehicles to attach a Bluetooth transmitter that
would establish a wireless connec- tion to WreckWatch when the vehicle was started.
Minor modifications to WreckWatch would be needed to record and process the
additional sensor information from the vehicle.
Integrating accident detection systems with Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITS) can help city planners and motorists combine accident data with other roadway information. City planners and transportation departments currently use ITS to
identify road problems and hazardous conditions. Many cities offer services (such as
a 511 telephone number) to allow motorists to access information regarding congestion
and accidents on major roadways. Integrating WreckWatch with ITS implementations
would reduce the latency between an accident event and the availability of the informa-

tion. This integration could also help city planners create a database of accident
locations that could be cross-referenced with hazardous road conditions. Since
WreckWatch uses open standards an application that already performs many ITS
services could be config- ured to download accident information using XML over
HTTP. This information could then be incorporated into reports generated by the ITS
and processed accordingly. Like- wise, requests for accident information via the 511
telephone number could simply be forwarded to WreckWatchs phone number.
The WreckWatch application is open-source and can be downloaded from
vuphone. googlecode.com. Also available from this repository are smartphone
applications for social networking, campus dining, and social events.

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