Typical Power Electronics Circuits in Power Systems: 9.1 HVDC Converter/inverter

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9. Typical power electronics circuits in power systems

More and more power electronics technologies have been widely applied to power systems. In the
chapter, several typical and primitive circuits are surveyed regarding the functions.
9.1 HVDC converter/inverter
Fig. 9.1 a) and b) show basic HVDC converter and inverter respectively. In the figure only plus polarity
units are shown. In actual cases, also minus polarity ones, which are the mirror image like, exist so the

a) HVDC converter circuit

b) HVDC inverter circuit

Fig. 9.1 HVDC converter/inverter circuit layout ---- Plus polarity only
ground (return) current is minimised.
In the figure, some supplemental elements, such as snubbers, capacitances around transformers, etc.
are not shown. For details, see the attached data file.
Firstly the performance of the converter is surveyed. Connecting 50Hz source together with the source
impedance to the left side, and load resistor to the right side, calculation is made. The key point is the
timing of the gate signals. In the data file, TACS is applied for the purpose. Typical results are shown in

a) Upper side phase current and voltage

b) Lower side phase/transformer currents

c) 50Hz system side phase current and voltage

c) 50Hz current Fourier spectrum
(Fig. 9.2 Converter circuit variables ------ continuing to the next page.)

e) Upper side valve gate signals vs. voltage

f) DC output voltage

Fig. 9.2 Converter circuit variables ----- continued from the previous page
Fig. 9.2.
As shown in the circuit diagram, valve switching side is constructed by two groups, the phase voltage
angle difference between two groups is 30 degree by means of Delta/Star transformer winding connections. By such arrangement, higher DC voltage is easily obtained, and at the same time, harmonics in
the AC side current is diminished. Fig. 9.2 a) --- d) show such effect. Each top or bottom side bridge
phase current is square formed one. But, combining both side currents, AC side current is well formed.
The effect is clearly shown in the Fourier spectrum (d), where low value of (12n + 1) order harmonics
exist. Filters capacity for eliminating such high frequency of harmonics can be rather low compared to
lower frequency of harmonics.
Valve gate signals are to be based on the phase-to-phase voltages phase angle, which is shown in Fig.
9.2 e). In the case, so called ignition delay angle (Alpha) is 18 degree. In f) output DC voltage is shown,
together with the case of ignition delay (Alpha) equal to 30 degree. Theoretically, by primitive estimation,
the output voltage is proportional to cosine of the delay angle (cos). For further eliminating the ripple in
DC, higher value of DC reactor can be applied.
Next, lets study externally communicated inverter circuit simulation. For higher capacity of systems such
as power utility ones, due to economical and efficiency point of view, externally communicated systems
are exclusively applied, where relatively cheep and high capacity of thyristers can be applied.
Connecting DC source to the right side of Fig. 9.2 b), where for easier understanding the directions of the

a) Upper side phase voltage and current

b) Down side phase current

c) 60Hz AC side voltage and current

d) Upper side valve gate signals vs. voltage
Fig. 9.3 Inverter variables ----- DC --- 60Hz AC

thyristers are reversed, and 60Hz of AC source to the left side, the performance is analysed. Some results are shown in Fig. 9.3.
It should be noted that the gate signal timing (for phase a) is advanced from the zero point of the applied voltage (Va Vc) as shown in d), resulting in normal externally communicating inverter performance. This is called advancing angle (Beta or ). Phase currents for both upper and down sides are
square wave formed ones like in converter, and combining these in AC side via the Delta Wye connected transformer, well formed AC current (60Hz) is produced. The current value is controlled by both
DC voltage and advancing angle.
Finally, connecting the right side of the converter to the right side of the inverter, excluding DC source

a) AC side voltage wave shape (50Hz/60Hz)

b) AC side current wave shape (50Hz/60Hz)

c) DC voltage and current, ( = 45 deg.)

d) DC voltage and current, ( = 35 deg.)

Fig. 9.4 HVDC 50Hz DC 60Hz transmission system variables

and DC load resistor, single pole HVDC transmission system, transmitting power from 50Hz AC to 60Hz
AC via DC transmission, is set up. The calculation results as for starting up of the system are shown in
Fig. 9.4 Lower alpha corresponds to higher DC voltage and transmission power as shown in c) and d). In
actual systems, high accuracy of gate ignition control seems to be most important.
9.2 SVC (Static Var Compensator/ Thyrister Controlled Inductor)
As most-generally applied SVC, controlled inductor type is
taken up. The system itself controls only inductively reactive
power. For controlling also capacitively reactive power, capacitor bank is to be connected in parallel.
Fig. 9.5 shows basic three-phase SVC circuit, where some
additional elements, such as snubbers, stray capacitances,
etc. are not shown. For the continuity of the circuit, as the
reactor current is not continuous, thyrister controlled inductors are installed between phases (Delta connection).
Detailed circuit constants are shown in the attached data
files. By controlling the current flowing time-interval by thyrister in each cycle, the equivalent inductively reactive power
is controlled. Narrow current window corresponds to lower
reactive power. The current is no more sinusoidal.
Fig. 9.5 Three-phase SVC circuit
Here, 6.6kV, 3000kVar (at maximum) three-phase SVC is

a) = 30 degree

c) = 45 degree, phase current

b) = 30 degree, phase current

d) = 55 degree, phase current

e) Reactive power vs. Alpha

f) Fourier spectrum of current in b)
Fig. 9.6 Thyrister controlled inductor performance
Some calculated results are shown in Fig. 9.6. SVC controlling is based on (Alpha)---- ignition delay
angle, by which the current flowing window is controlled, together with the crest value.
a) Phase to phase voltage and inductor current connected in between by = 30 degree. The current is
no more sinusoidal.
b) Phase current and within delta current at the top of the delta. The phase current wave shape is well
formed. Fourier spectrum is shown in f).
c) Ditto but = 45 degree.
d) Ditto but = 55 degree
e) Reactive power calculated for = 5, 30, 45, 55 degree. The calculation basis is 3-phase balanced
sinusoidal wave shape, so the absolute values may be questionable. For the correct values, calculations based on the fundamental component of the Fourier spectrum are to be performed.
f) Fourier spectrum of the phase current in a)

9.3 PWM inverter, 3-phase, triangular carrier wave principle

The basic principle of PWM inverter is similar to DC step-down chopper, where constant frequency of
pulses with constant crest value and width proportional to the target voltage (duty ratio) produces current
approximately equal to one by the target value of DC voltage. By relatively slower change of pulse width,
current change is similar to one by the corresponding voltage change. As the most primitive method to
obtain appropriate pulse width, principle by triangular carrier wave shape compared to the target (reference) AC wave shape is often applied.
The principle circuit diagram is shown in
Fig. 9.7. Some additional elements such
as snubbers, stray capacitances, etc. are
not shown in the figure. For details, refer
the attached data files. When bi-polar
switching elements are applied, the
switching elements can be as shown in
the figure. In case mono-polar switching
elements such as GTOs, diodes are connected in parallel to the switching elements. Please refer some
electronics text books for details. In EMTP,
Fig. 9.7 3-phase PWM inverter circuit
No. 13 switching element is an ideal
bi-polar switch, so circuit diagram as
shown in the figure is applicable.
The control principle in Fig. 9.8, where
tri-angular wave shape is compared to the
reference voltage wave shape, can produce appropriate pulse width (duty ratio)
corresponding to the phase-to-phase
Care should be taken that, in Fig. 9.7, appropriate phase-to-phase voltage to the
load circuit is produced, but the voltage at
Fig. 9.8 Tri-angular & reference waves
the neutral point (at NN) fluctuates.
Therefore, the neutral can never be solidly
earthed. For solidly earthed neutral load circuit, another circuit diagram is to be applied.

a) Control signals in TACS

d) Current in phase A branch

b) Phase A to phase B voltage

c) Fourier spectrum of b)

e) Fourier spectrum of d)

Fig. 9.9 Some calculated results of PWM inverter in Fig. 9.7

Some calculated results are shown in Fig. 9.9. a) shows control signals in TACS by which gate signals to
switch elements in the inverter are created. b) shows actual applied voltage wave shape to phase A to B.
At approx. 40ms, the control signal VA0 VB0 in a) is maximum. At that timing in b), pulse width is

maximum, i.e. the pulse width is well controlled, proportional to the crest value of the voltage. c) shows
Fourier spectrum of the voltage in b), where harmonics of the carrier wave frequency and its integral
numbers are significant. As inductively reactive components are involved in the load circuit, harmonics in
the load current is not significant as shown in d) and e).
As an application of PWM inverter, a
self-communicated type static var
compensator is shown in Fig. 9.10
which is the most simplified circuit diagram. A three-phase PWM inverter is
connected to a power system via inductors. DC source can be a capacitor
instead of voltage source. Any side of
inverter or system is to be floating by
Fig. 9.10 Self-communicating static var compensator
this inverter circuit as shown before. So,
in the case, the system side is
high-ohmic resistor earthed transformer
as shown in Fig. 9.10. Therefore, the
transformer neutral voltage is much
Some calculated results are shown in
Fig. 9.11. Depending charged voltage in
the capacitor or target control voltage in
the controller (i.e. TACS in the case),
any of capacitively or inductively reactive power mode is applicable. For
higher inverter side voltage than the
system side, capacitively reactive mode
is represented as shown in Fig. 9.11. In
a), the leading current value is approx.
a) System side voltage and current ----- phase A
500A (crest), i.e. approx. 2MVA of capacitor mode operation.
As for details of the circuit parameters,
see the attached data file.
- Miscellaneous elements such as
stray capacitances, snubbers, etc.
are excluded in the case. For detailed practical cases, such are to
be introduced.
- In actual cases, especially for
higher capacitance to earth involved cases, neutral floating system may not be appropriate.
The initialisation in the calculation is
b) System side 3 phase currents
complicated. In the calculation, the
initialisation is not optimised.
Fig. 9.11 System side voltage and current
Relatively high capacitance value is
under capacitively reactive power operation
necessary for the DC source capacitor. Also, relatively high carrier
wave frequency is necessary. Try and error method seems to be suitable for survey the matter.
- The trapped voltage in the capacitor is controlled by phase angles between Vcont (inside reference
voltage) and the system voltage, similarly to active power transmission control via an inductor.
9.4 Cycloconverter
For relatively low frequency of power source such as 10 --- 20 Hz, cycloconverters have been widely
applied, the special feature of which is that high power and relatively low price thyrister is applicable as
the switching valve element, and the efficiency is high due to direct frequency converting.
In Fig. 9.12 one-phase of cycloconverter circuit is shown, three sets of which compose a three-phase
cycloconverter. In a three-phase cycloconverter, minimum 36 arms of switching elements are involved

such as in the attached

data file.
Each phase consists of
plus and minus side
blocks and one block is a
three-phase thyrister rectifier bridge such as in Fig.
9.1 (converter). In thyrister converter circuit, as
shown before, the out-put
DC voltage is proportional to cosine , where
is ignition delay angle,
therefore by slow changing of produces slow
changing DC voltage.
Therefore, in the upper
side of the converter
bridge in Fig. 9.12 can
produce positive polarity
of half wave, and lower
side, negative polarity of
Fig. 9.12 One-phase of cycloconverter circuit
one. Thus the circuit can
produce relatively low
frequency of alternating
current. Turning over from one polarity to the other is to be smooth. In the case, fortunately automatic
smooth turning over is obtained without any special means as shown later (Fig. 9.13c).
Some calculated results are shown as follows. :

a) Across bridge voltages

b) Fourier spectrum of the voltage

c) Through bridge & load currents

d) Fourier spectrum of the load current

Fig. 9.13 Cycloconverter variables (continuing)

e) Voltage and current of load

f) Ignition delay angle calculation basis

Fig. 9.13 Cycloconverter variables (continued)

f) shows the system (60 Hz) phase to phase voltage based saw teeth waves (three phase) and cosine of
the target voltage basis (15 Hz), by which the ignition delay angles (alphas) are calculated in TACS.
a) shows across-bridge voltages of both polarity converter bridges. Each bridge produces one polarity of
voltage but due to the connection each other, both polarity of voltages are induced on the terminals.
b) shows the Fourier spectrum of the voltage, where relatively high order of harmonics are involved. Six
times of switching per cycle are performed in the converter bridge and the out-put frequency is one forth
of the system frequency. Therefore the number of harmonic orders are around 6 X 4 = 24.
c) shows both bridges currents and the load circuit one. Around the load current zero time interval, circulating current through both bridges are observed, producing continuity of the load current at the zero.
d) shows the Fourier spectrum of the load current, which involves less harmonics, i.e. little distortion of
the wave shape.
e) shows the load voltage and the current wave shapes. The instantaneous voltage in the power system
including, especially, around the current zero time interval, are high. This corresponds to very low power
factor of load current in the power system. This is typical demerit in cyclocoverter. Details will be shown
in the next chapter regarding rotating machine driving application.
9.5 Current-regulated inverter ------ Hysteresis comparator
Similar inverter to one in Fig. 9.7 is applicable to current-regulated electric source, which will be applied
in the next chapter as a current source for a doubly fed machine. As shown in the previous chapter,
doubly fed machine requires quasi-current source for quick and stable controlling.

a) Current regulated inverter circuit

b) Current regulating principle

Fig. 9.14 Current-regulated inverter ------ Hysteresis comparator

The basic and most primitive circuit is shown in Fig. 9.14 a), where, for general applications, the neutral
of both source and load are solidly earthed. Therefore, three independent phase controlling is possible. If
source impedances, stray capacitances, etc. are introduced, for eliminating switching over-voltages,
suitable snubber is to be attached. For non-bipolar switching elements, diodes are to be connected in

parallel to the switching elements. Current regulating principle is shown in Fig. 9.14 b). The actual current shows zigzag wave shape within the upper and lower limit band, the centre of which is the target
reference current wave shape. Care should be taken that the switching frequency of the switching element is higher by narrower limit band and higher DC voltage. The minimum DC source voltage in Fig.
9.14 a) depends on the load impedance, the highest output current, internally induced voltage if any and
the frequency. The gate signals for the switching elements can be composed in TACS as shown in the
data file. See the attached data file. Dr./Prof. Ned Mohan (University of Minnesota), in the text book for
ATP-Exercise, introduced an excellent algorism for the purpose, the principle of which is introduced also
in the data file.
Some calculation results are shown below, where minimum possible DC voltage is applied. :

a) Command & actual currents

b) Switch control signal status

c) Phase voltage on the load

d) Phase voltage Fourier spectrum

e) Output currents (3-phase)

f) The current Fourier spectrum

Fig. 9.15 3-phase hysteresis comparator output variables

As shown in a) and b), the current is well regulated within the tolerance band according to the hysteresis
comparator principle. The voltage wave shape on the load circuit involves a lot of harmonics as shown in
c) and d). But the current wave shape involves quite less harmonics, i.e. well regulated beautiful wave
shape. There are fairly long time intervals with non-switching, i.e. constant DC voltage application. That
shows the DC voltage value is critical (minimum possible) for the circuit condition.


Attached data files for this chapter

- Data9-01.dat : HVDC transmission converter circuit, 50Hz, 275kV DC, 250kV, Alpha = 18 degree
- Data9-02.dat : HVDC transmission inverter circuit, DC, 250kV 60Hz, 275kV, Beta = 120 degree
- Data9-03.dat : HVDC transmission circuit, 50Hz, 275kV DC +250/-0 kV 60Hz, 275kV, Alpha = 45
degree, Beta = 120 degree, approx. 100MVA transmission
- Data9-04.dat : Ditto, Alpha = 35 degree, Beta = 120 degree, approx. 150MVA transmission
- Data9-11.dat : 3-phase thyrister controlled reactor (SVC), 6.6kV, 1000kVA, Alpha = 30 degree
- Data9-12.dat : Ditto, but 500kVA, Alpha = 45 degree
- Data9-13.dat : Ditto, but 200kVA, Alpha = 55 degree
- Data9-14.dat : Ditto, but 3000kVA (Rated), Alpha = 5 dgree
- Data9-21.dat : 3-phase PWM inverter, basic/most simplified circuit
- Data9-22.dat : Ditto, but with DC source impedance elements involved
- Data9-23.dat : Ditto, but snubbers are connected
- Data9-24.dat : Ditto, but VVVF starting wave creating
- Data9-25.dat : 3-phase PWM inverter applied on SVG
- Data9-31.dat : 3-phase cyclo-converter circuit, creating 15 Hz of voltage from 60 Hz source
- Data9-41.dat : 3-phase current-regulated inverter circuit ---- hysteresis comparator

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