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Soda Can Solar Air Heater

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Principles of Transport Processes

Portable Soda Cans Solar Air Heater

Jonnabelle A. Valencia
Department of Chemical Engineering College of Engineering, Bicol University, Legazpi City, Albay


The fabrication of a portable solar air heater from recycled soda cans and its efficiency were
discussed. The equipment enables undergraduate students to visualize, qualify, and quantify the
transfer of heat from the sun to the equipment to heat the air coming in the material. The soda cans
used were painted black and were assumed as a black body for maximum absorption of thermal
radiation, therefore making the transfer of energy more effective. The solar air heater contains
inlet and outlet wherein the air passed through the equipment. Through the experimental
procedures done, the researcher acquired the ability to plan and execute a complex heat transfer
operation. The process also helps to understand the principle of heat transfer, heat exchangers, and
radiation. The study was made to prove the efficiency of the existing soda can solar air heater idea.
Keywords: solar air heater, soda cans, heat transfer, thermal efficiency, solar radiation flux
1. Introduction
Heat transfer is a dominant aspect of the
engineering world. It deals with the transport of
energy from a high temperature region to a lower
temperature region. The mode of transfer may be
conduction, convection, or radiation. The principle
of heat transfer is a great deal in the field of energy
conservation as the world presently strives in
looking for alternative energy sources to supply the
worlds demand and to secure the futures
generation. Chemical engineering students, as
future chemical engineers, have the prime
responsibility to seek for alternatives and fully
understand the mechanism of transport processes, as
one of the core courses in the chemical engineering

With the rapidly growing demand in energy,

engineers nowadays, continue to find alternative
energy sources and invent equipments that can
efficiently convert abundant resources into energy
reserves. And the understanding of the principle of
heat transfer is a must. It is a challenge to develop
equipments that shall efficiently convert other forms
of energy
(geothermal, hydro, wind, solar, etc.)
into electricity and other useful renewable forms of
In this paper, the author describes the process of
constructing the solar air heater and the underlying
principles incorporated in it as part of the
requirement in the undergraduate Principles of
Transport Processes course. The thermal efficiency
of the equipment was also evaluated.
Solar air heating is a solar thermal technology in
which the energy from the sun, solar insolation, is

captured by an absorbing medium and used to heat

air.1 It is considered as one of the most effective and
economical source of renewable energy. Solar air
heating is a renewable energy heating technology
used to heat or condition air for buildings or process
heat applications. It is typically the most costeffective out of all the solar technologies, especially
in commercial and industrial applications, and it
addresses the largest usage of building energy in
heating climates, which is space heating and
industrial process heating.2 The equipment is
existing and was inspired by Cansolair and
was invented by a man from Newfoundland,
Canada.3 A variety of applications can utilize solar
air heat technologies to reduce the carbon
footprint from use of conventional heat sources,
such as fossil fuels, to create a sustainable means to
produce thermal energy. Applications such as space
heating, greenhouse season extension, pre-heating
ventilation makeup air, or process heat can be
addressed by solar air heat devices.4
The air coming in the equipment was just heated
and offered the idea of heat transfer. The incoming
air is heated because of the difference in the
temperature gradient between the air supplied and
the heated soda cans. The thermal efficiency was
computed by using the energy gain, the solar
radiation flux and the area of the equipment used.
The popularity of the effectiveness of the study
awakened the engineering society and was tried and
tested by several people because of its affordability
and efficiency.
The idea that soda cans were treated as a black body
also offers an understanding in the efficiency of the
black body to absorb energy through radiation
coming from the sun. Overall, the study provides an
opportunity for the students to develop functioning,
economic, and environmentally accepted process to
convert the abundant solar energy into useful energy
2. Experimental Details
2.1 Materials
The materials used in the study were as follows:
black non-reflective spray paint, board, measuring
meter or ruler, pencil, plywood, clear plastic, metal

cutter, glue sticks, screws, screw driver, hammer,

driller, tape, and 24 soda cans.
2.2 Equipment
The main equipment used in the study was
thermometer. The device was used to measure the
temperature of the incoming air and the outgoing
2.3 Preparation of the Soda Cans
Collect 24 soda cans. Make sure that they are in
perfect condition, free from distortions and holes.
Dry them and remove all the moisture content of the
cans. Start making the holes on the top and bottom
using the metal cutter. The hole in the top must be
larger than the bottom. After cutting all the 24 cans,
connect 3 soda cans on their ends using the glue
stick. Wrap the ends of the connected cans with
glue stick. Make sure that they are properly sealed
and the air is not coming out of the connected ends.
8 columns will be assembled. Then, apply the black
spray paint to the whole surface area to produce a
pack of black soda cans.
2.4 Procedures
Prepare 2 boards with a length of 56.5 cm, 8.5 cm
high and 1.5 cm wide. Once the cans and boards are
prepared, place the cans side by side along the
bottom board, leaving a small space between each
can. Draw the outline of the cans on the bottom
board to make the first manifold. Provide enough
space from each edge to make sure that the board
will not break when drilling the can-sized holes.
These holes are needed as the pathway of the air
travelling the equipment. While drilling, the holes
on the frame can be made. The top and the bottom
of the outermost casing must also be holed to serve
as the vents of the equipment.
Create the frame of the box. Be sure to match the
pattern left to right so that the can tubes line up and
run straight within the 2 boards. Measure the frame
to ensure that it will fit the 2 boards containing the
soda cans painted black. The frame must be 59.5 cm
long, 54 cm high, and must have a width of 8.5 cm.
the bottom plywood that will contain the whole
equipment must be attached to the frame. The
plywood must have a dimension of 59.5 cm by 54
cm. Once framed, screw the plywood to the back of

Figure 1. Images of the Preparation of the Black Soda Cans a) Collection, b)Connecting the ends of the cans c)
Spraying the black non-reflective paint in the 3 can array, d) Final output of the soda cans.

Figure 2 Cutting the board into the desired

Firgure 3. Tracing and drilling the holes that
will serve as vents.

the frame and then, assemble. Paint the interior of

the box with the black non-reflective spray paint.
Be sure to leave enough space at the top and the
bottom of the box to create an air chamber. The
space must be 10 cm from the top and bottom.

4 seconds (after observing that air is already coming

out of the outlet, the thermometer was placed in the
outlet to measure the temperature coming out of the
air heater. Record the temperature for calculations.
3. Results and Discussions
3.1 Determination of the Thermal Efficiency


Figure 4 Fitting the arrays of cans in the vents

on the top and bottom.

conducted. The temperature of the incoming air

remained at 26.4 while the temperature of

Create a barrier for the air chamber. Cut an 8.5 by 7

cm board. Make six pieces of it. It will prevent the
air from escaping and controlling its path. On the
top of the equipment, place the small piece of the
board in between the first two holes relative to the
inlet. Then, place the other two every after two
holes. Do the same for the bottom part but start in
between the 2nd and third hole. Spray paint the
interior of the equipment. Seal the equipment with a
clear hard plastic or with a clear glass. But in this
study, clear plastic was used for affordability

the outgoing air varied and registered 33.2 ,

32.9 , and 34.3 .

2.4 Procedures
Experiment on the solar air heater was performed
on the noon of an ordinary sunny day when the sun
emits its highest solar radial energy. The experiment
was conducted from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. The
equipment was first exposed to the sun for 30
minutes. After the time allotted for the exposure, a
35 watt powered fan was allowed to constantly
supply air in the inlet of the air heater. After 5
minutes, the temperature of the incoming air was
measured using the digital thermometer. Then, after

Figure 5 Final Output of the Soda Can Solar

Air Heater

2 mv = Pt

( )

a dimensionless performance measure of a device
that uses thermal energy, such as an internal
combustion engine, a steam turbine or a steam
engine, a boiler, a furnace, or a refrigerator for
example.5 It describes how effective and efficient a
device is. In general, thermal efficiency is equal to
the ratio of useful energy output and energy input in
the equipment. In a solar air heater aspect, the
thermal efficiency is defined by the equation:






( )


2 ( 35 W ) ( 4 s )
29 kg air


v = 3.107 m/s
Since the velocity of the air is already identified, the
mass flow rate of the air can now be calculated.

Q is the useful energy absorbed per unit time, I is

the solar radiation flux, and A is the surface area of
the equipment. Q has the equation:
Q = mCpT
Wherein m is the mass flow rate of the air, Cp is the
specific heat capacity of the air at constant pressure,
and T is the difference of the temperature of the
outgoing air and the incoming air. T = Tout Tin.
Mass flow rate can be calculated by multiplying the
density (of the air), the cross sectional area of the
cans, and the velocity of the air.
Since the power of the fan is known to be 35 watts,
the air velocity can be calculated. In the experiment,
the air was assumed to be ideal and 1 kmol per pass.
But for real scenario, anemometer must be used to
measure the winds velocity.




Density of air is 1.204 kg/m3, cross sectional area of

the pipe is 1.96 x 10-3 m2.
m = (1.204 kg/m3) (1.96 x 10-3 m2) (3.107 m/s)

m = 7.332 x 10-3 kg/s

The energy absorbed per unit time can now be
computed. Cp of air is 1.006 kJ/kgoC7. The
differences of the temperatures for trials 1 to 3 are:
, 6.5
, and 7.9
. The mean
difference in the temperatures is 7.067

Q = (7.332 x 10-3 kg/s) (1.006 kJ/kgoC7) ( 7.067


Q = 0.0521 kJ/s
Q = 52.126 J/s

The equipment acquired 52.126 J/s of useful energy.



2 mv
mv 2

To calculate the thermal efficiency, the solar radiation

flux and the area must be identified.
The total surface area of the equipment is:
A = l x w = (0.595 m) (0.54 m) = 0.3213 m2

Radiation from the sun sustains life on earth and

determines climate. The energy flow within the sun
results in a surface temperature of around 5800 K.
Currently accepted values are about 1360 W m-

(the NASA value given in ASTM E 490-73a is

1353 21 W m-2).8


52.126 J /s
( 1360 W m2 ) (0.3213 m2)

= 0.1193

= 11.93 %

3.2 Heat Transfer from the Sun

Heat transfer through radiation takes place in form
of electromagnetic waves mainly in the infrared
region. Radiation emitted by a body is a
consequence of thermal agitation of its composing
molecules.9 The solar energy coming from the sun
was absorbed by the solar air heater as a black body
through radiation. A black body is the one that
absorbs all the radiant energy and reflects none. A
black body is a hypothetic body that completely
absorbs all wavelengths of thermal radiation
incident on it. Such bodies do not reflect light, and
therefore appear black if their temperatures are low
enough so as not to be self-luminous. All
blackbodies heated to a given temperature emit
thermal radiation.9 Although the concept was just
ideal and not realistic, it still plays a great role in the
field of radiation and is accepted for its close
approximation. The radiant energy was transferred
to the solar air heater due to the temperature
difference between the two bodies. Heat is always
transferred from a hotter body to a colder one.
After absorbing the solar energy, a constant pressure
air was blown into the device to be heated. The air
travelled and passed through the pipes and the air
chamber. The heat will transfer from the soda cans
which absorbed the radiant energy coming from the
sun to the air passing through the tubes. The air
exited heated by means of convection. The flow of
fluid may be forced by external processes, or
sometimes (in gravitational fields) by buoyancy
forces caused when thermal energy expands the
fluid (for example in a fire plume), thus influencing
its own transfer. The latter process is often called

"natural convection". All convective processes also

move heat partly by diffusion, as well. Another
form of convection is forced convection. In this
case the fluid is forced to flow by use of a pump,
fan or other mechanical means.10 The transfer of
energy started from the sun, to the solar air heater,
specifically in the soda cans, and finally to the air.
The device can also be used to convert solar energy
into electricity by means of injecting a solar cell in
the equipment.
4. Conclusion
The soda can solar air heater has proven to be an
effective equipment in the conversion of the
abundant solar energy into other forms of energy.
The equipment can also be a power generating
device which will help prolong the non-renewable
sources of energy and give birth to renewable
energy sources. With a proven high thermal
efficiency, the soda can solar air heater is really a
great help to the engineering society.
5. Recommendations
After conducting the study, the following points can
be noted to be included:

Include a solar cell to store up the solar

energy and convert it into electrical energy.
Better insulate the equipment with a clear
glass than a clear plastic to fully avoid air
In determining the velocity, use anemometer
for better accuracy.
The highest radial energy emitted by the sun
is in the noon so when trying to store up
great energy, it is best to do it on noon.

The author expresses her greatest gratitude to the
people who helped her made into completion this

To her family for the emotional, moral,

spiritual and financial support, Mr. Jesus

Roy D. Valencia, her father, for exerting all

his effort to help the author materialize the
equipment and for financing the study; Mrs.
Marvelous Grace A. Valencia, her mother,
for the continuous support, care and
encouragement; Ms. Jenelyn A. Valencia,
her sister, for the great love and support
To her best friend, Ms. Jann Marie A.
Cabug, for lending her a laptop to finish the
paper and for the cheers and words of
To Engr. Junel Bon Borbo, for constant
guidance and advices he imparts and for the
knowledge he shared about the subject
To her friends and classmates for the
emotional support
And above all, to her Almighty Father,
Creator of heaven and earth, who provided
her everything she needs


1. "Solar Thermal Collectors - Energy

Explained, Your Guide To Understanding
Administration". Tonto.eia.doe.gov. 201305-29. Retrieved 2014-05-04.
4. Rural Renewable Energy Alliance. "Solar
Air Heat Basics"
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_efficie
6. Filiz Ozgen, Mehmet Esen andHikmet
Esen.Experimentalinvestigation of thermal
performance ofa doubleflow solar air heater
havingaluminium cans. Renewable Energy
34(2009) 23912398.
7. http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/airspecific-heat-capacity-d_705.html
8. https://www.newport.com/Introduction-toSolar-Radiation/411919/1033/content.aspx
9. The Engineering Toolbox
10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_transfer#

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