Interest Rate Derivatives
Interest Rate Derivatives
Interest Rate Derivatives
Hence F (t; T, S) is that value of K that makes the FRA a fair contract at time t.
We also see that in order to value an FRA, we can just replace L(T, S) by F (t; T, S)
in the payo at S and then take the present value at t.
2.2. Interest Rate Swaps
Definition 2.3 (IRS). We consider two kinds of interest rate swaps, briey
(i) A receiver IRS, briey RFS, depending on the notional value N , the xed
rate K, and the set of times T , is a contract, where its holder receives
(K L(Ti1 , Ti )) i D(t, Ti )
and of a PFS is
(L(Ti1 , Ti ) K) i D(t, Ti ).
FRA(t, Ti1 , Ti , N, K)
= N P (t, T ) N P (t, T ) + N K
i P (t, Ti )
= N (K S, (t))
i P (t, Ti ).
Hence S, (t) is that value of K that makes the IRS a fair contract at time t. We
also see that an IRS can be viewed as a portfolio of a coupon-bearing bond (xed
leg) and a oating-rate note (oating leg).
Definition 2.5 (Floating-rate note). A oating-rate note, briey FRN, depending on the set of future times T and the notional value N , is a contract,
where its holder receives N (Ti1 , Ti )L(Ti1 , Ti ) units of currency at time Ti for
all + 1 i . In addition, the holder also receives N units of currency at time
T .
ci P (t, Ti ).
If we let
ci = N i K
c = N K + N,
the value is
CB(t, T , c) = N P (t, T ) + N K
i P (t, Ti ),
and then
RFS(t, T , N, K) = CB(t, T , c) FRN(t, T , N ).
2.3. Interest Rate Caps and Floors
Definition 2.9 (Caplets and oorlets).
notional value N , the oor rate K, the expiry time T , and the maturity
time S > T , is a contract, where its holder receives N (T, S)K and
pays N (T, S)L(T, S) units of currency at the same time S, but only if
L(T, S) < K.
(ii) A caplet, depending on the notional value N , the cap rate K, the expiry
time T , and the maturity time S > T , is a contract, where its holder pays
N K (T, S) and receives N (T, S)L(T, S) units of currency at the same
time S, but only if L(T, S) > K.
Remark 2.10 (Caplets and oorlets). A oorlet gives its holder an interest-rate
payment for the period between T and S > T . At maturity S, a xed payment
based on a xed rate K is exchanged against a oating payment based on the spot
rate L(T, S), resetting in T and with maturity S. However, this is done only if the
spot rate does not exceed K. Hence the holder of a oorlet receives interest at a
rate which is at least K. The discounted payo at time t T of a oorlet is
(K L(Ti1 , Ti )) i D(t, Ti ).
Similarly, a cap is a PFS where each exchange payment is executed only if it has
positive value. It can also be considered as a portfolio of caplets. The discounted
payo at time t T of a cap is
(L(Ti1 , Ti ) K) i D(t, Ti ).
Caps and oors can be priced with a sum of Blacks formulas. This will be done in
Section 8.1.
Definition 2.13 (ATM). Let KATM = S, (t). A cap or oor is said to be at
the money, briey ATM if K = KATM . A cap is called in the money, briey ITM if
K < KATM , while a oor is said to be ITM if K > KATM . A cap is called out of the
money, briey OTM if K > KATM , while a oor is said to be ITM if K < KATM .
2.4. Swaptions
Definition 2.14 (Swaptions). A swap option, briey swaption, is an option on
an IRS. The time T is called the swaption maturity. The underlying IRS length
T T is called the tenor of the swaption.
(i) A European payer swaption is a contract that gives the holder the right
(but no obligation) to enter a PFS at the swaption maturity.
(ii) A European receiver swaption is a contract that gives the holder the right
(but no obligation) to enter an RFS at the swaption maturity.
Remark 2.15 (Swaption). The value of the underlying IRS of a payer swaption
at time T is
(F (T ; Ti1 , Ti ) K)i P (T , Ti ).
(F (T ; Ti1 , Ti ) K)i P (T , Ti )
D(t, T ).
Thus it is not possible to decompose the payer-swaption payo as can be done for
caps. However, the value of a payer swaption is smaller than or equal to the value
of the corresponding cap contract, due to the inequality
(F (T ; Ti1 , Ti ) K)i P (T , Ti )
(F (T ; Ti1 , Ti ) K) i P (T , Ti ).
Swaptions can be priced with a Black-like formula. This will be done in Section
Definition 2.16 (ATM). Both payer and receiver swaption are said to be ATM
if K = KATM . A payer swaption is called ITM if K < KATM , and a receiver
swaption is said to be ITM if K > KATM . A payer swaption is called OTM if
K > KATM , and a receiver swaption is said to be OTM if K < KATM .