Interest Rate Derivatives

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Interest Rate Derivatives

2.1. Forward Rate Agreements
Definition 2.1 (FRA). A forward rate agreement, briey FRA, depending on
the notional value N , the xed rate K, the expiry time T , and the maturity time
S > T , is a contract, where its holder receives N (T, S)K and pays N (T, S)L(T, S)
units of currency at the same time S.
Remark 2.2 (FRA). An FRA gives its holder an interest-rate payment for the
period between T and S > T . The contract allows to lock in the interest rate
between T and S at the desired value K. At maturity S, a xed payment based
on a xed rate K is exchanged against a oating payment based on the spot rate
L(T, S), resetting in T and with maturity S. The value of an FRA at time S is

+1 .
N (T, S) (K L(T, S)) = N (T, S)K
P (T, S)
The value of an FRA at time t T is
FRA(t, T, S, N, K)

= N ( (T, S)P (t, S)K P (t, T ) + P (t, S))

= N (T, S)P (t, S) (K F (t; T, S)) .

Hence F (t; T, S) is that value of K that makes the FRA a fair contract at time t.
We also see that in order to value an FRA, we can just replace L(T, S) by F (t; T, S)
in the payo at S and then take the present value at t.
2.2. Interest Rate Swaps
Definition 2.3 (IRS). We consider two kinds of interest rate swaps, briey
(i) A receiver IRS, briey RFS, depending on the notional value N , the xed
rate K, and the set of times T , is a contract, where its holder receives


N (Ti1 , Ti )K and pays N (Ti1 , Ti )L(Ti1 , Ti ) units of currency at the

same time Ti , for all + 1 i .
(ii) A payer IRS, briey PFS, depending on the notional value N , the xed
rate K, and the set of times T , is a contract, where its holder pays
N K (Ti1 , Ti ) and receives N (Ti1 , Ti )L(Ti1 , Ti ) units of currency at
the same time Ti , for all + 1 i .
Remark 2.4 (IRS). An IRS exchanges interest payments starting from a future
time instant T+1 . At every instant Ti , the holder of an RFS receives an amount
corresponding to a xed interest rate of the notional value (xed leg) and pays an
amount corresponding to the LIBOR rate that is reset at the previous time instant
Ti1 (oating leg). The discounted payo at time t T of an RFS is

(K L(Ti1 , Ti )) i D(t, Ti )


and of a PFS is

(L(Ti1 , Ti ) K) i D(t, Ti ).


The value of an RFS at time t T is

RFS(t, T , N, K)

FRA(t, Ti1 , Ti , N, K)


= N P (t, T ) N P (t, T ) + N K

i P (t, Ti )


= N (K S, (t))

i P (t, Ti ).


Hence S, (t) is that value of K that makes the IRS a fair contract at time t. We
also see that an IRS can be viewed as a portfolio of a coupon-bearing bond (xed
leg) and a oating-rate note (oating leg).
Definition 2.5 (Floating-rate note). A oating-rate note, briey FRN, depending on the set of future times T and the notional value N , is a contract,
where its holder receives N (Ti1 , Ti )L(Ti1 , Ti ) units of currency at time Ti for
all + 1 i . In addition, the holder also receives N units of currency at time
T .


Remark 2.6 (Floating-rate note). A oating-rate note ensures payments at

future times T+1 , . . . , T of the LIBOR rates that reset at the previous instants
T , . . . , T1 and, moreover, it pays a last cash ow consisting of the reimbursement
of the notional value of the note at the nal time. The value of a oating-rate note
at time t T is
FRN(t, T , N ) = N P (t, T ).
This means that a oating-rate note with notional value N at its rst reset date is
always worth its notional value, i.e., a oating-rate note trades at par.
Definition 2.7 (Coupon-bearing bond). A coupon-bearing bond, depending on
the set of future times T and the deterministic cash ow c = {c+1 , . . . , c }, is a
contract, where its holder receives ci units of currency at time Ti for all + 1
i .
Remark 2.8 (Coupon-bearing bond). The value of a coupon-bearing bond at
time t T is
CB(t, T , c) =

ci P (t, Ti ).


If we let
ci = N i K




c = N K + N,

the value is
CB(t, T , c) = N P (t, T ) + N K

i P (t, Ti ),


and then
RFS(t, T , N, K) = CB(t, T , c) FRN(t, T , N ).
2.3. Interest Rate Caps and Floors
Definition 2.9 (Caplets and oorlets).

(i) A oorlet, depending on the

notional value N , the oor rate K, the expiry time T , and the maturity
time S > T , is a contract, where its holder receives N (T, S)K and
pays N (T, S)L(T, S) units of currency at the same time S, but only if
L(T, S) < K.


(ii) A caplet, depending on the notional value N , the cap rate K, the expiry
time T , and the maturity time S > T , is a contract, where its holder pays
N K (T, S) and receives N (T, S)L(T, S) units of currency at the same
time S, but only if L(T, S) > K.
Remark 2.10 (Caplets and oorlets). A oorlet gives its holder an interest-rate
payment for the period between T and S > T . At maturity S, a xed payment
based on a xed rate K is exchanged against a oating payment based on the spot
rate L(T, S), resetting in T and with maturity S. However, this is done only if the
spot rate does not exceed K. Hence the holder of a oorlet receives interest at a
rate which is at least K. The discounted payo at time t T of a oorlet is

N (K L(T, S)) (T, S)D(t, S).

Similarly, the discounted payo at time t T of a caplet is

N (L(T, S) K) (T, S)D(t, S),

meaning that the holder of a caplet is paying interest at a rate which is at most K,
i.e., the interest rate is capped to the xed cap rate K. Hence caplets and oorlets
are (call and put) options on interest rates, and they can be priced with Blacks
formula. This will be done in Section 8.1.
Definition 2.11 (Caps and oors).
tional value N ,

(i) A oor, depending on the no-

the oor rate K,

and the set of times T ,

is a contract, where its holder receives N (Ti1 , Ti )K and pays

N (Ti1 , Ti )L(Ti1 , Ti ) units of currency at the same time Ti , but only
if L(Ti1 , Ti ) < K, for all + 1 i .
(ii) A cap, depending on the notional value N , the cap rate K, and the set of
times T , is a contract, where its holder pays N (Ti1 , Ti )K and receives
N (Ti1 , Ti )L(Ti1 , Ti ) units of currency at the same time Ti , but only
if L(Ti1 , Ti ) > K, for all + 1 i .
Remark 2.12 (Caps and oors). A oor is an RFS where each exchange payment is executed only if it has positive value. It can also be considered as a portfolio


of oorlets. The discounted payo at time t T of a oor is


(K L(Ti1 , Ti )) i D(t, Ti ).


Similarly, a cap is a PFS where each exchange payment is executed only if it has
positive value. It can also be considered as a portfolio of caplets. The discounted
payo at time t T of a cap is

(L(Ti1 , Ti ) K) i D(t, Ti ).


Caps and oors can be priced with a sum of Blacks formulas. This will be done in
Section 8.1.
Definition 2.13 (ATM). Let KATM = S, (t). A cap or oor is said to be at
the money, briey ATM if K = KATM . A cap is called in the money, briey ITM if
K < KATM , while a oor is said to be ITM if K > KATM . A cap is called out of the
money, briey OTM if K > KATM , while a oor is said to be ITM if K < KATM .
2.4. Swaptions
Definition 2.14 (Swaptions). A swap option, briey swaption, is an option on
an IRS. The time T is called the swaption maturity. The underlying IRS length
T T is called the tenor of the swaption.
(i) A European payer swaption is a contract that gives the holder the right
(but no obligation) to enter a PFS at the swaption maturity.
(ii) A European receiver swaption is a contract that gives the holder the right
(but no obligation) to enter an RFS at the swaption maturity.
Remark 2.15 (Swaption). The value of the underlying IRS of a payer swaption
at time T is

(F (T ; Ti1 , Ti ) K)i P (T , Ti ).


The discounted payer-swaption payo therefore is



(F (T ; Ti1 , Ti ) K)i P (T , Ti )

D(t, T ).



Thus it is not possible to decompose the payer-swaption payo as can be done for
caps. However, the value of a payer swaption is smaller than or equal to the value
of the corresponding cap contract, due to the inequality

(F (T ; Ti1 , Ti ) K)i P (T , Ti )


(F (T ; Ti1 , Ti ) K) i P (T , Ti ).


Swaptions can be priced with a Black-like formula. This will be done in Section
Definition 2.16 (ATM). Both payer and receiver swaption are said to be ATM
if K = KATM . A payer swaption is called ITM if K < KATM , and a receiver
swaption is said to be ITM if K > KATM . A payer swaption is called OTM if
K > KATM , and a receiver swaption is said to be OTM if K < KATM .

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