Market Models PDF
Market Models PDF
Market Models PDF
Market Models
One of the principal disadvantages of short rate models, and HJM models more generally, is that they focus on
unobservable instantaneous interest rates. The so-called market models that were developed1 in the late 90’s
overcome this problem by directly modeling observable market rates such as LIBOR2 and swap rates. These
models are straightforward to calibrate and have quickly gained widespread acceptance from practitioners. The
first market models were actually developed in the HJM framework where the dynamics of instantaneous forward
rates are used via Itô’s Lemma to determine the dynamics of zero-coupon bonds. The dynamics of zero coupon
bond prices were then used, again via Itô’s Lemma, to determine the dynamics of LIBOR. Market models are
therefore not inconsistent with HJM models. In these lecture notes, however, we will prefer to specify the
market models directly rather than derive them in the HJM framework. In the process, we will derive Black’s
formulae for caplets and swaptions thereby demonstrating the consistency of these formulae with martingale
pricing theory.
Throughout these notes, we will ignore the possibility of default or counter-party risk and treat LIBOR interest
rates as the fundamental rates in the market. Zero-coupon bond prices are then computed using LIBOR rather
than the default-free rates implied by the prices of government securities. This does result in a minor
inconsistency in that we price derivative securities assuming no possibility of default yet the interest rates
themselves that play the role of “underlying security”, i.e. LIBOR and swap rates, implicitly incorporate the
possibility of default. This inconsistency actually occurs in practice when banks trade caps, swaps and other
instruments with each other, and ignore the possibility of default when quoting prices. Instead, the associated
credit risks are kept to a minimum through the use of netting agreements and by counter-parties limiting the
total size of trades they conduct with one another. This approach can also be justified when counter-parties
have a similar credit rating and similar exposures to one another. Finally, we should mention that it is indeed
possible3 , and sometimes necessary, to explicitly model credit risk even when we are pricing ‘standard’ securities
such as caps and swaps. It goes without saying of course, that default risk needs to be modeled explicitly when
pricing credit derivatives and related securities.
Rutkowski (1997).
2 These models apply equally well to Euribor rates.
3 See chapter 11 of Cairns for a model where swaps are priced taking the possibility of default explicitly into account.
Market Models 2
The forward rate at time t based on simple interest for lending in the interval [T1 , T2 ] is given by4
à !
1 ZtT1 − ZtT2
F (t, T1 , T2 ) = (1)
T2 − T1 ZtT2
where, as before, ZtT is the time t price of a zero-coupon bond maturing at time T . Note also that if we
measure time in years, then (1) is consistent with F (t, T1 , T2 ) being quoted as an annual rate.
LIBOR rates are quoted as simply-compounded interest rates, and are quoted on an annual basis. The
accrual period or tenor, T2 − T1 , is usually fixed at δ = 1/4 or δ = 1/2 corresponding to 3 months and 6 months,
respectively. With a fixed value of δ in mind we can define the δ-year forward rate at time t with maturity T as
à !
1 ZtT − ZtT +δ
L(t, T ) := F (t, T, T + δ) = . (2)
δ ZtT +δ
Note that the δ-year spot LIBOR rate at time t is then given by L(t, t).
Remark 1 LIBOR or the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate, is determined on a daily basis when the British
Bankers’ Association (BBA) polls a pre-defined list of banks with strong credit ratings for their interest rates.
The highest and lowest responses are dropped and then the average of the remainder is taken to be the LIBOR
rate. Because there is some credit risk associated with these banks, LIBOR will be higher than the
corresponding rates on government treasuries. However, because the banks that are polled have strong credit
ratings the spread between LIBOR and treasury rates is generally not very large and is often less than 100 basis
points. Moreover, the pre-defined list of banks is regularly updated so that banks whose credit ratings have
deteriorated are replaced on the list with banks with superior credit ratings. This has the practical impact of
ensuring that forward LIBOR rates will still only have a very modest degree of credit risk associated with them.
where (Bt , Q) is an arbitrary numeraire-EMM pair and (ZtT +δ , PT +δ ) is the forward measure-numeraire pair.
The market convention is to quote caplet prices using Black’s formula which equates Ct to a Black-Scholes like
formula so that
· µ ¶ µ ¶¸
T +δ log(L(t, T )/K) + σ 2 (T − t)/2 log(L(t, T )/K) − σ 2 (T − t)/2
Ct = δZt L(t, T )Φ √ − KΦ √ (3)
σ T −t σ T −t
where Φ(·) is the CDF of a standard normal random variable. Note that (3) is what you would get for Ct if you
assumed that
dL(t, T ) = σL(t, T ) dW T +δ (t)
where W T +δ (t) is a PT +δ -Brownian motion and σ is an ‘implied’ volatility that is used to quote prices.
Black’s formula for caps is to equate the cap price with the sum of caplet prices given by (3) but where a
common σ is assumed. Similar formulae exist for floorlets and floors.
4 This follows from a simple arbitrage argument. Prove it!
Market Models 3
Swap Rates
Consider a payer forward start swap where the swap begins at some fixed time Tn in the future and expires at
time TM ≥ Tn . We assume the accrual period is of length δ. Since payments are made in arrears, the first
payment occurs at Tn+1 = Tn + δ and the final payment at TM +1 = TM + δ. Then martingale pricing implies
that the time t < Tn value, SWt , of this forward start swap is
B t
SWt = EQ t
δ (L(Tj , Tj ) − R)
B Tj+1
where R is the fixed (annualized) rate specified in the contract. A standard argument using the properties of
floating-rate bond prices implies that
X +1
SWTn = 1 − ZTnM +1 − Rδ ZTnj . (4)
Equation (4) in turn easily implies (why?) that for t < Tn we have
X +1
SWt = ZtTn − Zt M +1 − Rδ Zt j .
Definition 1 The forward swap rate at time t is the value R = R(t, Tn , TM ) for which SWt = 0. In particular,
we obtain
ZtTn − Zt M +1
R = R(t, Tn , TM ) = P M +1 T
. (5)
δ j=n+1 Zt j
The spot swap rate is then obtained by taking t = Tn in (5).
Now consider the time t price5 of a payer-swaption that expires at time Tn > t and with payments of the
b (annualized) and a notional
underlying swap taking place at times Tn+1 , . . . , TM +1 . Assuming a fixed rate of R
principle of $1, the value of the option at expiration is given by the positive part of (4). It satisfies
X +1
T b T
CTn = 1 − ZTnM +1 − Rδ ZTnj . (6)
Using (5) at t = Tn we can substitute for 1 − ZTnM +1 in (6) and find that
h i M
X +1
δ R(Tn , Tn , TM ) − R T
CTn = ZT n
X +1 h i+
δ T b .
= ZTnj R(Tn , Tn , TM ) − R (7)
Therefore we see that the swaption is like a call option on the swap rate. The time t value of the swaption, Ct ,
is then given by the Q-expectation of the right-hand-side of (7), suitably deflated by the numeraire.
where again σ is an ‘implied’ volatility that is used to quote prices. Note that the expression in (8) is what we
would obtain for the expectation of
X +1 h i+
δ T b
Zt j R(Tn , Tn , TM ) − R
6 ‘Quants’ in the fixed-income industry commonly refer to the ‘term-structure of volatility’ when discussing fixed-income
derivatives and models. In this section we briefly give some possible definitions of the ‘term-structure of volatility’ but we will
not need these definitions elsewhere in the course.
Market Models 5
δi := Ti+1 − Ti , i = 0, 1, . . . , M.
While the δi ’s are usually nominally equal, e.g. 1/4 or 1/2, day-count conventions will results in slightly different
values for each δi . We let Ztn denote the time t price of a zero-coupon bond maturing at time Tn > t for
n = 1, . . . , M . Similarly, we use Ln (t) to denote the time t forward rate applying to the period [Tn , Tn+1 ] for
n = 0, 1, . . . , M . In particular, (2) then states
Ztn − Ztn+1
Ln (t) = , for 0 ≤ t ≤ Tn , n = 0, 1, . . . , M. (9)
δn Ztn+1
With some work we can invert (9) to obtain an expression for bond prices in terms of LIBOR rates. We find
Y 1
ZTni = for n = i + 1, . . . , M + 1. (10)
1 + δj Lj (Ti )
Equation (10) only determines the bonds prices at the fixed maturity dates. However, for an arbitrary date t we
can easily check that
φ(t) 1
Ztn = Zt for 0 ≤ t ≤ Tn . (11)
1 + δj Lj (t)
where we define φ(t) to be next tenor date after time t. That is,
Remark 2 The presence of Zt in (11) suggests that it may not be sufficient to model only the dynamics of
the forward LIBOR rates, Ln (t), when we specify a market model since they are not sufficient to determine
Zt at an arbitrary time t. However, as we shall see below, this will not prove to be a problem as the φ(t)
factor vanishes upon deflating by the numeraire.
7 The notation and setup in this section and the next will borrow heavily from Section 3.7 in Monte Carlo Methods in
Numeraire-EMM Pairs
The following numeraire-EMM pairs are commonly used in market models:
1. The spot measure, Q, assumes that Bt∗ is the numeraire where Bt∗ is defined as follows.
• start with $1 at t = 0 and then purchase 1/Z01 of the zero-coupon bonds maturing at time T1
• at time T1 reinvest the funds in the zero-coupon bond maturing at time T2
• by continuing in this way, we see that at time t the spot numeraire will be worth
Bt∗ = Zt [1 + δj Lj (Tj )]. (12)
Note the similarity between this numeraire and our usual cash account.
2. The forward measure, P T , takes the zero-coupon bond maturing at time T as numeraire. We have seen
this numeraire-EMM pair already.
3. The swap
PM measure, P X , is useful for pricing swaptions analytically. It takes the numeraire to be
Xt = δ k=1 Ztk , which is indeed a positive security price process.
In particular, we see that the factor, Zt , has vanished.
where W (t) is a d-dimensional Brownian motion, and µn (t) and σn (t) are adapted processes that may depend
on the current vector of interest rates L(t) := (L1 (t), . . . , LM (t)). The assumption of no arbitrage and the
positivity of deflated bond prices implies the existence of an Rd -valued process νn (t) such that
We could apply Itô’s Lemma directly to our expression for Dn (t) in (13) but this would be awkward. Instead we
will apply Itô’s Lemma to Yn (t) := log Dn (t). We see from (15) that
dYn (t) = − ||νn (t)||2 dt + νnT (t) dW (t) (16)
8 We will take the spot numeraire to be the default numeraire.
Market Models 7
We can also find an alternative expression for dYn (t) using (13). In particular, noting that the first factor in
(13) is constant between maturities, we obtain via Itô’s Lemma
dYn (t) = − d log (1 + δj Lj (t))
à !
X n−1
δj µj (t)Lj (t) δj2 Lj (t)2 σjT (t)σj (t) δj Lj (t)σjT (t)
= − − 2 dt − dW (t).(17)
1 + δj Lj (t) 2 (1 + δj Lj (t)) 1 + δj Lj (t)
j=φ(t) j=φ(t)
We would now like to find an expression for the µj ’s. Towards this end, we could compare the drift terms in (16)
and (17), and this is easy to do when n = 2 and φ(t) = 1. After some straightforward algebra, we easily find9
We could have obtained (19) by again comparing the drift terms in (16) and (17) but this appears to be very
cumbersome. Exercise 3 instead provides a more elegant approach.
Exercise 3 Use induction to establish10 that the drifts, µn (t), must satisfy (19) under the no-arbitrage
assumption. In particular, first assume µ1 , . . . , µn−1 have been chosen in a manner that is consistent with the
Q-martingale assumption on D1 , . . . , Dn . Then show that Dn+1 is a martingale if and only if Ln Dn+1 is a
martingale. Finally, apply Itô’s Lemma to Ln Dn+1 and use the martingale property to obtain (19).
We therefore obtain that the arbitrage free Q-dynamics of the forward LIBOR rates are given by
Xn T
δ j L j (t)σ (t)σj (t)
dLn (t) = n Ln (t) dt + Ln (t)σn (t)T dW (t), 0 ≤ t ≤ Tn , n = 1, . . . , M. (20)
1 + δj Lj (t)
We would like to find the market-price-of-risk process, η M +1 (t) ∈ Rd , that relates the Q-Brownian motion W (t)
to the the PM +1 Brownian motion, WM +1 (t), so that
There are a number of ways to do this but perhaps the easiest is the approach we followed with the Vasicek
model when we switched to the forward measure. Equation (21) implies D b M (t) = 1 + δM LM (t) so that
b M (t) = δM dLM (t).
dD (23)
We now substitute for dLM (t) in (23) using (20) evaluated at n = M , and then substitute for W (t) using (22).
b M (t) is a PM +1 -martingale we find that
Since D
X δj Lj (t)σj (t)
η(t) = .
1 + δj Lj (t)
In particular, we obtain the arbitrage-free PM +1 -dynamics of the forward LIBOR rates are given by
δ j L j (t)σ (t)σ j (t)
dLn (t) = − n Ln (t) dt + Ln (t)σn (t)T dWM +1 (t), 0 ≤ t ≤ Tn , n = 1, . . . , M.
1 + δ j L j (t)
Black’s Formula for Caplets
We are now in a position to derive Black’s formula (see (3)) for caplet prices. If we take n = M in (24), then
we obtain
dLM (t) = LM (t)σM (t)T dWM +1 (t) (25)
implying in particular11 that LM (t) is a PM +1 -martingale. If we assume that σM (t) is a deterministic function,
then we easily see that LM (t) is log-normally distributed. In particular, we obtain
µ Z Z t ¶
1 t 2 2
log LM (t) ∼ N log(LM (0)) − ||σM (s)|| ds , ||σM (s)|| ds . (26)
2 0 0
We can now obtain (3) if we let TM = T and set σ 2 = 0 M ||σM (s)||2 ds / TM .
Note also that there is no problem when we take σM (t) to be deterministic in (25) which contrasts with the
HJM framework. This is because while the numerators in the drift of (20) are quadratic in Lj (t), the 1 + δj Lj (t)
term in the denominator ensures that there is no possibility of explosion in the SDE. This is a further advantage
of the market model framework where we model simple LIBOR rates rather than instantaneous forward rates.
Remark 3 Note that under the EMM PM +1 , the LIBOR rates Ln for n < M are not martingales. However, if
we approximate the Lj (t) term with Lj (0) in the drift component of (24), then we would have log-normal
dynamics for Ln (t), assuming that all the σj (t)’s are deterministic. For reasonably short maturities, this
approximation is sometimes used to construct approximate analytic prices for some derivative securities.
Black’s formula for swaptions, however. Instead they provided an analytic approximation for swaption prices that
we will not describe14 here. It is worth mentioning, however, that their approximation works well in practice and
provides swaption prices that are very close to those obtained via Monte Carlo simulation.
A good analytic approximation to swaption prices is very valuable as it allows for the possibility of calibrating
the model to both cap and swaption prices simultaneously. Note that calibrating a market model amounts to
selecting the parameters of the σj processes (or functions if they are are assumed to be deterministic functions
of time). If swaption prices could only be computed or estimated via Monte-Carlo simulation then calibrating to
swaption prices in this model would be very time-consuming. It is worth pointing out that caplet prices depend
only on the level of volatility in the forward rates. This is clear from (26). Swaption prices, however, also depend
on the correlations between the forward rates. So one common approach to calibration is the following:
where Xt is the time t price of the chosen numeraire security and Px is the corresponding EMM. A particularly
convenient choice of numeraire that we will adopt is the portfolio15 consisting of δ units of each of the
PM +1 T
zero-coupon bonds maturing at times Tn+1 , . . . , TM +1 . Then Xt = δ j=n+1 Zt j and we find
X +1 ·h i+ ¸
T b
Ct = δ Zt j EP t
R(Tn , Tn , TM ) − R (29)
Jamshidian (1997) developed a term structure framework where at any time t the current term structure was
given in terms of the forward swap rates, R(t, Ti , TM ) for i = φ(t), . . . , M . In particular, he showed that it was
possible to assume that the Px -dynamics of R(t, Tn , TM ) satisfy
where σ(t) is a deterministic vector of volatilities. This implies that the forward swap rate is log-normally
distributed so we can obtain16 Black’s formula for swaption prices (8).
Remark 4 When we model swap rates directly as in (30) we say that we have a swap market model. This
contrasts with the LIBOR market models of Section 4.
Remark 5 The advantage of Black’s swaption formula is that it is elegant and exact, whereas the BGM
formula is cumbersome and only an approximation. However, the BGM approximation is consistent with Black’s
formulae for caplets and caps whereas Black’s swaption formula is not. Indeed, it may be shown17 that if
forward LIBOR rates have deterministic volatilities then it it is not possible for swap rates to also have
deterministic volatilities. Therefore Black’s formulae for caplets and swaptions cannot both hold within the same
model. That said, within the LIBOR market framework with deterministic volatilities, it can be argued that
forward swap rates are approximately log-normally distributed.
6 Monte-Carlo Simulation
While it is possible to price many commonly traded derivative securities such as caps, floors and swaptions in
the market model framework, it is in general necessary to use Monte Carlo methods to price other securities.
Indeed, if our market model has stochastic volatility functions then it will typically be necessary to also use
Monte Carlo methods to price even caps, floors and swaptions.
The typical approach is to use some discretization scheme such as the Euler scheme when performing the Monte
Carlo simulation. This does not create too much of a computational burden as we will only need to simulate the
SDE’s describing the forward LIBOR dynamics for a finite number of maturities. This contrasts with the HJM
framework where we had infinitely many maturities which meant it was practically infeasible to use a very fine
discretization. This in turn prompted the development of the discrete-time HJM framework with the resulting
discrete-time arbitrage-free restriction on the drift.
It is also possible to develop discrete-time arbitrage-free market models in a manner that is analogous to our
discrete-time HJM development. As described above, however, the need to do so is not as urgent as it is
practically feasible to simulate the market model SDE’s on a sufficiently fine grid and this is what is typically
done in practice.
Nonetheless, Glasserman’s Monte Carlo Methods for Financial Engineering describes how to build discrete-time
arbitrage-free market models. It turns out to be inconvenient to choose the LIBOR rates as the fundamental
variables that we choose to discretize. Instead it is more convenient to directly model deflated bond prices as
discrete-time Q-martingales18 and to define LIBOR rates in terms of these bond prices. Other choices of
discretization variable are also possible. As usual, we can choose to simulate under any EMM that we prefer and
all of the usual variance reduction techniques may be employed.
16 Ofcourse we need to reinterpret σ in (8) in terms of the deterministic function σ(t) in (30).
17 This is done by applying Itô’s Lemma to the forward swap rate given in (5).
18 This ensures the discrete-time model is+ arbitrage-free.
Market Models 11
where T = {0 ≤ t1 , . . . , tn = T } is the set of possible exercise dates, Bt is the value of the cash account at
time t and ht = h(Xt ) is the payoff function if the option is exercised at time t. Xt represents the time t
(vector) value of the state variables in the model. In the case of a Bermudan swaption in the LIBOR market
model, for example, Xt would represent the time t value of the various forward LIBOR rates. In theory (31) is
easily solved using value20 iteration. In particular, we would obtain
VT = h(XT ) and
µ · ¸¶
Vt = max h(Xt ), EQ
t V t+1 (Xt+1 ) .
The price of the option is then given by V0 (X0 ) where X0 is the initial state vector. As an alternative to value
iteration we could use Q-value iteration. If the Q-value function is defined to be the value of the option
conditional on it not being exercised today, i.e. the continuation value of the option, then we also have
· ¸
Q Bt
Qt (Xt ) = Et Vt+1 (Xt+1 ) . (32)
19 We will specialize to the Bermudan swaption later.
20 The term “value iteration” refers to the dynamic programming approach of computing the value function iteratively by
working backwards in time. This is how we compute the price of American options in the binomial model.
Market Models 12
In practice, it is quite common for an alternative estimate, V 0 , of V0 to be obtained by simulating the exercise
strategy that is defined implicity by the sequence of Q-value function approximations. That is, we define
τe = min{t ∈ T : Q e t ≤ ht } and
· ¸
V 0 = EQ0
V 0 is then an unbiased lower bound on the true value of the option as it is the price that corresponds to a
feasible exercise strategy.
Market Models 13
Exercise 4 Given how the lower bound, V 0 , is computed, can you guess why we prefer to do an approximate
Q-value iteration instead of an approximate value-iteration?
These algorithms21 have performed surprisingly well on realistic high-dimensional problems and there has also
been considerable theoretical work explaining why this is so. The quality of V 0 , for example, can be explained in
part by noting that exercise errors are never made as long as Qt (·) and Qe t (·) lie on the same side of the optimal
exercise boundary. This means in particular, that it is possible to have large errors in Q e t (·) that do not impact
the quality of V 0 .
Definition 2 Let T = {0 ≤ t1 , . . . , tn−1 } be the set of possible exercise dates. Then the holder of a
Bermudan swaption has the right to enter at any time t ∈ T into an interest-rate swap with fixed rate K that
expires with last payment at time tn = T . If the swaption is exercised at time tl , then the first reset point is tl .
A payer Bermudan swaption is a a swaption where the holder of the option will pay the fixed rate if the option is
exercised. A receiver Bermudan swaption, on the other hand, will receive the fixed rate if the option is exercised.
Note, for example, that a 2 − 8 Bermudan swaption is an option where the first exercise date occurs in 2 years22
time and, regardless of when (if ever) the option is exercised, the underlying swap will expire in 2 + 8 = 10 years
In order to price the Bermudan swaption, we need to specify the parameters for the cross-path regression
algorithm and in particular, the basis functions. We could, for example, select
22 Or months, depending on the context.
23 The dual methods were introduced independently by Haugh and Kogan (2004) and Rogers (2002).
Market Models 14
· ¸ · ¸
hτ hτ
V0 = sup EQ
0 = sup EQ
0 − πτ + πτ
τ ∈T Bτ τ ∈T Bτ
· ¸
Q hτ
≤ sup E0 − πτ + sup EQ 0 [πτ ]
τ ∈T Bτ τ ∈T
· ¸
≤ sup EQ 0 − πτ + π0
τ ∈T B τ
· µ ¶¸
Q ht
≤ E0 max − πt + π0 (35)
t∈T Bt
where the second inequality follows from the optional sampling theorem for supermartingales. Taking the
infimum over all supermartingales, πt , on the right hand side of (35) implies
· µ ¶¸
Q ht
V0 ≤ U0 := inf E0 max − πt + π0 (36)
π t∈T Bt
On the other hand, it is a known fact that the process Vt /Bt is itself a supermartingale, which implies
· ¸
U0 ≤ E0 max (ht /Bt − Vt /Bt ) + V0 .
Since Vt ≥ ht for all t, we conclude that U0 ≤ V0 . Therefore, V0 = U0 , and equality is attained when
πt = Vt /Bt .
This shows that an upper bound on the price of the American option can be constructed simply by evaluating
the right-hand-side of (35) for a given supermartingale, πt . In particular, if such a supermartingale satisfies
πt ≥ ht /Bt , the option price V0 is bounded above by π0 .
When the supermartingale πt in (35) coincides with the discounted option value process, Vt /Bt , the upper
bound on the right-hand-side of (35) equals the true price of the American option. This suggests that a tight
upper bound can be obtained by using an accurate approximation, Vet , to define πt . One possibility24 is to define
πt as a martingale:
π0 = Ve0 (37)
" #
Vet+1 Vet Vet+1 Vet
πt+1 = πt + − − Et − . (38)
Bt+1 Bt Bt+1 Bt
Let V 0 denote the upper bound we get from (35) corresponding to our choice of supermartingale in (37) and
(38). Then it is easy to see that the upper bound is explicitly given by
" Ã · ¸!#
h e
V e
V 0 = Ve0 + EQ
t t j j−1
0 max − + EQj−1 − . (39)
t∈T Bt Bt Bj Bj−1
As may be seen from (39), obtaining an accurate estimate of V 0 is computationally demanding. First, a number
of sample paths must be simulated to estimate the outermost expectation on the right-hand-side of (39). While
this number need not be large in practice, we also need to accurately estimate a conditional expectation at each
time period along each simulated path. This requires some effort and clearly variance reduction methods would
be useful in this context. Low discrepancy sequences are also very useful for this task. Variations and extensions
of these algorithms have also been developed recently and are a subject of ongoing research.25
24 See Haugh and Kogan (2002) and Andersen and Broadie (2002) for further comments related to the choice of πt .
25 See Chapter 8 of Glasserman (2003) for a detailed treatment of Monte Carlo methods for pricing American options.