Downland Gridshell

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The Do w nl a nd gridsh
design in


The first double-layer timber gridshell in the UK has

recently been completed as part of a new building
for the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum in
Sussex. Michael Dickson and Richard Harris of
Buro Happold explain a unique engineering
accomplishment and the construction
processes behind it.

he Weald and Downland Open

Air Museum is a leading
international centre for historic
timber buildings. The new purpose-built
conservation centre and store will allow
the museum to make its research,
conservation and restoration
programme for vernacular buildings
accessible to the general public. In their
commission, the Museum aspired to a
modern structure, extending the lineage
of timber buildings in the collection into
the twenty-first century. The brief called
for an exemplary structure for modern
rural buildings. Sustainability was one of
the key issues of the brief given to the
team of architects, engineers, surveyors
and constructors.
Despite costing only 1.3m, this
construction has featured in the
national press and created international
interest because the building is so
unusual in its construction technique
and in the resulting architecture
(Figures 1 and 2). Conceiving, creating
and constructing this building can also
be seen as an example of how
engineering methods can turn problems
into potential solutions.

Figure 1 Architects cross-section through the building

(Image: Edward Cullinan Architects)

Figure 2 Architects north elevation

(Image: Edward Cullinan Architects)




The building
The workshop is housed beneath a
double-layer gridshell of oak laths
supporting an insulated cladding
system largely of lapped western red
cedar boards and polycarbonate
cellular glazing. The double-layer timber
gridshell technique, despite being able
to achieve large spans with lightweight
but stiff construction, has only rarely
been used. So this building contains a
number of features that are innovative
and could be adopted for
future similar use. Here the
workshop roof is a doubly
curved, four-layer, oak
gridshell, 48 m long, 16 m
across at its widest and 11 m
at the waist. Internal height
varies between 7 m and 10 m.
It uses oak laths of only 50
35 mm at 1000 mm or
500 mm spacing, depending
upon stress concentrations.
This space sits over a floor of
50 mm boards for the
craftsman to work on that in
turn encloses a conservation
store nestled into the north-sloping
chalk terraces of the Sussex Downs.
The deciduous wood on the slope
to the south provides shading in
summer, which, coupled to the thermal
mass of the enclosing masonry walls

and reinforced concrete floor to the

store, helps reduce air-conditioning
At an early stage of the design, the
engineers made a scale model, using
wooden laths (Figure 3). The modelmaking process provided valuable
experience on the behaviour of the
shell during forming. The model itself
was valuable in helping to inform the
rest of the team and for use in fund

Conceiving, creating and

constructing this building
can be seen as an
example of how
engineering methods can
turn problems into
potential solutions
Why a double-layer
There are limitations on the tightness of
curvature to which laths, even when
green, can be bent. The solution to this
problem was to use a double-layer

gridshell, illustrated in Figure 4. The

lattice is composed of four layers,
effectively two single-layer mats sitting
one upon the other. The laths are of
sufficiently small section (50 mm wide
35 mm thick) of oak to permit bending
of the lattice into the desired geometry.
Upon completion of forming, timber
shear blocks were positioned between
the lath layers and fixed with screws.
These transfer horizontal shear between
parallel layers and endow the lattice
with the properties of a deeper section
to resist out-of-plane bending.

Selection of timber
A number of timber species were
considered for use in the gridshell.
These included larch, douglas fir,
chestnut and oak. They were selected
for the following reasons:

They are all naturally durable, making

it possible to omit the timber
Oak is the most common structural
material used in the museums
collection of buildings.
They are all readily available from
sustainable sources in the UK.

Tests carried out on laths at Bath

University indicated that the performance
of the oak exceeded that of the other

Figure 3 Engineers scale model of the gridshell


Figure 4 The double layer gridshell

(Image: Mandy Reynolds)


Forming the gridshell

Timber gridshells enable relatively

complex forms to be created from an
essentially flat but predetermined grid
of members which can be pushed up
(or lowered down) in a shape
accurately predetermined and analysed
by extensive use of computer software.
The final form is generated by
deformation of the original square grid

Figure 5 The stages of construction

into parallelograms of different included

angle depending on the local curvatures
of the final surface. The development of
this doubly curved gridshell from the flat
rectangular grid is made possible by the
low bending and torsional stiffness of
the individual 50 35 mm oak laths.
During forming, the timber lattice must
allow rotation at the nodes and bending

and twisting of each constituent lath.

Once the grid is formed, shell action
is accomplished by an additional layer
of timbers (rib laths) that triangulate the
parallelograms, thereby providing inplane shear stiffness. This is in
contrast to the first double-layer
gridshell erected for the
Bundesgartenschau in Mannheim,
Germany in 1975.1 At Mannheim,
crossed steel tension cables provided
this triangulation and the structure was
then clad in a translucent PVC
polyester membrane.
For the Downland gridshell, the
bracing was formed with timber rib
laths acting as ties, which also
support the cladding. These
triangulating members running
longitudinally in the lower half of the
shell and transversely across the
crown of the shell were called rib
laths and fixed directly to the
patented steel nodes of the gridshell.
The development of a doubly curved
gridshell from a flat, square or
rectangular grid is made possible by
the low torsional and bending stiffness
of timber.


What is a timber gridshell?



cross-sectional dimensions. In a
sufficiently large timber the twisted grain
can be contained within the section. In
small sections, the problem is
considerably increased. To overcome
the problem, the latest jointing
technology was utilised to cut out the
defects and finger joints used to fasten
the lengths together, forming laths of
the required length and of a
consistently high quality, produced from
normal grade timber. The technical term
for this process is optimisation.

Timber grade

Figure 6 Computer simulation of

forming timber gridshell and
drawing of the shell showing
rib laths

species. While it was stiffer than the

other timbers tested, needing a larger
force to achieve a given curvature, it had
a considerably higher bending strength,
achieving a smaller bending radius prior
to failure. In addition the failure mode
was not sudden; there was a degree of
plasticity at failure.

The gridshell was analysed and

designed in accordance with the
Eurocode 5: Design of timber
structures, using a timber grade of
D30. Eurocode 5 uses load and
material factors in the design; timber
grade D30 has a characteristic bending
strength of 30 N/mm2. To meet the
design requirements, the 5-percentile
characteristic bending strength had to
be equal to, or in excess of, this value.
Preliminary testing had proved that
solid oak laths had the required
strength and could easily achieve the
6 m radius of curvature required by the
lattice. Thus the solid oaks were
satisfactory and attention turned to the
specification of the joints.

Short grain


A significant problem noted was the

variability of the bending strength of oak
due to short grain. The straightness of
the grain along the length of the log is a
function of the way in which the tree
grows. This varies from species to
species and, while there are trees that
grow with a more spiral pattern, oak
does not grow with the straightness of
grain of a timber such as Hemlock
(chosen for the Mannheim gridshell for
this reason). It is difficult to follow the
grain of oak accurately when sawing
timber out of the log. This means that
the saw cuts across the grain,
producing timber with a lack of
continuity of longitudinal fibres, leading
to considerable reduction in strength. It
is for this reason that oak structural
members have traditionally had large

Preparation of oak laths

The oak was felled in Normandy in
October 2000, sawn to 3 m lengths,
53 mm 38 mm in section, and then
delivered to the UK for further
processing to create the improved
Due to its acidity, oak is a notoriously
difficult material to joint with adhesives,
all the more so when green. The green
oak used for the Downland gridshell had
moisture contents of up to 65%. The
Swiss adhesive manufacturer Collano
has developed a one-part polyurethane
liquid adhesive under the trade name
Purbond HB 530, which is not
adversely affected by the acidity of
green oak. This adhesive has been
designed to cure under the influence of
material moisture and humidity; the ideal

moisture content for curing is 18% but

moisture contents greater than this will
not inhibit curing. Curing is rapid without
the need for expensive high-frequency
heating. This adhesive cleared the path
for the use of green oak. The timber
was optimised in a highly automated
process using the GreCon Dimter
OPTICUT 101 mechanised saw. Each
length of oak was visually inspected by
a skilled carpenter to identify knots,
unacceptable slope of grain and other
defects. Visual grading entailed
systematically marking the timber with a
fluorescent crayon. The OPTICUT 101
has an optimisation computer that reads
the fluorescent crayon marking, cuts out
the defect and sorts, in accordance with
the designated grade. Exact logging of
the production data showed that the
highest grade material ranged in length
from 0.3 m to 1.4 m with the average
segment being 0.6 m long.
Finger jointing was performed using
the GreCon Dimter SUPRA finger-jointing
machine. This is a continuous feed
system. Fingers were cut simultaneously
into the ends of the oak segments and
the Collano Purbond HB 530
polyurethane adhesive was applied with
the FLANK JET system that combs the
adhesive onto the fingers. The segments
were then aligned and pressed together
at a pressure of 4 N/mm2, on the 50 mm
35 mm section, to form 6 m lengths.
The gridshell lattice would require 6000
linear metres of lath; considering that
individual pieces of graded lath averaged
0.6 m in length, this represented 10 000
finger joints. Using the specialist
machines this work was completed in
three shifts. Although the timber had to
be transported to the specialist machine
the total weight was only 6 tonnes. Such
a small quantity poses little difficulty to
transport in one load.
The advantage of the above
approach to produce the improved
oak laths was that the quality of the
material was maximised very quickly
and cheaply with minimum wastage.
Figure 7 shows a typical finger joint
after the laths had been planed down
to 50 mm 35 mm section. The finger


Specification and validation

The specification stipulated:

Site jointing
The next stage in the process was to
join the 6 m lengths of improved
timber to produce continuous laths up
to 37 m long for the lattice laths and
50 m long for the longitudinal rib laths.
This work was carried out on site under
the protection of a polytunnel. The 6 m
lengths were joined using scarf joints
with a slope of 1 in 7. This slope gives
the scarf joints a glue-line area the
same as that for the finger joints.
Figure 8 shows the construction of a
typical scarf joint. There is an interesting
contrast in the two jointing methods
used: the finger joints are the latest
timber joining technology whereas the
scarf joint has been used for centuries.
Of the 10 000 joints in the structure
there were only about 145 breakages
during forming. Almost all of these
were failures of the finger joints,
pinching of the lattice on the scaffold
support, tight curvature, tension buildup because the relative sliding between
the two layers was being restricted and
dry joints. The simple repair technique
consisted of introducing solid blocking
at the point of failure.

a maximum slope of grain on either

face of 1:10
no dead knots; no live knots; small
clusters of pin knots were allowed
provided that they did not form
more than 20% of the width of any
one face
no shakes or splits
no sapwood (heartwood of oak is
naturally durable and resistant to
infestation but its sapwood is not).

Using the finger jointing technique,

this specification could be achieved
with almost any source of oak. The
problem is that the lower the quality,
the greater the number of defects
and the larger the amount cut out
and discarded. This adds significantly
to the cost of the final product. It is
necessary to find the balance
between low cost, poor quality
timber, with a high rejection rate, and
higher cost source material with a
lower rejection rate. For this reason,
suppliers suggested that the timber
should be sourced in Normandy.
The laths and finger joints were
tested in a four-point bending test in
accordance with sample dimensions
given in BS EN 408:1995: Timber
Structures Structural Timber and
Glue Laminated Timber

Determination of Some Physical and

Mechanical Properties. The samples
were tested green and not conditioned
to the requirements given in BS EN
408:1995. At the early stages of the
project, a whole series of finger joint
testing was undertaken examining a
range of variables including capacity
about both axes, performance of
different adhesives and effect of
different production pressure. For the
production stage, a quality control
system was implemented to ensure
the effectiveness of the finger joints.
Quality control testing was carried
out in two stages: pre-production
tests and batch sampling. The results
of these tests enabled a statistical
analysis in accordance with EC5
Annex A, Section A2: Determination
of 5-Percentile Characteristic Values
from Test Results and Acceptance
Criteria for a Sample. The
pre-production tests determined the
5-percentile characteristic bending
strength of the finger joints, and
coefficient of variation for the running
production control. The batch testing
ensured that the probability of
accepting a sample with an ultimate
bending strength less that the
desired 30 N/mm2 was within
acceptable statistical limits set out in
EC 5 Annex A.

Figure 7: Finger joint

(Photo: Buro Happold/Mandy Reynolds)
Figure 8 Construction of scarf joint
(Photo: Buro Happold/Mandy Reynolds)


joint is almost indistinguishable within

the lath; the low visual impact is one of
the advantages of this jointing method.



Figure 9 Inside the completed gridshell

Nodal connection
The double-layer gridshell is a lattice
system with, after finishing, two 50 mm
wide by 35 mm deep laths placed one
above the other, with the space
between them being formed by the lath
system running in the opposite
direction. Upon completion of the
forming process, shear blocks were
inserted to join the two layers; this
formed a composite section that has
significantly greater strength than the
individual laths. To form the shape from
a flat mat, the nodes must allow
rotation. Also, with a double-layer
system, because of the difference in
their curvature and thus relative lengths,
the upper and lower layers must be
able to slide relative to one another.
The Downland Gridshell team
developed a patented nodal
connection. The central plate has a pin
that inserts into the central layers. This
fixes the central layers in position so
that the nodes are a constant 1 m
apart, and also enables rotation. The
outermost layers are effectively
passengers that are free to slide relative
to the central layers but will rotate in
tandem with its associated central layer
as it is forced to do so due to the bolt
arrangement of the nodal connection.
Furthermore, two opposing bolts may
be lengthened enabling the attachment
of the rib laths that stiffen the gridshell.

Final comments

This short article has described the

selection, specification and testing of
the timber for the gridshell. It has not
been possible to describe the

formfinding, modelling and

analysis that were also vital
to the success of the project.
The construction itself has
been fully described in a
recent paper in The
Structural Engineer2, which
gives a complete description
of the forming techniques.
A gridshell is not suitable for all roofs
but neither are other techniques
universally applicable. Timber gridshells
can provide an efficient and
architecturally expressive way of
covering space. There is no reason,
now that the technique has been
demonstrated to be a safe and reliable
form of construction, that more should
not follow.

The Team
This has been a team project and many
individuals, from the various
organisations involved in the design and
construction, have made significant
contributions in realising this unique
project. They are as follows:
Client: Weald and Downland Open Air
Funding: The Heritage Lottery Fund
Architect: Edward Cullinan Architects
Engineers: Buro Happold
Project Manager, Quantity Surveyor
and Planning Supervisor: Boxall Sayer
Carpenter Green Oak Carpentry
Company Ltd.
Main Contractor: E. A. Chiverton
Specialist Scaffolding Contractor: PERI
The monitoring and recording of the
process were made possible through a
research grant from the Department of
Trade & Industry (DTI) through the Fast
Track Research Fund.

1 New Civil Engineer, 23 April 1998.
Letter from C.L. Wallis.
2 O.J. Kelly, R.J.L. Harris, M.G.T.
Dickson, J.A. Rowe (2001)
Construction of the Downland
Gridshell, The Structural Engineer,
79 (17), 4 September.

Richard Harris is a structural

Engineer working in the Buro
Happold Bath office. He specialises
in the field of timber engineering,
leading Buro Happold's work in this
field, working with researchers at
Bath University,
TRADA Technology
and BRE, lecturing
widely and
organising the
annual Time for
Timber engineering
projects include: Weald and
Downland Museum Gridshell; Globe
Theatre, London; Cambridge Botanic
Garden Education and Interpretation
Centre; Cork Airport terminal
building; Norwich Cathedral Visitor
Centre; Caerphilly Castle Visitor
Centre; Sheffield Winter Garden;
Roundwood buildings at Hooke Park
in Dorset.
Michael Dickson is Chairman of Buro
Happold and a founding partner. He
is a Visiting Professor of Engineering
Design at Bath School of Architecture
& Civil Engineering and was a
Member of the Standing Committee
on Structural Safety. He was
Chairman of the Construction
Industry Council
from June 2000
to June 2002 and
is currently a
board member of
Chairman of
nCRISP, the Construction Research
and Innovation Strategy Panel. His
projects have ranged from cable nets
in Jeddah and a tensioned stainless
steel mesh aviary at Munich, to many
integrated building projects, including
BA Waterside, Al Faisaliah Complex,
and the HQ for Wessex Water. His
recent projects in timber include work
on green forest thinnings at Hooke
Park, Weald and Dowland Museum
and Japanese Pavilion Hannover.

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