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Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook - Sample Chapter

Chapter No. 7 : Encryption and Encoding Over 60 indispensable Python recipes to ensure you always have the right code on hand for web application testing For more information : http://bit.ly/1GmeBbK

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Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook - Sample Chapter

Chapter No. 7 : Encryption and Encoding Over 60 indispensable Python recipes to ensure you always have the right code on hand for web application testing For more information : http://bit.ly/1GmeBbK

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In this package, you will find:

The authors biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 7 'Encryption and Encoding'
A synopsis of the books content
More information on Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook

About the Authors

Cameron Buchanan is a penetration tester by trade and a writer in his spare time. He has
performed penetration tests around the world for a variety of clients across many industries.
Previously, he was a member of the RAF. In his spare time, he enjoys doing stupid things, such
as trying to make things fly, getting electrocuted, and dunking himself in freezing cold water.
He is married and lives in London.

Terry Ip is a security consultant. After nearly a decade of learning how to support IT

infrastructure, he decided that it would be much more fun learning how to break it
instead. He is married and lives in Buckinghamshire, where he tends to his chickens.

Andrew Mabbitt is a penetration tester living in London, UK. He spends his time beating
down networks, mentoring, and helping newbies break into the industry. In his free time, he
loves to travel, break things, and master the art of sarcasm.

Benjamin May is a security test engineer from Cambridge. He studied computing

for business at Aston University. With a background in software testing, he recently
combined this with his passion for security to create a new role in his current company.
He has a broad interest in security across all aspects of the technology field, from reverse
engineering embedded devices to hacking with Python and participating in CTFs. He is a
husband and a father.

Dave Mound is a security consultant. He is a Microsoft Certified Application Developer

but spends more time developing Python programs these days. He has been studying
information security since 1994 and holds the following qualifications: C|EH, SSCP, and
MCAD. He recently studied for OSCP certification but is still to appear for the exam. He enjoys
talking and presenting and is keen to pass on his skills to other members of the cyber
security community.
When not attached to a keyboard, he can be found tinkering with his 1978 Chevrolet Camaro.
He once wrestled a bear and was declared the winner by omoplata.

Welcome to our book on Python and web application testing. Penetration testing is a massive
field and the realms of Python are even bigger. We hope that our little book can help you
make these enormous fields a little more manageable. If you're a Python guru, you can look
for ideas to apply your craft to penetration testing, or if you are a newbie Pythonist with some
penetration testing chops, then you're in luck, this book is also for you.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Gathering Open Source Intelligence, covers a set of recipes for collecting information
from freely available sources.
Chapter 2, Enumeration, guides you through creating scripts to retrieve the target information
from websites and validating potential credentials.
Chapter 3, Vulnerability Identification, covers recipes based on identifying potential
vulnerabilities on websites, such as Cross-site scripting, SQL Injection, and outdated plugins.
Chapter 4, SQL Injection, covers how to create scripts that target everyone's favorite web
application vulnerability.
Chapter 5, Web Header Manipulation, covers scripts that focus specifically on the collection,
control, and alteration of headers on web applications.
Chapter 6, Image Analysis and Manipulation, covers recipes designed to identify, reverse,
and replicate steganography in images.
Chapter 7, Encryption and Encoding, covers scripts that dip their toes into the massive lake
that is encryption.

Chapter 8, Payloads and Shells, covers a small set of proof of concept C2 channels,
basic post-exploitation scripts, and on server enumeration tools.
Chapter 9, Reporting, covers scripts that focus to make the reporting of vulnerabilities easier
and a less painful process.

Encryption and
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

Generating an MD5 hash

Generating an SHA 1/128/256 hash

Implementing SHA and MD5 hashes together

Implementing SHA in a real-world scenario

Generating a Bcrypt hash

Cracking an MD5 hash

Encoding with Base64

Encoding with ROT13

Cracking a substitution cipher

Cracking the Atbash cipher

Attacking one-time pad reuse

Predicting a linear congruential generator

Identifying hashes


Encryption and Encoding

In this chapter, we will be covering encryption and encoding in the world of Python.
Encryption and encoding are two very important aspects of web applications, so doing
them using Python!
We will be digging into the world of MD5s and SHA hashes, knocking on the door of Base64
and ROT13, and taking a look at some of the most popular hashing and ciphers out there.
We will also be turning back time and looking at some very old methods and ways to make
and break them.

Generating an MD5 hash

The MD5 hash is one of the most commonly used hashes within web applications due to their
ease of use and the speed at which they are hashed. The MD5 hash was invented in 1991 to
replace the previous version, MD4, and it is still used to this day.

Getting ready
For this script, we will only need the hashlib module.

How to do it
Generating an MD5 hash within Python is extremely simple, due to the nature of the module
we can import. We need to define the module to import and then decide which string we want
to hash. We should hard code this into the script, but this means the script would have to be
modified each time a new string has to be hashed.
Instead, we use the raw_input feature in Python to ask the user for a string:
import hashlib
message = raw_input("Enter the string you would like to hash: ")
md5 = hashlib.md5(message.encode())
print (md5.hexdigest())

How it works
The hashlib module does the bulk of the work for us behind the scenes. Hashlib is a
giant library that enables users to hash MD5, SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512, among others
extremely quickly and easily. This is the reasoning for using this module.


Chapter 7
We first import the module using the standard method:
import hashlib

We then need the string that we wish to MD5 encode. As mentioned earlier, this could be
hard-coded into the script but it's not extremely practical. The way around this is to ask for
the input from the user by using the raw_input feature. This can be achieved by:
message = raw_input("Enter what you wish to ask the user here: ")

Once we have the input, we can continue to encode the string using hashlib's built-in
functions. For this, we simply call the .encode() function after defining the string we are
going to be using:
md5 = hashlib.md5(message.encode())

Finally, we can print the output of the string that uses the .hexdigest() function. If we do
not use hexdigest, the hex representation of each byte will be printed.
Here is an example of the script in full swing:
Enter the string you would like to hash: pythonrules

Generating an SHA 1/128/256 hash

SHA hashes are also extremely commonly used, alongside MD5 hashes. The early
implementation of SHA hashes started with SHA1, which is less frequently used now
due to the weakness of the hash. SHA1 was followed up with SHA128, which was then
replaced by SHA256.

Getting ready
Once again for these scripts, we will only be requiring the hashlib module.

How to do it
Generating SHA hashes within Python is also extremely simple by using the imported module.
With simple tweaks, we can change whether we would like to generate an SHA1, SHA128, or
SHA256 hash.


Encryption and Encoding

The following are three different scripts that allow us to generate the different SHA hashes:
Here is the script of SHA1:
import hashlib
message = raw_input("Enter the string you would like to hash: ")
sha = hashlib.sha1(message)
sha1 = sha.hexdigest()
print sha1

Here is the script of SHA128:

import hashlib
message = raw_input("Enter the string you would like to hash: ")
sha = hashlib.sha128(message)
sha128 = sha.hexdigest()
print sha128

Here is the script of SHA256:

import hashlib
message = raw_input("Enter the string you would like to hash: ")
sha = hashlib.sha256(message)
sha256 = sha.hexdigest()
print sha256

How it works
The hashlib module once again does the bulk of the work for us here. We can utilize the
features within the module.
We start by importing the module by using:
import hashlib

We then need to prompt for the string to encode using SHA. We ask the user for input
rather than using hard-coding, so that the script can be used over and over again.
This can be done with:
message = raw_input("Enter the string you would like to hash: )

Once we have the string, we can start the encoding process. The next part depends on the
SHA encoding that you would like to use:
sha = hashlib.sha*(message)


Chapter 7
We need to replace * with either 1, 128, or 256. Once we have the message SHA-encoded,
we need to use the hexdigest() function once again so the output becomes readable.
We do this with:

Once the output has become readable, we simply need to print the hash output:
print sha*

Implementing SHA and MD5 hashes together

In this section, we will see how SHA and MD5 hash work together.

Getting ready
For the following script, we will only require the hashlib module.

How to do it
We are going to tie everything previously done together to form one big script. This will output
three versions of SHA hashes and also an MD5 hash, so the user can choose which one they
would like to use:
import hashlib
message = raw_input("Enter the string you would like to hash: ")
md5 = hashlib.md5(message)
md5 = md5.hexdigest()
sha1 = hashlib.sha1(message)
sha1 = sha1.hexdigest()
sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message)
sha256 = sha256.hexdigest()


Encryption and Encoding

sha512 = hashlib.sha512(message)
sha512 = sha512.hexdigest()

"MD5 Hash =", md5

"SHA1 Hash =", sha1
"SHA256 Hash =", sha256
"SHA512 Hash =", sha512
"End of list."

How it works
Once again, after importing the correct module into this script, we need to receive the user
input that we wish to turn into an encoded string:
import hashlib
message = raw_input('Please enter the string you would like to
hash: ')

From here, we can start sending the string through all of the different encoding methods and
ensuring they are passed through hexdigest() so the output becomes readable:
md5 = hashlib.md5(message)
md5 = md5.hexdigest()
sha1 = hashlib.sha1(message)
sha1 = sha1.hexdigest()
sha256 = hashlib.sha256(message)
sha256 = sha256.hexdigest()
sha512 = hashlib.sha512(message)
sha512 = sha512.hexdigest()

Once we have created all of the encoded strings, it is simply a matter of printing each of these
to the user:


"MD5 Hash =", md5

"SHA1 Hash =", sha1
"SHA256 Hash =", sha256
"SHA512 Hash =", sha512
"End of list."

Chapter 7
Here is an example of the script in action:
Enter the string you would like to hash: test
MD5 Hash = 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6
SHA1 Hash= a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3
SHA256 Hash=
SHA512 Hash=
End of list.

Implementing SHA in a real-world scenario

The following is an example of real-life SHA implementation.

Getting ready
For this script, we will need the hashlib library and the uuid library.

How to do it
For this real-world example, we will be implementing an SHA256 encoding scheme and
generating a salt to make it even more secure by defeating precomputed hash tables.
We will then run it through password-checking to ensure the password was typed correctly:
import uuid
import hashlib
# Let's do the hashing. We create a salt and append it to the
password once hashes.
def hash(password):
salt = uuid.uuid4().hex
return hashlib.sha512(salt.encode() +
password.encode()).hexdigest() + ':' + salt
# Let's confirm that worked as intended.


Encryption and Encoding

def check(hashed, p2):
password, salt = hashed.split(':')
return password == hashlib.sha512(salt.encode() +
password = raw_input('Please enter a password: ')
hashed = hash(password)
print('The string to store in the db is: ' + hashed)
re = raw_input('Please re-enter your password: ')
# Let's ensure the passwords matched
if check(hashed, re):
print('Password Match')
print('Password Mismatch')

How it works
To begin the script, we need to import the correct libraries:
import uuid
import hashlib

We then need to define the function that will hash the password. We start by creating a
salt, using the uuid library. Once the salt has been generated, we use hashlib.sha256
to string together the salt encode and the password encode and make it readable by using
hexdigest and finally appending the salt to the end of it:
def hash(password):
salt = uuid.uuid4().hex
return hashlib.sha512(salt.encode() +
password.encode()).hexdigest() + ':' + salt

Next, we move onto the check password function. This is what is going to confirm our original
password is the same as the second one to ensure there were no mistakes. This is done by
using the same method as before:
def check(hashed, p2):
password, salt = hashed.split(':')
return password == hashlib.sha512(salt.encode() +


Chapter 7
Once we have created the blocks of code that we need, we can then start asking the user
for the required input. We start off by asking for the original password and using the hash_
password function to create the hash. This then gets printed out to the user. After the first
password has been done, we ask for the password again to ensure there has been no spelling
mistakes. The check_password function then hashes the password again and compares the
original to the new one. If they match, the user is informed that the password is correct; if not,
the user is informed that the passwords do not match:
password = raw_input('Please enter a password: ')
hashed = hash(password)
print('The string to store in the db is: ' + hashed)
re = raw_input('Please re-enter your password: ')
if check(hashed, re):
print('Password Match')
print('Password Mismatch')

Here is an example of the code in use:

Please enter a password: password
The string to store in the db is:
Please re-enter your password: password
Password Match

The preceding result is an example of a user enter the same password twice. Here is an
example of the user failing to enter the same password:
Please enter a password: password1
The string to store in the db is:
Please re-enter your password: password
Password Mismatch


Encryption and Encoding

Generating a Bcrypt hash

One of the less commonly used, yet more secure hash functions, is Bcrypt. Bcrypt hashes
were designed to be slow when encrypting and decrypting hashes. This design was used to
prevent hashes from being easily cracked if hashes got leaked to the public, for example
from a database exposure.

Getting ready
For this script, we will be using the bcrypt module within Python. This can be installed by
using either pip or easy_install, albeit you will want to ensure version 0.4 is installed and
not version 1.1.1, as version 1.1.1 removes some functionality from the Bcrypt module.

How to do it
Generating Bcrypt hashes within Python is similar to generating other hashes such as
SHA and MD5, but also slightly different. Like the other hashes, we can either prompt the
user for a password or hard-code it into the script. The hashing in Bcrypt is more complex
due to the use of randomly generated salts, which get appended to the original hash. This
increases the complexity of the hash and therefore increases the security of the password
stored within the hash function.
This script also has a checking module at the end, which relates to a real-world example.
It requests the user to re-enter the password they want to hash and ensures that it matches
the original input. Password confirmation is a very common practice among many developers
and in the modern age, nearly every registration form uses this:
import bcrypt
# Let's first enter a password
new = raw_input('Please enter a password: ')
# We'll encrypt the password with bcrypt with the default salt
value of 12
hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(new, bcrypt.gensalt())
# We'll print the hash we just generated
print('The string about to be stored is: ' + hashed)
# Confirm we entered the correct password
plaintext = raw_input('Please re-enter the password to check: ')
# Check if both passwords match
if bcrypt.hashpw(plaintext, hashed) == hashed:
print 'It\'s a match!'
print 'Please try again.'


Chapter 7

How it works
We start the script off by importing the required module. In this case, we only need the
bcrypt module:
import bcrypt

We can then request the input from the user by using the standard raw_input method:
new = raw_input('Please enter a password: ')

After we have the input, we can get down to the nitty gritty hashing methods. To begin with,
we use the bcrypt.hashpw function to hash the input. We then give it the value of the
inputted password and then also randomly generate a salt, using bcrypt.gensalt().
This can be achieved by using:
hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(new, bcrypt.gensalt())

We then print the hashed value out to the user, so they can see the hash that has
been generated:
print ('The string about to be stored is: ' + hashed)

Now, we start the password confirmation. We have to prompt the user for the password
again so that we can confirm that they entered it correctly:
plaintext = raw_input('Please re-enter the password to check: ')

Once we have the password, we check whether both passwords match by using
the == feature within Python:
If bcrypt.hashpw(plaintext, hashed) == hashed:
print "It\'s a match"
print "Please try again".

We can see the script in action as follows:

Please enter a password: example
The string about to be stored is:
Please re-enter the password to check: example
It's a match!


Encryption and Encoding

Please enter a password: example
The string about to be stored is:
Please re-enter the password to check: incorrect
Please try again.

Cracking an MD5 hash

Since MD5 is a method of encryption and is publicly available, it is possible to create a hash
collision by using common methods of cracking hashes. This in turn "cracks" the hash and
returns to you the value of the string before it had been put through the MD5 process. This
is achieved most commonly by a "dictionary" attack. This consists of running a list of words
through the MD5 encoding process and checking whether any of them are a match against
the MD5 hash you are trying to crack. This works because MD5 hashes are always the same if
the same word is hashed.

Getting ready
For this script, we will only need the hashlib module.

How to do it
To start cracking the MD5 hashes, we need to load a file containing a list of words that
will be encrypted in MD5. This will allow us to loop through the hashes and check whether
we have a match:
import hashlib
target = raw_input("Please enter your hash here: ")
dictionary = raw_input("Please enter the file name of your
dictionary: ")
def main():
with open(dictionary) as fileobj:
for line in fileobj:
line = line.strip()
if hashlib.md5(line).hexdigest() == target:
print "Hash was successfully cracked %s: The value
is %s" % (target, line)
return ""
print "Failed to crack the file."
if __name__ == "__main__":


Chapter 7

How it works
We first start by loading the module into Python as normal:
import hashlib

We need user input for both the hash we would like to crack and also the name of the
dictionary we are going to load to crack against:
target = raw_input("Please enter your hash here: ")
dictionary = raw_input("Please enter the file name of your
dictionary: ")

Once we have the hash we would like to crack and the dictionary, we can continue with the
encoding. We need to open the dictionary file and encode each string, one by one. We can
then check to see whether any of the hashes match the original one we are aiming to crack. If
there is a match, our script will then inform us and give us the value:
def main():
with open(dictionary) as fileobj:
for line in fileobj:
line = line.strip()
if hashlib.md5(line).hexdigest() == target:
print "Hash was successfully cracked %s: The value
is %s" % (target, line)
return ""
print "Failed to crack the file."

Now all that's left to do is run the program:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now let's have a look at the script in action:

Please enter your hash here: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99
Please enter the file name of your dictionary: dict.txt
Hash was successfully cracked 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99: The
value is password


Encryption and Encoding

Encoding with Base64

Base64 is an encoding method that is used frequently to this day. It is very easily encoded
and decoded, which makes it both extremely useful and also dangerous. Base64 is not used
as commonly anymore to encode sensitive data, but there was a time where it was.

Getting ready
Thankfully for the Base64 encoding, we do not require any external modules.

How to do it
To generate the Base64 encoded string, we can use default Python features to help us
achieve it:
msg = raw_input('Please enter the string to encode: ')
print "Your B64 encoded string is: " + msg.encode('base64')

How it works
Encoding a string in Base64 within Python is very simple and can be done in a two-line
script. To begin we need to have the string fed to us as a user input so we have something
to work with:
msg = raw_input('Please enter the string to encode: ')

Once we have the string, we can do the encoding as we print out the result, using
print "Your B64 encoded string is: " + msg.encode('base64')

Here is an example of the script in action:

Please enter the string to encode: This is an example
Your B64 encoded string is: VghpcyBpcyBhbiBleGFtcGxl


Chapter 7

Encoding with ROT13

ROT13 encoding is definitely not the most secure method of encoding anything. Typically,
ROT13 was used many years ago to hide offensive jokes on forums as a kind of Not Safe For
Work (NSFW) tag so people wouldn't instantly see the remark. These days, it's mostly used
within Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges, and you'll find out why.

Getting ready
For this script, we will need quite specific modules. We will be needing the maketrans
feature, and the lowercase and uppercase features from the string module.

How to do it
To use the ROT13 encoding method, we need to replicate what the ROT13 cipher actually
does. The 13 indicates that each letter will be moved 13 places along the alphabet scale,
which makes the encoding very easy to reverse:
from string import maketrans, lowercase, uppercase
def rot13(message):
lower = maketrans(lowercase, lowercase[13:] + lowercase[:13])
upper = maketrans(uppercase, uppercase[13:] + uppercase[:13])
return message.translate(lower).translate(upper)
message = raw_input('Enter :')
print rot13(message)

How it works
This is the first of our scripts that doesn't simply require the hashlib module; instead it
requires specific features from a string. We can import these using the following:
from string import maketrans, lowercase, uppercase

Next, we can create a block of code to do the encoding for us. We use the maketrans
feature of Python to tell the interpreter to move the letters 13 places across and to keep
uppercase within the uppercase and lower within the lower. We then request that it returns
the value to us:
def rot13(message):
lower = maketrans(lowercase, lowercase[13:] + lowercase[:13])
upper = maketrans(uppercase, uppercase[13:] + uppercase[:13])
return message.translate(lower).translate(upper)


Encryption and Encoding

We then need to ask the user for some input so we have a string to work with; this is done in
the traditional way:
message = raw_input('Enter :')

Once we have the user input, we can then print out the value of our string being passed
through our rot13 block of code:
print rot13(message)

The following is an example of the code in use:

Enter :This is an example of encoding in Python
Guvf vf na rknzcyr bs rapbqvat va Clguba

Cracking a substitution cipher

The following is an example of a real-life scenario that was recently encountered. A substitution
cipher is when letters are replaced by other letters to form a new, hidden message. During a CTF
that was hosted by "NullCon" we came across a challenge that looked like a substitution cipher.
The challenge was:
Find the key:

Getting ready
For this script, there is no requirement for any external libraries.


Chapter 7

How to do it
To solve this problem, we run our string against values in our periodic dictionary and
transformed the discovered values into their ascii form. This in returned the output of
our final answer:
string =
list = []
answer = []
[list.append(string[i:i+n]) for i in range(0, len(string), n)]
print set(list)
periodic ={"Pb": 82, "Tl": 81, "Tb": 65, "Ta": 73, "Po": 84, "Ge":
32, "Bi": 83, "Hf": 72, "Tm": 69, "Yb": 70, "At": 85, "Pt": 78,
"Ho": 67, "Au": 79, "Er": 68, "Rn": 86, "Ra": 88, "Lu": 71,
"Os": 76, "Tl": 81, "Pd": 46, "Rh": 45, "Fr": 87, "Hg": 80,
"Ir": 77}
for value in list:
if value in periodic:
lastanswer = ''.join(answer)
print lastanswer


Encryption and Encoding

How it works
To start this script off, we first defined the key string within the script. The n variable was then
defined as 2 for later use and two empty lists were created list and answer:
string = --snipped-n=2
list = []
answer = []

We then started to create the list, which ran through the string and pulled out the sets of two
letters and appended them to the list value, which was then printed:
[list.append(string[i:i+n]) for i in range(0, len(string), n)]
print set(list)

Each of the two letters corresponded to a value in the periodic table, which relates to a
number. Those numbers when transformed into ascii related to a character. Once this was
discovered, we needed to map the elements to their periodic number and store that:
periodic ={"Pb": 82, "Tl": 81, "Tb": 65, "Ta": 73, "Po": 84, "Ge":
32, "Bi": 83, "Hf": 72, "Tm": 69, "Yb": 70, "At": 85, "Pt": 78,
"Ho": 67, "Au": 79, "Er": 68, "Rn": 86, "Ra": 88, "Lu": 71,
"Os": 76, "Tl": 81, "Pd": 46, "Rh": 45, "Fr": 87, "Hg": 80,
"Ir": 77}

We are then able to create a loop that will go through the list of elements that we previously
created and named as list, and map them to the value in the periodic set of data that we
created. As this is running, we can have it append the findings into our answer string while
transforming the ascii number to the relevant letter:
for value in list:
if value in periodic:

Finally, we need to have the data printed to us:

lastanswer = ''.join(answer)
print lastanswer

Here is an example of the script running:

set(['Pt', 'Pb', 'Tl', 'Lu', 'Ra', 'Pd', 'Rn', 'Rh', 'Po', 'Ta',
'Fr', 'Tb', 'Yb', 'Bi', 'Ho', 'Hf', 'Hg', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Ge', 'Tm',
'Au', 'At', 'Er'])

Chapter 7

Cracking the Atbash cipher

The Atbash cipher is a simple cipher that uses opposite values in the alphabet to transform
words. For example, A is equal to Z and C is equal to X.

Getting ready
For this, we will only need the string module.

How to do it
Since the Atbash cipher works by using the opposite value of a character in the alphabet,
we can create a maketrans feature to substitute characters:
import string
input = raw_input("Please enter the value you would like to Atbash
Cipher: ")
transform = string.maketrans(
final = string.translate(input, transform)
print final

How it works
After importing the correct module, we request the input from the user for the value they
would like encipher into the Atbash cipher:
import string
input = raw_input("Please enter the value you would like to Atbash
Ciper: ")

Next, we create the maketrans feature to be used. We do this by listing the first set of
characters that we would like to be substituted and then listing another set of characters
that we will use to replace the previous ones:
transform = string.maketrans(

Finally, we just need to give a value to the transformation, apply it, and print the value out to
get the end result:
final = string.translate(input, transform)
print final

Encryption and Encoding

Here is an example of the script in action:
Please enter the value you would like to Atbash Cipher: testing

Attacking one-time pad reuse

The concept of a one-time pad was a fundamental core to early cryptography. Basically, a
phrase is memorized by the various parties and when a message is sent, it is shifted with that
phrase for each step. For example, if the phrase is apple and the message is i like them,
then we add a to i to get j and so on to eventually receive the encoded message.
More recently, a lot of malware engineers and bad software engineers used XORing to
perform the same activity. Where the vulnerability lies and where we can create scripts
to be useful is where the same key has been used multiple times. If multiple ascii-based
strings have been XORed with the same ascii-based strings, we can brute the strings at the
same time by XORing all of them with ascii values character by character.
The following script will take a list of XORed values from a file and brute them character
by character.

Getting ready
Put a list of XORed phrases in a file. Place that file in the same folder as your script
(or don't; it just makes it marginally easier if you do).

How to do it
The script should look something like this:
import sys
import string
f = open("ciphers.txt", "r")
MSGS = f.readlines()
def strxor(a, b):
if len(a) > len(b):
return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in
zip(a[:len(b)], b)])


Chapter 7
return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a,
def encrypt(key, msg):
c = strxor(key, msg)
return c
for msg in MSGS:
for value in string.ascii_letters:
for value2 in string.ascii_letters:
for value3 in string.ascii_letters:
key = value+value2+value3
answer = encrypt(msg, key)
print answer[3:]

How it works
This script is pretty straightforward. We open a file with the XORed values in them and
split it by lines:
f = open("ciphers.txt", "r")
MSGS = f.readlines()

We shamelessly use the industry standard XOR python. Basically, this function equates two
strings to the same length and XOR them together:
def strxor(a, b):
if len(a) > len(b):
return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in
zip(a[:len(b)], b)])
return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a,
def encrypt(key, msg):
c = strxor(key, msg)
return c


Encryption and Encoding

We then run through all ascii values three times to get all the combinations from aaa to zzz
for each line in the ciphers.txt file. We assign the value of the ascii loops to the key
each time:
for msg in MSGS:
for value in string.ascii_letters:
for value2 in string.ascii_letters:
for value3 in string.ascii_letters:
key = value+value2+value3

We then encrypt the line with the generated key and print it out. We can pipe this a file with
ease, as we've shown throughout the book already:
answer = encrypt(msg, key)
print answer[3:]

Predicting a linear congruential generator

LCGs are used in web applications to create quick and easy pseudo-random numbers.
They are by nature broken and can be easily made to be predictable with enough data.
The algorithm for an LCG is:

X n +1 = ( aX n + c ) mod m
Here, X is the current value, a is a fixed multiplier, c is a fixed increment, and m is a fixed
modulus. If any data is leaked, such as the multiplier, modulus, and increment in this
example, it is possible to calculate the seed and thus the next values.

Getting ready
The situation here is where an application is generating random 2-digit numbers and
returning them to you. You have the multiplier, modulus, and increment. This may seem
strange, but this has happened in live tests.

How to do it
Here is the code:
C = ""
A = ""
M = ""


Chapter 7
print "Starting attempt to brute"
for i in range(1, 99999999):
a = str((A * int(str(i)+'00') + C) % 2**M)
if a[-2:] == "47":
b = str((A * int(a) + C) % 2**M)
if b[-2:] == "46":
c = str((A * int(b) + C) % 2**M)
if c[-2:] == "57":
d = str((A * int(c) + C) % 2**M)
if d[-2:] == "56":
e = str((A * int(d) + C) % 2**M)
if e[-2:] == "07":
f = str((A * int(e) + C) % 2**M)
if f[-2:] == "38":
g = str((A * int(f) + C) % 2**M)
if g[-2:] == "81":
h = str((A * int(g) + C) % 2**M)
if h[-2:] == "32":
j = str((A * int(h) + C) %
if j[-2:] == "19":
k = str((A * int(j) + C) %
if k[-2:] == "70":
l = str((A * int(k) +
C) % 2**M)
if l[-2:] == "53":
print "potential
number found: "+l
print "next 9 values are:"
for i in range(1, 10):
l = str((A * int(l) + C) % 2**M)
print l[-2:]

How it works
We set our three values, the increment, the multiplier, and the modulo as C, A, and M
C = ""
A = ""
M = ""


Encryption and Encoding

We then declare the range for the possible size of the seed, which in this case would be
between one and eight digits long:
for i in range(1, 99999999):

We then perform our first LCG transformation and generate possible values with the first
value taken from the web page marked highlighted in the following example:
a = str((A * int(str(i)+'00') + C) % 2**M)

We take the second value generated by the web page and check the outcome of this
transform against that:
if a[-2:] == "47":

If it works, we then perform the next transform with the numbers that matched the
first transform:
b = str((A * int(a) + C) % 2**M)

We repeat this process 10 times here, but it can be reproduced as many times as
necessary until we find an output that has matched all the numbers so far. We print an
alert with that number:
print "potential number found: "+l

We then repeat the process 10 more times, with that number as the seed to generate the
next 10 values to allow us to predict the new values.

Identifying hashes
Nearly every web application you use that stores a password of yours, should store your
credentials in some form of hashed format for added security. A good hashing system in place
for user passwords can be very useful in case your database is ever stolen, as this will extend
the time taken for a hacker to crack them.
For this reason, we have numerous different hashing methods, some of which are reused
throughout different applications, such as MD5 and SHA hashes, but some such as Des(UNIX)
are less commonly found. Because of this, it is a good idea to be able to match a hash value
to the hashing function it belongs to. We cannot base this purely on hash length as many
hashing functions share the same length, so to aid us with this we are going to use regular
expressions (Regex). This allows us to define the length, the characters used, and whether
any numerical values are present.


Chapter 7

Getting ready
For this script, we will only be using the re module.

How to do it
As previously mentioned, we are going to be basing the script around Regex values and using
those to map input hashes to the stored hash values. This will allow us to very quickly pick out
potential matches for the hashes:
import re
def hashcheck (hashtype, regexstr, data):
valid_hash = re.finditer(regexstr, data)
result = [match.group(0) for match in valid_hash]
if result:
return "This hash matches the format of: " + hashtype
except: pass
string_to_check = raw_input('Please enter the hash you wish to
check: ')
hashes = (
("Blowfish(Eggdrop)", r"^\+[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{12}$"),
("Blowfish(OpenBSD)", r"^\$2a\$[0-9]{0,2}?\$[a-zA-Z09\/\.]{53}$"),
("Blowfish crypt", r"^\$2[axy]{0,1}\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z09./]{1,}$"),
("DES(Unix)", r"^.{0,2}[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{11}$"),
("MD5(Unix)", r"^\$1\$.{0,8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{22}$"),
("MD5(APR)", r"^\$apr1\$.{0,8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{22}$"),
("MD5(MyBB)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:[a-z0-9]{8}$"),
("MD5(ZipMonster)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$"),
("MD5 crypt", r"^\$1\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{1,}$"),
("MD5 apache crypt", r"^\$apr1\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z09./]{1,}$"),
("MD5(Joomla)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:[a-zA-Z0-9]{16,32}$"),
("MD5(Wordpress)", r"^\$P\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{31}$"),
("MD5(phpBB3)", r"^\$H\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{31}$"),
("MD5(Cisco PIX)", r"^[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{16}$"),
("MD5(osCommerce)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}$"),
("MD5(Palshop)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{51}$"),
("MD5(IP.Board)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:.{5}$"),


Encryption and Encoding

("MD5(Chap)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:[0-9]{32}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}$"),
("Juniper Netscreen/SSG (ScreenOS)", r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]{30}:[a-zA-Z09]{4,}$"),
("Fortigate (FortiOS)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{47}$"),
("Minecraft(Authme)", r"^\$sha\$[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,16}\$[a-fA-F09]{64}$"),
("Lotus Domino", r"^\(?[a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]{20}\)?$"),
("Lineage II C4", r"^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$"),
("CRC-96(ZIP)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{24}$"),
("NT crypt", r"^\$3\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{1,}$"),
("Skein-1024", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{256}$"),
("RIPEMD-320", r"^[A-Fa-f0-9]{80}$"),
("EPi hash", r"^0x[A-F0-9]{60}$"),
("EPiServer 6.x < v4", r"^\$episerver\$\*0\*[a-zA-Z0-9]{22}==\*[azA-Z0-9\+]{27}$"),
("EPiServer 6.x >= v4", r"^\$episerver\$\*1\*[a-zA-Z09]{22}==\*[a-zA-Z0-9]{43}$"),
("Cisco IOS SHA256", r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]{43}$"),
("SHA-1(Django)", r"^sha1\$.{0,32}\$[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$"),
("SHA-1 crypt", r"^\$4\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{1,}$"),
("SHA-1(Hex)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$"),
("SHA-1(LDAP) Base64", r"^\{SHA\}[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{27}=$"),
("SHA-1(LDAP) Base64 + salt", r"^\{SSHA\}[a-zA-Z09+/]{28,}[=]{0,3}$"),
("SHA-512(Drupal)", r"^\$S\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{52}$"),
("SHA-512 crypt", r"^\$6\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{1,}$"),
("SHA-256(Django)", r"^sha256\$.{0,32}\$[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$"),
("SHA-256 crypt", r"^\$5\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{1,}$"),
("SHA-384(Django)", r"^sha384\$.{0,32}\$[a-fA-F0-9]{96}$"),
("SHA-256(Unix)", r"^\$5\$.{0,22}\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{43,69}$"),
("SHA-512(Unix)", r"^\$6\$.{0,22}\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{86}$"),
("SHA-384", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{96}$"),
("SHA-512", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{128}$"),
("SSHA-1", r"^({SSHA})?[a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]{32,38}?(==)?$"),
("SSHA-1(Base64)", r"^\{SSHA\}[a-zA-Z0-9]{32,38}?(==)?$"),
("SSHA-512(Base64)", r"^\{SSHA512\}[a-zA-Z0-9+]{96}$"),
("Oracle 11g", r"^S:[A-Z0-9]{60}$"),
("SMF >= v1.1", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}:[0-9]{8}&"),
("MySQL 5.x", r"^\*[a-f0-9]{40}$"),
("MySQL 3.x", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{16}$"),
("OSX v10.7", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{136}$"),
("OSX v10.8", r"^\$ml\$[a-fA-F0-9$]{199}$"),
("SAM(LM_Hash:NT_Hash)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$"),


Chapter 7
("MSSQL(2000)", r"^0x0100[a-f0-9]{0,8}?[a-f0-9]{80}$"),
("MSSQL(2005)", r"^0x0100[a-f0-9]{0,8}?[a-f0-9]{40}$"),
("MSSQL(2012)", r"^0x02[a-f0-9]{0,10}?[a-f0-9]{128}$"),
("TIGER-160(HMAC)", r"^[a-f0-9]{40}$"),
("SHA-256", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$"),
("SHA-1(Oracle)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{48}$"),
("SHA-224", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{56}$"),
("Adler32", r"^[a-f0-9]{8}$"),
("CRC-16-CCITT", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{4}$"),
("NTLM)", r"^[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}$"),
counter = 0
for h in hashes:
text = hashcheck(h[0], h[1], string_to_check)
if text is not None:
counter += 1
print text
if counter == 0:
print "Your input hash did not match anything, sorry!"

How it works
After we import the re module, which we are going to be using, we start to build our first
block of code, which will be the heart of our script. We will try to use conventional naming
throughout the script to make it more manageable further on. We pick the name hashcheck
for this reason. We use the name hashtype to represent the names of the hashes that are
upcoming in the Regex block of code, we use regexstr to represent the Regex, and we
finally use data.
We create a string called valid_hash and give that the value of the iteration values after
going through the data, which will only happen if we have a valid match. This can be seen
further down where we give the value result the name of matching hash values that we detect
using the Regex. We finally print the match if one, or more, is found and add our except
statement to the end:
def hashcheck (hashtype, regexstr, data):
valid_hash = re.finditer(regexstr, data)
result = [match.group(0) for match in valid_hash]
if result:
return "This hash matches the format of: " + hashtype
except: pass


Encryption and Encoding

We then ask the user for their input, so we have something to match against the Regex.
This is done as normal:
string_to_check = raw_input('Please enter the hash you wish to
check: ')

Once this is done, we can move onto the nitty gritty Regex-fu. The reason we use Regex is so
that we can differentiate between the different hashes, as they have different lengths and
character sets. This is extremely helpful for MD5 hashes, as there are numerous different
types of MD5 hashes, such as phpBB3 and MyBB forums.
We name the set of Regexs something logical like hashes, and then define them:
hashes = (
("Blowfish(Eggdrop)", r"^\+[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{12}$"),
("Blowfish(OpenBSD)", r"^\$2a\$[0-9]{0,2}?\$[a-zA-Z09\/\.]{53}$"),
("Blowfish crypt", r"^\$2[axy]{0,1}\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z09./]{1,}$"),
("DES(Unix)", r"^.{0,2}[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{11}$"),
("MD5(Unix)", r"^\$1\$.{0,8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{22}$"),
("MD5(APR)", r"^\$apr1\$.{0,8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{22}$"),
("MD5(MyBB)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:[a-z0-9]{8}$"),
("MD5(ZipMonster)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$"),
("MD5 crypt", r"^\$1\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{1,}$"),
("MD5 apache crypt", r"^\$apr1\$[a-zA-Z0-9./]{8}\$[a-zA-Z09./]{1,}$"),
("MD5(Joomla)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:[a-zA-Z0-9]{16,32}$"),
("MD5(Wordpress)", r"^\$P\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{31}$"),
("MD5(phpBB3)", r"^\$H\$[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{31}$"),
("MD5(Cisco PIX)", r"^[a-zA-Z0-9\/\.]{16}$"),
("MD5(osCommerce)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}$"),
("MD5(Palshop)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{51}$"),
("MD5(IP.Board)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:.{5}$"),
("MD5(Chap)", r"^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}:[0-9]{32}:[a-fA-F0-9]{2}$"),
[...cut out...]
("NTLM)", r"^[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}$"),


Chapter 7
We then need to find a way to return the data to the user in a manageable way, without letting
them know each time a non-match is found. We do this by creating a counter. We set the
value of this counter to 0 and continue. We then create a function named text, which will
become the value of the name of the hash, should a match be found. An if statement is
then used to prevent the unwanted messages we previously mentioned. We tell the script that
if text is not none then a match has been found, so we raise the value of the counter
and print the text. Using the counter idea means any non-matches found will not increase the
counter and therefore will not be printed to the user:
counter = 0
for h in hashes:
text = hashcheck(h[0], h[1], string_to_check)
if text is not None:
counter += 1
print text

We finish the script off by letting the user know if there is no match, in the most polite
way possible!
if counter == 0:
print "Your input hash did not match anything, sorry!"

Here are some examples of the script in action:

Please enter the hash you wish to check: ok
No Matches

The preceding result finds no matches as there is no hashing system listed that outputs
two character strings. The following is an example of a successful find:
Please enter the hash you wish to check:
This hash matches the format of: SHA-256


Get more information Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook

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You can buy Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook from the
Packt Publishing website.
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