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Storage, Erection, Operation

& Maintenance Manual for Busduct



I. Introduction

II. Safety

III. Description
IV. Receiving, Unpacking, Handling and Storage

V. Installation
Alignment of Apparatus
Installation Checklist
Preliminary Steps
Busduct Erection
Steel Support Erection
Field Tests
VI. Maintenance

Figure 1 - Typical Cross Section of LT Busduct with FRP Supports
Figure 2 - Typical Cross Section of HT Busduct with Epoxy Standoff Supports
Figure 3 - Busduct Section End, Showing Matching Alignment Numbers and Heater Wiring Connections
Figure 4 - Typical Busduct Wall Section with Air Barrier

Operation & Maintenance Manual



Before installing the busduct, study this manual and the drawings furnished with the busduct.
Because busduct is highly variable equipment, custom designed for the particular application, these
instructions nor the drawings are complete without reference to the other. Follow the
recommended procedure for putting into service.
This manual contains:
Safety Rules.
A general description of the busduct.
Instructions for putting into service.
Instructions for maintenance.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations of busduct, nor to provide for
every possible contingency or hazard to be met in connection with further information be desired
or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the users purposes, the
matter should be referred to KGS Engineering.

The busduct described in this manual, when in service, will be energized by voltages which will cause
severe injury or death if contacted. To insure the safety of personnel associated with the installation,
operation and maintenance of busduct, the following rules should be observed:
Only qualified personnel trained in the installation, operation and maintenance of electrical
power equipment should be allowed to work on this busduct.
Do not work on an energized busduct.
Do not climb on, walk on or sit on the busduct. It is not designed to support excessive weight.
Do not use the busduct for support of other equipment. It is not designed to support this extra
For the safety of personnel performing maintenance operations on the busduct or on connected
equipment, all components should be disconnected by means of a visible break and securely
See additional safety precautions in the sections headed HANDLING and INSTALLATION.

The busduct covered by these instructions are non segregated phase busduct and segregated phase
busduct designed, built and tested in accordance with IS 8623 Part II (IEC 69439) and IS 8084.
Busduct is normally used to connect two pieces of electrical power equipment, such as two units of
metal-enclosed switchgear, a transformer and a switchgear unit, a large rotating machine and a
switchgear unit, or a large rotating machine and a transformer. The busduct may be located either
indoors or outdoors, or a single run of busduct may pass from indoors to outdoors.
The conductors in KGS busduct are usually supported by glass-reinforced polyester laminate for LT
busduct and epoxy or porcelain for MV busduct.

Operation & Maintenance Manual



Space heaters are provided when required. These heaters are designed to minimize condensation in
the busduct by keeping the air inside the busduct at a temperature above the dew point. Special
heaters designed to operate at a low surface temperature are provided to insure a long life for the
heater elements. These heaters are thermostatic control.


Busducts are not self-supporting, but must be supported at installation. Indoor busducts are
normally supported by hanging from the ceiling, but may also be supported from floors or walls or
from other pieces of equipment, such as switchgear units. Outdoor busducts are normally
supported from the ground. See the section headed INSTALLATION for further information on
busduct supports.

Operation & Maintenance Manual




All busduct assemblies are packed in wooden crates, except some loose components like bolts and
nuts, splice plates, flexibles etc. Loose items are packed in wooden boxes with necessary
On receipt of the cases containing the busduct at site, examine for any physical damage that might
have been sustained during transit. If injury or damage is suspected, report immediately with the
particulars of the wooden crate number, nature of damage etc. for claiming insurance
and replacement. All consignment should be verified along with the delivery documents. After
the above checking, the goods can be taken to the storage yard. Loose items are packed in a
wooden case. The case has been weighed and the weight marked. It should be checked before
opening to ensure that there is no tampering. All items like hardware are in a polythene bag and
duly marked with a tag. Ensure to keep them as such till materials are required for erection.
Flexibles are also kept in sets, held together with banding wire. These to be kept as such till time
of erection. Please ensure extra care is taken for copper flexibles in order to ensure their safety.
After inspection, all the materials should be placed back duly protected until they are taken out
for erection.
Carefully unpack all sections of the busduct. To avoid damage to the busduct, band cutters
should be used on all banding securing the packages and nail pullers should be used for
unpacking wooden crates.
Carefully remove any support blocks or other temporary fasteners which may have been used
for shipping.
If the busduct is not to be installed immediately, save all packing and wrapping materials for
reuse while the busduct is in storage.
To help avoid personal injury and equipment damage during handling, and to facilitate moving the
busduct sections and fittings at the job site, follow these guidelines:

Busduct sections are quite heavy, weighing up to several hundred kilo grams per section. To
avoid personal injury, do not attempt to lift, carry, or otherwise move busduct sections by hand.
Use appropriate mechanical means to handle busduct. Be sure that the handling equipment
used is capable of safely handling the busduct sections.

Handle busduct with care to avoid damage to internal components and the enclosure and its
finish. Avoid subjecting busduct to twisting, denting, impact, and in general, rough handling.
Avoiding damage to protruding objects such as flanges, drain and vent fittings, heater supply
boxes, etc.

Operation & Maintenance Manual



When setting busduct sections on the ground or on a floor, the main body of the duct enclosure
should be set on a support to protect flanges and other protruding objects. A short length of
2x4 or 4x4 timber makes a good support.
Do not drag busduct sections across the floor or the ground.
Do not use bus bar ends for lifting busduct sections or fittings. Lift only the busduct enclosure,
using support means such as slings or forklifts which extend under the full width of the
Keep the busduct enclosure level when lifting. Unsecured bus bar may slide out of its insulating
sleeve or supports if the enclosure is tilted during lifting.
If a section of busduct must be lifted vertically, be sure that the bus bars are secured to the
housing to prevent sliding.
Pallet trucks provide a simple method of moving busduct on one floor level if there is little or no
incline. Balance the load carefully and secure it to the pallet.
If a crane is used to install busduct, use nylon/other straps and distribute or balance the weight
of each lift.
If a fork lift or similar hoist is used, properly position the busduct enclosure on the forks to
distribute its weight. Secure the load to the forks while lifting.
To prevent condensation, busduct sections and fittings which are not to be installed and
energized immediately should be stored in a clean dry space having a moderate, uniform
temperature, in the range of 20-40C.
Preferably, busduct sections should be stored in a building having adequate air circulation, and
protected from dirt, fumes, water and physical damage.
Busduct sections should not be stored outdoors because of possible moisture damage. If
busduct must be stored outdoors, it must be securely covered for protection from weather and
dirt. Temporary electrical heating should be installed beneath the cover to prevent
condensation. At least 200 watts per cubic metre is adequate for the average environment.
Outdoor busduct must be treated exactly the same as indoor busduct until after it is installed. It
is not weatherproof until completely and properly installed.
Do not expose busduct sections and fittings to high concentrations of hydrocarbon-based
solvent vapors. Such vapors may damage or destroy the bus bar insulation.

Operation & Maintenance Manual



Do check all the packings for possible
damage during transit.
Do check material as per shipment list
and report any shortage damage
Keep material in original packings unless
required for erection.
Check the tightness of conductor with
insulator while lifting the busduct
assembly with conductor in position.
Ensure that insulators, wall bushings,
gaskets and other moulded rubber items
and flexible are stored indoor in wellventilated area.

Dont cause any scratches or hammer
marks during unpacking.
Dont destroy any marking.
Dont drop any packing from a height.
Dont lay down unpacked material on
the ground.
Dont cause damage or scratches by
dropping and dragging etc., on fragile
items such as insulators and rubber
items etc.


Before installing a run of busduct, carefully check the location of the equipment to be connected
by the busduct. The relative location of the two ends of the busduct run must be as shown on
the busduct layout drawing for the busduct to fit properly. For a typical busduct run of about 10
Metre, the relative locations of the two end connections should not deviate from the busduct
arrangement drawing by more than 10 mm in any direction, or by more than total. Location of
walls which are penetrated by a busduct run should also be checked. The center lines of the wall
cut-out should not deviate from the center lines of the busduct run by more than 10 mm and the
location of the wall along the length of the busduct run should not deviate from its position on
the busduct layout drawing by more than 6 mm of the thickness of the wall.
If the terminal points of the busduct are not aligned within these limits, corrective action must
be taken.
If at all possible, the equipment to which the busduct connects should be moved so that the
alignment is within limits. If this is not possible, contact KGS with all necessary dimensions, so
that corrective action can be taken.
Do not count on flexible connectors at the terminations of a busduct run to correct
misalignment problems. Flexible connectors are furnished to limit stress on equipment
terminations caused by thermal expansion and vibration, and to correct very minor (<5 mm)

Operation & Maintenance Manual



Busduct must have sufficient horizontal and vertical clearance from walls and ceilings to provide
easy access to joints, both for original installation and for maintenance, including the possible
removal of a section.
This checklist lists the steps necessary for installation of busduct in the order in which they
should be performed. More detail about many of these steps is given in subsequent sections,
which should be reviewed before doing the installation.
Check the material received, including loose items such as hardware, splice plates, insulating
material and gaskets, against the busduct drawings and shipping documents.
Notify KGS of any discrepancies within one month of receipt of goods.
Before installing any section of busduct, the entire busduct run should be laid out on the ground
in the same position as the final assembly. KGS busduct is marked with alignment numbers to
allow for rapid matching and aligning of busduct sections. See figure 3. These alignment
numbers are marked on the KGS arrangement drawings to show how and where each piece of
busduct should be located. Refer to KGS arrangement drawings for the proper placement of
busduct. Care should be taken in laying out the busduct that the matching numbers are matched
and that the layout matches the KGS arrangement drawings.

After the duct has been laid out on the ground the access covers should be removed.
Gaskets are attached to one flange of all sections. Check if gaskets are clean and in position. If
damaged, replace.
Check for cleanliness of busduct. Ensure all insulation is thoroughly cleaned with a dry cloth. If
not getting cleaned, use denatured alcohol on CTC to clean and dry the insulators.
All individual bus sections should be meggered to check for the soundness of insulators before
Lift the enclosures to their respective location keeping the matching numbers marked at the
ends as per layout drawing.

Operation & Maintenance Manual



Check the alignment; see that there is no offset between adjacent section bus bars where
fishplates have to be used. Where the bars are for overlap joint, ensure the alignment is such as
to give a proper joint free from tension. Prepare the joint for Aluminium busbar by scratch
brushing the joint under petroleum jelly using a steel wire brush to remove oxide film and wipe
the grease off with a clean dry cloth. Smear lightly a layer of fresh jelly. For tinned joints of
copper or Aluminium bus bars do not scratch brush. Only apply petroleum jelly after wiping
clean with a dry cloth
Ensure that the enclosures are properly aligned and all flange gaskets are in position. Bolt the
enclosures together.
Now fix the fish plates or flexibles in position as shown in the layout drawing and proceed to bolt
with the correct size bolts and finger tighten the same. Check there is no tension in the bus bars.
Tighten using the correct spanner.
Use a torque wrench to check the correct torque for bus bar bolts and adjust accordingly. The
torque should be as given below:


3.5 KG/M
5.5 KG/M
5.5 KG/M


152 MM
152 MM
203 MM


Ensure tightness of enclosure flange bolts. Connect heater wires between sections.
Check all gaskets of covers for being in position place the covers and bolt.
Now tighten the bolts holding the enclosure on the supporting structure.
Connect heater supply to marshalling point.
Connect all fishplates of earth bars taking due precaution as for busbar. Connect to Station
Before keeping the columns/wall frames etc., in position, check up whether the embedded plates on
the floor/wall/ceiling and the foundations are located as per the drawings. Also check up the level of
the plates and foundations. If there are any changes, the matter should be immediately brought to
the notice of the customer with a copy of the design office drawings available. Modifications can be
done suggested by the design office or as mutually agreed by the customer. After ascertaining the
accuracy of the plates/foundations stud welding shall be done if called for. Apply cold galvanizing
where it may have come off due to welding. Suitable packing shall be provided if the elevations are
found not uniform. After ascertaining the correctness of all the plates, the columns and inter
connecting beams etc., should be erected. Check the level of the beams with the sprit level, tighten
all the parts. Keep the transverse steel members in their position. Do not tighten the bolts.
After the covers are removed the busduct should be lifted into place a section at a time. Each
section should be properly supported during assembly and attached to the next piece by finger
tightening the flange bolts. Connections of bus bars should not be made at this time.

Operation & Maintenance Manual



Wall penetration sections containing fire barriers or air barriers must be positioned so that the
barrier is within the thickness of the wall it passes through. See Figure 4.



Remove the wooden blocks provided inside

enclosure for the busbar support during transit.

Do carry out pre-layout survey to verify the

position of various equipments to be connected,
levels of floors and position of cutouts.

Do keep layout drawing & termination drawing

etc., ready for reference.

Draw the material from stores as per suggested


Ensure alignment and proper matching of various


Make the busbar joints as per the instructions.

Take care for proper sealing while jointing the


Do ensure proper insulation and earthing of

enclosure and structures as specified.

Carryout insulation checks and other electrical


Ensure that CT secondaries are shorted and

grounded for HT test when fitted.

Make sure that all supplies and associate

equipment are disconnected before carrying out
HV test on busduct.

Clean the busduct and insulators thoroughly

before final test.


Dont allow accumulations of

dirt or foreign material in
the busduct during erection.

Do not over tight the bolts

and adhere to the torque
wrench as recommended.

Do not omit any insulation

items specified for enclosure
and structures.

Do not hammer the bolts etc

while joining the busbars if
the holes are not matching.

Do not walk over the

busducts, these may get

Dont leave any foreign


Operation & Maintenance Manual



The following are the suggested field tests to be conducted on the busduct:
After the completion of erection, tests as given below to be done. However if there is a long
delay, remove all the inspection covers and check busbar joint bolts with the help of torque
wrench. Ensure at least 10% of the joint locations are checked.
Insulation resistence test with 1000 Volts Megger
Before the application of high voltage, check the insulation value of each phase by means of
1000 volts megger.
A minimum value as listed below should be obtained.
For 415V 0.24 Mega Ohms (Min)
For 3300V 1.91 Mega Ohms (Min)
For 6600V 3.81 Mega Ohms (Min)
For 11000V 6.35 Mega Ohms (Min)
For 22000V 12.7 Mega Ohms (Min)
For 33000V 19.1 Mega Ohms (Min)
However, during rainy season, the above value may fall down slightly, and hence the
drying out is necessary before the test.
Die-electric Test or High Voltage Test
After the insulation check, power frequency withstand tests can be made in the field at 75% of
the full value. These are shown below.
Nominal Voltage
415 Volts
3.3 KV
6.6 KV
11 KV

Power frequency withstand voltage

KV RMS 1 Minute - Dry
1.875 KV
7.5 KV
15 KV
21 KV

Procedure for conducting Power frequency/Insulation tests

Disconnect all equipment terminations from the busbar.
Keep a minimum of 150mm between busbars and disconnected equipment (for equipment
upto 75 KVP impulse level).
Ensure that all insulators and bushings shall be free from any dust, grease and moisture etc.,
before applying high voltage.
The test voltage shall be applied between each phase busbar and enclosure, which shall be
kept at ground potential. Finally, the test voltage shall be applied between phases.

Operation & Maintenance Manual




Inspect busduct in normal service once each year or after any severe electrical fault.Busducts
operating in severe environments,such as excessive dust,salt spray,chemical vapors,etc.,
require more frequent inspection.Busducts operating in clean,dry,indoor locations may need
inspection less frequently.

Remove the covers from the busduct and examine the interior for any moisture or signs of
previous wetness.Replace or thoroughly dry and clean any insulating material which is damp or
wet or shows accumulation of deposited material from previous wetting.For indoor busduct,
eliminate the source of any dripping onto the busduct and any other source of moisture.For
outdoor busduct,seal off any cracks or openings which have allowed moisture to enter the
busduct or its connection boxes.

Thoroughly clean any accumulation of dust and dirt by using a brush,vacuum cleaner,or clean
lintfree rags.If the main bus bars are insulated and foreign material cannot be removed by
dusting or wiping with a dry rag,only denatured alcohol or isopropyl alcohol should be used as a
solvent to remove materials from the insulation surface.Do not use commercial cleaners or
solvents to clean bus insulation.These materials may destroy the insulating sleeving.

Carefully inspect all visible electrical joints and terminals.Check tightness of hardware in
accordance with Table I.If joints or terminations appear to be badly discolored,corroded or
pitted,or show evidence of having been subjected to high temperatures,the parts should be
disassembled and replaced or cleaned.The plated surface can be cleaned with a good grade of
silver polish.Take care not to remove plating on aluminum or copper parts in joints or
terminations.Damaged aluminum or copper parts should be replaced.

Check the insulation resistance prior to reenergizing the busduct,using the insulation resistance
test described in Section V. Keep a permanent record of resistance readings.If readings
decrease appreciably with time,deterioration is taking place.If this occurs,find and correct the
cause of the insulation deterioration before reenergizing the busduct.

Replace any heaters that are not functioning properly.The heaters used in busduct are long life,
low surface temperature heaters.Replace them only with heaters of the same rating and
catalogue number.

Replace the covers and secure them properly. Reenergize the busduct, observing the
precautions given in Section V.
During Maintenance

All precautions normally observed for high tension apparatus should be taken when inspecting
busducts and associated equipments.Housings should never be opened unless the entire unit is
shut down and the personnel working on the equipment assure themselves that the busduct is
not alive.

Operation & Maintenance Manual



The only reason for opening the bus housing should be to clean the insulators and bushings.The
frequency of cleaning should be established from operating experience.The first time the unit is
shut down,a set of inspection openings may be removed to determine the amount of dust
collected.If amount of dust is found to be appreciable,further inspection should be made and
insulators cleaned.If the insulators are clean,the interval of inspection can be lengthened.
Normally the inspection would not have to be made often than yearly intervals.However,the
frequency of inspection should be based on local conditions.Much longer intervals could safely
be expected unless local atmosphere has a very large amount of suspended dust.
The tightness of busbar joints should be checked,at the time of annual maintenance period with
the help of torque wrench.Sufficient amount of nooxide grease also should be applied at the
jointing surfaces.The flexibles used at transformer terminations should also be checked for any
abnormal temperature rise.
As already stated,the frequency of inspection should be decided based on the amount of dust
collection.Besides this,there is no need to have quarterly/
halfyearly maintenance checks.But it
is preferable to inspect all joints and the insulators atleast once in a year.
Since the busbars are enclosed,no failure is expected often except failure of insulation.This will
occur at support insulator/
sealoff bushings,either due to dust collection and condensation or
due to minute cracks.In such events,the bushings must be cleaned and the busbars to be hipoted
before commissioning. If insulator/
bushings do not withstand the hipot, then replace
them with new ones.Other than the above,there is no other specific operation or maintenance
instruction for the busduct.
In general the busduct is expected to give trouble free operation for a long time.However it is
advisable,that should the circuit have cleared a major fault,normal discretion should be used
before energizing as for Switchgear.

Do check insulators for cleanliness if necessary
clean and dry up by compressed air.
Do make sure that bolts are properly tightened
while doing the joints.
Do ensure the proper sealing while replacing the

Dont redo joints without proper
cleaning and use of fresh quantity
of petroleum jelly.
Dont use cracked or damaged
gaskets while replacing the covers.

Dont use damaged flexibles.

Do carry out insulation check up as specified.
Do ensure no other foreign materials are inside
Dont apply voltage beyond
the enclosure before putting the inspection covers.
specified limit while checking.


Operation & Maintenance Manual


(Formerly Stardrive Busducts Pvt. Ltd.)
34, Fourth Main Road. Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai - 600 020
Phone: +91 044-2442 3026 / 27 www.kgsengineeringltd.com
An ISO 9001 Company with over three decades of experience in design & manufacture of LT & HT
Busduct up to 33 KV-5000 A

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