Color TV Receiver

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Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)



1. Familiarization different stages in Colour T.V. receiver, ICs used in various stages.
2. To study front panel controls of a T.V. receiver
Equipments used:
1. Colour T.V. Trainer Kit
2. Digital Voltmeter
3. Cathode Ray oscilloscope

Part 1 Familiarization different stages in Colour T.V. receiver, ICs used in

various stages
Theory: 1) Video Section
2) Sound Section

Video Section
The main function of an antenna is to accept the electromagnetic waves coming from the TV
Transmitter. Antenna receives these waves and converts them into RF signals which are given to
the TV transmitter. For better reception of RF signal, Yaagi Uda antenna is most commonly used
to in all T.V. receivers in VHF/UHF range for its simple construction and low air resistance.
It is used for matching the impedance balanced 300W to unbalanced 75W tuner input
impedance.R.F signal from antenna is given to the RF tuner through the balun transformer.
RF Tuner:
It is used for better picture and sound reception. The main functions of tuner are
1. Selection of desired channel frequencies and rejects others.
2. It matches antenna with T.V. receiver, because of the ghost image can be removed.
3. It converts the R.F. signal into IF signal by heterodyne with local oscillator frequency.
4. It isolates the local oscillator signals from the antenna for preventing radiation of it through
the antenna.
5. It rejects the image frequency which causes the ghost image along with the picture. The RF
tuner selects RF signals of desired channel amplifiers then is to IF signals. The tuner consists of
an RF amplifier, an oscillator and a mixer stage. Local oscillator generates a constant frequency
for desired channel, RF amplifier amplifies the RF signal achieved from antenna and mixer stage
converts them into IF signal by heterodyne RF signal from the local oscillator frequency. The IF
carrier frequency present in IF signals for picture and sound are 38.9 MHz 33.4 MHz
respectively. Thus IF signal achieved from the tuner is fed to the IF amplifier.

PVGs College of
Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &
Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)


IF Pre-Amplifier:
It amplifies the IF signal. This stage of amplification is necessary because by the used of saw
filter the gain of the receiver becomes less.
The saw filter used in place of wave trap circuits. It passes only required frequencies and
grounds unwanted adjacent channel frequencies.
By using an IC this stage is desired. This stage consists of video amplifier, AFC and AGC
circuits etc.,
This stage amplifies IF signal and provides sufficient gain. AGC voltage is applied to all the
separate IF amplifier ex2cept the last IF amplifier. From video amplifier the signal is applied to
the video detector.
Signal obtained from video IF amplifier is injected to the video detector. In video detector the
signal is demodulated giving back the Y-signal and the colour side band along with various
synchronizing pulses and the colour burst signal. AFC signal is also given to tuner section for
automatic frequency control.
The video detector is to mix both VIF, SIF to produce a new IF sound IF signal at 5.5 MHz and
fed to the sound section.
5.5 MHz tank (LC) circuit is also used with video detector to remove the 5.5 MHz inter carrier
sound signal from the video signal.
From video detector video signal is obtained given to video amplifier input. This stage is coupled
to video preamplifier and AGC sections.

Sound Section:
The 5.5 MHz inter carrier signal from video detector stage is fed to the sound IF amplifier for
FM Detector:
5.5 MHz sound signal is amplified by SIF stage given to detector stage. The original sound
signal is detected from the carrier.
Audio Amplifier:
In this stage voltage amplification is given to the audio signal and finally fed to the speaker.
T.V. Servicing Lab - II 25

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Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &
Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)


Video Pre-Amplifier:
The output of Video amplifier the video signal is given to video pre amplifier. This signal
consists of the 1) Luminance / Y Signal 2) The colour sub carrier containing red, blue colour
difference signals 3) The horizontal and vertical sync pulses 4) The colour burst signal.
The video pre amplifier amplifies the signal strength from 2V to 6V, so that it is able to drive
video output stages. In this stage the division of chrominance and luminance takes place.
From video pre amplifier video signal coupled to chroma band pass amplifiers through chroma
filter circuit, sync separation and delay time circuit.
Delay time:
From video pre amplifier, Y signal passes through a delay time to amplifier stage. The delay line
delays the Y signal by 0.8 milliseconds. The delay speed of the signal through the delay time is a
special coil with very high value of inductance and distributed capacitance so that the delay
speed of the signal through the delay line is greatly reduced.
Chroma section:
The output of video pre amplifier the composite colour video signal is coupled to the chroma
band pass filter at 4.43 MHz and two stages of chroma amplifier.
The chroma filter separates the modulated chroma sub carrier signal and the colour burst from
incoming composite video signals.
The separated chroma signals are amplified by the first chroma amplifier which is gain
controlled by the voltage developed by the automatic colour control amplifier.
Colour Burst Circuit:
The colour burst circuit consists of the burst pre amplifier, pre amplifier pulse shaper and the
gated burst amplifier.
Burst pre amplifier:
The chroma input signal from the chroma amplifier gets amplified in this stage.
Gated Burst Amplifier:
In this stage the gated horizontal fly back pulses are applied to this stage through a pulse shaping
Pulse Shaper:
The pulse shaper receives a positive pulse from horizontal output section. The conduction of
gated burst amplifier depends on the gating pulses derived from pulse shapes. Burst signals are
applied to Automatic Chroma Colour control circuit and phase discriminator.
Reference Oscillator:
The U and V signals are separately produced at the transmitting and by double balanced
suppressed carrier modulator. Automatic Colour Control (ACC) Circuit: In this stage colour is
controlled automatically.

PVGs College of
Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &
Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)


Burst Phase Discriminator:

This stage works by comparing the phase of wave from produced by the reference oscillator with
the burst pulses obtained from the burst amplifier.
Colour Killer Circuit:
In this stage the colour killer is to be cut off the second chroma band pass amplifier when black
and white program is obtained by a colour T.V. Circuit.
Sync Separator:
From the emitter of video pre amplifier, composite colour video signal is fed to the sync
separator, horizontal, vertical sync signals are separated by the use of suitable low, high pass
filter circuits. This stage also amplifies the signals. Automatic Frequency Control/AFC Circuit:
In this stage horizontal fly back pulses and horizontal sync signals are separated.
Horizontal Oscillator:
This stage generates 15, 625Hz saw tooth horizontal line frequency for horizontal deflection of
electron beam inside the picture tube.
Horizontal Driver:
The signal coming from horizontal oscillator is amplified.
Horizontal Driver Transformer:
In this provides impedance matching.
Horizontal Output Stage:
This stage consists of a Transistor and EHT Transformer amplification is provided in this stage.
Vertical Stage:
This is an IC version consists of vertical oscillator, vertical driver, vertical output.
Vertical oscillator:
Vertical line frequency 50Hz coming from low pass filter and deflected electron beam vertically
in the picture tube.
Vertical Driver:
It provides voltage amplification to vertical signal.
Vertical output:
The vertical output is given to vertical deflection coil.
Power Supply:
A SMPS power supply is used to get 110V, 20V dc power

PVGs College of
Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &
Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)



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Engineering & Technology, Pune

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Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)

PVGs College of
Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &
Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)


Different Amplitude Voltages:
Sync Pulse
Pedestal Value

Ideal Amplitude
1 Vpp
0.6 to 0.8

Observed Amplitude

Different Timing Parameters:

Blanking Pulse
Front Porch
Sync Pulse
Back Porch
Video Signal

Ideal Values
12 us

Observed Values

1.5 us
4.7 us
5.8 us
52 us

Line Frequency

Ideal Amplitude
15625 Hz

Field Frequency

50 Hz

Color Burst

4,43 MHz

Observed Amplitude

PVGs College of
Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &



Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)

Voltages are observed at various points and the CVS waveform was studied.
Different amplitude voltages and timing parameters noted down and compared with ideal values.
Field and line frequencies are measured and tallied.

Waveforms for Horizontal & Vertical Oscillators:

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Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &



Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)

1. What is balun?
2. What are the operating controls of colour T.V. receivers?
3. Can we receive B/W programs on colour T.V? Explain the reason.
4. Name the primary colours.
5. Name the elements in Yaagi Uda antenna.
6. Write SIF, VIF frequencies.
7. What are the functions of tuner?
8. What are the advantages SMPS?

PVGs College of
Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &
Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)

To study front panel controls of a T.V. receiver


Aim 2:


Part 2 Front Panel Controls and Adjustments

Equipments Required:
A T.V. receiver B/W Trainer Kit
The operators controls have to be operated frequently for proper reproduction of picture and
sound and are located in an easily accessible position, generally the front panel of the T.V.
receiver. The operators controls are operated by knobs to make the operation smooth and easy
but the service controls are generally adjusted a screw driver or some other tool designed for this
purpose. The operator controls are operated by the viewers to obtain the picture quality to suit
their tasks. The front panel controls as follows:
1) ON/OFF Switch
2) Volume Control
3) Tone Control
4) Channel Selector
5) Brightness Control
6) Contrast Control
7) Fine tuning Control
8) Vertical hold Control
9) Horizontal hold Control
1. ON/OFF Switch:
This device is used to connect or disconnect the power supply mains to T.V. receiver. It is located
at a convenient position on the front panel and may be in the form of toggle switch. In most
modern receivers, this switch is a part of the volume control.
2. Volume Control:
The level of sound output from the speaker can be controlled by the volume control, which
generally controls the audio voltage output.
3. Channel Selector:
This control is used in multi channel T.V. receivers. Its function is to select the coils and other
components for the desired channel and connect these to the circuit in a proper manner.
4. Brightness Control:
This control adjusts the illumination on the screen by varying the dc bias of the grid cathode
circuit of the picture tube. The brightness control and the control controls are adjusted together to
get a well defined clear picture on the screen.

PVGs College of
Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &
Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)



5. Contrast Control:
This control is located in the video amplifier circuit and controls the amplitude of the video
signal applied to the picture tube and works like the volume control for the audio signal. This
control adjusts the sharpness of the picture on the screen and has to be operated in conjunction
with the brightness control to get a proper contrast of black and white portions of the picture.
6. Fine Tuning Control:
This control varies slightly the frequency of the local oscillator to produce the correct IF in the
frequency changer. It is in the form of either a variable capacitor a variable inductor or a
potentiometer that adjusts the voltage across a varactor diode. This control is operated, after
selection of the desired channel, till a sharp and crisp picture with clear undistorted sound is
7. Vertical Hold Control:
This control adjusts the frequency of the vertical oscillator to bring it close enough to 50Hz so
that is synchronizes with the sync signals from the transmitter. If the picture rolls up and down
the vertical hold control should be adjusted till the picture is steady.
8. Horizontal Hold Control:
This control adjusts the frequency of the horizontal oscillator to bring it in synchronization with
horizontal sync. Signals, when the picture shifts horizontally or tears apart into diagonal
segments, this control is adjusted to provide horizontal synchronization till the picture is adjusted
is again complete and steady.

PVGs College of
Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &
Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)

For Brightness Value of:










For Contrast Value of:


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Engineering & Technology, Pune

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Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)

Operating controls are operated to a B/W T.V. receiver

Waveforms for Brightness & Contrast:

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Engineering & Technology, Pune

Television &

Write operating controls of a T.V. receiver




Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)

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Engineering & Technology, Pune

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Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)

Differences between PAL & NTSC

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Engineering & Technology, Pune

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Video Engineering (B.E E & TC)

PVGs College of
Engineering & Technology, Pune

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