9 CE Amplifier

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AIM: - To Study the common emitter amplifier and to find

1. Cut off frequencies.
2. Bandwidth & Phase angle.
3. Mid band Voltage & Current Gain.
4. Input & Output Resistances.


Equipment Range Quantity

Common Emitter Amplifier Kit 1
CRO (0-20) MHz 1
Function generator (0-1) MHz 1
Patch Cards

THEORY: The common emitter configuration is widely used as a basic

amplifier as it has both voltage and current amplification.

Resistors R1 & R2 form a voltage divider across the base of the

transistor. The function of this network is to provide necessary
bias condition and, ensure that emitter - base junction is
operating in the proper region.

In order to operate transistor as an amplifier, the biasing is done

in such a way that the operating point should be in the active
region. For an amplifier the Q-point is placed so that the load line
is bisected. Therefore, in practical design the VCE is always set to
VCC/2. This will conform that the Q-point always swings with in the
active region. This limitation can be explained by maximum signal
handling capacity. Output is produced with out any clipping or
distortion for the maximum input signal. If not so, reduce the
input signal magnitude.
The Bypass Capacitor The emitter resistor RE is required to
obtain the DC quiescent stability. However the inclusion of RE in
the circuit causes a decrease in amplification at higher
frequencies. In order to avoid such a condition, it is bypassed by
capacitor so that it acts as a short circuit for AC and contributes
stability for DC quiescent condition. Hence capacitor is connected
in parallel with emitter resistance.
<< RE
2πfC E
C E >>
2πfR E
The Coupling Capacitor An amplifier amplifies the given AC signal.
In order to have noiseless transmission of signal (with out DC), it
is necessary to block DC i.e. the direct current should not enter
the amplifier or load. This is usually accomplished by inserting a
coupling capacitor between any two stages.
XCC << (Ri hie)
<< (Ri hie)
2πfC C
C C >>
2πfC C (Ri hie)
Frequency Response Emitter bypass capacitors are used to short
circuit the emitter resistor and thus increase the gain at high
frequency. The coupling and bypass capacitors cause the fall of in
the low frequency response of the amplifier because their
impedance becomes large at low frequencies. The stray capacitors
are effectively open circuits.

In the mid frequency range the large capacitors are effective

short circuits and the stray capacitors are open circuits, so that
no capacitance appears in the mid frequency range. Hence, the mid
band gain is maximum.

At the high frequencies, the bypass and coupling capacitors are

replaced by short circuits and stray capacitors and the transistor
determine the response.
Characteristics of CE amplifier:
1. Large current gain
2. Large voltage gain
3. Large power gain
4. Current and voltage phase shift of 1800
5. Moderated output Resistance

VCC = 12V

RC 4.7KΩ
R1 68KΩ
CC 10µ f

BC – 107
+ 10µ f +
Ii E
VS = 50mV R2 10KΩ RE 1KΩ CE 47µ f
- -


1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.

2. Set Source Voltage Vs = 50mV (say) at 1 KHz frequency, using function
3. Keeping the input voltage constant vary the frequency from 50Hz to
1MHz in regular steps and note down the corresponding output voltage.
4. Plot the Graph: gain (dB) Vs frequency.
5. Calculate the bandwidth from Graph.
6. Calculate all the parameters at mid band frequencies (i.e. at 1 KHz).
7. To calculate Voltage Gain:
Output Voltage (Vo )
Voltage Gain (A VS ) =
Source Voltage (VS )
Output Voltage (Vo )
Voltage Gain (A V ) =
Input Voltage (Vi )
here input voltage = Voltage across R2 Resistor.
8. To calculate Current Gain:
Output Current (I o )
Current Gain (A I ) =
Input Current (I i )
Voltage across RS Resistor
here Input Current (I i ) = RS
To obtain output current connect 1KΩ resistor across the output
terminals, measure the voltage across it and

Voltage across 1KΩ Resistor

Output Current (I o ) =
9. To calculate input & output Resistances:
Input Voltage (Voltage across R 2 Resistor)
Input Resistance (R i ) =
Input Current (I i )
To obtain output resistance, measure the voltage across the output
terminals without connecting any load. Keep the input voltage constant
connect a Decade Resistance Box (DRB) across output terminals. Change
the resistance until you get half of the open circuit voltage. The
resistance of load will give the output resistance.


VS = 50mV

Frequency VO (volts) Gain = Vo/Vs Gain (dB) =20 log (Vo/Vs)

Gain (dB)

(|A| max) 0dB

Graph (Frequency Response):

-3dB (|A|max)

fL fH frequency

In the usual application, mid band frequency range are defined as those
frequencies at which the response has fallen to 3dB below the maximum gain
(|A| max). These are shown as fL and fH, and are called as the 3dB
frequencies are simply the lower and higher cut off frequencies respectively.
The difference between higher cut-off frequency and lower cut-off
frequency is referred to as bandwidth (fH – fL).

Reasoning Questions
1. How do we test the transistor for active region condition?
2. What are the factors, which influence the higher cut-off frequency?
3. What are the components, which influence the lower cut-off
4. Mention the applications of CE amplifier. Justify?
5. Compare the characteristics of CE amplifier, CB amplifier & CC
6. What must be the voltage across the transistor, when it is operated as
a switch?
7. How do we test the transistor for switching condition?

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