Befriend Yourself

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The key takeaways are that the booklet aims to help the reader develop a healthy, peaceful and loving relationship with themselves over 21 days through self-awareness exercises.

The purpose of the booklet is to provide a workbook to help readers develop a healthy, peaceful and loving relationship with themselves based on true self-knowledge in 21 days.

The 10 reasons the author transitioned to coaching are to help herself and her son grow and develop after her divorce, help others with their personal lives, decrease divorce rates and help people choose happiness, and have a flexible and lifelong career in coaching.


Befriend Myself

Happy Family Institute presents

Awareness Series
Booklet #25

Befriend Yourself
in 21 Days

The most important Relationship is the one you have with yourself.
Start here and set yourself FREE forever in 21 days.

Yasmin Abouelhassan
Life & Relationship Coach
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Befriend Myself

Copyright and Legal Notices

Copyright Notices
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
mechanical or electric, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or
retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.
Requests for permission or for more information should be sent to:
Yasmin Abouelhassan, E-mail: [email protected]
Legal Notices
The purpose of this manual is to provide information on the matter covered and as a personal
awareness tool. All attempts have been made to verify information at the time of this publication
and the author does not assume responsibility for errors, omissions or other interpretations of
the subject matter. This manual results from the experience of the author and if legal or medical
or psychological assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be
engaged. This tool does not substitute any type of therapy if needed. The author assumes no
responsibility for any actions made by the reader. The purchaser or reader of this manual
assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. The author assumes no
responsibility or liability on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of this manual.

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Befriend Myself

I am very grateful to my great and loving mother; Thanaa Salem for she has been the premier
support for me in all my steps. She is the one who hears me out when I get an idea, witnesses all
my steps and finally reads, watches, and amends through her insightful opinions.
I am so grateful to my son; Zeiad who has been my primary motivator for the whole journey of
life. Not only is he my North Star, he is my advisor at lots of times through his enlightening
vision, wisdom and sense.
I am also grateful to my semi-twin sister; Amel who always takes the time to review my
products and give me wise and loving insights that always puts the material in more appealing
I am grateful to my brother; Mohamed who despite not having enough time to read or review,
has great faith and believes in me.
I am extremely grateful to all my beloved customers whose inspirations and needs are my
motivation to create products and learn more. Their feedback and usage of my material are the
fuel for my journey in coaching and writing.
I am grateful to God who has guided me to this path and in every step I take.
Yasmin Abouelhassan

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Befriend Myself

Copyright and Legal Notices ................................................................................................................. 2

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Set the intention .................................................................................................................................... 9
The reason Why?? ................................................................................................................................10
My Contract ........................................................................................................................................... 11
My Blocks to Befriend Myself:..............................................................................................................13
Negative Feelings ........................................................................................................................... 13
My Failures & Setbacks................................................................................................................... 14
Trials & Errors ................................................................................................................................15
Self-Forgiveness ............................................................................................................................. 17
My make over plan ...............................................................................................................................19
The Kickoff ........................................................................................................................................... 22
5 Stages for Self-Love (Knowledge Acceptance Acknowledgment Appreciation - Love) .... 22
Step1: Know Myself ..............................................................................................................................23
Basic Self-Introduction:................................................................................................................ 23
My Self-beliefs............................................................................................................................... 23
How People See me: ....................................................................................................................... 24
I know about myself that: ..............................................................................................................25
Step2: Self Acceptance: ..................................................................................................................... 33
Step3: Self Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... 37
Significant Milestone in my life ............................................................................................... 39
Step 4: I appreciate about myself that: .............................................................................................. 41
My Self-worth .................................................................................................................................45
I DESERVE:...................................................................................................................................... 46
My Self-Respect ............................................................................................................................ 48
My Self-Trust ................................................................................................................................. 49
My IDEAL Life ...................................................................................................................................51
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My Requirements, Needs and Wants ............................................................................................ 53

Step 5: I Love Myself ...........................................................................................................................56
5 things Exercise:.......................................................................................................................... 56
Final Exercise: ................................................................................................................................ 57
To myself: ....................................................................................................................................... 57
My Celebration Day: ...................................................................................................................... 59
My Maintenance Routine ......................................................................................................................61
My Insights after 21 days ....................................................................................................................62
About Yasmin Abouelhassan .............................................................................................................. 63
10 Reasons are my answer to the question WHY I transitioned to Coaching? ...........................65

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Befriend Myself

Day 1

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Befriend Myself

Befriend Yourself is a manual dedicated to you to start your practical steps into the journey
of your Self-Love; a skill never spoken about before in our daily lives. Moreover Self-Love is a
trait that is always labelled as a sign of selfishness. And sometimes we meet people who claim
they love themselves and their proof is that they indulge themselves in addictive and unhealthy
behaviours like overeating or over shopping or drinking or being irresponsible in health or work
or money, etc. Indeed this in itself is a sign of an extreme lack of Self-Love.
When you love yourself, you put yourself in the picture of your own life. You put yourself as one
of the heroes in your own life. Actually consider being the star in your own life. Self-love means
spending time with yourself to know how it changes and why and even promoting change
whenever needed according to how you want yourself to prosper and shine.
All this doesnt mean you be selfish, opportunistic or manipulative, it only means not to eliminate
yourself from the scene of your own life. Put yourself into your perspective among your loved
ones. I love the saying that I learnt through coaching: You are the centre of the Universe.
Just think if you are not in your life anymore and I mean really and physically, would anything
have a meaning to you. If you dont exist nobody else exists with respect to you.
You are the centre of your universe. Everyone else and everything else has meaning only when
you exist. So I guess youd better start to exist.
But how would you ever love yourself when you dont even know yourself. And whenever I really
say this to any of my clients or even anyone I get to know the answer would be No, I really
know myself, I am stubborn, I am a failure, I am slow, I am irrational, I am
nervous, I am unattractive, I am fat , I am nobody, I am .., I am.. , I am ..
How would a person ever think of loving or accept themselves when thats what they say about
themselves??? Thats what I dont understand. And the funny thing is that this is nothing related
to self-knowledge, self-awareness, or self-understanding. This is called Self Labelling or Self
Judgment and a MERCILESS judgement too.
It reflects an empty tank of Self-Love and even reveals self disapproval.

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My next question would be Who told you so?? and the answer would be My EX-spouse My EXlove, My parent... But it doesnt matter who said so. What matters is why did you believe
them?? And this would be my next question; Why do you choose to believe them?And of course
a strange look and a low energy voice would say; If they said so, it must be true or They are
right, I am actually this and that...
Well let me tell you, there is nothing true except what you believe is TRUE. Thats the only reason
why people dont seem to agree on nearly anything. Because each one has their own truth; what
they decided to believe. Yes we make these decisions each second; we choose to believe a
friend, a parent, a lover or even an EX- whatever. We choose to believe a teacher, a preacher, a
sibling, a child or a government or a president or some spokesperson. Furthermore we choose
to believe what the advertisements sell us what Media shows are conveying of messages and
biases whether outspoken or left unsaid. We choose to believe experts in health, food, politics,
religions, or finances, convincing ourselves They know better.
And about ourselves, it comes from our inner circle; people who are close to us and people who
we trust to be honest and truthful. People who we choose to believe love us. We dont know that
all what they say is just their point of view and their point of view is masked with their needs,
wants, desires, situational, emotional and mental state. It also reflects whether they lived in
loving environments or not. And finally and most important it can only reflect their lack of SelfLove.
Enough with this now, lets start the practical steps.
Set the intention
The reason Why??
My Contract
The Kick-Off
My Insights

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Befriend Myself

Set the intention

For every action or step you are embarking on there is a hidden intention inside you. You can be
looking forward to fulfil a need or you may want to experience this adventure with a certain
attitude. So you either have the intention inside you or you can just make an intention before
starting any step.
On your journey to befriend yourself what is your intention??
Few ideas you can consider:
1- How would you like to feel through the process of befriending yourself? (Examples: ease,
2- What would you like to achieve by the end of this process?
3- How would you like to behave through the process? (Examples: be open-minded to
exploration, be receptive, be accepting for whatever output I get,)
So my intention for befriending myself is:

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The reason Why??

Why do you want to befriend yourself?
How do you feel about yourself right now?
The reason (s) for your feeling about yourself is
What do you expect to happen if you can really befriend yourself?
How would your life change if you befriend yourself?
How would your relationships change if you befriend yourself?

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My Contract
I (your name) .. Hereby promise to start the journey to befriend myself.
I know I deserve a peaceful and loving relationship with myself thats why I commit to spend 30
minutes a day with myself for the coming 21 days to get to know myself.
I know I can make this time and I am determined to do it.
With Love I hereby sign my contract
My Signature


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Befriend Myself

Day 2

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My Blocks to Befriend Myself:

Negative Feelings
In my past life
I felt angry at myself when

I felt frustrated with myself when

I felt disappointed with myself when

I felt ashamed of myself when

I am angry at myself when

I am frustrated with myself when

I am disappointed with myself when

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I am ashamed of myself when

My Failures & Setbacks

I always fail to

I made these mistakes when

I repeated these mistakes when

I failed to achieve

I never tried to

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Trials & Errors

I tried to . And failed to...
I tried to . And failed to...
I tried to . And failed to...
I tried to . And failed to...
I tried to . And failed to...

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Day 3

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I cant forgive myself for

I have never forgiven myself for

I will never forgive myself for

I hope I can forgive myself for

I can forgive myself only when

I can forgive myself because

I want to forgive myself for

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SO Now I feel ., ., , ., ., .,
., ., ., towards myself.
I wish I can feel ., , ., , ., , ., .,
towards myself by I cant and dont know how.

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My make over plan

I really want to change these aspects about myself:
In my body

In my lifestyle

In my work

In my financial situation

In my life perspective

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In my relationships

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Day 4

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The Kickoff
The journey for Self-love starts with real self knowledge and thats what I am inviting you to do.
Ill walk you through steps of Self-Knowledge in a little bit different way than the ways you got to
know yourself in the past. It is preferable if you go through these exercises alone or with your
relationship coach.
If for any reason you feel you dont have an answer to an exercise, just allow yourself to read
the exercise thoroughly then leave it. You will be amazed to find that your mind will work the
answers and they will come to you again so easily.
I hope you enjoy every step along your path of making a peace and love contract with yourself.
Ending your inner conflicts can allow you to achieve wonders in your life, career and
Good luck.

5 Stages for Self-Love

(Knowledge Acceptance Acknowledgment Appreciation - Love)
The 5 steps on the journey of self-love are as follows:
1. Know Yourself
2. Acknowledge Yourself
3. Accept Yourself
4. Appreciate Yourself
5. Love Yourself
Then comes change if you wish to change something about yourself, your thoughts, feelings,
behaviours, beliefs or actions. The difference here is that change comes from a place of SelfLove and Self-Respect not from disgust, shame and pain. In doing so change is easier, lighter
and more fun.
Where I am:
Rate yourself at the moment on the following dimensions from 0 10 where 0 means I think I
have no idea about that and 10 means I fully do that.
Accept Acknowledge Appreciate
Now lets dig deeper and enjoy our findings.

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Befriend Myself

Step1: Know Myself

Please say this out loud to yourself (I know it seems silly,
just play with me)
Hey (Your name), Let me introduce you to a
great friend .... (Your name)
Basic Self-Introduction:
My Name:
My Age:
My Favourite Picture (s) of myself
My Profession: .
Height: cm
Weight: kg Ibs
Body Type: .
My Self-beliefs
I look
I give the impression that
When people first meet me they .
When I meet new people I
In my point of view I am
My character is .
I am good at

I am excellent at .

I need development in

I am tolerant to
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I enjoy doing .
My talents are
My skills are
My values are .
My gifts are
My hobbies are

My biggest assets are


How People See me:

My friends say that I am
My colleagues say I am

My parents say I am

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My managers say I am .
My children say I am .
My Siblings say I am ..

I am known to
I know about myself that:

1. Performance
I perform better at work when:

I perform better at home when:

I perform better at . when:

I perform better at . when:

1. Motivation & Achievement

I focus more at work when

I achieve more at work when

I motivate myself at work by

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I focus more at home when

I achieve more at home when

I motivate myself at home by

I focus more at . when

I achieve more at . when

I motivate myself at . by

2. Love and Love Expression:

I love my partner more when

I love my work more when

I can express my love more when

I express my love by

I love my . more when

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Day 5

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3. Fun and Laughter

I laugh when I do...

I laugh when I am with .

I laugh at .

I enjoy laughing when

By myself I enjoy doing

With my friends I enjoy doing

With my family I enjoy doing

With my partner I enjoy doing

With my pet I enjoy doing

With my kids I enjoy doing

With Strangers I enjoy

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4. Relaxation and Peace

I am peaceful when

I bring myself into feeling peaceful and calm by

I relax when...

I relax by ..

I love myself when

I love to read about ,

I am happy when

5. Places I love:

I dream to visit

I wish to spend time alone at

I enjoy hanging out with friends at

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6. Meanings
Rest for me means

Fun for me means

Happiness for me means

Success for me means

Achievement for me means

Fulfilment for me means

Dreams for me mean

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Forgiveness for me means

Friendship for me means

Love for me means

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Day 6

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Step2: Self Acceptance:

I accept myself for being:

I accept myself for not doing:

I accept myself for repeating the same mistakes when:

I accept my ignorance about:

I accept my spontaneity when:

I accept my over reaction when:

I accept being mad at:

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Befriend Myself

I accept getting angry when

I accept not having

I accept being incapable of

I accept not achieving

I accept being late on

I accept still wanting to

I accept fearing from

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I accept worrying about

I accept misunderstanding

I accept my failure to

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Day 7

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Step3: Self Acknowledgements

I acknowledge myself for the following Major Achievements:
I did:
1- .
2- .
3- .
4- ......................................................................................................................................
5- .
I succeeded in
1- .
2- .
3- .
4- ......................................................................................................................................
5- .
I managed to
1- .
2- .
3- .
4- ......................................................................................................................................
5- .
I achieved
1- .
2- .
3- .
4- ......................................................................................................................................
5- .
I studied
1- .
2- .
3- .
4- ......................................................................................................................................
5- .
I scored
1- .
2- .
3- .
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4- ...................................................................................................................................
5- .
I overcame these challenges:
1- .
2- .
3- .
4- ...................................................................................................................................
5- .

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Befriend Myself
Significant Milestone in my life
















You finished 30% of your path..Go On.

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Befriend Myself

Day 8

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Step 4: I appreciate about myself that:

My gender
My body

My education

My work

My career

My looks

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My talents

My achievements
My family
My wisdom when

My ideas about

My creativity in

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My productivity

My uniqueness in

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Day 9

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My Self-worth
I feel worthy of love when
I feel worthy of appreciation when
I feel worthy of respect when
I feel worthy of acceptance when

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Befriend Myself

I deserve love because
I deserve respect because
I deserve admiration because
I deserve acceptance because
I deserve happiness because

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Day 10

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My Self-Respect
Respect for me is:
Self-Respect for me is:
I respect myself because
The one thing I most respect about myself is
I respect my decisions around
I respect my beliefs around
Other things I respect about myself are

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My Self-Trust
I trust myself with money
I trust myself with decisions around
I trust myself with my taste in
I trust myself with work decisions
I trust myself with new adventures
I trust myself with my feelings around
I trust myself with my intuition around

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Day 11

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An Ideal life for me is when I work at ...., earn ., work
..hrs, ..days, .. (far/near) from my home.
An Ideal work for me is when I do

And when I influence (people / work flow / community / other) by

And when I add value to . By ..

My ideal home looks on the outside and is in area and has ..

bedrooms and has .. .. .. ..

My Ideal Life is when I live at .., and when I live with ..

When I have

When I can

When on weekends I

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When annually I

When moreover I

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My Requirements, Needs and Wants

Doing this exercise, I realised I have the following requirements, needs and wants:
My requirements
My needs
My wants
Cant do without
Can be met in different ways
Extra, but will not
affect the quality
In a Job . . .

. . .
. . .

. . .

. . .
In a

. . .
. . .

. . .

. . .
In a

. . .
. . .

. . .

In a Car . . .

. . .
. . .

. . .

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My requirements
Cant do without

In a Life




In a Life

In my

My needs
Can be met in different ways
. .

. .
. .

. .

. .

. .
. .

. .

. .

. .
. .

. .

My wants
Extra, but will not
affect the quality




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Day 12

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Step 5: I Love Myself

5 things Exercise:
5 things I really value about myself are:
5 things I really respect about myself that:
5 things I admire about myself are:
5 things I like about myself are:
5. ..

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Final Exercise:
To myself:

Before doing these exercises my feelings towards you were .,

,., ..
After doing these exercises I realised that I honour and respect you for
I also realise I have hurt you in ways when I .,,
.,, .,
But these were the only ways I knew how at the moment. I realise you have supported
me a lot and achieved with me a lot. I have learnt many positive things about you that
I took for granted.
I really admire and love you for who you are and promise to take care of you along
the rest of our joint life path.
From now on you are really and sincerely my Best Friend.
Thank you for being there for me and with me.
Sincerely your Best Friend from Now on
(Your Signature)

Good Job.. You finished 60% of your path..One Week to Go

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Day 13

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My Celebration Day:
Use this day to celebrate your achievement with yourself only.
Treat yourself as your most precious beloved person on earth.
How would you spoil yourself today?
Write down hereunder where and how and for how long you will
celebrate yourself for your achievement. Use extra sheets if
Few Suggestions:
An outing ..
Walking ..
Running .
Biking ..
Shopping ..
Dinning out
Other (Please specify)
Gifting yourself
Something you wished to have but postponed for some reason. Now you are prioritizing yourself.

Examples can be something related to:

My hobby ..
My dream to
A course ..
An outfit ..
Other (Please specify)
Indoor celebration
If you decide to stay home and celebrate with yourself indoors make it real special, arrange
where you will spending the time, dress up, put some music, candle lights, a movie, a special
dinner or meal or treat with your favorite drink. Spoil yourself and remember you are
celebrating with yourself and for yourself.
Words of affirmation
Look in the mirror. Smile at yourself. Tell yourself:
I am proud of you
I am celebrating with you
I cheer you for your achievement
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Day 14 - 21

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My Maintenance Routine
Daily before sleep:
1. State 5 things you are proud of yourself for on this day
2. Put your arms around you
3. Pat yourself on the shoulder
4. Say out loud

(Your name) .. I am proud of you

(Your name) .. I love you
(Your name) .. I respect you
(Your name) .. I appreciate you
(Your name) .. I am grateful to you

5. Keep tapping your shoulder or thigh or wherever feels comfortable for you while
repeating these phrases from your heart honestly and sincerely daily for 7 nights.
The way people treat you and deal with you is only a mirror of how you treat and deal with
yourself. Start giving yourself the love, respect, care and gratitude that you deserve and stop
waiting for them from the outside world.
Thank you for using this tool.

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My Insights after 21 days

I have finished the journey of befriending myself and I have these insights:

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About Yasmin Abouelhassan

Life & Relationship Coach, Founder & President of Happy Family Institute
Yasmin is a professional life and relationship Coach, awareness speaker and an
author. Yasmin devoted her all her time and effort to break the viscious circle of
failed relationships in the Egyptian society through coaching programs, courses,
events and workshops.
To Know more about Yasmin Abouelhassan Check her website
Yasmin is an author who shared in writing Top Coaches Share series




Also Yasmin wrote some books and manuals in Arabic and English, Check them here
You can also join Yasmin Abouelhasssan groups on
Life Coaching in Egypt & Relationship Coaching In Egypt &
Happy Family Institute

Or Watch her on youtube

or watch all episodes on her website

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Befriend Myself

Professional Background
I graduated from Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Biomedical
Engineering Department in 1993. I finished my diploma in Executive
Management in 2004 from The American University in Cairo.
I studied Coaching at The Coaching Institute and graduated in 2005. In
2007 I started my adorable learning journey of Relationship Coaching for
Singles and Couples at RCI; Relationship Coaching Institute.
In 2011 Summer I volunteered in my dream place in USA; The Option
Institute, a dream that has been postponed for 6 years and WOW it was a
marvelous learning Opportunity. And I commit myself to continue my learning journey till I leave
My professional Career started as sales of Medical equipment and supplies since
Sept.1993, and I was quickly placed in management positions. I grew in a well known National
company of its time where I learned lots of things that were crucial to my job as well as to my
Since 2005 Ive been coaching individuals and organizations towards their specific goals
and challenges, as well as coaching singles and couples towards their dream goals.
Trainings & Certifications

Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Engineering from Cairo University

Executive Management Diploma from American University in Cairo (AUC)
Comprehensive Coaching Certification from The Coaching Institute
Relationship Coaching for Singles from RCI
Relationship Coaching for Couples from RCI
Money Habitudes Coaching from RCI
Train the Trainer from Quest
Attitudes Training from IMI with Rita Maselli
Fake Work-Training with Rita Maselli
Reiki Level1
EFT Basics from Taller Than a Palm Tree
Happiness is a Choice from Option Institute
Power Dialogues from Option Institute
Leadership for Women from AUC
28 Day Challenge with Marylin Alauria
Holiday Biz Boost with Natalie Hill

Copyright 2014, Happy Family Institute, all rights reserved,

No duplication, Version 2014,


Befriend Myself

10 Reasons are my answer to the question


WHY I transitioned to Coaching?

1. For myself; After going through the pains of divorce I wanted a career that as I pursue I develop,
grow, learn how to choose my life partner again and how to live happily whether single or married.
2. For My son; I wanted a career that allows me to learn and develop so as to raise my son as a healthy
real man, future husband and father and deal with whatever challenges that faces him healthily.


3. I wanted a career that helps people with their personal lives. An area that is left unattended and its
deterioration leads to misery, crime and downfall of countries.
4. I wanted to provide a service that:
a. Enriches peoples lives and allow them to celebrate who they are and what they have and
enjoy their lives.
b. Will affect not only the person I serve, but all people who get in contact with them.
c. Can make the world a great place to live in by allowing people to live in peace, harmony, love
and happiness.
d. Is really crucial and if provided will enhance peoples other aspects of life.
5. I wanted to have an influence in decreasing the divorce rate, rescuing children from ignorant
parenting, and regaining the healthy social networks.
6. I wanted to raise personal awareness, responsibility and ability to Choose happiness.
7. In the Egyptian Organizations World, I wanted a career that address employees personal challenges and treat them
as humans by helping and allowing them to understand that work and family are equally important and
go side by side.


8. A Future Vision; I wanted a career that never gets obsolete. I wanted to provide a service that people
will always need.
9. I wanted a Career that provides a continuous learning and friendship with worldwide colleagues with
similar mentalities and aspirations.
10. I wanted a career that allows me flexibility in time, variety of tasks, room for creativity and unlimited
I chose and still choose Life and Relationship Coaching
Honored to provide the services of life & relationship Coaching.
Yasmin Abouelhassan

Life & Relationship Coach

President & Founder
Happy Family Institute
For more information or any inquiry please visit my website

Copyright 2014, Happy Family Institute, all rights reserved,

No duplication, Version 2014,

Befriend Myself

Happy Family Institute presents


Happy Family Institute is the first Egyptian organization for Life & Relationship
coaching provides coaching services to individuals and organizations since 2005.

Awareness Series
Awareness series is a series of simple and easy booklets to raise the personal
awareness for individuals.

Befriend Yourself
A workbook to help you have a healthy, peaceful and loving relationship with
yourself based on true Self-Knowledge in 21 Days. You can use it on your own or
with your relationship Coach.

Yasmin Abouelhassan
Life & Relationship Coach
Founder & President of Happy Family Institute
Yasmin is a professional life and relationship Coach, awareness speaker and an author.
Yasmin devoted her all her time and effort to break the vicious circle of failed relationships in
our society through coaching programs, courses, events and workshops.

Copyright 2014, Happy Family Institute, all rights reserved,

No duplication, Version 2014,

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