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British Journal of Medical Practitioners, September 2014, Volume 7, Number 3

Research Article

BJMP 2014;7(3):a724

Content and Timing of Inpatient Discharge Summaries at the Mount

Abhishek Shastri, Santosh Bangar, Shoshanah Waldman, Elham Esfahani and Nick Brindle

Aim: The discharge summary is a vital component of patient care. It is a means by which information is conveyed to clinicians and community mental
health team who will be involved in follow-up patient care. This calls for accuracy as well as completeness of information as these are vital components that
can directly impact patient care. Timing of discharge letter/summary reaching the follow-up physician, general practitioner or community mental health
team, from point of discharge can also play a key role in patient management. This audit looks at the content and timing of discharge summaries from The
Mount, Old Age Psychiatry hospital as to whether it adheres to the local Trust guidelines.
Methods: Discharge summaries from electronic database were reviewed. In cycle 1 of the audit, adherence to local Trust guidelines in relation to the
content, accuracy and timing of discharge summaries were studied. In the follow-up audit cycle, changes in clinical practice brought about following
recommendations were studied.
Results: Recommendations and feedback were found to be effective in significantly improving adherence to inclusion of family history (p<0.001), social
history (p<0.001), premorbid history (p=0.036), progress and treatment during hospital stay (p=0.049) in the discharge summary. Significant decrease was
observed in inclusion of follow-up arrangements (p=0.007). Other significant improvements included lesser spelling errors (p<0.001), dictation (p<0.001)
and typing (p<0.001) of discharge letter within 5 working days of discharge of patient.
Conclusions: This study adds to importance of accuracy and timing of discharge summaries to ensure good medical practice and continuity of care. It also
establishes scope for improvement and recommendations that can further improve clinical practice. Furthermore, key decisions on patient care can be made
by follow-up health professionals, at the earliest and with the help of appropriate information.

well-accepted by primary care physicians although involve the

The discharge summary is an integral part of continuing patient
care. Apart from containing vital information regarding current
admission, it also conveys key findings and plans to clinicians
who will be taking over the care of the patient. This would
mean communicating important information about patients to
ensure appropriate and safe follow-up management. Studies
involving discharge summaries have looked into role of
communication from secondary to primary care and have

factor of legibility.8 A randomised-controlled trial found no

difference between electronic and dictated discharge summaries
for primary care physician satisfaction.9 Although the use of
electronic discharge summaries has significantly improved both
the content and timing of discharge summaries reaching followup physician or healthcare staff,10 they have been found to
contain higher number of errors in patient progress, additional
diagnosis and free-text components.11

highlighted the importance of accuracy and quality of

This audit examined the timing and content of discharge

information,1 errors2 and general practitioner (GP) preference.3

summaries at The Mount and whether they met local Trust

Systematic reviews have found low availability (12-34%) of

standards. A follow-on audit was conducted to study the impact

discharge summary during first visit post-discharge as well as

of recommendations that had been put forward at the end of

wide variations in content of discharge summaries thereby

Cycle 1 of the audit.

directly affecting patient management.


The timing of

discharge summary completion and reaching the follow-up

physician is therefore of prime importance wherein this has
been also found to influence and reduce the risk of
rehospitalisation.6 The content necessary for a good or highquality discharge summary has been studied via surveys. The
inclusion of important data such as diagnosis, discharge drugs,
complications, laboratory results and follow-up plans have been
considered to be important clinical information by hospital
physicians and GPs.7
Hospital discharge summaries can be hand-written, dictated or
in electronic format. These formats have their benefits and
downfalls. Hand-written summaries have been found to be

Aim and Objectives

Cycle 1: To study the content, accuracy and timing of discharge
summaries at The Mount, Old Age Psychiatry hospital.
Cycle 2: To examine changes in clinical practice following
recommendations from Cycle 1 of audit involving content and
timing of discharge summaries from The Mount.
Cycle 1: To ascertain whether Trust guidelines regarding
content of discharge summaries are met and also whether the
timeline guidance is being maintained.

British Journal of Medical Practitioners, September 2014, Volume 7, Number 3

Cycle 2: To examine adherence to the Trust guidelines as well

as to study the changes brought about by recommendations at
the end of Cycle 1.

electronic patient record system of the Trust (PARIS: Patient

Criteria/ Standards

supervision of consultant responsible for the audit, between

Trust guidelines state:

Discharge summaries must be typed and sent in 5 working
days post-discharge from hospital.
They must include the following information (Box 1):

Record Information System) was used to study the discharge

summary letters. Data collection was performed under the
November 2011 and January 2012 for cycle 1 and for cycle 2
data collection was performed between October 2013 and
November 2013. Patient confidentiality and anonymity was
Data Analysis: Qualitative data was gathered, coded and

Box 1 Trust guidelines for inclusion of information in discharge

Patient ID
Date dictated
Patient Name
Date of Birth
Name of consultant
Admission address
Discharge address
Admission date
Discharge date
Reasons for admission
History of present illness
Past medical history
Past psychiatric history
Family history
Social history
Occupational history
Premorbid history
Mental health examination
Physical examination
Results of investigations
Progress & treatment during admission
Final diagnosis
Discharge medications
Follow-up arrangements
Name of key worker
Number of pages

collated on to a Microsoft Excel spread sheet. The data collected

was reviewed by the authors to ensure each aspect of data
collection tool was filled. The data was analysed by the Clinical
Audits Facilitator at the Trust Clinical Audit Support Team
and placed into a report format for dissemination.
The number of discharge summaries analysed in Cycle 1 and 2
of this study was 103 and 97 respectively.
Data were collected using the data collection tool (appendix 1).
Dates of discharge, dictation and typing were recorded. Date of
typing was used as a proxy of date sent to GP since there was no
record of this. Seven days were permitted for discharges to be
sent (equivalent to 5 working days). Discharge summaries were
read and it was recorded if each stipulated heading from the
Trust guidelines was present. No comment was made on quality
of information; only consideration was whether information
was present or absent.
Compliance with each point from the above categories is shown
in the following series of tables and comparison is made
between the studies in Cycles 1 and 2 (Table 1-4). The
statistical significance of the differences found in the two audit
cycles was evaluated using chi-square tests.
The comparison of findings from Cycle 1 and 2 establish a
significant increase in adherence to family history (p<0.001),
social history (p<0.001), premorbid history (p=0.036) as well as

Audit Sample: Patients admitted and discharged from Ward 3

progress and treatment during hospital stay (p=0.049)

& 4 of The Mount, between 01.04.2011 to 31.10.2011. A total

components of the discharge summary. There was also a

of 103 patient discharge summaries were therefore analysed in

significant increase in inclusion of date of dictation of discharge

Cycle 1 of the study. For cycle 2, the audit sample comprised of

summaries (p<0.001). Increase in adherence to most of the

patients admitted and discharged from Ward 3 & 4 of The

components of discharge summaries was observed. However,

Mount, between 01.04.2012 to 31.10.2012. A total of 97

there was significant decrease in inclusion of follow-up

patient discharge summaries were therefore analysed in this part

arrangements (p=0.007) as well as a decrease in inclusion of

of the study.

name of key-worker assigned to patient (from 64% in cycle 1 to

Data Collection: Data was collected using an anonymous data

56% in cycle 2; p=0.0225). A significant decrease in

collection tool (Appendix 1) which was designed according to

spelling/typing errors in diagnosis or medical jargon was

Trust guidelines. Administrative staff provided the clinical audit

observed (p<0.001).

leads with list of patients discharged during the study dates. The

British Journal of Medical Practitioners, September 2014, Volume 7, Number 3

Table 1 Presence of information on discharge summary according to Trust guidelines


Adherence % 2011 (n=103)

Adherence % 2013

Statistical significance

Patient code

100% (n=103)

97% (n=94)


Date dictated

72% (n=74)

98% (n=95)


Patient Name

100% (n=103)

100% (n=97)

No change

Date of birth

97% (n=100)

100% (n=97)


Name of consultant

98% (n=101)

99% (n=96)


Name of current GP

98% (n=101)

98% (n=95)

No change

Admission address

98% (n=101)

100% (n=97)


Discharge address

98% (n=101)

100% (n=97)


Admission date

97% (n=100)

100% (n=97)


Discharge date

97% (n=100)

99% (n=96)


Legal status

99% (n=102)

98% (n=95)


Reasons for admission

98% (n=101)

98% (n=95)

No change

History of present illness

100% (n=103)

99% (n=96)


Past medical history

89% (n=92)

95% (n=92)


Past psychiatric history

95% (n=98)

98% (n=95)


Family history

19% (n=20)

86% (n=83)


Social history

56% (n=58)

89% (n=86)


Occupational history

67% (n=69)

68% (n=66)


Premorbid history

37% (n=38)

52% (n=50)


Mental health examination

95% (n=98)

93% (n=90)


Physical examination

86% (n=89)

92% (n=89)


Results of investigations

84% (n=87)

78% (n=76)


Progress & treatment during admission

96% (n=99)

100% (n=97)


Final diagnosis

92% (n=95)

97% (n=94)


Discharge medications

98% (n=101)

97% (n=94)


Follow-up arrangements

86% (n=89)

79% (n=77)


Name of key worker

64% (n=66)

56% (n=54)


Number of pages

0% (n=0)

0% (n=0)

No change

Are there any spelling/typing errors in the

list of medications?

90% (n=8)

98% (n=2)


Are there any spelling/typing errors in the

diagnosis and medical terminology?

78% (n=21)

99% (n=1)


Table 1: The presence of information mentioned in the Trust guidelines is analysed. The percentage adherence in cycle 1 is compared
with findings from cycle 2. Significant increase in inclusion of family history, social history, follow-up arrangements and date of dictation
is observed. A healthy increase is also observed in inclusion of premorbid history and progression and treatment during admission. A
significant reduction in spelling/typing errors is also seen. The decrease in inclusion of name of key worker, discharge medications, mental
health examination and results of investigation amongst others is also noted. GP, general practitioner.
Timing of Discharge Summaries

more than 2 weeks (p=0.004) or 3 weeks (p<0.001) of patient

being discharged was observed. The time taken between

The number of discharge summaries being dictated and typed

dictation of letter and it being typed up was also found to have

within 7 days of discharge was significantly increased (p<0.001)

dropped, with 73% being done within 7 days, significant

and a significant decrease in discharge letters being dictated

decrease (p<0.001) being observed since the first cycle.

British Journal of Medical Practitioners, September 2014, Volume 7, Number 3

Furthermore, a significant increase is observed in early (less than

information. A timely discharge letter can also be very useful in

7 days) typing of discharge letter since patient being discharged

this regard.


At the end of Cycle 1 of the audit, recommendations that were

Table 2 Time taken between discharge of patient and dictation

of letter
Days Adherence %
2011 (n=74)

Adherence %
2013 (n=94)



30% (n=22)

73% (n=69)


8-15 24% (n=18)

22% (n=21)



18% (n=13)

4% (n=4)



29% (n=21)

0% (n=0)


made included (Appendix 2):

Disseminating information amongst all junior doctors,

consultants and administrative staff on each ward to
include the above mentioned headings in accordance with
Trust guidelines.

Information was also provided regarding finding out

Name of Keyworker in PARIS system.

A specific note was also placed regarding to spell out

medical terminologies that would assist in the typing of
discharge summaries by administrative staff.

Table 2: The time taken between discharge of patient and

dictation of letter is analysed. A significant increase is observed
in the dictation of letter as per Trust guidelines (within 5

From the results, it is evident that the content of the discharge

summary has largely been maintained. In other words, good
practice was maintained and recommendations from previous

working days).

audit were implemented in most spheres of discharge letters.

Table 3 Time taken between dictation and typing of discharge

However, despite the recommendation of finding out name of

Days Adherence %

Adherence %
2013 (n=94)


64% in first cycle to 56% in second cycle) in its inclusion


73% (n=69)


system is essential. Providing appropriate instruction and

6-11 7% (n=5)

24% (n=23)


training to junior doctors has been found to be useful in

12+ 9% (n=7)

2% (n=2)


improving the quality of discharge summaries.12 Therefore, it

84% (n=63)

key-worker from PARIS system, there was a decrease (from

(p=0.225). Thus, training in usage of information technology

might be beneficial to include instructions or guidelines for

Table 3: The time taken between dictation of letter and typing

appropriate discharge summaries at local Trust or departmental

of discharge letter is analysed. A significant decrease is observed

inductions. This will help junior doctors in ensuring

in the time taken for typing of letter within 5 days of dictation

completion of accurate and succinct discharge summaries that

of letter.

will aid in patient management.

Table 4 Time take between discharge and typing of discharge


There was a reduction in documentation of discharge

Days Adherence % 2011 Adherence %

2013 (n=96)


and physical health investigation carried out as an in-patient.


medication, follow up arrangement, mental state examination

This certainly needs improving as these are the relevant areas to

18% (n=18)

52% (n=50)


facilitate smooth transition of care in the community and

8-15 32% (n=32)

34% (n=33)


follow-up arrangement. With regard to the timing of the

16+ 60% (n=60)

14% (n=13)


discharge summary, this was found to have significantly

improved from the previous audit cycle. For example, the

Table 4: The time taken between discharge of patient and

timing between discharge and dictation (within 7 days) has

typing of discharge letter is analysed. A significant increase is

increased from 30% to 73% and almost all discharge summaries

observed in the early typing of discharge letter from the date of

are dictated no later than 3 weeks. The possible reasons for

discharge of patient.

delays in dictation could be ongoing workload, availability of


medical staff and of the medical notes, as these are sometimes

requested by the Intermediate Community Service (ICS) team.

The discharge summary is a very important means to

There was a slight drop in the time between dictation and

communicate medical (both physical and psychiatric) and

typing (from 84% to 73%), which could possibly due to

nursing interventions to the GP or community mental health

availability of administrative staff, dictation tapes or medical

team. This in turn helps in making invaluable decisions to

notes and proof reading by medical staff. Significant increase

patient care in the community. Hence, it is worth spending

was observed in inclusion of date of dictation of discharge

time on doing a good discharge letter which includes relevant

summaries which will be a useful component for future audits.

British Journal of Medical Practitioners, September 2014, Volume 7, Number 3

A significant decrease in spelling/typing errors in diagnosis or


medical terminologies was observed. Furthermore, there was


significant increase in inclusion of family history, social history,

premorbid history as well as information on progress and
treatment during hospital in the discharge summary. Therefore,
timely audit and feedback can be very useful in improvement of
discharge summaries and patient care.
Recommendations & Actions:

Raise awareness amongst senior house officers (SHOs)

and other doctors in the Trust regarding recording of
pre-morbid history, occupational history, name of
keyworker as this was only done in 52%, 62%, 56%
cases respectively. This could be done by disseminating
findings from this audit amongst SHOs and other
doctors of Trust through hand-outs to wards as well as
through local teaching session.


Remove number of pages from the list of sub-headings

needed in discharge summary as this is dependent on
typing and not necessarily possible to estimate while
dictating discharge summary. However, it is an
important part of discharge summary. Therefore, send
information with audit findings to medical secretaries
informing the need to keep number of pages in the
discharge summary.


Consider adding a section on documentation of risk

assessment should be included in the discharge summary
as well as early relapse signature which would enable
early intervention in the community to avoid inpatient
admission. This could be included in the discharge
summary. This would involve liaising with consultants
and the responsible person for making/printing discharge
summaries for Trust.

Dr Zoe Clough and Dr Alex Nalson for their help in data collection for
Cycle 1 of this study. Dominik Klinikowski, Clinical Audit Facilitator
at Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Competing Interests
None declared
Author Details
Foundation House Officer 2, The Mount, Leeds & York Partnership
NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds, UK. SANTOSH BANGAR, MBBS,
DPM, MD(Psychiatry), PGDip Clin Psy, MRCPsych (UK), ST 5 in
Old Age Psychiatry, The Mount, Leeds & York Partnership NHS
Foundation Trust, Leeds, UK. SHOSHANAH WALDMAN MBChB,
BA, Core Trainee in Psychiatry, The Mount, Leeds & York Partnership
NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds, UK. ELHAM ESFAHANI, MBBS,
Core Trainee in Psychiatry, The Mount, Leeds & York Partnership
NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds, UK. NICK BRINDLE, BSc (Hons),
MB, ChB, MRCP (UK), MRCPsych (UK), Consultant Old Age
Psychiatrist, The Mount, Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation
Trust, Leeds, UK.
CORRESSPONDENCE: Dr Santosh Bangar, ST 5, Old Age
Psychiatry, The Mount, 44 Hyde Terrace, Leeds LS2 9LN, United
Email: [email protected]

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British Journal of Medical Practitioners, September 2014, Volume 7, Number 3

British Journal of Medical Practitioners, September 2014, Volume 7, Number 3

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