Patent Nines,: Nited States
Patent Nines,: Nited States
Patent Nines,: Nited States
pose of producing a high-grade illuminating the solution settles, after which the water
oil practically impossible. It has been the contained therein is drawn off. I then add a
solution of sulphuric acid that shows ?ve de
an oxide of lead, preferably with litharge, to grees heavier than water on a Baum acid
eliminate the sulphur held in mechanical hydrometer? The distillate is then again agi
suspension therein,_ and also to desulphurize tated for about one hour, when a yellowish
the distillate; but when so treated the distil~ precipitate is drawn off, which indicates that
late in burning deposits a large amount of the lead and sulphur vheld in suspension in 75
carbon or lamp-black, and also emits a very
lVith these objects in View the invention chemical having an affinity for sulphur pro
consists in treating the distillate with a chemi ducts, such as litharge, then admixing with
cal having an affinity for sulphur products, the distillate thus treated sulphate of mag
such as litharge, subjecting the distillate thus nesium to precipitate the sulphur products 95
treated to the action of a substance capable and litharge, then adding an acid to precipi
45 of separating the litharge and sulphur com tate the remaining sulphur and lead pro
pounds from the said distillate, preferably ducts, then adding an alkaline solution to
sulphate of magnesia, then submitting the dis neutralize the acid, and ?nally washing the
tillate to the action of an acid capable of pre I distillate to remove the alkali.
2. The herein-described process of purity
cipitating the sulphur and lead held in solu
50 tion, then to the action of an alkaline solu ing petroleum distillates, which consists, ?rst, '
tion to neutralize the acid, and then washing in subjecting the distillate to the action of
the distillate to remove the alkali.