United States Patent Office: Patented Dec. 18, 1945 2,391,019
United States Patent Office: Patented Dec. 18, 1945 2,391,019
United States Patent Office: Patented Dec. 18, 1945 2,391,019
stantly stirring, the temperature Was raised to 35 emulsified with a Saturated sodium perborate
about 60-70° C., until all the carbonic acid gas solution, containing an amount of sodium per
borate equal to 2% of the weight of the synthetic
was expelled. The soap was filled and Worked
up as in Example 10, and there resulted a very fatty acids, Was mixed with 100 parts of beef
white soap, free from any odor. The soap had tallow and the mixture heated to a temperature
bonate in the ratio of 3 to 1. The resultant soap and in the presence of a water soluble oxidizing
was worked up as in the preceding example and Salt.
5. A method of soap-making utilizing synthetic
was an excellent lathering soap when used in salt 0 fatty acids prepared by heating a high molecular
Washing tests utilizing the soap of either of Weight paraffinic hydrocarbon to a temperature
Examples 16 and 17 showed excellent cleansing of such that, if the hydrocarbon is normally solid it
soiled clothes when the soaps were used in salt will be liquefied, said temperature being not sub- .
Water. Stantially in excess of 150 C., and intimately mix
In general it may be stated that the soaps pro 5 ing with the heated liquid hydrocarbon catalytic
duced in accordance with the present invention amounts of a heavy metal soap and a persalt of
have excellent detergent properties, even when an alkaline reacting cation, the latter at least be
utilized in hard water, as indicated by washing ing carried by an emulsion of water, an oleaginous
tests. Thus, Washing tests utilizing soap solutions material and an emulsifying agent, simultaneous
of 0.2-0.3% in hard water, at a temperature of 20 ly dispersing throughout the reaction mass a gas
60-70' C. yielded fresh, clean-smelling products, comprising oxygen and containing a minor per
even though the Washing was carried out by hand centage of moisture, which comprises reacting
for Only a few minutes. Said Synthetic fatty acids with an alkali at a
As many apparently widely different embodi temperature above 20° C., but below 100° C.
ments of this invention may be made without de 25 6. The process of claim 1 further characterized
parting from the Spirit and scope thereof, it is to in that said alkali is a carbonate solution.
be understood that I do not limit myself to the 7. The process of claim 1 further characterized
Specific embodiments herein except as defined by in that the reaction with an alkali is effected in
the appended claims. the presence of a small percentage of soap
What claim is: 30 bleaching material.
1. A method of soap making utilizing synthetic 8. The process of claim 1 further characterized
fatty acids prepared by heating a high molecular in that the reaction with the alkali is effected in
Weight hydrocarbon to an elevated temperature the presence of a small percentage of perborate.
such that the hydrocarbon is liquefied, with cata 9. The process of claim 1 further character
lytic amounts of an oxidation catalyst, a persalt 35 ized in that said synthetic fatty acids are mixed
of an alkaline reacting cation and an emulsion with natural fatty acids prior to reacting with
While dispersing throughout the reaction mass a the alkali.
gaS comprising Oxygen and a minor percentage of 10. The process of claim 1 further character
moisture, which comprises reacting said synthetic ized in that said Synthetic fatty acids are mixed
40 With natural fatty acids and said mixture of
fatty acids with an alkali solution at a tempera
ture in the range of 20-100° C. fatty acids reacted with an alkali carbonate.
2. A method of soap making utilizing synthetic 11. The process of claim 1 further character
fatty acids prepared by heating a high molecular ized in that said synthetic fatty acids are mixed
Weight hydrocarbon to an elevated temperature with natural fatty acids and said mixture of
such that the hydrocarbon is liquefied, with cata 45 fatty acids reacted with an alkali in the presence
lytic amounts of an Oxidation catalyst, a metal of a Small percentage of soap-bleaching material.
persalt and an emulsion while dispersing through 12. The process of claim 1 further character
out the reaction mass a gas comprising oxygen ized in that said Synthetic fatty acids are mixed
and a minor percentage of moisture, which com 50 With a natural fat and with a small percentage
prises reacting said Synthetic fatty acids with an of soap-bleaching material, and said mixture re
alkali Solution at a temperature in the range of acted with an alkali,
20-100° C. and in the presence of a water soluble 13. The process of claim 1 further character
Oxidizing salt. ized in that said synthetic fatty acids are mixed
3. A method of soap making utilizing synthetic with a natural fat and with a small percentage
fatty acids prepared by heating a high molecular 55 of a water Soluble oxidizing salt and said mix
weight paraffinic hydrocarbon to an elevated tem ture reacted with an alkali.
perature and Such that the hydrocarbon is lique 14. The process of claim 1 further character
fied, with catalytic amounts of an oxidation cata ized in that said Synthetic fatty acids are mixed
lyst and a metal persalt in the presence of a water With a natural fat and said mixture reacted with
containing emulsion, while dispersing throughout 60 a solution containing sufficient alkali carbonate
the heated liquid hydrocarbon a gas comprising to neutralize said synthetic fatty
acids and con
Oxygen and a minor percentage of moisture so as taining sufficient alkali
hydroxide to saponify
to form an emulsion of the reaction mass during said natural fat.
the whole time of the process of Oxidation, which 15. The process of claim 1
further character
comprises reacting the Synthetic fatty acids so 65 ized in that said Synthetic fatty acids are mixed
produced with an alkali solution at a temperature with natural fat and a small percentage of a
above 20' and not substantially exceeding 100° C. water soluble perborate, said mixture being re
4. A method of soap making utilizing synthetic acted with an alkali.
fatty acids prepared by heating a high molecular 16. The process of claim 1 further character
Weight paraffinic hydrocarbon to an elevated tem ized in that said synthetic fatty acids are mixed
perature and Such that the hydrocarbon is lique with a natural fat, said mixture then being re
fled, with catalytic amounts of an oxidation cata acted with an aqueous solution containing suf
lyst and a metal persalt in the presence of a Water ficient alkali carbonate to neutralize the syn
containing emulsion, while dispersing throughout thetic fatty acids present in the mixture at a the
heated liquid hydrocarbon a gas comprising 75 temperature not greatly exceeding the melting
2,891,019 7
point of said mixture, and then at an elevated perature not greatly exceeding the melting point
temperature further reacting the mixture with an of the mixture, reacting the mixture with a solu
aqueous solution containing sufficient alkali hy tion containing sufficient alkali carbonate to neu
droxide to saponify the natural tralize the synthetic fatty acids present in Said
fat present in said mixture. mixture and at an elevated temperature continu
17. The process of claim 1 further character ing said reaction with a solution containing suf
ized in that said Synthetic fatty acids are ficient alkali hydroxide to saponify said natural
mixed with a natural fat and with a small percentage oleaginous material.
of Water soluble oxidizing salt, then, at a tem SABINE HERSCH,