Cardiac Meds Complete

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ACE Inhibitor Captopril- 1st Vasodilation, inhibition of the rennin- HTN, HF, STEMI, CRF, OK with Broncho pts, no sexual
one ever used. angiotensin- aldosterone system thus by DM1, nephropathy. dysfunction, beneficial with CHF, watch
Enalapril inhibiting ACE, the drugs prevent K+, Renal Excreted do not give with
conversion of angiotensin I into Renal failure/ renal aretery stenosis,
angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, NEVER with pregnancy
and stimulation of aldosterone release.
ARB Valsarten Supressesion of the rennin angiotensin- Same as ACE, HTN and Renal excreted, NEVER with Renal
Candasarten aldosterone system CHF, used for those stenosis or Pregnancy, K + , can
who cant tolerate” ACE lithium levels.
Beta Blocker Coreg Block Beta 1 receptors, sympathetic after MI, stable HF pts, NEVER with Bronchospastic dx, COPD,
Lopressor influence on heart, Angina, rate control Asthma, severe CHF, DM or K+, 2nd or
Toprol with afib, 3rd Degree HB, Can cause depression; DO
NOT stop abruptly. Not w/ pregnancy
CA Channel Verapamil Cause vasodilation, Prevent Ca from Rate control with afib, NOT with 2nd or 3rd degree HB, or
Blocker Cardizem entering cell, work on heart and blood dysrhythmias, Angina, bradyacardia, nondihydropyridine
Amlidopine vessels, decrese contractility and HTN, MI Coronary
workload spasm, preferred for
those with OAD, Good
with AA.
Nitrates NTG Vasodilator both Venous and Arterial, Only serves to treat HYPO tension, N&V muscle twitching,
used for decreasing Preload and PAOP, symptoms, CP and HTN HA,

Alpha Blockers Hytrin perip resistance through alpha HTN- Not w/ asthma or CHF, Can cause
Clonidine blockade dilates bld vessels, preload depression, no effect on HR, or CO, check
and afterload. BP prior to giving, can get dizzy, weak,
drowsy, cause periph edema,

HTN= hypertesnsion, CHF=Congestive Heart Failure, STEMI= ST elevation myocardial infarction, CRF, chronic Renal Failure, HB= Heart Block, AA= African
American, OAD= Obstructive Airway Disease, HR= heart rate, CO= cardiac output, HA= headache, N&V= nausea and vomiting, USA= unstable angina, TIA=
transient Ischemic attack. ED= erectile dysfunction
AntiPlatelets Plavix platelet aggregation by blocking PAD, MI, ACS, platelet ASA: LFT’s, BLEEDING,
ASA receptors on platelets, preventing aggregation, decrease thrombocytopenia, anemia, GI upset,
clumping of platelets vascular resistance and Reyes syndrome seizures, PLAVIX
coronary flow to o2
Anticoagulants Warfarin interferes with the hepatic Prevent vascular BLEEDING, coumadin has long half life,
Lovenox synthesis of vit K, resulting in thrombosis Reversal of Coumadin with VitK, Heparin
Heparin prolonged clotting time, (factors II, with proamitine,
VII, IX, and X, and prothrombin) Monitor WBC, signs of excessive
Antithrombotic TPa proteolytic enzymes that enhance Destroy a clot! PE, MI, DVT. BLEEDING! Not to be used if hx of GI
Streptokinase the conversion bleed, Pregnancy,
of plasminogen to plasmin, which
degrades the fibrin matrix
HMG Co A Simvastatin- most HMG-CoA interrupting Can reduce total and LDL by Constipation, watch LFT’s, Creatinine
inhibitors potent total & LDL conversion,of HMGCoA to 30%, best when used with Kinase levels, myopathy’s and rarely
cholesterol- mevalonate, synthesis of LDL combo therapy ezetimibe rhabdomyolysis.
lowering agent &
best tolerated
Fibrates Lopid reduces the synthesis of VLD, with Hypertriglyceridemia, and GI complaints, monitor LFT’s with renal
Trilipix a concurrent increase in the rate high cholesterol, breaks pts “myositis syndrome” weakness,
Tricor of removal of triglyceride-rich down particles in stiffness, malaise; may potentiate oral
lipoproteins from plasma. tryglycerices anticoagulants, monitor INR very closely
Give 30min before meals.
Niacins the synthesis of VLDL, which mixed lipids or as a 2nd Drug reactions, flushing and itching,
leads to a in the synthesis of agent in combo therapy for have pt take ASA 325 before, SE of
LDL; also  lipids. 1st line for hepatitis, hyperglycemia, phyeruricemia,
HDL by its catabolism. Tx of hypertriglyceridemia NOT FOR LIVER pts, GOUT, or DM,

HTN= hypertesnsion, CHF=Congestive Heart Failure, STEMI= ST elevation myocardial infarction, CRF, chronic Renal Failure, HB= Heart Block, AA= African
American, OAD= Obstructive Airway Disease, HR= heart rate, CO= cardiac output, HA= headache, N&V= nausea and vomiting, USA= unstable angina, TIA=
transient Ischemic attack. ED= erectile dysfunction
Thiazide HCTZ, Diuril, thiazides increase renal excretion of Good with AA, Watch with gout, Na. Do not give to DM,
Diuretics- FIRST Zaroxolyn can cause Gl, Do not give with Sulfa
chloride, potassium, elevate plasma
line levels of uric acid and glucose Allergy, Mitral valve prolapsed, or
Potassium Spironolactone blocks the effects of aldosterone in Good for those Used for Watch with gout, slow onset of action up
sparing diuretics the renal tubule, causing loss of HTN and edema, an urine to 6 weeks, can cause gynecomastia and
sodium and water and retention of production and a in K+ ED, do not use with ACE inhibitors, or
potassium excretion. preexisting hyperkalemia

Loop diuretics Lasix produce a prostaglandin-mediated CHF, peripheral edema, Watch with gout, and potassium and
Demadex increase in renal blood flow that lower BP. calcium loss, not for those with SULFA
contributes to their diuressing effect, allergies, not with Mitral Valve prolapse,
effective in the presence of impaired cardiomyopathy or preeclampsia
renal function, although higher doses
may be necessary
Vasodilators Nitropriusside Mixed Art/Ven dilator acts on Heart Failure, HTN Watch for CYANIDE poison, slow tapered
smooth muscle to CI and  emergencies off, Rapid onset & duration, use lowest
Veinous pressure, PAOP, SVR, and BP dose, Hypotension, use in short term, not
after an MI
Antiarrhythmics Digoxin- oldest + inotrop influences cardiac CHF, atrial dyshrythmias Lots of DRUG interactions, can cause
and most contraction, ventricular Hypokalemia, dysrythmia, AV block, Vfib,
prescribed contraction and CO. Vtac, yellow vision, weakness, anorexia
Antiarrhythmics Aminiodarone Works on Cardiac cell membrane, Tx of V Tach, Watch for V FIB,
prolongs repolarization and
refractory period

HTN= hypertesnsion, CHF=Congestive Heart Failure, STEMI= ST elevation myocardial infarction, CRF, chronic Renal Failure, HB= Heart Block, AA= African
American, OAD= Obstructive Airway Disease, HR= heart rate, CO= cardiac output, HA= headache, N&V= nausea and vomiting, USA= unstable angina, TIA=
transient Ischemic attack. ED= erectile dysfunction

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