Japanese Invasion (Incomplete)

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(Japan vs. the United States of America)


Manchuria, China in 1937,
Northern part of French Indo-China (Vietnam) in
1940 and in 1941, the whole French colony.
Other countries:
Korea, Parts of Russia, Thailand, Borneo and
Greater East Co-Prosperity
Greater East Co-Prosperity

• This is a concept of Japan where puppet

governments from its colonies manipulates local
populations and economic for the benefit of Japan.

• Minister Arita of the Japanese Ministry invited the

Philippines to join the Greater East Co-Prosperity
War Brewing
• President Theodore Roosevelt
President Manuel L. Quezon.
• Made Gen. McArthur
the Field Marshal of the
Philippine army.

- build up a Filipino army
(No. 1, the National Defense Act
which provided for a citizen’s
Commonwealth Act No. 1
National Defense Act
• the United States, Great Britain and
Holland imposed economic sanctions.
• In particular, the United States froze
Japan’s assets. However, this did not
stop Japan from attacking.
• It was a part of the Axis powers with
Germany, Russia and Italy. Negotiations
that time were still open.
September 1941

• Admiral Nomura Kishisaburo visited the United

States to discuss diplomatic ties and peace

• Japan wants the U.S. to agree to its southern

expansion in Asia diplomatically but if not met,
Japan warned of declaring WAR.
December 7, 1941
• Bombing of Pearl Harbor
December 08, 1941
• After the bombing of Pearl Harbor the
U.S declares WAR against Japan
Japanese Entry to the Philippines

• December 8, 1941
-military bases in the Philippines were
attacked such as Clark Field and Nichols Air Base
also cities like Davao, Baguio , Tarlac and
December 10, 1941
• Japanese forces
entered the
Philippines through
Northern Luzon in
Batanes and the
South through
Legazpi, Albay and
Jolo, Mindanao.
December 22, 1941
• The main attack
began. The
Japanese forces
landed at the
Lingayen Gulf and
continued to Manila.
December 26, 1941
• Manila was declared an “Open City” (guns were
withdrawn and military headquarters were
evacuated) to prevent further distraction. Japanese
bombs were still dropped to the city.
December 26, 1941
• Manila was
declared an
“Open City” (guns
were withdrawn
and military
headquarters were
evacuated) to
prevent further
Japanese bombs
were still dropped
to the city.
March 11, 1942
• General Douglas
MacArthur left
with his word “I
shall return”.
The Transfer of the Commonwealth
December 30, 1941,
• Quezon was declared as the President of
the Philippines.
• Jose P. Laurel was given the task to
welcome the Japanese as they entered
the city.
The Fall of Bataan
• January 1-5, 1942- Japanese forces
attacked Pampanga.

• January 6, 1942- Attacked (Japan)

Fermosa (Taiwan), Dinalupihan, Orion-
Bagac and Mt. Samat.
April 9, 1942
-due to depleting resources, the
soldiers backed down and were captured by the
Japanese. 36,000 weak, sick, hungry and dying
Filipino and American soldiers were forced to
walk from Bataan to San Fernando, Pampanga.
In Capas, Tarlac, the prisoners were huddled
together like animals.
• April 29, 1942- Continuous bombing of

• May 6, 1942- Corregidor formally

October 20, 1944
• “People of the
Philippines, I have
Naval Battle of Leyte

• The Battle of Leyte Gulf on

October 22-27, 1944 in
Philippines was the largest
naval battle in World War II
and some have called it the
greatest naval battle in history.
• Japanese naval forces began
challenging the landing forces and
a battle broke out offshore in Leyte
Gulf involving 282 (218 Allied and 64
Japanese) ships and 1,996 (1,280
Allied, 716 Japanese) aircraft.
Legacy of Leyte
• The defeat of the Japanese at Leyte gave the
American military and beachhead on the
Philippines which eventually led to the defeat
of the Japanese in the Philippines and 50
percent reduction of its the empire.
Philippine resistance
• HUKBALAHAP – Hukbong Bayan Laban
sa Hapon
-the Nation's Army Against the
Japanese Soldiers

• which opposed the Japanese with

active underground and guerilla activity
that increased over the years.
Luis Taruc (June 21, 1913 –
May 4, 2005) • a Filipino political
figure and insurgent
during the agrarian
unrest of the 1930s
until the end of the
Cold War. He was
the leader of
the Hukbalahap or
Hukbong Bayan
Laban sa
Hapon group
between 1942 and
• During World War II, Taruc led the Hukbalahap
in guerrilla operations against the Japanese
occupiers of the Philippines.

• After the war against Japan, the Hukbalahap

continued their demands for agrarian reform.
Taruc and seven colleagues were elected to
the House of Representatives, but the
government of Manuel Roxas did not allow
them to take their seats in Congress.
AUGUST O5, 1945
AUGUST O6, 1945
- an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by US air
forces. This was the first time a nuclear weapon had ever
been used; the fireball created by the bomb destroyed 13
square kilometres of the city, and those dead as a result
numbered up to 180,000.
AUGUST 09, 2018
• a second atomic bomb was dropped on the
city of Nagasaki, killing between 50,000 and
100,000 people.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
September 03 1945
General Yamashita Tomoyuki and
Admiral Denshichi Okochi formally
surrender their forces at Camp John Hay,
Baguio. Ranking officers of the U.S. Army
attend, including General Jonathan
Wainwright (who surrendered Corregidor
in 1942).
Why the Philippines?
• Philippines’ natural resources.
• To be part of the Pacific Empire-Imperial
Expansion in the Southeast Asia.
• “Asia is for Asia”
• Good strategic location for shipping lanes.
• Territory and Security- Philippines is one of the
accessible countries in the Pacific. it would
provide a base or attacks on the Dutch East
• It is a military territory of the United States-which
is one of the enemies of Japan.
Reorganization of the
Totalitarian Government
Central Administrative

Chairman of the Executive

Council of State

Interior Justice Finance Agriculture Education Public

and Health and Works and
Commerce Public Welfare Communica

Council of State
• served as the advisory body to the
• 32 signatory officials
• directed civil affairs
• willingness to obey the orders of the
Japanese Military Government was
The Philippine Assembly
• power to propose and pass
laws was removed
• laws were drafted and
implemented according to
the Japan’s advantage
The Supreme Court
•discharged of its functions
•could only hear civil and criminal
charges involving Filipinos
•The Kempeitai always interfered.
•Justice often denied to Filipinos.
The 1935 Philippine
• changed
• Provisions:
1. The powers of the president extended
beyond those of the Supreme Court and
the Unicameral Assembly.
2. position of the Vice President:
abolished; and
3. power to pass laws: National Assembly
The Abolition of Political
Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod sa
Bagong Pilipinas (KALIBAPI)
• The only political party that was
not abolished.
• president: Jose P. Laurel
• main duty: draft a new
The Second Republic of the Philippines
(Puppet Government)
• President: Jose P. Laurel
• Speaker of the Assembly: Benigno S.
Aquino Sr.
• October 14, 1943- Philippine
Republic was sponsored by the
Japanese. Vargas announced that
Japanese forces were moving out of
the country.
• Cabinet:
1. Exterior government 6. Education
2. Interior government 7. Public Works
3. Finance and
4. Justice Communication
5. Agriculture and Natural 8. Commerce
9. Health, Work and Public Welfare
“Dark Days”
Educational Re-Orientation

Trifocal System
(Dept. of Educ., (Technical Educ.
and Skills (Commission on
Culture and Development) Higher
Sports) Education)
-elementary, middle-level
secondary, non-formal manpower training
educ. (sports) and development education
1. Tagalog, Philippine history and
character education.
2. Emphasis: love for work and
dignity for labor
3. Spreading of elementary and
vocational education.
4. Medium of instruction: Niponggo
Pre-War American Films Plays

Julian Cruz Balmaseda

Social Conditions
The Kempeitai (Japanese
Military Police) Rape of Women
Health Problems
The Huks vs. the Makapili
Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa
mga Hapon (HukBaLaHap) Makapili
Economic Life
Lootings Tragedy of Capas
Industry, Commerce New Generation
and Trade Bourgeoisie
Mickey Mouse Buy- and –
Money Sell Business
May 28, 1946 – April 15, 1948
The Roxas Administration
October 1945
 US Congress passed a bill extending the free trade
act between the US and the Philippines. This lasted
for 8years

• Parity Right Agreement

 this means that the Americans and the Filipinos
have the equal rights in the use, development, and
exploitation of our natural resources.
The Roxas Policies
• 70-30 crop sharing scheme, 70 for the tenants
and 30 for the landlord. This was implemented
to provide better opportunities to citizens and
private corporations, the Rehabilitation Finance
Corporation (RFC) which was now known as the
Development Bank of the Philippines.

• RFC provided loans to small businesses as well

as private citizens who wanted to build their
own homes.
• The Compounding HUK Problem
March 6, 1948
• Five weeks before his prior death Roxas declared
the HUKBALAHAP as illegal.
Diplomatic Relations with Other

-Philippines became one of the

original members of the United Nations
after establishing ties with European
countries, like France and Italy.
Elpidio Quirino
• Quirino declared that the government is
offering amnesty to the members of the
movement, on condition that the HUK members
would surrender their arms to the government
for 50days.

• After the 50days the number of arms

surrendered was very low. The amnesty
program failed Taruc and his followers returned
to the mountains and the rift and disagreement
between the government and the HUKs
widened which caused more bloody
Presidents Action Committee on Social
Amelioration (PACSA)-
April 28, 1949
• The HUKs ambush Mrs. Aurora Quezon (widow of
Pres. Quezon) and her companion in Baler which
shook the whole nation.
Ramon Magsaysay
• a former congressman and guerilla from Zambales and was
appointed as the secretary of national defense. He was the
one who made the HUKs unite to the government because of
his sincerity shown.
Economic Development

• this was created to assist the former HUK

members build their homes and settle down
Increase in Wages
• President Quirino increases the daily minimum
wages of the teachers and government employees
to 4pesos for manila-based workers and 3pesos to
those provinces.

• Agricultural Credit Cooperatives Financing

Administration(ACCFA) and Rural Bank were
establish to address the needs of farmers.

• Labor Management Advisory Board was created to

protect the interest of the laborers.
Military Ties
March 21, 1947
• The Military Base Agreement between the
Philippines and the US was signed. This allowed
the US to lease some places and military
installations for 99years.
External Ties
• Philippines established diplomatic ties with the
following countries:
Spain, Argentina, Nationalist China,
Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, and Japan.
Philippines refuse to recognize Laos, Kampuchea,
and Vietnam but President Quirino openly
expressed an open mind on the possibility of
establishing diplomatic ties with Communist
The Problems
• US State Secretary Dean Acheson
demanded the Philippine
government to account for the $2B
assistance they have previously
Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957)
Progress in Livelihood
• Presidential Complaints and Action Committee (PCAC)
- this was created mainly to be closer to and
to better understand the concerns of the people.
Land Tenure Law
- this law stipulated that government owned lands
could be sold or loan to the farmers. This enabled the
farmers to own the land they till.
Agricultural Credit and Cooperative
Financing Administration(ACCFA)
-it was created to assist the farmers
in selling their products.
Farmers’ Cooperative Marketing
-was likewise establish to enable ACCFA members
to buy an credit their own carabaos, seedlings, and
other materials they need on their farms.
• There are several infrastructure projects done
especially in the barrios and research and
studies on modern farming technology like the
Masagana Movement were also undertaken to
provide assistance to farmers to improve their

• During the term of Magsaysay the labor force

was given the right to go on strike, establish
labor unions, and coordinate with the
government, through the Magna Carta of
The HUKs Surrender
May 16, 1954
• HUK leader Luis Taruc, together with his 9458 members
surrenders to the government. The 987 families composed
of more or less 5,000 members through the EDCOR
program started to settle in Isabela and Mindanao.
Supporting the Ethnic Groups

• National Integration(1957)
 created to establish unity among the Filipinos,
particularly the indigenous groups.
Japan Preparation for War Damage
May 9,1956
• Japan and the Philippines signed the Reparation
Agreement. The stated reparation or payment for
damage cause by japan is $800M and shall be paid
in 20years.

• Manila Pact
-the gathering attended by the representatives
of Australia, France, New Zealand, United States of
America, Pakistan, Thailand, United Kingdom and the
Association of Southeast Asia(ASA)
-this this formed in Bangkok City on July 1960 by the
members of the Manila Pact. Their objective was to enrich
and support the economic and cultural programs of each

February 19, 1955

-eight original members of the Manila Pact formed
the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO).
Carlos P. Garcia
March 17,1957

- President Magsaysay died with 25

government officials and media men, when their
plane crashed on Mt. Manunggal in Cebu.
Austerity Program
- its priority is to promote
moderate use of government funds and
reliance on hard work, reasonable and
reliable investments, and sincerity and
honesty service.

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