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United States Patent [191



[451 Oct. 29,1974



[.75] Inventor: William Jocsak, Easton, Pa.

[73] Assignee: lngersoll-Rand Company, Woodcliff

Lake, NJ.
June 21, 1972

[22] Filed:
' [21]






Rapata .......................... .. 174/153 G





Denjean . . . . . . .

. . , , ..

248/56 X



Jemison . . . . . . .

. . . . ..

248/56 X



Kagi .................................. .. 285/158

Bull et al. . . . . . . . .

. . . . .. 248/56 X

Macy ........................... .. 16/2

Carr ............... ..
174/153 G
Bow ........... ..
285/192 X

Primary ExaminerRoy D. Frazier

Appl. No.: 264,737


U.S. Cl .................. .. 285/162, 248/56, 285/192,

285/Dl'G. 22, 403/197


Int. Cl. ............................................. .. F161 5/02

Field of Search ....... .. 248/56, 68 R; 174/152 G,

Assistant ExaminerRodney H. Bonck

Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Frank S. Troidl



Apparatus for facilitating assembly of and protecting

174/153 G; 138/112; 165/69, 162, 173; 16/2; - condenser tubes in tube support plates. The apparatus
is a ?exible insert placed into the support plate holes
285/138, 158, 192, 162, DIG. 22; 277/178;
prior to assembly of the condenser tubes, including a
339/103 B; 122/235 G; 403/197

References Cited




Cole .............................. .. 174/153 G



Weber ............................. .. 248/68 R

?ange and projection adapted to prevent axial move

ment of the insert relative to the support plate and di
mensioned to minimize transverse movement of con
denser tubes within the support plate hole. '

4 Claims, 3 Drawing Figures


1 .


axial movement. Condenser. tubes 10 having the con

ventional assembly points for ease of insertion, are
pushed through the inserts 13 from the ?ange end caus
ing the bodies 14 to expand suf?ciently to provide a
snug ?t.
As noted, the projections may be one or a plurality
of discrete bumps shown as 18 in FIG. 1, an annular ex
pansion of the diameter as indicated at 20 in FIG. 2, or
an annular prominence like that of 20' in FIG. 3. If a
less ?exible or compressible material is selected, the
insert can be made more resilient and accommodating


This invention relates to ?exible inserts for use with

steam condenser tube support plates and is particularly

concerned with a sleeve that facilitates assembly of
condenser tubes in the plates and protect them after as

The typical steam condenser for industrial applica
tions has large numbers of tubes supported by plates.
The holes in the tube support plates which accommo
date the tubes require close tolerances and a deburring
operation. The close tolerances are necessary to reduce
the tendency of tubes to vibrate during condenser oper

of installation by the provision of one or more of the

priorly described cuts 22 (FIG. 3). Thus, when projec

tion 20' (or 18 or 20) is forced radially inwardly by the

ation. Burrs from the drilling operation, shot peening or

hole 11, the cut, 22 will accommodate the contraction

of the material until theprojection clears the hole and

butter?ying (which is a rust removal from the hole

is able to spring back.

by a'rotating wire brush) must be removed as they

make the assembly of tubes difficult and create

When a condenser tube 10 is pushed through an in

sertlined hole 11 in a support plate 12 the ?ange l6

scratches on the. tubes which serve as corrosion sites 20 prevents dislodging of the insert 13. Anygreverse move

that contribute to early failure of the tubes.

The object of this invention is to eliminate the need

ment of the tube 10 during assembly will not remove

the insert 13 from the hole 11 because the projections

fordeburring or chamfering the holes in the support

plates. Another object is to'eliminate the need for re

ances of support plate holes 11 are no'longer necessary

working of holesdue to damagefrom shot-peening or

similar operations. Another object of this invention is

inhibit axial movement in that direction. Close toler


to eliminate the butter?ying operation which is often

done in the ?eld. A further object is to facilitate faster

drilling and permit rougher ?nishes and greater toler

because slightly smaller holes will be expansible

through the plasticity of the insert material, and slightly
larger holes will substantially close upon the tube due
tothe resilience of the insert. Irregularities of the holes,
such as burrs due to drilling or shot peening operations
will no longer damage the tubes as they are protected

ances in the drilling of holes. Another objective is to re

duce the vibration of tubes which leads to wear and

by the inserts. The easier tolerances and the protection

eventual rupture. Still another object is to eliminate

scratching of tubes during assembly. These objects are

of the insert further permit elimination of the butter

?ying" operation which is a rust removal from the holes
all served by providing a soft insert of ?exible material
by insertion of a revolving wire brush. In addition,
in each hole of every support plate. These inserts can 35 many plastic materials available for making the inserts
be quickly and inexpensively placed, and accommo
feature low coef?cients of friction, thereby making
date the irregularities that heretofore have required ex
tube assembly easier.

pensive finishing operations.

The invention as well as its advantages may be fur

In view of the above it will be seen that the several

objects of the invention are achieved and other advan

ther understood by reference to the following detailed

description and drawings in which:

tageous results obtained. As various changes could be

made in the above constructions such as changes in
shape and location of projections or cut-out portions
without departing from the scope of the invention it is

FIG. 1 is a partial section of a condenser tube support

plate showing two tubes and inserts positioned therein;

intended that all matter contained in the above descrip

FIG. 2 is an enlarged cross-section of a modi?cation 45 tion or shown in the accompaning drawings shall be in
of the insert in place in a support plate; and
terpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense.
FIG. 3 is another modi?cation of the insert shown in
I claim:

section. Like parts throughout the various drawings are

1. In combination: a condenser support plate having
referred to by like numbers.
at least one condenser tube support hole formed
Referring to the drawings and particularly to FIG. 1 50 through the condenser support plate;
condenser tubes 10 are located in holes 11 in support
a ?exible, axially extending insert positioned in the
plate 12 but do not contact the plate because of the in
condenser tube support hole and in contact with
terpositioning of ?exible insert 13 having a body 14, a
the wall of said support hole; and having an axially
?ange 16 at one end, and a plurality of projections 18 55
extending hole having the same diameter through
near the other end. In the modi?cation shown in FIG.
out its length formed therethrough; a condenser
2 the projection 20 is an annular expansion of the in
tube inserted through the insert, and in contact
sert. FIG. 3 depicts a further modification in which the
with the wall of said axially extending hole
body 14' of the insert has an axial cut 22 progressing
said insert having the same outside diameter along

from the end having the projections 20'.

In operation the inserts ,13 are placed into loosely
toleranced holes 11 in the support plates 12. Although


the outside diameter of the inserts at the projection 18

(or 20) is greater than inside diameter of the holes, the

?exibility of the insert material permits compression of

the insert until the projection clears the hole and

springs outwardly. The body 14 ?ts loosely in the hole,

but projections 18 and ?ange l6 prevent signi?cant


substantially its entire length and also having first

and second end portions, relative the axis thereof,
for projection thereof from opposite sides of. the
support plate, and an intermediate portion posi
tioned in the tube support hole, the length of the
intermediate portion of the insert being more than
the length of the condenser tube support hole, and
the outside diameter of the intermediate portion
being such that the insert ?tted loosely in the tube


support hole when the insert was inserted in the

diameter of the intermediate portion before and

after the insertion of the insert into the support

hole, and the diameter of the axially extending bore

in the insert and the ?exibility of the insert being

plate hole.

such that the intermediate portion was expanded

2. The combination of claim 1 wherein the convex
along its entire length to provide a snug fit in the 5 bump comprises
support plate hole when the condenser tube was
inserted in the insert;
a ?ange integral with said first end portion; and at
least one convex bump on said second end portion

an annular section integral with the second end por

3. The combination of claim 1 wherein there are
a plurality of discrete convex bumps circumferen

tially spaced equi-distant from said flange.

adapted to be compressed to permit the insertion

of the flexible insert into the support plate hole and

4. The combination of claim 1 further comprising

an axially extending slot throughout the second end
portion of the insert.

thereafter inhibit the axial movement of said insert

relative to the support plate, the convex bump hav
ing an external diameter greater than the external












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