System Analysis and Design Project

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Okoro Monney





August 2014

System Analysis & Design

Software Engineering Class 2014

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Okoro Monney

The learning outcomes assessed in this assignment are as follows:



Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria

Demonstrate a practical - Shape for ER Diagram

understanding of System
- Relationships for ER
Analysis and Design
- Correct use of notation
(Data Flow Diagrams,
Data Dictionary)
- Appropriate screen
- Presentation of Report

Analyze, Design and

implement a database
Driven software system
for a given business

System Analysis & Design

Software Engineering Class 2014

3 | Page

Okoro Monney

This assignment will allow you to demonstrate an understanding of applying data modeling and
data analysis techniques to the design and development of database driven solutions.

Case study/Scenario Flinks Catering Company

Flinks Catering Services is a medium sized caterers based in the north of England with the
headquarters in Manchester. They specialize in providing catering services for events such as
weddings and birthday parties.
Records are kept of customers who often use Flinks for more than one event. An event is classified
by type, which could be Wedding, Birthday, Funeral, Baptism, Engagement or Other. An event will
take place at a particular venue and a venue will be used for a number of events over time.
Each event will have staff assigned to it and a number of dishes assigned to it. Staffs are classified by
type as Waiter, Chef or Other Kitchen Staff.
Currently for each event a manual record sheet is kept:

System Analysis & Design

Software Engineering Class 2014

4 | Page

Okoro Monney

Study the above detail and then perform the following tasks:

Task 1 20 Marks
A. Research and give a brief description of the following:
1. Context diagram
2. Data Flow Diagram
B. Draw a context diagram for Flinks Catering Services.
C. Draw the first level DFD for Flinks Catering Services.

Task 2 20 Marks
Draw an Entity Relationship Data Model that describes the content and structure of the data held by
Flinks Catering Services.

Task 3 15 Marks
Produce the resulting tables clearly indicating the primary and foreign keys.
Using a Microsoft Database Management System (DBMS), set-up all of the above normalized tables,
and populate them with well-designed test data (minimum 5 records per table). Provide printouts of
all tables.
Reasonable assumptions may be made with regard to data.

Task 4 25 Marks
Create suitable entry forms using Microsoft Access forms functionality for the data entries to be done by
people using the application.
This should look like a whole application with suitable reports forms.
NOTE: Marks will be given for a good presentation of work.

Task 5 15 Marks
Create four queries that whose data is found in two or more tables.

The remaining 5 Marks will be awarded for the presentation of the report.
System Analysis & Design

Software Engineering Class 2014

5 | Page

Okoro Monney

A word-processed, printed document containing all the written components of the assignment
(all the Tasks) signed and dated by your tutor/lecturer.
A Copy of the database script should be submitted to the Lecture for testing for marks will be
NOTE: Please Do not submit a copied work else your assignment will be rejected.
Late Submission will not be tolerated.

August 22, 2014

System Analysis & Design

Software Engineering Class 2014

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