Gaumard Catálogo 2014

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2014 Product Catalog

Looking to the Future...

Meet the newest members of the Gaumard family:



Combat HAL S3040.100


Page 80


Page 104

HAL S315.500 CPR+D Trainer

Page 138


NOELLE S575.100

Page 96


Code Blue III Simulators

HAL S1000


Page 4

Surgical Chloe S2100

Page 72

2014 Product Catalog


The NOELLE Tetherless Family ..................................................

S555.100 NOELLE MOES Obstetric Simulator ..................
S554.100 NOELLE Obstetric Simulator ..................................
NOELLE Value Simulators ............................................................
Accessories ..........................................................................................



SUSIE ....................................................................................................
Pediatric 1 and 5 Year .......................................................................
Newborn and Premie ....................................................................
Accessories ..........................................................................................



Surgical Chloe ..................................................................................



Combat HAL Trauma Simulator .................................................

Wound Kits ..........................................................................................


Emergency Care

HAL ALS and HAL 12 Lead ECG ................................................

Code Blue III Simulators ................................................................
Multipurpose ........................................................................................
Nursing Care and CPR .....................................................................
Basic Life Support .............................................................................


Respiratory Care

Dynamic Airway and Lung Compliance ...................................

Green Technology CPR+D and Airway Trainers ...................
Airway Trainers ...................................................................................
Auscultation .........................................................................................


Nursing Care

Susie .....................................................................................................
Chloe ....................................................................................................
Susie and Simon; Code Blue ....................................................
Pediatric and Neonatal ....................................................................
Blue Neonates......................................................................................


Skills Trainers

Blood Pressure ...................................................................................

Injection and Infusion ......................................................................
Obstetric ...............................................................................................
Womens Health .................................................................................
Mens Health ........................................................................................
Skill Trainers .........................................................................................


Learning Resources

Micro+ and Pro+ Recording and Debriefing System............

Neonatal Stabilization Scenarios ................................................
MOES Courseware .........................................................................
CDs and Books ...................................................................................


The worlds most advanced birthing simulator

Visit us online at

Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S575.100 | 5

Advanced Obstetric
Prepare your learners and staff for even the most complex
labor and delivery scenarios using the most advanced
birthing simulator in the world. At the click of a button,
NOELLE simulates routine and high-risk deliveries for
training and assessment. And with tetherless and wireless
technology, NOELLE can deliver anywhere, anytime, just
like a real patient.

Automated Precision
Delivery System
With the click of a button, NOELLEs
automatic delivery system moves the
fetus throughout the labor stages for
repeatable lifelike births. Built in sensors
track participant interaction and give
you real time performance feedback.

Labor and Delivery

Scenario Library
Start simulation right away. Select from
30+ preprogrammed labor and delivery
scenarios including shoulder dystocia,
vaginal breech, postpartum hemorrhage,
C-section, and much more. Includes
supporting scenario training textbooks.

6 | Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S575.100

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Practice epidural procedures on a spinal
cord insert with skin layer, subcutaneous
layer, connective tissue, and lumbar vertebrae.
Anatomic features include: iliac crests, lumbar
vertebrae L2 L5, ligamentum flavum and
epidural space. Sensors report and log
the moment the needle enters the epidural
space, or if its inserted too far.

Realistic Fetal Palpation

Palpable Contractions

Dystocia Management

Realistic amniotic sac inside

NOELLEs contraction abdominal

Simulate an obstructed labor,

palpation abdominal cover creates

cover allows palpation of real time

including a lifelike shoulder

a natural and realistic feel when

contractions during a scenario.

dystocia complication. Practice

practicing palpation exercises.

The cover gets firm as the

management techniques and

contraction peaks.

maneuvers such as McRoberts,

Woods screw, hands and knees,
and much more.

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Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S575.100 | 7

Practice C-Sections using

real surgical instruments

Multi-layer abdominal wall with skin, subcutaneous

tissue, fascia, muscle, and peritoneum for maximum
realism. Abdominal inserts have simulated blood
incorporated into the subcutaneous layer. Use
real surgical instruments for incision, dissection,
and suturing.

Lifelike Birth Canal

Pelvic Landmarks

Episiotomy Repair

New lifelike birth canal

Anatomic landmarks include

NOELLEs episiotomy repair

simulates human tissue. Birth

bilateral ischial spines, coccyx

inserts simulate human tissue

canals are removable and are

and pubic symphysis.

that can be sutured repeatedly.

designed to withstand more

Inserts feel and look real.

than 75 deliveries.

8 | Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S575.100

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Smart Delivery Neonates

NOELLE includes two delivery neonates designed to simulate lifelike vertex and breech deliveries. Participants can
palpate sutures lines and fontanelles. Manipulate the jointed arms and legs, while managing any potential umbilical
cord or placenta complication.

Smart Vertex Delivery Baby

The Smart Vertex Delivery Baby has audible heart
sounds before, during, and after delivery. Monitoring
technology reports pull-force applied by the participant
in real time.

Breech Delivery Baby

Prepare your participants for low frequency deliveries.
Simulate multiple breech positions to train for C-section
and vaginal delivery management techniques.

Train for Neonatal Resuscitation and Neonatal Care Simulation

Expand your labor and delivery simulation training to include essential neonatal resuscitation scenarios. Gaumards
wireless neonates allow participants to train for critical neonatal care skills that can help save lives. Select a wireless
NOELLE and Neonate bundle package and save.

S575.100 NOELLE with Newborn HAL

S576.100 NOELLE with Premie HAL

The S3010 Newborn HAL is a wireless full term baby,

The S3009 Premie HAL is a wireless preterm baby

perfect for neonatal care simulation. Train participants

designed for lifelike simulation in the NICU, or in

in assessment, intubation and airway management,

transit inside an isolette. Train for the treatment of

CPR, IV or I/O access, ECG, and much more even in

premature infant care including: assessment, intubation

transit. HAL includes a dedicated control tablet PC

and airway management, resuscitation, and much

and a library of preprogrammed scenarios that allow

more. Control Premie HAL using its dedicated tablet

you to train staff in team hand-offs and communication.

PC and run preprogrammed scenarios linked to

NOELLEs delivery condition.

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Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S575.100 | 9

Most Advanced NOELLE Ever

Automated Delivery

Assisted Delivery

Shoulder Dystocia

Breech Delivery

Click Play to start

Practice assisted

Lifelike shoulder dystocia

Practice vaginal

the automatic delivery

vacuum extraction and

presents with notable

breech deliveries and

system. The motor has

forcep deliveries.

fetal head retraction to

free the legs using

automated control of

simulate observable

Pinard maneuver.

both descent and

"turtle signs." Practice

rotation of the fetus as

advanced management

it descends.



Scenario Library

Postpartum Activity


Simulate cord and

Includes 30+ labor

Use the postpartum

NOELLE functions

placenta complications

and delivery scenarios

uterus and program

fully while tetherless,

and distress. Placenta

including high risk

PPH, perform a fundal

allowing you to easily

features detachable

deliveries and postpar-

massage, practice

transport NOELLE like


tum complications.

episiotomy repair and

a real patient.

Includes training guides.

insert and inflate a

Bakri Balloon.

Patient Assesment

Repeatable Control

Real-time Feedback

Use Real Devices

Programmable lifelike

Simulate repeatable

Monitor and log pull

Use your real equipment

blinking, pupil reaction,

deliveries for competency

force applied to fetus,

such as a real OSAT

convulsions, chest rise,

based training. Track

cardinal movements,

monitor, BP cuff,

and much more.

skill improvement in

contractions, and vital

defibrillators or external

critical situations.

signs. Signals alert when

cardiac pacemakers.

excessive force is used.

10 | Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S575.100

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Interactive Maternal and Fetal Monitors

The Gaumard virtual maternal and fetal monitors display realtime vital signs and fetal monitoring
information. With onscreen file sharing capability, participants have access to simulated lab reports
and medical images that enhance realism during simulation. Train participants to interpret vital signs
information helpful in identifying and managing critical situations.

Includes Vital Signs Monitors for NOELLE and Neonate

20in touchscreen Patient Monitor

Customize each trace

Select up to 12 dynamic waveforms

all-in-one PC. 17in touchscreen

independently; users can set

including ECG Lead I, II, III, aVR,

Fetal/Newborn monitor

alarms, and time scales

aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6,

AVP, CVP, PAWP, pulse, CCO,

Display up to 12 numeric values

Share images such as x-rays, CT

including HR, ABP, CVP, PAWP,

scans, ultrasounds, lab results, and

NIRP, CCO, SpO2, SvO2, RR, EtCO2

even multimedia presentations as

temperature, and time

the scenario progresses

SvO2, respiration, capnography

Interactive Perinatal Monitor

The perinatal monitor lets the participants monitor:
Baseline fetal heart rate
Fetal heart rate variability

Uterine contractions
frequency and intensity


Trace history w/ print out capability


All fetal vital signs are

EFM and FSE heart tones

Standard 20in all-in-one

Optional 12in touchscreen

touchscreen monitor to

tablet to display vital signs

fully programmable

display vital signs

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Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S575.100 | 11

GIGA Software
Powerful yet intuitive.
Our intuitive and powerful software offers ease of use and the flexibility required by the most
demanding users. Basic view provides windows for the 3D model of the simulator, a completely
configurable vital signs monitor, activities log, perinatal monitor and labor curve.

12 | Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S575.100

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655


Labor Control
and Descent Curve


3D image can be rotated or

Define labor variables such as:

Easy instructor access to the

enlarged; the skin removed and

labor duration, delivery position,

dynamic Perinatal Monitor right

physiologic parameters accessed

contraction response, and much

from the tablet PC.

to change any elements of a

more. Descent Curve graph

powerful physiologic engine.

defines the position of the fetal

head relative to the ischial spines.

Rotate Baby

Events Log

Shoulder Dystocia

Precise control over both fetal

Changes in condition and care

Simulate a shoulder dystocia

translation and rotation. Start

provided are time stamped

complication at the click of

delivery at ROA, LOA,LOP or ROP.

and logged.

a button.

NOELLE S575.100 | Advanced birthing simulator

New Features

Powerful and intuitive GIGA software

Practice epidural procedures on a
spinal cord insert with skin layer,
subcutaneous layer, connective tissue,
and lumbar vertebrae
Practice C-Sections using real surgical
C-Section Abdominal inserts have
simulated blood incorporated into the
subcutaneous layer
Built for a perfect fit into birthing stirrups
New lifelike birth canal simulates human tissue
Episiotomy repair inserts simulate
human tissue that can be sutured
closed repeatedly
One breech and one vertex fetus
Anatomic landmarks include bilateral
ischial spines, coccyx and pubic bone
NOELLEs new palpation module
includes an amniotic sac creating a
natural and realistic feel when practicing
palpation exercises
NOELLEs fetus rotates, dips and rises in
response to commands from a wireless
tablet PC
Program tongue edema and
pharyngeal swelling


Realistic birth canal with dilating cervix

Precision programmable fetal delivery
system for repeatable teaching exercises
- Normal Labor and Birth
- Instrumented Delivery
- Shoulder Dystocia
- Breech Presentation
- C-Section
Delivery system can be programmed
for rapid deliveries as well as those
taking hours
Program fetal descent over time
Pause, continue or accelerate labor
at any time
Fetal monitor interacts with labor scenario
Apply maternal and fetal vital signs at
specified points during the labor
Select descent ONLY during uterine
Precise control over both fetal translation
and rotation
Start delivery at ROA, LOA,LOP or ROP
Program internal and external fetal
rotations as needed
Program dystocia so that each student
receives exactly the same scenario
Save and share scenarios and results
for use later
At least 30 obstetric scenarios that can be
modified as the instructor requires
Ability to quickly and easily create new
scenarios as the instructor requires
Ability to change maternal, fetal or
delivery conditions during the scenario
Measure and log force experienced by
fetus and cardinal movement with respect
to contractions
Force and shoulder position are graphed
in real time with the uterine contraction
Fetus may be used for external version
Install fluids for bleeding and
urinary catheterization
Programmable bleeding from birth canal
Forceps and Vacuum-Assisted Delivery
Uterine module for PPH
Postpartum hemorrhage and
fundal massage
Intrapartum Modeling and Trending
Shoulder Dystocia
Breech and Vertex Delivery

Leopold Maneuver
C-section: using dissectible stomach cover
including realistic skin, subcutaneous,
fascia, rectus muscle, and peritoneum
Episiotomy Repair
Prolapse of the Umbilical cord
Placenta Previa

Dynamic Perinatal Monitor

Program Uterine Activity

- Control frequency, duration and
intensity of contractions
- Select resting tone
- Generate additional contractions
during the scenario
Program Fetal Heart Rate
- FHR Baseline
- Select variability
- Control episodic, periodic, and
variable changes
- Generate FHR patterns at any time
- Listen to FHR in the External Fetal
Monitoring or the Fetal Spinal
Electrode Mode
- Review up to 2 hours of recorded
fetal tracings
- Save/print fetal tracings for debriefing

Two Birthing Fetuses

Vertex fetus has a smooth head (no

connection port) making vacuum
deliveries more realistic
Breech fetus has a smooth bottom (no
connection port) for maximum realism
Head with fontanelles and sutures
Head cover for forceps or vacuum
augmentation during delivery
Head flexes as it moves through
birth canal
Suction mouth
Realistic landmarks
Jointed arms and legs useful during
dystocia and breech exercises
Umbilicus and placenta; attach
placenta to uterine wall, placenta
includes retained fragments
Fetuses are attached to delivery mechanism
and can be released wirelessly
Can be manipulated by the student and
either released or retained wirelessly
Fetal condition and release by command
from wireless tablet PC
Programmable fetal heart sounds before,
during and following the delivery

Maternal Airway

Program tongue edema and

pharyngeal swelling
Multiple upper airway sounds
synchronized with breathing
Nasal or oral intubation
Sensors detect depth of intubation
Head tilt/ chin lift
Jaw thrust
Simulated suctioning techniques
can be practiced
Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation
Placement of conventional
airway adjuncts
Endotracheal intubation using
conventional ETTs
Sellick maneuver brings vocal cords
into view

Maternal Breathing

Automatic chest rise is synchronized

with respiratory patterns
Independent left or right lung sounds
synchronized with breathing
Ventilation may be assisted using BVM,
Ventilations are measured and logged
Chest compressions generate palpable

blood pressure wave form and

ECG artifacts
Detection and logging of ventilations
and compressions
Simulated spontaneous breathing
Variable respiratory rates and
inspiratory/expiratory ratios
Bilateral chest rise and fall
Normal and abnormal breath sounds
Anterior auscultation sites

Maternal Cardiac

ECGs are generated in real time with

physiologic variations never repeating
textbook patterns
Heart sounds may be auscultated and are
synchronized with ECG
Optional automatic mode allows to show
virtual dynamic ECG rhythms for each of
the 12 leads

Maternal Circulation

Measure blood pressure by palpation

or auscultation
Use real BP cuff rather than a virtual
cuff to measure blood pressure
Korotkoff sounds audible between
systolic and diastolic pressures
Oxygen saturation detected using real
monitors rather than a virtual value
Pulse sites synchronized with BP
and heart rate
Bilateral IV arms with fill/drain sites
SubQ and IM injection sites
Chest compressions are measured
and logged
ECG monitoring using real devices
Defibrillate, cardiovert and pace
using real devices
Multiple heart sounds
ECG rhythms are generated in real time
Heart sounds synchronized with ECG
Pacing may be practiced anteriorly
to avoid having to roll the patient
during delivery
Bilateral carotid, radial, and brachial
pulses synchronized with ECG
Pulses vary with blood pressure, are
continuous and synchronized with the
ECG even during a paced rhythm

Maternal Neural Responses

Programmable blinking, dilation and eye

response to light
Programmable duration and intensity
of convulsions

Maternal Speech

Pre recorded sounds

Standard two way wireless streaming audio

Wireless Streaming Audio

Create and store vocal responses

in any language
Instructor can simulate patients voice and
listen to caregivers conversation wirelessly
Be the voice of the simulator and hear
responses at distances up to 50 meters

Vital Signs Monitor

Controlled via wireless tablet PC

Both maternal vital signs and fetal
heart tones
Use selected configuration or create your
own configuration to mimic the monitors
used in your facility
Customize alarms
Easy to operate and control
Change maternal or fetal condition during
the scenario
Share images such as ultrasounds,
CT scans, lab results
Touchscreen control

NOELLE S575.100 | Advanced birthing simulator

Both maternal vital signs and FHTs can be
seen at the same time
Monitor can be configured by the
instructor to suit the scenario
Display up to 8 numerical parameters
Display up to 5 real time waveforms in
normal mode
Display up to 12 real time waveforms in
advanced mode

Maternal Articulation and Movement

Improved hip articulation for

McRoberts maneuver
Able to position in knees/elbows position
useful during shoulder dystocia
Realistic rotation of the shoulder and hip joints
Legs bend at the knees
Arms bend at the elbow
Supine or semi-recumbent positions
Roll to left lateral position
Put legs in stirrups


Fill bladder and perform Foley catheterization

Remains fully functional even while in transit
Soft carrying case

User Interface

Sensors track student actions

Changes in condition and care provided
are time stamped and logged
View the actions of up to 6 care providers
using a responsive menu or write narrative
Generate and share diagnostic lab results
File sharing
Links with optional recording and
debriefing system integrating the event
log with cameras and patient monitor
Supplied with wireless tablet PC
49 pre programmed scenarios which can
be modified by the instructor even during
the scenario
Create your own scenarios - add/edit
Change simulators condition during
the scenario
Optional automatic mode/physiologic model
Optional integrated three camera
recording and debriefing solution

Advanced Newborn

Choice of 30 week Premie or 40 week term

Term newborn 50th percentile in size
Wireless and tetherless so that simulator
can be controlled and intervention
documented even in transit
Supplied with tablet PC for ease of

Newborn Airway

Realistic airway
Sellick maneuver
Multiple upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing
Oral or nasal intubation
Sensors detect depth of intubation
Suctioning techniques can be practiced
Program blockage of right lung, left lung
and both lungs
Head tilt/chin lift
Jaw thrust
Realistic chest rise and fall

Newborn Breathing

Automatic chest rise synchronized with

respiratory patterns
Select independent left or right lung
sounds synchronized with breathing

Assisted ventilation with

conventional devices
Ventilations are measured and logged
Chest compressions generate
palpable blood pressure wave form,
and ECG artifacts
Detect and log ventilations
and compressions
Simulated spontaneous breathing
Variable respiratory rates and inspiratory/
expiratory ratios
Bilateral and unilateral chest rise and fall
Respiratory sounds include both normal
lungs as well as stridor and grunting
Anterior auscultation sites

Newborn Cardiac

ECGs generated in real time with

physiologic variations in rhythm never
repeating textbook patterns
Multiple heart sounds, rates and rhythms
are synchronized with ECG
Optional automatic mode enables view
of dynamic ECG rhythms shown on any
of 12 leads

Newborn Circulation

Color responds to hypoxic events

and interventions
Programmable to comply with current
or future CPR standards
Measure blood pressure
Virtual oxygen saturation
Fontanelle, brachial and umbilical pulses
are synchronized with heart rate and ECG
IV arm with fill/drain sites
SubQ and IM injection sites
Chest compressions measured and logged
ECG monitoring using real devices
Multiple heart sounds
ECGs are generated in real time
Heart sounds synchronized with ECG
ECG rhythm monitoring
Umbilicus may be used for cut-down
Umbilicus has pulse and patent arteries
and vein
Pulse strength varies with BP
Intraosseous access

Newborn Speech

Vigorous cry is synchronized with breathing

Newborn Vital Signs Monitor

Controlled via wireless tablet PC

Display neonatal vital signs in real time
Use selected configuration or create your
own configuration to mimic the monitors
used at your facility
Customize alarms
Easy to operate and control
Modify newborns condition during
the scenario
Share images such as ultrasounds, CT
scan, lab results
Newborn heart tones
Touchscreen control
Display up to 8 numeric values
Select up to 5 real time waveforms
in normal mode
Select up to 12 real time waveforms
in advanced mode
Display pre-ductal and post-ductal
oxygen saturation
Display blood glucose level

Newborn Articulation and Movement

Programmable arm movement and
posture responds to hypoxic events
and interventions**
Realistic rotation of the shoulder/hip joints
Legs bend at the knees

Arms bend at the elbow

Remains fully functional even in transit


NOELLE with Newborn HAL


NOELLE with Premie HAL

Patented; other patents pending

Optional Add-Ons*
Additional 12in Touch Screen
Tablet to display vital signs

Pro+ Recording and Debriefing System

Control both simulation and recording
simultaneously using one PC
Capture multiple video, audio, and
patient monitors, as well as simulator
log file for debriefing
Use in a fixed simulation laboratory
or at a mobile location
Two wireless and one wired camera

Maternal Automatic Mode

Interactive maternal/fetal/neonatal model
Intuitive interface and automaticity makes
simulation easy
Links maternal conditions with that of her
fetus; fetal condition changes in real time
on monitor
Fetal conditions determine newborns
initial APGAR score
Intuitive interface and automaticity makes
simulation easy
Vital signs are generated in real time
Drug library with medications
Use of medications change conditions in
real time mimicking real clinical situations

Maternal Drug Recognition System

(includes Automatic Mode)
Identifies drug type and volume injected
into veins of the right hand and forearm
Supplied with 100 syringes having
wireless tags
Use drugs from library or choose to model
other drugs using software template
Physiologic models update simulated vital
signs monitors
Additional packs of 20 syringes with
tags available
22ga needle recommended; larger needles
will decrease venous life
Supplied with easily replaceable veins

**Feature not available with Premie HAL

NOELLE S555.100
MOES Mobile Obstetric Emergencies Simulator

NOELLE S555.100 | MOES Mobile Obstetric Emergencies Simulator

MOES is a comprehensive package of simulator
technology, scenario-based training, and
performance measurement and debriefing tools
designed to build competencies needed to help
manage OB emergencies.

Ideal for small institutions to conduct team training

for high risk, low volume emergencies with the
Foundation scenarios included
Excellent for large institutions and simulation
centers that require a high fidelity simulation
package. Advanced scenarios available

Genuine NOELLE
Full size NOELLE maternal and
neonatal birthing simulator with
precision delivery system for
repeatable rapid deliveries as
well as those taking hours.

Newborn with
Cyanosis and Pulses
Full term intubatable newborn
with pulses and cyanosis.

23in Touchscreen Monitor

Communicates wirelessly to
laptop. Displays up to 8 values
including HR, ABP, RR, CO2, SpO2,
temperature, NIBP, and time.
Mobile monitoring station included with vital signs monitor.

Laptop provided connects to and
controls NOELLE, Newborn, and
the Micro+ Recording and Debriefing system. Wireless communications between laptop and
monitors provides real time vitals.
Visit us online at

Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S555.100 | 17

NOELLE S555.100 | MOES Mobile Obstetric Emergencies Simulator

MOES courseware was developed by LTC Shad Deering MD et. al.
at the Madigan Army Medical Center.

MOES Courseware
Scenario Handbook
Each scenario has a corresponding section in the Scenario Handbook,
complete with: basic instructions, case flow/algorithm, debriefing
instructions, evaluation form, and a brief didactic.

Handbook Components
Basic instructions for participants

Debriefing instructions

Simulation setup

Evaluation form

Case flow/algorithm with branch

Brief didactic

points and completion criteria

DVD with Scenario Introduction, Setup

and Quickstart Videos
Learn to setup and run each MOES scenario with our introduction, setup
and quickstart videos.

MOES Scenarios Pre-packaged into GIGA Software

Obstetric emergency scenarios pre-installed in the GIGA software.

Audience Response System

for Micro+
Our Audience Response System,

Laptop with Micro+ Recording and Debriefing System

complete with five wireless keypads

Real time capture of video, audio, log file and patient monitor feeds.

and an RF receiver, provides the

Enables high-quality post simulation debriefing.

perfect tool for post-simulation


18 | Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S555.100

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

NOELLE S555.100 | MOES Mobile Obstetric Emergencies Simulator

Breech Vaginal Delivery
26 year old at 36+0 weeks presents to the triage room of Labor
and Delivery. On exam the fetus is
in breech presentation with...
Eclamptic Seizure
The patient is a 19 year old at
38+4 weeks who was admitted in
active labor this morning. Her
prenatal course was uncomplicated. Her cervical examination...
Neonatal Resuscitation
You have been called to help
resuscitate an infant that was
born less than a minute ago via a
vacuum delivery for fetal distress
complicated by shoulder dystocia...
Operative Vaginal Delivery
The patient is a 26 year old at 38+5
weeks GA. Her obstetrical history
is significant for one previous fullterm SVD of a 7lb male infant...
Postpartum Hemorrhage
You have just started your labor
and delivery shift. The nurse comes
to get you and says that this patient
has just had a precipitous delivery...
Shoulder Dystocia
The patient is a 35 year old at 41+1
weeks gestation. Her prenatal
course has been complicated by
AMA with a normal amniocentesis
and a positive 1 hour glucola...
Umbilical Cord Prolapse
A 25 year old at 40+3 weeks presents to Labor and Delivery with a
chief complaint of regular uterine
contractions. On examination...

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Prepare for OB emergencies; evaluate and

report on training and clinical outcomes
Full size NOELLE maternal and neonatal
birthing simulator with eclampsia and
hemorrhage capabilities
Small footprint and mobile platform allows
training on L&D and Postpartum units
Build team and technical competencies
Maternal vital signs monitor
Fetal heart tones and neonatal vital signs
Standardized curriculum
Set up and run OB emergency simulations
for shoulder dystocia, postpartum
hemorrhage, eclampsia, umbilical cord
prolapse, breech vaginal delivery,
operative vaginal delivery, neonatal

Easy to Use

Standardized curriculum developed by

health care professionals
Set up and run OB emergency simulations
for shoulder dystocia, postpartum
hemorrhage, eclampsia, umbilical cord
prolapse, breech vaginal delivery,
operative vaginal delivery, neonatal
Scenarios include instructions, case flow
algorithm, questions and pitfalls, instructions for debriefing, evaluation form, key
teaching points and a brief didactic
Videos show how to set up each scenario
and then present an example of it being
Integrated audience response system
Discuss best practices and review how
to improve

Genuine NOELLE Simulator

Intubatable airway with chest rise

Chest compressions and ventilations are
measured and logged
IV arms for meds/fluids
Removable stomach cover
Programmable eclampsia with seizures
Precision Delivery System
Force and fetal shoulder position measured and graphed in real time
Programmable postpartum hemorrhage
Birthing fetus with placentas and umbilical
Bilateral radial pulses
Maternal speech

Newborn with Cyanosis and Pulses

Full term intubatable newborn with

cyanosis and umbilical pulse
Chest compressions and ventilations are
measured and logged
Realistic heart and lung sounds
Realistic crying

Uses TeamSTEPPS debriefing to improve

the quality and safety
Implemented in 41 States and 14 Countries
across the world

Audience Response System

for Evaluation

Participants and observers receive coded

wireless keypads (five keypads and one
RF receiver included)
Keypads used to answer standardized
Responses of participants and observers
are used during initial debriefing
Facilitators then evaluate team performance using validated checklists developed by health care professionals
Audience response system permits data
tracking over time and across units

Simulated Vital Signs Monitor

Single large 23in touchscreen monitor

with desktop controller and wireless
communication to laptop
Display up to 8 vital parameters including
HR, ABP, RR, CO2, SpO2, temperature,
NIBP, and time
Select up to 5 dynamic waveforms
including ECG II, ABP, respiration, CO2,
and pulse oximetry
Monitors maternal and neonatal vital signs
plus FHTs
Perinatal monitor with programmable
uterine activity and fetal heart rate

Laptop with Recording and

Debriefing System

15in laptop with carrying case

USB communications module with
connection to NOELLE and her Newborn
Wireless communications between laptop
and touchscreen monitors
Real time capture of audio and video
Integrates log file and patient monitor
with A+V feeds
1 USB wired camera with microphone

Learning Resources

MOES Scenarios in GIGASoftware

Scenarios Handbook
MOES Setup Video
MOES Scenarios Video


Available in ethnic skin tones at no extra

Simulator soft carrying case
FCC, IC, CE Certifications
One year warranty; extend to three years
Installation and training available


MOES is a comprehensive package of

simulator technology, scenario-based
training, and performance measurement
and debriefing tools designed to build
competencies needed to help manage OB
Implements a dual debrief strategy
where team members debrief as a group
following the simulated OB emergency;
then, one-on-one debriefing focuses
upon improving individual skills


Extra Pack of Five Wireless Keypads


Patented; other patents pending

Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S555.100 | 19

NOELLE S554.100
Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator

NOELLE S554.100 | Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator

Genuine NOELLE Simulator

Full size NOELLE maternal and
neonatal birthing simulator with
precision delivery system for
repeatable, rapid delivery as well
as those taking hours.

Newborn with Cyanosis

and Pulses
Full term intubatable newborn
with pulses and cyanosis.

23in Touchscreen Monitor

Communicates wirelessly to
laptop. Displays up to 8 values
including HR, ABP, RR, CO2, SpO2,
temperature, NIBP and time.

Laptop provided connects to and
controls NOELLE and her Newborn.
Wireless communications between
laptop and touchscreen monitors
provides real time vitals controlled
from laptop.
Visit us online at

Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S554.100 | 21

NOELLE S554.100 | Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator

Prepare for OB emergencies;
evaluate and report on training
and clinical outcomes
Full size NOELLE maternal
and neonatal birthing simulator

Newborn with Cyanosis

and Pulses
Full term intubatable newborn
with cyanosis and pulses
Chest compressions/ventilations
are measured and logged

with eclampsia and hemorrhage

Realistic heart and lung sounds


Realistic crying

Small footprint and mobile

platform allows training on L&D
and Postpartum units
Build team and technical
Maternal vital signs monitor
Fetal heart tones and neonatal
vital signs monitor
Set up and run OB simulations for
normal labor and birth, variations
on normal, shoulder dystocia,
breech presentation, preeclampsia,
cord prolapse, uterine rupture,
peripartum hemorrhage, anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy,
preterm labor and birth
Discuss best practices and review

Simulated Vital Signs Monitor

Single large 23in touchscreen
monitor with desktop controller
and wireless communication to
Display up to 8 vital parameters
including HR, ABP, RR, CO2, SpO2,
temperature, NIBP, and time
Select up to 5 dynamic waveforms
including ECG II, ABP, respiration,
CO2, and pulse oximetry
Monitors maternal and neonatal
vital signs
Perinatal monitor with
programmable uterine activity
and fetal heart rate


how to improve

Genuine NOELLE Simulator
Intubatable airway with chest rise
IV arms for meds/fluids
Removable stomach cover

NOELLE S554.100
Patented; other patents pending

15in laptop
USB module with connection to
NOELLE and her Newborn
Wireless communications

Programmable eclampsia w/ seizures

between laptop and

Precision delivery system

touchscreen monitors

Force and fetal shoulder position

measured and graphed in real time
Programmable postpartum
Birthing fetus with placentas and
umbilical cords

Available in ethnic skin tones at
no extra charge
Simulator soft carrying case
FCC, IC, CE Certifications

Bilateral radial pulses

1 year warranty; extend to 3 years

Maternal speech

Installation and training available

22 | Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S554.100

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

NOELLE S554.100 | Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator

MOES Courseware
Validated courseware for obstetric emergencies;
for use with your NOELLE simulator.

Scenario Handbook
DVD with scenario introduction, setup and
quickstart videos
Activation codes for installing MOES scenarios
onto GIGA Software

MOES Courseware

Micro+ Recording and Debriefing

Camera allows instructors to record one video and
audio stream and a patient monitor feed and the
simulator log file.

Micro+ software preinstalled in your S554.100 laptop
Wired USB camera with built in microphone

Micro+ Recording and Debriefing


Audience Response System for Micro+

Already have a NOELLE and Micro+ system?
Get our standalone Audience Response System.
Participants and observers receive coded wireless
keypads used to answer standardized questions.

One RF receiver
Five wireless keypads
Software integrated with Micro+

Audience Response System for Micro+


Visit us online at

Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S554.100 | 23

NOELLE S550.100 | Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator

NOELLE Maternal Birthing Simulator with PEDI Blue Neonate

Full size articulating
full-body female

Supplied with:
Two umbilical cords
Two dilating cervices

Intubatable airway with chest rise

Two umbilical clamps

IV arm for meds/fluids

Two vulval inserts

Removable stomach cover

Three vulva for postpartum suturing

Monitor ventilations and chest com-

Practice Leopold Maneuvers

Two Omni controllers

pressions with Omni Code Blue pack

Multiple fetal heart sounds

Omni Code Blue pack: CPR Link

Automatic birthing system

software, CPR Link connection

Measure head descent and

cable, CPR module pre installed in

cervical dilation
Multiple placenta locations
Replaceable dilating cervices
Practice postpartum suturing on
vulval inserts
One articulating birthing baby
with placenta
PEDI Blue Neonatal Simulator

with SmartSkin

International power supply 100240 VAC
Connecting cables
Talcum powder and silicone lubricant

Birthing mechanism and birthing baby

NOELLE training guide

NOELLE Teaching Tips
with scenarios
Carrying bags

New postpartum hemorrhage and

palpation module
Monitor and log ventilations and
compressions with Omni Code Blue

NOELLE S550.100

Pack. View feedback on your Omni

device or any Windows computer

Extensible dilating cervix permits

students to conduct vaginal exams

Patent No 6,503,087 and 7,114,954

24 | Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S550.100

and record results

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

NOELLE S550.100 | Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator

Episiotomy module supplied with

the S550.100
Order an optional Perinatal Monitor CD-ROM with the
S550.100. It contains teaching basics, all nine NOELLE
scenarios and you can custom build your own scenarios

Upgrade your NOELLE Cervices

One lifelike birth canal
Unparalleled realism

Cynthia illustrates a shoulder dystocia scenario with

One adapter sleeve

turtle sign. The student must recognize the prob-


lem and deliver the baby using suprapubic pressure,

McRoberts Maneuver, or posterior arm sweep

Perinatal Monitors

CD501 with Scenario Builder

Donna illustrates a vaginal breech scenario.

The S550.100 simulator features a neonate

Donnas breech scenario in Stage 2 with

that changes color with ventilation

variable decelerations

Visit us online at

Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S550.100 | 25

NOELLE S550 and S551 | Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator

NOELLE Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator

Gaumard childbirth simulators have been part of Maternal and Child health
programs for more than 50 years. This comprehensive teaching system
combines the best of our patient care simulators with the Advanced
Childbirth Simulator. It is designed to provide a complete birthing
experience before, during and after delivery.

Multiple fetal heart sounds heard

through conventional stethoscope

Full size articulating full-body female
Intubatable airway with chest rise
IV arm for meds/fluids
Removable stomach cover
Practice Leopold Maneuvers
Multiple fetal heart sounds
Automatic birthing system
Measure head descent and
cervical dilation
Multiple placenta locations
Replaceable dilating cervices
Practice postpartum suturing on
vulval inserts
One articulating birthing baby
with placenta
One resuscitation baby with intubatable
airway and umbilical catheter site
New postpartum hemmorrhage and
palpation module
Monitor and log ventilations and chest
compressions with Omni Code Blue
Pack. View feedback on your Omni

device or any Windows computer

Supplied with:
Two umbilical cords
Two dilating cervices
Two umbilical clamps
Two vulval inserts
Three vulva for postpartum suturing
One Omni Controller
Omni Code Blue pack: CPR Link
software, CPR Link connection cable,
CPR module preinstalled in simulator
Talcum powder and silicone lubricant
NOELLE training guide
NOELLE teaching guide with scenarios
Carrying bag

Resuscitation baby has intubatable

airway and patent umbilical vein

NOELLE S550 and S551

Extensible dilating cervix permits
Patent No 6,503,087 and 7,114,954

26 | Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S550 and S551

students to conduct vaginal exams

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

NOELLE S550 and S551 | Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Simulator

Cynthia illustrates a shoulder dystocia scenario with turtle

sign. The student must recognize the problem and deliver
the baby using suprapubic pressure, McRoberts Maneuver,
or posterior arm sweep

Order an optional Perinatal Monitor CD-ROM with the S550.

It contains teaching basics, all nine NOELLE scenarios and
you can custom build your own scenarios

Upgrade your NOELLE Cervices

One lifelike birth canal

Perinatal Monitors

CD501 with Scenario Builder

Unparalleled realism
One adapter sleeve


New postpartum hemorrhage feature. The cervical os and cervix

All NOELLE simulators now feature a placenta having

can bleed. The uterus can be massaged to reduce bleeding

detachable fragments. Students learn to carefully inspect

the placenta to determine if it is intact

Visit us online at

Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S550 and S551 | 27

NOELLE S552 | Maternal Birthing Simulator

Articulating fetus is ideal for

abdominal palpation

NOELLE Maternal Birthing Torso

Soft cushion enables fetal baby to be

A space saving simulator for those programs dedicated to the

placed into position for practice of

management of complications in pregnancy and childbirth.

Leopold Maneuvers


Supplied with:

Full size upper and lower torso

Two umbilical cords and clamps

Removable stomach cover

Two dilating cervices

One articulating birthing baby

Two vulval inserts

with umbilical cord and placenta

Automatic birthing system that

One Omni controller

Three vulva for postpartum suturing

Practice Leopold maneuvers and

rotates baby as it moves through

Talcum powder and silicone lubricant

listen to fetal heart sounds

the birth canal

NOELLE training guide

Measure head descent and

NOELLE teaching guide

and scenarios

cervical dilation
Multiple placenta positions

Carrying bag

Replaceable dilating cervices

Practice postpartum suturing on
vulval inserts


Practice Leopold Maneuvers

Three vulval inserts for postpartum

suturing training

Patents 6,503,087 and 7,114,954

NOELLE Perinatal Monitors

Work at the intersection of obstetrics and emergency care. Simulate
normal or emergency perinatal situations. Select from fetal conditions,
maternal vital signs, and neonatal vital signs.
Start delivery using the NOELLE system and display NOELLE's condition
on a large screen for your entire student team. Change birthing conditions
as needed. The NOELLE Perinatal Monitors are supplied as a CD-ROM.

NOELLE Perinatal Monitors

(with scenario builder)

Inst. and Student Guide




28 | Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE S552

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

NOELLE Maternal Birthing Simulators | Accessories

NOELLE Perinatal Monitor
Complements any labor and delivery program.
Teaches the basics of fetal monitoring and contains
the monitoring traces for all nine NOELLE scenarios.

FHTs and maternal vital signs for the nine
NOELLE scenarios are discussed in the B500
NOELLE Instructor Guide
Create any FHTs your teaching curriculum requires
with the Custom Editor

NOELLE Perinatal Monitors

CD501 (with scenario builder)

NOELLE Ultrasounds
Order a library of ultrasounds with NOELLE. Contains
digital videos of normal and abnormal fetuses from
11 to 37 weeks gestation
Select normal or abnormal images
Images are dynamic and repeat every 5-15 seconds
Each image is provided with a description which is
accessed by using the scrolling at the right

NOELLE Ultrasounds

Upgrade your NOELLE Cervices

NOELLE Cervices

One lifelike birth canal

Elastomeric cervices

Unparalleled realism

Kit includes two cervices, holder, lubricant

One adapter sleeve

and instructions

NOELLE Cervices Upgrade

NOELLE Cervices



Visit us online at

Obstetric Simulators - NOELLE Accessories | 29

HAL S3201
Setting a Global Standard for Simulation

Simulation Made Easy

Proven HAL technology
Tetherless with wireless communications
Fully responsive, even during transport
Wireless streaming audio
Automatic or instructor control

HAL S3201

HAL S3201 combines the best of simulation

technologies in an affordable package.

Easy to Use



Our intuitive and powerful 3D

Tetherless technology, pioneered

Beyond complexity lies

user interface defines...

by Gaumard in 2004, allows the

simplicity. HAL technology is

Simulation Made Easy.

communications, compressor,

so advanced it is actually easy

and power supply to be inside

to use.

the simulator, eliminating external

tubes, wires and compressors.


Use Real Devices


Proven HAL technology so

Connect directly to a real

Gaumard dedicates its talents

rugged it was awarded an

ventilator. Use a real 12 lead ECG

to providing simulators at

airworthiness certificate by

monitor, real OSAT monitors, BP

affordable prices. This principle

the US Army.

cuffs, defibrillators or external

remains as true today as it was

cardiac pacemakers.

over 50 years ago.

Pro+ Recording and Debriefing System

Pro+ is supplied with two wireless and one
wired camera. Capture multiple video (with
wired or wireless cameras), audio, and patient
monitors, as well as the simulator log file. Control
both simulation and recording simultaneously
using one PC.

HAL S3201

| Setting a Global Standard for Simulation

Dynamic Airway
and Lung Compliance

12 Lead ECG
with Integrated MI Model


Change lung compliance/airway

Display and interpret HALs 12

Identifies drug type and volume

resistance during scenario and see

lead ECG using your real 12 lead

injected into veins of right hand

results on a real ventilator. HAL

monitor. Choose from the thousands

and forearm. Use our formulary

holds PEEP, triggers the ventilator,

of cardiac rhythms in our ECG

or yours. Effect is determined by

and exhales real and measurable

library or create your own with

physiologic model, updating the

CO2. Use our pre-programmed

our rhythm editor. Use integrated

simulated vital signs monitor.

pathologies or create your own.

MI module to specify occlusions,

ischemia or necrosis.

32 | Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3201

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S3201

| Setting a Global Standard for Simulation

Automatic Mode

Wireless Streaming Audio

Reactive Eyes

Responds to caregiver or instruc-

Be the voice of HAL and hear

HAL has blinking eyes with

tor actions; to pharmacologic

caregiver responses. Create and

photo sensitive pupils. Dilation,

intervention, to injury; or to

store vocal responses or select

reactivity, and blink rate can be

cardiac and respiratory events.

from a pre-recorded vocal menu.

controlled automatically or by
the instructor.

The Monitor
Includes 20in touchscreen virtual monitor or upgrade
to a 12in tablet virtual monitor
Customize each trace independently; users can set
alarms, and time scales
Display up to 12 numeric values including HR, ABP,
temperature, and time
Select up to 12 dynamic waveforms including ECG
Lead I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, AVP,
CVP, PAWP, pulse, CCO, SvO2, respiration, capnography
Share images such as x-rays, CT scans, lab results, or even
multimedia presentations as the scenario progresses

Tablet PC
HAL includes a 12in touchscreen tablet PC with stylus
control, bump case and scenarios.

Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3201 | 33

HAL S3201

| Setting a Global Standard for Simulation

GIGA Software

GIGA Features

Our intuitive and powerful software offers ease of use and the

Basic view provides windows for the 3D

flexibility required by the most demanding users.

model of the simulator, a completely

configurable vital signs monitor and an
activities log
3D image can be rotated or enlarged; the
skin removed and physiologic parameters
accessed to change any elements of a
powerful physiologic engine
Physiologic parameter groups include airway,
breathing, cardiac, cephalic and circulation.
Move each about the status panel
Expand windows to include status, palettes,
scenario, branching scenario, actions, log,
monitors, CPR recorder, speech, medication,
and quick meds
Specify only frequently used parameters or
be as detailed as you wish

Measure OSAT
Central Cyanosis

Automatic Chest Rise

and Blood Pressure

Using Real Oximeter

Oral and Nasal

Reactive Eyes

and Cuff


12 Lead ECG
Dynamic Airway
and Lung Compliance

Realistic Surgical

Defibrillate, Cardiovert, and


Pace Using Real Devices

34 | Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3201

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S3201

| Setting a Global Standard for Simulation


Available in ethnic skin tones

Powered from an internal rechargeable
battery or wall outlet
Simulator receives commands from a
wireless tablet PC and operates at
distances up to 300 meters
Use pre programmed scenarios, modify
them or create your own quickly and
Installation and training worldwide


Programmable airway: tongue edema,

laryngospasm, and pharyngeal swelling
Multiple upper airway sounds synchronized with breathing
Right mainstem intubation
Sensors detect depth of intubation
Placement of conventional airway
Endotracheal intubation
Retrograde intubation
View vocal cords with Sellick maneuver
Realistic surgical trachea allows tracheostomy or needle cricothyrotomy


Control rate and depth of respiration and

observe chest rise
Select independent lung sounds: upper
right front and back; upper left front an
back; lower right front and back; lower left
front and back
Chest rise and lung sounds are synchronized with selectable breathing patterns
CO2 on exhalation (4 levels) using replaceable cartridge mounted inside the
Attach to real mechanical ventilators
Bilateral chest rise and fall
Unilateral chest rise simulates
Anterior and posterior auscultation sites
Bilateral needle decompression at second
Dynamic Airway and Lung compliance/
Ten levels of static compliance, 15-50 ml/
cm H2O
Ten levels of airway resistance
Holds PEEP from 5 to 20cm H2O
Exhales real and measurable CO2
Vary lung mechanics throughout scenario
Receive real time feedback from real
mechanical ventilator
Capable of assisting the ventilator at
variable respiratory rate
Compliance and resistance can be varied
while connected to the ventilator

monitors rather than a virtual value

Pulse sites synchronized with BP and heart
Bilateral IV arms with fill/drain sites
SubQ and IM injection sites
Intraosseous access at tibia
ECG monitoring using real devices
Defibrillate, cardiovert and pace using real
Multiple heart sounds, rates and intensities
ECG rhythms are generated in real time
Bilateral carotid, radial, brachial, femoral,
popliteal and pedal pulses synchronized
with ECG
Pulses vary with blood pressure, are
continuous and synchronized with the
ECG even during a paced rhythm

Instructor or Automatic Mode

Vital signs are generated in real time

Drug library with medications
Use of medications change conditions in
real time mimicking real clinical situations

Drug Recognition System

Identifies drug type and volume injected

into veins of the right hand and forearm
Supplied with 100 syringes having
wireless tags
Use drugs from library or choose to model
other drugs using software template

Neural Responses

Eyes are controlled automatically by

physiologic model or directly by the
Select pupillary response to light


Wireless streaming audio

Create and store vocal responses in any

Vital Signs Monitor

Controlled via wireless tablet PC

Use selected configuration or create your
own configuration to mimic the real
monitors used in your facility
Share images such as ultrasounds, CT
scans, lab results
Touchscreen control
Monitor can be configured by the
instructor to suit the scenario

Articulation and Movement




Central cyanosis
Fill bladder and perform Foley
Interchangeable genitalia
Insert feeding tubes
Auscultate bowel sounds


Sensors track student actions

Changes in condition and care provided
are time stamped and logged
Supplied with wireless tablet PC
26 pre-programmed scenarios which can
be modified by the instructor even during
the scenario
Create your own scenarios (add/edit)
Change the simulators condition during
the scenario

ECGs are generated in real time with

physiologic variations never repeating
textbook patterns
Heart sounds may be auscultated and are
synchronized with ECG
View dynamic rather than static 12 lead
12 Lead ECG with integrated MI model

Measure blood pressure by palpation or

Use real BP cuff rather than a virtual cuff
to measure blood pressure
Korotkoff sounds audible between systolic
and diastolic pressures
Oxygen saturation detected using real

User Interface

HAL S3201
U.S. Patent 7,192,284 and other
patents; other Patents Pending

Optional Add-Ons
Pro+ Recording and
Debriefing System

Traumatic Leg Amputation


Traumatic Arm Amputation


Upgrade to 12in
Tablet Virtual Monitor

Casualty Wound Kit


Emergency Wound Kit


Trauma Wounds Kit


Burn Wounds Kit


HAL S3101
Fully Responsive Even While Being Transported

Simulation Made Easy

Proven HAL technology
Tetherless with wireless communications
Fully responsive, even during transport
Wireless streaming audio
Automatic or instructor control

HAL S3101 | Fully Responsive Even While Being Transported

Fixed and mobile monitors are

Blood pressure and oxygen

Chest compressions are measured

available. Each features dynamic

saturation can be taken using

and logged

waveforms and wireless control

real equipment

Two sites each for needle

decompression and chest drainage.
I/O site in the lower right leg

HAL is rushed from the helicopter to the OR where care providers

treat him. Activities are monitored and recorded for debriefing

Oral or nasal intubation
Programmable airway

Select independent left, right,

upper, and lower lung sounds
Chest rise and lung sounds are

Sensors detect depth of intubation

synchronized with selectable

Perform tracheostomy or needle

breathing patterns

Unilateral chest rise with right
mainstem intubation
Multiple upper airway sounds
synchronized with breathing

Accommodates assisted
ventilation including BVM and
mechanical support
Unilateral chest rise simulates

respiration and observe chest rise

Ventilations measured and logged
Gastric distension with excess
BVM ventilation

Visit us online at

using a cuff, palpation, or

Korotkoff sounds audible between
systolic and diastolic pressures
Cyanosis and vital signs respond
to physiologic condition and
Bilateral carotid, radial, brachial,

pneumothoraces and multiple

femoral, and pedal pulses operate

breath sounds

continuously. Pulse strengths vary

Control rate and depth of

Blood pressure can be taken

with HALs blood pressure and pulses

Circulation and Color Change

are synchronized with the ECG

Multiple heart sounds, rates, and

Chest compressions are measured
and logged

Sounds and Motion

Heart, lung and bowel sounds

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3101 | 37

HAL S3101 | Fully Responsive Even While Being Transported

Tetherless technology allows the

Control HAL at distances up to 300

HAL is perfect for competency

communications, compressor, and

meters and between rooms and

based programs:

power supply to be inside HAL,

floors of conventional buildings.

-- Sensors track student actions

eliminating external tubes, wires,

HAL smoothly transitions

-- Changes to HALs condition and

and compressors

between physiologic states in

HAL operates continuously during

response to commands from a

transport and training can occur

in the working environment

wireless PC
HAL has conductive skin regions

Rush HAL from the accident

so you can:
-- Apply real electrodes and

scene to the ER, to the ICU, while

AED pads

care providers diagnose and treat

care provided are time stamped

and logged for evaluation
-- Instructors evaluate caregiver
interventions with a single click
and insert notes on a real time
performance log
-- Save caregiver performance,

his condition using real monitoring

-- Use real EMS equipment

forward to any standard printer,

and resuscitation equipment

-- See HALs ECG on your AED

or link with camera systems

Easy to Use
Automatic or Instructor control

Active Eyes
Pause the scenario or jump to the

Use our preprogrammed scenarios,

next critical decision point

Physio, Automatic or
Instructor Control

quickly and easily

Access the Details page and

Responds automatically to caregiver

or Instructor intervention

in response to the interventions

of caregivers

Responses such as cyanosis and

Change conditions such as heart

vital signs change automatically

rate and blood pressure directly

in accordance with age, weight

since the cardiovascular details

are automatically adjusted by the

Open and close

Select blink rate

modify them, or create your own

jump between physiologic states

Automatic or Instructor control

and other factors

Responds to pharmacologic

Link Palette items to build a
linear or branching scenario
38 | Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3101

interventions; administer
medications from our list or add
your own using our drug template

Select pupillary response to light

Wireless Streaming Audio

Be the voice of HAL and listen to
student responses
Bidirectional voice and data
Wireless and responds at distances
to 150 meters
Create and store vocal responses
in any language
Select pre-recorded vocals
Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S3101 | Fully Responsive Even While Being Transported

100-240 VAC charger
Blood pressure cuff
Six (6) neck collars
Six (6) replaceable pneumothorax
decompression sites
DVD tutorial
1 year warranty

HAL S3101

Track the actions of up to six care

NIRP, CCO, SpO2, SvO2, RR, EtCO2

HAL is a registered trademark of

temperature, time

Gaumard Scientific. Patented; other

Select up to 12 dynamic wave-

providers using our response

forms including ECG Lead I, II, III,

menu or write a narrative

Links with Pro+ recording and

aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4,V5,

debriefing system that integrates

V6; AVP, CVP, PAWP, pulse, CCO,

the event log with camera feeds

SvO2, respiration, capnography

Set alarms

and the simulated patient monitor

patents pending

Optional Add-Ons
Pro+ Recording and
Debriefing System

for comprehensive debriefing

Advanced 12 Lead ECG

Choose your Monitor

Since HALs model operates

Select a 20in touchscreen virtual

automatically, you may display

Traumatic Leg Amputation


monitor or upgrade to a 12in tablet

up to 12 dynamic waveforms and

virtual monitor

12 scalars; place them where you

Traumatic Arm Amputation

wish and choose appropriate colors


Use our simulated vital signs

monitor or design one that meets

HAL also features a dynamic 12

your needs

select a 12 lead strip recording

20in All-in-one Touch Screen

PC to Display Vital Signs

during the scenario


HAL S3101 includes

12 Lead ECG

lead ECG and you may even

File Sharing
Provide students with images
such as x-rays, CT scans, lab results, or even multimedia presen-

Tetherless HAL simulator

tations as the scenario progress

GIGA software and license

Instructors 12in tablet PC with

Configure Monitor to Suit

Your Needs

stylus control, bumpcase

Casualty Wound Kit


Soft sided case with rollers

Display up to 12 numeric values

including HR, ABP, CVP, PAWP,

Also available:


10 scenarios

Emergency Wound Kit

Rechargeable battery


Trauma Wounds Kit

See full lineup of options on page 70


Tutorial workshops

Installation and training at your facility

Burn Wounds Kit

Extended warranty

Training at our simulation centers


Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3101 | 39

HAL S3000
A Proven Tetherless Simulator

Simulation Made Easy

Proven HAL technology
Tetherless with wireless communications
Fully responsive, even during transport
Wireless streaming audio
Automatic or instructor control

HAL S3000 | A Proven Tetherless Simulator

Rush HAL from the accident scene, while caregivers treat his condition using real monitoring and resuscitation
equipment. Control HAL at distances up to 300 meters and between rooms and floors of conventional buildings.

Blood pressure can be taken using a

Oral or nasal intubation

Bilateral IV training arms; adjust HALs

cuff, palpation, or auscultation

response to boluses and/or IV infusion

Chest rise and lung sounds are

Bilateral carotid, radial, brachial,

A wireless tablet PC is included with

synchronized with selectable

femoral, and pedal pulses operate

HAL. Control him at distances up to

breathing patterns

continuously. Pulse strengths vary

300 meters and between rooms and

with HALs blood pressure and pulses

floors of conventional buildings

are synchronized with the ECG

Fluid drain at 5th intercostal space

Bilateral drainage using conventional
large diameter chest tubes
Cyanosis around mouth
Bowel sounds

Circulation and Color Change

Unilateral chest rise with right

Multiple heart sounds, rates,

and intensities

mainstem intubation
Multiple upper airway sounds

Chest compressions are measured

synchronized with breathing

and logged


Blood pressure can be taken using

File Sharing

a cuff, palpation, or auscultation

Control rate and depth of

Korotkoff sounds audible between

Provide students with images such

respiration and observe chest rise

systolic and diastolic pressures

as x-rays, CT scans, lab results, or

Ventilations measured and logged

Cyanosis and vital signs respond

even multimedia presentations

Gastric distension with excess

Active Eyes

Select independent left, right,

to physiologic condition and


BVM ventilation

Bilateral carotid, radial, brachial,

Wireless commands control whether

upper, and lower lung sounds

the eyes are open or closed, their blink

Chest rise and lung sounds are

continuously. Pulse strengths vary

synchronized with selectable

with HALs blood pressure and pulses

breathing patterns

are synchronized with the ECG

rate, pupil size, and pupil reaction

Oral or nasal intubation
Programmable airway

Accommodates assisted ventilation

including BVM and mechanical
Unilateral chest rise simulates

Sensors detect depth of intubation

pneumothoraces and multiple

Perform tracheostomy or needle

breath sounds

Visit us online at

femoral, and pedal pulses operate

Sounds and Motion

Heart, lung and bowel sounds

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3000 | 41

HAL S3000 | A Proven Tetherless Simulator

HAL is easy to use, fully functional during transport with wireless control and documentation.
His electrically conductive skin regions allow the use of real equipment to obtain his ECG,
perform temporary pacing, cardiovert, and defibrillate.

Attach real electrodes and view HALs ECG

Here pacing therapy converts HALs profound bradycardia into paced

generated in real time. HALs ECG features

ventricular rhythm. HAL can be paced anteriorly at the defibrillation sites

physiologic variations in rhythm, never

repeating textbook patterns

Attach AED pads directly to HALs conductive

Program HALs response to defibrillation. Stack shocks as needed. Here an

skin. Your AED will display HALs ECG, analyze

AED is shown converting HALs ventricular fibrillation into normal sinus rhythm

his cardiac rhythm, and advise action

Use monophasic or biphasic defibrillators

HAL even distinguishes between defibrillation and synchronized

on HALs skin. Shock HAL using your

cardioversion. Here a shock resolves pulseless ventricular tachycardia

defibrillator just like a real patient

42 | Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3000

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S3000 | A Proven Tetherless Simulator

GIGA Features
Basic view provides windows for
the 3D model of the simulator,
a completely configurable vital
signs monitor and an activities log
3D image can be rotated or
enlarged; the skin removed and
physiologic parameters accessed
to change any elements of a

Traumatic Leg Amputation

Physio, Automatic or
Instructor Control


Responds automatically to care

Traumatic Arm Amputation

giver or Instructor intervention


Responses such as cyanosis and

vital signs change automatically
in accordance with age, weight

Casualty Wound Kit

and other factors


Responds to pharmacologic inter-

powerful physiologic engine

ventions; administer medications

Emergency Wound Kit

Physiologic parameter groups

from our list or even add medica-


include airway, breathing, cardiac,

tions using our drug template

Trauma Wounds Kit

cephalic and circulation. Move

each about the status panel
Expand windows to include status,



Interchangeable battery

palettes, scenario, branching

100-240 VAC charger

Burn Wounds Kit

scenario, actions, log, monitors,

Blood pressure cuff


CPR recorder, speech, medication,

Six (6) neck collars

and quick meds

Six (6) replaceable pneumothorax

Specify frequently used parameters;

be as detailed as you wish

HAL has conductive skin

regions so you can:


decompression sites
Instructions for use

8 interchangeable tibia bones

CD-ROM tutorial

75ml reservoir

HAL includes a wireless tablet PC

Skin cover

HAL S3000

Apply real electrodes and AED pads


Use real EMS equipment

Patented; other patents pending

Wireless Streaming Audio

Bidirectional digital voice and

See HAL's ECG on your AED

HAL is perfect for

competency based programs:
Sensors track student actions
Changes to HAL's condition and
care provided are time stamped

data communication
150 foot range

Optional Add-Ons

Automatic Physiologic

Pro+ Recording and

Debriefing System



Responds to caregiver or
instructor intervention

and logged for evaluation and

Instructors evaluate caregiver
interventions with a single click

20in All-in-one Touch Screen

PC to Display Vital Signs

performance log
to any standard printer, or send

Pause and resume anytime

Responds to pharmacologic
Add meds using drug template

and insert notes on a real time

Save caregiver performance, forward

Intraosseous Leg

12in Touch Screen Tablet

to Display Vital Signs

anywhere via the internet

Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3000 | 43

The First Female Advanced Simulator

Simulation Made Easy

Tetherless with wireless communications
Fully responsive, even during transport
Wireless streaming audio
Automatic or instructor control

SUSIE S2000 | The First Female Advanced Simulator

Circulation and Color Change
Multiple heart sounds, rates, and
intensities including normal, none,
distant, systolic murmur, S3 and S4
Compressions measured and logged
Blood pressure and oxygen
saturation can be taken using
real equipment
Korotkoff sounds audible between
systolic and diastolic pressures
Cyanosis and vital signs respond
to physiologic condition and
Bilateral carotid, radial, brachial,
femoral, posterior tibial and pedal
pulses operate continuously. Pulse
strengths vary with Susies blood
pressure and pulses are synchronized
with the ECG

Venous Access
Bilateral IV training arms
IM sites on shoulders and thighs
Draw blood from finger stick

Easy to Use
Instructor control
Use real BP cuffs, oxygen saturation
monitors, and defibrillators
Use our preprogrammed scenarios,
modify them, or create your own
quickly and easily
Jump between physiologic states

Place NG/OG tubes
Oral or nasal intubation/suctioning


in response to the interventions of

Control rate and depth of


respiration and observe chest rise

Programmable airway

Ventilations measured and logged

Sensors detect depth of intubation

Anterior and posterior lung sounds

Perform tracheostomy or needle

Unilateral chest rise with right
mainstem intubation
Multiple upper airway sounds

Change physiologic conditions

Changes to Susies condition and

(8 sites) including normal, wheezing,

care provided are time stamped

inspiratory squeaks, crackles

and logged for evaluation

Chest rise and lung sounds are

Active Eyes

synchronized with selectable

Open and close (select blink rate)

breathing patterns

synchronized with breathing

BVM and mechanical support

Reactive pupils

including normal, none, inspiratory,

Unilateral chest rise and multiple

Select pupillary response to light

expiratory and biphasic strider

Visit us online at

breath sounds

Program blown pupil

Tetherless Simulators - Susie S2000 | 45

SUSIE S2000 | The First Female Advanced Simulator

Choose your Monitor
Select a 20in touchscreen virtual monitor or upgrade
to a 12in tablet virtual monitor
Use our simulated vital signs monitor or design one
that meets your needs
Share images such as x-rays, CT scans, lab results, or even
multimedia presentations as the scenario progresses

Breast Exminations
Conduct breast examinations and BSE techniques
Proprietary silicone breast inserts
Interchangeable left breasts include:
- Fibrosystic disease (chronic mastitis)
- Benign tumor with stalk
- Giant sarcoma
- Scirrhus carcinoma
- Carcinoma in milk duct
Right breast contains 8, 10, 16, and 20mm lumps for BSE

Susie GYN Package

Perform bimanual pelvic exam with
interchangeable uteri
Insert speculum and view
interchangeable cervices
Perform PAP/douching/sounding
GYN package includes:
-- 4 normal cervices with patent os
-- 4 abnormal cervices
-- 1 anteverted uterus with attached ovaries
-- 1 anteverted uterus with
interchangeable ovaries/fimbrae
-- 1 seven week pregnant uterus/cervix
-- 1 twelve week pregnant uterus/cervix
-- 1 twenty week pregnant uterus

Programmable bowel sounds in four
quadrants including none, normal,
borborygmus, diarrhea, hyperactive,
irritable bowel syndrome, post-op, and
ulcerative colitis
Decubitus ulcers and ulcerated foot
Colostomy and ileostomy exercises
Perform female/male catheterization
and irrigation
Enema exercises
46 | Tetherless Simulators - Susie S2000

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

SUSIE S2000 | The First Female Advanced Simulator

Tetherless technology
allows the communications,
compressor, and power
supply to be inside Susie,
eliminating external tubes,
wires, and compressors.

Susie S2000 includes:

Instructors 12in wireless tablet PC
with stylus control, "bumpcase
Roller case
Use our scenarios, modify them
or create your own
Rechargeable battery

Susie operates continuously

100-240 VAC charger

during transport and training can

Conventional blood pressure cuff

occur in the working environment.

Six neck collars


Wireless streaming audio ... great

Rush Susie from the accident

CDROM tutorial

for taking patients history. Be the

scene to the ER, to the ICU and,

1 year warranty

voice of Susie and hear responses

on to recovery while care providers

from caregivers. Create and store

diagnose and treat her condition

Susie S2000

vocal responses in any language.

using real monitoring and


Select responses from a pre-

resuscitation devices.

recorded vocal menu

Patented; other patents pending

Control Susie at distances up to


300 meters and between rooms

and floors of conventional buildings.
between physiologic states in

20in All-in-one Touch Screen

PC to Display Vital Signs

response to commands from a


Susie smoothly transitions

wireless PC.

12in Touch Screen Tablet

to Display Vital Signs

Susie has conductive skin

regions so you can:


Apply real electrodes and AED pads

Pro+ Recording and

Debriefing System

Use real EMS equipment

See Susies ECG on your AED


Susie is perfect for

competency based programs:
Defibrillate, cardiovert and pace

Sensors track student actions

Susie anteriorly

Changes to Susies condition and

care provided are time stamped
and logged for evaluation and
Instructors evaluate caregiver

Automatic Physiologic
Responds to caregiver, instructor
and pharmacologic intervention
Pause and resume anytime
Add meds using drug template

interventions with a single click

and insert notes on a real time
performance log
Save caregiver performance,

Visit us online at

Tutorial workshops
Extended warranty

forward to any standard printer,

Installation and training at your facility

or link with camera systems

Training at our simulation centers

Tetherless Simulators - Susie S2000 | 47

Simulation Made Easy

HAL S3005
Five Year Old Pediatric Simulator

Proven HAL technology

Tetherless with wireless communications
Fully responsive, even during transport
Wireless streaming audio
Automatic or instructor control
New and improved airway features

HAL S3005

| Five Year Old Pediatric Simulator

Oral and nasal intubation
Use an ET tube or LMA
Sensors detect depth of intubation
Unilateral chest rise with right
mainstem intubation
Multiple upper airway sounds
synchronized with breathing

New Airway Features


Realistic geometry, larger epiglottis

Control rate and depth of

and better visualization of vocal

respiration and observe chest rise

cords as well as easy intubation

Ventilations measured and logged

Improved chest recoil during CPR

Gastric distention with excess

Lung compliance refined to deliver

chest rise when ventilating at
20cm H2O

BVM ventilation
Select independent left and right
lung sounds
Chest rise and lung sounds are
synchronized with selectable
breathing patterns
Accommodates assisted ventilation,
including BVM and mechanical
Unilateral chest rise and multiple
breath sounds

Circulation and Color Change

Multiple heart sounds, rates and
Chest compressions are measured
and logged
Blood pressure can be taken using
a cuff, palpation, or auscultation
Korotkoff sounds audible between
systolic and diastolic pressures
Color and vital signs respond to
hypoxic events and interventions
Bilateral carotid, brachial and radial
pulses operate continuously
Pulse strengths vary with
blood pressure and pulses are
synchronized with ECG

Easy to Use
Instructor Control
Software control that is powerful
and yet intuitive
Use our scenarios, modify them or
quickly create your own

Active Eyes
Instructor Control
Open and close
Select blink rate
Select pupillary responses to light
Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3005 | 49

HAL S3005

| Five Year Old Pediatric Simulator

Use our preprogrammed scenarios designed by

medical professionals. Modify them or quickly
create your own
Use our library of preprogrammed physiologic
states, modify them or specify pediatric HALs
condition using this Details page
Save each condition as a physiologic state on
the palette page
Control Pediatric HAL using a wireless PC to
quickly generate multiple life threatening situations
and track the actions of care providers
Select Pediatric HALs physiologic states from the palette
page and combine them to build a scenario
Select the time Pediatric HAL is in each state
Build in delays between states or specify smooth transitions
When activated Pediatric HAL will progress from one
state to the next
Use stylus control to branch to a different state should the
team treat Pediatric HAL incorrectly without stopping
the scenario
Invoke Pediatric HALs extensive library of voice responses
at any time and combine them to facilitate a dialogue
Actions are logged and time stamped for evaluation
and debriefing

50 | Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3005

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S3005

| Five Year Old Pediatric Simulator

File Sharing
Provide students with images such

Venous Access
IV training arms

as x-rays, CT scans, lab results, or

IM sites on shoulders and thighs

even multimedia presentations as

Intraosseous access at tibia

HAL S3005
Patented; other patents pending

the scenario progress

Track the actions of up to six care
providers using our menu of
responses or write a narrative
Links with Pro+ recording and

Physical size is 5 years of age

Self-contained respiratory and
Active eyes

20in All-in-one Touch Screen

PC to Display Vital Signs

NG and otic exercises


circulatory functions

debriefing system integrating the

Tracheotomy opening

log with cameras and patient

Interchangeable genitalia


Enema administration

Defibrillate, Cardiovert
and Pace
Apply real electrodes and AED pads
Use real EMS equipment
See electrical interventions on
your AED or our monitor ECG
View ECGs with physiologic
variations generated in real-time
Synchronized with pulses
Conductive skin regions
Apply real electrodes


Two way wireless communication

12in Touch Screen Tablet

to Display Vital Signs

Internal rechargeable power


Wireless tablet PC with
stylus control

Wireless Streaming Audio


Communication modules are

FCC and CE compliant
Both physiologic modeling
and trending
Comprehensive performance

Pro+ Recording and

Debriefing System

Preprogrammed scenarios


Build your favorite scenarios

Fully responsive even when carried

Body convulses on command
Eyes open / close and feature
slow or rapid blinking

Hypoxic Modeling
Color and vital signs respond to

100-240 VAC charger
Blood pressure cuff

Automatic Physiologic
Responds to caregiver, instructor
and pharmacologic intervention


Pause and resume anytime

CDROM tutorial

Add meds using drug template

Carrying case

hypoxic events and interventions

Extensive speech library
Heart sounds include a normal
heart as well as splits and murmurs

One year limited warranty;

extended warranty to three years
Installation and training
services available

Respiratory sounds include

normal lungs as well as stridor,
bronchial, wheezing, pleural
friction and crackles
Bowel sounds
Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3005 | 51

HAL S3004
One Year Old Pediatric Simulator

Simulation Made Easy

Tetherless with wireless communication
Fully responsive even while being carried
Modeling and trending
Comprehensive performance feedback
New and improved airway features

HAL S3004 | One Year Old Pediatric Simulator

Pediatric HAL allows you to take advanced simulation
where you need to train. It may be at an accident scene,
in an ER, an EMS vehicle, or even in a PICU. HAL remains
fully functional while being moved from place to place.
This Care in motion allows you to evaluate both team
training and how well patient hand-offs are conducted.
What is done well? What needs to be improved?


Complete Solution


Realistic size and

No external compres-

From our standard one

Gaumard dedicates its

weight, tetherless

sors, no linking boxes,

year warranty and pre

talents to providing

connectivity, airway,

no cords; just HAL and

installed scenarios, to

simulators at affordable

chest rise, cyanosis,

a Tablet PC wirelessly

multiple service, training,

prices. This principle

pre-recorded sounds

connected for up to

and warranty offerings,

remains as true today as

and a variety of other

300 feet.

we cover all of your

it was over 60 years ago.

features make for highly

simulation needs.

realistic scenarios.

Intuitive Software



Proven Technology

Our intuitive and

Evaluate interventions

Standard one year

Gaumard pioneered

powerful user interface

and insert notes on a

warranty and over 60

wireless and tetherless

defines... Simulation

real time performance

years of experience

simulators back in 2004.

Made Easy.

log. Use an integrated

building high quality

Pediatric HAL is part of

camera system for

patient simulators.

our growing family of


these remarkable



Tablet PC
Includes a 12in touchscreen tablet PC with stylus
control, bump case and scenarios.

Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3004 | 53

Color Change with

ECG Monitoring with

Control Rate and



Real Electrodes

Depth of Respiration


and Observe
Ventilations and

Automatic Chest Rise

Compressions are


Measured and Logged

Cardiovert and Pace

Using Real Devices

Bilateral IV

Intubatable and
Active Eyes

Arms with









Lung Sounds

Normal and Abnormal


Use our Preprogrammed

Breath Sounds


Scenarios, Modify Them,

or Create New Ones

Bilateral Carotid, Brachial, Radial, and

Femoral Pulses Synchronized with ECG


Active Eyes

Control HAL at distances up to

HAL has blinking eyes with

Defibrillate, Cardiovert and

Pace Using Real Devices

300 feet while he smoothly

photo sensitive pupils. Dilation,

HALs electrically conductive skin

transitions between physiologic

reactivity, and blink rate can be

regions allow the use of real

states in response to commands

controlled automatically or by

equipment to obtain his ECG,

from a wireless tablet PC.

the instructor.

perform temporary pacing,

cardiovert, and defibrillate.

54 | Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3004

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S3004 | One Year Old Pediatric Simulator

Airway and Breathing

Intraosseous Access


Improved airway allows better

Intraosseous infusion and

Color and vital signs respond to

visualization of vocal cords and

injection system with realistic

hypoxic events and interventions.

easy intubation. Lung compliance

tibia bones.

refined to deliver chest rise when

ventilating at 20cm H2O.

Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3004 | 55

HAL S3004 | One Year Old Pediatric Simulator

GIGA Software
Use our scenarios, modify them or quickly build your own
Change physiologic states on the fly using wireless control
Changes in condition and care are time stamped and logged
Link Palette items to build a linear or branching scenario
Sensors track interventions as well as changes to the
condition of Pediatric HAL
Lab tab allows creation of laboratory tests and results
The Status panel on the left edge of the GUI window
shows vital signs and other details
Get real-time feedback on the quality of compressions
and ventilations

Hypoxic model responds to care

Scenarios link physiologic states

provider actions

Track the actions of up to six care


Vital Signs Monitor

Optional 20in all-in-one touchscreen virtual monitor or
12in Touch Screen Tablet to display vital signs
Customize each trace independently; users can set
alarms, and time scales
Display up to 12 numeric values including HR, ABP, CVP,
PAWP, NIRP, CCO, SpO2, SvO2, RR, EtCO2, temperature,
and time
Select up to 12 dynamic waveforms including ECG Lead
I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, AVP, CVP,
PAWP, pulse, CCO, SvO2, respiration, capnography
Share images such as x-rays, CT scans, lab results, or even
multimedia presentations as the scenario progresses
56 | Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3004

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S3004 | One Year Old Pediatric Simulator

File Sharing
Provide students with images such

Venous Access
IV training arms

as x-rays, CT scans, lab results, or

IM sites on shoulders and thighs

even multimedia presentations as

Intraosseous access at tibia

HAL S3004
Patented; other patents pending

the scenario progress

Track the actions of up to six care
providers using our menu of
responses or write a narrative
Links with Pro+ recording and

Physical size is 1 year of age

Self-contained respiratory and
Active eyes

20in All-in-one Touch Screen

PC to Display Vital Signs

NG and otic exercises


circulatory functions

debriefing system integrating the

Tracheotomy opening

log with cameras and patient

Interchangeable genitalia


Enema administration

Defibrillate, Cardiovert
and Pace
Apply real electrodes and AED pads
Use real EMS equipment
See electrical interventions on
your AED or our monitor ECG
View ECGs with physiologic
variations generated in real-time
Synchronized with pulses
Conductive skin regions
Apply real electrodes


Two way wireless communication

12in Touch Screen Tablet

to Display Vital Signs

Internal rechargeable power


Wireless tablet PC with
stylus control

Wireless Streaming Audio


Communication modules are

FCC and CE compliant
Both physiologic modeling
and trending
Comprehensive performance

Pro+ Recording and

Debriefing System

Preprogrammed scenarios


Build your favorite scenarios

Fully responsive even when carried

Body convulses on command
Eyes open / close and feature
slow or rapid blinking

Hypoxic Modeling
Color and vital signs respond to

100-240 VAC charger
Blood pressure cuff

Automatic Physiologic
Responds to caregiver, instructor
and pharmacologic intervention


Pause and resume anytime

CDROM tutorial

Add meds using drug template

Carrying case

hypoxic events and interventions

Extensive speech library
Heart sounds include a normal
heart as well as splits and murmurs

One year limited warranty;

extended warranty to three years
Installation and training
services available

Respiratory sounds include

normal lungs as well as stridor,
bronchial, wheezing, pleural
friction and crackles
Bowel sounds
Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - HAL S3004 | 57

HAL S3010
A Neonate at 40 Weeks Gestational Age

Simulation Made Easy

Proven HAL technology
Tetherless with wireless communication
Fully responsive even while being carried
Modeling and trending
Comprehensive performance feedback

Newborn HAL S3010 | A Neonate at 40 Weeks Gestational Age

Newborn HAL allows you to take advanced simulation
where you need to go and that can be at an accident
scene, in an ER, in a Labor and Delivery room, or in a
NICU. Care in motion also provides the opportunity for
you to measure how well patient hand-offs take place.
What is done well and what needs to be improved?


Complete Solution


Realistic size and weight,

No external compressors,

From our standard one

Gaumard dedicates its

tetherless connectivity,

no linking boxes, no

year warranty and 20

talents to providing

chest rise, cyanosis,

cords; just Newborn

pre installed scenarios,

simulators at affordable

crying sounds and a

HAL and a Tablet PC

to multiple service,

prices. This principle

variety of other features

wirelessly connected

training, and warranty

remains as true today as

make for highly

for up to 300 feet.

offerings, we cover all

it was over 50 years ago.

realistic scenarios.

of your simulation needs.

Intuitive Software



Proven Technology

Our intuitive and

Evaluate interventions

Standard one year

Features like ECG

powerful user interface

and insert notes on a

warranty and over 50

monitoring with real

defines... Simulation

real-time performance

years of experience

electrodes and Cya-

Made Easy.


building high quality

nosis make Newborn

patient simulators.

HAL the most realistic

neonatal patient
simulator in the market.

Tablet PC
Includes a 12in touchscreen tablet PC with stylus
control, bump case and scenarios.

Visit us online at

Ventilations and

Control Rate and Depth


Compressions are

of Respiration and


Measured and Logged

Observe Chest Rise

and Pulses

Color Change with


Select Independent

Bilateral IV



Lung Sounds

Arms with
Fill/Drain Sites

ECG Monitoring
with Real

Temperature Sensor Placement Detector

Use our Preprogrammed
Fontanelle, Umbilical and Bilateral
Brachial Pulses Synchronized with ECG

Scenarios, Modify Them, or

Create New Ones



Realistic Umbilicus

Control Newborn at distances up

Color and vital signs respond to

HALs umbilicus can be

to 300 feet while he smoothly

hypoxic events and interventions.

catheterized and even has a

transitions between physiologic

pulse synchronized with

states in response to commands

programmed heart rate.

from a wireless tablet PC.

60 | Tetherless Simulators - Newborn HAL S3010

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Newborn HAL S3010 | A Neonate at 40 Weeks Gestational Age

Bilateral IV Arms

Intraosseous Access

Newborn HAL has bilateral IV

Intraosseous infusion and

ECG Monitoring
Using Real Electrodes

training arms that can be used

injection system with realistic

Newborn has conductive skin

for bolus or intravenous infusions

tibia bones.

regions that allow the application

as well as for draining fluids.

of real electrodes to view ECGs

with physiologic variations,
allowing the user to track cardiac
rhythms with their own equipment
just like with a human patient.

Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - Newborn HAL S3010 | 61

Newborn HAL S3010 | A Neonate at 40 Weeks Gestational Age

GIGA Software

Basic view provides windows for the 3D

Our intuitive and powerful software offers ease of use and the

model of the simulator, a completely

flexibility required by the most demanding users.

configurable vital signs monitor and an

activities log
3D image can be rotated or enlarged; the
skin removed and physiologic parameters
accessed to change any elements of a
powerful physiologic engine
Physiologic parameter groups include
airway, breathing, cardiac, cephalic and
circulation. Move each about the
status panel
Expand windows to include status,
palettes, scenario, branching scenario,
actions, log, monitors, and CPR recorder
Specify only frequently used parameters
or be as detailed as you wish

Hypoxic model responds to care

Scenarios link physiologic states

provider actions

Track the actions of up to six care


Vital Signs Monitor

Optional 20in all-in-one touchscreen virtual monitor or
12in Touch Screen Tablet to display vital signs
Customize each trace independently; users can set
alarms, and time scales
Display up to 12 numeric values including HR, ABP, CVP,
PAWP, NIRP, CCO, SpO2, SvO2, RR, EtCO2, temperature,
and time
Select up to 12 dynamic waveforms including ECG Lead
I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, AVP, CVP,
PAWP, pulse, CCO, SvO2, respiration, capnography
Share images such as x-rays, CT scans, lab results, or even
multimedia presentations as the scenario progresses

62 | Tetherless Simulators - Newborn HAL S3010

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Newborn HAL S3010 | A Neonate at 40 Weeks Gestational Age


Available in ethnic skin tones

Tetherless and fully responsive even
while being transported
Powered from an internal rechargeable
battery or wall outlet
Battery capable of 300 recharges and
operate the simulator up to 4 hours
Simulator receives commands from
a wireless tablet PC and operate at
distances up to 300 feet
Option to operate automatically using
Automatic mode or by the Instructor
Training Guide with both basic and
advanced interactive scenarios
Use pre programmed scenarios,
modify them or create your own
quickly and easily
Installation and training worldwide
Simulation Made Easy


Multiple upper airway sounds

synchronized with breathing
Nasal or oral intubation
Right mainstem intubation
Sensors detect depth of intubation
Airway may be obstructed
Block right lung, left lung, or both lungs
Head tilt/ chin lift
Jaw thrust
Simulated suctioning techniques
can be practiced
Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation
Placement of conventional
airway adjuncts
Endotracheal intubation using
conventional ETTs
Sellick maneuver brings vocal
cords into view


Control rate and depth of respiration

and observe chest rise
Automatic chest rise is synchronized
with respiratory patterns
Select independent left and
right upper lung sounds
Chest rise and lung sounds are synchronized
with selectable breathing patterns
Accommodates assisted ventilation
including BVM and mechanical support
Ventilations are measured and logged
Chest compressions generate
palpable blood pressure wave
form and ECG artifacts
Detection and logging of ventilations and
Simulated spontaneous breathing
Variable respiratory rates and inspiratory/
expiratory ratios
Bilateral chest rise and fall
Unilateral chest rise simulates
Normal and abnormal breath sounds


ECGs are generated in real time with

physiologic variations never repeating
textbook patterns
Heart sounds may be auscultated and
are synchronized with ECG

Use real modified BP cuff to

measure blood pressure
Korotkoff sounds audible between
systolic and diastolic pressures
Pulse sites synchronized with BP
and heart rate
Bilateral IV arms with fill/drain sites
Realistic flashback
SubQ and IM injection sites
Intraosseous access at tibia
Chest compressions are measured
and logged
ECG monitoring using real devices; apply
real electrodes to conductive skin regions
Multiple heart sounds, rates and intensities
ECG rhythms are generated in real time
Heart sounds synchronized with ECG
Dynamic rather than static 12 lead ECG
display with optional Automatic Mode and
Vital Signs Monitor
Fontanelle, umbilical and bilateral brachial
pulses synchronized with ECG


Pre recorded crying

Articulation and Movement

Muscle tone active, right arm only, left arm
only, reduced and limp
Realistic rotation of the shoulder
and hip joints
Legs bend at the knees
Supine or semi-recumbent positions

Newborn HAL S3010

Patented; other patents pending

20in All-in-one Touch Screen
PC to Display Vital Signs
Controlled via wireless tablet PC
Simulated vital signs
Use selected configuration or create
your own configuration to mimic the
real monitors used in your facility
Customize alarms
Easy to operate and control
Reflect simulators condition
during the scenario
Share images such as ultrasounds,
CT scans, lab results
Touchscreen control
Monitor can be configured by the
instructor to suit the scenario
Display up to 12 numeric parameters
Select up to 12 dynamic waveforms

12in Touch Screen Tablet

to Display Vital Signs


Central cyanosis
Color and vital signs respond to
hypoxic events and interventions
Fill bladder and perform
Foley catheterization
Interchangeable genitalia
Umbilical catheterization
Umbilicus with two arteries and one vein;
practice cutdowns
Temperature probe placement
Insert feeding tubes
Auscultate bowel sounds
Remains fully functional even while in transit

Pro+ Recording and Debriefing System

Control both simulation and recording
simultaneously using one PC
Capture multiple video, audio, and
patient monitors, as well as simulator
log file for debriefing
Use in a fixed simulation laboratory
or at a mobile location
Two wireless and one wired camera

User Interface

Sensors track student actions

Changes in condition and care provided
are time stamped and logged
View the actions of up to 6 care providers
using a responsive menu or write narrative
Generate and share diagnostic lab results
File sharing through Vital Signs Monitor
Links with optional recording and
debriefing system integrating the event
log with cameras and patient monitor
Supplied with wireless tablet PC
Optional automatic mode
20 pre programmed scenarios which can
be modified by the instructor even during
the scenario
Create your own scenarios - add/edit
Change simulators condition during
the scenario

Automatic Physiologic Mode

Intuitive interface and automaticity
makes simulation easy
Vital signs are generated in real time
Drug library with medications
Use of medications change conditions in
real time mimicking real clinical situations

Neonatal Stabilization Scenarios



Measure blood pressure by palpation

or auscultation

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Tetherless Simulators - Newborn HAL S3010 | 63

HAL S3009
Premature Neonatal Simulator

Simulation Made Easy

Proven HAL technology
Tetherless with wireless communication
Fully responsive even while being carried
Modeling and trending
Comprehensive performance feedback

Premie HAL S3009

| Premature Neonatal Simulator

Compressions measured and logged
Color and vital signs respond to
hypoxic events and interventions
Bilateral, brachial, femoral,
umbilicus and fontanelle pulses
Pulse strengths vary with
blood pressure and pulses are
synchronized with ECG
Temperature probe placement sensor

Premie is fully responsive even
when carried
No tubes or wires to worry about
New silicone umbilicus with two arteries and one vein for UAC, UVC and cord

File Sharing

cutting. Pulse synchronized with ECG

Provide students with images such

as x-rays, CT scans, lab results, or
even multimedia presentations as
the scenario progress

Change physiologic states on
the fly using wireless control
Use our scenarios, modify them
or quickly build your own
Sensors provide performance
Changes in condition and care are
time stamped and logged
Instructors evaluate interventions
and insert notes on real-time
performance log

Oral and nasal intubation

movement and lung sound

Chest rise and lung sounds are

View ECGs with physiologic

variations generated in real-time

Use an ET tube or LMA

synchronized with selectable

Synchronized with pulses

Multiple upper airway sounds

breathing patterns

Conductive skin regions

synchronized with breathing

Accommodates assisted

Apply real electrodes

ventilation, including BVM and


Hypoxic Modeling

mechanical support

Control rate and depth of

respiration and observe chest rise
Ventilations measured and logged
Select left and/or right chest wall
Visit us online at

Color, and vital signs respond to

Circulation and Color Change

hypoxic events and interventions

Multiple heart sounds, rates and

Tetherless Simulators - Premie HAL S3009 | 65

Premie HAL S3009

| Premature Neonatal Simulator

Crying synchronized with breathing
Heart sounds include a normal
heart as well as atrial and
ventricular septal defects
Respiratory sounds include both
normal lungs as well as stridor
and grunting

Venous Access
Bilateral dorsum of hand
Patent umbilicus
Use this hypoxic model which is responsive to actions of care providers or

Intraosseous access at tibia

retain control of the newborns color and vital signs

Left foot

HAL S3009 includes:

Internal rechargeable NiMH power
Instructors 12in tablet PC with
stylus control,bumpcase and
docking station for tetherless
Carrying case
10 scenarios
100-240 VAC charger
DVD tutorial
One year warranty
Real time performance log tracks the action of up to six care providers.
Actions are logged and time stamped for debriefing purposes

HAL S3009
Patented; other patents pending

Use our scenarios, modify them or quickly build your own

66 | Tetherless Simulators - Premie HAL S3009

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Premie HAL S3009

| Premature Neonatal Simulator

Vital Signs
Touch Screen Displays
Controlled via wireless tablet PC

Pro+ Recording and

Debriefing System

Simulated vital signs

Use selected configuration or
create your own configuration to
mimic the real monitors used in

Control both simulation and recording

simultaneously using one PC
Capture multiple video, audio,
and patient monitors, as well as

your facility
Customize alarms

simulator log file for debriefing

Easy to operate and control

Reflect simulators condition
during the scenario

Use in a fixed simulation laboratory

or at a mobile location
Two wireless and one wired camera

Share images such as ultrasounds,

CT scans, lab results
Touchscreen control
Monitor can be configured by the
instructor to suit the scenario

Automatic Physiologic

Display up to 12 numeric parameters

Select up to 12 dynamic waveforms

Intuitive interface and automaticity

makes simulation easy

20in All-in-one PC

Vital signs are generated in real time


Drug library with medications

Use of medications change

Visit us online at

12in Tablet

conditions in real time mimicking


real clinical situations

Tetherless Simulators - Premie HAL S3009 | 67

Options for Tetherless Simulators

20in All-in-one Touch Screen

PC to Display Vital signs

12in Touch Screen Tablet

to Display Vital signs

Virtual Monitor
Activation Code

Customize alarms

Customize alarms

Share your Gaumard Virtual Monitor

Share images such as ultrasounds,

Reflect simulators condition

PC with multiple Gaumard simulators.

CT scans, lab results

Touchscreen control
Monitor can be configured by the
instructor to suit the scenario
Display up to 12 numeric parameters
Select up to 12 dynamic waveforms
Standard for S3201 & S574/75/76

during the scenario

Share images such as ultrasounds,
CT scans, lab results
Touchscreen control

The Virtual Monitor Activation Code

allows you to display your Gaumard
simulator vital signs on an existing
Gaumard Virtual Monitor PC.

Monitor can be configured by the

instructor to suit the scenario
Display up to 12 numeric parameters
Select up to 12 dynamic waveforms




12 Lead ECG
Use your real 12 lead ECG monitor
Display/interpret HALs 12 lead ECG
Improve diagnostic abilities
ECG library features thousands of
cardiac rhythms
Specify additional 12 lead ECGs

UI also shows any two real time

dynamic ECG waveforms
Defibrillate, cardiovert or pace
HALs dysrhythmia
Use integrated MI module to specify
occlusions, ischemia, injury, necrosis

using our editing feature

Print 12 lead strips from your patient
monitor; compare waveforms with
those shown on the Details page
of the User Interface
68 | Tetherless Simulators - Options

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Options for Tetherless Simulators

Pro+ Recording and Debriefing Solution
Pro+ comes with two wireless and one wired camera;
it is mostly used in conjunction with hi-fidelity simulators in a fixed lab or at a mobile location. This advanced technology allows you to capture multiple
video (with wired or wireless cameras), audio, and
patient monitors, as well as the simulator log file.
Easily control both simulation and recording simultaneously using only one PC.

Buy PRO+ with your Gaumard

Tetherless Simulator and Save!

Buy PRO+ as an Upgrade

PRO+ software is factory installed in the instructor

simulator with the factory installed PRO+, you may still

tablet PC at time of simulator purchase. In addition to

buy this option as an upgrade. This upgrade includes

running the simulator, the powerful tablet PC also

the powerful tablet PC preinstalled with PRO+

runs the one wired and two wireless cameras.

software and one wired and two wireless cameras.



HAL Traumatic
Leg Amputation
Pulsatile bleeding from three
major arteries
Blood-flow consistent with
software controlled heart rate
and blood pressure
500ml blood capacity, completely
self contained within the module
Tourniquet impedes blood-flow
when tightened

If you did not purchase your Gaumard tetherless

HAL Traumatic
Arm Amputation
Pulsatile bleeding from three
major arteries
Blood-flow consistent with
software controlled heart rate

Casualty Wound Kit


and blood pressure

100ml blood capacity, completely
self contained within the module

Emergency Wound Kit


Tourniquet impedes blood-flow

when tightened

Trauma Wound Kit


Visit us online at


Burns Wound Kit

Tetherless Simulators - Options | 69

Options for Tetherless Simulators

Wireless Streaming Audio
Bidirectional digital voice and data
Voice range to 150 feet
Be the voice of the simulator
Hear caregiver responses
Create and store vocal responses in
any language
Select from a pre-recorded vocal menu

S3000.300 HAL
S3005.300 5 y/o HAL
S3004.300 1 y/o HAL
HAL S3201, S3101, and SUSIE S2000 come
standard with Wireless Streaming Audio

Automatic Drug Recognition

Identifies drug type and volume
injected into veins of the right hand
and forearm
Supplied with 100 10cc syringes
having wireless tags
Use drugs we have selected or
choose to model thousands of drugs
using our software
and HAL 5 year simulators having
our physiologic models
Physiologic models update our
simulated vital signs monitors
Additional packs of 20 syringes with
tags available
22ga needle recommended; larger
needles will decrease venous life
Supplied with 10 replaceable
antecubital veins

S3101.400 HAL
S3000.400 HAL
S575.100.400 NOELLE
S2000.400 SUSIE
70 | Tetherless Simulators - Options

The S3101 option includes physiologic model; other simulator

options shown add the physiologic model to the Automatic
Drug Recognition System. HAL S3201 comes standard with
both drug recognition and physiologic model

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

NOELLE S575.100 | Automatic Mode Option

NOELLE Automatic Mode
Automatic maternal/fetal/neonatal model
Use with NOELLE S575




Intuitive interface
Automaticity makes system easy to operate
Links NOELLEs conditions with her fetus
Fetal conditions determine initial APGAR
Vital signs and fetal heart tones generated in real time
Drug library with medications
Results mimic clinical situations

Shoulder Dystocia
Cord or head compression causes
FHR to decline
If compression is not relieved
FHTs become critical
Newborn initial vital signs poor
Newborn responds to

Postpartum Bleeding
Specify blood loss
NOELLEs vital signs deteriorate
NOELLE responsive to

Amniotic Fluid Embolism

AFE causes maternal vital signs
to deterioate and become critical
Causes FHT to deteriorate
NOELLE and fetus respond to
Newborn responds to

NOELLE Automatic Mode

Visit us online at

Tetherless Simulators - Options | 71

Surgical Chloe S2100

Full Body Surgical Simulator

Address surgical competencies

Perform laparotomy, laparoscopy
or vaginal procedures
Scenarios created and tested in
an academic OB/GYN environment
Use real surgical instruments

ACGME Skills



Use Real Surgical


Simulator can be

Ruptured ectopic

Two onboard cameras

With its lifelike

used to address

Pelvic mass

and a head-mounted

abdominal inserts and

competencies in six

Septic abortion

camera focus on the

uterine assemblies,

areas including:

Bleeding disorder

surgical technique

procedures can be

patient care, medical

Post-op hemorrhage

and intervention

performed using real

knowledge, practice

Patient safety (fire)

methods, while an

surgical instruments in

based knowledge and

Malignant hyperthermia

overhead camera

a real Surgical OR.

improvement, systems

Cardiac arrest

records the actions

based practice, com-


of the surgical team.

munication, and



Surgical Chloe S2100

| Full Body Surgical Simulator

Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy

Removal of Endometrioma

Incision and Dissection

Removal of Dermoid Cyst


See more on full features list...




Enlarged Uterus with


Ectopic Pregnancy


Dermoid Cyst and












Uterus with


Ectopic Pregnancy




Enlarged Fibroid Uterus

with Endometrioma and
Simple Cyst


1 Ectopic Pregnancy

6 Simple Cyst

11 Embedded Fibroids

2 Normal Uterus

7 Veins

12 Fallopian Tube

3 Dermoid Cyst

8 Arteries

13 Fimbriae

4 Enlarged Uterus

9 Bladder

14 Ureters

5 Endometrioma

10 Ovaries

Visit us online at

Surgical Simulators - Surgical Chloe S2100 | 75

Assess Individual
and Team

Cut and Suture

Like Real Tissue

Bleeds When Cut

Multi-layer design

Practice Laparotomy,
Laparoscopy and
Vaginal Procedures

Team-building scenarios

representing the skin,

Chloe allows caregivers

incorporate simulated

can be performed for

subcutaneous, fascia,

to perform surgical

blood to allow realistic

the development of

muscle, and peritoneum

interventions using all

practice of hemostatic

Gynecologic Surgical

for maximum realism.

three procedures.


Bowel Insert

Record Everything
Seamless integration

Uterine Assemblies

CPR + Circulation

For abdominal and

laparoscopic procedures,

with Gaumards intuitive

Each assembly exhibits

chest compression and

the simulated bowel

software allows recording

different complications

ventilations, bilateral

can be moved aside

of the events log and

and allows surgical

carotid, radial, and

to provide access to

control of the simulation

teams to carry out a

brachial pulses; heart

the underlying

from a single PC.

variety of procedures.

sounds, and program-

Abdominal inserts
and uterine assemblies

Skills and Patient Safety.

uterine assembly.

Laptop and Vital

Signs Monitor

Detection and log of

mable blood pressure.

Speech and
Streaming Voice

Surgical Chloe includes

Train for Everything

From Assessment
to Recovery Room

Be the voice of Chloe

Surgical and
General Patient
Safety Scenarios

one laptop PC with the

Scenarios can cover an

and hear caregiver

Train and assess surgeons

GIGA control software

entire procedure, from

responses. Create and

or teams in complications

and a 20in touchscreen

patient presentation, to

store vocal responses

such as hemorrhage,

Vital Signs Monitor.

assessment, surgical

or select from a pre-

malignant hyperthermia

management, and the

recorded vocal menu.

and patient safety.

recovery room.

Surgical Chloe S2100

| Full Body Surgical Simulator

Two pelvic cameras and surgeons head-mounted camera

focus on technique, interventions and teamwork, while
an overhead camera records actions of the entire team.

Audio, video and more...

Up to 8 video and audio streams
can be recorded along with 4
patient monitor feeds and a
simulator log file.

Simulation Made Easy

Debriefing using the Pro+ is
simpler than ever with advanced
search functionality, simultaneous
multicomputer access and
instant playback.

Monitor shows patient
status, views of up to four
cameras, operating system,
and log of events.

Its compatibility with various
wireless and wired cameras

Two high resolution



TOGETHER with the ability to

infrared cameras in



pelvic cavity



shoot multiple simulations

simultaneously make the Pro+
the best option for simulations
of all types and sizes.

Visit us online at

Surgical Simulators - Surgical Chloe S2100 | 77

Surgical Chloe S2100

| Full Body Surgical Simulator

GIGA Software
Sensors track participants actions
Changes in condition and care provided
are time stamped and logged
View the actions of up to 6 care
providers using a responsive menu
or write narrative
Generate and share lab results
Links with recording and debriefing
system integrating the event log with
cameras and patient monitor
Automatically changes vital signs in
response to blood loss
11 preprogrammed scenarios which can
be modified by the instructor even
during the scenario
Create your own scenarios - add/edit
Change simulators condition during the
scenario on-the-fly

Vital Signs Monitor

Controlled via laptop
Simulated vital signs
Use selected configuration or create your
own configuration to mimic the real
monitors used in your facility
Customize alarms
Easy to operate and control
Reflect simulators condition during the
Share images such as ultrasounds, CT scans,
lab results
Touchscreen control
Monitor can be configured by the instructor
to suit the scenario
Display up to 8 numeric parameters
Select up to 5 dynamic waveforms

78 | Surgical Simulators - Surgical Chloe S2100

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Surgical Chloe S2100


Powered from an internal rechargeable

battery or wall outlet
Simulator receives commands from
a wired Laptop (15 foot Ethernet
cable included)
Use preprogrammed scenarios,
modify them or create your own
quickly and easily
Remains fully functional even while in transit
Workbook of ten (10) advanced scenarios
and example surgical checklists
Training Video

Surgical Components

Uterine Assembly 1: Normal Uterus with

ectopic pregnancy and uterine bleeding.
Simulates ruptured Ectopic pregnancy
with bleeding, severe vaginal bleeding
from uterus, and includes bladder
Uterine Assembly 2: Enlarged Uterus
with dermoid cyst on one side and
ectopic pregnancy on the other.
Simulates ruptured ectopic pregnancy
with bleeding; also includes realistic
dermoid and bladder
Uterine Assembly 3: Enlarged uterus with
embedded fibroids, endometrioma on one
side, and simple cyst on the other.
Simulates embedded bleeding fibroids;
also includes realistic simple cyst,
endometrioma, and bladder
Abdominal wall insert
- Use your instruments for incision,
dissection, and suturing
- Can be used at least 4 times
- Multi-layer design replicates the
skin, subcutaneous, fascia, muscle,
and peritoneum
- Incorporates bleeding
- Can be used to perform either
pfannenstiel or vertical incision
- Can be used to place
laparoscopic trocars
Laparoscopy Abdominal Wall
- Includes 8 access ports on left, right,
and midline of abdominal wall
Bowel Overlay
- Includes insert that can be placed over
uterine assembly for added realism

Scenarios by Martin E. Olsen, MD

Ruptured ectopic pregnancy

Pelvic mass in pregnancy
Septic abortion
Bleeding disorder - Von Willebrands
Post-operative hemorrhage after
conization of the cervix
Fire in the OR
Malignant hyperthermia during surgery
Cardiac arrest in the OR
Anaphylaxis and Hypoxia in the OR


Multiple upper airway sounds

synchronized with breathing
Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation
Placement of conventional
airway adjuncts


Control rate and depth of respiration

Chest rise and lung sounds are synchronized
with selectable breathing patterns

| Full Body Surgical Simulator

Simulated spontaneous breathing

Normal and abnormal breath sounds


Conductive skin regions allow for ECG

monitoring with real equipment
Heart sounds may be auscultated and are
synchronized with ECG

Surgical Chloe
Patented; other patents pending


Measure blood pressure by

palpation or auscultation
Use real BP cuff rather than a virtual cuff
to measure blood pressure
Korotkoff sounds audible between systolic
and diastolic pressures
Oxygen saturation detected using real
monitors rather than a virtual value
Pulse sites synchronized with BP
and heart rate
Bilateral IV arms with fill/drain sites
SubQ and IM injection sites
ECG monitoring using real devices
Multiple heart sounds, rates and intensities
Virtual ECG rhythms are generated
in real time
Ovarian and Uterine arteries and veins,
with bleeding functionality
During application of scenarios, vital signs
reflect physiologic changes that occur
with hemorrhage

Surgical Chloe without

PRO+ Recording and
Debriefing System

Replaceable Modules
Abdominal Wall Inserts
Uterine Assembly 1

Neural Responses

Eyes open and close


Wireless streaming audio and

pre-recorded responses
Create and store vocal responses
in any language

20in All-in-one Touch Screen PC to

Display Vital Signs

Controlled via laptop

Use selected configuration or create your
own configuration to mimic the real
monitors used in your facility
Share images such as ultrasounds,
CT scans, lab results
Touchscreen control

Pro+ Recording and Debriefing


Two (2) built in infrared cameras

in lower torso
One (1) head mounted camera
One (1) overhead camera records actions
of surgical team

User Interface

Sensors track participants actions

Changes in condition and care provided
are time stamped and logged
Create your own scenarios - add/edit
Change simulators condition during
the scenario


One laptop to run Pro+ system and

GIGA Software
Pro+ Recording and debriefing system
Vital Signs Monitor
Four (4) abdominal wall inserts
Twelve (12) uterine assemblies, four (4)
of each type
CDROM demonstration video
Soft sided case with rollers
User Guide

Uterine Assembly 2
Uterine Assembly 3
Bowel Overlay
Laparoscopy Wall

Combat HAL S3040.100

Rugged and Resilient Trauma Simulator




HALs communications,

Combat HAL is based

compressor, and

upon the proven

pre-recorded verbal

power supply are

technology found in

responses in any

inside the simulator,

the HAL 3000 which

eliminating external

was independently

tubes, wires and

tested and approved.

Streaming voice and

Difficult airway with
tongue edema and
pharyngeal swelling

compressors. Control

Chest rise and fall

the simulation from up

MIL-STD tests included

to 900 ft. away.

vibration, EMI testing

responding to

for avionics, high and

commands from

low temperatures,

wireless tablet PC

humidity, rapid

Palpable ribs

decompression at

Height 178 cm/70ines

45000 feet, explosive

Radial, brachial, carotid

atmospheres, and

and femoral pulses

flight testing in fixed

operate continuously

and rotary winged craft.

and are dependent

upon blood pressure
Articulating neck, arms,
and legs feature rugged
joints for field use
Interchangeable arms
and legs

Combat HAL S3040.100

A rugged and resilient trauma simulator for teaching care on the battlefield.
HALs toughness and durability has been proven by independent testing in
hot and cold conditions; wet and dry environments; in both fixed winged
aircraft and military helicopters. HAL is splash proof; fits in a NATO litter;
and can be covered with a blanket without overheating.

Visit us online at


Articulating Neck,


Intraosseous Right

OSAT Placement

Venous Network for

Shoulder, Hips, Arms

Arms and Legs

Leg with Replaceable


IV Administration

and Legs Feature Rugged

Tibial Bones

Joints for Field Use

Bleeding from Two Arteries in the

Sensors in Arm and Leg

Forearm and Three Arteries in the Legs

Respond to Applied Pressure

Male Genitalia with

Controlled by Physiologic Model and

and Can Be Packed Using

Fluid Reservoir for

Respond to Tourniquet Application

Combat Gauze


Easy Fluid
Pulse Points Operate Continuously and

1.5 lt Refill Port

Are Dependent Upon Blood Pressure

Tourniquet Placement Range in Extremities.

Bleeding Wounds at

Pressure On Femoral

Axilla and Groin Respond

Sensor Occludes

to Applied Pressure

Distal Bleeding in Leg

Place Tourniquet Anywhere Above Wound

Axilla and Groin Wounds

Needle Decompression

Trauma Arm and Leg

Sensors in wounds detect appro-

Features palpable ribs to locate 2nd

Arteries bleed as a function of BP +

priate pressure reducing and

intercostal space for bilateral needle

HR specified on wireless tablet PC.

then stopping blood flow from

decompression. Sensors detect

Bleeding ceases when tourniquet

the wound. Wounds accept

needle insertion and activate audible

is applied 2in above wound or 1 or

combat gauze.

hiss during shallow needle insertion.

2in above the joint.

82 | Trauma Simulator - Combat HAL S3040.100

Bowel Sounds

Chest Rise/Fall in

Right Blood

Chest Tube

3 Lead ECG +

in Four

Response to Wireless

Pressure Arm




PC Commands

and Pacing

Put Liquid in the

Airway to Practice
Suction Exercises

Surgical Cricoid
Assembly (SCA) for

Difficult Airway

Use with Tactical

with Tongue Edema,

Cricothyroidotomy Kit

Pharyngeal Swelling
and Laryngospasm
Eyes Open
and Close;

Use Fast-1


Sternal I/O

Voice and

Bilateral IM Sites





at Ear, Eyes

in Deltoids and

and Mouth

Improved Arm


Four Anterior

Bilateral Decompression to

Joints for Inner


Lung Sounds

3.25in; Sensor Reports Result


and Activates Audible Hiss

IV Placement

During Shallow Needle Insertion

Surgical Cricoid

FAST-1 Sternal I/O

Streaming Audio

Perform lateral and medial

Use FAST-1 Locator and position

Pre-recorded verbal responses in

incisions, then use Trach-hook

it below the sternal notch; sites

any language and bi-directional

used by Combat Medics to lift

are replaceable and either accept

streaming audio up to 150 ft. away.

cricoid for airway assessment

medications or can be used to

and insertion of trach-tube.

collect fluids.
Trauma Simulator - Combat HAL S3040.100 | 83


Liquid Secretion

Heart and Lung Sounds

Cyanosis and vital signs

Independent liquid secretion

Multiple realistic heart sounds

respond to physiologic

rate at ear, eyes, and mouth.

and four anterior lung sounds.

3 Lead ECG

Defibrillation and Pacing

Bowel Sounds

Use real equipment to

Perform defibrillation and

Bowel sounds in four quadrants.

obtain HALs ECG.

pacing with real AED pads.

Blood Pressure

Oxygen Saturation

Improved Arm Joints

Blood pressure can be taken

Oxygen saturation can be taken

Improved arm joints allow inner

using real equipment

using real equipment.

forearm IV placement.

condition and interventions.

84 | Trauma Simulator - Combat HAL S3040.100

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Right Intraosseous Leg

Programmable Airway

Bilateral Leg Bleed

Intraosseous infusion system

Programmable airway: tongue

Bleeding arteries in both

with interchangeable and

edema, laryngospasm, and

right and left legs.

replaceable tibial bones.

pharyngeal swelling.

Compression and Ventilation

Liquid Suction


Sensors detect and log

Practice gastric liquid

Practice foley catheterization.

ventilations and compressions.

suctioning techniques.

Chest Tube Placement

Gastric Distention

Nasal and Oral Intubation

Simulate pneumothorax

Gastric distention with

Endotracheal intubation using


esophageal intubation and

conventional ETTs.Unilateral

with excess BVM ventilation.

chest rise with right mainstem


Visit us online at

Trauma Simulator - Combat HAL S3040.100 | 85

Trauma with Smart Bleeding

HALs arteries bleed as a function of blood pressure and heart rate
specified on wireless tablet PC. Sensors in his arm and leg respond
to applied pressure and stop bleeding when tourniquet is applied
correctly; his bleeding wounds at axilla and groin also respond to
applied pressure and can be packed using combat gauze.

Trauma Arms



86 | Trauma Simulator - Combat HAL S3040.100

Trauma Legs

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

GIGA Software + Rugged Tablet



Long Range


Instructors tablet


PC includes a


Be the voice of

rugged bump

range up to 900 ft.

Combat HAL;

case and also

hear responses at

features wireless

distances to 150 ft.

communications for
up to 900 ft
perfect for field


Versatile Interface

Simple Interface

Use our scenarios; modify them;

Expand windows to include

Physiologic parameter groups

create your own.

status, palettes, scenario,

include airway, breathing,

branching scenario, actions,

cardiac, cephalic and circulation.

log, monitors, speech,

medication, and quick meds.

Status Panel
The Status panel on the left edge
of the GUI window shows vital
signs and other details.

Link Palette items to build a
linear or branching scenario.

Events Log
Changes in condition and
care provided are time
stamped and logged.
Visit us online at

Trauma Simulator - Combat HAL S3040.100 | 87

Combat HAL S3040.100

Rugged construction for combat,
disaster, trauma care, and CBRNe
simulation, even in the most
demanding environments
Rugged shoulder and hip joints
for field and evacuation exercises
Splash proof for CBRNe water
spray decontamination

| Rugged and Resilient Trauma Simulator

pharyngeal swelling
Laryngospasm with tight seal
preventing intubation
Surgical airway for cricothyrotomy,
tracheostomy, and tracheal

infusion I/O (F.A.S.T.1 and more)

Intraosseous tibia I/O access with
replaceable tibial bones
Bilateral deltoid and quadriceps
IM injection sites

hook exercises
Permits liquids in the airways
for suctioning

Lower arms and legs are easily

Use NATO litter; cover with

Streaming audio; be the voice of

replaceable with trauma stumps

blanket without overheating

Combat HAL; hear responses at

that bleed in sync with heart rate

distances up to 150 ft.

and blood pressure

Control HAL using rugged wireless

tablet PC from up to 900 ft. away
HAL is fully functional on battery

Pre-record and program verbal

responses in any language

Wireless and tetherless with all

components housed inside
Bleeding trauma limbs and wound
sites for training emergency
bleeding control techniques
1.5 liter On-board simulated
blood supply
Internal rechargeable battery
provides 10 hrs of continuous
use on 2-4 hrs recharge time
Fully operational on battery
power or AC adapter

and groin can be packed using

combat gauze and respond to

power for point-of-injury care and

care in motion

Bleeding wounds at axilla

Palpable ribs and realistic
chest cavity
Shallow and deep needle
decompression with audible hiss

applied pressure
Sensors in the arm and legs
respond to tourniquet application
and applied pressure
Bleeding from two arteries in the

and needle placement detection

forearm and three arteries in the legs

Needle decompression to 3.25in

respond to tourniquet application

Unilateral chest rise with right

mainstem intubation
Automatic chest rise and fall with
selectable respiratory patterns
Selectable anterior lung sounds
Bilateral chest drain sites

Pressure on femoral artery reduces

or stops distal bleeding in leg
On-board simulated blood supply;
easy to refill; blood loss and blood
reservoir level shown on tablet PC
Easy to refill 1.5 lt. blood reservoir

Designed for fast scenario resets

with easy to use fluid refill ports
and interchangeable limbs
Realtime CPR quality and
performance feedback
Built-in library of programmed

Programmable heart sounds
Monitor ECG using standard
medical equipment. No special
adapters required

scenario included; modify them;

Pacing, cardioversion, defibrillation

create your own

Built in library of cardiac rhythms

reactive pupils
Software controlled fluid secretion
at ears, eyes, or mouth
Mild and severe convulsions


Visible gastric distention with

esophageal intubation
Internal fluid bladder with male
genitalia for catheterization
Bowel sounds in four quadrants

Supplied with:

Height 178cm / 70in

Blinking eyes with light


Measure blood pressure using a

real automatic BP monitor
Detectable oxygen saturation
using standard OSAT monitors

Healthy lower arms and legs

Trauma lower arms and legs
1 left axilla wound and 1 groin wound
Healthy axilla and groin inserts
24 trachea skin covers

Brachial pulse at bend in the arm

24 cricothyroid membranes

Antecubital vein for IV training

10 surgical trachea inserts

Software controlled visible cyanosis

2 reusable surgical cricoid inserts

Radial, brachial, carotid, femoral,

1 non-surgical insert

Intubate ET tube, LMA, or King LT

popliteal and pedal pulses are

12 intraosseous sternal access sites

Programmable difficult airway

blood pressure dependent

Wireless tablet PC with rugged

with tongue edema and

Supports sternal intraosseous

bump case and GIGA software

Combat HAL S3040.100

| Rugged and Resilient Trauma Simulator

Combat HAL S3040.100


Spare Parts


Intraosseous Sternal

Combat Trauma Arm

Patented; other patents pending

Access Site



Combat Trauma Leg

Automatic Physiologic Mode

Set of 10 Surgical Trachea Inserts




Axila Wound Insert

Set of 24 Trachea Skin Covers


Intuitive interface and automaticity


Groin Wound Insert

Vital signs are generated in real time

Surgical Cricoid Assembly


Drug library with medications

Removal Tool

Axilla Healthy Insert

Use of medications change



conditions in real time mimicking

Parafilm Tape 15 feet

Groin Healthy Insert

real clinical situations



IV Fill Kit (Standard)

Combat HAL Charger



makes simulation easy

Blood loss automatically affects

related vital signs

External Blood Filling Kit

RF Mod Module

Advanced 12 Lead ECG




Combat Blood Concentrate

Chest Skin Replacement - no electronics

Use your real 12 lead ECG monitor



Defibrillate, cardiovert or pace

Mineral Oil

Surgical Cricoid Insert



HALs dysrhythmia
Design 12 lead ECGs using our

Allen Key Set


editing feature:
-- Create and modify waveforms
even on a point-by-point basis

Gaumard Shorts
Wound Kits

Page 91


-- Editor is accurate; a REAL ECG

monitor will correctly interpret
resulting waveform
Use the integrated MI module to:
-- Specify occlusions, ischemia,

Independent Aeromedical Research Laboratory

Tests conducted on comparable HAL S3000 simulator

injury, necrosis
-- Modify infarctions quickly






810F Method 514.5

3 Axis Testing

Simulates Vibrations in Jet/



461E Methods CE101/102

and RE 102

Conducted and Radiated


To Assure that HAL does not

Interfere with Avionics

12in Touch Screen Tablet

to Display Vital signs

Aircraft Chamber

Use Test Aircraft

100dB Environment

Simulate High Noise Levels

Inside Military Aircraft


High Temperature

810F Method 501.4

Up to 49 C / 120 F

Low Temperature

810F Method 501.4

Down to 0 C / 32 F


810F Method 501.4

29.5 C / 85 F and 95%


Hot and Wet Conditions

Altitude + Emergency

810F Method 500.4

Altitude and Emergency

Decompression Testing

Alt. to 18,000 ft. Decomp. at

45,000 ft./3 cycles

Explosive Atmosphere

810F Method 511.4

Verify Operation in Explosive

Fuel-Air Atmosphere

Flight Testing

Use Test Aircraft

Rotary and Fixed Wing

and easily
-- Resultant dynamic 12 lead ECG
quickly generated

Available in the following ethnic skin

tones at no extra charge:

Light / Medium (standard) / Dark

Take off/landing; Banking;

Flight; Others

Wound Kits

90 | Trauma Simulator - Combat HAL S3040.100

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Wound Kit Features

Sized to fit all Gaumard adult simulators
Specially formulated silicone provides realism not seen in vinyl casualty kits
Tough and resilient
Specify light, medium, or dark skin tone kits at no extra charge
Four kits available
Includes carrying case
Perfect for HAL S3201/S3101/S3000, HAL S1000, Code Blue III Adult

Casualty Wound Kit


Emergency Wound Kit


Trauma Wound Kit


Burn Wound Kit

Patents pending

Wound Bonding Kit


Visit us online at

Wound Kits | 91

Casualty Wound Kit

14 wound types 23 total wounds


This kit contains everything necessary to

stage incredibly realistic casualty scenarios.
This 23-piece kit has burns, lacerations,
compound fractures, gunshot wounds,
incisions, abrasions, and more...

Small skin incision and skin abrasion

Skin incision (cut) medium size

Object in thigh and large skin abrasion

Compound bone fracture

Knife wound and medium skin abrasion

Deep wound in thigh

Contusion to the head with inflamation

Left side boneless laceration

Burn on face

Large caliber wound entry and exit

Object embedded in thigh

Round gunshot wound

Emergency Wound Kit

11 wound types 18 total wounds

The Emergency Wound Kit assists in training

exercises simulating community disasters like
bus accidents, or building explosions. Permits
realistic practice required for the proper care,
management and transportation of the injured.

Small skin incision and skin abrasion

Skin incision (cut) medium size

Large skin abrasion

Compound bone fracture

Knife wound and medium skin abrasion

Deep wound in thigh

Contusion to the head with inflammation

Left side boneless laceration

Thigh suture

Visit us online at

Wound Kits | 93

Trauma Wound Kit

8 wound types 10 total wounds


These trauma wounds will assist in training

exercises for military, government responders
and anyone providing treatment to victims of
disasters and war. Detailed sculpting and
painting create realism for the training of
medics responding to these events.

Round gunshot wound

Large caliber wound entry and exit

Open humerus fracture

Open radius/ulna fracture

Open femur fracture

Open tibia fracture

Object embedded in thigh

Abdominal/protruding intestine

94 | Wound Kits

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Burn Wound Kit

5 wound types 10 total wounds


These wounds simulate multiple burn injury

types, allowing students to assess the burn
type and prepare a treatment plan. Instructors
can measure performance of burn management.

Burn on hand

Burn on forearm

Burn on chest

Burn on back

Visit us online at

Burn on face

Wound Kits | 95

HAL S1000
ALS Simulation Made Easy

Tethered or Tetherless
Intubatable and Programmable Airway
Defibrillate, Cardiovert, and Pace
Using Real Equipment
Real-time Performance Feedback
Needle Decompression

HAL S1000

| ALS Simulation Made Easy

This realistic, full body, computer interactive simulator is the perfect tool
for simulating a wide range of advanced life saving skills in medical emergencies.
HAL S1000 offers advanced simulation technology at an affordable price.

Perform Chest Compressions

and Ventilations
Compress the chest hard and
fast; feel the realistic recoil after
each compression.

Pulse Sites Synchronized

with BP and Heart Rate
Carotid, femoral and radial pulses
operate continuously and are
synchronized with the ECG.

Intubatable and
Programmable Airway

Defibrillate, Cardiovert and

Pace Using Real Equipment

Includes Laptop PC

Use NP/OP/ET/LMA tubes.

Defibrillate cardiovert and pace

HAL includes a 15in laptop

Airway management techniques

using real EMS equipment and

PC. Change conditions such

can be practiced, including BVM,

see HALs ECG on your real AED.

as heart rate and blood

and nasal/oral intubation. Program

You can even select a 12 lead strip

pressure immediately or

tongue edema and laryngospam.

recording during the scenario.

specify smooth transitions.

Visit us online at

Emergency Care Simulators - HAL S1000 | 97

HAL S1000

| ALS Simulation Made Easy

Measure Compressions
and Ventilations

Bilateral IV Arms

View Dynamic ECG

Bilateral IV training arms that

View dynamic ECG on your

Allows instructor to assess the

can be used for bolus or

real ECG monitor. AED shown

quality of CPR being performed

intravenous infusions as well as

converting HALs ventricular

by providers.

for draining fluids.


Multiple Heart Sounds

Needle Decompression

Surgical Trachea

Simulator equipped with multiple

HAL features palpable ribs to

Realistic surgical trachea allows

realistic heart rates and cardiac

locate 2nd intercostal space for

tracheostomy or needle

rhythm heart sounds.

bilateral needle decompression.


CPR Quality and

Performance Feedback


to CPR
Compression Depth/Rate
Chest Recoil
Compression Interruptions
Ventilation Rate
Excessive Ventilation
Time to Defibrillation

The Surface Pro 2 option is

ideal for training CPR with
visual and audio feedback:

HAL S1000

| ALS Simulation Made Easy

HAL S1000
10 preprogrammed scenarios
Includes 15in widescreen laptop PC
Instructor control
Use our preprogrammed scenarios, modify
them, or create your own
Access the Details page and jump
between physiologic states in response to
the interventions of caregivers
Change conditions such as heart rate and
blood pressure immediately or specify
smooth transitions
Link Palette items to build a linear or
branching scenario
Pause the scenario or jump to the next
critical decision point
Oral or nasal intubation
Program tongue edema or
Use an ET tube or LMA
Sensors detect depth of intubation
Unilateral chest rise with right
mainstem intubation
Multiple upper airway sounds
synchronized with breathing
Realistic surgical trachea allows tracheostomy or needle cricothyrotomy
Control rate and depth of respiration
and observe chest rise
Ventilations measured and logged
Gastric distension with excess
BVM ventilation
Select independent left and right lung
Chest rise and lung sounds are synchronized
with selectable breathing patterns
Accommodates assisted ventilation,
including BVM.
Unilateral chest rise simulates tension
Multiple lung and breath sounds with
volume control
Multiple heart sounds, rates and intensities
Chest compressions are measured and logged
Blood pressure can be taken on left arm
using a modified cuff, palpation, or
auscultation. Korotkoff sounds audible

between systolic and diastolic pressures

Bilateral needle decompression at second
Bilateral carotid and femoral pulses, plus
left radial pulse operate continuously
Pulse strengths vary with HALs blood
pressure and pulses are synchronized with
the ECG
Oxygen saturation placement detection
using real monitors
HAL has conductive skin regions so you
can apply real electrodes and AED pads
Defibrillate cardiovert and pace using real
EMS equipment and see HALs ECG on
your AED
Program HALs response to defibrillation
Stack shocks as needed
HAL even distinguishes between
defibrillation and synchronized
HAL can be paced anteriorly at the
defibrillation sites
View dynamic ECG, in your real
ECG monitor
Track the actions of up to six care
providers using our response menu or
write a narrative
Links with optional audio-visual system
that integrates the event log with feeds
from camera and the simulated patient
monitor for comprehensive debriefing
Programmable bowel sounds including
none, normal, borborygmus, diarrhea,
hyperactive, irritable bowel syndrome,
post-op, and ulcerative colitis
Programmable central cyanosis
ALS provider manual

Virtual Patient Monitor

Extended monitor displays patient vital
signs in real time
Monitor HR, ABP, RR, CO2, SpO2, ETCO2,
temperature, NIBP, and more
Generate and display lab results for the
providers to use
Interactive interface features vital sign
parameter alarms, customizable layouts,
and file sharing

Wireless Streaming Audio

Via a headset, speak as the simulator's
voice and listen to the care providers
respond to the simulator
Record and store phrases in any language
for playback

CO2 Exhalation
Enables real and measurable CO2
exhalation with every breath.
10 programmable levels of CO2 output
Up to 90 minutes of CO2 exhalation per
single CO2 cartridge
CO2 system is mounted inside HAL for
tetherless operation

Urinary Catheterization
Internal fluid bladder and male genitalia
for Foley catheterization exercises

Micro+ Recording and

Debriefing system
Real time capture of audio and video
Integrated with GIGA
Seamlessly integrates the log file
and patient monitor with the audio
and video feeds
1 video stream recording
1 audio stream recording
Single simulator log file recording
1 patient monitor recording
1 USB wired camera with microphone

Tetherless Options
Our HAL S1000 simulator is now available with our industry-leading tetherless technology. The Wireless
Control option allows for true care-in-motion scenarios, and the Surface Pro 2 is ideal for providing visual
and audio feedback to CPR trainees.

Wireless Control

Microsoft Surface Pro 2



Control HAL wirelessly

Train team hand-offs and
Proven RF wireless connectivity
provides reliable communication
for tetherless operability

Replaces 15in laptop PC

Upgrade the control PC

to a lightweight Microsoft
Surface Pro 2 tablet
Pen and touch enabled GIGA
Simulator Control Software
Dual 720p cameras allow you to
record video/pictures/audio of

the simulation for debriefing

Store your learning materials,
presentations, and evaluations
Windows 8 operating system
supports standard Windows
applications, documents, and
USB peripherals

HAL S1020
Emergency Care Simulator

HAL S1020

| Emergency Care Simulator

12 Lead ECG Simulator with Integrated

Myocardial Infarction Model
Defibrillate, Cardiovert or

Create and Modify Waveforms

Pace HALs Dysrhythmia

Even on a Point-by-Point Basis

Display and Interpret HALs 12

Includes Laptop with

ECG Library Features

Lead ECG on your Real Monitor

15in Display

Thousands of Cardiac Rhythms

Specify additional 12 lead ECGs using

Defibrillate, cardiovert or pace HALs

our editing feature

dysrhythmia with a real AED

Visit us online at

Use your real 12 lead ECG monitor

Emergency Care Simulators - HAL S1020 | 101

HAL S1020

| Emergency Care Simulator

Status Window Shows HALs

ECG Library Features

Display and Interpret

Current Physiologic State

Thousands of Cardiac Rhythms

HALs 12 Lead ECG

UI also Shows any

Two Real Time Dynamic
ECG Waveforms

Automatic Event Log

for Debriefing

S1020 User interface displaying two dynamic ECG waveforms and 12 lead strip

Rhythm editor allows you to

create and modify waveforms
even on a point-by-point
basis. Editor is so accurate; a
REAL defibrillator will
correctly interpret resulting

102 | Emergency Care Simulators - HAL S1020

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S1020

| Emergency Care Simulator

HAL S1020
Patented; other patents pending

Articulating adult HAL full size body
Available in ethnic skin tones
Use your real 12 lead ECG monitor
Display and interpret HALs 12
lead ECG
Improve diagnostic abilities
ECG library features thousands of
cardiac rhythms
Specify additional 12 lead ECGs

Defibrillator and ECG leads not included

using our editing feature

-- Create and modify waveforms
even on a point-by-point basis
-- Editor is accurate; a REAL ECG
monitor will correctly interpret
resulting waveform
Print 12 lead strips from your patient
monitor; compare waveforms with
those shown on the Details page
of the User Interface
UI also shows any two real time
dynamic ECG waveforms
Defibrillate, cardiovert or pace
HALs dysrhythmia
Use the integrated MI module to:
-- Specify occlusions, ischemia,
injury, necrosis
-- Modify infarctions quickly
and easily
-- Resultant dynamic 12 lead ECG
quickly generated
-- Evaluate resultant dysrhythmia

Use the integrated MI module to: specify occlusions, ischemia, injury, necrosis;
modify infarctions quickly and easily; evaluate resultant dysrhythmia; assess the
extent of HALs cardiac damage

-- Assess the extent of HALs

cardiac damage


Also available as:

Laptop with carrying case

Also available as an option on

USB connections

Simulator soft carrying case

the HAL S3101 or S3000

Int. power supply 100-240 VAC

Instruction Manual

tetherless simulator

Visit us online at

Emergency Care Simulators - HAL S1020 | 103

Code Blue III Simulators

ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

Our Code Blue III system teaches

ALS skills using realistic code
scenarios. Each step you take is
monitored by software providing
important feedback, not only on
your choice of treatment, but also
the amount of time you have taken
to perform each vital function.

Code Blue III Family

| ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

Our Code Blue III ALS training simulators allow you to

teach high-performance, quality CPR by providing you with
real-time feedback on the CPR elements that make a difference.

Code Blue III Adult


Code Blue III Five Year


Code Blue III Newborn


Visit us online at

Code Blue III Simulators | 105

Code Blue III Family

| ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

Code Blue III S300.100 Resuscitation and Emergency Care Adult Simulator

Optional Virtual

Built-in Compressor Allows for

Patient Monitor

the Continuous Operation of

Chest Rise and Pulses

Control PC

CPR Quality and

Performance Feedback

The Surface Pro 2 option is

ideal for training CPR with


to CPR
Compression Depth/Rate
Chest Recoil
Compression Interruptions
Ventilation Rate
Excessive Ventilation
Time to Defibrillation

visual and audio feedback:

Realistic airway with tongue, visible

Color and vital signs respond to

Connect real electrodes to the

vocal cords, trachea, and esophagus

hypoxic events and interventions

conductive skin sites and monitor

supports oral and nasal intubation

106 | Code Blue III Simulators - S300.100

ECG using real medical equipment

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Code Blue III Family

Code Blue III Adult
Patented; other patents pending

| ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

using real energy and devices

Palpable carotid, brachial, radial

vocal cords, trachea and esophagus

Supports oral and nasal intubation
using an endotracheal tube,

Auscultate Korotkoff sounds

between systolic/diastolic pressures
Detects oximeter sensor placement
on the left index finger

Laryngeal Mask Airway, Combitube,

Genuine Windows 15in laptop

and more (NP/OP/ET/LMA/LT)

GIGA Unified Simulator

Head-tilt chin-lift and jaw-thrust

Supports bag valve mask ventilation


and femoral pulses

BP auscultation in left arm

Realistic airway with tongue, visible

Virtual Patient Monitor

Control Software
Wired USB communication module

Extended monitor displays patient

vital signs in real time including
HR, ABP, RR, CO2, SpO2, ETCO2,
temperature, NIBP, and more
Generate and display lab results
for the providers to use
Interactive interface features vital
sign parameter alarms, customizable
layouts, and file sharing

Sensors detect and log endotracheal

tube placement in the airway
Visible gastric distention

Tetherless Code Blue III Options

with esophageal intubation

or excessive ventilation
Variable cyanosis intensities

Our Code Blue III simulators are now available with our industry-leading
tetherless technology. The Wireless Control option allows for true care-in-

simulate hypoxic events and

motion scenarios, and the Surface Pro 2 is ideal for providing visual and

effective interventions

audio feedback to CPR trainees.

Audible vocal responses and sounds

include: complaints, replies, gagging,
cough, gasping, and more
Automatic breathing with variable
respiratory patterns include
agonal breathing and gasping
Built-in compressor allows for the
continuous operation of chest rise
and pulses
Bilateral lung expansion with
realistic chest rise during

Wireless Control

Microsoft Surface Pro 2

assisted ventilation



Unilateral chest rise with right

mainstem intubation
Bilateral lung sounds include
wheezing, crackles and squeaks
Ventilations and chest compressions
are measured and logged in real time

Control HAL wirelessly

Train team hand-offs and
Proven RF wireless connectivity
provides reliable near-field

Intravenous access on the right arm

communication for tethereless

Intraosseous access at right tibia


Conductive skin regions allow for

ECG monitoring using real equipment
Cardiac rhythms are synchronized
with ECG, selectable heart
sounds, and palpable pulses
Defibrillate, pace, and cardiovert

Upgrade the control PC to the

lightweight Microsoft Surface
Pro 2 tablet
Pen and touch enabled GIGA
simulator control software
Dual 720p cameras allow you to
record video/pictures/audio of
the simulation for debriefing
Store your learning material,
presentations, and evaluation
in one device.
Windows 8 operating system
supports standard Windows
applications, documents, and
USB peripherals

Code Blue III Family

| ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

Code Blue III S300.105 Resuscitation and Emergency Care 5-year Pediatric Simulator

Optional Virtual

Realistic chest rise and pulses

Oral and Nasal

Patient Monitor

after resuscitation. Internal air

Intubation on a

reservoir provides continuous

Realistic Airway

operation for up to 2 minutes



Palpable Carotid,

Brachial, Radial,

Control PC

and Femoral Pulses

CPR Quality and

Performance Feedback


The Surface Pro 2 option is

ideal for training CPR with


to CPR
Compression Depth/Rate
Chest Recoil
Compression Interruptions
Ventilation Rate
Excessive Ventilation
Time to Defibrillation

visual and audio feedback:

Connect real electrodes to the

Conductive skin sites permit defibril-

Color and vital signs respond to

conductive skin sites and monitor

lation, cardioversion, and pacing

hypoxic events and interventions

ECG using real medical equipment

using real medical equipment

(central cyanosis)

108 | Code Blue III Simulators - S300.105

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Code Blue III Family

| ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

Code Blue III Five Year

Intraosseous access at right tibia

Virtual Patient Monitor


IV access for medication infusion


Patented; other patents pending

Intramuscular injection sites

in deltoids and quadriceps for
placement exercises

Vocal responses and sounds

include complaints, replies, gagging,
cough, gasping, and more
Realistic airway with tongue, visible
vocal cords, trachea, and esophagus
Supports oral and nasal intubation
using an endotracheal tube, and

Extended monitor displays patient

vital signs in real time including

Built-in rechargeable battery

HR, ABP, RR, CO2, SpO2, ETCO2,

15in control laptop with

temperature, NIBP, and more

Windows operating system

Supports Windows applications,
documents, and USB peripherals
Includes USB communications
module and cable

Generate and display lab results

for the providers to use
Interactive interface features vital
sign parameter alarms, customizable
layouts, and file sharing

other standard medical devices

Sensors detect depth of intubation
Unilateral chest rise with right

Tetherless Code Blue III Options

main stem intubation

(CPR) Chest compression and
ventilation performance sensors

Our Code Blue III simulators are now available with our industry-leading
tetherless technology. The Wireless Control option allows for true care-in-

Realistic chest cavity and recoil

motion scenarios, and the Surface Pro 2 is ideal for providing visual and

Chest compressions generate

audio feedback to CPR trainees.

palpable pulses
Bilateral lung expansion and
realistic chest rise during bag
valve mask (BVM) ventilation
Visible gastric distension
with excessive bagging with
esophageal intubation
Realistic chest rise and pulses
after resuscitation. Internal air
reservoir provides continuous
operation for up to 2 minutes
Defibrillate, cardiovert, and pace

Wireless Control

Microsoft Surface Pro 2



using real devices and adjuncts

Connect real electrodes to the
conductive skin sites and monitor
ECG using real medical equipment
Palpable carotid, brachial, radial,
and femoral pulses

Control HAL wirelessly

Train team hand-offs and
Proven RF wireless connectivity
provides reliable near-field

Auscultate heart and lung sounds

communication for tethereless

Programmable central cyanosis


simulates hypoxic events and

effective interventions
Measurable blood pressure with
audible Korotkoff sounds
Oximeter sensor placement
detection on the left index finger

Upgrade the control PC to the

lightweight Microsoft Surface
Pro 2 tablet
Pen and touch enabled GIGA
simulator control software
Dual 720p cameras allow you to
record video/pictures/audio of
the simulation for debriefing
Store your learning material,
presentations, and evaluation
in one device.
Windows 8 operating system
supports standard Windows
applications, documents, and
USB peripherals

Code Blue III Family

| ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

Code Blue III S300.110 Resuscitation and Emergency Care Neonatal Simulator

Optional Virtual

Palpable Umbilical,

Oral and Nasal

Patient Monitor

Brachial, and

Intubation on a

Femoral Pulses

Realistic Airway

Realistic chest rise and pulses

Vocal sounds

after resuscitation. Internal air

include: crying,


reservoir provides continuous

grunting, and more

Access with

operation for up to 90 seconds

Tibia Bone


Control PC


CPR Quality and

Performance Feedback

The Surface Pro 2 option is

ideal for training CPR with


to CPR
Compression Depth/Rate
Chest Recoil
Compression Interruptions
Ventilation Rate
Excessive Ventilation
Time to Defibrillation

visual and audio feedback:

Connect real electrodes to the

Color responds to hypoxic events

Chest compression and ventilation

conductive skin sites and monitor

and interventions (healthy, mild

sensors track and log provider CPR

ECG using real medical equipment

cyanosis, severe cyanosis)


110 | Code Blue III Simulators - S300.110

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Code Blue III Family

Code Blue III Newborn

| ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

Intramuscular injection sites


in deltoids and quadriceps for

Patented; other patents pending

placement exercises
Built-in rechargeable battery

Virtual Patient Monitor

Extended monitor displays patient
vital signs in real time including

Vocal sounds include: crying,

grunting, and more
Realistic airway with tongue, visible
vocal cords, trachea, and esophagus
Supports oral and nasal intubation
using an endotracheal tube and
other standard medical devices

Simulator Control PC
15in Windows control laptop
Supports standard Windows
applications, documents, and
USB peripherals
Includes USB communications
module and cable

HR, ABP, RR, CO2, SpO2, ETCO2,

temperature, NIBP, and more
Generate and display lab results
for the providers to use
Interactive interface features vital
sign parameter alarms, customizable
layouts, and file sharing

Sensors detect depth of intubation

Unilateral chest rise with right
main stem intubation

Tetherless Code Blue III Options

(CPR) Chest compression and

ventilation performance sensors

Our Code Blue III simulators are now available with our industry-leading

Realistic chest cavity and recoil

tetherless technology. The Wireless Control option allows for true care-in-

Compressions generate

motion scenarios, and the Surface Pro 2 is ideal for providing visual and

palpable pulses

audio feedback to CPR trainees.

Bilateral lung expansion and

realistic chest rise during bag
valve mask (BVM) ventilation
Visible gastric distension
with excessive bagging
with esophageal intubation
Realistic chest rise and pulses
after resuscitation. Internal air
reservoir provides continuous
operation for up to 90 seconds
Connect real electrodes to the
conductive skin sites and monitor

Wireless Control Upgrade

Microsoft Surface Pro 2



ECG using real medical equipment

Palpable umbilical, brachial, and
femoral pulses
Auscultate heart and lung sounds

Control HAL wirelessly

Train team hand-offs and

Programmable central cyanosis

Proven RF wireless connectivity

simulates hypoxic events and

provides reliable near-field

effective interventions

communication for tethereless

Measurable blood pressure with


Upgrade the control PC to the

lightweight Microsoft Surface
Pro 2 tablet
Pen and touch enabled GIGA
simulator control software
Dual 720p cameras allow you to
record video/pictures/audio of

audible Korotkoff sounds

the simulation for debriefing

Oximeter sensor placement

Store your learning material,

detection on the left hand

Intraosseous access at right tibia
Umbilical catheterization and arm
IV access for medication infusion

presentations, and evaluation

in one device
Windows 8 operating system
supports standard Windows
applications, documents, and
USB peripherals

Code Blue III Family

| ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

The Code Blue III family is ready for simulation with the
GIGA Unified Simulator Control Software:
Includes a library preprogrammed scenarios

Track care provider actions

Easy to use on-the-fly controls, and scenario builder

Generate event logs and performance reports

Real time CPR quality and performance information

for debriefing and archiving

Lab report generator

Link Palette items to build a linear

Changes in condition and care are

Hypoxic model responds to care

or branching scenario

time stamped and logged

provider actions

GIGA features easy to use controls, logging tools, and a built-in patient vital signs monitor view.

112 | Code Blue III Simulators

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Code Blue III Family

| ALS and Emergency Care Simulators

Feature Comparison
Airway sounds and vocal responses
Supports bag valve mask ventilation
Visible vocal cords
Head tilt-chin lift and jaw thrust
Oral/Nasal intubation (ET)
Intubation depth detection
Preprogrammed speech responses
Bilateral lung expansion with bag valve ventilation
Unilateral chest rise with right main stem intubation
Bilateral lung sounds
Programmable chest rise and fall
Built-in air compressor for continuous breathing
Spontaneous breathing and pulses
Intraosseous access at right tibia
IV training arm
Umbilical catheterization
Oximeter sensor placement detection
Multiple palpable pulses
Palpable umbilical pulse
Blood pressure auscultation
Korotkoff sounds
Visible cyanosis
(CPR) chest compression and ventilation performance sensors
Chest compressions generate palpable pulses
Defibrillate and pace using real medical devices
Heart and lung sounds
4 Lead ECG using real medical equipment
Palpable landmarks including ribs and xiphoid process
Articulated neck, jaw, arms, and legs
Oral suctioning
Gastric distension with excessive BVM
Wired communication
Built-in rechargeable battery
Defibrillate to snap sites
GIGA unified simulator control software
15in simulator control laptop (included)




Wireless control upgrade*

Microsoft Surface Pro 2 tablet upgrade*
19in virtual patient vital signs monitor (extended screen)
20in virtual patient vital signs all-in-one touch panel PC (stand-alone)

* Price when ordered with simulator

Visit us online at

Replaces standard 15in laptop

Code Blue III Simulators | 113

S155 / S115 / S105

Multipurpose Simulators

PEDI simulators include intubatable

airway, and an injection training arm,
an intraosseous injection leg and
appropriate arterial/venous simulation.
These manikins are another must for
a well equipped training program.

S155 / S115 / S105

| Multipurpose Simulators

These realistic simulators are a MUST HAVE for your Pediatric Resuscitation
training program. They combine a realistic intubatable airway, an injection training
arm, an intraosseous infusion system, and numerous venous and arterial sites.

Five Year PEDI Simulator

The Mike and Michelle five (5)
year PEDI simulator includes an
intubatable airway, an injection
training arm, an intraosseous
injection leg, and appropriate
arterial/venous simulation. This
manikin is a must for your pediatric
ALS training program.

One Year PEDI Simulator

The Mike and Michelle one (1)
year PEDI simulator includes an
intubatable airway, and injection
training arm, an intraosseous
injection leg and appropriate
arterial/venous simulation. This
manikin is another must for a well
equipped training program.

Newborn PEDI Simulator

This realistic newborn simulator is
a MUST HAVE for your Newborn
and Infant Resuscitation training
program. It combines a realistic
intubatable airway, an injection
training arm, an intraosseous
infusion system, and numerous
venous and arterial sites.
Visit us online at

Multipurpose Simulators | 115

S155 / S115 / S105

| Multipurpose Simulators

Fully Articulating

Intubatable Airway

Intraosseous Access

Articulating head, neck, and jaw,

Anatomically accurate airway

Intraosseous infusion and injection

permits head tilt/chin lift, jaw

with cricocartilage permitting

system with realistic tibia bones.

thrust, and neck extension into

intubation, suctioning, and the

Allows infusion of fluids, blood

the sniffing position.

Sellick maneuver.

and/or drugs directly into the

bone marrow of the tibia.

Realistic Chest Cavity

Pulse Sites

Injection Training Arm

Realistic internal organs for

Multiple pulse points generated

Injection arm for IV, IM, Sub Q

unparalleled CPR performance.

manually using a squeeze bulb.

and intradermal exercises.

Umbilical Pulse
and Catheterization

BVM with
Realistic Chest Rise


Practice umbilical catheterization

Bilateral lung expansion with

Realistic airway with tongue, vocal

by filling umbilical cord using

realistic chest rise during BVM.

cords, trachea, and esophagus.

syringe provided.

Practice intubation using a miller

blade and uncuffed ET tube or LMA.

116 | Multipurpose Simulators - Features

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

S155 / S115 / S105

| Multipurpose Simulators

Feature Comparison
Fully articulating head, neck, and jaw, permitting head tilt/chin lift, jaw thrust, and neck
extension into the sniffing position
Anatomically accurate airway with cricocartilage permitting intubation, suctioning, and the
Sellick maneuver
BVM with realistic chest rise
Realistic internal organs for unparalleled CPR performance
Realistic mouth, trachea, bronchi, lungs, and distendible stomach
Practice gastric suctioning and feeding exercises
NG, OG, NP, and OP exercises
Injection training arm with numerous venous/arterial sites
IV leg
Carotid pulse
Radial pulse
Brachial pulse
Femoral pulse
Umbilical pulse
Posterior Tibial pulse
Intraosseous infusion and injection system with realistic tibia bones
Umbilical infusion site
T-shirt and shorts OR diaper and bodysuit (for newborn)
Custom nylon carrying bag
Instruction manual
Omni Code Blue Pack for CPR monitoring





Optional Omni Code Blue Pack

Monitor and log chest compressions and ventilations
Provides the functionality of our Code Blue Monitor and
CPR Link, all in one package. Monitor and log compressions
and ventilations by connecting Omni to any computer, OR
view feedback in your Omni screen for maximum mobility.

1 Omni Controller
Pre-installed CPR module inside your simulator
1 CPR Link cable and software; for monitoring
CPR on any Windows computer


Monitor not included



S157 / S117 / S107

Nursing Care and CPR Simulators

S157 / S117 / S107

| Nursing Care and CPR Simulators

A perfect combination of nursing

and emergency features

Five Year Multipurpose Patient


One Year Multipurpose Patient


Newborn Multipurpose Patient


Visit us online at

Multipurpose - Nursing Care and CPR | 119

S157 / S117 / S107

| Nursing Care and CPR Simulators

Interchangeable Genitalia

Ostomy Care


Interchangeable organs to

Stomas for ileostomy, colostomy,

Pierce the replaceable trachea

practice male and female

and suprapubic exercises.

and insert a tracheostomy tube


with an attached positive pressure

device to observe chest rise.

Realistic Chest Cavity

Airway Management

Injection Training Arm

Realistic internal organs for

Realistic airway with tongue, vocal

Injection arm for IV, IM, Sub Q

unparalleled CPR performance.

cords, trachea, and esophagus.

and intradermal exercises.

Practice intubation using a miller

blade and uncuffed ET tube or LMA.

Umbilical Catheterization

Intraosseous Access

BVM with Realistic Chest Rise

Practice umbilical catheterization

Intraosseous infusion and injection

Bilateral lung expansion with

by filling umbilical cord using

system with realistic tibia bones.

realistic chest rise during BVM.

syringe provided.

Allows infusion of fluids, blood

and/or drugs directly into the
bone marrow of the tibia.

120 | Multipurpose - Nursing Care and CPR

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

S157 / S117 / S107

| Nursing Care and CPR Simulators

Feature Comparison
Oral, nasal, and digital intubation
Place nasal and oral gastric tubes
Intraosseous infusion
IV training arm
Manual palpable pulses
Stomas for ileostomy, colostomy, and suprapubic exercises
Interchangeable genitalia
Male and female catheterization
BVM with realistic chest rise
Realistic internal organs for unparalleled CPR performance
Umbilical catheterization
Umbilical pulse
Place OP/NP tubes
Tracheostomy care with replaceable trachea
G-tube placement
Enema administration
Placement of rectal suppositories
Intramuscular injection sites in deltoid and upper thigh
Practice gastric suctioning exercises
Soft, lifelike faceskin with molded hair
Eyes open and close in realistic eye sockets
Articulating head, jaw, arm, and legs
Realistic hands, feet, fingers and toes
Soft upper body skin over realistic molded internal organs
Detachable at waist for easy storage
T-shirt and shorts OR diaper and bodysuit (for newborn)
Soft carrying bag
Instruction manual









Omni Code Blue pack for CPR monitoring
Site specific heart and lung sounds
Subclavian acces
Chest decompression and drainage

Visit us online at




Multipurpose - Nursing Care and CPR | 121

Basic Life Support

CPR Care Simulators

Basic Life Support

| CPR Care Simulators

These full-size CPR simulators are designed to operate for years with strong,
sturdy construction, realistic landmarks and one piece disposable airways.
Monitor CPR performance using the Omni Code Blue Pack.

CPR Simon
Adult BLS simulaton system. Has
two torso models S308 | S309
and two full body S310 | S311.

S308 Torso
S309 Torso
S3 1 0 Full Body
S3 1 1 Full Body

5 Year CPR Care

5 year old pediatric BLS
simulation system.

S15 1

Full Body
Full Body
Full Body
Full Body

1 Year CPR Care

1 year old BLS simulation system.

S1 1 1

Full Body
Full Body
Full Body
Full Body

The Susie and Simon

Newborn CPR
Neonatal BLS simulation system.

S101 Torso
S102 Torso
S103 Full Body
S104 Full Body
Visit us online at

Basic Life Support | 123

Basic Life Support

| CPR Care Simulators

Model shown:

The Simon Adult CPR Care Simulator


Eyes Open and Close;

Airway Blocked

Realistic Chest Rise

Realistic and Easily


One Pupil is Dilated

when Head is Forward

During Ventilations

Accessible Chest Cavity

Venous Site


Omni Code Blue Pack


Monitors CPR

Bends at Waist


Realistic Hands,


Fingers and Toes

Bilateral Carotid, and Right Femoral Pulses

Fully articulating head, neck, and jaw,

Realistic chest rise during ventilations

Omni Code Blue pack monitors the

permitting head/tilt, chin lift, jaw

cadence and depth of cardiac

thrust, and neck extension into the

compression and airway ventilation

sniffing position

* included with S309, S311

124 | Basic Life Support - S308 / S309 / S310 / S311

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Basic Life Support

Quality CPR simulators designed
to operate for years. Strong,
sturdy construction with full-size,
realistic landmarks and one piece
disposable airways.

S308 Torso
S309 Torso
S3 1 0 Full Body
S3 1 1 Full Body

| CPR Care Simulators

Features for S311

Select System

Totally disposable airways to


practice hygienic mouth-to-


mouth ventilation

Disposable Airway

Fully articulating head, neck, and

Cartoid Pulse Sites

jaw permitting head/tilt, chin lift,

Omni Code Blue Pack

jaw thrust, and neck extension

Arms and Legs

into the sniffing position

Femoral Venous Site

Airway blocked when head is

308 309 310 311

IM Sites

Easily accessible chest cavity
with ribcage, lungs, and heart


for realism and practice of the

Realistic chest rise during ventilation

Package of 10 one-piece
disposable airways

Carotid, femoral arterial pulse sites


Heimlich maneuver

Femoral venous site

on the deltoids, quadriceps and

Package of 100 one-piece

disposable airways

left gluteus medius


Intramuscular (IM) Injection Sites

Eyes open and close; one pupil

and logs the cadence and depth

Advanced intravenous
training arm with subtle
venous network

of cardiac compression and airway

Specify right or left arm



is dilated
Omni Code Blue pack monitors

Jointed elbows, wrists, knees and

Omni Blood Pressure Arm

10 disposable airways
Detachable at waist for easy storage

S310.415 For S310

S310.414 For S311

Instruction Manual

Carrying Bag

Carrying bag


Ten totally disposable airways to

Multiple pulse points; carotid and

Realistic chest compression

practice hygienic mouth-to-mouth

femoral arterial pulse points

and recoil


Visit us online at

Basic Life Support - S308 / S309 / S310 / S311 | 125

Basic Life Support

| CPR Care Simulators

Model shown:

Five Year CPR Care Simulator


Eyes Open and Close;

Airway Blocked

Realistic Chest Rise

Realistic Chest Cavity


One Pupil is Dilated

when Head is Forward

During Ventilations

Provides Anatomic Landmark

Venous Site

as well as Chest Compliance


Omni Code Blue Pack


Realistic Hands,



Monitors CPR

Training Arm

Fingers and Toes


Bilateral Carotid, Right Brachial,

and Right Femoral Pulses


Multiple pulse points; carotid ,femo-

Realistic chest rise during ventilations

ral, and brachial arterial pulse points

Omni Code Blue pack monitors the

cadence and depth of cardiac
compression and airway ventilation
* standard on S152, S154

126 | Basic Life Support - S151 / S152 / S153 / S154

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Basic Life Support

Five Year CPR and
Trauma Care Simulator

| CPR Care Simulators

Features for S154

Select System

Fully articulating head and jaw

with teeth and tongue




151 152 153 154


Individual disposable airways

Disposable Airway

to practice hygienic mouth-to-

Arterial Pulse Sites

mouth ventilation

Omni Code Blue Pack

Airway blocked when head forward

Intraosseous Access

Easily accessible chest cavity with

Intravenous Arm & Leg

molded ribcage, lungs, and heart

Realistic chest rise during ventilation
Intraosseous infusion
Intravenous training arm


Carotid, femoral, and brachial

arterial pulse sites
Femoral venous site
Intramuscular (IM) Injection Sites
on the deltoids and quadriceps
Omni Code Blue pack monitors
and logs the cadence and depth

Training arm and hand for

intravenous, intramuscular,
and subcutaneous access
With interchangeable hand for
finger prick practice


of cardiac compression and

airway ventilation
Soft, lifelike face with molded hair
Eyes open and close in realistic eyesockets for ophthalmic purposes

Intraosseous infusion
system with realistic
tibia bones

One normal eye and one eye dilated

Bends at waist
Jointed elbows, wrists, knees, ankles
Realistic hands, feet, fingers and toes
Detachable at waist for easy storage
Practice regular or Vest CPR
T-shirt and shorts
Custom nylon carrying bag
Instruction manual

Ten totally disposable airways to

Intraosseous access

Training arm and hand for intrave-

practice hygienic mouth-to-mouth

* standard on S153, S154

nous, intramuscular, and subcutane-


ous access
* standard on S153, S154

Visit us online at

Basic Life Support - S151 / S152 / S153 / S154 | 127

Basic Life Support

| CPR Care Simulators

Model shown:

One Year CPR Care Simulator


Eyes Open and Close;

Airway Blocked

Realistic Chest Rise

Realistic Chest Cavity


One Pupil is Dilated

when Head is Forward

During Ventilations

Provides Anatomic Landmark

Intravenous Site

as well as Chest Compliance



Omni Code Blue Pack


Realistic Hands,



Monitors CPR


Fingers and Toes

Bilateral Brachial, Right Femoral,

and Left Posterior Tibial Pulses

Multiple pulse points; bilateral

Realistic chest rise during ventilations

Omni Code Blue pack monitors the

brachial, right femoral, and left

cadence and depth of cardiac

posterior tibial pulses

compression and airway ventilation

* standard on S112, S114

128 | Basic Life Support - S111 / S112 / S113 / S114

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Basic Life Support

One Year CPR and
Trauma Care Simulator

| CPR Care Simulators

Features for S114

Select System

Fully articulating head and jaw

with teeth and tongue









Individual disposable airways

Disposable Airway

to practice hygienic mouth-to-

Arterial Pulse Sites

mouth ventilation

Omni Code Blue Pack

Airway blocked when head forward

Intraosseous Access

Easily accessible chest cavity with

Femoral Venous Site

molded ribcage, lungs, and heart

Realistic chest rise during ventilation

Intraosseous infusion


Femoral venous site


Omni Code Blue pack monitors

of cardiac compression and airway

Training arm and hand

for intravenous access


With interchangeable hand for finger

and logs the cadence and depth

Intramuscular (IM) Injection Sites

on the quadriceps

prick practice. Arm also features

radial and brachial arterial sites

Bilateral brachial, right femoral,


and left posterior tibial pulses

Soft, lifelike faceskin with
molded hair
Eyes open and close in
realistic eye sockets for

Intraosseous infusion
system with realistic
tibia bones

ophthalmic purposes
One normal eye and
one eye dilated
Practice regular or Vest CPR
T-shirt and shorts
Custom nylon carrying bag
Instruction Manual

Realistic chest cavity provides

Intraosseous infusion system with

Ten totally disposable airways to

anatomic landmark as well as chest

realistic tibia bones

practice hygienic mouth-to-mouth


* standard on S113, S114


Visit us online at

Basic Life Support - S111 / S112 / S113 / S114 | 129

Basic Life Support

| CPR Care Simulators

Model shown:

The Susie and Simon Newborn CPR and Trauma Care Simulator


Realistic Chest Cavity



Provides Anatomic Landmark

Venous Site

as well as Chest Compliance

Omni Code Blue Pack

Realistic Chest Rise

Realistic Hands,

Monitors CPR

During Ventilations

Fingers and Toes

Bilateral Brachial, Right Femoral, and

Left Popliteal Arterial Pulse Sites

Multiple arterial pulse sites

Realistic chest rise during ventilation

Omni Code Blue pack monitors

the cadence and depth of cardiac
compression and airway ventilation
* for S102, S104

130 | Basic Life Support - S101 / S102 / S103 / S104

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Basic Life Support

The Susie and Simon
Newborn CPR and
Trauma Care Simulator

| CPR Care Simulators

Features for S104

Select System

Fully articulating head and jaw

with tongue


SAFE CPR individual disposable

S101 Torso
S102 Torso
S103 Full Body
S104 Full Body

101 102 103 104

Disposable Airway

airways to practice hygienic

Arterial Pulse Sites

mouth-to-mouth ventilation

Omni Code Blue Pack

Airway blocked when head forward

Intraosseous Access

Easily accessible chest cavity with

Femoral Venous Site

molded ribcage, lungs, and heart

Realistic chest rise during ventilation
Bilateral brachial, right femoral, and
left popliteal arterial pulse points


Femoral venous site

and logs the cadence and depth

Training arm and hand

for intravenous access

of cardiac compression and airway

With soft hand for finger prick


practice. Arm also features radial

Omni Code Blue pack monitors

Intraosseous infusion

and brachial arterial sites.

Realistic eye sockets for


ophthalmic purposes

Instruction manual

Intraosseous infusion
system with realistic
tibia bones

Custom nylon carrying bag


Soft, lifelike face with molded hair

Diaper and body suit

Intraosseous infusion system with

Realistic chest cavity provides

Ten totally disposable airways to

realistic tibia bones

anatomic landmark as well as

practice hygienic mouth-to-mouth

* for S103, S104

chest compliances


Visit us online at

Basic Life Support - S101 / S102 / S103 / S104 | 131

Omni Code Blue Pack

| Basic Life Support

Omni Code Blue Pack
Provides the functionality of our
Code Blue Monitor and CPR Link,
all in one package. Monitor and
log compressions and ventilations
by connecting Omni to any
computer, OR view feedback in
your Omni screen for maximum
Teach CPR for adults, children,
and neonates
Monitor the compression and
ventilation waveforms produced
by your students
Show the waveform results to
your students
Save as many results as you wish
on your computer
Print only those results you need

1 Omni Controller
Pre-installed CPR module inside
your simulator
1 CPR Link cable and software; for
monitoring and logging CPR on
any Windows computer
Included with following products:
S102, S104, S112, S114, S152, S154,
S309, S311, S222, S222.100, S303,
S304, S108, S320.100, S320.101,
S550, S550.100 S551
Optional for the following products:
Monitor and computer not included

132 | Basic Life Support - S101 / S102 / S103 / S104


for S105
for S115
for S155
for S315
for S315.100
for S315.300
for S107
for S117
for S157

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Omni Code Blue Pack

| Basic Life Support

Adult HAL full size body

Use our scenarios, modify them or

HAL S1030
Dynamic Airway and Lung Compliance Simulator

create your own

Intubatable and programmable airway
Programmable lung compliance
Independently control right and left
side airway resistances
Use in conventional ventilation modes

HAL S1030

| Dynamic Airway and Lung Compliance Simulator

New and improved HAL technology for superior

airway and lung compliance simulation.
Use our Scenarios,

BVM, Intubate

Program Tongue Edema,


Modify them or

or Mechanically

Pharyngeal Swelling and

Lung Compliance

Create your Own



Independently Control
Right and Left Side
Airway Resistances

Includes Laptop

Assess C02 Output with End

Capable of Holding

with 15in Display

Tidal Detector or Capnography

PEEP, 5-20 cm H20

Receive real time feedback from real

Create scenarios using our proven,

Change lung resistance/compliance

mechanical ventilator

easy to use, HAL software

"on-the-fly" and see results on a real

ventilator and recorded on the laptop

Visit us online at

Respiratory Care Simulators - HAL S1030 | 135

HAL S1030

| Dynamic Airway and Lung Compliance Simulator

Status Window Shows

Program Tongue Edema,

Ten Levels of Static

Specify Inspiratory Time

HAL's Current Physiologic

Pharyngeal Swelling and


and Rate, Inspiratory/



15-50 ml/cm H2O

Expiratory Ratio

Set Patient Trigger Rate to

Trigger the Ventilator
UI Shows Real Time Feedback
from Mechanical Ventilator
Independently Controlled
Airway Resistances
Specify Four Anterior and Four
Posterior Lung Sounds, Upper
Right, Upper Left, Lower Right,
or Lower Left
Automatic Event Log Detects
Intubation and Ventilations
Click the Now Button to Change
HALS Condition Instantly, or
Click One of the Other Buttons
to Create a Trend

Screenshots using a REAL ventilator connected directly to HAL S1030,

along with corresponding settings used in the Gaumard software:
Moderate Asthma

Normal Compliance Loop

Compliance 5, Left/Right Lung Resistance 5

Compliance 7

136 | Respiratory Care Simulators - HAL S1030

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S1030

| Dynamic Airway and Lung Compliance Simulator

Articulating adult HAL full size body
Available in ethnic skin tones
Use our scenarios, modify them or
create your own
Intubatable and
programmable airway
Programmable lung compliance
Independently control right and
left side airway resistances
Use in conventional
ventilation modes
Capable of assisting the ventilator
at variable respiratory rates
Simulate life-threatening auto - PEEP
and tension pneumothorax

Practice intubation and

Set Inspiratory Effort Rate to

management of anatomic
and pathologic conditions

trigger the ventilator

Four anterior and four posterior

Ten levels of static compliance,

15-50 ml/cm H20

lung sounds
Use our pre-programmed

Independently controlled

pathologies or create your own

airway resistances

Create scenarios using our

Capable of assisting the ventilator

at variable respiratory rates
Capable of holding PEEP,
5-20 cm H20

proven, easy to use, HAL

Connect our simulator to your
REAL ventilator, which can be set

CO2 exhalation

by volume or pressure

Specify inspiratory time and rate,


inspiratory/expiratory ratio
Change lung resistance/compliance

Laptop with 15in display

Exhales real and measurable CO2

on-the-fly and see results on a

Carrying case with rollers

Assess CO2 output with end tidal

real ventilator which are recorded

Instruction Manual

detector or capnography
Vary lung mechanics throughout
your entire simulation exercise

on the laptop
Pre-programmed airway and lung
pathologies including:

Receive real time feedback from

real mechanical ventilator
BVM, intubate or
mechanically ventilate
Program tongue edema, pharyngeal
swelling and laryngospasm

USB connections
Int. power supply 100-240 VAC

- Asthma
- Chronic Bronchitis

HAL S1030



- Emphysema
- Pneumothorax

Patented; other patents pending

Severe Fibrosis

Low Compliance Loop

Compliance 0

Compliance 0

Visit us online at

Respiratory Care Simulators - HAL S1030 | 137

HAL S315.500
CPR+D Trainer

HAL S315.500

| CPR+D Trainer

HALs reen technology eliminates

the need for electrical power

Gaumards new and innovative green technology allows HAL to store the
energy generated by chest compressions to power its amazing features.
Without the use of batteries or power cords, HAL is capable of recording
CPR quality and performance metrics, presenting realistic chest rise and
palpable pulses after resuscitation, and more. Take your training to more
places and reach more people with the convenience of truly tetherless

Audible tones guide chest

Attach real AED pads directly to

Electronics powered through chest

compressions in coach mode

the conductive skin. Shock the

compressions, eliminating the need

simulator using your defibrillator

for batteries or wall power

just like a real patient

Activate automatic carotid pulse

Practice ventilations with realistic

Choose sinus, ventricular fibrillation,

and/or breathing with realistic

chest rise

or asystole rhythms. Selected ECG

chest rise

rhythm will be seen on your real AED

Easy neck flexion and extension.

Advanced feedback and reporting

Intubatable airway with tongue, vocal

Realistic jaw thrust, head tilt/chin lift

during and after the training

cords, and trachea

Visit us online at

CPR+D Trainer - HAL S315.500 | 139

HAL S315.500

| CPR+D Trainer

reporting and
Reporting metrics are stored in
the controllers flash memory and
can be transferred to a computer
using the controllers USB port.

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

HAL S315.500

| CPR+D Trainer

Intubatable airway with tongue, vocal
cords, and trachea
Realistic head tilt/chin lift and
jaw thrust
Realistic chest cavity allows students
to experience the correct force
needed to perform proper chest

bar graph format
-- Screen prompts instructor when

reporting metrics:

student must compress faster

-- Proper C/V ratio

or slower, softer or harder

-- High and low compression

-- Instructor can view real-time

compression rate
-- Screen reports defibrillation

Anatomically correct landmarks for

proper hand placement
Proper chest compressions result in
palpable carotid pulses
Attach real AED pads directly to the
conductive skin. Shock the simulator
using your defibrillator just like a real
patient. Your AED will display the
simulators ECG
Automatic pulses and breathing with
realistic chest rise

For student:
-- Coach mode: audible tones guide
chest compressions
-- Test mode: no guidance provided
during test
For instructor:
-- Screen on handheld controller
provides compression depth and

rate limits
-- High and low compression
depth limits (in or cm)
-- Proper ventilation volume
Manual cardioversion upon

After Training
Instructor views students

Program ECG rhythms; choose

performance including:

sinus, ventricular fibrillation, or

-- Average compression rate

asystole. Selected ECG rhythm

per minute
-- Percent compressions in proper
rate range

will be seen on your real AED

Activate automatic carotid pulse
and/or breathing

-- Average compression depth

-- Percent compressions in proper
depth range
-- Percent ventilations in proper

During Training

Adjust/change feedback and

ventilation volume range

-- Actual compression/ventilation

Items Included:
Full-size adult male head and torso
Handheld controller with 10ft cable
Carrying bag
Operating guide

(C/V) ratio
-- Exercise duration
-- Idle time
Reporting metrics stored in the

HAL S315.500

controllers flash memory and can

be transferred to a computer using

Patent Pending

the controllers USB port

ventilation volume in easy-to-interpret

Visit us online at

CPR+D Trainer - HAL S315.500 | 141

HAL S315.400
Adult Airway Trainer

HAL powered by BVM

Ventilate airway and compress chest
Intubatable programmable airway
Bilateral needle decompression and drainage
Disable either lung
Interchangeable tracheal inserts

HAL S315.400

| Adult Airway Trainer

HALs reen technology eliminates

the need for electrical power

Surgical Airway


Realistic Chest


Compression and Recoil

Oral and

Eyes Open and Close;


One Pupil is Dilated

Silicon Face/Head Skin


Bilateral Needle

Chest Drainage


Use NP/OP tubes, ventilate,

Realistic airway which is manually

or intubate

programmable to include tongue

Five tracheal replacements supplied

edema, laryngospasm and

pharyngeal swelling

Visit us online at

Airway Trainer - HAL S315.400 | 143

HAL S315.400

5 Crico/Trachea Skin Covers

| Adult Airway Trainer

Support for Tracheal Inserts

Trachea Sealing Insert

Set of 5 Tracheal Inserts

Surgical Trachea

Chest Skin

4 oz. of Mineral Oil

Cricoid Membrane Roll

Manual Air Pump

Set of 5 Needle
Decompression Inserts

Realistic chest rise with BVM

Realistic chest compression and recoil

144 | Airway Trainer - HAL S315.400

Air reservoir is charged using the

Place tracheostomy needle or

supplied manual pump or a BVM

Shiley tube

Easy neck flexion and extension.

Bilateral needle decompression at

Realistic jaw thrust, head tilt/chin lift

2nd intercostal space

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Pneumatic Controls
Select laryngospasm, tongue
edema, pharyngeal swelling, or
pneumothorax. All powered
pneumatically, allowing the
simulator to operate in remote
places without electricity. Air
reservoir is charged using the
supplied manual pump or a BVM.

Realistic airway which is manually
programmable to include tongue
edema, laryngospasm and
pharyngeal swelling
Use NP/OP tubes, ventilate,
and intubate
Realistic chest compression/recoil
BVM produces realistic chest rise

internal reservoir charged using

One set of lungs

supplied manual pump or a


conventional BVM
Eyes may be open or closed

One chest skin with bilateral

chest drain cavities

Adult male upper body and head


Multifunctional, compact, portable

Silicon face/head skin for realistic

jaw thrust, head tilt/chin lift

Intubate using conventional adjuncts

Instructions for use

Inflating lungs produces realistic

Carrying bag

chest rise
Gastric distention

HAL S315.400

Easy neck flexion and extension


Unilateral chest rise with

Patent pending

One manual air pump


Four oz. of mineral oil


Cricoid Membrane Oil


right main stem intubation

Lungs can be disabled

Supplied with:

Surgical airway procedures such

as tracheostomy and needle or

Spare Parts
One trachea sealing insert

Set of 5 Crico/Trachea
skin covers



One support for

tracheal insert

Set of 5 Tracheal Inserts

surgical cricothyrotomy
Supplied with normal and surgical
cricoid cartilage inserts, allowing for
longitudinal and transverse incisions
Bilateral needle decompression at
2nd intercostal space
Bilateral drainage at 5th intercostal

One set of ribs

Set of 5 Needle
decompresion inserts



space using conventional large

diameter chest tubes
Pneumatic controls powered by



Airway Trainers: Adult

Designed to present the same

Airway Trainers
Respiratory Care Simulators

challenges experienced by
paramedics and physicians in the
real world. Use of this simulator
will enable students to obtain the
confidence and skills required in
a real life situation.

Airway Trainers

| Respiratory Care Simulators

Simon Multipurpose
Airway Trainer

Adult Simon
Airway Trainer

5 Year PEDI Airway Trainer


1 Year PEDI Airway Trainer


Newborn PEDI
Airway Trainer

Visit us online at

Respiratory Care Simulators - Airway Trainers | 147

Airway Trainers

| Respiratory Care Simulators

Anatomically Acurate Airway

Realistic Vocal Cords

Oral and Nasal Intubation

Accurate mouth, tongue, airway

Realistic vocal cords with

Airway allows the passage of a

and esophagus designed to

fish-eye appearance.

cuffed ET tube. Nasal passage

illustrate the profound differences

permits placement of NP tube.

between intubating an infant, a

child or an adult.

Realistic Chest Cavity

Fully Articulating

Bilateral Lung Expansion

Realistic chest cavity containing

Fully articulating head, neck and

Observable bilateral lung

realistic organs.

jaw permitting head-tilt/chin lift,

expansion under positive

jaw thrust and neck extension

pressure ventilation.

into the sniffing position.

Chest Decompression


Cricothyrotomy Stick

Bilateral tension pneumothorax

Surgical placement of

Emergency needle


tracheostomy tube.

cricothyrotomy stick.

148 | Respiratory Care Simulators - Airway Trainers

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Airway Trainers

| Respiratory Care Simulators

Feature Comparison






Fully articulating head, neck and jaw permitting head-tilt/chin lift, jaw
thrust and neck extension into the sniffing position

Anatomically accurate mouth, tongue, airway and esophagus

designed to illustrate the profound differences between intubating
an infant, a child or an adult




















Full Body
Realistic chest cavity containing realistic organs

Soft neck with cricocartilage permits classic Sellick maneuver

Realistic chest rise during ventilation
Realistic trachea, bronchi and lungs. Observable bilateral lung
expansion under positive pressure ventilation
Airway narrows below vocal cords
Realistic vocal cords with fish-eye appearance
Airway diameter
Airway allows the passage of a cuffed ET tube
Nasal passage permits placement of NP tube
Surgical placement of tracheostomy tube
Emergency needle cricothyrotomy stick
Bilateral tension pneumothorax decompression
Six neck collars, three cricocartilages, membrane tape
Carrying bag
Instruction manual

Site specific heart and lung sound trainer
Chest decompression and drainage
Omni Code Blue Pack for CPR monitoring

Visit us online at

Respiratory Care Simulators - Airway Trainers | 149

Heart and Lung Sounds

Instructors spend significant classroom

landmarks on the manikin to locate

time teaching where to hear specific

the site where a specific sound should

heart and lung sounds. Students must

be heard. If correct, they will hear

learn where the base heart sound may

the appropriate sound through the

be best heard or where the bell should

stethoscope and/or external speakers.

be placed to hear stridor or wheezing in

a young child.

Now you make the choice. Buy a new

site specific simulator or upgrade your

Site specificity is obtained through an

existing Gaumard manikin. Upgrading

exciting new wireless technique in

is a terrific way to further enhance your

which the student uses anatomic

Gaumard simulator.


| Adult, Five Year and One Year

Teach site specific heart and lung sounds on our adult

torso. Appropriate sounds are heard when student
places the Virtual Stethoscope at correct locations.

Heart and Lung Sounds

Adult Torso

Heart and Lung Sounds

Five Year

Heart and Lung Sounds

One Year

Visit us online at

Skill Trainers - Auscultation | 151


| Adult, Five Year and One Year

Adult and Pedis

Experience Heart and Lung

Sounds in a Virtual World

Heart and Lung Sounds


Heart and Lung Sounds

Five Year and One Year

S182 Adult
S183 Pediatric

S315.200 Torso

S314.200 Five Year

S312.200 One Year




High quality normal/abnormal

heart and lung sounds
Adult features 12 heart and 9
lung sounds
Pediatric features 15 heart and 9
lung sounds

Full size adult torso with palpable

anatomic landmarks
Sensor network hidden beneath
the skin
Hear the appropriate heart or

Full size pediatric manikin with

palpable anatomic landmarks
Sensor network hidden beneath
the skin
Hear the appropriate heart or

lung sound as bell of stethoscope

lung sound as bell of stethoscope

Point and click from sound menu

is moved across the front and

is moved across the front and

Your pointer becomes a Virtual

back of the torso

back of the torso

Find the correct location on the
virtual patient
Your Virtual Stethoscope
displays a GOLD GLOW when
correctly placed on the patient
Click and play 10 seconds of sound

Includes our Virtual Stethoscope

Includes our Virtual Stethoscope

with multiple heart and lung sounds

with multiple heart and lung sounds

An external speaker plugs into the

An external speaker plugs into the

Virtual Stethoscope so a classroom

Virtual Stethoscope so a classroom

can hear what the student hears

can hear what the student hears

Instruction manual

Instruction manual

Carrying bag

Carrying bag

Repeat or select another sound

Software requires multimedia
computer with XP
Connect earphones to your
computer for high quality audio

Combine with Intubatable

Airway and Save!

Combine with Intubatable

Airway and Save!

S315.300 Torso

S314.300 Five Year

S312.300 One Year

Connect to your speakers for

classroom demonstrations
Site specific sounds are an application
of our patented Virtual Instrument
technology. Patents 6,193,519 and

152 | Skill Trainers - Auscultation

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655


| Adult, Five Year and One Year

Heart and Lung Sounds

Update Kit - Adult
S200.10 Susie Simon
S220.10 Clinical Chloe

Update your Gaumard manikin at
your facility
Convenient torso overlay with
sensor network hidden beneath
the skin
Hear the appropriate heart or
lung sound as bell of stethoscope
is moved across the front and
back of the torso
Includes our Virtual Stethoscope
with multiple heart and lung sounds
An external speaker plugs into the
Virtual Stethoscope so a classroom
can hear what the student hears
Instruction manual
Carrying bag

Heart and Lung Sounds

Update Kit - 5 and 1 Year
S150.10 Five Year
S110.10 One Year

Update your Gaumard manikin at
your facility
Convenient torso overlay with
sensor network hidden beneath
the skin
Hear the appropriate heart and
lung sound as bell of stethoscope
is moved across the front and
back of the torso
Includes our Virtual Stethoscope
with multiple heart and lung sounds
An external speaker plugs into the
Virtual Stethoscope so a classroom
can hear what the student hears
Instruction manual
Carrying bag
Visit us online at

Skill Trainers - Auscultation | 153

Prehospital and Nursing Care

Eyes Open and Close

Realistic Chest

Heart and Lung

Left Breast Contains

Manually; One Pupil is Dilated



8, 10, 16 and 20mm Lumps

Blood pressure arm



ECG Monitoring with



Real ECG Monitor

Multiple pulse points

Practice defibrillation and cardioversion

For Prehospital and Nursing Care
Easy to use software
10 preprogrammed scenarios
Modify scenarios or create your own
Intubatable airway
Program respiratory rate/sounds/chest rise


OSAT Placement Detection



on Left Index Finger

Program heart rate/sounds

Blood Pressure/venous access
Breast examination
ECG, view ECG in your real ECG monitor
Catheterization/bowel sounds
Includes 15in laptop PC

Bilateral Intravenous


Training Arms


Intubatable airway

Silicone breast inserts

Automatic Bilateral Carotid, Left Radial (you

can disable), and Bilateral Femoral Pulse

Bilateral intravenous training arms


| Prehospital and Nursing Care

Easy to Use Software
10 preprogrammed scenarios
Includes 15in widescreen laptop PC
Instructor control
Use our preprogrammed scenarios,
modify them, or create your own
quickly and easily
Access the Details page and

CPR Monitoring

GYN Package

jump between physiologic states

Compressions and ventilations

Perform bimanual pelvic exam

in response to the interventions of

are measured and logged.

with interchangeable uteri. Insert


speculum and view interchangeable

cervices. Perform PAP/douching/

Change conditions such as heart

rate and blood pressure immediately
or specify smooth transitions
Link Palette items to build a
linear or branching scenario
Pause the scenario or jump to the
next critical decision point

Oral or nasal intubation
Program tongue edema and
Use an ET tube or LMA

OSAT Placement Detection

Decubitus Ulcers

Sensors detect depth of intubation

Oxygen saturation placement

Decubitus ulcers and

Unilateral chest rise with right

detection using real monitor.

ulcerated foot.

mainstem intubation
Multiple upper airway sounds
synchronized with breathing

Control rate and depth of
respiration and observe chest rise
Ventilations measured and logged
Select independent left and right
lung sounds
Chest rise and lung sounds are
synchronized with selectable

Laptop PC Included

Optional Vital Signs Monitor

SUSIE includes a 15in laptop

Configurable 19in vital signs

PC. Change conditions such as

monitor. Display up to 12 values

heart rate and blood pressure

including HR, ABP, CVP, PAWP,

immediately or specify smooth

NIRP, CCO, SpO2, SvO2, RR,


EtCO2, temperature, and time.

Share images such as x-rays, CT
scans, and lab results.

156 | Nursing Care Simulators - SUSIE S1001

breathing patterns
Accommodates assisted
ventilation, including BVM and
mechanical support
Unilateral chest rise simulates
tension pneumothorax
Multiple lung and breath sounds
with volume control
Call us toll free at 800.882.6655


| Prehospital and Nursing Care


Track the actions of up to six care
providers using our response
menu or write a narrative

View dynamic ECG lead II, with
real ECG monitor


Links with optional audio-visual

system that integrates the event

BSE Techniques

log with feeds from camera and

Silicone breast inserts

the simulated patient monitor for

Left breast contains 8, 10, 16 and

comprehensive debriefing

Real time capture of audio and video

Seamlessly integrates the log

20mm lumps
Right breast is free of lumps

Chest compressions are measured
and logged

1 video stream recording

1 audio stream recording


Single simulator log file recording

Programmable bowel sounds

Runs on same laptop as GIGA

rygmus, diarrhea, hyperactive,

1 USB wired camera with microphone

irritable bowel syndrome,

left arm using a modified cuff,

post-op, and ulcerative colitis

Korotkoff sounds audible

between systolic and
diastolic pressures
Automatic bilateral carotid, left
radial (you can disable), and
bilateral femoral pulse
Pulse strengths vary with Susies

Decubitus ulcers and

Simulated Vital Signs Monitor

ulcerated foot
Colostomy and ileostomy
and irrigation
Enema exercises
Interchangeable genitalia

19in vital signs monitor with AC power

Perform female catheterization

blood pressure and pulses are

synchronized with the ECG

1 patient monitor recording

including none, normal, borbo-

Blood pressure can be taken on

palpation, or auscultation.

file and patient monitor with the

audio and video feeds

Multiple heart sounds, rates and

Micro+ Recording and

Debriefing System

Display up to 8 numeric values

including HR, ABP,RR, CO2, SpO2,
temperature, NIBP and time
Select up to 5 dynamic waveforms
including ECG II, ABP, respiration,

Educational Material

CO2 and pulse oximetry

Oxygen saturation placement

Clinical nursing skills

Set alarms

detection using real monitor

Infection prevention

Select a 12 lead strip recording

Instructional student DVDs

Defibrillation and
SUSIE has conductive skin regions

during the scenario

Provide students with images


so you can apply real electrodes

such as x-rays, CT scans, lab results,

or even multimedia presentations
as the scenario progresses

and AED pads

Defibrillate cardiovert and pace
using real EMS equipment and
see SUSIEs ECG on your AED
Program SUSIEs response to
Stack shocks as needed
SUSIE even distinguishes between
defibrillation and synchronized
SUSIE can be paced anteriorly at
the defibrillation sites
Visit us online at


Streaming Audio
Be the voice of SUSIE and listen
to student responses
Bidirectional voice and data
Create and store vocal responses
in any language
Select sounds from a pre-recorded
vocal menu
Nursing Care Simulators - SUSIE S1001 | 157

Nursing Care
Advanced Patient Care Simulators

158 | Nursing Care Simulators - Advanced Nursing Care

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Nursing Care

| Advanced Patient Care Simulators

Super Chloe
Patient Care Simulator

BP arm included

Clinical Chloe Advanced

Patient Care Simulator

Clinical Chloe Original

Patient Care Simulator

Visit us online at

Nursing Care Simulators - Advanced Nursing Care | 159

Super Chloe

| Advanced Patient Care Simulator

Super Chloe
Patient Care Simulator

Monitor and log compressions and


ventilations with Omni Code Blue

Includes Omni Code Blue Pack


pack. Pack includes CPR Link software

Airway management

which allows you to connect Omni

Breast examination

to any computer for CPR logging

Heart and lung sounds

and feedback.

Blood pressure training arm

Monitor and computer not included

Gynecologic examination
Fully articulating
Stylish wig for haircare exercises and
surgical draping
Ophthalmic exercises
Ear canal for otic drops and irrigation
Injection arm for IV, IM, Sub-Q and
intradermal exercises
Pass NG and OG tubes
Practice colostomy, ileostomy and
suprapubic care/irrigation exercises
Bilateral IM sites, arms and legs
Interchangeable genitalia
Urinary catheterization
Enema administration
Decubitus ulcers

Ulcerated Foot

Ulcerated foot
Chest compressions and airway ventilations
are measured and logged with Omni controller

Manual bilateral carotid and right radial palpable

View and log CPR feedback in any

computer with CPR Link software included

pulses. Automatic left radial pulse when Omni is

with Omni Code Blue Pack

connected to BP arm

Breast Palpation

Gynecologic Examination


7 breast options for palpation

Practice multiple examination

Tricuspid valve permits male or

and examination, including chronic

exercises including vaginal

female catheterization with soft

mastitis, benign growth, carcinoma

douching, PAP smear, visual

silicone catheters.

and the orange skin effect,

recognition of normal and

giant sarcoma, scirrhus carcinoma,

abnormal cervices, and more.

the lymphatic drainage system.

160 | Nursing Care Simulators - Super Chloe

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655




Training Arm

Realistic Internal Organs


for Unparalleled

Care with

CPR Performance




Heart and


Lung Sounds

Eyes Open
and Close;


One Pupil is

BVM with
Chest Rise

Omni Controller
Monitors CPR and
Programs BP Arm






Practice Oral



or Nasal Intubation

with Set of 7

Plus OG and NG

Realistic Hands,



Fingers and Toes



Omni Blood Pressure Arm

Injection and Infusion

Heart and Lung Sounds

Adjustable systolic and diastolic

Injection arm for IV, IM, Sub Q

Sensor network hidden beneath

pressures, auscultation gap,

and intradermal exercises.

the skin. Hear the appropriate

and pulse rate. Display tracks

heart or lung sound as bell of

cuff pressure.

stethoscope is moved across the

front and back of the torso.

Visit us online at

Nursing Care Simulators - Super Chloe | 161

Clinical Chloe Advanced

Clinical Chloe Advanced
Patient Care Simulator

| Advanced Patient Care Simulator

Tracheostomy Care with
Replaceable Trachea

Soft, lifelike faceskin and stylish wig

Practice BVM with

Realistic Internal


Realistic Chest Rise

Organs for Unparalleled

Genitalia for

CPR Performance


Advanced training arm and hand for IV, IM,

and Sub-Q techniques
Ophthalmic exercises
Movable jaw

Eyes Open and

Close; One Pupil


is Dilated



Ear canal for otic drops and irrigation

Pass NP and OP tubes
Bends at waist as in human
Jointed elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles
Detachable at waist for easy storage
Intramuscular and subcutaneous injection
sites in the deltoids, quadriceps, and left
upper gluteal region
Interchangeable male and female breast
inserts (left breast contains malignancy)
Interchangeable genitalia
Tricuspid valve permits male or female
catheterization with soft silicone catheters
Practice transverse colostomy, ileostomy,

Practice Oral
or Nasal
Intubation Plus
OG and NG

and suprapubic procedures using quality

internal, removable tanks
Enema administration

Omni Controller


Monitors CPR


Vaginal douching and pap smear exercises



Training Arm


with realistic vagina and cervix

Airway Management
Fully articulating head, neck, and jaw

Manual Bilateral Carotid

Anatomically accurate airway

and Right Radial Pulses

Tonque, epiglottis, vocal chords and

esophagus look and feel real
Trachea, bronchi, and lungs enable
assessment of airway management skills
Realistic heart, lungs, ribs, stomach and
liver for unparalleled CPR performance
Chest compressions and ventilations
are measured and logged with Omni
Code Blue Pack


Injection and Infusion

with CPR Link software included with

Pierce the replaceable trachea

Injection arm for IV, IM, Sub-Q

Omni Code Blue Pack

and insert a tracheostomy tube

and intradermal exercises.

View and log feedback in any computer

Pass ET, NP, OP tubes

with an attached positive pressure

device to observe chest rise.

162 | Nursing Care Simulators - Clinical Chloe Advanced

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Clinical Chloe Original

| Advanced Patient Care Simulator

Clinical Chloe Original

Patient Care Simulator

Soft, lifelike faceskin and stylish wig

Genitalia for

Ophthalmic exercises
Movable jaw
Ear canal for otic drops and irrigation
Pass NG and OG tubes
Bends at waist as in human









Jointed elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles

Detachable at waist for easy storage
Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections
on the deltoids, quadriceps, and left upper
gluteal region
Interchangeable male and female breast
inserts (left breast contains malignancy)
Interchangeable genitalia
Tricuspid valve permits male or female
catheterization with soft silicone catheters
Practice transverse colostomy, ileostomy,
and suprapubic procedures using quality
internal, removable tanks
Enema administration
Vaginal douching and pap smear exercises


with realistic vagina and cervix

Stylish Wig

OG and NG

Options for S222 and S221

IM Sites

Bends at Waist


Advanced Multipurpose Intravenous

Training Arm with Subtle Venous
Network - For S221
Arterial and Venous Patient Training
Arm - For S222 and S221
Omni Blood Pressure Arm Pack For S221
Blood Pressure Arm for Use with Omni

Breast Palpation

Interchangeable Genitalia

For S222

Interchangeable male and female

Tricuspid valve permits male or


breasts (left breast contains

female catheterization with soft


silicone catheters.

Site Specific Heart and Lung Sounds Kit

with Stethoscope - For S222 and S221

Nursing Care Simulators - Clinical Chloe Original | 163

Nursing Care

| Advanced Patient Care Simulators

Feature Comparison



General Patient Care

Bathing and bandaging activity
Full body
Eyes open and close
One pupil is dilated
Realistic eyes for ophthalmic exercises
Realistic urethral passage and bladder for catheterization exercises
Upper and lower dentures for oral hygiene
Soft, realistic faceskin, hands, feet, fingers, and toes
Simulated ear canal for otic drops and irrigation
Transverse colostomy, ileostomy, and suprapubic stomas, to practice irrigation
Opening for gastronomy
Enema administration capability
Stylish wig for haircare exercises and surgical draping
Amputation stump
Set of two decubitus ulcers
Ulcerated foot
Manual palpable pulses
Interchangeable male and female organs (Both Included)
Injection Training
Intramuscular injection sites in arm, thighs, and buttock
Advanced training arm and hand for IV, IM, and sub-Q techniques
Optional IV arm S261
Optional IV arm S263
Heart and Lung Sounds
Site Specific Heart and Lung sounds with Virtual Stethoscope
Breast Palpation
Interchangeable male and female breast inserts
Breast palpation capability with 7 abnormal breasts
Breast palpation capability with 1 abnormal breast

164 | Nursing Care Simulators - Features


o S264

o S265

o S265


o S220.10

o S220.10

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Nursing Care

| Advanced Patient Care Simulators

Practice CPR
Practice BVM with realistic chest rise
Realistic heart, lungs, ribs, stomach and liver for unparalleled CPR performance
Omni Code Blue Pack included to monitor compressions and airway ventilations
Anatomically accurate airway
Tracheotomy placement
Tracheotomy intubation with replaceable trachea
Trachea, bronchi, and lungs enable assessment of airway management skills
Tongue, epiglottis, vocal chords and esophagus look and feel real
Nasal and oral tube placement
Nasal and oral intubation
NG and OG tube feeding and gastric suction
Anatomically painted outline of cardiopulmonary features
GYN Training
Bi-manual pelvic examination
Palpation of normal and pregnant uteri
Vaginal examination including insertion of speculum
Visual recognition of normal and abnormal cervices
Uterine sounding
Vaginal douching and pap smear exercises with realistic vagina and cervix
Blood Pressure Auscultation
Omni Blood Pressure Training Arm
Detachable and removable internal tanks
Bends and detaches at waist for easy storage
Latch provides secure seal between ostomies and internal tanks
Carrying bag
Instruction manual
Neck brace





Visit us online at

o S222.414

o S221.415

o Optional Add-On/Accessory

Nursing Care Simulators - Features | 165

Mouth, nose and tracheotomy openings

for naso-gastric lavage and gavage
Interchangeable male organ

Nursing Care
Patient Care Simulators

Realistic urethral passage and bladder

for catheterization exercises
Intramuscular injection sites
Sculped stomas of a tranverse
colostomy, ileostomy, and
suprapubic stoma

Nursing Care

| Patient Care Simulators

Introduced more than 40 years ago, our Susie Simon

simulator is synonymous with quality and value.

Susie Simon
Patient Care Simulator w/ Ostomy


Susie Simon
Patient Care Simulator w/o Ostomy


Simple Simon
Patient Care Simulator

Simple Susie
Patient Care Simulator

Visit us online at

Nursing Care Simulators - Nursing Care | 167

Nursing Care

| Patient Care Simulators

Intravenous Training Arm for injection,
infusion, and blood collection procedures

Advanced Intravenous Training Arm

Intramuscular Injection Sites

Interchangeable Genitalia

with subtle venous network

Intramuscular injection sites in

Interchangeable male and

Specify right or left arm

deltoids, quadriceps, and upper

female genitalia.


gluteal region.
Arterial and Venous Patient Training
Arm for arterial stick exercises, arteriovenous anastomosis exercises, hemodialysis
set-up, skin/tissue suture exercises, as well
as intramuscular and subcutaneous
injection training, intravenous infusion and
injection, and blood collection
procedures. Specify right or left arm

Ear Canal


Ear canal for otic drops

Realistic urethral passage and

and irrigation.

bladder for male and female

Omni Blood Pressure Arm Pack

catheterization exercises.



also available for S200, S205, and S206. Options

S200.415, S205.415, S206.415, respectively

Bilateral IM Sites, Arms and Legs

Site Specific Heart and Lung
Sounds Kit with stethoscope

Tracheotomy Placement

Ostomy Care

Tracheotomy opening to practice

Sculpted stomas of a transverse

placement of trach tube.

colos- tomy, ileostomy, and

Ulcerated Foot

suprapubic stoma.



Deltoid, Chest and Abdominal Incisions

S266.1, S266.2, S266.3

Amputation Stump for bandaging
with a unique design that permits
easy placement on the manikin


Lavage and Gavage


Mouth and nose openings for

Removable upper and lower

Additional Arm / Buttock Injection Sites

gastric lavage and gavage.

dentures for oral hygiene.

S268.1, S268.2
Carrying Bag

168 | Nursing Care Simulators - Nursing Care


Nursing Care

| Patient Care Simulators

Feature Comparison
General Patient Care
Bathing and bandaging activity
Full body
Interchangeable genitalia
Eyes open and close
Realistic eyes for ophthalmic exercises
Realistic urethral passage and bladder for catheterization exercises
Soft, realistic faceskin, hands, feet, fingers, and toes
Upper and lower dentures for oral hygiene
Simulated ear canal for otic drops and irrigation
Transverse colostomy, ileostomy, and suprapubic stomas, to practice irrigation
Opening for gastronomy
Enema administration capability
Stylish wig for haircare exercises and surgical draping
Amputation stump
Set of two decubitus ulcers
Ulcerated foot
Articulating head, jaw, elbows, wrists, ankles and knees

Injection Training
Intramuscular injection sites in deltoids, quadriceps, and upper gluteal region
Advanced training arm and hand for IV, IM, and Sub-Q techniques
Optional IV arm
Optional IV arm
Heart and Lung Sounds
Site Specific Heart and Lung sounds with Virtual Stethoscope

o S200.2

o S267

o S267

o S267

o S267

o S264

o S264

o S264

o S264

o S265

o S265

o S265

o S265

o S261

o S261

o S261

o S263

o S263

o S263

o S263

o S200.10

o S200.10

o S200.10

o S200.10

o S201.415 o S201.415 o S201.415 o S201.415

GYN Training
Vaginal douching and pap smear exercises with realistic vagina and cervix
Blood Pressure Auscultation

Detachable and removable internal tanks
Bends and detaches at waist for easy storage

Instruction manual


o S261

NG and OG tube feeding and gastric suction

Carrying bag


o S262.100 o S262.100 o S262.100 o S262.100

Nasal and oral tube placement

Latch provides secure seal between ostomies and internal tanks


Tracheotomy placement

Omni Blood Pressure Arm Pack



o Optional Add-On/Accessory

Practice regular or Counterpulsation CPR

Code Blue
Nursing Care and CPR

Mouth to mouth resuscitation

Variable palpable carotid pulse
Eyes open and close; one pupil is dilated
Anatomically accurate airway
Oral and nasal intubation
Omni Code Blue pack

Code Blue

| Nursing Care and CPR

Code Blue Multipurpose Care and CPR

simulators provide the perfect combination
between nursing care and BLS features.

Code Blue
Multipurpose Simulator with
Intubatable Airway


Code Blue
Multipurpose Simulator Simulator with
Non-intubatable Disposable Airway


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Nursing Care Simulators - Code Blue | 171

Code Blue

| Nursing Care and CPR

Realistic Chest Cavity for CPR

BVM with Realistic Chest Rise

Omni Code Blue Pack

Realistc internal organs for

Bilateral lung expansion with

Monitor and log ventilations and

unparalleled CPR performance.

realistic chest rise during BVM.

chest compressions with Omni.

Connect Omni to any computer,
or view feedback in your Omni
screen for maximum mobility.

Airway Management


Injection and Infusion

Realistic airway with tongue, vocal

Pierce the replaceable trachea

Advanced training arm and hand

cords, trachea, and esophagus.

and insert a tracheostomy tube

for IV, IM, and Sub-Q techniques.

Intubate using a Miller blade and

with an attached positive pressure

a FR ETT or LMA.

device to observe chest rise.

Breast Palpation

Ostomy Care

Interchangeable Genitalia

7 interchangeable breasts for

Sculpted stomas of a transverse

Interchangeable genitalia for

palpation and examination (chronic

colostomy, ileostomy, and

female and male catheterization.

mastitis, benign growth, carcinoma

suprapubic stoma.

and the orange skin effect, giant

sarcoma, scirrhus carcinoma and
the lymphatic drainage system)
172 | Nursing Care Simulators - Code Blue

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Code Blue

| Nursing Care and CPR

Code Blue
Multipurpose Simulator
S303 Intubtable Airway


Anatomically accurate airway

Oral and nasal intubation

Ulcerated Foot

Oral openings for instruction in gastric

lavage and gavage


Breast Examination

Deltoid and Abdominal Incisions

Also available with non-intubatable disposable airway for CPR and BVM exercises


Interchangeable male and female breasts

General Care

Breast palpation capability with bra

S303.2, S303.3

(left female breast contains malignancy)

Soft, lifelike faceskin

Additional Buttock Injection Sites

attachment and 7 abnormal breast inserts


Injection and Infusion

Package of 10 One-piece

Eyes open and close; one pupil is dilated

Jointed elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles
Bends at waist as in human
Interchangeable genitalia for male and
female catheterization

Intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous

injection techniques, specify left or right

Disposable Airways

Bilateral IM sites, arms, and legs

Enema administration

Intramuscular injection site in buttock

Package of 100 One-piece

Set of two decubitus ulcers depicting

Instruction manual

Disposable Airways

initial stage of ulceration and deeply

infected stage

Omni Blood Pressure Arm

Sculpted stomas for transverse colostomy,

ileostomy, and suprapubic stoma, each

S303.414 for S303

connected to an internal, removable tank

S304.414 for S304

Removable internal tanks

Prostatic palpation and massage
Amputation stump
Neck brace
Bilateral carotid and right radial pulse
Carrying bag

Gynecologic Examination
Vaginal douching and pap smear exercises
with realistic vagina and cervix

Airway Management
Practice regular or Counterpulsation CPR
BVM with realistic chest rise
Mouth to mouth resuscitation

Includes Omni Code Blue Pack

Mouth to nose resuscitation

Anatomically painted outline of
cardiopulmonary features
Nasal and gastrostomy openings for
instruction in gastric lavage and gavage
Omni Code Blue Pack included

Monitor and log compressions

and ventilations with Omni Code
Blue pack. Pack includes CPR
Link software which allows you to
connect Omni to any computer
for CPR logging and feedback.

Airway Features for S303 Only

Tracheotomy intubation

Visit us online at

Monitor and computer not included

Nursing Care Simulators - Code Blue | 173

Pediatric and Neonatal

Nursing Care

Pediatric and Neonatal

| Nursing Care Simulators

Sophisticated simulators for training in

standard and advanced clinical procedures.

Mike and Michelle

5 Year Pediatric Care Simulator

Mike and Michelle

1 Year Pediatric Care Simulator

Susie and Simon

Newborn Advanced Care Simulator


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Nursing Care Simulators - Pediatric and Neonatal | 175

Pediatric and Neonatal

| Nursing Care Simulators

Mike and Michelle

Realistic Eyes, Open

5 Year Pediatric Care Simulator


and Close. One Pupil

is Dilated

The Mike and Michelle 5 year

old is a sophisticated pediatric

NG and OG Tube

simulator for training in standard

Feeding and

and advanced clinical procedures.

Gastric Suction

Soft, lifelike faceskin and self-molded hair


Eyes open and close in realistic eyesockets


for ophthalmic procedures

Fully articulating head and jaw with teeth

Soft Realistic

and tongue. Bends at waist

NG and OG exercises

Faceskin, Hands, Feet,

Fingers and Toes

Ear canal for otic drops and irrigation

Jointed elbows, wrists, knees and ankles
Realistic hands, feet, fingers and toes
Soft upper body skin over hard upper
body for realistic feel
Detachable at waist for easy storage
Bathing and bandaging activity
Intramuscular injection sites
Interchangeable genitalia
Tracheotomy placement


Male and female catheterization


Removable internal tanks

Enema administration
T-shirt and shorts
Neck brace
Soft carrying bag


Jointed Elbows,

Genitalia for

Wrists, Knees and



Heart and Lungs Sounds Update Kit

S150.10 5 Year
Update your Gaumard manikin
Convenient torso overlay with sensor
network hidden beneath the skin
Hear the appropriate heart and lung sound
as bell of stethoscope is moved across the
front and back of the torso
Includes our Virtual Stethoscope with
multiple heart and lung sounds
An external speaker plugs into the Virtual


Tube Feeding and

Gastric Suction

Practice tracheostomy

NG and OG tube feeding and


gastric suction.

Stethoscope so a classroom can hear what

the student hears
Carrying bag

176 | Nursing Care Simulators - Five Year

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Pediatric and Neonatal

| Nursing Care Simulators

Mike and Michelle

1 Year Pediatric Care Simulator

NG and OG Tube

Realistic Eyes,

Feeding and

Open and Close

Gastric Suction
Soft, childlike faceskin and self-molded hair


Eyes open and close in realistic eyesockets


for ophthalmic procedures

Fully articulating head and jaw with teeth





and tongue
NG and OG exercises
Ear canal for otic drops and irrigation
Bends at waist as in human
Jointed elbows and knees

Realistic Hands,
Feet, Fingers
and Toes

Realistic hands, feet, fingers, and toes

Soft upper body skin over hard upper
body for realistic feel
Detachable at waist for easy storage

IM Sites

Bathing and bandaging activity

in Upper

Intramuscular injection sites in left and

right upper thighs
Interchangeable genitalia
Tracheotomy placement
Male and female catheterization
Removable internal tanks
Enema administration
Neck brace
T-shirt and shorts



Soft carrying bag

Elbows and

Genitalia for



Heart and Lungs Sounds Update Kit

S110.10 1 Year
Update your manikin at your facility
Convenient torso overlay with sensor
network hidden beneath the skin
Hear the appropriate heart and lung
sound as bell of stethoscope is moved
across the front and back of the torso
Includes our Virtual Stethoscope with

IM Sites

Nasal Intubation

Stethoscope so a classroom can hear what

Intramuscular injection sites in

NG and OG exercises to

the student hears

left and right upper thighs.

demonstrate tube feeding

multiple heart and lung sounds

An external speaker plugs into the Virtual

Carrying bag

Visit us online at

and gastric suction.

Nursing Care Simulators - One Year | 177

Pediatric and Neonatal

| Nursing Care Simulators

Susie and Simon

Newborn Advanced Care Simulator



NG and OG

Heel Stick and



Finger Prick

Our PEDI newborn looks just like a


0-8 week old baby. The chubby face

and body with beautifully detailed
tiny, soft hands and feet make you
want to hold and care for this
addition to our family of pediatric
and adult advanced patient care
Soft and flexible faceskin
Self-molded hair
Realistic eyes
NG exercises to demonstrate tube feeding
and gastric suction
Simulated ear canal
Soft arms and legs rotate within the torso
body for lifelike feel and position
Soft hands, feet, fingers, and toes
Heel stick and finger prick technique
Soft upper body skin over torso for
babylike feel
Bathing and bandaging activity


Realistic Hands,

Male and Female


Feet, Fingers


and Toes

Interchangeable genitalia
Urethral passage and bladder
Male and female catheterization
Enema administration
T-shirt and diapers
Soft carrying bag
Instruction manual

Nasal Intubation


Heel Stick

NG exercises to demonstrate

Male and female catheterization.

Heel stick and finger prick

tube feeding and gastric suction.

Removable internal tanks.


178 | Nursing Care Simulators - Neonate

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Pediatric and Neonatal

| Nursing Care Simulators

Options for S150 - 5 Year

Options for S110 - 1 year

Training arm and hand for intravenous,

Training arm and hand for intravenous

intramuscular, and subcutaneous access

access, with soft hand for finger prick

Training arm and hand for intravenous


practice. Arm also features radial and

access. Also features radial and

brachial arterial sites

brachial arterial sites



Intraosseous infusion system with

Intraosseous infusion system with

Intraosseous infusion system with

for S100 - Newborn

interchangeable tibia bones


interchangeable and replaceable

interchangeable and replaceable

External stoma sites with internal tanks

tibial bones

tibial bones




Subclavian access features simulated

External stoma sites with internal tanks

External stoma sites with internal tanks

Port-a-Cath and Hickman/Broviac



fluids and care

Site specific heart and lung sounds

Umbilical catheterization site with


kit with stethoscope

internal tank



sites leading to right heart. Provide

Site specific heart and lung sounds

with Virtual Stethoscope and

Temporal venous access sites with

external speakers

internal tank



Chest Decompression and drainage


Heart and Lung Sounds

Heart and Lung Sounds Vest


Site specific heart and lung

Site specific heart and lung

External stoma sites with

sounds with Virtual Stethoscope

sounds kit with stethoscope.

internal tanks.

and external speakers.

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Nursing Care Simulators - Options | 179

PEDI Blue and

Blue Neonates

A spectacular family of newborn

simulators which change color
based upon an initial pre-selected
condition and measure the effectiveness of airway ventilation and chest
compression. In addition, they have
all the conventional features found in
airway management trainers.

PEDI Blue and PREMIE Blue

| Blue Neonates

PEDI Blue Neonatal Simulator

with SmartSkin Technology

PEDI Blue Neonatal Simulator

with Newborn HAL Body

PREMIE Blue Simulator

with SmartSkin Technology

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Nursing Care Simulators - Blue Neonates | 181

PEDI Blue Neonate

| Blue Neonates

PEDI Blue Neonatal Simulator

with SmartSkin Technology
S320.101 Newborn HAL body

Manual Umbilical Pulse

A spectacular newborn simulator

Realistic Airway with

which changes color based upon an

initial pre-selected condition and

Realistic Internal Organs

Tongue, Vocal Cords,

Practice Oral or Nasal

for Unparalleled CPR

Trachea, and Esophagus

Intubation Plus OG

measures the effectiveness of airway


and NG Exercises

ventilation and chest compression. In

addition, the simulator has all the
conventional features found in airway
management trainers. Optional

Easily Accessible


Chest Cavity



accessories include an intraosseous


leg and an injection training arm.

View Peripheral and

Realistic Hands, Feet,

Bilateral Lung Expansion

Omni Controller

Central Cyanosis as Well

Fingers and Toes

with Realistic Chest Rise

Monitors CPR and

During BVM

Controls Cyanosis

as Healthy Skin Tone

Airway Management



Realistic airway with tongue,

View peripheral and central

Practice neonatal CPR with either

vocal cords, trachea, and

cyanosis as well as healthy skin

two-thumb encircling technique

esophagus. Practice intubation

tone. Skin turns to healthy color

or two finger alternate compression

using a miller 1 blade and

with proper CPR.

method. Monitor compressions and

uncuffed ET tube or LMA.

182 | Nursing Care Simulators - PEDI Blue

ventilations with Omni controller.

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

PEDI Blue Neonate


| Blue Neonates

Simulator Components

Full size articulating neonate

PEDI Blue neonate

Realistic airway with tongue, vocal cords,

Omni Controller for managing cyanosis

trachea, and esophagus for airway

management exercises
Internal organs for unparalleled
CPR performance

and monitoring CPR

Omni Code Blue pack
International power supply 100-240 VAC
Connecting cables

Oral or nasal intubation plus suctioning

Instruction manual

Crico prominence permits the

Carrying bag

Includes Omni Code Blue


Sellick maneuver
Bilateral lung expansion with realistic
chest rise
Practice intubation using a Miller 1 blade

The S320.101 has the same features

Monitor and log compressions

as the S320.100 but with the

and ventilations with Omni Code

Newborn HAL body

Blue pack. Pack includes CPR

Link software which allows you to

and uncuffed 2.5 ET tube or LMA

View peripheral and central cyanosis as

connect Omni to any computer

S320.100: Patent 6,503,087

for CPR logging and feedback.

well as healthy skin tone

Practice umbilical catheterization and
simulate pulsatile element with use of
hand-held squeeze bulb

IO Leg Option

Monitor and computer not included

Simulate neonatal CPR with either

two-thumb encircling technique or two
finger alternate compression method

Training Arm Option


Practice delicate IO access with optional

intraosseous leg
Practice injection and intravenous

Package Price with All Options


techniques with optional training arm

Umbilical Pulses
Simulate pulsatile element with
use of hand-held squeeze bulb.

BVM with Realistic Chest Rise

NG and OG Exercises

Umbilical Catheterization

Bilateral lung expansion with

Fluids may be introduced or

Practice umbilical catheterization

realistic chest rise during BVM.

suctioned via a nasogastric or

by filling umbilical cord using

orogastric tube into stomach

syringe provided.


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Nursing Care Simulators - PEDI Blue | 183

PREMIE Blue Neonate

Practice Oral or Nasal

| Blue Neonates

Realistic Airway with

Bilateral Lung Expansion

Realistic Internal

Intubation Plus OG and

Tongue, Vocal Cords,

with Realistic Chest Rise

Organs for


NG Tube Placement

Trachea and Esophagus

During BVM

Unparalleled CPR

Maneuver for



Blood Sample


and Central
Cyanosis as
well as Healthy


Skin Tone


Practice Injection and

Omni Controller

Hands, Feet,

Intravenous Techniques

Monitors CPR and

Fingers and

Controls Cyanosis


PREMIE Blue Simulator

with SmartSkin Technology

Manual Umbilical Pulse

Premature births are rising sharply.

arm as well as intraosseous leg.

airway ventilation and chest

Your students need experience

Students can intubate as well as

compression. PREMIE closely

working with newborns under 30

perform BVM and CPR. PREMIE

mirrors those admitted to neonatal

weeks gestation. PREMIE Blue

Blue changes color based upon an

intensive care and provides added

depicts a 28 week premature

initial pre-selected condition and

realism to training.

infant and includes an injection

measures the effectiveness of

Intraosseous Access

Intravenous Access


Intraosseous infusion and injection

IV access in the lower right arm

View peripheral and central

system with realistic tibia bones.Allows

that can be used for bolus or

cyanosis as well as healthy skin

infusion of fluids, blood and/or drugs

intravenous infusion as well as for

tone. Skin turns to healthy color

directly into the tibia's bone marrow.

draining fluids.

with proper CPR.

184 | Nursing Care Simulators - PREMIE Blue

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PREMIE Blue Neonate


| Blue Neonates

Includes Omni Code Blue Pack

28 week articulating PREMIE

Use Omni Controller to adjust cyanosis intensity and monitor

Realistic airway with tongue, vocal cords,

CPR. Pack includes CPR Link software which allows you to

trachea, and esophagus for airway

connect Omni to any computer for CPR logging and feedback.

management exercises

Monitor and computer not included

Realistic internal organs for unparalleled

CPR performance
Simulate heelstick maneuver for
capillary blood sample
BVM or CPR exercises
Oral and nasal intubation
Simulate suction procedures
Bilateral lung expansion with realistic
chest rise

BVM with Realistic Chest Rise

Umbilical Pulse

Bilateral lung expansion with

Simulate pulsatile element with

realistic chest rise during BVM.

use of hand-held squeeze bulb.

Umbilical Catheterization

Realistic Chest Cavity

Practice umbilical catheterization by

Realistic internal organs for

filling umbilical cord using syringe.

unparalleled CPR performance.

Airway Management


Realistic airway with tongue, vocal

Practice neonatal CPR with either

cords, trachea, and esophagus.

two-thumb encircling technique

Intubate PREMIE using a Miller

or two finger alternate compression

0 or 1 blade and a 2 or 2.5 FR

method. Monitor compressions and


ventilations with Omni controller.

View peripheral and central cyanosis as

well as healthy skin tone
Use monitor to select rates of
improvement and deterioration
Watch skin color change in response
to the efforts of your student
Pulse umbilicus using squeeze bulb
Practice placement of umbilical lines
Simulate CPR with either two-thumb
encircling technique or two finger
alternate compression method
Practice delicate intraosseous access
Practice injection and
intravenous techniques

Simulator Components
PREMIE Blue neonate
Omni Controller for managing cyanosis
and monitoring CPR
Omni Code Blue pack
International power supply 100-240 VAC
Connecting cables
Instruction manual
Carrying bag

Patent 6,503,087 - Other Patents Pending

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Nursing Care Simulators - PREMIE Blue | 185

S415 Blood Pressure Training System

The S415 Blood Pressure Training
System includes a full-size adult left
arm that may also be attached to any
Gaumard adult manikin. This is a
versatile training tool developed to
assist health professionals teach the
processes and skills required to
perform blood pressure auscultation
procedures and techniques.

S415 Blood Pressure Training System

Full size left arm that may also be
attached to Gaumard manikin
Programmable, palpable radial pulse
when cuff pressure is less than the
selected systolic blood pressure
Korotkoff sounds K1 through K4
(K5 is silence) audible between
systolic and diastolic pressures
Korotkoff sounds automatically
silenced if auscultation gap
is selected
Korotkoff sounds automatically
adjusted depending upon
selected heart rate and the
rate of cuff deflation
Conventional stethoscope to
auscultate Korotkoff sounds in
the antecubital area
Programmable Blood Pressure
Auscultation Tutor
Adjustable systolic and diastolic
Adjustable auscultation gap
Adjustable pulse rate
Display tracks cuff pressure
International power supply
100 to 240VAC
Optional speakers with volume
control allow students to hear
what the individual student hears
while using the stethoscope
Soft carrying bag
Instruction manual

Blood Pressure
Training System

Blood Pressure Training System with Speakers

Specify 110 or 220 volt power


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Skill Trainers - Blood Pressure | 187

Injection and Infusion | Adult

Advanced Multipurpose
Venous Training Arm

Connects to all Gaumard adult

Combining all features required

Subtle venous network in arm


for IV, IM, and Sub-Q training in a

challenging simulator.

and hand
Cephalic, basilic, antecubital,
radial, and ulnar veins

intravenous bolus
Simulation of infusion technique
Blood collection exercises with
simulated blood
Simulation of clenched fist and
tourniquet position
Smoked Lucite base with stand

Realistic pop as needle enters vein

Soft nylon carrying bag

Intramuscular injection site in

Set-up kit with simulated blood

deltoid area
Subcutaneous injection areas on
the volar side of the forearm and
the lateral side of the upper arm

concentrate, pressure bulb, blood

dispensing bag, spare arm skin,
funnel, and powder
Instruction manual

TB test site
Squeeze bulb to increase or


decrease venous pressure

Veins stand out or collapse

With attachable shoulder

Easily replaceable skin and veins

Specify left or right arm

Administration of medication by


188 | Skill Trainers - Injection and Infusion

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Injection and Infusion | Adult

Intravenous Training Arm

Designed for essential training in
the procedures of blood collection,
infusion, and intravenous injections.

Prominent venous network

Realistic pop as needle enters vein

Simulated cephalic, basilic,

Resealing veins and outer skin

antecubital, radial, and ulnar veins

Smoked Lucite base with stand

Simulation of infusion technique

Soft carrying bag

Blood collection exercises with

Set-up kit with simulated blood

simulated blood
Administration of medication by
intravenous bolus
Simulation of clenched fist or

concentrate, pressure bulb, blood

dispensing bag, spare arm skin,
funnel, and talcum powder
Instruction manual

tourniquet position
Simulation of collapsed veins


Infusion technique

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Skill Trainers - Injection and Infusion | 189

Injection and Infusion | Adult

Arterial and Venous

Patient Training Arm
This is a multipurpose training
arm for arterial and venous
exercises. Arterial pulses are
automatically generated at the
radial and brachial locations with
a peristaltic pump.

Pulsatile arterial blood flow

Veins stand out or collapse

Arterial stick exercises

Realistic pop as needle enters vein

AV anastomosis/hemodialysis

Veins and outer skin quickly reseal

exercises using customer supplied

surgical kit
Standard intravenous, infusion,
and blood collection techniques
Intramuscular injection site in the
deltoid area
Subcutaneous injection areas on

Simulation of clenched fist and

tourniquet position
Set-up kit with simulated blood
concentrate, pressure bulb, blood
dispensing bag, spare arm skin,
funnel, and talcum powder
Smoked Lucite base with stand

the volar side of the forearm and

Soft carrying bag

the lateral side of the arm

Instruction manual

Venous network in arm and hand

Arm connects to all Gaumard


adult simulators
Pad for incisions and suturing
Squeeze bulb to increase or

With attachable shoulder

Specify left or right arm


decrease venous pressure

190 | Skill Trainers - Injection and Infusion

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Injection and Infusion | Features

Multipurpose Venous
Training Arm
Our multipurpose training arm

Prominent venous network

Smoked Lucite base with stand

Simulated cephalic, basilic, ante-

Soft carrying bag

Set-up kit with simulated blood

cubital, radial, and ulnar veins

provides all features of a conventional Subcutaneous injection areas on

concentrate, pressure bulb, blood

intravenous arm, as well as the

the volar side of the forearm and

dispensing bag, spare arm skin,

ability to practice intramuscular and

the lateral side of the upper arm

funnel, and talcum powder

subcutaneous injections. Use of this

superior simulator provides a safe

Intramuscular injection site in

and sanitary teaching and learning

Veins in dorsum of hand

experience for you and your stu-

Simulation of clenched fist and

dents as well as both satisfactory

With attachable shoulder

tourniquet position

familiarity with the anatomy of the

Simulation of collapsed veins

human arm and knowledge of

Simulation of infusion technique

medication administration and

Blood collection exercises with

aseptic techniques.

Instruction manual

deltoid area

simulated blood
Administration of medication by
intravenous bolus
Resealing veins and outer skin
Realistic pop as needle enters vein

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Skill Trainers - Injection and Infusion | 191

Injection and Infusion | Pediatric and Infant

Five Year Injection

Training Arm

Intravenous injections, infusion,

The Mike and Michelle injection

Subcutaneous injections in both


One Year Injection Arm

Newborn Injection Arm

and blood collection

arm and hand simulate that of a 5

flexor and lateral sides of forearm

year old, with lifelike venous

Intramuscular injections in deltoid

structure. The dorsum of the

Lifelike venous structure

hand has two veins for additional

Dorsum of hand has two veins for

intravenous set-up. The flexor

and lateral sides of the arm

additional intravenous set-up

Interchangeable hands: clasping

These injection arms simulate

those of a one year old and a

Medial venous structure
Two veins in dorsum of hand

contain sites for subcutaneous

hand and fingers extended for

Radial and brachial arteries

injections. The deltoid contains

finger prick

Squeeze bulb simulating either

an intramuscular injection site.

Squeeze bulb simulating either

Two interchangeable hands are

collapsed or distended veins

supplied with the simulator.

Easily replaceable skin and veins

that withstand multiple needle sticks
Mounted on smoked Lucite base
and supplied with blood bag and
stand, synthetic blood concentrate,
squeeze bulb, and spare arm skin
Soft carrying bag

collapsed or normal veins

Easily replaceable skin and veins
that withstand multiple needle sticks
Mounted on smoked Lucite base
and supplied with blood bag and
stand, synthetic blood concentrate,
squeeze bulb, and spare arm skin
Soft carrying bag
Instruction manual

Instruction manual

One Year Injection Training Arm



Newborn Injection Training Arm


These injection arms simulate those

of a one year old and a newborn.

192 | Skill Trainers - Injection and Infusion

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Injection and Infusion | Pediatric and Infant

One Year Intraosseous

Infusion and Injection Leg
The Mike and Michelle
Intraosseous leg simulates that of
an average one (1) year-old child.
The leg is attached to a half
section of a lower torso. A
replaceable tibial bone lies under
a smooth outer skin, and is
molded with anatomic landmarks
for teaching intraosseous access
and infusion. A femoral vein/
artery pair and an intramuscular
injection site are included.


Newborn Intraosseous
Infusion and Injection Leg
The Susie and Simon
Intraosseous leg simulates that
of a newborn. A replaceable tibial
bone lies under a smooth outer
skin. It includes anatomic landmarks
for teaching intraosseous access
and infusion. A femoral vein/
artery pair and an intramuscular
injection site are included.


Insertion of intraosseous needle into

bone marrow cavity

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Skill Trainers - Injection and Infusion | 193

Injection and Infusion | Adult

IMSIT Intramuscular
and Injection Hip
Our IMSIT is a lifelike model of the
human lower torso. The simulator
may be used for teaching intramuscular (intragluteal), and
subcutaneous injections as well
as placement of a femoral line.
The posterior right side of the
simulator is hand-painted and
illustrates the deep anatomic
structure of the head of the
femur, the shaft of the femur,
the sciatic nerve, deep layers of
muscles, major blood vessels,

Palpation of

and the aspect of the bony pelvis

Gluteal Region

underlying the gluteus muscles.

This simulator is a must for all
nursing programs.

Subcutaneous Injection
Site in Lower Abdominal

Intramuscular injection site

Wall Above Inguinal Area

in upperouter quadrant of
gluteal region
Intramuscular injection in

Hand-Painted Anatomic

ventrogluteal site below iliac crest

Artwork of the Bony Pelvis

Intramuscular injection in
lateral thigh
Subcutaneous injection site


in lower abdominal wall above

Anatomic Artwork Of

inguinal area

The Sciatic Nerve

Femoral artery/vein site

Controlled arterial pulse
Place femoral line

Place Femoral Line

Hand-painted anatomic artwork

of the structures of the head and
shaft of the femur, and of the sciatic

Femoral Artery/Vein Site

nerve, major blood vessels of the

region, and the deep underlying
layer of muscles

Soft, Resilient, and

Hand-painted anatomic artwork

Lifelike Outer Skin

of the bony pelvis

Palpation of gluteal region
Soft, resilient, and lifelike outer skin
Soft carrying bag


194 | Skill Trainers - Injection and Infusion

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Injection and Infusion | Adult

Venipuncture Trainer

Chester Chest

Peter PICC

A lifelike model of the human torso,

An outstanding teaching model

This compact model allows

with detachable right arm, that

for review of the principles and

you to improve competency

enables health care providers to

tools necessary to validate the

and technique by progressing

learn and demonstrate competency

knowledge and skills needed for

from easier, larger veins to

with long term vascular access

Peripherally Inserted Central

more difficult, smaller veins.

devices: implanted ports, central

Catheter (PICC) insertion.

venous catheters, and peripherally

Four veins, three different sizes,
one deeply placed
Characteristic pop as needle
enters vein
Lightweight and compact

inserted central catheters. All of

Portable and lightweight

the vascular access devices used

Anatomically correct superior

are actual clinical devices. Blood

vena cava, subclavian, jugular,

reservoir bag permits fluid infusion

median basilic, basilic and

or blood withdrawal.

cephalic veins

Simulated blood, tubing and

Moveable chin simulates occlusion

backing plate

Difficult accessing insert for


Difficult accessing insert

of the jugular vein

wandering or shifting device


Practice sterile technique for set-up

and insertion of the PICC line

simulating the feel of a tilting

Palpable ribs permit practice of

or tipping device

measuring proper catheter length

Difficult accessing insert

Carrying Case
One gallon simulated blood

from insertion site to second or

simulating a deeply placed device

third intercostal space and the

when accessed through the outer

confirmation of proper placement

tissue flap

of the distal tip of the catheter in

Outer tissue flap feels like human

tissue. Skin moves when palpated
Central venous catheter

the viewable superior vena cava

Placement of standard IV catheter
in the major veins

Peripherally inserted catheter

Blood reservoir bags, tubing,


talcum powder
Soft carrying bag

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Skill Trainers - Injection and Infusion | 195

Maternal and Neonatal

Obstetric Birthing Torsos

Maternal and Neonatal Birthing Torsos

Advanced OB Susie

OB Susie

Original Childbirth Simulators

Original SIMA Models


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Skill Trainers - Obstetric | 197

Maternal and newborn heart sounds

Newborn cries, grunting, stridor
Vertex or breech deliveries

Advanced OB Susie
S500.200 Versatile and lightweight birthing torso

Vacuum or forceps deliveries

Replaceable vulval inserts
Two removable abdominal covers
Fetus with elevating pillow for
practicing Leopold maneuvers

Advanced Obstetric Susie | S500.200

A versatile simulator
using durable elements
proven in years of
service throughout
the world

Lightweight birthing torso

available in light, medium
or dark skin tones
Audible maternal heart sounds
from 0 to 200 bpm
Audible newborn heart sounds
from 0 to 220 bpm
Audible newborn cries, grunting,
and stridor
Vertex or breech deliveries
Vacuum augmentation or forceps
assisted deliveries
Replaceable vulval inserts and
highly distensible cervices
Two removable abdominal covers:
one transparent and one opaque
Fetus with elevating pillow for
practicing Leopold maneuvers

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Skill Trainers - Obstetric | 199

Advanced OB Susie | S500.200

Breech Delivery

Fetal Palpation

Vacuum Delivery

Practice vaginal breech deliveries and

Palpating fetus through transparent

Vacuum assisted or forceps deliveries

free the legs using Pinard maneuver.

or opaque abdominal cover.

with or without abdominal cover.

Delivery of Placenta

Place Clamps, Cut Umbilicus

Postpartum Bleeding

Position placenta to simulate

Includes four umbilical chords

Use blood concentrate to

placenta previa. Placenta also has

and two umbilical clips for clamp

simulate post-partum bleeding.

detachable fragments.

placement and cutting exercises.


Uterine Massage

Full Term Newborn

Use conventional urinary catheter

Uterine Massage decreases the size

Full term newborn with stocking

to reduce the size of the bladder.

of the outer uterus allowing student

cap, umbilicus pulses, accepts

to feel the small firm internal uterus.

umbilical catheter.

Fetal Heart Tones

Heart Rate, Crying and Airway Sounds

Pinard or conventional stethoscope can be used to hear

Select Fetal heart rate, maternal HR or Newborn

fetal heart sounds which are adjustable from 0 to 220 bpm.

crying, grunt, or stridor sounds.

Advanced OB Susie | S500.200

Lightweight birthing torso available in light, medium
or dark skin colors
Vertex or breech deliveries
Vacuum augmentation or forceps assisted deliveries
Replaceable vulval inserts and highly distensible cervices
Removable abdominal and opaque covers
Audible maternal heart sounds from 0 to 200 bpm
Audible newborn heart sounds from 0 to 220 bpm
Audible newborn cries, grunting, and stridor.
Fetus with elevating pillow for practicing
Leopold maneuvers
Rectum allows medication

Birthing Baby Having:

Two placentas with removable fragments

Select maternal HR, fetal HR or newborn crying or

airway sounds

Four umbilical cords

Two connectors
Two umbilical clips
Birthing baby having skull with fontanelles
Audible heart rate from 0 to 220 bpm
Soft face skin fits over head for vacuum/forceps delivery

Newborn Baby Having:

Umbilical pulse operated by squeeze bulb
Head cap to minimize hypothermia
Umbilical catheterization

Other Features
Postpartum hemorrhage 1.25 liters of fluid
Control postpartum hemorrhage by massaging uterus
Bladder catheterization with variable urinary flow
Practice vertex or breech deliveries

Battery powered. Four AA cells capable of more
than 30 hours operation

One non-sterile urinary catheter (not for human use)

Midwifery gown with snaps

Four vulval inserts

Two pair of non-latex gloves

Three distensible cervices

Suction bulb

Two placentas with removable fragments

Conventional stethoscope

Silicone lubricant and talcum powder

Pinard stethoscope

Directions for use

Blood collection stand with squeeze bulb to

Transportation and storage bag

regulate pressure
Simulated blood concentrate
Simulated urine concentrate
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Advanced OB Susie
Skill Trainers - Obstetric | 201

Obstetric Susie

OB Susie
Normal or breech deliveries
Leopold maneuvers
Intrauterine manipulation
Cord prolapse
Placenta previa
Fundal massage
Postpartum care

Normal or breech delivery
Demonstrate internal rotation,
expulsion and external rotation
Inflatable cushion lifts fetus for
Leopold maneuver
Practice intrauterine manipulation
to convert breech or transverse to
vertex delivery
Adaptive birth canal to demonstrate
dystocia and deal with its relief
3 dilating cervices
1 fetus for version exercises
1 padded stomach cover
3 vulval inserts
2 placentas
3 umbilical cords
Silicone lubricant and talcum powder
Carrying bag

Umbilical prolapse

Articulating fetus with palpable

fontanelles, spine, shoulder, elbows


and knees

Patent 6,503,087

Birthing mechanism, dilating cervix

and articulating fetus

202 | Skill Trainers - Obstetric

Placenta previa

Birthing mechanism, dilating cervix

and articulating fetus

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Obstetric Susie

Palpation for
Leopold Maneuvers
Place fetus in vertex, transverse or
breech position
Lower cushion raises fetus
for palpation
Soft stomach cover facilitates
palpation or fetal manipulation

Palpation module for

Articulating fetus with palpable

Leopold maneuvers

fontanelles, spine, shoulders,

elbows and kness

Normal Vaginal Delivery

Birth from ROA or LOP positions
Demonstrate rotation / expulsion
Cervix dilates as labor progresses
Position placenta to simulate
placenta previa
Practice reduction of nucal cord
Extensible dilating cervix permits

Downward movement to deliver the

students to conduct vaginal exams

anterior shoulder

and record results

Breech and Vacuum Delivery

Place fetus on birthing mechanism
in normal or breech position
Teach Pinard leg flip
during breech
Pause normal delivery to create
need for vacuum augmentation
Vacuum augmentation

Breech delivery

Reusable episiotomy repair modules

Reusable episiotomy repair modules

Postpartum Activity
Practice fundal massage to firm a
boggy uterus
Modules feature medial episiotomy
with tears in the labia minora,
mediolateral tears, and standard
medialateral episiotomy

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Obstetric Birthing Torsos

Palpation Module
for Leopold Maneuvers
One piece fetal baby with

Original Childbirth Simulator

palpable fontanelles, spine,

A SIMA Models Original

shoulders, elbows, and knees

Fetal baby may be placed in normal,

This versatile childbirth simulator not only provides an excellent simulation

breech, or transverse position

of the normal delivery experience for the student and educator, but also

Fetal baby cradled between

provides instruction in abnormal and multiple deliveries. It may be used

for demonstration of the following obstetric procedures:

two cushions
Cushions may be inflated
independently of the other;

Normal vaginal delivery

Complete, frank, and footling
breech birth
C-section delivery
Ritgens maneuver
Vertex presentation
Intrauterine manipulation
Vertex/vertex, vertex/breech,

Removable stomach cover for

positioning fetus
Life-size pelvic cavity with major
anatomic landmarks
Hand-painted outline of the
bony pelvis
episiotomy exercises
One baby boy and one baby girl,
each with umbilical cord and

presentation in multiple birth


Demonstration of placenta previa:

total, partial, and marginal
Normal delivery of umbilical cord
and placenta
Palpation of fetal fontanelles

raises the fetus to desired position;

inflation of the upper cushion
creates a firm abdomen as in the
ninth month of pregnancy
Module fits in S500

Three soft vulval inserts for

breech/vertex, or breech/breech
Prolapse of umbilical cord

inflation of the lower cushion

Anatomically accurate backbone

Fetal baby
Upper and lower cushions that
cradle baby
Inflation devices

and fontanelles on fetal baby/babies

One skin-tone stomach cover


Four extra umbilical cords

Two umbilical clamps
Talcum powder
Instruction manual


Soft carrying bag

Removable diaphragm end plate

for manual positioning of fetal
204 | Skills Trainers - Obstetric

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Obstetric Birthing Torsos

Susie Articulating
Newborn for
Leopold Maneuvers
19 part simulator including
articulating head and neck,

Fetal baby, Umbilical Cord,

and Placenta for
Vacuum Delivery
Smooth, soft skull with fontanelles
for realistic vacuum delivery

shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees

Realistic mouth and nostrils for

Three piece

Removable end-plate for
insertion of birthing mechanism
Removable cervices automatically


dilate as labor progresses

Advance and rotation of fetus

simulated suctioning
Palpable fontanelles, spine, shoulders,

through birth canal

Crowning of fetal head

buttocks, elbows, and knees

Position of newborn raised or lowered

Manipulation of the vulva to pass

by air pressure in lower cushion

the forehead, nose, and ears

Ease of newborn palpation adjusted

Syringe mouth and nose

by air pressure in upper cushion

Fetal rotation to enable

Module fits in S500

Soft carrying bag

shoulder presentation

Labor Delivery Module


Birthing fetus
Two dilating cervices
Soft carrying bag

6 labor stations selected to represent

Instruction manual

conditions of the cervix and vagina

prior to labor, during labor, and at


birth in a primigravid woman

Patent 6,503,087

Stations may be placed in birth

Suturing Trainer

canal of the S500

Stations illustrated are: STA -5
prior to onset of labor; STA -4

Postpartum Hemorrhage

cervix partially effaced; STA -3


cervix fully effaced

The S500.8 PPH module

Soft vinyl enables use of standard

STA 0 fetal head at plane of

simulates postpartum bleeding

needle holder with 00 or 000

ischial spine; STA +2 cervix

and allows providers to practice

nearing full dilation;

fundal massage techniques.

chromic sutures
Three modules feature medial

STA +5 crowning of fetal head


episiotomy with tears in the labia

minora, mediolateral episiotomy


An elevating cushion

with peri-urethral tears, and a

Six labor stations

2 cervixes

standard mediolateral episiotomy

Carrying case

A postpartum uterus with air and

fluid lines, and filling syringe



Simulated blood concentrate

Individual modules may be purchased.

A simulated blood reservoir

Please specify suture module required

Carrying Case


Skills Trainers - Obstetric | 205

Womens Health Simulators

Patents 5,472,345 and D352,313

ZOE Gynecologic Simulator

Quite simply, the very best gynecologic examination
simulator availabale. Designed by physicians for
physicians and healthcare providers, ZOE combines
the ability to demonstrate multiple gynecologic
procedures as well as practice laparoscopic
examination and minilaparotomy.

206 | Skill Trainers - Women's Health

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Womens Health Simulators

Interchangeable introitus adds flexibility

Insertion of IUD into uterus

for multiple ZOE options. Shown here

Accessing replaceable fallopian tubes

through minilap incision

is the 48 hour postpartum kit

Full size female lower torso with

relevant internal anatomic landmarks

screw design for fast and easy


Bi-manual pelvic examination

Talcum powder

Palpation of normal and

Soft carrying bag

pregnant uteri
Vaginal examination, including

Interchangeable uteri with normal


and abnormal external pathologies

insertion of speculum
Visual recognition of normal and


abnormal cervices
Uterine sounding

Set of seven normal and abnormal

IUD insertion and removal

uteri with externally palpable

Distal end of vagina facilitates

pathologies, featuring patented

introduction of a female condom

screw design

or sizing a 75mm diaphragm

Removable introitus adds flexibility


Early pregnancy uteri

for addition of multiple ZOE options

Laparoscopic visualization and
occlusion of fallopian tubes

Set of seven normal and abnormal

uteri with internal pathologies for


hysteroscopic viewing, featuring

1 anteverted and one retroverted

patented screw design

parous uterus
1 normal uterus with short fallopian


tubes for palpation excercies

Early pregnancy uteri. One is 6-8
weeks and the other is 10-12 weeks
1 twenty-week pregnant uterus

48hr postpartum uterus with duckbill

Normal and abnormal cervices

cervix and fallopian tubes for IUD

insertion, using long curved forceps

5 normal cervices with patent os

4 abnormal cervices


10 fallopian tubes
Realistically sculpted and
anatomically accurate ovaries

10 minute postpartum uterus for

IUD insertion

and fimbriae
Uterus and cervix feature patented
Visit us online at


Interchangeable uteri

Skill Trainers - Women's Health | 207

Womens Health

Hysteroscopy Simulator
The most realistic hysteroscopy
simulator available! A full size female
adult lower torso with a foam-backed
soft outer skin simulates the feel of
the anterior pelvic wall.

Full size female adult lower torso
with removable soft outer skin
Seven uteri including normal control
uterus with healthy internal and
external appearance
Internal anatomic artwork of normal
and abnormal uteri
Internal representation of endometrial
polyposis, fibroids, early and advanced
carcinoma of the endometrium, torsion
of sloughing fibroid, and carcinoma
of the fundus
External representation of normal
and abnormal uteri
Palpation of normal and abnormal uteri

Hysteroscope used to study internal walls of normal and abnormal uteri

Normal cervix and interchangeable

uteri with patented screw design
Soft carrying bag


RITA Reproductive
Implant Training Arm
A compact simulator designed to
insert and remove Levonorgestrel
(Norplant) implants

Upper left arm on base
Soft foam insert simulates soft arm tissue
Soft foam insert allows multiple
insertion exercises
5 tubular inserts
One extra latex skin
Insertion of implant using trochar

208 | Skill Trainers - Women's Health

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Womens Health

Gynecologic Simulator
One of our most popular
products! The full size female
adult lower body gives students
and educators a graphic experience
in vaginal speculum examination,
bi-manual pelvic examination, IUD
insertion techniques, diaphragm
sizing and fitting, uterine sounding,
and viewing of normal and
abnormal cervices.

Full size female adult lower body
with removable soft outer skin
One normal anteverted uterus
with transparent top and round
Seven uteri with one normal

Female condom insertion

and removal
Diaphragm and cervical cap
insertion and removal

and ovaries
Talcum powder
Instruction manual
Soft carrying bag

6 cervices with cervical

Anatomically accurate fimbriae

Patent 5,472,345

control uterus and six with

external uterine abnormalities
Two normal cervices with patent
os for IUD insertion/removal
Uterus and cervix feature patented
screw design for fast and easy
Contraceptive sponge insertion
and removal

Viewing of cervical pathology

Interchangeable uteri with normal

and abnormal external pathologies

Cervical Replicas
This desk-top model is an

Cervix with erosion

excellent patient education

Cervix with linear laceration

tool for physicians and

Cervix with polyp

healthcare providers.

Cervix with inflamed Nabothian cyst

Cervix with acute purulent cervicitis
Cervix with carcinoma
Mounted on smoked Lucite base

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Skill Trainers - Women's Health | 209

Womens Health

Female Pelvic Organs I

Coronal section of uterus, ovaries,
and fimbriae
Uterus covered by clear plastic
window to permit easy viewing of

Uterus I
Normal uterus
Clear plastic window permits easy
viewing of IUD
Plastic window tilts open to

correct IUD placement

permit removal of IUD



Family Planning Educator

Uterus II
Coronal section of uterus, ovaries,
and fimbriae
Clear plastic window permits easy
viewing of IUD


Cervical Dilatation
With hand painted, 3-dimensional

Our family planning educator is a popular "desktop" simulator for

models, this handsome easel display

demonstration of introduction and removal of an IUD, diaphragm, and

illustrates cervical effacement from

sponge contraception devices. In addition, bi-manual examination

-8 cm. It may be used as a tabletop

technique may be practiced and normal and abnormal uterine positions

display or may be hung on the

may be demonstrated. The vulva is made of ultra-soft vinyl to give lifelike

wall like a chart. Supplied with

feel and flexibility.

protective felt cover. 9inx12in

One anteverted uterus with clear upper


half to illustrate correct position of IUD

One uterus to illustrate normal
Cervix with patent os attaches to
uterus suspended within pelcvic cavity
Soft plastic stomach cover
Instruction manual
Soft carrying bag

210 | Skill Trainers - Women's Health

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Womens Health

Development Trainer
Combines our Fetal Ultrasound

Let your students touch and feel

Trainer with a beautiful hand

the models of the developing

painted series of eight models

fetuses. Educators confirm the

depicting the developing fetus

positive effect of holding a fetal

inside coronally dissected uteri.

model. It is an enormous and

significant benefit in the classroom

View over 200 digital videos

Second and third trimester

fetuses are removable

with accompanying text describing

Anatomically accurate

normal and abnormal fetal

Mounted on smoked Lucite base

conditions during the first, second

Instruction manual

and third trimesters

CD-ROM used with Windows


Female Pelvic Organs III

A superb sagittal view artwork model


that displays the internal and external

Anatomically accurate

structures of female pelvic anatomy.

Easy identification of all important

This model is perfect for use in the

anatomic landmarks and structures

secondary school classroom to

Mounted on smoked Lucite base

demonstrate womens health and


hygiene issues, as well as totally

appropriate for patient education
by a physician or healthcare provider.


Female Condom Model

This model may be placed in the clients lap to simulate the position in
which the female condom should be inserted.

Demonstration of use of female

Soft vulva and vagina

condom, contraceptive sponge,

Soft plastic stomach cover

and cervical cap

Instruction manual

Life-size anteverted uterus in

Soft carrying bag

simulated pelvic cavity

Cervix attaches to uterus with
patented screw design
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Skill Trainers - Women's Health | 211

Breast Examination
A task trainer with left and right

Left breast contains four masses

breasts attached to an adult

in the breast tissue and two

upper torso. The left breast

masses in the axilla region. The

provides pathologies for breast

masses range in size from 14 to 19

self examination (BSE) training,

mm, and their depths range from

while the right breast provides

6 to 16 mm beneath the surface

pathologies for clinical breast

examination training.

Right Breast contains enlarged

Breasts are attached to torso

and can be easily removed and
Simulator can be used in either
the upright or reclining position
Medium skin tone standard
Optional ight or dark skin tone

lymph node, fibroadenoma,

Soft carrying bag

fibrocystic mass and fluid-filled

User Guide

cyst (ranging from 12 to 24 mm)

Realistic texture and look

212 | Skills Trainers - Women's Health

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Womens Health

Breast Examination
Learning Package

Right breast contains enlarged

Left breast contains four masses in the

lymph node, fibroadenoma,

breast tissue and two masses in the axilla

fibrocystic mass and fluid-filled

region. The masses range in size from 14

cyst (ranging from 12 mm to

to 19 mm, and their depths range from 6

24 mm in size)

to 16 mm beneath the surface

Gaumard Scientific Company, 2011

Made in U.S.A. All Rights Reserved

Includes a Breast Examination

Learning Package CD, which provides
health professional instructors with
additional information and performance
based learning materials to assist
students to learn to perform breast
examinations competently, and
enable instructors to measure
student performance objectively.
Also included is an User Guide that
provides technical information on
how to care for the Breast Examination
simulator S230.42.

Torso with right and left

breasts and carrying bag
Patents pending

Right and left breasts with

carrying bag and user guide

Left breast with carrying bag

and user guide

Right breast with carrying bag

and user guide

Each breast is removable and may be

Both breasts can be used to teach

Learn to palpate differences between

purchased separately

palpation: spiral or up and down method

breast masses and cysts

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Skills Trainers - Women's Health | 213

Womens Health

Breast Palpation Simulator

for Clinical Teaching

Advanced Patient Care

Breast Palpation Bra

This beautiful and anatomically

accurate simulator includes a
combination of left and right
breasts, with axilla regions,
attached to an adult upper torso.
The simulator may be used in the
reclining or upright position. All
basic and sophisticated examination

This unique desktop breast palpation

methods may be demonstrated.

simulator is another of our SIMAVALU products. Not only is it

Right Breast 1: Normal

Left Breast 3: This form of breast

supplied with 7 interchangeable

cancer (scirrhus carcinoma) is one of

breasts (as described in item 230.4)

Right Breast 2: This breast shows

the more commonly encountered

but its portability and compactness

a comparatively rare but palpable

malignant tumors of the breast.

make it ideal for use in the secondary

tumor: a giant sarcoma (or giant

When palpating, note the infiltrating

school classroom, the third-world

mammary myxoma) of which the

nature of the growth. It has no

clinic, or the medical office.

wildly growing masses can be felt.

well-defined borders and cannot

be moved within the breast.

Right Breast 3: This breast shows

a retracted nipple with orange
skin effect, and on careful

smoked Lucite stand

Three interchangeable left breasts

palpation, a mass can be felt

demonstrating chronic mastitis,

immediately under the nipple.

benign growth, and scirrhous

The breast represents a carcinoma

in one of the milk ducts.


on one side and a somewhat larger

orange skin effect, giant sarcoma,

and normal breast tissue

node on the other side of the breast.

Lifelike softness, texture and look

This breast represents (in a slightly


exaggerated form) various stages of

Breasts are attached to adult

fibrocystic disease (chronic mastitis)

upper torso and can be easily

which is due to an endocrine

removed and re-assembled

imbalance and may be found in

described in item 230.4)

Soft nylon carrying bag


Breast Cancer
20" x 26in styrene plastic chart


The trainer can be used in either

many normal women. A malignant

the upright or reclining position

tumor can also be palpated in the

Medium skin tone standard. Light

vicinity of the clavicle.

7 interchangeable breasts (as

Three interchangeable right breasts

demonstrating carcinoma and the

Left Breast 1: Six discreet nodes

Soft vinyl bra mounted on

or dark skin tone optional at no

extra cost

Left Breast 2: This breast shows

Carrying bag

one of the most common types

Instruction manual

of benign growth (fibroadenomas)

for women under the age of 30.
214 | Skills Trainers - Women's Health

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Womens Health

Breast Phantom Simulator

Left and right breasts attach to
adult upper torso. The left breast
permits ultrasound identification
of cysts versus dense masses,
while the right breast permits
identification of cysts of different
sizes and depths.
Left breast contains
three cysts and six
masses randomly
placed in the breast
and axilla

Visualize masses and cysts using
REAL ultrasound equipment
Learn to do ultrasound guided
needle aspiration in a relaxed
environment before moving onto

Right breast contains

actual patients

ten cysts of different

Realistic texture and look

sizes and depths

Self-Healing skin
Breasts easily removed and assembled
Use in either the upright or

Ultrasound equipment not included

reclining position
Indiscernible masses and cysts
prompt students to resort to
ultrasound imaging
Medium skin tone standard
Optional light or dark skin tone
Soft carrying bag
User Guide, containing technical
information on how to care for
and maintain the simulator

Ultrasound image from left breast

Ultrasound image from left breast


showing cyst

showing solid mass

Patents pending

Replacement Breast Pair

Left Replacement Breast

Remove fluid while seeing the cyst

Right Replacement Breast


shrink and then disappear

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Skills Trainers - Women's Health | 215

Mens Health

ZACK Multipurpose
Male Care Simulator
Full size male lower torso
Internal bladder for catheterization
Four interchangeable prostates
depicting moderately enlarged
benign prostate, prostate with two
discreet nodules, prostate with easily
palpable large mass, prostate with
malignant invasive cancer
Realistic penis and two scrotal sacks;
one scrotal sack is normal, the other
contains tumors in each testicle
No Scalpel Vasectomy kit containing
two removable scrotal skins, two
testicles and two long vas assemblies
that can be advanced as needed
for NSV exercises
Rectum and colon containing
benign and malignant masses
easily visualized using an
appropriate endoscope
Instruction manual
Soft carrying bag


Internal bladder permits

Locate nine tumors using endoscope

catheterization exercises

Check for testicular lumps

216 | Skill Trainers - Men's Health

Perform digital examination using

four interchangeable prostates

Conduct testicular self examination

Observe typical colon tumors

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Mens Health

Advanced Patient Care Male

Catheterization Simulator
Male lower torso with realistic penis and scrotum
Normal size prostate gland for palpation during
rectal examination
Internal bladder reservoir for standard
catheterization exercises
External bladder reservoir mounted on smoked
Lucite stand for bladder exercises
Functional suprapubic stoma for practice in skin
preparation, stoma hygiene, and application of
disposable and permanent ostomy bags
2 spare internal bladder tanks
Instruction manual
Soft carrying bag


No Scalpel Vasectomy
(NSV) Model
A compact simulator developed
to assist in learning a new method

Male Condom Model

Conditions of the Testicle

An excellent model for

Shows the importance of monthly

get in the way of the student as

demonstration and hands-on

testicular self-examination.

the procedure is mastered.

experience in use of a condom.

This 3D easel display depicts

The model is manufactured in a

the anatomy of a normal testicle,

2 removable scrotal skins

soft, flexible vinyl and is adaptable

a testicle with a cancerous lump,

2 testicles

from a flaccid to an erect state.

and a testicle with an inflamed

2 long vas assemblies can be

Mounted on a smoked Lucite stand.


of vas occlusion. To provide realism,

the leg stumps are designed to


Supplied with instruction manual.

Visit us online at

advanced as needed for NSV


Skill Trainers - Men's Health | 217

Skills Trainers

Advanced Patient Care

Female Ostomy Simulator
Sculpted stomas of a transverse colostomy, an
ileostomy, and a supra-pubic stoma
Connection of stoma sites to removable, replaceable
internal tanks representing the colon, small bowel,
ileum, and bladder
Application of disposable or permanent ostomy bags
Treatment of skin conditions around stoma sites
Instruction manual
Soft carrying bag


Advanced Patient Care

Male Prostate Simulator
4 interchangeable modules depicting moderately
enlarged benign prostate, a prostate with two discreet
nodules, a prostate with an easily palpable large mass,
and a prostate with malignant invasive cancer
Prostates individually mounted on clear plastic cards
for easy placement and removal
Instruction manual
Soft carrying bag


Advanced Patient Care

Enema Simulator
Modular rectal valve to simulate sphincter mechanism
Enema administration kit
Smoked Lucite stand for enema bag
Instruction manual
Soft carrying bag

218 | Skill Trainers

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Skills Trainers

Advanced Patient Care Female

Catheterization Simulator
Female lower torso with realistic vulval
area and urethral opening
Internal bladder reservoir for standard
catheterization exercises
External bladder reservoir mounted on
smoked Lucite stand for bladder exercises
Functional suprapubic stoma for practice in
skin preparation, stoma hygiene, and application
of disposable and permanent ostomy bags
Modular urethral valve prevents fluid leakage
2 spare bladder tanks
Instruction manual
Soft carrying case


Advanced Patient Care

Male and Female
Catheterization Simulator
A superb SIMA-VALU product! This two-inone simulator combines the features of the
female and male catheterization simulators
at an unbeatable price. Use of this simulator
will give your students the confidence required
to perform this basic nursing procedure.
Complete catheterization training
Interchangeable, realistic male organ
Fully functional stomas connected to removable,
replaceable internal tanks
Modular urethral valve to prevent fluid leakage
Instruction manual
Soft carrying bag

Visit us online at

Skill Trainers | 219

S411 Lumbar Puncture Trainer

Provides realistic tactile feedback combined with a fluid
supply and pressure system, allowing the collection of CSF
and measurement of opening pressure. Ideal for practicing
injection of local anesthesia, aseptic technique, needle
insertion between vertebrae, lumbar puncture, and epidural.

220 | Skills Trainers - Lumbar Puncture S411

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Lumbar Puncture Trainer

Lumbar Puncture Trainer

with skin layer, subcutaneous

Lumbar Puncture Trainer


layer, connective tissue, and

Patents pending

Replaceable spinal cord insert

lumbar vertebrae
Anatomic features include: iliac
crests, lumbar vertebrae L2 L5,

Spinal Canal

ligamentum flavum, epidural

space, and dura
Needle insertion possible

Two Spinal Cord Inserts


between vertebrae
Lifelike needle resistance, including
pops when needle traverses

Filling Kit

ligamentum flavum and dura

Self-healing skin that allows 15
uses with an 18 gauge needle and

Power Supply

25 uses with a 22 gauge needle

before replacement is necessary
Simple to fill simulated CSF and

Soft Carrying Case


set fluid pressure, thereby allowing

students to collect CSF and
measure CSF opening pressure


Pressure system with simple

This microprocessor
controlled simulator contains
a built in compressor which
pressurizes the fluid system
maintaining the pressure
at the designated set point,
while a pressure sensor
monitors the simulated
cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

push-button operation to increase

or decrease pressure

Fasteners with washers


LED displays pressure set-point

ranging from low, medium to
high pressure
Practice procedure in the left
lateral decubitus or sitting position
Trainer can be used to simulate
aseptic technique and local
anesthetic at puncture site

Spinal cord insert includes anatomic

features including iliac crest, lumbar
vertebrae L2 L5, simulated
ligamentum flavum, epidural space
and dura
Self-healing skin allows 15 uses with
an 18 gauge needle and 25 uses with
a 22 gauge needle

Multi-layer insert including simulated

skin, subcutaneous, connective
tissue, and lumbar vertebrae

Buy PRO+ with your Gaumard

Tetherless Simulator and Save!
PRO+ software is factory installed
in the tablet PC at time of simulator
purchase. In addition to running
the simulator, the powerful tablet

Recording and
Debriefing Solution

PC also runs the one wired and

two wireless cameras.

S_ _ _ _*.211

Buy PRO+ as an Upgrade

If you did not purchase your

Pro+ comes with two wireless and one wired camera; it is mostly used in

Gaumard tetherless simulator

conjunction with hi-fidelity simulators in a fixed lab or at a mobile location.

with the factory installed PRO+,

you may still buy this option as an

This advanced technology, allows you to capture multiple video (with

upgrade. This upgrade includes the

wired or wireless cameras), audio, and patient monitors, as well as the

powerful tablet PC preinstalled

simulator log file.

with PRO+ software and one

wired and two wireless cameras.

Reduce time and resources needed to run a simulation. PRO+ requires

only one tablet PC, allowing a single person to run simulation AND

S_ _ _ _*.211U

recording simultaneously.
Avoid complicated setups that take up valuable space. With PRO+ forget

*Available for: S574, S575, S576,

about large PC towers, monitors, keyboards, or cables. PRO+ works on

S3201, S3101, S3000, S2000, S3004,

the same tablet PC that controls your simulator.

S3005, S3010, S3009.

222 | Learning Resources - PRO+ Recording and Debriefin

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

PRO+ Recording and Debriefing System



Up to 4 Camera feeds

Up to 4 Satellite feeds allow

Capture multiple log files with

Remote access via Internet Explorer

Dual Simlink
User added custom events

expansion to 8 video feeds (use

Android mobile devices)

Up to 4 Patient monitor feeds

Pan/Tilt/Zoom camera control via


VISCA Pan/Tilt/Zoom control

Instant playback

Playback while recording

Screen capture mode records a

video of screen activity
Back buffer retrieves several
minutes of video in case the user

Scenario builder facilitates skills


Cameras included are

Optional Add-ons

- 2 Wireless cameras

Fixed lab Installation

- 1 Wired camera

Archiver storage device for record

Cameras have built in microphone

Additional camera options:
- Wired analog camera
- Wired USB camera
- Wired network camera

Scheduling and inventory
management system
Communicator for audio

- Wireless network camera

Flexible camera arm mounts

Security/Password Protection

forgets to start the recording


across network

Windows 7 Compatible

Splicing and editing of movies


Up to 8 Audio feeds

Movie Search Functionality

Privacy Streaming Guard prevents

Real time audio meter

Export to AVI

Built in audio equalizer

remote users from seeing live video

Back-up recordings are saved

with a free player for viewing in

Event Log

Integration w/ GIGA event log

Visit us online at

Hard shell carry case

Statistics monitors hard disk
usage and other important

any computer
Simultaneous Multi-Computer

system information

Learning Resources - PRO+ Recording and Debriefin | 223

Buy MICRO+ with your Gaumard

Tetherless Simulator and Save!
MICRO+ software is factory
installed in the laptop PC at
time of simulator purchase. In
addition to running the simulator,
the laptop PC also runs the one
wired camera.

S_ _ _ _*.210

Recording and
Debriefing Solution
Micro+ comes with one hard-wired camera. For use with HAL S1000

Buy MICRO+ as an Upgrade

and other mid-fidelity simulators. A single video and audio stream can
be recorded along with a patient monitor feed and the simulator log file.

If you did not purchase your

Gaumard simulator with the

Reduce time and resources needed to run a simulation. MICRO+ requires

factory installed MICRO+, you may

only one laptop PC, allowing a single person to run simulation AND

still buy this option as an upgrade.

recording simultaneously.

This upgrade includes the powerful

laptop PC preinstalled with MICRO+

Avoid complicated setups that take up valuable space. With MICRO+

software and one wired camera.

forget about large PC towers, monitors, keyboards, or cables. Micro+

works on the same laptop PC that controls your simulator.

S_ _ _ _*.210U
*Available for: S1000, S1001,
S554.100. Included with NOELLE
MOES S555.100

224 | Learning Resources - MICRO+ Recording and Debriefin

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

MICRO+ Recording and Debriefing System




1 Camera feed

1 Wired USB camera included

1 Patient monitor feed

Camera includes built in

Pan/Tilt/Zoom camera control

via software

VISCA Pan/Tilt/Zoom control


Instant playback

Playback while recording

Additional KB Port camera

access across network

Remote access via Internet Explorer

Optional Add-ons
Fixed lab Installation
Archiver storage device for

- Wired analog camera
- Wired network camera
- Wireless network camera

record retention
Scheduling and inventory
management system

1 Audio feed

Real time audio meter

Built in audio equalizer


Security/Password Protection

Export to AVI

Windows 7 Compatible

Back-up recordings are saved

Mobile/Portable ability

Event Log

with a free player for viewing in

Integration w/ GIGA event log

any computer

User added custom events

Visit us online at


Movie Search Functionality

Simultaneous Multi-Computer

Statistics monitors hard disk

usage and other important
system information

Learning Resources - MICRO+ Recording and Debriefin | 225

Neonatal Stabilization Scenarios

A Proven Platform
A complete simulation
curriculum designed for
comprehensive neonatal
resuscitation and
stabilization care.

Sugar and Safe Care

Blood Pressure

With over 250,000 students to

date, S.T.A.B.L.E. is the most
widely distributed and accepted
neonatal education program to
focus on the post-resuscitation /
pre-transport stabilization care of
sick infants. Although familiarity
with S.T.A.B.L.E. is helpful it is not
required for use of these scenarios.

Emotional Support
226 | Learning Resources - Neonatal Stabilization Scenarios

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Neonatal Stabilization Scenarios


The Benefits:



36 week IDM, LGA shoulder dystocia,

Scenario validation sessions have

Neonatal Stabilization
Scenarios Guidebook

vacuum assist with two popoffs.

been held since 2009 where panels

Contains supporting materials for

of experts and staff from hospitals

all 12 scenarios; including scenario

Maxwell Johnson (3 scenarios)

Chris Anderson (3 scenarios)

and simulation centers across the

synopsis and timeline, scripts,

5 day old term infant admitted

United States have reviewed and

hand-off reports, confederate

from home in shock.

validated each scenario.

scripts, x-rays and labs, objectives

worksheet, mannequin staging

Chelsea Hamblin (3 scenarios)*


checklists, and more...

37 weeks, SGA infant with a socially

All scenarios are designed to

complicated maternal situation.

involve inter-professional participants

Cardiac and surgical care.

including: a medical staff provider,

Facilitator DVD
and CD-ROM

*A complex delivery room resuscitation

nurses, respiratory therapists and

Contains multiple videos and

branching scenario is also included.

backup team members if required.

documents for both instructors

and students.

Hanna Davis (3 scenarios)


Unplanned home delivery at 32

Includes everything you need in

weeks gestation. Advances to 8 day

one package: Neonatal Stabilization

Model of Care Poster

old and 16 day old NICU scenarios.

Scenarios Guidebook, Facilitator

Crisis can be averted through

For those customers with a Premie

DVD and CD-ROM with videos

the application of effective

HAL mannequin, all 3 branching

and facilitator file documents,

crisis management behavior.

scenarios are also included.

ARAR Model of Care poster, and

This poster was created for

activation codes to unlock scenarios

scenario participants to remind

for the Newborn HAL simulator.

them of key elements of

Scenario Components

effective communication.

Scenario synopsis for the facilitator


Interprofessional participants and

Each scenario in the Guidebook

Newborn HAL Scenarios

is provided with a corresponding

Purchase includes activation


branching scenario in the Newborn

codes to unlock Neonatal

What will happen

HAL software, providing a

Stabilization Scenarios for your

Scenario challenges or variations

seamless integration between

Newborn HAL simulator.

Confederate scripts

curriculum and simulation.

scenario start options

Maternal/infant record or hand-off

reports for nursing and medical staff
Other labs

Complete S.T.A.B.L.E
Program Package

X-rays (as applicable)

CD100 includes CD101 and CD 102

Hand-off labs and x-rays

Bedside photo of the baby

Algorithms (as applicable)

Scenarios Guidebook

Objectives worksheets


Mannequin staging worksheet

Pre-start checklist

Stabilization Scenarios

Visit us online at

requires CD101

MOES Courseware - Mobile Obstetric Emergencies Simulation

Mobile Obstetric Emergencies Simulation

228 | Learning Resources - MOES Courseware

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

Validated Courseware for Obstetric Emergencies

MOES courseware was developed by LTC Shad Deering MD

et. al. at the Madigan Army Medical Center.
Breech Vaginal Delivery
36 weeks IDM, LGA shoulder dystocia, vacuum assist
with two popoffs.
Eclamptic Seizure
5 day old term infant admitted from home in shock.
Neonatal Resuscitation
37 weeks, SGA infant with a socially complicated maternal
situation. Cardiac and surgical care.
Operative Vaginal Delivery
Unplanned home delivery at 32 weeks gestation. Advances
to 8 day old and 16 day old NICU scenarios. For those
customers with a Premie HAL mannequin, all 3 branching
scenarios are also included.
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Unplanned home delivery at 32 weeks gestation. Advances
to 8 day old and 16 day old NICU scenarios. For those
customers with a Premie HAL.
Shoulder Dystocia


Unplanned home delivery at 32 weeks gestation. Advances

to 8 day old and...

Scenario Handbook
Each scenario has a corresponding section in the

Umbilical Cord Prolapse

Scenario Handbook, complete with: Basic instructions,

Unplanned home delivery at 32 weeks gestation. Advances

case flow/algorithm, debriefing instructions,

to 8 day old and...

evaluation form, and a brief didactic.

Scenario Handbook Components

DVD with Scenario and Setup Videos

Basic instructions for participants

Learn to setup and run each MOES scenario with

Simulation setup

our introduction, setup and quickstart videos.

Case flow/algorithm with branch points and

Debriefing instructions

MOES Scenarios Pre-packaged into

GIGA Software

Evaluation form

Obstetric emergency scenarios preinstalled in the

Brief didactic

GIGA software.

completion criteria

Visit us online at

Learning Resources - MOES Courseware | 229

Record... Debrief... Collect Audience Responses

MOES Courseware
Validated courseware for obstetric
emergencies; for use with your
NOELLE simulator.

Scenario Handbook
DVD with scenario and setup videos
Activation codes for installing MOES
scenarios onto GIGA Software
For NOELLE S554.100


Audience Response System

for Micro+

Micro+ Recording
and Debriefing

Already have a NOELLE and

Camera allows instructors to

Micro+ system? Get our standalone

record one video and audio stream

Audience Response System.

and a patient monitor feed and

Participants and observers receive

the simulator log file.

coded wireless keypads used to

answer standardized questions.

Laptop with preinstalled Micro+

One RF receiver
Five wireless keypads

Wired USB camera with built in

Software integrated with

GIGA Software



230 | Learning Resources - MOES Courseware

Call us toll free at 800.882.6655

CDs and Books

NOELLE Maternal and

Neonatal Simulation System
Training Guide - 2009

NOELLE Matenal and

Neonatal Simulation System
TrainingGuide - 2003

Workbook of
OB/GYN Simulation

Marge Zerbe condenses her

Authors Zerbe and Gamblian

directors who wish to take their

extensive practical perinatal

condense their combined 50 years

simulation program beyond basic

experience into an easy to read

of practical perinatal experience

simulation topics. 58 short chapters

guide for obstetrics and neonatal

into an easy to read guide for

describe scenarios in a competency

care. Ideally suited for use with

obstetrics and neonatal care.

based format to enhance learning.

the NOELLE childbirthing system.

Ideally suited for use with the

In addition to high risk obstetrics

NOELLE childbirthing system.

and gynecology, topics in the

This text is designed for simulation

areas of cultural competency,

B501 Instructor
B501.1 Student

B500 Instructor
B500.1 Student

ethics, homeland security, medicolegal issues, neonatal resuscitation

and psychosocial issues are
covered. Examples of specific

Making Healthcare Safer by Preventing Infections

scenarios include Ethics in the

Pharmaceutical Industry, Ovarian

Instructor and Student Guides provide health care clinical instructors with

Hyperstimulation Syndrome,

additional information and performance- based learning materials to assist

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

their students to perform the three most frequently used infection prevention

in Pregnancy, Anthrax Exposure,

practices hand hygiene, use of gloves and setting up a sterile field

Giving a Deposition and Domes-

competently and to enable instructors to measure student performance

tic Violence. Authors: Martin E.

objectively. Includes both Instructor and Student CDs.

Olsen, MD, Martin P. Eason,MD, JD.

CD205 Instructor
CD205.1 Student


Learning and Practicing Clinical Nursing Skills

Instructor and student guides for use with Susie S2000, includes a series of
field tested competency based training modules. The purpose of the modules
is to help nursing students learn selected clinical skills, and successfully
transfer this learning to higher order clinical activities.

CD200 Instructor
CD200.1 Student
Visit us online at

Learning Resources - CD's and Books | 231


General Information

Extended Warranty and Training

Gaumard, ZOE, Michelle,

Extended warranty and

14700 SW 136th Street

Mike, PEDI, Susie Simon, Susie,

in-service training available

Miami, Florida 33196-5691

Simon Code Blue, SIMA Models,

for select simulators.

SIMA GYN/AID, Virtual Instruments,

P.O. Box 140098

Codemaker, Code Blue, NOELLE,

We Accept

Coral Gables, Florida

MOES, Simulation Made Easy,

VISA, MasterCard, American


HAL, CPRLink, Zack, RITA,


Chloe, Seatbelt Susie, Krash Kids,

Premie, GIGA, Omni, SmartSkin


Toll Free USA

are Trademarks of Gaumard

One year parts and labor. Product

Call 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. ET

Scientific Company, Inc.

will be repaired or replaced at

Monday - Friday

our expense. (Other terms and

Products may be protected by

conditions may apply)

Patent and/or Trademark. All prices


are FOB plant, Miami, FL, USA

Extended Warranty Protection


unless otherwise indicated. All

Extend your warranty for up to

Gaumard simulators are designed,

two years. Call Customer Service


manufactured and assembled in

for information.


the USA. Gaumard simulators are

Twenty-four hours

available in ethnic skin tones.

Technical Support

Product design and price subject

Available 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

to change without notice.

ET weekdays, or email us at

Web Site

[email protected]

About Gaumard

Phone: 786-478-3838

Sales / Customer Service

We are your direct source for

[email protected]

health care education needs.

On-line Support 24/7

Gaumard is family owned

Download articles, instructions,

and operated.

teaching tips. View instructional

videos on demand.

Choose from a selection of hundreds


of affordable simulators. You may

Gaumard will repair its products

have trained on our Susie Simon

for as long as you use them. Other

or ZOE or NOELLE yourself.

terms and conditions may apply.

Place your Order

Gaumard Listens

By telephone, fax, or on-line at

Customers are a terrific source

for ideas! If you need something

special, give us a call or email us at
[email protected]


2014 Gaumard Scientific Company
All rights reserved.

Prices for product options and accessories are valid when

ordered at initial time of purchase. Upgrade pricing may differ.

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