NCM 109 Abnormal Ob High Risk Pregnancy
NCM 109 Abnormal Ob High Risk Pregnancy
NCM 109 Abnormal Ob High Risk Pregnancy
2. Infection
Fertilization ASSESSMENT
obstruction, adhesion, (chronic salpingitis, PID), No unusual symptoms at the time of
congenital malformations, scars from tubal surgery, implantation
uterine tumor* pressing at the proximal end of tube, Corpeus luteum continuous to function as if
zygote cannot travel the length of tube. It lodges at implantation were in the uterus.
the stricture site along the tube and implants there No menstrual flow occurs
instead of in the uterus.
May experience nausea and vomiting of
early pregnancy and HCG test will be
Approximately 2% of pregnancies are At 6-12 weeks of pregnancy, zygote grows
ectopic large enough to rupture the slender
2nd most frequent cause of bleeding early in fallopian tube or trophoblast cells break
pregnancy through narrow base- tearing and
Occurs frequently in women who smokes. destruction of blood vessels in the tube
Some evidence that IUD (Intra Uterine result.
Device) may slow transport of zygote which If implantation is in the interstitial portion
cause increased incidence of tubal/ovarian of the tube (tube joins uterus) rupture can
implantation cause severe intraperitoneal bleeding.
Incidence of tubal pregnancies is highest in A tender mass is usually palpable in Douglas
the ampullar area (distal third) where blood cul de sac on vaginal examination.
vessels are smaller and profuse bleeding is
less likely but continued bleeding may result
in large amount of blood loss.
Therapeutic Management:
Confirm- Ultrasonography
Best major surgery: Cervical Cerclage,
McDonald Cerclage
Possible surgical complication: Sterility,
rupture of the cervix premature delivery,
Previously termed as incompetent cervix Complication
Painless premature dilatation of the cervix Hemorrhage,
(usually in the 16th to 20th week
Predisposing/Contributing Factors:
Initial Signs
Cardinal/Pathognomonic/major sign:
Surgery: Cervical Cerclage
The cervix dilates painlessly in the second
trimester of pregnancy. Shirodkar-Barter Technique ( internal os)
Bloody show permanent suture: subsequent delivery by
Painless dilatation Mc Donald Procedure ( external os)-suture
removed at term with vaginal delivery
Birth of dead/non-viable fetus
Usually 4-6 weeks after vaginal delivery is
Administer tocolytic medications as ordered
the safe period for a patient to resume
Eg; Ritodrine, Hydrochloride (Yutopar):
sexual activity, when the episiotomy has
Terbutaline sulfate (Brethine):
healed and the lochia had stopped
Magnesium Sulfate, Hydroxyzine
hydrochloride (Vistaril) is a common drug Best position before and after surgery
ordered to counteract the effect of
terbutaline (Brethine) Side lying position
Prone position
Best side equipment • Marginal: only an edge of the placenta
Suction extends to the internal os
Limit activities • Low-lying placenta: implanted in the lower
Observe for Ruptured BOW uterine segment but does not reach the os*
Avoid vaginal douche
Avoid coitus
• Improperly implanted placenta in the lower • Anemia
uterine segment near or over the internal • #1hemorrhage
cervical os • #2 shock,
• Total: the internal os is entirely covered by • renal failure
the placenta when cervix is fully dilated • #3 disseminated intravascular coagulation
• cerebral ischemia, maternal and fetal death
Therapeutic Interventions
• Ultrasonography to confirm
• Depends on location of placenta, amount of
bleeding and status of the fetus.
• Home monitoring with repeated
ultrasounds may be possible with type I low
• Control bleeding*bed rest, side lying
• Replace blood loss if excessive
• Cesarean birth if necessary
• Betamethasone is indicated to increase
fetal lung maturity.(less than 34 weeks)
Predisposing Factor
Potential fluid volume deficit
Maternal age
• #1 Assessment - Monitor maternal vital Parity
signs, FHR, and fetal activity Previous abruptio placentae,Hypertension
• Assess bleeding (amount and quality) - Smoking
• Monitor and treat signs of shock - alcohol or cocaine abuse.
• Avoid vaginal examination if bleeding is physical and mechanical factors such as
occurring over distension of the uterus that occurs
• Prepare for premature birth or cesarean with multiple gestation or polyhydranions
section short umbilical cord, physical trauma*
• Administer IV fluids as ordered
• Administer iron supplements or blood
transfusion as ordered (maintain hematocrit
• Prepare to administer Rh immune globulin
Late Sign
Minimizing Bleeding