Ieeephot Howto

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Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

IEEE Photonics Journal

IEEE Photonics
Author Submission Guide:
Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

Abstract: This article describes how to use the IEEEphot class with LATEX to produce papers that are
suitable for submission to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEEphot class
is based on IEEEtran class file, which has been updated for the different layout of IEEE Photonics.
Index Terms: Class, IEEEphot, LATEX, paper, style, template, typesetting.

1. Introduction
Authors may choose to submit their papers to IEEE Photonics in LATEX 2 . The layout design for
IEEE Photonics has been implemented as a LATEX 2 class file. The IEEEphot class file is based
on the IEEEtran class file.
It is assumed that the reader has at least a basic working knowledge of LATEX. Those so lacking
are strongly encouraged to read some of the excellent literature on the subject. General support
for LATEX-related questions can be obtained via the Internet newsgroup comp.text.tex.
Commands that differ from the standard LATEX interface, or that are provided in addition to the
standard interface, are explained in this guide. This guide is not a substitute for the LATEX manual
itself. Authors planning to submit their papers in LATEX are advised to use IEEEphot.cls as early
as possible in the creation of their files.
Authors using LATEX to create PDF files with smooth fonts are advised to read Adobe FaxYI
Document Number 131303 by Kendall Whitehouse. Type 1 PostScript versions of the Computer
Modern fonts are now freely available and are normally installed with new TEX/LATEX software.
Please place any additional command definitions at the very start of the LATEX file, before the
\begin{document}. For example, user-defined \def and \newcommand commands that define
macros for technical expressions should be placed here. Other author-defined macros should be
kept to a mininum. Please do not customize the IEEE Photonics macros or class file, or redefine
macros that are already in the class file, and please do not include additional definitions unless
they are actually used in the paper.

1.1. The IEEEphot Document Class

The use of LATEX document classes allows a simple change of class to transform the appearance
of your document. The IEEEphot class file preserves the standard LATEX interface such that any
document that can be produced using the standard LATEX article class can also be produced
with the IEEEphot class file.
It is likely that the make up will change after file submission. For this reason, we ask you to ignore
details such as slightly long lines, page stretching, or figures falling out of synchronization, because
these details can be dealt with at a later stage. Use should be made of symbolic references (\ref)
in order to protect against late changes of order, etc.

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IEEE Photonics Journal

Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

1.2. Using the IEEEphot Class File

If the file IEEEphot.cls is not already in the appropriate system directory for LATEX files, either
arrange for it to be put there or copy it to your working directory. The IEEEphot document class
is implemented as a complete class, not a document style option. In order to use the IEEE
Photonics document class, replace article by IEEEphot in the \documentclass command
at the beginning of your document:
is replaced by

2. Class Options
There are a number of class options that can be used to control the overall mode and behavior
of IEEEphot. These are specified in the traditional LATEX way.

2.1. 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt

There are four possible values for the normal text size. 10pt is used by the vast majority of papers.
2.2. draft, draftcls and final
IEEEphot provides draft mode as well as the normal final mode. The draft mode provides a larger
(double) line spacing to allow for editing comments as well as extra margins on all four sides of
the paper. The standard draft option puts every package used in the document into draft mode.
With most graphics packages, this has the effect of disabling the rendering of figures. If this is not
desired, one can use the draftcls option instead to yield a draft mode that will be confined within
the IEEEphot class so that figures will be included as normal.
2.3. oneside, twoside
These options control whether the layout follows that of single-sided or two-sided (duplex) printing.
Because the side margins are normally centered, the main notable difference is in the format of
the running headings.

3. The Title Page

The parts of the document unique to the title area are created using the standard LATEX command
\maketitle. Before this command is called, the author must declare all of the text objects that
are to appear in the title area.

3.1. PaperTitle
The paper title is declared as follows:
\title{Volume Extreme Ultraviolet Holographic Imaging\\
With Numerical Optical Sectioning}
in the standard LATEX manner. Line breaks(\\) may be used to equalize the length of the title

3.2. Author Names

The name and associated information is declared with the \author command. A typical \author
command is like this:
M.C.Marconi,\IEEEmembership{Senior Member,IEEE},

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Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

C.S.Menoni,\IEEEmembership{Fellow, IEEE}, J.J.Rocca}

\affil{NSF ERC for Extreme Ultraviolet Science \& Technology and
Department of Electrical and Computer\\
Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins 80521 USA}
The \IEEEmembership command is used to produce the italic font that indicates the authors IEEE membership status. However, if needed, regular line breaks (\\) can be used within
\author. In order to get proper line breaks and spacing, it is important to correctly use and control
the spaces within \author. Use nonbreaking spaces() to ensure that name/membership pairs
remain together.

3.3. Running Headings

The running headings are declared with the \markboth{}{} command. The first argument
contains the journal name information and the second contains the author name and paper title.
For example:
\markboth{IEEE Photonics Journal}{%
Wachulak et al.: Volume Extreme Ultraviolet Holographic Imaging}

3.4. DOI Information

The DOI information is placed within the \doiinfo command:
\doiinfo{DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2009.2011111\\
0018-9448/\$25.00 \copyright 2009 IEEE}%

3.5. Maketitle
At the beginning of your article, the title should be generated in the usual way using the \maketitle
3.6. Receivedinfo
The receivedinfo is generally the first part of a paper after \maketitle.
Manuscript received March 3, 2008;
revised November 10, 2008.
First published December 10, 2008.
Current version published February 25, 2009.
This research was sponsored by the National ... National Science Foundation.

3.7. Abstract and Index Terms

The abstract text is placed within the abstract environment, followed immediately by the key
words (index terms) enclosed in a keywords environment:
Three-dimensional images were obtained using a single high
numerical aperture hologram recorded in a high-resolution
photoresist with a table top $\alpha = 46.9$ nm laser...
Holography, image analysis.

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Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

IEEE Photonics Journal


4. Sections
Sections and their headings are declared in the usual LATEX fashion via the following commands:

5. Citations
Citations are formed with the \cite command as usual. IEEEphot will produce citation numbers
that are individually bracketed in IEEE style. ([1], [5] as opposed to the more common [1, 5]
form.) The base IEEEphot does not sort or produce compressed ranges when there are three
or more adjacent citation numbers. However, IEEEphot predefines some format control macros
to facilitate easy use with Donald Arseneaus cite.sty package [1]. So, all an author has to do is
to call cite.sty:
and the adjacent citation numbers will automatically be sorted and compressed (ranged) IEEE
style. (Of course, multiple adjacent citations should always all be declared within a single \cite,
comma separated, for this to work.)
\cite also allows for an optional note (e.g., \cite[Th.7.1]{mshell01}). If the \cite with
note has more than one reference, the note will be applied to the last of the listed references. It
is generally desirable that if a note is given, only one reference should be listed in that \cite.

6. Equations
Equations are created using the traditional equation environment:
x = \sum\limits_{i=0}{z} 2{i}Q
which yields


2i Q



Use the displaymath environment instead if no equation number is desired. When referring to
equations, articles in IEEE publications do not typically use the word equation, but rather just
enclose the equation number in parentheses, e.g.,
... as can be seen in (\ref{eqn_example}).

6.1. Multiline Equations

As IEEEphot class is based on IEEEtran, so it provides the same commands for multiline
equations which are available in IEEEtran class. For example:
Z&{}={}&x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 + x_5 + x_6 \nonumber\\
&&+a + b\\

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Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

IEEE Photonics Journal




Used for



1/6 em





2/9 em


binary operators



5/18 em


relational operators


negative small

1/6 em


misc. uses


&&+{}a + b\\
&&{}+a + b\\
&&{+}\:a + b
which yields
Z = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6
+a + b
+a + b


7. Floating Structures
Authors should keep in mind when choosing an appropriate optional placement argument for the
figure/table environments that most IEEE journals strongly favor the positioning of floats to the
top of the page and rarely, if ever, use bottom floats.

7.1. Figures
Figures handled in the standard LATEX manner. For example:
\caption{(a) Diagram of the experimental setup.
(b) Detail of the test object used.}
Note that (1) figures should be centered via the LATEX \centering commandthis is a better
approach than using the center environment which adds unwanted vertical spacing; (2) the caption
follows the graphic; and (3) any labels must be declared after (or within) the caption command.
When referring to figures in typical IEEE papers, authors should use the abbreviation Fig.,
but if you want to use the full word Figure. IEEEphot provides the string macro \figurename
which contains the correct name to use for the given formatting mode.
The \includegraphics command is the modern, preferred way of including images and
provides a flexible interface that makes it easy to scale graphics to size. To use it, the graphics
or graphicx (the latter is recommended) must first be loaded.
It is strongly recommended that authors be familiar with the graphics package documentation [3]
as well as Keith Reckdahls excellent Using Imported Graphics in LATEX [4]. The reader is reminded
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Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

Fig. 1. (a) Diagram of the experimental setup. (b) Detail of the test object used.

that the draftcls, not draft, class option must be selected in order to get draft papers with visible
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) or Portable Document Format (PDF) is the preferred graphics
format for LATEX work. Furthermore, the users drawing/graphing application should be capable
of outputting directly in EPS (or PDF) vector form (which will not degrade or pixelize when
magnified)although photos will likely have to be in (EPS/PDF) bitmap form.

7.2. Tables
Tables are handled in a similar fashion, but with a few notable differences. For example, the code
results in Table II is as follows:
\caption{A Simple Example Table}
\bfseries First & \bfseries Next\\
1.0 & 2.0\\ \hline
Note that IEEE places table captions before the tables. Within the table environment, the default
text size is footnotesize which is what IEEE typically uses for tables. When using the tabular
environment to construct tables, it is usually a good idea to increase the value of \arraystretch
above unity to open up the table rows a tad. Also, IEEE often uses tables with open sides,
(without vertical lines along each side) although the closed side form (e.g., Table I) is more
commonly used for the tables within this document.

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IEEE Photonics Journal





Unfortunately, the standard LATEX tabular environment has a number of shortcomings. Two
notable problems are: 1) the corners where lines meet are improperly formed and 2) it is not very
flexible in terms of user control. For these reasons, authors are urged to look into some of the other
packages for making tables. A good one that provides revised drop-in replacements for both the
tabular and array environments is Frank Mittelbachs and David Carlisles array package [5]. Even
more powerful (and complex) are the tabular and array environments provided by the mdwtab.sty
package which is part of MarkWoodings MDW Tools [2].
As an alternative, IEEEphot offers the IEEE eqnarraybox command, which can also be used to
produce tables of high quality.

8. Lists
8.1. Itemize
The itemized lists will normally automatically calculate the width of whatever symbol the current list
level is using, so that a user can just call \begin{itemize}...\end{itemize} without doing
anything special. Furthermore, the autolabelwidth feature will work properly even if \labelitemX
has been redefined (where X indicates i, ii, ... iv, whichever is appropriate) before the list
begins. However, if any item symbols are to be specified via \item[X] (this is rare and may well
be nonstandard as far as IEEE related work is concerned), then the following form can be used:
\item[X] blah
\item[Y] blah
where Z is the longest label in the list.

8.2. Enumerate
The important thing to note about enumerated lists is that the \labelwidth will default to the
length of 9) in the normal size and style. Therefore, the width of the longest label will have to
be manually specified if any of the following conditions are true:

a top level list has more than nine items;

a relevant \labelenumX or \theenumX has been redefined;
\item[X] has been used to manually specify labels;
the labels are using a font that is not the normal size and style;
the enumerated list is nested (i.e., not at the top level) and is therefore not using Arabic
digits as labels.

For example:
\item blah
\item blah

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Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

% 12 items total

8.3. Description
Generally speaking, the longest label width will always have to be specified for description lists.
Furthermore, the author may wish to use \IEEEmathlabelsep for \labelsep when building
a math symbol list. For example:
\item[$\gamma\delta\beta$] Is the index of..
\item[$\alpha\omega\pi\theta\mu$] Gives the..
Sometimes it can be difficult to ascertain from inspection which of the labels is the longest. For
such cases, a little diagnostic code may be helpful to measure a length and then to display the
result on the console:
\newlength{\mydiaglen} % put in preamble

9. Theorems and Proofs

Theorems and related structures such as axioms, corollaries, and lemmas, are handled in the
traditional LATEX fashion. The user must first declare the structure name via the
command where struct_type is the user chosen identifier for the structure, struct_title
is the heading that is used for the structure, and in_counter is an optional name of a counter
whose number will be displayed with the structure number and whose update will reset the structure counter. Most IEEE papers use sequential theorem numbering throughout the entire work,
so an in_counter is usually not specified. However, those papers that do use in_counter
usually use section such that the section number is the first part of each theorem number. After
the structure is defined, it can be used via
where extra_title is an optional name that is displayed with the structure. For example, the
most common way to handle theorems would be to use
followed, as needed, by environments like

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IEEE Photonics Journal

Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

Sometimes it is desirable that a structure share its counter with another structure. This can be
accomplished by using the alternate form of \newtheorem
where num_like is the name of an existing structure.
IEEE theorem numbers are prefixed by the section number they were defined in (e.g., 2.5). This
presents a difficulty with appendixes (especially when numbered with Roman numerals) because
the theorem numbers will not be unique. To remedy this, within Roman-numbered appendixes,
IEEEphot will add an A prefix (e.g., A2.5). For Alpha number appendixes, theorem numbering
is more straightforward (e.g., A.5, B.5, etc.). For a single appendix, a constant A prefix is used
(e.g., A.5).

9.1. Proofs
Proofs are easily handled by the predefined IEEEproof environment:
The Q.E.D. symbol is automatically placed at the end of each proof. If needed, the symbol
can be manually accessed via the \IEEEQED command. Both the closed (default) and open
forms are provided as \IEEEQEDclosed and \IEEEQEDopen, respectively. To change the
default from closed to open (some journals and/or authors prefer the open form), just redefine
\IEEEQED as desired:
IEEEproof also supports an optional argument that allows the default string Proof to be overridden:
\begin{IEEEproof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:my}]

10. End Sections

10.1. Appendixes
The \appendix command is used to start a single appendix. An optional argument can be used
to specify a title:
\appendix[Proof of the Zonklar Equations]
After issuing \appendix, the \section command will be disabled and any attempt to use
\section will be ignored and will cause a warning message to be generated. (The single
appendix marks the end of the enumerated sections and the section counter is fixed at zeroone
does not state see Appendix A when there is only one appendix, instead see the Appendix
is used.) However, all lower \subsection commands and the \section* form will work as
normal as these may still be needed for things like acknowledgments.
\appendices is used when there is more than one appendix section. \section is then used
to declare each appendix:
\section{Proof of the First Zonklar Equation}
The mandatory argument to section can be left blank (\section{}) if no title is desired. It is
important to remember to declare a section before any additional subsections or labels that refer
to section (or subsection, etc.) numbers. As with \appendix, the \section* command and the
lower \subsection commands will still work as usual.

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IEEE Photonics Journal

Setting up your LATEX 2 Files

There are two appendix numbering conventions used by IEEE. Capital letters (e.g., Appendix B)
and Roman numerals (e.g., Appendix II). The former appears to be more popular and is the
IEEEphot default. Use the IEEEphot class option romanappendices to get Roman numbered
Some authors prefer to have the appendix number to be part of equation numbers for equations
that appear in an appendix. This can be accomplished by redefining the equation numbers as
before the first appendix equation. For a single appendix, the constant A should be used in place
of 10.

10.2. Acknowledgments
Acknowledgments and other unnumbered sections are created using the \section* command:
The second, optional, command is needed to manually add such sections to the table of contents
(which is rarely used, but some authors may do so with draft papers) as well as the documents
PDF bookmarks (if using hyperref.sty).

10.3. Bibliographies
Bibliographies are most easily (and correctly) generated using the IEEEtran BIBTEX package [7]
which is easily invoked via
See the IEEEtran BIBTEX package documentation for more information.
When submitting the document source (.tex) file to external parties, it is strongly recommended
that the BIBTEX .bbl file be manually copied into the document (within the traditional LATEX
bibliography environment) so as not to depend on external files to generate the bibliography and
to prevent the possibility of changes occurring therein.

[1] D. Arseneau. (2006, Sep.) The cite.sty package. [Online]. Available:
[2] M. D. Wooding. (1999, Mar.) The MDW tools package. [Online]. Available:
[3] D. Carlisle. (2006, May) Packages in the graphics bundle. grfguide.pdf or [Online]. Available: http://www.
[4] K. Reckdahl. (2006, Jan.) Using imported graphics in LATEX 2 . [Online]. Available:
[5] F. Mittelbach and D. Carlisle. (2006, May) The array.sty package. [Online]. Available:
[6] D. Arseneau. (2003, Jul.) The threeparttable.sty package. [Online]. Available:
[7] M. Shell. (2007, Jan.) The IEEEtranBIBTEX style. [Online]. Available:

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