8, AUGUST 2015 1
Abstract—This article describes how to use the IEEEtran class optional packages along with more complex usage techniques,
with LATEX to produce high quality typeset papers that are can be found in bare_adv.tex.
suit- able for submission to the Institute of Electrical and
It is assumed that the reader has at least a basic working
Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEEtran can produce
conference, journal and technical note (correspondence) papers knowledge of LATEX. Those so lacking are strongly
with a suitable choice of class options. This document was encouraged to read some of the excellent literature on the
produced using IEEEtran in journal mode. subject [4]–[6]. In particular, Tobias Oetiker’s The Not So
Short Introduction to LATEX 2ε [5], which provides a general
Index Terms—Class, IEEEtran, LATEX, paper, style,
template, typesetting. overview of working with LATEX, and Stefan M. Moser’s
How to Typeset Equations in LATEX [6], which focuses on
the formatting of IEEE-style equations using IEEEtran’s
IEEEeqnarray commands, are both available for free online.
• the default text font is changed from Times Roman margins will be the same and the text will be horizontally
to Palatino/Palladio (non-conference compsoc modes
only); For the compsoc conference and draft modes, it is the
• revised margins;
margins that will remain constant, and thus the text area size
• Arabic section numbering;
will vary, with changes in the paper size.
• enabling of the \IEEEcompsocitemizethanks and \I
The cspaper option is the special “trim” paper size (7.875in
EEEcompsocthanksitem commands to provide for the × 10.75in) used in the actual publication of IEEE Computer
\thanks (first footnote) itemized list used for author Society journals. Under compsoc journal mode, this option
affiliations; does not alter the typesetting of the document. Authors should
• enabling of the \IEEEtitleabstractindextext
invoke this option only if requested to do so by the editors of
com- mand to provide for single column abstract and the specific journal they are submitting to.
index terms (see Section V); Note that authors should ensure that all post-processing
• various other styling changes (most of which are only
(PS, PDF, etc.) uses the same paper specification as the .tex
applicable under the non-conference compsoc modes) document. Problems here are by far the number one reason
such as the use of: a sans serif (Helvetica) font for titles, for incorrect margins. See Appendix B for more details.
headings, etc.; a ruled line above the first footnote area; For the special cspaper size, be aware that although IEEE-
left aligned reference labels; etc. tran will automatically configure the correct paper dimensions
a) Compsoc Conference Mode: IEEEtran follows the for pdfLATEX’s PDF mode (which it does for all paper
guidelines for IEEE Computer Society conference papers. sizes),
Perhaps surprisingly, this format nullifies many of the unique dvips (the application used for DVI to PS conversion) systems
features of compsoc journals and is not so much different will not recognize the special “ieeecs” paper unless there is
from traditional conference mode. However, Arabic section such an entry in dvips’ configuration file:
numbering is retained. It should be mentioned that Scott % Special paper size for the IEEE Computer Society J
Pakin’s IEEEconf LATEX class [12] also produces this ournals
format. Be aware that many IEEE Computer Society @ ieeecs 7.875in 10.75in
@+ ! %%DocumentPaperSizes: ieeecs
conferences use the traditional conference format and @+ %%BeginPaperSize: ieeecs
compsoc mode should not be used with them. @+ /setpagedevice where
3) Transmag Mode: For the transmag mode: @+ { pop << /PageSize [567 774] >> setpagedevice }
@+ if
• The text within \author should be entered as the long @+ %%EndPaperSize
form under conference mode; Most modern PS to PDF conversion software will correctly
• enabling of the \IEEEtitleabstractindextext handle such custom paper sizes if a different specific paper
com- mand to provide for single column abstract and size is not explicitly requested for the conversion process.
index terms (see Section V);
• \IEEEauthorrefmark will produce arabic author affil-
iation symbols; F. oneside, twoside
• subsection and subsubsection headings and/or their spac- These options control whether the layout follows that of
ings are slightly different; single sided or two sided (duplex) printing. Because the side
• a smaller, bold font than normal is used for the title. margins are normally centered, the main notable difference is
The transmag mode (as well as the standard journal mode) in the format of the running headings.
is also acceptable for submission to IEEE Magnetics Letters.
Authors who wish to have their figures and tables appear at G. onecolumn, twocolumn
the end of the paper can use the endfloat.sty [13] package to These options allow the user to select between one and
achieve this. two column text formatting. Since the IEEE always uses two
column text, the onecolumn option is of interest only with
draft papers.
E. letterpaper, a4paper, cspaper
IEEEtran fully supports both the US letter (8.5in × 11in)
H. romanappendices
and A4 (210mm ×297mm) paper sizes. Since the IEEE
primarily uses US letter, authors should usually select the IEEEtran defaults to numbering appendices alphabetically
letterpaper option before submitting their work to the IEEE— (e.g., A, B, etc.). Invoke this option to get Roman numbering.
unless told otherwise (typically by conferences held outside
the United States). Changing the paper size in the standard I. captionsoff
journal and conference modes will not alter the typesetting of Invoking this option will inhibit the display of captions
the document—only the margins will be affected. In within figures and tables. This is done in a manner that
particular, documents using the a4paper option will have preserves the operation of \label within \caption. This
reduced side margins (A4 is narrower than US letter) and a option is intended for journals, such as IEEE T RANSACTIONS
longer bottom margin (A4 is longer than US letter). For both ON POWER ELECTRONICS (TPE), that require figures and tables
cases, the top to placed, captionless, on pages of their own at the
have been selected—changing these flags will likely result in The \thanks command produces the “first footnotes.” Be-
improper formatting. cause the LATEX \thanks was not designed to contain
multiple paragraphs3, authors will have to use a separate \
C. CLASSINFOs thanks for each paragraph. However, if needed, regular line
The available CLASSINFOs include the \ifCLASSINFOp breaks (\\) can be used within \thanks. In order to get
df conditional which works much like Heiko Oberdiek’s if- proper line breaks and spacing, it is important to correctly use
pdf.sty package [14] to indicate if PDF output (from and control the spaces within \author. Use nonbreaking
pdfLATEX) is in effect: spaces (˜ ) to ensure that name/membership pairs remain
together. A minor, but easy, mistake to make is to forget to
\typeout{PDF mode} prevent unwanted spaces from getting between commands
\fi which use delimited ({}) arguments. Note the two % which
IEEEtran.cls also provides the lengths \CLASSINFOnorma serve to prevent the code line break on lines ending in a }
lsizebaselineskip, which is the \baselineskip of the from becoming an unwanted space. Such a space would not be
normalsize font, and \ ignored as an end-of-line space because, technically, the last \
CLASSINFOnormalsizeunitybaseli neskip, which is thanks is the final command on the line. “Phantom” spaces
the \baselineskip of the normalsize font under unity \ like these would append to the end of the last author’s name,
baselinestetch. causing the otherwise centered name line to shift very slightly
Finally, there are the string macros (these are not condition- to the left.
als or lengths) \CLASSINFOpaperwidth and \ 2) Names in Conference Mode: The author name area
CLASSINF Opaperheight which contain the paper is more complex when in conference mode because it also
contains the authors’ affiliations. For this reason, when in
dimensions in their native specifications including units (e.g.,
conference mode, the contents of \author{} are placed
8.5in, 22mm, etc.). As with CLASSOPTIONs, users should
not attempt to alter the CLASSINFOs. into a modified tabular environment. The commands \IE
EEauthorblockN{} and \IEEEauthorblockA{} are also
IV. T HE T ITLE PAGE provided so that it is easy to correctly format the author names
and affiliations, respectively. For papers with three or less
The parts of the document unique to the title area are affiliations, a multicolumn format is preferred:
created using the standard LATEX command \maketitle.
\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Michael Shell}
Before this command is called, the author must declared all of \IEEEauthorblockA{School of Electrical and\\
the text objects which are to appear in the title area. Computer Engineering\\
Georgia Institute of Technology\\
Atlanta, Georgia 30332--0250\\
A. Paper Title Email:}
The paper title is declared like: \IEEEauthorblockN{Homer Simpson}
\title{A Heuristic Coconut-based Algorithm} \IEEEauthorblockA{Twentieth Century Fox\\
Springfield, USA\\
in the standard LATEX manner. Titles are generally Email:}
capitalized except for words such as a, an, and, as, at, but, by, \IEEEauthorblockN{James Kirk\\
for, in, nor, of, on, or, the, to and up, which are usually not and Montgomery Scott}
capitalized unless they are the first or last word of the title. \IEEEauthorblockA{Starfleet Academy\\
San Francisco, California 96678-2391\\
Line breaks (\\) may be used to equalize the length of the title Telephone: (800) 555--1212\\
lines. Do not use math or other special symbols in the title. Fax: (888) 555--1212}}
\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{3}Starfleet Aca Note that because the text in the running headings is automat-
demy, San Francisco, California 96678-2391\\ ically capitalized, the \MakeLowercase{} command must
Telephone: (800) 555--1212, Fax: (888) 555--1212}
\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{4}Tyrell Inc., be used to obtain lower case text. The second argument is used
123 Replicant Street, Los Angeles, California 90210 as a page heading only for the odd number pages after the
--4321}} title page for two sided (duplex) journal papers. This page is
The \IEEEauthorrefmark{} command will generate a such an example. Technote papers do not utilize the second
foot- note symbol corresponding to the number in its argument. Conference papers do not have running headings,
argument. Use this to link the author names to their respective so \markboth{}{} has no effect when in conference mode.
affiliations. It is not necessary prevent spaces from being Authors should not put any name information in the headings
between the \IEEEa uthorblock’s because each block (if used) of anonymous peer review papers.
starts a new group of lines and LATEX will ignore spaces at
the very end and beginning of lines. D. Publication ID Marks
3) Names in Compsoc Journal Mode: One unique feature
Publication ID marks can be placed on the title page of
of IEEE Computer Society journals is that author affiliations
journal and technote papers via the \IEEEpubid{}
are formatted in an itemized list within the first ( \thanks)
footnote. In compsoc mode, IEEEtran provides a special form
of \thanks, \IEEEcompsocitemizethanks, to obtain this \IEEEpubid{0000--0000/00\$00.00˜
\copyright2̃015 IEEE
\IEEEmembership{Member,ĨEEE, Although authors do not yet have a valid publication ID at the
} JohnD̃oe,˜
\IEEEmembership{Fellow,ÕSA,} andJ̃aneD̃ oe,˜
\ time of paper submission, \IEEEpubid{} is useful because
\IEEEcompsocitemizethanks{\IEEEcompsocthanksitem M. it provides a means to see how much of the title page text area
Shell is with the Georgia Institute of Technology. will be unavailable in the final publication. This is especially
\IEEEcompsocthanksitem J. Doe and J. Doe are with An important in technote papers because, in some journals, the
onymous University.}%
\thanks{Manuscript received January 20, 2002; revise
publication ID space can consume more than one text line. If
d August 26, 2015.}} \IEEEpubid{} is used, a second command, \IEEEpubidad
jcol must be issued somewhere in the second column of the
Within \IEEEcompsocitemizethanks, \IEEEcompsoctha title page. This is needed because LATEX resets the text
nksitem works like \item to provide a bulleted affiliation
height at the beginning of each column. \IEEEpubidadjcol
group. To facilitate dual compilation, in non-compsoc mode, “pulls up” the text in the second column to prevent it from
IEEEtran treats \IEEEcompsocitemizethanks as \ blindly
thanks and sets \IEEEcompsocthanksitem to generate a running into the publication ID.
line break with indentation. However, this is not entirely Publication IDs are not to be placed by the author on
satisfactory as IEEE Computer Society journals place the camera ready conference papers so \IEEEpubid{} is
author affiliations before the “manuscript received” line while disabled in conference mode. Instead the bottom margin is
traditional IEEE journals use the reverse order. If correct dual automatically increased by IEEEtran when in conference mode
compilation is needed, the CLASSOPTION conditionals can
to give the IEEE room for such marks at the time of
be employed to swap the order as needed.
publication. In draft mode, the publisher ID mark will not be
4) Names in Compsoc Conference Mode: Names in comp-
printed at the bottom of the titlepage, but room will be
soc conference mode are done in the same way as traditional
cleared for it.
conference mode.
Publication ID marks are perhaps less important with comp-
5) Names in Transmag Journal Mode: IEEE T RANSAC -
soc papers because IEEE Computer Society journals place the
TIONS ON M AGNETICS papers typically use the conference
publisher ID marks within the bottom margin so as not to
long format for author names, but try to keep each name and
affect the amount of page space available for text.
address pair on one line and without any email addresses or
phone numbers. Also, \thanks is available under transmag
journal mode even though the names are entered much like E. Special Paper Notices
the long format under conference mode. See the file bare_ Special paper notices, such as for invited papers, can be
jrnl_transmag.tex for an example of author entry under declared with:
transmag mode.
\IEEEspecialpapernotice{(Invited Paper)}
C. Running Headings Special paper notices in journal and technote papers appear
The running headings are declared with the \markboth{ between the author names and the main text. The title page
}{} command. The first argument contains the journal name of this document has an example. For conference papers, the
information and the second contains the author name and special paper notice is placed between the title and the author
paper title. For example: names.
Much more rarely, there is sometimes a need to gain access
\markboth{Journal of Quantum Telecommunications,Ṽol
.1̃, No.1̃,J̃anuary2̃025}{Shell \MakeLowercase{\text to the space across both columns just above the main text.
it{et al.}}: A Novel Tin Can Link} For instance, a paper may have a dedication [15]. IEEEtran
provides the command \IEEEaftertitletext{} which
can be used to insert text or to alter the spacing between the
title area and the main text: 7
VII. CITATIONS IEEE publications do not typically use the word “equation,”
Citations are made with the \cite command as usual. but rather just enclose the equation number in parentheses,
IEEEtran will produce citation numbers that are individually e.g.,
bracketed in IEEE style. (“[1], [5]” as opposed to the more
common “[1, 5]” form.) The base IEEEtran does not sort or ... as can be seen in (\ref{eqn_example}).
produce compressed “ranges” when there are three or more
IEEE’s two column format puts serious constraints on how
adjacent citation numbers. However, IEEEtran pre-defines
wide an equation can be. So, a fair portion of the effort in
some format control macros to facilitate easy use with Donald
formatting equations usually has to be devoted to properly
Arseneau’s cite.sty package [16]. So, all an author has to do
breaking them. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure
is to call cite.sty:
that all equations fit into the given column width. In rare
\usepackage{cite} circumstances, it is possible to have a few equations that span
and the adjacent citation numbers will automatically be sorted both columns (see Section X-D1), but the vast majority of
and compressed (ranged) IEEE style. (Of course, multiple over-length equations have to be broken across multiple lines.
adjacent citations should always all be declared within a
single \cite, comma separated, for this to work.) Invoke
cite.sty’s noadjust option to prevent an unwanted leading
space from occurring should a citation ever need to be Perhaps the most convenient and popular way to pro- duce
enclosed in parenthesis. multiline equations is LATEX 2ε ’s eqnarray environment.
One complication in compsoc mode is that the IEEE However, eqnarray has several serious shortcomings:
Computer Society does not compress, but does sort, adjacent 1) the use of 2×\arraycolsep for a column separation
citation numbers. Version 4.0 and later of cite.sty provides a
space does not provide natural math spacing in the
nocompress option that disables compression, but preserves default configuration;
sorting. Thus, 2) column definitions cannot be altered;
\ifCLASSOPTIONcompsoc 3) it is limited to three alignment columns;
% requires cite.sty v4.0 or later (November 2003)
4) column alignment cannot be overridden within individ-
\else ual cells.
There are a number of vastly superior packages for format-
ting multiline mathematics. Perhaps the most popular is the
can be used with universal applicability. amsmath package [11]. Amsmath is a comprehensive work
Note that, if needed (e.g., next to a non-punctuation, non- which contains many helpful tools besides enhanced multiline
space character), cite.sty’s \cite command will alignment environments. So, all authors should give serious
automatically add a leading space. i.e., “( \ consideration to its use—regardless of what they use to gen-
cite{mshell01})” will become like “( [1])”. If this behavior erate aligned equations. One thing to be aware of is that, upon
is not desired, use the cite package’s noadjust option (cite.sty loading, amsmath will configure LATEX to disallow page
V3.8 and later) which will turn off the added spaces: breaks within multiline equations (even within non-amsmath
\usepackage[noadjust]{cite} defined environments). The philosophy here is that author
should manually insert breaks where desired so as to ensure
\cite also allows for an optional note (e.g., \cite[Th. that breaks occur only at acceptable points. To restore
7.1]{mshell01}). If the \cite with note has more than IEEEtran’s ability to automatically break within multiline
one reference, the note will be applied to the last of the listed equations, load amsmath like:
references. It is generally desirable that if a note is given, only
one reference should be listed in that \cite. \usepackage{amsmath}
M ATH S PACINGS U SED BY LATEX empty ord to the left side of the plus sign (line three) does
engage binary spacing, but causes an unwanted 7 right shift
Size Width Cmd. Used for Example of the line. Finally, manually adding a medium space to the
small 1/6 em \, symbols ab right side only of the plus sign in line four does the trick. The
medium 2/9 em \: binary operators a+b suppression of automatic spacing around the plus sign ({+})
large 5/18 em \; relational operators a=b is unneeded in this case, but may be required in other
negative small −1/6 em \! misc. uses ab
alignment environments that “expand” such operators by
correct) mathematical alignments, it is crucial to understand Another way around the spacing problem is to use only
two alignment columns (as is done by amsmath.sty’s \alig
how to control such spacing. Consider a multiline equation
n). e.g., in the previous example, “Z =” would be contained in
Z = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 the first column.
+a + b (1)
+a + b (2) A. Cases Structures
+a+b (3) Incidentally, the numcases (or subnumcases) environ-
+a+b (4) ments in Donald Arseneau’s cases.sty package [18] should be
used when “cases” structures in which each branch can be
(in typical IEEE style) which was produced by referenced with a different equation (or subequation) number
\setlength{\arraycolsep}{0.0em} are needed:
Z&{}={}&x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 + x_5 + x_6\nonumber\\ x, for x ≥ 0 (5a)
&&+a + b\\ x| =| −x, for x < 0 (5b)
&&+{}a + b\\
&&{}+a + b\\ because those built from the array or amsmath cases
&&{+}\:a + envi- ronments will have a single equation number that
\end{eqnarray} encompasses both branches.
\setlength{\arraycolsep}{5pt} Be aware that if amsmath (which will be automatically
loaded under comsoc mode if the user did not do so) is to
Lines one through four show some possible ways the + a + b
be used with cases.sty, the latter should be loaded after the
line could be implemented.5 Only number four is the correct
former or else an error “Command \subequations alr
way for most IEEE purposes. In TEX’s math mode, spacing
eady defined” may occur.
around operators can be inhibited by enclosing them within
braces (e.g., {=}) or forced by surrounding them with “empty
ords” (e.g., {}={}). It is important to understand that the X. FLOATING S TRUCTURES
empty ords do not have width themselves. However, their Authors should keep in mind when choosing an appropriate
presence causes TEX to place space around the operators as if optional placement argument for the figure/table environments
they were “next to something.” With this in mind, the first that most IEEE journals strongly favor the positioning of
step in the example is to set \arraycolsep to zero to floats to the top of the page and rarely, if ever, use bottom
prevent eq narray from putting in the unwanted, artificial, floats. IEEE Computer Society journals also favor top floats,
inter-column spacing. Placing empty ords around the equal but do occasionally employ bottom floats. Furthermore, IEEE
sign then forces the correct natural spacing. Alternatively, \ journals never place floats in the first column of the first page
arraycolsep could have been set to 0.14 em and the and rarely (if ever) do they do so in the second column of
empty ords around the equal sign eliminated.6 It is important the first page. Middle in-text placement (“here”) is usually
to remember to restore not used for IEEE work with one notable exception—IEEE
\arraycolsep to its default value of 5 pt after the Computer Society conferences.
eqnarr ay is complete as other environments (such as Note that LATEX 2ε ’s float routine places footnotes
array) depend on it. (Alternatively, the structure could have above bottom floats. To change this so that footnotes appear
been enclosed in a group of braces to keep the change local— below the bottom floats (as the IEEE does) invoke the \
which has the added advantage of not requiring that the user fnbelowflo at command provided by Sigitas Tolušis’
remember what the correct default value is.) stfloats package [19] (see Section X-D for more features of
The first line is incorrect because a is being indicated as the stfloats package).
a positive quantity rather than something that must be added
to the previous line. (i.e., the + is being treated as a unary, A. Figures
rather than a binary, operator.) In line two, adding an empty
ord to the right side of the plus sign does nothing, except Figures handled in the standard LATEX manner. For example:
to demonstrate that empty ords have zero width. Adding an \begin{figure}[!t]
5 \includegraphics[width=2.5in]{myfigure}
In this example, the equation numbering system is (ab)used to identify
lines. \caption{Simulation results for the network.}
This assumes that 1 em in the text font has the same width as 1 em in the
math font. For the standard fonts, this is indeed the case. The IEEE normally wants all of the lines left aligned, but there are cases
when such an indention may be desirable.
First Next
H(Mu) + F2 H(Mu) + Cl2
1.0 2.0
β(H) 80.9◦b 83.2◦
β(Mu) 86.7◦ 87.7◦
designed to be more customizable than the former) may be of for the abstraction reaction, Mu + HX →
MuH + X.
help in producing algorithm-like structures (although authors b
1 degree = π/180 radians.
are of course free to use whatever LATEX commands they
are most comfortable with in this regard). However, do not use
the floating algorithm environment of algorithm.sty (also by the corners where lines meet are improperly formed; and (2) it
Williams and Brito) or algorithm2e.sty (by Christophe Fiorio) is not very flexible in terms of user control. For these reasons,
as the only floating structures IEEE uses are figures and authors are urged to look into some of the other packages
tables. Furthermore, IEEEtran will not be in control of the for making tables. A good one that provides revised “drop-in
(non-IEEE) caption style produced by the algorithm.sty or replacements” for both the tabular and array environments is
algorithm2e.sty float environments. Frank Mittelbach’s and David Carlisle’s array package [28].
Even more powerful (and complex) is the tabular and array
environments provided by the mdwtab.sty package which is
C. Tables
part of Mark Wooding’s MDW Tools [17].
Tables are handled in a similar fashion, but with a few As an alternative, IEEEtran offers the IEEEeqnarraybox
notable differences. For example, the code command which can also be used to produce tables9 of high
\begin{table}[!t] quality. See Appendix F for more details.
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} 1) Footnotes Within Tables: Footnotes normally cannot be
\caption{A Simple Example Table}
\label{table_example} placed directly within some commands and environments such
\centering as \parbox, tabular, etc., because they become “trapped”
\begin{tabular}{c||c} inside. One way around this is to split the place the footnote
\bfseries First & \bfseries Next\\ marker (\footnotemark) is located (within the table) from
\hline\hline where the footnote text itself is declared (outside of the table
1.0 & 2.0\\ using \footnotetext).
\end{tabular} Another approach is to use the footnote.sty package (which
\end{table} is part of Mark Wooding’s MDW Tools [17]) which allows
environments to be configured so as not to trap footnotes:
results in Table II. Note that the IEEE places table captions
before the tables and, given that they serve much like titles, \usepackage{footnote}
are usually capitalized except for words such as a, an, and, as,
at, but, by, for, in, nor, of, on, or, the, to and up, which are Note that is probably not a good idea to use footnotes in
usually not capitalized unless they are the first or last word of floating structures (like table) because the position of each
the caption. can move relative to one another. To put the footnote at the
Be aware that, to prevent a change of meaning that would end of a table instead of at the bottom of the page, just
result from case changes, the IEEE generally uses the standard enclose tabular, etc., inside a minipage (no footnote package
text font, not the small caps font, when rendering units as well needed). A very good approach for handling footnotes within
as letters in math in table captions. This can be achieved via tables (including those that float) is to use Donald Arseneau’s
the use of \upshape: threeparttable package [29] which was used to generate Table
\caption{Diagnosis of Rotor Faults in a DRFOC Drive III (the code of which is an example in the threeparttable.sty
U sing the VCT(Flux Loop Bandwidth (FLB) = 10 {\ file).
upshap e Hz}; 75% Load; 1450 {\upshape r/min})}
Thanks to Zhaowen Hou for providing information on this D. Double Column Floats
topic as well as the above example.
LATEX’s figure* and table* environments produce
Within the table environment, the default text size is foot-
fig- ures and tables that span both columns. This capability is
notesize which is what IEEE typically uses for tables. When
sometimes needed for structures that are too wide for a single
using the tabular environment to construct tables, it is usually
a good idea to increase the value of \arraystretch above
It is a limitation of the LATEX 2ε kernel that double
unity to “open up” the table rows a tad. Also, IEEE often column floats cannot be placed at the bottom of pages.
uses tables with “open sides,” (without vertical lines along That is to
each side) although the “closed side” form (e.g., Table I) is say “\begin{figure*}[!b]” will not normally work as
more commonly used for the tables within this document. intended. Authors that need this capability should obtain and
Unfortunately, the standard LATEX 2ε tabular load Sigitas Tolušis’ stfloats package [19] which patches the
environment has a number of shortcomings. Two notable
problems are (1) 9
Table I was made using this command.
LATEX 2ε output routine to allow it to handle double relative to the equations of the main text (that is to say a
column floats at the bottom of pages. Please note that stfloats set of double column equations can be at the top or bottom
is a very invasive package which may not work with versions of a page in which they would normally appear in the middle
of LATEX other than the standard LATEX 2ε release and had they been regular equations), the double column equation
may cause problems with other packages that modify the numbers must increase as one progresses down the page (i.e.,
output and/or float routines (such as those that balance double column equations at the bottom of a page must be
columns, alter the placement of floating figures, etc.). IEEE of higher number than those at the top). Furthermore, double
authors are warned not to use packages that allow material to column equations should appear on the same page where they
be placed across the middle of the two text columns (such as are referenced (on the page they would have appeared had
cuted.sty, midfloat.sty, etc.) as the IEEE does not do this. they been regular equations). Compounding the difficulty even
Another LATEX 2ε limitation (patched with stfloats or not) further is the fact that LATEX 2ε will not place double
is that double column floats will not appear on the same page column equations on the same page on which they are defined.
where they are defined. So, the user will have to define such
Finally, the IEEE does not generally allow other figures or
things prior to the page on which they are to (possibly) appear.
tables to come between the double column equations and the
LATEX 2ε (patched with stfloats or not) does not attempt
main text (which are separated from each other by a rule). All
to keep double and single column floats in sequence with
of this means that the place where a double column equation
each other. This can be fixed by loading Frank Mittelbach,
must be defined has to be “disconnected” from the place
David Carlisle and Chris Rowley’s fixltx2e package (already
where it will eventually be referred to in the text—and the
installed on most LATEX systems) [30]. Note that
user will have to manually intervene in the equation
fixltx2e.sty is the replacement (and superset) of the older
numbering system.
fix2col.sty [30]. However, fixltx2e/fix2col should not be used
Therefore, users have to (1) define double column
with the stfloats package as they both modify some of the
equations on the page prior to the one that they are to appear;
same float routines in different ways.
(2) reset the equation counter when the double column
Be aware that LATEX 2ε kernels dated 2015 and later equations are defined so as not to disturb the regular
have fixltx2e.sty’s corrections already built into the system in
equation numbers;
which case a warning will be issued if an attempt is made to
(3) manually set the double column equation numbers and (4)
increment the equation counter at the point the double column
fixltx2e.sty as it is no longer needed.
equations are referenced in the text so that they are accounted
Morten Høgholm’s dblfloatfix package [31] provides the
combined functionality of both the fixltx2e and stfloats pack- for in the numbering of the regular equations after that point.
ages and is now the recommended way to obtain these To do all of this, it is convenient to have a “scratch pad”
features. counter to temporarily save equation numbers. This can be
done via a command such as
Finally, authors should also be aware that the LATEX 2ε
ker- nel (patched with stfloats or not) has a long standing \newcounter{MYtempeqncnt}
limitation in that it will not allow rubber space that spans
both columns in the preamble of the document. Now, the double column
to stretch or shrink as needed for each of the two main text equations are defined on the page prior to the one in which
columns. Therefore, it is possible for double column floats to they are to appear (and in this example supposed that they are
cause underfull vbox errors because the remaining text height to be equation numbers six and seven):
may not be equal to an integer number of normal size lines.
The problem can occur in main text columns (on pages with % ensure that we have normalsize text
double column floats) that do not have vertical rubber spacing \normalsize
% Store the current equation number.
(such as that around section headings, equations, etc.) and \setcounter{MYtempeqncnt}{\value{equation}}
results in underfull vbox warnings coupled with paragraphs % Set the equation number to one less than the one
that are “pulled apart” from each other. To correct this, users % desired for the first equation here.
can manually tweak the amount of space between the double % The value here will have to changed if equations
% are added or removed prior to the place these
column structure and main text by inserting a command like % equations are referenced in the main text.
(adjusted as needed) within the double column structure. Inci- x = 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 + 19 + 21+ 23 + 25
dentally, IEEEtran automatically compensates for this problem + 27 + 29 + 31
when forming the paper title. \end{equation}
1) Double Column Equations: It is possible, but not pleas- \label{eqn_dbl_y}
ant, to use figure* to obtain double column equations. The y = 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 20+ 22 + 24
IEEE rarely uses double column equations because they can + 26 + 28 + 30
waste space, so this capability is easy to abuse. Authors % Restore the current equation number.
who are considering the use of a double column equation \setcounter{equation}{\value{MYtempeqncnt}}
should verify that there are a few examples of such in papers % The IEEE uses as a separator
previously published in the journal they plan to submit to. % The spacer can be tweaked to stop underfull vboxes.
There are complications. Although the IEEE does not place \vspace*{4pt}
constraints on the order of the double column equations \end{figure*}
x = 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 + 19 + 21 + 23 + 25 + 27 + 29 + 31 (6)
y = 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 20 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 28 + 30 (7)
The result of which is shown at the top of this page. This The IEEEtran IED lists ignore all “external” changes to the list
technique allows the definition of the equations to be posi- length parameters. Instead, IED lists are controlled exclusively
tioned arbitrarily as needed so that the (floating) equations via two interfaces:
will appear where desired. The “[!t]” option forces
1) “global” control via the \IEEEiedlistdecl
LATEX to do its best to place the equations at the top of the
command; and
next page. Had it been “[!b]” instead, then the stfloats (or even
2) “local” control via an optional argument that can be
better, dblfloatfix) package would need to be loaded and the \
provided to \itemize, \enumerate, and \descrip
vspac e command, followed by the \hrulefill
command, would have to occur before the equations in the
For example, declaring
The double column equations can then been referenced in \renewcommand{\IEEEiedlistdecl}{\settowidth{\labelwi
the main text like:
in an IEEEtran document will set the default width of the
% The previous equation was number five.
% Account for the double column equations here. label boxes in all later IED lists to be equal to the width
\addtocounter{equation}{2} of “Hello”. Note: Because setting a \labelwidth is so
As can be seen in (\ref{eqn_dbl_x}) and (\ commonly performed, IEEEtran provides a command: \IEEE
ref{eqn_dbl_y}) at the top of the page ...
setlabelwidth{X} which is a shorter form of: \settowid
Thankfully, double column equations are rare. th{\labelwidth}{X}.
The local control is used if the parameters are to apply only
to an individual IED list:
XI. L ISTS \begin{itemize}[\IEEEsetlabelwidth{$\gamma$}]
The traditional L AT
EX itemize, enumerate and Within an IED list, the local control is executed just after the
description (IED) list environments are ill-suited for producing global control and therefore, the commands in the local
the style of lists used in IEEE publications. The main problem control can both augment and countermand those in the global
is that they do not provide the user a means for controlling the control. Please note that the code in the local and global
parameters of the resultant list. Furthermore, making global controls are executed in the same manner as normal LATEX
changes to the parameters of the underlying \list will result code. Therefore, the user should ensure that unwanted blank
(often unexpectedly to a user) in the improper behavior of spaces do not appear in the controls. If a control definition is
other commands that depend on it, such as \quote. Finally, too long to fit on one line, shield the end of lines with “%”
LATEX’s \list considers the left margin of the list text to to prevent them from being interpreted as blanks (Section IV-
be the reference point that determines how the list is B1 has some information on this topic). Also, note that
positioned relative to the left margin of the main text: the LATEX
..,. \labelsep
..,. parser requires that braces be placed around commands with
optional arguments that are placed directly within the optional
Label List Text arguments of other commands:
\leftmargin . \begin{itemize}[{\mycmd[1]{example}}]
This contrasts with IEEE lists which use the label box as This IEEEtran IED implementation makes it easy to control
the reference point for the list structure. i.e., for a given IED lists, even when they are deeply nested.
circumstance, the list labels will be indented by a certain The default spacings the IED lists use are stored in various
amount, the list text block will be indented from the label length (not macro) commands. Changes to these “master”
boxes by a given amount and these spacings will determine defaults are rarely needed and should be done only at the
the position of the list text. beginning of the document, not in the IED list controls. These
For these reasons, IEEEtran provides enhanced IED list constants will now be briefly explained.
environments that make it much easier to produce IEEE style \IEEEilabelindent: This length is the default amount
lists. The underlying \list remains the same as in the itemized list label boxes are indented from the left mar-
traditional LATEX so as not to break code that depends upon gin. The IEEE seems to use at least two different values.
it. IEEEtran uses a new length variable, \IEEElabelindent, For example, in the IEEE/OSA J OURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE
so that users can specify IED list structures directly in IEEE T ECHNOLOGY and the IEEE J OURNAL ON S ELECTED A R-
\labelsep EAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, they tend to use an indention
..,. ..,. List Text
equal to \parindent, while for IEEE 1
tend to indent itemized lists a little more
(1.3\parindent). The shorter length is
stored as \IE
before the first appendix equation. For a single appendix, the or so before the IEEEbiography and see if it can fit.
constant “A” should be used in place of \thesection. IEEE’s algorithm for spacing around biographies can be a
tad complex because esthetics must be considered. IEEEtran
places \vfil above biographies. This allows the user to
B. Acknowledgments
shove biographies down or up as desired by placing the
Acknowledgments and other unnumbered sections are cre- infinitely more stretchable \vfill before or after the
ated using the \section* command: biographies.
\section*{Acknowledgment} The photo area is 1 in wide and 1.25 in long. The IEEE
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Acknowledgment} recommends that author photo images should be of 220 dpi
The second, optional, command is needed to manually add (dots per inch) resolution and in gray scale with 8 bits/sample.
such sections to the table of contents (which is rarely used, If no photo is available, the \IEEEbiographynophoto
but some authors may do so with draft papers) as well as the environment, which does not support an optional argument
document’s PDF bookmarks (if using hyperref.sty). or reserve space for a photo, can be used instead.
Note that IEEE Computer Society papers typically use the
plural form “Acknowledgments”. XIV. LAST PAGE C OLUMN E QUALIZATION
The IEEE (coarsely) equalizes the lengths of the columns
C. Bibliographies on the last page. The balance is coarse in the sense that
Bibliographies are most easily (and correctly) generated reference or IEEEbiography entries are not usually broken—
using the IEEEtran BIBTEX package [32] which is easily so the column lengths are not usually perfectly equal.
invoked via Balancing the last two columns is especially important for
camera ready work. It is recommended that authors use the
manual approach by putting in \newpage at the appropriate
point or \enlargethispage{-X.Yin} somewhere at the
See the IEEEtran BIBTEX package documentation for more top of the first column of the last page where “X.Yin” is the
information. amount to effectively shorten the text height of the given page.
When submitting the document source (.tex) file to external Sometimes such a command has to be located between
parties, it is strongly recommended that the BIBTEX .bbl file bibliography entries. This can be a problem because, although
be manually copied into the document (within the traditional the command can be placed within the .bbl file, it will get
LATEX bibliography environment) so as not to depend overwritten the next time BIBTEX is run. For this situation,
on external files to generate the bibliography and to prevent IEEEtran offers a way to invoke commands just before a given
the possibility of changes occurring therein. reference number via the \IEEEtriggeratref{}
command. For instance, issuing the command
D. Biographies \IEEEtriggeratref{10}
Biographies for journal articles are created using the IEEE- before the bibliography will insert a page break just before
biography environment which supports an optional argument reference number ten. The command that is executed defaults
for the inclusion of a photo: to \newpage. However, this can be changed via the \IEEE
\begin{IEEEbiography}[{\includegraphics[width=1in,he triggercmd command:
Shell} \IEEEtriggercmd{\enlargethispage{-5.35in}}
Note that manually set break points or page sizes will have to
be readjusted if the document content ever changes.
A. IEEEeqnarray
The IEEEeqnarray environment is for multiline equations
that occupy the entire column. It is used in much the same
way as \eqnarray, but with two additional arguments, one
of which is mandatory and the other is optional:
the width of the given glue type. Widths may be specified as E. Equation Numbering
absolute values or reference length commands:
Like \eqnarray, \IEEEeqnarray, has a “star form,” \IE
\IEEEeqnarraydefcolsep{9}{10pt} EEeqnarray*, which does not place equation numbers at the
\IEEEeqnarraydefcolsep{11}{2\tabcolsep} end of each row by default. The default behavior of individual
rows can be overridden by placing the commands \IEEEye
The glue type widths are not evaluated when defined, but are
snumber or \IEEEnonumber as needed in the last column.
evaluated each time they are actually referenced as IEEEeq-
\IEEEeqnarray also provides \IEEEyessubnumber and \
narray column specifiers. Thus, for the second definition in
I EEEnosubnumber which can be used to enable or
the example above, if \tabcolsep were to be revised after
disable a subequation number for the given row. To support
the glue type was defined, the revised value would be what is
this feature, IEEEtran defines its own IEEEsubequation
counter (reset with changes to equation) and \
Rubber lengths are allowed too. The fact that the centering
theIEEEsubequati on command.14
glue “+” is a known value can be exploited to achieve some
As of version 1.8 of IEEEtran, the star forms \IEEEyesn
interesting effects. For example,
umber*, \IEEEnonumber*, \IEEEyessubnumber* and \I
\IEEEeqnarraydefcolsep{17}{200pt minus 200pt} EEEnosubnumber* are available which persist across rows
until countermanded by another star command. The behavior
will produce a column separation glue that is always 1/5 of of later individual rows can be selectively overridden with the
the width of the distance from the equation sides to the ends use of the non-star forms as needed.
of the main text columns. And, of course, “ +” can be used as Despite there being four numbering commands, it is useful
needed to produce groups of equally spaced equations as in to remember that there are only three IEEEeqnarray
amsmath’s \align: numbering modes:
1) Display nothing and do not alter the counters ( \IEEEn
2) Increment the equation counter and display an equation
number without a subequation part (\IEEEyesnumber);
D. A Simple Example of Use 3) Increment the subequation counter and display an equa-
tion number with a subequation number (\IEEEyessu
The example in Section IX can be implemented using
\IEEEeqnarray via
\IEEEnosubnumber is not really needed and behaves much
\begin{IEEEeqnarray}{rCl} like \IEEEyesnumber except that the former does not also
Z&=&x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 + x_5 + x_6\IEEEnonumber\\ enable equation numbering if it isn’t already on (and does not
&&+\:a + b%
alter the numbering properties of the current row if equation
numbering is off).
As shown in Table IV the “C” column type is a centered math Generally speaking, only one numbering command should
mode column with empty ords (“ {}”) on either side. So, there be used per row. In particular, mixing yes and no commands
is no need to place empty ords around the equal sign. As with on a single row could result in unintended operation. However,
\eqnarray, the & separate the column cells and are where a notable exception is the very useful \IEEEyesnumber\IEE
the inter-column separation glue will appear (when nonzero). Eyessubnumber combination which starts a new
Note the presence of the % at the end of the second row. subequation sequence. For example,
TEX does not ignore spaces that occur before commands or \begin{IEEEeqnarray}{c} x1\
& column delimiters, but does ignore those that occur after.
Most LATEX alignment implementations shield the user x3\IEEEyesnumber\IEEEyessubnumber\label{eqn:expl}\\
from this behavior by removing all spacing previous to &, x4\\
\\ and x5\IEEEyesnumber*\\
\end. The IEEEeqnarray family does not do this! So, it is \end{IEEEeqnarray}
important to prevent spaces (including implied ones at the end
of lines) from occurring before such commands unless they yields:
are wanted. Suspect this problem if there is an unexplained
x1 (8a)
offset within a column. In the given example, unwanted
spacing is not an issue because end spacing is ignored in math x2 (8b)
mode anyway. However, it would be an issue if the columns x3 (9a)
used text mode instead. x4 (9b)
Alternatively, one could use a two column form: (10)
\begin{IEEEeqnarray}{Rl} x6 (11)
Z=&x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 + x_5 + x_6\IEEEnonumber\\
&+\:a + b% 14
What is actually displayed is the \theIEEEsubequationdis com-
\end{IEEEeqnarray} mand.
as the very first command in a cell. This command is the incompatible way. The IEEEeqnarray family provides its own
IEEEeqnarray equivalent of \multicolumn. The first argu- version of \vline:
ment is the number of columns to override (cutting through
any inter-column glues as needed). The second argument is
the column type specifier to use. The third argument contains that produces a vertical rule extending from the top to bottom
the cell text. The third argument will have to be enclosed of a cell without overriding the column type. The optional
within an extra set of braces if the column type is to acquire it argument is for specifying the rule thickness which defaults
as an argument—as was done with the “myp” parbox column to \arrayrulewidth if no argument is provided.
type in the example earlier (Appendix F-B). The IEEEeqnarray row commands (discussed in the next
There is also the \IEEEeqnarrayomit command which, section) provide some alternatives to \hline.
when used as the very first command in a cell, will suspend
the use of the normal column type for that cell. This is
L. Row Commands
somewhat like a quicker version of \
IEEEeqnarraymulticol{1}{x} The IEEEeqnarray family has several commands which can
{}. be used to produce special rows that span all the columns.
Users are cautioned not to use commands like these (e.g., Unless otherwise noted, the commands described here must
\multicolumn) that are designed for other alignment envi- issued as the very first command in a given row.
ronments.23 To produce a spacer row that relies on the strut system, use
K. Predefined Column Types for Rules The first argument specifies the height of the strut row, if left
Several of the predefined column types produce vertical or blank or empty, the default value of 0.25\normalbaseli
horizontal lines. Note that, in the IEEEeqnarray family, rules neskip will be assumed. The second optional argument is
are declared and treated as normal column types—they are not for commands which will be executed prior to the evaluation
hidden. Although this approach may increase the number of of the first argument as is done with \IEEEeqnarraystrut
columns the user has to keep track of, especially when size. \IEEEeqnarrayseprow will not interrupt the column
creating tables, it does offer a great deal of flexibility by definitions, so it will not cut vertical lines. If column
allowing the user to override, or otherwise manipulate, any definition suspension is desired, use the cutting form which
column type (including those that produce rules) at will. will override all the column types in the entire row:
All of the predefined rule column types use the \arrayru \IEEEeqnarrayseprowcut[height][decl]
lewidth length to determine the line thickness and \doubl
To produce a horizontal rule row, use:
erulesep for the spacing of double rules.
The “v” column type produces a vertical rule, “vv” \IEEEeqnarrayrulerow[rule_thickness]
produces two back-to-back vertical rules which will appear which will override all the column definitions with one that
as one rule of twice the normal thickness. “V” produces a produces a horizontal rule. If the optional rule thickness is not
double vertical rule with \doublerulesep spacing between specified, the value of \arrayrulewidth will be used.
its two lines. “VV” produces two back-to-back double vertical To produce a double rule row, use:
rules which will appear to be three vertical rules, the middle
one of which being twice as thick as the other two. It is
possible to “spread apart” the “vv” and “VV” types by placing which will produce a rule row, a (noncutting) separation row,
a spacer within their columns—thus they can be used to followed by another rule row. If the optional rule thickness is
generate two single, or double, vertical rules whose separation not specified, the value of \arrayrulewidth will be used
distance is programmable. when producing each of the two rule rows. If the optional
The “h” and “H” types produce single and double horizontal separation distance is not specified, the value of \doubleru
rules, respectively. Horizontal rule types are not normally used lesep will be used. There is also a cutting form:
in the column specifications, but rather with the \IEEEeqna \IEEEeqnarraydblrulerowcut[rule_thickness][spacing]
rraymulticol command in order to draw a horizontal rule
across one or more column(s). which works the same way except that the separation row
Please be aware that the line commands of other alignment will override all the column definitions. (Vertical rule columns
environments may not work properly within the IEEEeqnarray will not appear inside the double rule row produced by this
family which provides its own ways of doing these types of command.)
things. In particular, \cline is totally incompatible—users
should use the \IEEEeqnarraymulticol{num_cols}{h} M. Useful Low Level TEX Commands
{} command instead. However, \vline and \hline should
Although the use of lower level TEX commands is
work—unless another LATEX package redefines them in generally frowned upon in LATEX, some of them are just too
some helpful to ignore.
23 \phantom{} produces an invisible box with the width,
Those who are familiar with TEX may be interested in the fact that
TEX’s height and depth of its contents, but the contents themselves
\omit, \span and \multispan should work in \IEEEeqnarraybox,
but not in \IEEEeqnarray because of the need to track column usage with
a hidden counter in the latter.
will not appear in the output. There is also the \hphantom So, the line spacing controls of the IEEEeqnarray commands
{} and \vphantom{} forms which retain only the contents’ will not be in effect. The user may have to manually add \bas
width, or its height and depth, respectively. As an example, elineskip and/or \jot spacing as needed (which was done
look carefully at the footnotes at the bottom of Table V. This in the previous example). (2) Furthermore, \noalign does
table was produced using the \IEEEeqnarraybox not automatically place its contents within a box. However,
command. The footnotes are actually contained within the last nonaligned material must be placed within a horizontal box
two rows of the table. Note how the left sides of the when within the vertical box produced by the \IEEEeqnarr
footnotes line up, even though the first one has a superscript aybox command. Therefore, when using \noalign within
asterisk for a footnote symbol. The reason that the second row a \IEEEeqnarraybox, be sure to wrap things up in an
lines up is because, at its left side, it employs a horizontal \hbox{}:24
phantom of the very same symbol:
\noalign{\hbox{and therefore}}
(3) Finally, there may be some issues related to how easily
Vertical phantoms can be used to equalize row height or page breaks occur around the \noalign lines. This is an
spacing—such as to get matrices that fit within brackets of issue only with \IEEEeqnarray because page breaks cannot
the same size even though one has “tall” symbols and the
occur within the box produced by \IEEEeqnarraybox. If
other not.
needed, page break desirability can be altered by manually
The opposite of \hphantom{} is \rlap{} which
displays its contents, but with zero width. There is also an \
\pagebreak, or \nopagebreak, etc., at the end of the \no
llap{} which does the same thing, but the contained object
align contents.
will appear just to the left of the given point, rather than
after as with
\rlap. For example, look closely at the first “Width” column N. More Practical Examples of Use
heading in Table V. The word “Width” is centered irrespective The use of the IEEEeqnarray is somewhat complicated.
of the asterisk. That is because the width of the asterisk was However, once the building blocks and core concepts are
zeroed: understood, the user may find that is easier to use the
Width\rlap{\textsuperscript{*}} IEEEeqnarray family for just about every alignment situation
rather than to have to remember all the interfaces and unique
The vertical analog of \rlap is \smash{} which reduces behaviors of many different tools.
the apparent height and depth of its contents to zero. A few “real world” examples will now be demonstrated.
1) IEEEeqnarray Cases Structures: Cases structures can be
\raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{} does about the same thing,
obtained using \IEEEeqnarraybox:
and also provides an adjustable vertical offset.) \smash can
be used when space is already reserved for an object, but x, for x ≥ 0
|x| = (13)
that LATEX does not “know” this and would allocate −x, for x < 0
unwanted additional vertical space. One good use of smash for
tableobjects that are to be “slipped” into a hidden row of zero which was produced using the code:
height, or into a row which is to be no higher than the “short” \begin{equation}
things, such as horizontal rules, that are in its other columns. \setlength{\nulldelimiterspace}{0pt}
The TEX \noalign{} command can be used within IEEEe- |x|=\left\{\begin{IEEEeqnarraybox}[\relax][c]{l’s}
x,&for $x \geq 0$\\
qnarray family to inject text which is outside of the alignment -x,&for $x < 0$%
structure. For example, \end{IEEEeqnarraybox}\right.
\begin{IEEEeqnarray}{rCl} A_1&=&7\IEEEyesnumber\
IEEEyessubnumber\\ A_2&=&b+1\IEEEyessubnumber\\
Note the use of the large \quad (1 em) spacing before the
\noalign{\noindent and\vspace{\jot}}A_3&=&d+2\IEEEye
ssubnumber% conditional statements. The zeroing of \nulldelimiterspa
\end{IEEEeqnarray} ce, an optional step, eliminates the width of the nonvisible
closing brace “\right.” in order to perfectly center the
visible portion of the equation.25
A1 = 7 (12a) Note that both branches share a common equation number.
A2 = b + 1 (12b) If an equation (sub)number is wanted for each branch, the
and preferred solution is to use the cases.sty package as discussed
in Section IX-A. However, it is possible to use \IEEEeqnar
A3 = d + 2 (12c) ray to build such a thing—although it takes extra work and
When employed, \noalign must be the very first com- a few tricks to do so. For example,
mand in a row—even before any \IEEEeqnarraymulticol,
\IEEEeqnarrayomit, or row commands. x, for x ≥ 0 (14a)
x| =
−x, for x < 0 (14b)
Be forewarned that the proper use of \noalign can be
tricky. There are three potential issues. (1) Remember that 24 A
L TEX’s \mbox will not work!
\noalign will place its contents outside of the 25
The width of null delimiters is typically only 1.2 pt, and so can usually
alignment. be safely ignored.
[13] J. D. McCauley, J. Goldberg, and A. Sommerfeldt. (2011, Dec.) The [30] D. Carlisle. (1999, Apr.) The fix2col package. [Online]. Available:
endfloat package. [Online]. Available:
[14] H. Oberdiek. (2012, May) The ifpdf package. [Online]. Available: [31] M. Høgholm. (2012, Dec.) The dblfloatfix package. [Online]. Available:
[15] A. Gefen, “Simulations of foot stability during gait characteristic of [32] M. Shell. (2015, Aug.) The IEEEtran BIBTEX style. [Online]. Available:
ankle dorsiflexor weakness in the elderly,” IEEE Trans. Neural Syst.
Rehab. Eng., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 333–337, Dec. 2001. [33] P. W. Daly. (2013, May) The balance package. [Online]. Available:
[16] D. Arseneau. (2015, Mar.) The cite package. [Online]. Available: [34] S. Tolušis and V. Statulevicˇius. (2015, Apr.) The flushend
[17] M. D. Wooding. (1999, Mar.) The MDW tools package. [Online]. package. [Online]. Available:
Available: [35] M. Shell. (2007, Jan.) The testflow diagnostic suite. [Online]. Available:
[18] D. Arseneau. (2010, Feb.) The cases package. [Online]. Available: [36] T. Oetiker. (2015, Mar.) The acronym package. [Online]. Available:
[19] S. Tolušis and V. Statulevicˇius. (2013, Oct.) The stfloats
package. [Online]. Available: [37] D. Arseneau. (2013, Dec.) The url package. [Online]. Available:
[20] D. Carlisle. (2015, Apr.) Packages in the ‘graphics’ bundle.
grfguide.pdf. [Online]. Available: [38] M. Shell. (2015, Aug.) The IEEEtrantools package. [Online]. Available:
[21] K. Reckdahl. (2006, Jan.) Using imported graphics in LATEX
2ε . [Online]. Available:
[22] C. Barratt, M. C. Grant, and D. Carlisle. (1998, May) The psfrag
package. [Online]. Available:
[23] S. D. Cochran. (2005, Jul.) The subfigure package. [Online]. Available: Michael Shell (M’87) received the B.E.E., M.S.E.E.
[24] S. D. Cochran, V. Karen-Pahlav, Z. Mehran, and V. Khalighi. (2005, Jul.) and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering all from
The subfig package. [Online]. Available: the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, in
[25] A. Sommerfeldt. (2013, May) The subcaption package. [Online]. 1991, 1993 and 2004 respectively. He has developed
Available: several all-optical packet-switched network subsys-
[26] P. Williams and R. Brito. (2009, Aug.) The algorithmic package. tems and node demonstrations. His research
[Online]. Available: interests include all-optical packet-switched
[27] S. János. (2005, Apr.) The algorithmicx.sty package. [Online]. networks, high speed opto-electronic interface
Available: design, discrete sim- ulation and exact Markov
[28] F. Mittelbach and D. Carlisle. (2015, Apr.) The array package. [Online]. models for buffered packet switches.
Available: Dr. Shell is also the author of the most recent
[29] D. Arseneau. (2010, Mar.) The threeparttable package. [Online]. versions of the IEEEtran LATEX class and BIBTEX style packages and
Available: is the
current maintainer of both.