AC Circuits: What's The Difference Between A.C. and D.C.? Transformers Rectifiers Capacitors Resonance
AC Circuits: What's The Difference Between A.C. and D.C.? Transformers Rectifiers Capacitors Resonance
AC Circuits: What's The Difference Between A.C. and D.C.? Transformers Rectifiers Capacitors Resonance
What’s the difference between A.C. and D.C.?
All the wiring in your house or apartment is AC all the wiring on the poles
outside is AC and since there are many other applications for AC an
understanding of how these circuits work is of considerable value.
Now, alternating voltage can be carried around the country in cables far
more efficiently than direct current where the voltage is fixed. So the
electricity that arrives at your house is still alternating voltage. Electric
light bulbs and fires can run quite happily from 120 volt a.c. regular
household current. Other equipment such as televisions have an internal
power supply which converts the 120 volts a.c. to a low d.c. voltage that
is safe and acceptable to the electronic circuits. How is this done?
There are several ways but the simplest is to use a transformer to reduce
the voltage to, say 12 volts a.c. (Fig.2) This lower voltage can be fed
through a "rectifier" which combines the negative and positive alternating
cycles so that only positive cycles emerge. This "rectified" voltage (Fig.3)
is suitable for running things like filament bulbs and electric trains but it is
still no good for electronic circuits. So a "12 volt dc transformer" is no
good for electronic devices. What you need is "regulated d.c." which truly
simulates the steady voltage that you get from a battery.
Fig. 3 above
The first step is to connect a large value capacitor to the output of the
rectifier. A capacitor acts as a voltage reservoir and has the effect of
smoothing the "ripples". This is still not the same as a battery produces but
it's often good enough for charging batteries in mobile phones, personal
stereo equipment and similar equipment (Fig.4).
Fig.4 above
The final step is to pass this "rippling d.c." through a regulator unit. This
effectively chops off the ripple to leave almost pure "regulated d.c." at a
steady voltage. So, to provide a suitable voltage for electronic circuits you
need a power supply which gives a "regulated d.c." output.
What is a transformer?
In a standard transformer, the two coils are usually wrapped around the
same iron core, ensuring that the magnetic flux is the same through both
coils. The coil that provides the flux (i.e., the coil connected to the AC
power source) is known as the primary coil, while the coil in which
voltage is induced is known as the secondary coil. If the primary coil sets
up a changing flux, the voltage in the secondary coil depends on the
number of turns in the secondary:
Transformers require a varying flux to work. They are therefore perfect for
AC power, but do not work at all for DC power, which would keep the
flux constant. The ease with which voltage and current can be tranformed
in an AC circuit is a large part of the reason AC power, rather than DC, is
distributed by the power companies.
Rectification is the conversion of AC to DC. Semi-conductor diodes are
especially useful in the construction of rectifiers. The simplest type of
rectifier is a half-wave rectifier which allows only the current flowing in a
particular direction through. Any portion of the current flowing in the
opposite direction is cut-off and discarded.
Mathematically speaking, if some AC could be represented by a function
f(t), then the rectified output could be represented by
#$ $ %
& '
% &(
Even with full wave rectification, the resultant output still retains that
`jagged' character. To get rectified output to `look' more like DC,
smoothing circuits must be employed. One of the simplest ways to smooth
rectified output is to put a reservoir capacitor in parallel with the load (see
figure 7).
) *
It's a simple concept, as the rectified EMF builds up to its peak value, the
capacitor gets charged. Once the AC moves past its peak, the capacitor
discharges through the load, keeping the current relatively steady (see
figure 8).
Charged Capacitor
A capacitor is said to be charged when there are more electrons on one
conductor plate than on the other.
2. Small size low cost electrolytic used where high ripple current is not
present. May be used for coupling or for decoupling but leakage current is
high and reliability is low.
These type of circuits are used in many applications were transmission and
reception circuits are used for example radios and televisions. They are
also used in filter circuits as they can be designed to be very sensitive to
certain frequencies. Such filter provides maximum output at resonant
frequency but minimizes the amount of output at any other frequency that
is above or below resonance.