(Wiki) Battle of Nikolayevka
(Wiki) Battle of Nikolayevka
(Wiki) Battle of Nikolayevka
The Alpini positions on the river Don before the Soviet advances
during operations Uranus, Mars and Saturn and their line of retreat in red.
selves. The Alpini held the front, but within three days the
On December 16 General Fyodor Isidorovich Soviets advanced 200 kilometers (120 mi) to the left and
Kuznetsov's 1st Guards Army and General Dmitri right of the Alpini, who were thus encircled.
Danilovich Lelyushenko's 3rd Guards Army attacked Although the Alpini corps was ordered to hold the front
the units of the Italian 8th Army, which were quickly at all costs, preparations for a general retreat began on
overcome, encircled and crushedin three days the January 15. On the evening of January 17, the comSoviets had opened a gap in the Axis front 45 km (28 manding ocer of the corps General Gabriele Nasci mi) deep and 150 km (93 mi) wide and destroyed two nally ordered the full retreat. At this point the Julia and
of the Italian Armys Corps (2nd and 35th). The Soviet Cuneense divisions were already heavily decimated and
armored columns now rapidly advanced south towards only the Tridentina division was still capable of conductthe Black Sea. Thus 4th Panzer Army was forced to ing eective combat operations.
abandon its relief attempt of the 6th Army and fall back
The 40,000-strong mass of stragglersAlpini and Italto halt the advancing Soviets.
ians from other commands, plus various Germans and
Hungariansformed two columns that followed the Tridentina division which, supported by a handful of German armoured vehicles, led the way westwards to the new
2 Battle
Axis front. The Soviets had already occupied every vilThe Italian 8th Armys Alpini Corps, consisting of Alpine lage and bitter battles were fought by the soldiers of the
Divisions 3rd Julia, 2nd Tridentina and 4th Cuneense and Tridentina to clear the way. In fteen days the soldiers
the 156th Vicenza Infantry Division to their rear, were covered 200 km on foot, fought twenty-two battles and
at this point largely unaected by the Soviet oensive on spent fourteen nights camped in the middle of the Rustheir right ank. But on January 13, 1943, the Soviets sian steppe. Temperatures during the night fell between
30 C (20 F) and 40 C (40 F).
launched the second stage of Operation Saturn.
On the morning of January 26, the spearheads of the Tridentina reached the little hamlet of Nikolayevka, now part
of the village of Livenka. A Soviet division of nearly
6,000 well armed soldiers occupied it and the surrounding
In this stage four armies of Soviet General Filipp Golikov's Voronezh Front attacked, encircled, and destroyed
the Hungarian Second Army near Svoboda on the Don
to the northwest of the Italians, they attacked and pushed
back the remaining units of the German 24th Army Corps
on the Alpini left ank and then attacked the Alpini them-
6 Bibliography
Hamilton, H. Sacrice on the Steppe. Casemate,
2011 (English)
7 External links
See also
Italian Army in Russia
Italian participation in the Eastern Front
Luigi Reverberi
Giulio Martinat
File:Alpini_in_Russia.png Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Alpini_in_Russia.png License: CC-BY-SA3.0 Contributors: self-made - {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Eastern_Front_1942-11_to_1943-03.png based on this map] drawn by
User:Gdr Original artist: Noclador
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Reich_%281935%E2%80%931945%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Fornax
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