Project Management Definition
Project Management Definition
Why Information Technology Project Management is Important?
What is a Project?
Project Characteristics
Information Systems Project
Triple Constraint of Project Management
What is Project Management?
Project Management Framework
Project Stakeholders
Project Management Knowledge Areas
Project Management Tools and Techniques
What is a Project?
A project can be defined a set of temporary activities conducted by an ad
hoc organization (a group of people) to create a unique product or service.
A project can be any of the following:
Constructing something a road, a dam, a building, an information
Organizing something a meeting, an election campaign, a symphony, a
Doing anything the first time
Accomplishing a new, complex activity.
Project Characteristics
A project has several characteristics:
A project has a unique purpose: Every project is designed to accomplish
a well-defined objective (product or service) of an organization. This
product or service is distinguishable in some way from other products or
services of the organization.
A project is temporary: A project has a definite beginning and definite
end, i.e. a project has a lifetime. The end is reached when the projects
objectives have been achieved, or when it becomes clear that the project
objectives will not or cannot be met, or the need of the project is no
longer exists.
A project has a unique set of activities: Every project has a unique set of
activities of its own, which may not be duplicated in another project. If one
activity is late, other activities may be delayed.
A project cuts across organizational line: Projects usually cut across
organizational lines, drawing people from a variety of functional
specialties. Some projects may involve a single person and some others
involve hundreds and thousands of people in many organizational units.
A project requires resources: Resources include people, hardware,
software, and other assets that are necessary to complete the project.
A project should have a primary sponsor or customer: Most projects have
many interested parties or stakeholders, but someone must take the
primary role of sponsorship. The project sponsor usually provides the
direction and funding for the project.
A project involves uncertainty: Because every project is unique, it is
sometimes difficult to clearly define the projects objectives, estimate how
long it will take complete, or how much it will cost. The uncertainty makes
the project management challenging.
Information Systems Project
Information systems projects have many similarities to generic projects.
They consist of activities - each with durations, predecessor relationships,
and resource requirements.
They involve high level of uncertainty and often suffer from time and cost
overruns, while rarely experiencing time and cost underruns.
However, information systems projects are different from other projects in
that it follows a standard methodology of systems development life cycle
(requirements gathering, analysis, design, coding, testing, and installation).