101 Negativity Killer PDF
101 Negativity Killer PDF
101 Negativity Killer PDF
This e-book has been written to provide information about growing and
living an awesome life. Every effort has been made to make this ebook as
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It is my vision to touch as many lives as I can, thus,
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It was at this point of time that I came across and watched this movie called
learned about the principles of the Law of Attraction. Basically, the simplest
way to explain Law of Attraction is that everything we attract into our lives is
due to our thoughts and that Like attracts Like. What this means is that if
we keep thinking a certain thought we manifest what we think about into
Think positive and you will get positive result. Positive attracts positive
and true enough shortly after I met my mentor on internet marketing and
actually beginning to get result.
Now, you must be thinking, How can I change to attract all the positive
result? Do not worry as I will be here to guide you. In fact it is my vision to
reach out and touch the lives of everybody. Hopefully what I have learnt
would be beneficial to everybody.
20. Avoid being resentful: Resentment can hinder you from fully
enjoying a positive relationship or marriage. You should never delude
yourself by assuming that the strong negative feelings you have
towards your spouse will in any way protect you. Harboring these
negative feelings will only serve to gradually weigh you down and
eventually ruin your relationship. After all, no resentment you have
has ever really been centered on whatever your partner did or did not
do. In most cases, resentment is more about your ego and how
exactly you feel about your spouse or partner at that specific moment.
Therefore, rather than constantly dwell on whats the past, just let the
negativity go and forge ahead towards a more positive future with the
one you love.
21. Be ambitious: Whenever you desire anything, pursue it with all
you have. Good fortunes and riches will not materialize from thin air
simply because youre married or in a relationship. In all truth,
marriage or commitment shouldnt mean that you and your partner
should just sit on the sidelines and wait for a miracle to happen.
Determining your passions and pursuing all your ambitious dreams
intensely will allow you to fully embrace the novelties of your marriage
or relationship..
22. Commit yourself completely by always giving 100%: You must
never despair if youre experiencing negativity in your relationship or
marriage. Establish the reasons stopping you from enjoying marital
bliss and dedicate every resource you have to eliminate these
obstacles. By re-committing yourself to your wedding vows, you will
be able to completely transform it into something stronger than it was
23. Envision all the Goals You Want to attain as a Couple: Whatever
your mind can be able to conceive or believe it can achieve. If you
want to be successful, you must first actually visualize being
victorious right from the onset of the relationship. Visualization can be
of great help by putting you in a very relaxed state of mind. Your
mental focus should thus be concentrated on how best to attain the
great life you are already anticipating instead of worrying about trivial
issues. Visualize only positive outcomes by mentally picturing
yourself in the hose of your dreams. To set-off on the right note,
always begin by visualizing the end goal.
39. Base your Decisions Only on Facts: Avoid reading too much into
facial expressions. Making baseless assumptions about the
motivation and meaning behind the facial expressions of others can
be quite risky. Try shifting from self-absorbing negative thoughts to
objectively observing everything thats going on. Only then should
you respond to the objective reality.
possibilities. In case you are unsettled in your current job, this test will
help you determine how and where you can begin the process of
moving on.
65. Eat Healthy: A healthy diet will have a tremendous impact on your
entire mood and overall energy levels. Develop a clear diet plan that
emphasizes on whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables. You may
even add vitamin supplements to boost your immunity and brain
functioning while helping to reduce the possibility diseases like
cancer and osteoporosis.
66. Exercise More: Create a clear exercise plan filled with activities
that you enjoy such as jogging, weight training, biking, or even
dancing. Yoga is an excellent choice in healing the mind, body, and
spirit, but anything will count, so long as its active.
67. Perform regular mental exercises: This can include crossword
puzzles, chess, Sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, or any other challenging
games along those lines. These activities have been shown to help
improve anyones overall mental capabilities and should therefore be
viewed as more than just a good way to pass time.
68. Practice meditation or breathing exercises: Stress brought on by
negative thoughts can have an overarching effect on your overall
productivity levels. When you are stressed, you may inadvertently
forget to breathe at times. You must take the time to breathe deeply
and improve the flow of oxygen to your brain.
69. Have some alone time each day: Spending some time alone
quietly will create order and give your mind a chance to renew itself.
This would be the perfect time to take stock of everything you need to
accomplish and plan on how you will forge ahead with this
70. Act and speak honestly: You should be able to stand by whatever
you say and do. If you are known for not sticking to your promises, it
may be appropriate to re-examine how you frame your own words
and try articulating your thoughts in a more open and honest manner.
This will help to eliminate any confrontations or regrets in the future.
71. Realize that sometimes the unexpected can be a good thing: Try
to remember that not getting something you want can at times be an
amazing stroke of luck. Such failures should therefore make you
more determined as they can lead to the opening of even bigger
activities: By visiting your areas museum or art gallery, you will not
only be getting the opportunity to introduce yourself to the local
intellectuals, but you will also be stimulating your own thinking
process. Your mind will therefore not have the time or space to dwell
on negativity.
87. Schedule a Holiday: Taking a much-needed vacation alone or
with your family can provide you with enough rest and relaxation to
eliminate any negativity you may be harboring. You should plan to
have your getaway at least once every year because you work hard
enough to deserve it.
88. Learn new entertainment tips: To entertain successfully, you do
not necessarily need to be Martha Stewart. Throwing a memorable
dinner party or learning the requisite skills to be an excellent host or
hostess takes a minimal amount of effort. You will also be glad for the
big boost this will give to your confidence levels.
89. Replace any outdated or obsolete stuff you may have: Decluttering your home will also help to unclog and refresh your mind.
Cleaning your house from the bottom up should be targeted at not
only getting rid of the aforementioned documents and receipts, but
also any old junk and equipment that you could sell at a garage sale
or donate to your charity of choice.
90. Schedule your regular grocery shopping for the day you have lots
of free time: This will help you avoid aggravating inconveniences or
forgetting important items due to being in a hurry. Always have a preset budget and shopping list and make sure you strictly adhere to
both. Getting only what you need will save you lots of time and
91. Try getting your own book published: With the advent of the
Internet, this has never been easier. Internet publishing will allow you
get your marketable ideas out there and begin making huge profits
from them. Publishing your own eBook can be the beginning of a
more positive and fruitful life that you could never have imagined.
92. Create and stick to a reading list: You could easily pull this off by
joining a book club, either locally, or online. A lot of individuals are
ever declaring that they would like to start enjoying all the advantages
that accrue from reading more. However, without an actual plan, they
may never get around to making the time to undertake this. Joining a
book club will serve as a social activity and also keep your mind away
from any negativity.
93. Have a wardrobe makeover: Wearing clothes that do not fit can
leave you feeling tense, uncomfortable, and easily-aggravated. Throw
out any ill-fitting or dull old clothing and avoid squeezing into outdated
attire that does you no favors. Wearing clothes that are well tailored
to fit your exact measurements will boost your confidence and leave
you looking and feeling your best.
94. Try waking up earlier each day: Mishaps that occur in the morning
are less likely to annoy you than those that happen later in the day
when you are more tired and restless. This will also allow you to have
ample time to plan and conduct scheduled activities in an unrushed
95. Prepare everything you need on the previous day: This includes
everything from the clothes and shoes you plan to wear, to the
components of all your meals for that day. Everything should be put
out and ready for your use on the night before, more so if you have
an important meeting or appointment scheduled. You will be happy to
avoid the stress and negativity that comes with doing everything in a
96. Always budget for possible emergencies: You never know when
you or a loved one may require a prolonged stay in the hospital.
Events may suddenly leave you in need of emergency vehicle or
home repairs and it can be very frustrating if you havent set aside
any money to cater to such possibilities.
97. Exercise more: Exercising triggers the release of happinessinducing endorphins by your brain and is thus an ideal way to
eliminate negativity and stress. You should also drink not less than 6
cups of water daily, since staying hydrated is vital in keeping you
constantly energized and flushes toxins away.
98. Make physical contact: Touching, holding hands, hugging,
stroking your pet, and any other form of non-sexual physical contact
with those you are close to, can be very self-assuring and comforting.
You should do this in times when you are feeling especially low and
negative. You could always try brushing your hair if no one is
99. Value every emotion: Let yourself perceive all your feelings, both
positive and negative and try to fully express them very appropriately
whenever they occur. Express all your anger clearly and directly
because holding it back will only prolong your distress and negativity.
When asked about it, be honest with yourself and others.
100. Trust yourself always: Be more considerate about your own
values, needs, and choices. Remember that change is a constant
component of our lives and it is always up to you to make changes
whenever you feel its appropriate. It is okay to cry sometimes as that
is natures way of releasing stress and toxins from your body, as well
as her avenue for expressing joy.
101. Follow your intuition always: Take note of the fact that any stress
or negativity you may be feeling at the moment is only temporary.
Never lose hope, even when you cant recall the last time you had a
break. At least once daily, try doing one activity you really enjoy and
one thing that you don't particularly enjoy but know you must do.
Thankfully everyone has the innate ability to effectively implement
various strategies that will keep the negativity and emotional downers
at bay and prevent them from completely ruining your high spirits and
good moods. The way to eliminate negativity and the accompanying
stress is not to avoid them. Confront these feelings head on under the
guidance of the 101 ways to eliminate negativity highlighted above
and you will not only overcome, but also be fully braced to handle any
future challenges. These proven methods will return your life to
normalcy and bring you back to the present, which is the only
moment that matters. There is nothing wrong with having a little
chaos or negativity in your life. How you deal and learn from it is what
is important. Always remember that you cannot be able to control
everyone and everything- that is lifes reality so just learn to live with
it. You simply just cannot change the way everything happens. You
can however alter how you react to them. So why should you even be
bothered with things that are far beyond your control? Just go with
the flow and quit dwelling on the negativity thats part of life. It will all
just be a wasted effort that can ruin your health and harm your spirit.
To quote Albert Einstein, there are 3 essential rules of work: getting
out of clutter to find simplicity, finding harmony from discord, and
always remembering that opportunities lie in the middle of difficulties.
I hope you enjoyed reading 101 Negativity Killer. In the following
pages, youll find resources that are more focused on the specific
areas you might want to work on.
Feel free to check them out if you need specific help in your life.
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Resources for clam mind.
Amazing benefit of mediation
Stop panic attack
Placing Positive affirmation directly into your mind
Resources for socializing
Eliminate Shyness and social anxiety
Resources for socializing
Eliminate Shyness and social anxiety