Hexcel's Composite Materials, Processes

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Harnessing natures power

Hexcels composite materials, processes

and solutions for wind turbine blades

Harnessing natures power

Hexcel is a leading global supplier of advanced composite materials to the wind

energy market and has supplied more than 100 million square metres of composites
to wind turbine blade manufacturers over the last 25 years. Our composite
technologies have enabled blade lengths to increase to over 80 metres, supporting
the growth of wind power around the world.

We work closely with our customers to develop products and processes that are tailored to their specific
requirements. This approach has enabled us to develop technologies such as:
Prepreg materials and process solutions to optimise throughput by
faster curing at lower temperatures.

Fibre-reinforced matrix solutions for rapid cost-effective processing.

Unidirectional (UD) carbon prepregs for critically loaded structures.
Materials for root ends and Polyurethane solutions for cost efficient
manufacturing of nacelle housings.

Hexcel is one of the few suppliers of composites for wind energy to manufacture carbon fibre in-house.

This knowledge, combined with our dedicated weaving facilities, enables us to design composite

reinforcements in carbon and glass, or hybrids of the two. We are the composite specialists, with
dedicated R&T facilities in Europe and the USA. Our global technical support team assists with

material selection, processing and can provide training to those who are new to composites technology.

Empowering technology


Hexcel has developed a broad

range of products and solutions

benefiting from synergies with
other cutting edge technology

markets for composites including

aerospace, space and defense.

During the rapid growth of the wind

energy market Hexcel has been

at the forefront of developments

supporting expansion by supplying

technology solutions rather than
just materials. To support the

wind energy market Hexcel has

dedicated manufacturing facilities

in Asia, Europe and the USA.

Manufacturing a large
composite structure

A wind blade is a component

Hexcel has extended its resin

and concentrate energy from the

customer requirements for shorter

for a machine designed to direct

air into a wire that connects the

turbine generator to an electrical

grid. The cost of such energy

depends on advanced and cost-

effective solutions to manufacture

very large composite structures like

wind blades.

Prepreg is a glass or carbon fibre

reinforcement that is impregnated

with a resin (e.g. epoxy). Prepreg

range for wind energy to meet

cost-efficient cure cycles. HexPly

M9G is a formulated epoxy resin

suitable for low pressure moulding.

This versatile resin system cures
at a range of temperatures from
85C to 150C. HexPly M9G is

a further development of Hexcels

well established M9 range, already

Benefits of HexPly M79:

turbine blades.

lower temperature cure

low exotherm suitable for
the co-cure of thin and thick
low pressure processing
suitable for a wide variety of
production techniques
excellent tack and outlife
excellent mechanical and
visual properties after curing
UD, woven and non-woven
glass or carbon
reinforcements possible

widely used to manufacture wind

is supplied in roll form and cured

Hexcel has introduced HexPly

produce high quality laminates

with prepregs that cure more

by applying heat and pressure to

with superior stiffness and strength
at low weights. Prepreg is an

ideal economical technology for

manufacturing large composite
parts, as the process is readily

automated and the materials are

easy to handle.

Carbon fibre prepregs are a costeffective option for very large

M79 to further support customers

quickly at lower temperatures.

diameter blades, as less material

is required to achieve the strength

and stiffness of glass structures.

Hybrid reinforcements of glass and

carbon are also a potential option.

Hexcel ahead of the game

Benefits of HexPly
M9-family prepregs:
optimised structural design
consistent fibre volume ratio
lower and consistent blade
pure UD materials with
optimised performance/
cost ratio
high strength and fatigue
short total processing and
cure cycle
clean working environment
low exothermic properties
enabling curing and co-curing
of multi-ply laminates,
e.g. carbon with glass
minimise stresses caused by
differences in thermal

Carrying the load

Spar/Shear Web

A wind blade is a structural beam

that throughout its operating life
is subjected to considerable lift

forces on its aerodynamic profile.

Stiffening of the blade is therefore

essential to resist bending.

Sometimes two strips of reinforcing

materials are used to provide local

stiffening one on the upwind face

and one on the downwind face.

However, to provide the essential

shear strength these two strips

Hexcel has developed an optimised

construction called a shear web.

reinforced composites for spar/

need to be structurally joined by a

There are different ways of

designing a spar/shear web

either as a girder-structure

connected by one or two shear-

range of prepregs and other fibreshear web construction, including

UD reinforced carbon and glass

materials as well as our HexPly

SuperCap products.

webs or as a full box-like beam

Hexcels innovative and patented

higher the performance demands

Technology allow very thick carbon

The stiffness of the material in

by vacuum bag, resulting in

structure. The longer the blade, the

carbon UD materials utilising Grid-

on such load carrying structures.

UD laminates to be manufactured

the structural beam is crucial as it

excellent void-free laminate quality.

prevents the blade from striking the

tower when rotating. The structural
integrity of the wind blades

depends on the combination of

composites used to build the load

carrying structures and the highest

quality materials are therefore

required for such applications.

Hexcels leadership in carbon fibre,

means that we have the knowledge

and experience to assist with the
introduction of carbon fibres into
large scale structures, including
those requiring lightning-strike




Spar/Shear Web



The shell provides the aerodynamic

The nacelle sits on top of the tower

Effective mould design is the key

in stiffening and strengthening the

parts of the wind turbine. Usually

To improve cycle times and

shape of the blade and plays a role

spar, as the fibre orientation in the

construction helps to resist torsion.

Blade shells are usually quite thin
as the requirements for strength
in a shell structure are relatively

low. However, to prevent large flat

laminate areas from flexing which

could affect the aerodynamic shape

and lead to buckling certain areas

and contains all main technical

made of fibreglass, the nacelle

contains the low- and high-speed

shafts, the gearbox, the brake and

the generator. It also contains the
blade pitch control, a hydraulic
system that controls the angle

of the blades and the yaw drive,

which controls the position of the

turbine relative to the wind.

are designed as a sandwich

As the nacelle holds hardware,

and a core (e.g. low density rigid

transforming the dynamic energy of

construction with laminated skins

foam or balsa wood). As blade

shells provide the outer surface

of the blade, they must resist

harsh environmental conditions. A

composite shell has a streamlined

aerodynamic design and provides

excellent environmental resistance.

Hexcel has an optimised range of

which is responsible for

For over 20 years Hexcel has

supplied drilled honeycombs

for use in lightweight tooling.

The combination of composite

tooling material with aluminium

honeycombs provides long life

tooling that withstands over 800

cycles despite the difference in

thermal expansion between the

core material and the laminate.

exceed 500 tons. Due to the size

high stiffness with faster heat-up

weight of the nacelle structure can

of the housing panels sandwich
structures are typically used for

the nacelle walls using wet resin

technologies and foam core

surfacing prepreg that produces


without the need for a gel coat.

and cool-down rate is necessary.

Drilled honeycombs result in very

Hexcel has developed a range of

a fine surface ready for painting

process control, a quick heat-up

the wind into electricity, the typical

prepregs and other materials for

shell construction including our

to successful blade manufacture.

PUR foam core material for nacelle

light weight moulds with very

and cool-down rates for quicker

processing. The high stiffness

of the honeycomb means less

weight is required in the supporting

structure and it is easier to lift. All of

this results in a lower thermal mass
of the tooling which gives higher

throughput. The main application

for drilled honeycombs is for hot air

heating and cooling new designs
are using the same concept for
liquid and electrical heating.

Connecting the blade


The blade root is usually circular

in cross section to connect to the

pitch bearing in the hub. The wind

blades are fixed to the hub via

a bolted connection that allows

them to be removed. Most blade

roots consist of a thick solid

laminate with studs or T-bolts

either screwed or bonded in. The

girder structure (or box section)

of the load carrying spar must be

joined to the cylindrical laminate

at the root. Normally this is done

by incorporating a smooth curved

transition area.

Roots are therefore a critical area

of the blade, requiring a very high

quality of laminate. Hexcel has

developed an optimised range of

Care must be taken during the

prepregs and other fibre-reinforced

as the high thickness in the

which allow the manufacturing of

a build-up of high exothermic

cost efficient way. This allows

many manufacturers make the

lighter root ends due to superior

and bond it into the structure. The

prepreg construction, resulting in

curing of the composite structure

composites for root construction

laminate sections could lead to

root sections in a controlled and

temperatures. For this reason

smaller root diameters and

root as a separate component

mechanical performance from the

bonding of this joint is critical and

potential savings in hub design.

concentration of stress in this area

must be avoided.

high strength
and fatigue

Optimising thick structures

Polyspeed pre-cured glass/

Our Polyspeed grid laminates,

use of auxiliary materials and can

epoxy laminates with an open

reinforcement required in

carbon/epoxy laminates are used

which are woven glass fibre

vacuum bag lay-up to improve the

grid structure allow liquid resins or

in conjunction with prepreg in a

quality and optimise the structure

of cured stacks.

Polyspeed pre-cured laminates

are available in woven or

unidirectional constructions

fully supporting the mechanical

performance of vacuum bag cured


As the materials are already cured

when introduced in the lay-up the
final exotherm upon curing can

be reduced, additionally buckling,

waviness of long lay-ups can be

avoided completely thus providing

optimised fibre orientation in large
scale unidirectional lay-ups.

reactive foams to flow through the

lay-up structure. Grid laminates are

ideal for combined technologies
where reactive liquid systems

need to be combined with solid,

already cured, composite parts.
They enable large structures to

be manufactured cost-effectively

by combining infusion technology

with laminates or other pre-cured
load carrying structures such as
pultruded components.

Grid laminates provide mechanical

fixing for dry reinforcements

which need to be infused and

contribute to the final mechanical

performance. They reduce the

also reduce the amount of dry

wet processes as grid laminates

contribute to the structural

Polyspeed laminates are available

in a wide range of fibre areal
weights from 500g/m2 to

1600g/m2 with flexibility on mesh

size of the grid pattern and in

widths from 38mm to 1270mm.


HexPly SuperFIT is a

HexPly SuperCap is a range of

range of glass and carbon fibre

heavy UD epoxy prepregs in glass

partially impregnated with epoxy

content, ideal for thick load-carrying

reinforcements that have been

resin. SuperFIT is processed by

applying heat and vacuum, which
activates the resin, enabling it to

flow and infuse the reinforcement.

SuperFIT provides a quick and
cost-effective way of producing

and carbon fibre, with 32% resin

parts in wind blades. HexPly

SuperCap allows the advantages

of prepreg and infusion technology
to be combined, providing the best
of both worlds.

large, thick laminates minimising


Advantages of SuperFIT

Benefits of SuperCap

easy positioning of the

quick lay-up using heavy

materials in the mould and

UD HexPly prepregs

holding the plies together

perfect fibre alignment

thanks to a high resin

content of the tacky face
facilitates repositioning
of plies due to the dry
face, especially in the
case of large structures
facilitates the draining

in the prepreg
no stitching means
no fibre damage or
buckling of materials
no risk of dry unimpregnated
superior laminate

of air or volatiles

performance for structural

inside the laminate

parts of wind blades

reduces voids to a minimum

uses less material

can be used in conjunction

and saves costs

with standard prepregs

hygiene and safety,
reduction or elimination of
direct contact with resin

easy to introduce carbon

fibre into the blade design

Other Hexcel wind energy products

provide strength and stiffness

in two directions and have good

handling characteristics and good

drapeability depending on weave

Hexcel also supplies Peel Ply

Fabrics in the form of finely woven

lightweight polyamide. These

are applied to the composites

surface prior to curing laminate

and removed after cure for a

clean surface ready for adhesive

bonding. HexForce T470 is

commonly used in wind energy

due to the product purity and

mechanical properties, better tear

resistance and lower water uptake.

The heat-sealed edges mean that
no fibres are left behind in the

Hexcel has supplied structural

Adhesives for decades and offers

a range of Redux hot melt film

adhesives for bonding and foaming

adhesives for gap filling and

Hexcel formulates a range of

Modipur Polyurethane (PU)

core foams for wind energy

applications and has access to a

wealth of history and experience

in PU technology built up over 30

years. PU foams are recommended

for nacelle, shell and mould

Hexcel offers a wide range

of industrial non-metallic

Honeycombs (HexWeb HRH78

and A10) in a variety of cell

configurations and densities to

support wind energy applications.

Hexcel produces a range of

HexForce biaxial and triaxial

reinforcements in glass and

carbon fibre that are ideally suited

for wind blade manufacturing.

HexForce Fabrics are available

in a wide range of weights from
50gsm to 600gsm and weave

styles (plain weave, twill weave,

satin weave, etc). Woven fabrics

insert bonding. Adhesive bonding

is an efficient way to construct

large parts and ensure structural

integrity. Hot melt film adhesives

are easy to apply to large surfaces,

offer good bond line control, have
long life at room temperature and

present minimal chemical handling


a wealth of

history and


Materials processing and testing

A world leader in prepregs and

Hexcel has also developed strong

Hexcel is also a specialist in

companies and institutes including

composites for wind turbine blades,

integrating materials into customer

Large scale components like

big wind blades cannot be

manufactured by purely manual

processes anymore due to the

vast dimensions of parts. Hexcel

partnerships with a number of

universities and internationally

acknowledged composite testing

companies for developing,

demonstrating and proving novel

materials and concepts. Hexcel
material testing facilities have
achieved GL accreditation.

has a wide range of expertise

in the integration of automated

technologies into manufacturing

processes and is focused on

providing innovative solutions

to the wind energy industry.

materials into

For more information and the full range of data sheets for
Hexcels composite materials for wind energy please visit

To contact us please find our list of sales offices at:


All information is believed to be accurate but is given without

liability. Users should make their own assessment of the
suitability of any product for the purposes required. All sales
are made subject to our standard terms of sale which include
limitations on liability and other important items.
Hexcel registered trademark
Hexcel September 2014

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