Major Oracle R12 1.3 Features

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The key takeaways from the document are the new features and enhancements introduced in Oracle R12.1.2 and R12.1.3 releases, with a focus on modules like Order Management, Financials, Application Technology etc.

Some of the main enhancements introduced in R12.1.2 and R12.1.3 include copy functionality enhancements in sales orders, mass change functionality, new features in quoting, collections and credit management in financials etc.

Some of the new features introduced in the Order Management module include enhancements to the copy functionality, ability to copy orders across organizational units, mass change functionality, enhancements to high volume order imports etc.

Information Technology

NCOAUG 2011 Winter

by Ravi Sagaram,PMP, Motorola Solutions Inc.

Summary on R12.1.2 including 12.1.1
Summary on R12.1.3

New Features in R12.1.2 including R12.1.1

New Features in R12.1.3

Questions and Answers

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

Summary on R12.1.2 (Including R12.1.1)

Information Technology


Key Enhancements

OM, Shipping and


Copy Function enhancements in Sales Order

Copy Functionality across OUs
Creating Multiple copies of an order
Copying shipsets and fulfillment sets
Navigation to the new order after copy
Population of current order number in the Get Header level info from on copy
Enhancement to Hold Sources in OM
Progress Work flow for OM headers and lines after release of hold
Mass Change function in quick sales order form
Enhancement to Mass Changes on Order entry form
Enhancements to High Volume Order Import
Two new Seeded RMA workflows
Credit Overshipped quantities for RMA
Shipping tolerances
Pricing Performance


Coordination between IR and ISO on changes

Mass Change Functionality of buyer on PO, PO Requisition and IR
Mass Closing of PO


Program to initialize historic transactions for proper reconciliation in newly created sub ledgers


GL enhancements Enhancement to FSG

AP enhancements -- Changing the supplier bank account on unpaid invoices
AR enhancements -- Defaulting customer bank AC on inidentified receipts


New Material Status for Onhand quantities

Fusion Configurator

New Configurator engine provides better numerical handling, defaulting and auto config
completion features. The engine is based on new Java technology

Motorola Internal Use Only

Summary on R12.1.3
Information Technology




Changes to Look and feel

Search Feature
Navigator in Self Service Page

New Features in Quoting

New Features in Financials

Some new features were introduced in Collections, Credit Management, SLA and
Legal Entity configurator

Application Technology


Enabling of new languages/Additional languages without applying NLS Patches.

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Enhancements to Copy Functionality in Quoting

Changing customer on an existing quote
Creation of a new template from an existing quote
Other Quoting features

Flex Field Validation

Delivery Options feature in concurrent programs
enhancements to Key Flexfield Cross-Validatio Rules Report enhancements
Support the oracle 11g case sensitive passwords
Performance improvement of AutoConfig
Autoconfig support for the 11g Scan Listener feature
Automated deployment of forms ear file

Information Technology

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1, R12.1.2 OM Copy Features

Information Technology


can copy orders across OUs when

you turn on Multi Org Access Control



new order after copy as default

can create multiple copies of sales

order in single copy function

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R12.1.1, R12.1.2 OM Copy Features (contd..)

Information Technology
While copying

lines on to a new
sales order, the order number is
defaulted from the source order
into the field Get Header Level info

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1, R12.1.2 OM Copy Features (contd..)

Information Technology

Sets and Ship/Arrival

Sets can be copied on the lines
from the source line

Complete Configuration can

be automatically checked while
copying the sales order by setting
the OM System Parameter Default
value for Action - Copy Complete
Configuration to Yes

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1, R12.1.2 OM Hold Sources

Information Technology
Additional Attributes

are available
for Hold Criteria while creating Hold

additional attributes are



Line Type




Channel Code


to Site

Payment Type

Method code




Transaction Currency


Sources can be applied

across OUs

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Progress WF after hold release

Information Technology

and line Work flow can be

progressed automatically after
releasing the hold

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Enhancements to Quick Sales order form

Information Technology

are made to the

quick sales order form.
Mass Change functionality is

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Enhancements to Mass Change in SO

Information Technology
Cascading of

order header
attributes from headers to lines
functionality is extended to mass
change of order headers

Motorola Internal Use Only

Enhancements to High Volume Order Import




Volume Order Import is

enhanced with additional
parameters to process tax and
A public API

has been provided

for repricing the order

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New Workflows for RMA

Information Technology

New line level workflows are

provided for RMA

with receipt and Approval


with Receipt


is no invoicing in both these

line types

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New Features for RMA

Information Technology
RMA creation

has been enhanced

to enter shipped quantity on the
sales order instead of booked
quantity. This is useful where
overshipment is done on the sales
order. This can be done by
selecting system parameter
Overshipment Invoice Basis to
Invoice Shipped Quantity

you select Invoice Ordered

Quantity then RMA can be entered
for booked quantity only as in

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1 Coordination of Changes between IR and ISO

Information Technology

Synchronization of a line cancellation on IR with ISO


to IR will be syncronized to ISO

after ISO is created. Changes like Request
date, quantity or cancelling IR or line after
approval of IR can be synchronized to ISO.

Quantity, Schedule ship date,

arrival date or cancelling ISO is
synchronized to IR

Ship Date on ISO and Arrival

date on IR can be sysnchronized by setting
the profile POR: Sync up Need by date on
IR with OM

a line on ISO is partially shipped,

leaving the balance quantity back ordered,
then the line on IR will be split accordingly.

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1 Coordination to Changes in IR and ISO

Information Technology

Synchronization of change in QTY on IR with ISO

Original Qty on IR was 10. Out of that Qty 1 was shipped on ISO
Now Modify the QTY to 8 on IR

The Order Line went on Internal Requisition hold till the IR was
approved by WF Background Process

Motorola Internal Use Only


the quantity on the IR is changed, then

the line on ISO will go on Internal
Requisition Approval hold till the changes
to IR are approved using WF.

R12.1.1 Coordination to Changes in IR and ISO

Information Technology

Synchronization of change in QTY on IR with ISO


the IR is approved, then the hold on

the ISO line is released and the quantity on
ISO is sysnchronized accordingly .

adding new lines to IR cannot

be synchronized to ISO

invoices can be viewed from order



QTY on the ISO was automatically


Motorola Internal Use Only

can be created with different Order

R12.1 Enhancements to Shipping

Information Technology

Incremental Shipping for overshipment and under

shipment tolerances

the overshipment and undershipment tolerances are set, then the sales order line can be shipped incrementally
multiple times until the maximum shipment quantity is reached. In prior release, the remainder unpicked quantity is
cancelled when the tolerances are met.

tolerances can be specified for sales order lines to control the minimum and maximum acceptable quantities. These
can be controlled using profile options OM: Under Shipment Tolerance and OM: Over Shipment Tolerance. These can be
setup at the item level, customer, shipping tolerances form and in the sales order form

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.2 Enhancements to Pricing

Information Technology
Performance of

pricing engine is
improved by a pattern based
search feature. The feature can be
turned on using a profile QP:
Pattern Search. You can do this for
Modifiers or price lists or both.

the profile is set, Run a one

time concurrent Program QP:
Pattern Upgrade from Oracle
Pricing Manager to upgrade all the
existing setups to the new format

should enhance the

performance of the pricing engine.

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1 and R12.1.2 SLA enhancements

Information Technology


you create new sub ledgers for reporting currencies, a new concurrent program SLA Secondary/ALC Ledger Historic
Upgrade is provided to initialise the historical transactions for proper reconciliation. This program retroactively posts historical
accounting data from primarly ledgers to the newly created secondary or reporting currency ledgers.
A new

report Subledger Accounting Rules Detail

Listing Report is provided to list the information
about accounting rules defined for a SLA. You can
review the setup details for a given application for
the following
Jourmal Line
Journal Line



Derivation Rule

Journal Header
Journal Line

Motorola Internal Use Only



R12.1.1 and R12.1.2 GL enhancements


Information Technology

has been enhanced with a content set. When the page expand option is selected, then each value in the content set
can be seen in a separate tab in excel workbook. Content sets are like row sets and they replace the definition of row set
dynamically and generate 100s of similar reports in a single run.

reports can be published in Excel

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1 and R12.1.2 AP enhancements


Information Technology

the suppliers bank account is changed, then AP will automatically update remit to bank account on unpaid and partially
paid invoices without manual update to each invoice.

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1 and R12.1.2 AR enhancements

Defaulting customer

Information Technology

bank account info on unidentified receipts is provided. The MICR that comes in the lockbox file is used
to derive the customer account and is defaulted on unidentified receipts.

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1 and R12.1.2 PO enhancements


Information Technology

A Concurrent

Program Mass Update of

Purchasing Documents is provided to mass
update Buyer, Approver, and deliver to person on
all on Purchase Order or Blanket Purchase
Agreement or Contract Purchase Agreement or
Planned PO
A Similar

concurrent Program Mass Update of

Requisitions is provided for updating PO
requisitions and Internal Rerquisitions too.
A new

concurrent Program Mass Close of

Purchasing Documents is provided for mass
closing Purchase documents that have been fully
processed but are not closed. This can be used
for standard Purchase Order or Blanket Purchase
Agreement or Contract Purchase Agreement or
Planned PO

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1 and R12.1.2 PO enhancements

Enhancents to Advanced Pricing in PO for increased
flexibility to buyer to view and apply pricing


can view the modifier information for a PO


can view the pre calculated pricing

adjustments applied by pricing engine on a PO

enter a modifier, change the modifier

rate and recalculate the price.

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.1 Inventory enhancements

Information Technology

On hand Material Status

A new

status called Material Status for onhand balance is introduced. This is like Item status control for items.

With this

feature, you can tag the onhand quantities to different material status like good, broken, Expired, Inspected etc.
and control the material movement and transactions like reservable, transactable. This avoids setting up sub inventories for
different status of onhand quantities

feature can be enabled on org parameters form for the existing inventory orgs using the concurrent program Activate
On Hand level Material Status Tracking and then by specifying the inventory Orgs and default on hand status.

new inventory Orgs, this can be set up at the setup of inventory orgs. The status of the onhand is the cumulative
status of lot, sub inventory and serial control

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1 New Fusion Engine for configuratorI n f o r m a t i o n


Fusion Configurator Engine features

A new

fusion configurator engine was introduced in R12.1.1

is based on constraint based technology. It is written in Java Language


provided improved numerical functionality. You can define equations using relational operators. You can specify the
minimum and maximum numerical ranges (ex hard disk range, memory range or number of hard drives etc. )

end user will have the new feature to Auto Complete the configuration just by selecting the config features they want
and then by hitting the finish button leaving the remaining work to the configurator engine to decide on the remaining
options required for the valid configuration.

models may be converted to use new engine

CZ: Enable Configurator Engine indicates which engine to be used


Profile value Original Indicates that the existing engine will be used for the existing configurations. When the profile
is set to Fusion, then the new fusion engine will be used for the configurations. When the profile is set to Both, then user
will get an option to use which configuration to be used for new models based on the configuration preferences.

the model configuration utility concurrent program to convert the existing models.

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

Motorola Internal Use Only

Oracle Release 12.1.3 Home Page Look

Information Technology

Home Page Look is changed. You see this page after you log into the applications. The responsibilities, main menus and
sub menus are shown as expandable list in the left side pane and the work list is show in a bigger right side pane.


Motorola Internal Use Only

Oracle Release 12.1.3 Search Feature

Information Technology

Intellisense Searching was introduced in the application. This is enabled in the HTML pages where magnify glass is
shown. This is like the suggested list that pops up when you are typing a search word in Google

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.3 Navigator in Self Service page

Information Technology

You can now navigate to other responsibilities from the self service pages using Navigator
Drop down Lists on the self service pages have been marked with a down arrow next to the List

Motorola Internal Use Only

R 12.1.3 Flex Field Segment Validation

Information Technology

The flexfield segment setup forms for both key and descriptive flexfields are enhanced to provide field-level validation of
the segment name fields so that the user receives immediate feedback on invalid segment names.


Motorola Internal Use Only


Delivery Options for Conc Requests

Information Technology

When submitting concurrent requests, users can now choose to have the request output delivered using BI Publisher's
Delivery Manager. The output can be automatically emailed, faxed, sent to an IPP printer, or delivered using FTP or

Motorola Internal Use Only

Cross Validation Violation Rule Enhancement I n f o r m a t i o n


Users have the option to run this report for just one cross-validation rule at a time to test if the specific rule is set up
correctly, by seeing which existing combinations violate the specific rule. In Previous releases, users can run for all the
rules at once.

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R12.1.3 Quote -- Copy Functionality

Information Technology

Users can copy a quote to a customer different from the one on the original quote. The user can also specify which quote
attributes should be copied to the newly created quote

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R12.1.3 Quote Change Customer on an existing

Information Technology
You can change the customer on the quote.

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Quote Create a template from an existing I quote



You can create a template from the existing quote. Also you can use a template from any OU to create a quote.

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R12.1.3 Feature Oracle Quoting

Business Needs
Configurator enhancements
(HTML UI only)

Usability enhancements
(HTML UI only)
Apply quote templates
from different operating

QA Check framework (HTML

UI only)

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
Currently, the effective date for a model configuration in the quote is the creation date
of the model configuration and cannot be changed. The creation date of a model
configuration is the date when the model was initially configured in the quote.
Subsequently, if there are changes to the configuration rules or the Bill of Materials for
the model item, then these changes are not available when the user reconfigures the
model item. This enhancement allows the effective date to be the current date or the
creation date of the model configuration. Additional flexibility is provided for
customers who wish to write their own rule for determining the effective date. Users
can also manually check the validity of the model configurations in the quote during
the quote lifecycle.
Quotes and quote templates are inherently striped by the operating unit. Currently,
the quoting user cannot apply a quote template from an operating that is different
from the quote operating unit. This enhancement removes this restriction and
provides a larger library of quote templates to choose from. This promotes better
reuse of the quote templates.
Currently, quoting validates the quote prior to quote transitions such as approval
submission and place order. Users cannot easily add custom validation checks prior
to the key quote transitions. The QA Check framework allows business process
owners to define custom business rule validations that need to be automatically
performed prior to key quote actions. Based on the outcome of the business rule
validations, the user is either allowed to perform the quote action or prevented from
doing so. The quoting user can also manually invoke the QA check during the quote
lifecycle to preemptively fix any errors prior to the automatic validation checks.

R12.1.3 Feature Oracle Quoting (contd..)

Business Needs
Service reference for
serviceable item in the
Install Base for the End
(HTML UI only)

Allow Service item to point to

a serviceable item in the
product catalog
(HTML UI only)

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
In a business relationship where a company sells to a distributor who ultimately
resells an item to an end user, there is a need to quote a service contract to the end
user. Currently, the service reference for a serviceable item in the Install Base must
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document Oracle Quoting 23
be owned by the Sold To customer on the quote. This does not work well for reseller
scenarios where the Sold To Customer is not the same as the End Customer. The
item in the Install Base is associated with the End Customer not the Sold To
Customer. This enhancement allows the Quoting user to specify a service reference
for a serviceable item in the Install Base for the End Customer on the quote.

In Quoting, you can quote a service long after the original purchase. In such a
scenario, the service item on the quote must point to the serviceable item in the Install
base. In reseller scenarios, there is a need to create separate quotes, one quote for
the serviceable item and a second quote for the service item. Each of the two quotes
may be created by different resellers. Since the first quote has not been fulfilled, the
service item on the second quote cannot reference the serviceable item in the Install
Base. This enhancement allows the service item to point to a serviceable item from
the Product Catalog. The service item can be priced based on the price for the
serviceable item in the Product Catalog. After the order for the first quote is fulfilled,
the second quote is changed so the service item points to the serviceable item in the
Install Base. Subsequently, the second quote can be placed as an order.

R12.1.3 Feature Order Management

Business Needs

International Trade
Managenment Adapter
Enhancements for Global
Trade Management

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
Enhancements in Global Trade Management (GTM) Supports master data
synchronization of items; Supports master data synchronization of parties
between EBS and GTS, Sends an expanded number of party types etc. to GTM
from EBS.

R12.1.3 Feature Shipping Execution

Business Needs
Fulfillment Batches for
Distributed Warehouse
Management System

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
Delivery details can now be grouped into fulfillment batches based on the
criteria selected in the 'Create Shipment Batches for Fulfillment' concurrent
program. The fulfillment batches can then be sent as a shipment request to the
Distributed Warehouse Management Systems (e.g. Oracle EBS WMS deployed
in Distributed/LSP Mode) for execution. The Distributed Warehouse
Management System will need to send the shipment advice once the shipment
request is processed and executed.

R12.1.3 Feature Advanced Pricing

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Information Technology

R12.1.3 Feature Configurator

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Information Technology

R12.1.3 Feature Oracle Advanced Collections

Information Technology

Business Needs

Staged Dunning

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.3 Solution
In addition to the Aged Dunning method that is based on a customers oldest aged
invoice, Collections organizations may now use Staged Dunning method. The Staged
Dunning method ensures the dunning notices set to a customer automatically
incremented based on the collection score and pre-defined number of days between
letters being sent.

R12.1.3 Feature Oracle Credit Management

Information Technology

Business Needs
Configurable Analyst
Assignment Rules

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.3 Solution
In addition to the seeded assignment rules, Oracle Credit Management can now
assign credit analyst to case folders based on user-defined assignment rules and
This offers greater flexibility in addressing customer specific work load management

R12.1.3 Feature Oracle Legal Entity Configurator

Business Needs
Enhanced Legal Address

Motorola Internal Use Only


R12.1.3 Solution
In prior releases, when defining the address for a new legal entity, users could only
select from existing locations identified as legal addresses. Users can now select any
existing location as an address for a legal entity.

R12.1.3 Feature Oracle SLA

Business Needs
New Control Accounts

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
Restrict Manual Journals has been added as a new qualifier on the natural account
segment to provide users the ability to specify the control accounts that do not require
third party detail for posting.

Financials Flex
Fields Key
Values and query
for str and

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R12.1.3 Oracle Receivables

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.1, 12,1.2, R12.1.3 Application Technology



Oracle E-Business Suite uses the following major technology components in Release 12.1.1, R12.1.2, R12.1.3

Oracle Technology

Most Recent Version

Included in or Certified
with 12.1.1

Most Recent Version

Included in or Certified
with 12.1.2

Most Recent Version

Included in or Certified
with 12.1.3

Oracle Database 11g



Oracle Database 10gR2 for upgrading

customers) for upgrading


XDK for the Database Tier

Matches the Database version

as indicated above

Matches the Database version as

indicated above

Oracle Applications server (for

Application Tier forms and Reports)

Oracle Applications server (for

Application Tier java code and Oracle
Applications Frame work)

XDK for the Application Tier

Oracle HTTP Server

Oracle HTTP Client

2.0 Specification) (based on JSP 2.0

Specification) (based on JSP 2.0


Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.1,R12.1.2, R12.1.3 Application Technology (Contd..)

Information Technology

Oracle Technology
(Third Party Technology)

Version for

Most Recent Certified

version for 12.1.2

Java SE Development Kit JDK( for Application Tier Java Code and Oracle
Applications Frame work)



Java SE Development Kit JDK( for Concurrent Processing Tier)



Native Java Plug in (for client side java code running in the Browsers)


6.0 Included in Rapid

Most recent certified
for 12.1.2

Oracle Technology
(Technology Components Delivered in APPL_TOP)

Version for

Oracle JDeveloper runtime libraries



Oracle BI Beans

Oracle Thin JDBC Drivers ( for Application Tier Java Code)


Oracle Technology
(Externally Installed Oracle Technology)

Version for

Most recent certified

version for 12.1.2

Oracle Portal

Oracle Single Sign-on/Oracle Internet Directory

Oracle Discoverer

Oracle Collaboration Suite



Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.3 Application Technology (contd)

Oracle Technology
(Externally Installed Oracle Technology)

Information Technology

Version for R12.1.1

Version Included in or
Certified with 12.1.x

Oracle Access Manager


Oracle BI Enterprise edition

Oracle Web Center

Oracle BPEL Manager Process Manager

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search


Oracle Enterprise Manager

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.3 Application Technology (Contd..)

Business Needs
AutoConfig Performance
Improvements under
Technology Configuration

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
AutoConfig performance has been improved significantly by implementing the
parallelization of jobs executed within a product top. Also the longest running scripts
have been modified to significantly increase their execution performance.

AutoConfig support for the

11g Scan Listener feature
under Technology

This feature allows customers to take advantage of the 11gR2 database scan listener
feature without manual modifications to tns/dbc file.

Automated deployment of
forms ear file under
Technology Configuration

Previously whenever the forms ear file was patched in the 10.1.2 Oracle Home,
customer had to redeploy it manually to the 10.1.3 Oracle Home. In Release 12.1.3,
this process has been automated assuring that the customer will not experience
forms execution problems due to an obsolete forms executable.

Motorola Internal Use Only

R12.1.3 Application Technology (Contd..)

Business Needs
Lightweight MLS for

iSetup MLS for


Improved MLS Export

Functionality in Oracle
Application Framework
for Internationalization

Oracle Application
Framework Rich UI BiDirectional Support for

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
The Lightweight MLS feature, new in Release 12.1.3, allows additional languages to
be enabled without the need to apply the corresponding NLS patches. In previous
releases, it was necessary to apply the relevant NLS patches before additional
languages could be used.
Oracle iSetup MLS offers greater flexibility in Release 12.1.3 with the ability to move
data across systems with different sets of installed languages. Customers can choose
to move data of all configured languages from a source system to a target system at
once, or they can choose to move data of one installed language or a subset of
installed languages from the source to the target.
Continuing on the theme of improving multilingual support (MLS) in Oracle EBusiness Suite, Oracle Application Framework export functionality is improved to
allow users to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document
Internationalization 10
choose between UnicodeLittle or UTF-8 encoding for their exported files. They can
also choose between a comma or tab as the delimiter value between the exported
This flexibility allows users to address limitation in older releases of Microsoft Excel
with regard to lack of UTF-8 support or the mishandling of files containing commaseparated values in Unicode.

New rich UI components, released in 12.1.2, now support Bi-Directional languages

such as Arabic and Hebrew.

R12.1.3 Application Technology (Contd..)

Business Needs
Concurrent Processing
Integration with Oracle
Business Intelligence
Publisher Delivery
Manager under AOL

Oracle Applications Support

for 11g Case Sensitive
Database Passwords
under AOL

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
When submitting concurrent requests, users can now choose to have the request
output delivered using BI Publisher's Delivery Manager. The output can be
automatically emailed, faxed, sent to an IPP printer, or delivered using FTP or SFTP.
With this release, the Oracle Application Object Library (AOL) is enhanced to support
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document Oracle
Application Framework 15 the Oracle Database 11g case-sensitive database
passwords feature for database user authentication. In previous releases, Oracle EBusiness Suite database passwords were not case-sensitive. Support for casesensitive database passwords provides for more secure Oracle E-Business Suite
schema passwords. This feature is not enabled by default and its use is optional. To
enable case-sensitive database passwords, the database administrator (DBA) must
perform the appropriate setup steps.

R12.1.3 Application Technology (Contd..)

Business Needs
FNDMENU Diagnostics
Menu Security Enhancement
under AOL

Database Connection
Tagging under AOL

Opening Portlet Links in a

New Window

In-Context Diagnostics under


Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
This enhancement removes the challenge for the APPS password when trying to
access submenus under the Diagnostics menu. Access to the Diagnostics submenus
is controlled by the Utilities: Diagnostics profile option and standard E-Business
Suite function security. When the user selects a menu item, Oracle Application Object
Library checks whether the submenu items are granted to the current responsibility. If
the Utilities: Diagnostics profile option is set to No and the end user has not been
granted the securing function for the menu item, an error message is displayed.
Additionally, this enhancement provides a read-only mode for the Examine menu, the
Item Properties window, and the Forms Personalization form.
This feature provides users with an ability to tag database connections with module
and context specific attributes. The feature offers several session attributes that allow
applications to record the current user, code module and business action that a
connection is being used for. Populating these attributes helps users track metrics
required for Audit control, resource allocation, and problem diagnosis.
Links within an Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle Application Framework portlet can
now be opened in a new browser window. This feature allows the base portal or
Oracle WebCenter page to be in context while drilldown links open content in a
separate window. All Oracle E-Business Suite content will launch into a single
In-context Diagnostics uses the inline pop-up feature in Oracle Application
Framework to enable a user to enter input for a diagnostic test, execute it, and view
the result or report, all from the current product page, without navigating to the
Diagnostics screens to run the test.

R12.1.3 Application Technology (Contd..)

Business Needs
Repository Management
Security for Oracle Reports

Notification Mailer - SMTP

Authentication in

Motorola Internal Use Only

Information Technology

R12.1.3 Solution
Additional security capabilities have been added to the Oracle Report Manager
Repository to restrict individual user actions on folders and documents. A new user
interface lets you define the users who have viewer and owner privileges for a folder
or document. Users must have either viewer or owner privilege to view a secured
folder or document. Only users with owner privileges can perform actions such as
updating, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release Content Document Oracle
User Management (UMX) 34
moving, archiving, deleting, or creating a menu item for a secured folder or document,
or publishing reports or adding subfolders within a secured folder.
You can use Repository security for reports that do not use the user to value, flexfield
This feature
users with
an ability
to tag
or custom
as an
to connections
creating menu
control access to those reports. The Repository security feature can help reduceallow
applications tooverhead
record the
you user,
need code
to secure
of action
is being
for. Populating
can publish
to the same
required individual
for Audit control,
menu items
for each
report.and problem diagnosis.
The Oracle Workflow notification mailer now supports SMTP authentication, enabling
customers to use the notification mailer with their enterprise SMTP servers that are
configured for SMTP authentication. Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 Release
Content Document Oracle Workflow 38
SMTP authentication requires the sender to authenticate by identifying itself to the
mail server. After successful authentication, the mail server grants transmission of the
senders emails. SMTP authentication can be used to allow legitimate users to relay
mail while denying relay service to unauthorized users, such as spammers. Oracle
Workflow currently supports the PLAIN, LOGIN, and DIGST-MD5 authentication
mechanisms. Administrators can enter the user name and password that the
notification mailer should use for authentication in either the basic or advanced
configuration pages for the mailer.

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Motorola Internal Use Only

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