US 7622623 Heat Generating Material Sud Chemie

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(12) United States Patent

(10) Patent N0.2

Fridman et a].

US 7,622,623 B2

(45) Date of Patent:

Nov. 24, 2009






3/ 1984 Imai
5/1988 Buonomo
11/1988 Imai


Inventors: Vladimir Fridman, Louisville, KY

(US), Jay S. Merriam, Louisville, KY
(US); Michael A. Urbanclc, Louisville,
KY (Us)

5 827 496
6 326 523




Asslgneei Sud-Chemie II1-,LO111S\/111es KY (Us)



Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this

patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U_S_C_ 154(1)) by 552 days_


Prior Publication Data

US 2007/0054801 A1





7,074,977 B2 *

7/2006 Rapier et a1. .............. .. 585/324

Chen et a1. ................ .. 502/325

7,192,987 B2

3/2007 Van Egmond

7,196,239 B2
7,199,276 B2
2004/0092391 A1

3/2007 Van Egmond

4/2007 Sher
5/2004 Rokicki et a1.

2007/0054801 A1*


Fridman et a1. ........... .. 502/318


Sep. 2, 2005



7,067,455 B2 *

(21) APPl- N91 11/218949


4/1992 Satek

Mar. 8, 2007

Int CL


1086944 A



2157279 C1



2254162 C1



02068119 A1



0313715 A1


* cited by examiner

C07C 2/76


Primary Examinerilerry Lorengo

C07C 2/78
C07C 5/08


Assistant ExamineriJenniferA Smith

C07C 11/00
C07C 5/09
C0 7C 5/327



B01J 23/00


B01J 20/00



An improved dehydrogenation catalyst bed system for ole?n

production utilizing classical processing techniques is dis
closed. The catalyst bed system comprises a dehydrogenation

US. Cl. ..................... .. 585/630; 585/602; 585/616;

Catalyst comprising an active component selected from an

585/627; 585/629; 502/305; 502/318; 502/415

oxide of a metal of Group 4 or Group 5 or Group 6 and

Field of Classi?cation Search ....... .. 502/102406,

Combinations thereof and a Support Selected from aluminum

502/300 3052307 318, 320, 329, 353, 415;

585/602 616 617 629

oxide, aluminas, alumina monohydrate, alumina trihydrate,

alumina-silica, transition aluminas, alpha-alumina, silica,

See application ?le for Complete Search history



silicate, aluminates, calcined hydrotalcites, Zeolites and com

binations thereof mixed With a ?rst inert material selected

References Clted

from any material that is catalytically inactive When subjected


to reaction conditions that can effect dehydrogenation of



3,488,402 A

1/1970 Michaels et a1.

3,665,049 A *


3,754,051 A

8/1973 Suzukawa

3,798,178 A *

3,905,917 A
4,065,406 A

4,149,996 A
4,418,237 A


ole?ns and that has a high density and high heat capacity and
that is not capable of producing heat during any stage of the

Cornelius et a1.

dehydrogenation process, and the dehydrogenation catalyst

......... .. 585/662

Soderquist et a1. ........ .. 502/174

9/1975 Nishino
12/1977 Nishino

plus the ?rst inert material then being physically mixed With
a secondary component comprising a heat-generating inert
material and a carrier capable of supporting the heat-gener
ating inert material, Wherein the secondary component is
catalytically inert With respect to dehydrogenation reactions
or to cracking or to coking and generates heat after being

exposed to reducing and/or to oxidiZing reaction conditions.

4/1979 Manning
11/1983 Imai

19 Claims, N0 Drawings

US 7,622,623 B2



such as cracking or coking, but that has a high density and

high heat capacity, so it can be used to store additional heat in
the bed. The additional heat is then used during the dehydro


genation step. HoWever, the inert is not capable of produc

ing heat during any stage of the process.
Since dehydrogenation is a highly endothermic reaction, a
constant challenge related to the Houdry process, and similar
adiabatic non-oxidative dehydrogenation processes, has been
to identify a commercially feasible means for improving the
heat addition to the unit Without using a catalytically active

The present development relates to an improved dehydro

genation catalyst bed system for ole?n production utilizing

classical processing techniques. Speci?cally, the catalyst sys
tem comprises a chromia/alumina dehydrogenation catalyst
that further includes physically mixing the catalyst With at

material that produces large quantities of unWanted side prod

ucts. Thus, it Would be advantageous to identify a catalyst
additive that has a heat capacity and density comparable to the
currently used alumina inert, and that does not participate

least one other component that is catalytically inert With

respect to dehydrogenation or side reactions such as cracking
or coking but that generates heat after being exposed to reduc
ing and/ or to oxidizing reaction conditions.

to any great extent in the dehydrogenation reaction or side

reactions such as cracking or coking, and that can be physi

Dehydrogenation of aliphatic hydrocarbons to produce

their complementary ole?ns is a Well-knoWn process. In the

cally mixed With the catalyst before loading, but that gener

typical Houdry CATOFIN process, an aliphatic hydrocar

ates heat as needed during the operation.

bon, such as propane, is passed through a dehydrogenation

catalyst bed Where the hydrocarbon is dehydrogenated to its
complementary ole?n, such as propylene, the ole?n is ?ushed
from the bed, the catalyst is regenerated and reduced, and the

cycle is repeated. (See, for example, US. Pat. No. 2,419,997

and incorporated herein by reference.)
The CATOFIN dehydrogenation process is an adiabatic,


cyclic process. Each cycle includes a catalyst reduction step,

a dehydrogenation step, a step to purge the remaining hydro
carbon from the reactor, and ?nally a regeneration step With

air. Following this, the cycle begins again With the reduction
The dehydrogenation reaction is highly endothermic.
Therefore, during the dehydrogenation step the temperature
at the top of the catalyst bed decreases by as much as 100 C.
This decrease in temperature causes a decrease in para?in
In order to reheat the catalyst bed and remove coke that has


ing copper oxide supported on alumina Wherein the copper

oxide comprises at least about 8 Wt % of the heat-generating


The catalyst bed system of the present invention is intended

for use in aliphatic hydrocarbon dehydrogenation reaction
processes, and similar adiabatic non-oxidative dehydrogena
tion processes, speci?cally for the production of ole?ns. The


mina dehydrogenation catalyst that further comprises a heat

generating component that is inert With respect to the dehy

catalyst bed system utiliZed in the process is a chromia/alu

additional heat.

relatively short, so there is a tendency for the top of the bed to

be hotter than the bottom of the bed. The loWer temperature in
the bottom of the bed does not alloW full utiliZation of the
catalyst and thus the yield is loWer that What Would be other

inert component.

hydrogen, prior to dehydrogenation step also provides some

During regeneration, the hot air ?oWs from the top of the
catalyst bed to the bottom, and the regeneration cycle is

The present development is a dehydrogenation catalyst bed

system comprising a conventional chromia/ alumina dehydro
genation catalyst that further includes at least one component
that is catalytically inert With respect to dehydrogenation or
side reactions such as cracking or coking but that generates
heat after being exposed to reducing and/or to oxidiZing reac
tion conditions. In an exemplary embodiment, the heat-gen
erating inert component has a similar density and heat capac
ity to alpha-alumina. In a further exemplary embodiment, the

catalyst system comprises a chromia/alumina catalyst physi

cally mixed With a heat-generating inert component compris

deposited on the catalyst during the dehydrogenation step, the

reactor is purged of hydrocarbon and then undergoes a regen
eration step With air heated to temperatures of up to 700 C.
Heat is provided to the bed by the hot air that passes through
the bed and also by the combustion of the coke deposits on the
catalyst. Reduction of the catalyst, With a reducing gas such as



drogenation reaction or side reactions such as cracking or

The equipment used for the dehydrogenation process

includes a reactor bed Wherein the bed de?nes a top section

Wise expected. Also, the coke distribution in the catalyst bed,

and a bottom section. In commercial practice, a catalyst is

Which is not easily controlled, affects the amount of heat

added at each location and the resulting catalyst bed tempera
ture pro?le. These factors make control of the temperature
pro?le in the bed dif?cult.
In the conventional HOUDRY CATOFIN process, the

physically mixed With an inert, such as granular alpha-alu

mina, and the catalyst plus inert is then loaded into the reactor
bed. An aliphatic hydrocarbon is fed into the catalyst bed as a

reactor contains a physical mixture of a chromia/ alumina

herein, the aliphatic hydrocarbon is propane and the target

catalyst and an inert. The volume ratio betWeen the inert

material and the catalyst depends on a number of factors

including the type of hydrocarbon feed being used in the

gas feed at a preselected ?oW rate and such that the feed

initially contacts the top section of the bed and exits after
contact With the bottom section. For the purposes of example

product is propylene.

For exemplary purposes only, the process generally fol

dehydrogenation process. For example, for a propane feed the

inert material equal to about 50% of the total catalyst vol

loWs the typical Houdry process as described in US. Pat.

No. 2,419,997. The Houdry process includes a series ofstages

ume, Whereas for an isobutane feed the volume of the inert

can be as loW as about 30% of the total catalyst bed volume.

Wherein the catalyst bed is evacuated, reduced With hydrogen

and evacuated, then an aliphatic hydrocarbon is introduced
and dehydrogenated, then the catalyst bed is steam purged
and regenerated, and the cycle is repeated starting With the
reduction stage.

The inert is typically a granular, alpha-alumina material

of similar particle siZe to the catalyst that is catalytically
inactive With respect to dehydrogenation or side reactions


US 7,622,623 B2

As is known in the art, a catalyst generally has one or more

active components dispersed on or compounded With a carrier
or support. The support provides a means for increasing the

to about 10 Wt % of the total secondary component Weight.

Optionally, the secondary component may further comprise a
promoter, such as an alkali, an alkaline earth metal, lithium,

sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, beryllium, magne

surface area of the catalyst. Several compositions for dehy

drogenation catalysts have been taught in the prior art, such as
the catalyst taught in Us. Pat. No. 3,488,402 (issued to
Michaels et al., and incorporated herein by reference). The
402 catalyst comprises alumina, magnesia, or a combina

sium, calcium, strontium, barium and a combination thereof.

The secondary component is prepared by essentially the

same methods knoWn in the art for preparing a supported

catalyst. For example, and Without limitation, the secondary

component may be prepared by precipitation of the secondary

tion thereof, promoted With up to about 40% of an oxide of a

metal of Group 4, Group 5 or Group 6. (The terms Group

component carrier With the heat- generating inert material, or

4, Group 5 and Group 6 refer to the neW IUPAC format

numbers for the Periodic Table of the Elements. Alternative
terminology, knoWn in the art, includes the old IUPAC labels

by impregnation of the secondary component carrier With the

heat-generating inert material. Promoters may further be
added With the heat-generating inert material, or may be
otherWise added to the secondary component via methods
knoWn in the art for the addition of promoters. A representa

Group IVA, Group VA and Group VI-A, respectively,

and the Chemical Abstract Services version of numbering as

Group IVB, Group VB and Group VI-B, respectively.)

tive preparation, Without limitation, is alumina trihydrate

(gibbsite) is pelletiZed as approximately 3/16" pellets, and then

Recommended carriers for dehydrogenation catalysts

include aluminum oxide, aluminas, alumina monohydrate,
alumina trihydrate, alumina-silica, transition aluminas,

alpha-alumina, silica, silicate, aluminates, calcined hydrotal

the gibbsite is calcined at about 550 C. for about 4 hours, and

the calcined material is then impregnated With a saturated

cites, Zeolites and combinations thereof. For the present

application, the catalyst may be prepared by any standard

method knoWn in the art, such as taught in Us. Patent Appli

The catalyst bed system is then prepared by physically

cation 20040092391, incorporated herein in its entirety by



The active dehydrogenation catalyst is then physically

be any material that is catalytically inactive With respect to
dehydrogenation or side reactions, such as cracking or cok

material is a granular, alpha-alumina material of similar par

ticle siZe to the catalyst. As is knoWn in the art, the volume
ratio betWeen the ?rst inert material and the catalyst depends
on a number of factors including the type of hydrocarbon feed



a complete or partial substitution for the ?rst inert material.

The secondary component does not affect the amount of
catalyst added nor the relative ratio of catalyst to inert mate
rial in the resultant catalyst bed. In an exemplary embodi

ment, Without limitation, the volume of catalyst used equals

about 25% to about 75% of the volume of the ?rst inert

rather the user may adjust the ratio as appropriate for the

material plus secondary component or


(vol. catalyst)/(vol. ?rst inert material+vol. secondary

In the present invention, the catalyst and the ?rst inert

component):0.25 to 0.75.

material is then further physically combined With at least one

secondary component. The secondary component must be

catalytically inert With respect to dehydrogenation or side
reactions such as cracking or coking but must generate heat

material that Would normally be combined With the catalyst

less the amount of secondary component to be added. That is,
the secondary component is added in such a manner as to be

being used in the dehydrogenation process. In the present

application, no particular volume ratio is prescribed, but
intended use.

mixing or combining the catalyst, the ?rst inert material and

the secondary component. More speci?cally, the desired
amount of catalyst is de?ned, and then is mixed With a pre
determined amount of the ?rst inert material and a predeter
mined amount of the secondary component. The amount of
?rst inert material is essentially equal to the amount of inert

mixed With a ?rst inert material. This ?rst inert material may

ing, and that has a high density and high heat capacity, but that
is not capable of producing heat during any stage of the
process. For the present application, an exemplary ?rst inert

solution of copper nitrate, and the impregnated material is

dried for about 4 hours at about 250 C. and is then calcined
at from about 500 C. to 1400 C.


after being exposed to reducing and/or to oxidiZing reaction


The volume of the secondary component to be used should be

equal to 20 to 100% of the volume of the ?rst inert material

plus secondary component or

(vol. secondary component)/(vol. ?rst inert material+

More speci?cally, the secondary component comprises a

vol. secondary component):0.20 to 1.0

heat-generating inert material and a carrier capable of sup

porting the heat- generating inert material. Exemplary carriers


aluminum oxide, aluminas, alumina monohydrate, boehmite,

pseudo-boehmite, alumina trihydrate, gibbsite, bayerite, alu
mina-silica, transition aluminas, alpha-alumina, silica, sili
cate, aluminates, calcined hydrotalcites, Zeolites, Zinc oxide,


chromium oxides, magnesium oxides and combinations

The heat-generating inert material may be selected from

copper, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, cerium, yttrium,

scandium, tungsten, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, silver,

The mixture is then loaded into the reactor in the same manner

as traditional dehydrogenation catalysts are loaded.

In an improved Houdry process, the catalyst bed is evacu

for the secondary component include, but are not limited to,


ated and reduced With hydrogen. During this stage, the sec
ondary component in the reactor bed generates additional
heat that passes into the alumina-supported chromium oxide
catalyst portion of the reactor bed. Then an aliphatic hydro
carbon is fed into the catalyst bed and is dehydrogenated upon
contact With the alumina-supported chromium oxide catalyst
portion of the reactor bed. Because the alumina-supported
chromium oxide catalyst portion of the bed has been essen

material comprises from about 1 Wt % to about 40 Wt % of the

tially pre-heated by the secondary component, the alumina

supported chromium oxide catalyst demonstrates improved

total secondary component Weight. In a more preferred

conversion relative to a reactor bed that does not include the

bismuth and combinations thereof. The heat- generating inert

embodiment, the heat-generating inert material comprises

from about 4 Wt % to about 20 Wt % of the total secondary
component Weight; and in a mo st preferred embodiment, the
amount of heat- generating inert material is from about 6 Wt %


secondary component. The catalyst bed is steam purged and

regenerated, and the cycle is repeated starting With the reduc
tion stage. During the regeneration step, the secondary com
ponent may also generate additional heat. In a preferred

US 7,622,623 B2

embodiment, the secondary component is selected such that

5. The catalyst bed system of claim 1 Wherein said dehy

dration catalyst, said ?rst inert material, and said secondary
component have a volume relationship de?ned by the equa

no signi?cant negative effect on selectivity is observed.

The catalyst bed system of the present invention is intended
for use in an adiabatic non-oxidative cyclic dehydrogenation
process. The catalyst bed system differs from the catalyst bed

(vol. dehydration catalyst)/ (vol. ?rst inert material+

systems of the prior art by requiring that the catalyst comprise

vol. secondary component):0.25 to 0.75, and

a heat-generating component that is inert With respect to the

dehydrogenation reaction or side reactions such as cracking
or coking. It is understood that the composition of the catalyst

said ?rst inert material and said secondary component have a

volume relationship de?ned by the equation:

and the speci?c processing conditions may be varied Without

exceeding the scope of this development.

(vol. secondary component)/(vol. ?rst inert material+

vol. secondary component):0.20 to 1.0.

6.A catalyst bed system foruse in adiabatic, non-oxidative,

and cyclic dehydrogenation processes comprising:

What is claimed is:
an active catalyst component selected from an oxide of
1. A catalyst bed system for use in adiabatic, non-oxidative 15
chromium on an alumina support;

and cyclic dehydrogenation processes comprising:

a granular, alpha-alumina ?rst inert material having a simi

lar particle siZe to said active catalyst component; and

(a) a dehydrogenation catalyst comprising an active com

ponent and a support, Wherein said active component is

a secondary supported catalyst comprising a heat-generat

selected from an oxide of a metal of Group 4 or Group 5

or Group 6 and combinations thereof; and Wherein said

ing inert material selected from the group consisting of


copper, manganese and combinations thereof, and a car

support is selected from aluminum oxide, aluminas, alu

rier capable of supporting the heat-generating inert

material, Wherein said secondary supported catalyst is

mina monohydrate, alumina trihydrate, alumina-silica,

transition aluminas, alpha-alumina, silica, silicate, alu
minates, calcined hydrotalcites, Zeolites and combina
tions thereof;

catalytically inert in a ?rst stage involving non-oxidative

dehydrogenation, non-oxidative cracking, or non-oxida
tive coking and generates heat after being exposed to
reducing and/or to oxidiZing reaction conditions in a


(b) a ?rst inert material selected from any material that is

catalytically inactive When subjected to reaction condi

second stage; and said dehydrogenation catalyst, ?rst

inert material, and secondary supported catalyst are
separate solid phase components that are physically

tions that can effect non-oxidative dehydrogenation for

the production of ole?ns and that has a high density and

high heat capacity and that is not capable of producing
heat during any stage of the non-oxidative and cyclic
dehydrogenation process; and
(c) a secondary component comprising a heat-generating


mixed With each other to form the catalyst bed system

and said catalyst bed system is subjected to a cyclic

operation that comprises at least non-oxidative dehydro

genation in a ?rst stage and reducing and/or oxidiZing

inert material and a carrier capable of supporting the

heat-generating inert material, Wherein said secondary


component is catalytically inert in a ?rst stage involving

non-oxidative dehydrogenation, non-oxidative cracking

or non-oxidative coking and generates heat after being
exposed to reducing and/ or to oxidiZing reaction condi
tions in a second stage of the cyclic process; and
said dehydrogenation catalyst, ?rst inert material, and sec
ondary component are separate, solid phase components


that are physically mixed With each other to form the

catalyst bed system and said catalyst bed system is sub

jected to a cyclic operation that comprises at least non
oxidative dehydrogenation in a ?rst stage and reducing
and/or oxidiZing reaction conditions in a second stage.
2. The catalyst bed system of claim 1 Wherein said heat
generating inert material is selected from copper, chromium,

molybdenum, vanadium, cerium, yttrium, scandium, tung



sten, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, silver, bismuth and

combinations thereof, and Wherein said heat-generating inert

minas, alumina monohydrate, boehmite, pseudo-boehmite,

alumina trihydrate, gibbsite, bayerite, alumina-silica, transi
tion aluminas, alpha-alumina, silica, silicate, aluminates, cal
cined hydrotalcites, Zeolites, Zinc oxide, chromium oxides,
magnesium oxides and combinations thereof.
8. The catalyst bed system of claim 6 Wherein said heat
generating inert material comprises from about 1 Wt % to
about 40 Wt % of the total secondary component Weight.
9. The catalyst bed system of claim 6 Wherein said heat
generating inert material comprises from about 4 Wt % to
about 20 Wt % of the total secondary component Weight.
10. The catalyst bed system of claim 6 Wherein said heat
generating inert material comprises from about 6 Wt % to
about 10 Wt % of the total secondary component Weight.
11. The catalyst bed system of claim 6 Wherein said sec

ondary component further comprises a promoter selected

material comprises from about 1 Wt % to about 40 Wt % of the

total secondary component Weight.

reaction conditions in a second stage.

7. The catalyst bed system of claim 6 Wherein said second

ary component carrier is selected from aluminum oxide, alu

from an alkali, an alkaline earth metal, lithium, sodium,


potassium, rubidium, cesium, beryllium, magnesium, cal

3. The catalyst bed system of claim 1 Wherein said second

ary component carrier is selected from aluminum oxide, alu

cium, strontium, barium and a combination thereof.

12. The catalyst bed system of claim 6 Wherein said dehy

minas, alumina monohydrate, boehmite, pseudo-boehmite,

alumina trihydrate, gibbsite, bayerite, alumina-silica, transi
tion aluminas, alpha-alumina, silica, silicate, aluminates, cal

dration catalyst, said ?rst inert material, and said secondary

component have a volume relationship de?ned by the equa

cined hydrotalcites, Zeolites, Zinc oxide, chromium oxides,

(vol. dehydration catalyst)/ (vol. ?rst inert material+

magnesium oxides and combinations thereof.

4. The catalyst bed system of claim 1 Wherein said second

vol. secondary component):0.25 to 0.75, and

ary component further comprises a promoter selected from an

alkali, an alkaline earth metal, lithium, sodium, potassium,

rubidium, cesium, beryllium, magnesium, calcium, stron

tium, barium and a combination thereof.



said ?rst inert material and said secondary component have

a volume relationship de?ned by the equation:
(vol. secondary component)/(vol. ?rst inert material+
vol. secondary component):0.20 to 1.0.

US 7,622,623 B2

13. The catalyst bed system of claim 1 prepared by precipi
tating the secondary component carrier With the heat-gener
ating inert material.
14. The catalyst bed system of claim 6 prepared by precipi
tating the secondary component carrier With the heat-gener
ating inert material.
15. The catalyst bed system of claim 1 prepared by impreg
nating the secondary component carrier With the heat-gener
ating inert material.
16. The catalyst bed system of claim 6 prepared by impreg
nating the secondary component carrier With the heat-gener
ating inert material.

iii) a secondary component comprising a heat-generat

ing inert material and a carrier capable of supporting
the heat-generating inert material, Wherein said sec
ondary component is catalytically inert in a ?rst stage

involving non-oxidative dehydrogenation, non-oxi

dative cracking, or non-oxidative coking and gener
ates heat after being exposed to reducing and/or to
oxidiZing reaction conditions in a second stage of the

cyclic process, and Wherein said dehydrogenation

catalyst, ?rst inert material and secondary component
are separate, solid phase components that are physi
cally mixed With each other to form the catalyst bed;

b) reducing said catalyst bed Wherein said secondary com

17. A process for the adiabatic, non-oxidative and cyclic

ponent generates heat that passes into said ?rst inert

dehydrogenation conversion of aliphatic hydrocarbons to ole

?ns comprising:

c) passing an aliphatic hydrocarbon feed stream into said

a) preparing a catalyst bed comprising as separate compo

nents physically combined With each other:
i) a dehydrogenation catalyst comprising an active com
ponent and a support, Wherein said active component
is selected from an oxide of a metal of Group 4 or

catalyst bed for dehydrogenation;

d) dehydrogenating the aliphatic hydrocarbon feed stream,
Wherein the heat stored in the ?rst inert material assists

Group 5 or Group 6 and combinations thereof, and

Wherein said support is selected from aluminum

f) repeating step b) through step e) for multiple cycles in

Which aliphatic hydrocarbons are dehydrogenated to

oxide, aluminas, alumina monohydrate, alumina tri

hydrate, alumina-silica, transition aluminas, alpha

alumina, silica, silicate, aluminates, calcined hydro


sity and high heat capacity and that is not capable of

producing heat during any stage of the non-oxidative
and cyclic dehydrogenation process; and

form ole?ns.
18. The dehydrogenation process of claim 17 Wherein said

reducing step b) includes passing hydrogen over the catalyst

talcites, Zeolites and combinations thereof; and

ii) a ?rst inert material selected from any material that is
catalytically inactive When subjected to reaction con
ditions that can effect non-oxidative dehydrogenation
for the production of ole?ns and that has a high den

in the dehydrogenation;
e) steam purging and regenerating said catalyst bed; and

19. The dehydrogenation process of claim 17 Wherein said

regenerating step e) includes passing air heated to tempera


tures of up to 7000 C. over the catalyst bed and Wherein said

secondary component generates additional heat that passes

into said ?rst inert material.



: 7,622,623 B2

Page 1 0f1

APPLICATION NO. : 11/218949


: November 24, 2009

: Fridrnan et a1.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:

On the Title Page:

The ?rst or sole Notice should read -

Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 15 4(b)

by 1000 days.

Signed and Sealed this

Twenty-sixth Day of October, 2010

David J. Kappos
Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Oj?ce

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