How To Lucid Dream and Have Out of Body Experiences

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How To Lucid Dream And Have Out Of Body Experiences
Video Series Volume 1: Part 2
How To Do Wake Induced Lucid Dreams Using Teleporting OBEs

Copyright 2008 Matt Jones

All rights reserved

Vol 1 Part 2
How To Do Wake Induced Lucid Dreams Using Teleporting OBEs ................................. 4
Part 1: Overview ................................................................................................................. 4
Part Two Builds Heavily On Part One ............................................................................. 4
Part 2: Shifting From A Biological To A Psychological Approach ................................... 4
Why Do WILDs At All? To Have More Control ............................................................ 5
Part 3: Opening Up The Subconscious With Memory Impressions ................................... 5
Dipping In And Out Of Coherency.................................................................................. 5
Creating A Space In Your Subconscious For You To Enter ........................................... 6
Visualization Versus Conceptualization .......................................................................... 6
Imagery As A Catchall Term ....................................................................................... 6
How To Sense Where The Real Imagery Comes From Shifted Blackboard Trick ...... 6
How To Execute A Teleporting WILD .............................................................................. 8
Completing A WILD Is Like Shifting Gears ................................................................... 8
First Gear: Daydreaming To Loosen The Mind .............................................................. 8
Second Gear: Look For Memory Impressions To Signal Youre Ready......................... 9
Third Gear: Create A Solidifying Space In Your Subconscious ..................................... 9
How To Craft An Efficient Visualization Make It Interactive And Make It Surprise
You .............................................................................................................................. 10
Tip: Dont Concentrate Too Much, Stay Relaxed To Keep Getting Memory
Impressions ................................................................................................................. 10
Fourth Gear: Literally Feel Your Body Double ............................................................. 10
Overdrive Gear: The Critical Crossover - Immerse Yourself In Imagery To Enter An
OBE................................................................................................................................ 10
Spreading Out The Critical Crossover ........................................................................... 11
Shifting Between Your Physical Body And OBE Body To Learn What They Feel
Like ............................................................................................................................. 11
Overlaid Sight ............................................................................................................. 11
You Did It! ..................................................................................................................... 11
Exit Blindness And How To Fix It ................................................................................... 12
How To Sense Your Surroundings Without Vision Using Video Screens .................... 12
How To Sense Without Sight By Remembering What's There .................................. 12
Ask Yourself What Is Here? ................................................................................... 13
Additional Ways To Tell How Close You Are To A Subconscious Focus ...................... 13
The Sound Of Thousands Of People Chattering Or M-Band Noise .............................. 13
The Spinning Sensation And Your Parietal Lobes ........................................................ 13
Sleep Breaths Hearing Your Sleeping Body Breathe ................................................. 14
Control Panels ................................................................................................................... 14
Solutions To Problems While Entering Trance ................................................................ 14
Involuntary Twitching And The Wild Arm Flop ........................................................... 14
How To Combat The Dreaded Itches ............................................................................ 15
How To Avoid The Swallow Reflex When Meditating ................................................ 15
Final Reminder: Do WILDs After Waking Up In The Morning ................................... 15
Finishing Up...................................................................................................................... 16

How To Do Wake Induced Lucid Dreams Using

Teleporting OBEs
Part 1: Overview
Welcome to part two of the How To Lucid Dream And Have Out Of Body
Experiences presentation series.
In this presentation youll learn how to do wake induced lucid dreams, or WILDS,
using a method called a teleporting OBE exit.
Well cover the following topics:

Well learn a method for creating a space in your subconscious that you can
immerse your focus into to have a WILD
Well go over ways that you can shift your focus into the part of your brain
that generates mental imagery and away from the physical imagery we usually
Well learn how you can craft your own efficient visualizations to develop
solid subconscious spaces
Well cover several solutions for fixing blindness in lucid dreams and how
you can sense your surroundings without using vision
Well look at solving some problems associated with relaxation such as
involuntary muscle twitching, itching and the swallow reflex

Part Two Builds Heavily On Part One

This presentation builds on the concepts we covered in part one of this series in
which we learned physical methods on how to trick your body into falling asleep to enter
a lucid dream. The techniques well use in part two are mental in nature and wont work
very well if you dont have a solid handle on your ability to control your body and put it
to sleep. By the time you use the methods in part two, you should have attempted the
rhythm napping method given in part one at least once.

Part 2: Shifting From A Biological To A

Psychological Approach
Now that we have a solid handle on leveraging the bodys biological workings to
have a lucid dreams we can start to focus on more advanced psychological methods
called Wake Induced Lucid Dreams or WILDS. Even though we still use all the old
biological tricks like doing lucid dream attempts in the morning rather than at night, we
will start to pay more attention to the mental phenomena on the way into the a lucid
dream and well look for ways to exploit that phenomena.

Whereas in rhythm napping the idea was to fall completely asleep and wake up
with the aid of a timer several times, in a WILD you ideally go straight from a waking
state to a lucid dream state without losing consciousness.
In practice you will probably fall asleep before completing a WILD and so you
can still use a timer as a safety net but the goal is to maintain continual mental coherency
while dropping into trance. In fact the long term goal is to eventually attain enough
mental precision that you can perform a WILD while fully awake. There are some people
who have mastered these skills to the degree that they can tune their consciousness to
their subconscious while still walking around and talking to people.

Why Do WILDs At All? To Have More Control

Thats where were headed. While I have not attained that level of control, I have
found that the more I practice these methods the less deeply into trance I need to go
before I reach the point where I can have an OBE. That is the main advantage of doing
WILDs. We are closing the gap between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind
so that we can more fully make use of our total mind even while awake.

Part 3: Opening Up The Subconscious With

Memory Impressions
As you relax into a WILD youll start to sense environmental clues that youre
nearing a dream even though youre not in the dream yet. You will start to pick up
memory impressions of these clues. For instance, you may find you have the memory that
someone had just said something even though at the time you didnt consicously hear
You might also recall that a moment ago you were looking at a landscape and that
you remember what the landscape looked like but you cant remember exact moment
when the landspace came into view.
The landscape a concept that you find has been impressed into your short term
memory much as if you were to impress the shape of a word into clay. You might not
know how the impression got there but you do have the information that the impression
represents. The onset of these memory impression are one of the first signs that youre
entering a good trance.
Remote viewers usually access memory impressions while they're fully conscious
and in fact you you can access memory impressions at any level of relaxation. However
most often youll encounter them during fairly deep relaxation.

Dipping In And Out Of Coherency

In the course of your lucid dream induction you may find a lot of times memory
impressions seem to be the result of dipping in and out of coherency: you dip down, pick
something up, waver up again and find that you have an impression. Once you're back in
conscious coherency you are operating with your perceptual filters again so you can't
remember how you got the impression.
However at deeper levels of trance there is no dipping in and out of coherency
and you find that you are starting to get a steady stream of impressions. That is a good
sign youre on the right track.

Creating A Space In Your Subconscious For You To Enter

The reason memory impressions are a good sign is they mean youre opening up a
space in your subconscious. Our eventual goal in this presentation is to open that
subconscious space wide enough that you can immerse your conscious focus into it. In
doing so youll complete the WILD.

Visualization Versus Conceptualization

One effective way to open a subconscious space is to use your imagination to fill
it with detailed imagery, for instance by visualizing something. In Astral Dynamics
Robert Bruce makes the very good point that when you start out visualizing something,
such as a rotating cube, you probably do not literally see the cube in your minds eye.
Some people actually do see the cube as solidly in their minds eye as they see
their physical surroundings right off the bat, but for most people at the initial stages
youre only thinking about the shape of a cube and you dont literally see it. So the term
conceptualization is more accurate at that point in the process.
Nevertheless once the trance has progressed to a certain point you will enter into a
dream environment in which you literally do see what you are visualizing. In other
words, for most people visualization is process and not an instantaneous thing.

Imagery As A Catchall Term

In this presentation we often use the word imagery. However the sensations you
are gathering may be for any sense and not just visual. Frequently you also pick up
audible and tactile impressions, sometimes even taste and smell. In fact one WILD trick
well cover in a future presentation is to solidify imagery by invoking a strong feeling of
emotion. There are many ways to sense things and Ingo Swann has identified at least 17
different types of senses he uses in his studies of remote viewing. You can read his
descriptions on his web site at:

How To Sense Where The Real Imagery Comes From

Shifted Blackboard Trick
When you first close your eyes youll likely see nothing but blackness at first and
a little later on youll see various firework type effects and random colors. These are
known as hypnagogic imagery but they are not what were after. Dont focus too hard on
the swirling imagery because it puts your attention in the wrong place. The imagery we
do seek is more like it's directly in your mind yet projected in a space that seems like its
in the behind the eyelid blackness.
This is a trick you can use to get feeling of where in your mind to expect the real
imagery to be found. When you close your eyes you see a fairly rectangular area of
blackness. Outside that area you cant see anything but you can imagine that there is
something outside your field of view. Its the imagination part of your awareness that
imagery comes from, not the physical blackness you can see.

We can use a method to merge the visible blackness with your invisible
imagination, we do it by imagining two blackboards. Pretend that the rectangular
blackness is a blackboard that you can write on. Then pretend theres also an imaginary
blackboard of the same size thats outside your field of view and is directly below the
visible blackness:

Now slide the imaginary blackboard up so that it is partially in the area you can
see and partially in the area you cannot see. This will cause blackboards to be halfway
overlaid on each other:

Now you have a focus on both your physical sight and your imaginary awareness.
Imagine writing something such as the number 5 with white chalk on the imaginary
blackboard so that part of the letter is in your sight and part is imaginary.

Do this procedure when you're on the awake/asleep threshold and it will help you
to get actual visuals you can see. When you can actually see the 5 you're writing, you will
be focused into your nonphysical senses enough to be able to try an OBE.
Youll find that the 5 that you see really is in a slightly different part of your
awareness than the usual blackness that you see behind your eyelids. The more practice
you get at focusing your attention on that slightly different area, the easier it will be for
you to enter a WILD.

How To Execute A Teleporting WILD

Of all the WILD methods I have tried, the most straightforward Ive found is to
seed your own subconscious space by imagining theres a copy of yourself walking
around a room looking at things. In this way you build a space in your subconscious with
increasing solidity until you can completely transfer you conscious focus into it. As you
make the copy of yourself more solid you shift your consciousness into it and effectively
teleport to your imagined location.

Completing A WILD Is Like Shifting Gears

If youve driven a stick shift you know that you cant leave the car in first gear if
you want to drive on the highway. The car has a range of gears and each one is designed
for a certain speed.
Its the same thing with maintaining consciousness while lowering your
brainwaves so you can have a lucid dream. The landscape changes as we get nearer and
nearer to a lucid state so its more effective to have a series of methods with each one
designed for that specific stage of trance than it is to use a single technique the entire

First Gear: Daydreaming To Loosen The Mind

The first phase of all our WILD methods is to just relax and let your mind
wander. The goal here is to let your minds stranglehold on your physical surroundings
loosen up. By shifting away from physical focus we have more mental space to create our
lucid dream environment.
Its important to never skip the mind loosening step. I have always found that if I
just start into a WILD visualization without first loosening up that I cant get into a deep
enough trance for anything to take hold. So always let yourself daydream for a few
minutes before using a visualization.

Second Gear: Look For Memory Impressions To Signal

Youre Ready
How do we know when the mind is prepped enough to begin the WILD method?
Wait until you are picking up memory impressions of some kind. These impressions do
not need to be strong imagery at all. As soon as you start to get any kind of dream
impressions youre in a light trance but a useable trance. You can start doing your
visualization to create a space in your subconscious which youll enter as its own dream

Third Gear: Create A Solidifying Space In Your

Once you have impressions, shift your focus to a room adjacent to the one youre
in, this will be the space you teleport to. Imagine a copy of yourself walking around in
the room while dragging its hands along the walls and feeling the texture of the paint.
Put Your Focus Elsewhere, Not In Your Head
With most lucid dream induction methods your focus remains inside your head
but with a teleporting OBE your focus is outside your body. Dont imagine a little room
inside your head with a copy of yourself walking around, instead imagine your copy is
really in the other room gathering sensory information about the room. The idea is to
have as little of your focus in your bodys physical surroundings as possible. In the
following visualization well imagine that youre outside rather than in an adjacent room,
but ideas weve covered still apply.
Doing The Visualization
Imagine youre outside looking at the wall of your house. Look its texture and use
your hands to feel the tiny grains and bumps on it. Run your fingers through the grooves
and note how different parts of the wall are smoother than others.
Run your fingers down to the ground and feel the texture of the grass. Run your
fingers through the grass and see if you can feel where some parts are more supple than
others. Find a patch where there is no grass and you can see the bare dirt. Dig out some of
the dirt and find a rock and roll it around in your fingers.
Next crouch down and smell how the air is more damp toward the ground than it
is above. Listen for the air blowing through the blades of grass and think about how
things sound differently when your head is low to the ground because it reflect noises
away. Look up at the sky and see if you can see any shapes in the clouds.
Walk to a door and look at the pattern on it. Use your hand to wiggle the knob and
see if you can feel the mechanism working inside. Begin to consciously and deliberately
name each object to yourself that you see out loud in your mind. This helps to make your
copys environment more and more solid. Speak in your mind Theres the door knob,
theres the hinge, theres the frame And so forth. This reinforces the reality of your
imagination and speeds up the process quite a bit.
Look around to see what else you can interact with. Feel their textures and see if
they make any noises. While youre doing this you dont have to remember exactly what
is there in real life. The idea is that youre pretending at least as much as youre
remembering. The goal is to get to where the information just flows to you without
having to think about it. Youll get a sense that you already know what is in the

environment youre pretending to walk around in and its all right there in front of you
without you needing to think about it.

How To Craft An Efficient Visualization Make It Interactive And

Make It Surprise You
The more you interact with your visualization so that information flows in both
directions the faster the strength of your connection to it grows. This means that your
visualization must send information to you that you didnt necessarily expect.
For instance, in the preceding visualization we searched for pebbles on the
ground. We didnt know exactly where we would find the pebbles or what they would
looks like once we found them but we allowed ourselves to pretend that we found what
we wanted after checking in a few different spots. You can craft your own visualization
by allowing room for the visualization to surprise you by sending back information to
you that you didnt consciously command to happen.
It also helps if the visualization involves more than just a single sense, for
instance our preceding visualization used sight, smell, sound and touch.

Tip: Dont Concentrate Too Much, Stay Relaxed To Keep

Getting Memory Impressions
As youre doing this visualization you need to also stay mentally relaxed enough
that youre still getting dream memory impressions. If you find that youre waking up too
much and are not getting memory impressions then discontinue mentally describing
things to yourself in words and just look around the room. Pause every few seconds and
just zone out so that you stay in trance before going back to the visualization.

Fourth Gear: Literally Feel Your Body Double

As you do your visualization while picking up memory impressions, eventually
your visualization will become your memory impressions. You will start to honestly get a
sense that you feel a copy of yourself walking around feeling things and maybe even
seeing things in the room. You may get tactile sensations first and then audible sensations
a few moments later. Visual sensations might not come until the final stage where youve
completely teleported into your copy.
One of the advantages of this method is its comparatively easy to tell your dream
body from your physical body. When we used rhythm napping and peeled out to separate
we had to use sort of a complicated press-and-twist safety-cap maneuver in order to
distinguish between our dream body and our physical body since they started out overlaid
on one another. This time that step is a little easier since our copy starts out already
separated from our physical body in another room.

Overdrive Gear: The Critical Crossover - Immerse Yourself

In Imagery To Enter An OBE
In the final gear you close the distance between your conscious focus and the
subconscious environment youve created. This is the critical crossover where you go
from a mainly physical focus to a completely dream-world focus. Give yourself the intent

that your surroundings are the copys surroundings. This will shift your focus to the
copys location so that you completely teleport into it.
In order to completely immerse yourself you may have to enter paralysis, so this
would be a good time to try slight muscle twitching to pretend youre already in paralysis
so your body falls asleep. Breathing slowly and deeply can also help to relax enough to
let yourself slip into your dream copy. If youre getting vibrations its a sign that you
need to relax past them. Once youre relaxed enough and your copy is vivid enough the
transfer process should go smoothly without a lot of vibrations.

Spreading Out The Critical Crossover

Another big advantage of using this method is you can use it slow down the OBE
separation process and really become familiar with what it feels like so that you can use
that feeling the next time you do a lucid dream. With most methods this stage goes by in
a blink of an eye and it can be confusing to understand what just happened, but when you
teleport you can spread it out over a period of several minutes and study what it feel like
to have awareness of both your physical body and the dream copy.
Sometimes I can make my copy knock on the walls and my physical self can hear
the tapping off in the distance. This gives you the sense that you can become your own

Shifting Between Your Physical Body And OBE Body To Learn

What They Feel Like
This in between stage can be a lot of fun because of things like that. You can also
reverse that process and feel your focus returning slowly to your physical body. Try
wavering back and forth between your two bodies in order to gain confidence in your
abilities. Compare the differences in how each feels and note if your dream copy is
missing sensory details that your physical self takes for granted.

Overlaid Sight
Also when you do this your sight may switch alternately between both bodies. It
can result in overlaid sight in which you see both the nonphysical version of your room
and the physical version not one after the other but at the same time. Its very much like
looking through two overhead transparencies laid on top of each other each with a
slightly different image. You may also have transparent eyelids at this point and see your
physical surroundings from two viewpoints switch back and forth rapidly. You may also
see your viewpoint switch between your physical location and the location of the copy of

You Did It!

At this point youve completed a wake-induced lucid dream. Youve completely
shifted your focus into a subconscious dream world and you can do whatever you like in
I use the teleporting method very frequently to have OBEs because its reliable
and not very complicated. You can also use the teleporting method to enter a completely

fictional area. For instance you could imagine youre walking along a beach and
gradually teleport into it.
That is actually both the methods strength and weakness. It lets you go where
anywhere you imagine but ONLY where you imagine. If you dont consciously think of
where you want to go, you wont go there. In a future presentation well learn a method
that lets us lucid dream into places we might never have conceived of on our own. In the
mean time well cover some problems that may come up in the course of doing WILDs
and some solutions you can do to in response.

Exit Blindness And How To Fix It

Frequently when you first enter a lucid dream your sight becomes blurry, dim, or
even black. The most consistent solution I have found for this is to simply use your
fingers to pry your eyelids open.
In some lucid dreams you may feel like you have very little energy and certain
parts of your body do not want to respond. Sometimes that can result in your eyelids
being too weak to open on their own. Using your hands to open your eyes can be a good
work around.
Other times you may find there is some kind of nonphysical gunk thats glued
your eyes shut and so the only way to get them open is to use your hands. The glue can
be so strong that you cant pry your eyelids open at all. In this case we use a different
method to see without needing your eyes in the first place.

How To Sense Your Surroundings Without Vision Using

Video Screens
On one occasion after getting up out of my body totally blind I found that the eye
pry method didn't help, nor did pulling off the dream version of my blindfold work. I
asked myself What does my bedroom looked like? and I got a distant image of it, it
looked like a little postcard video screen off in the distance, up and to the right. It wasn't
in my eyes, it was more in my mental imagery area.
I pulled it closer to me and overlaid it on my eyes so to speak, basically moving it
from the visual conceptualization part of my awareness to the eyeball part of my
awareness. Then it was just like having physical eyes again and I was able to blink look
around. (While I havent tried this yet, probably you could use that method to load up
multiple postcard images of different places and be able to see what's going on in them
all at once.)
The post card image trick can also be used as a lucid dream induction method.
Sometimes while peering into the blackness youll see a whitish stamp-sized rectangle off
in the distance. If you pull it toward you, you might find that its a video screen youve
been given for free. You can use it to immerse yourself in the imagery and enter a lucid
dream. Well cover additional ways to use video screens to lucid dream in a future

How To Sense Without Sight By Remembering What's There

I've also found that a lot of times even if you have sight in a lucid dream, you
don't need to look around to know what your surroundings are. It seems like anything you

can look at is already within your memory or perhaps our collective memory. By merely
recalling the memory of what is around the next corner you can know the answer without
actually getting a visual image. It's like you're using your surroundings as if they ARE
your memory.

Ask Yourself What Is Here?

By asking yourself What is here? and then expecting that you know the answer
youll first get a sense of your memories of your surroundings. If you also tell yourself,
Im in my subconscious and can do anything with my mind then you can add enough
force of belief that your memory of your surroundings will soon become as detailed if not
more detailed as your sense of sight.
Using your memory this way is almost like having another sense, like a radar
sense. Its like having a volumetric knowledge of every particle in the room even though
youre not actually seeing anything. In that respect this sense is superior to sight, the only
disadvantage of the volumetric radar sense is that it takes some work to use it.

Additional Ways To Tell How Close You Are To A

Subconscious Focus
In part one we went over various phenomena such as vibrations, rushing noises
and the transparent eyelids effect which are all signs of how deep in trance you are. Here
are some more things you may encounter on the way into a lucid dream.

The Sound Of Thousands Of People Chattering Or M-Band

M-Band noise is related to pre-OBE rushing noises. When you first enter a lucid
dream you may be presented with the sound of thousands of people talking all at once.
Bruce Moen refers to this as follows in his excellent book Voyages Into the Afterlife:
"At the level of physical world reality there are presently over five billion human
inhabitants packed onto a very small place called earth. Everyone living there is
constantly broadcasting their thoughts and feelings into that close quarters environment.
They're like five billion little radio stations all broadcasting their own, unique talk shows
into the airwaves at the same time. Those thoughts and feelings are what we call M-band
noise. There are so many people broadcasting at once, all pushing their thoughts and
feelings out into the environment, we call it high level M-band noise pressure."
M-Band noise is something like pre-OBE rushing noises except instead of tuning
to frequencies in between radio stations its like youve tuned to a frequency with ten
thousand stations broadcasting all at once. Usually youre only in this state for a few
seconds before you lock onto a more narrow range and things settle down.

The Spinning Sensation And Your Parietal Lobes

If you spin yourself around then stop, you get a dizziness sensation that feels both
like youre still spinning and that youre standing still. Sometimes while in trance youll
get a similar feeling like youre pivoting around on your belly button yet you feel your

are still staying in the same place. This feeling may be related to your parietal lobes
which are located on the upper back area of your brain.
The parietal lobes help you determine your bodys orientation, if you lay down
and put your focus on your parietal lobes you may get a slight dizziness sensation which
can help you to relax and loosen up your hold on your physical surroundings.
Note that the spinning sensation is different from vibrations. While vibrations feel
like energy moving through you, the spinning sensation is a body orientation feeling.

Sleep Breaths Hearing Your Sleeping Body Breathe

When your body falls to sleep you might not feel the paralysis wave but you may
instead start to notice that it sounds like youre listening to your breathing from inside
your sinuses. It sounds like youre breathing inside in a cavern. Your body is asleep and
youre hearing yourself breathe much more deeply and rhythmically than you normally
do while awake. Your body has also relaxed its grip on your mind and youre starting to
shift your point of focus a bit so youre hearing yourself from a different perspective.
These usually happen at a very light level of sleep. Normally when I hear sleep
breaths it causes my mind to wake up too much and I lose it. I might hear two or three
exhales and before I shift back and Im awake. However since youre already so close to
sleep its relatively easy to fall back into sleep if you can relax and resist the reflex to roll

Control Panels
Control panels are an extremely useful lucid dreaming phenomenon. Occasionally
youll find you have a control panel overlaid in your vision. Its like a pilots Heads Up
Display right there in your eyes. Control panels probably have a lot of uses but mainly
Ive found theyre useful for teleporting to places. When I have one up I can focus on a
button and it will send me somewhere Ive never been before. Sometimes instead of
teleporting you immediately, the button will bring up a video screen that you can focus
into to enter it if you want.
I have not found a way to bring up a control panel in a wake induced lucid dream
on command. So far I have to first drop into an unconscious dream and hope that my
dreaming self knows how to make a control panel. Then if I become lucid maybe the
panel will still be there.
One person reported he sees control panels as command line interfaces like DOS.
My hunch is that control panels are kind of like personal organization systems for your
mind, so most people are going to have very different ways of seeing them.

Solutions To Problems While Entering Trance

While rhythm napping was mainly all about just falling asleep quickly, doing
WILDs involves relaxing while staying coherent. This presents some additional problems
and solutions which well cover next.

Involuntary Twitching And The Wild Arm Flop

As youre relaxing sometimes an arm will twitch very significantly. It can be
enough to completely ruin whatever trance youve gotten into. I often lay on my back

with my arms at my side when relaxing. The twitch can be strong enough to cause an arm
to flop all the way onto my chest.
These things can be frustrating to deal with and I have never gotten a satisfactory
answer from people on what might be the cause. The good news is that twitches seem to
be a phase you pass through. For about three months I had the twitches badly and then
they just kind of stopped.
Stretching your muscles before hand might help with twitches but its really no
guarantee. I did find that I if I had a strong twitch while relaxing that I would not get
another twitch the rest of the session as long as I did not give up but simply started the
trance over again without moving. So it looks like at this point the only known solution to
the twitching problem is to just keep trying.

How To Combat The Dreaded Itches

Itches are another common problem that come up when trying to stay still while
relaxing. One strategy some books recommend is to use iron will to try to ignore them.
An alternate route is to deal with the source of the itching which is almost always dust or
dry skin. Most dust is actually flakes of human skin so hydrating your body is probably
one of the best solutions to the itching problem.
Here are some things to try:

Drink more water

Vacuum the room often
Use lotion on your skin
Take a warm shower first
Use an air filter in the room
Turn off any fans in the room
Use a humidifier
Keep in mind that air conditioners dry out the air

How To Avoid The Swallow Reflex When Meditating

Sometimes if you're laying on your back and your head is not supported quite
right, when you relax deeply part of your throat will relax backwards and trigger a
swallow reflex.
If you try to ignore it you'll wind up gagging. The solution is to put something
under your head to tilt it forward a bit. I find a hand towel folded twice so there are four
thicknesses of fabric under the back of my head is enough to prevent the reflex, you may
personally need more or less than that. You can also try laying on your side or stomach or
simply sit up while meditating.

Final Reminder: Do WILDs After Waking Up In The Morning

Remember that ideally the best time to do lucid dreaming is right when you wake
up in the morning before you open your eyes or move. You can also use the wake-backto-bed method and get up for an hour before going back to bed and doing the

visualization. You can also use a timer as a safety net so you dont fall too far asleep
although the timer can also act to disturb your concentration.

Finishing Up
You now have a powerful method for entering a lucid dream without losing
awareness by creating a space in your subconscious and transferring your focus into it.
You also know how you can craft efficient visualizations by making them interactive and
letting them surprise you.
In the next presentation well cover methods on using memory impressions not
just as a signpost to tell how far in trance you are, but how to develop them into a detailed
space that you can press your awareness into.
These methods are called mental projections and phasing, the advantage they give
is they let you enter dream environments that you might not have imagined on your own.
These are somewhat more difficult to do than the teleporting method but they are useful
because your target environment is not limited by your initial visualization.
Please visit the saltcube web site at where you can access a
forum where you can report and record your progress using an online lucid dream journal
or you can simply post a message to chat with people. If you have questions or are stuck
with a problem, you can post a message in the forum then someone who has encountered
that situation can help you.
That wraps it up for this presentation. Thanks, and good luck!

The Next Step

Visit for the next step after
this video!

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