Population Pharmacokinetics: Theory Practice: Recently

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Br. J. clin. Pharmac.

(1991), 32, 669-670

Population pharmacokinetics: theory and practice

Pharmacy Department, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL

Recently, there has been a lot of activity in the area of

population pharmacokinetics, stimulated by a number
of enthusiasts and also by attitudes within the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). Population pharmacokinetics can be defined as the study of the variability in
plasma drug concentrations between individuals when
standard dosage regimens are administered. It is of
interest both to measure this variability within the
population and to account for it in terms of patient
variables, such as age, sex, weight or disease state.
Scientists who have been working in the area of
pharmacokinetics for a number of years may well ask
whether the definition given above is any different from
what they have always understood to be the main purpose
of pharnacokinetics. (An indiscriminate search of a data
base such as Index Medicus using the keywords population and pharmacokinetics will quickly confirm this).
For twenty or thirty years the pharmacokinetics of a vast
number of drugs (and indeed xenobiotics in general) in
a variety of different patient populations have been
studied with a view towards understanding the factors
affecting the absorption, distribution and elimination of
these drugs and to aid in the design of dosage regimens.
So who are the new breed of population pharmacokineticists?
The current interest in population pharmacokinetics
stems from the concern that the pharmacokinetics of
new drugs are not studied in relevant populations, that
is patients likely to receive the drug, at an early enough
stage in the drug development program. In particular
the FDA (Temple, 1983, 1985) and others (Abernathy
& Azarnoff, 1990) are concerned that the pharmacokinetics of a new drug should be studied in elderly
populations 'so that physicians will have sufficient
information to use drugs properly in their older patients'
(F.D.A., 1989). The obvious time to collect pharmacokinetic information on the target population is during
large-scale clinical trials carried out during Phase III of
the drug development program. However, because of
logistic and ethical reasons, it is improbable that intensive
experimentation can be carried out on each and every
patient. At best one could hope for one or two blood
samples per patient. Therefore traditional pharmacokinetic analysis, which involves the determination of an
individual's pharmacokinetic parameters, is not feasible.
Instead data analysis techniques that focus on the central
tendency of the pharmacokinetic information and are
capable of utilizing very sparse data have to be employed.
Population pharmacokinetics has come to mean the
design, execution and analysis of pharmacokinetic
studies involving sparse data, although the data analysis
techniques can be applied to data obtained from conventional pharmacokinetic studies. The label -population

pharmacokinetics is perhaps unfortunate, but it does

convey the sentiment that interest is focused on the
population rather than the individual.
To date most population pharmacokinetic studies
have been carried out within a clinical setting (Whiting
et al., 1986). One major aim of these studies has been to
establish guidelines for the adjustment of dosage
regimens to be used together with Therapeutic Drug
Monitoring and a Bayesian feedback algorithm (Sheiner
& Beal, 1982; Vozeh & Steiner, 1987). The data collection in these studies has in general been well controlled
and compliance has not been a major issue. There is an
increased interest in the application of population
approaches to the drug development programme (Grasela
et al., 1986; Graves et al., 1989). However it is early days
yet, and it will be some time before interested parties
within the pharmaceutical industry have evaluated the
approach. The application of population techniques in
the fields of cancer chemotherapy (Gitterman et al.,
1990; Launay et al., 1989) and neonatal therapy (Driscoll
et al., 1989; Kelman et al., 1984; Moore et al., 1989),
which for different reasons generate sparse data, is
particularly exciting and we should see a growth of
applications in these areas.
It was pointed out above that within the modern
meaning of population pharmacokinetics there is a need
to analyze sparse data sets, and that this requires specialized data analysis techniques. From a statistical point of
view the data are related to a nonlinear mixed effects
model involving repeated measures, and Beal & Sheiner
(1982) have been instrumental in bringing the methods
for analyzing such data to the attention of interested
scientists. Unfortunately the computer package
NONMEM, developed by Beal & Sheiner (1982), has
become synonymous with population pharmacokinetics.
Population pharmacokinetics is a discipline, whereas
NONMEM is a software package capable of analyzing
data arising from population pharmacokinetic studies
and the two are (almost) independent. Having said that,
the analysis of sparse data requires sophisticated
methodology and its complexity has led a number of
people to shy away from the discipline. The way forward
is probably through co-operation between pharmacokineticists and individuals who have the necessary skills
in analyzing sparse data.
NONMEM is not the only method available for the
analysis of population pharmacokinetic data, but it is the
most widely used package. Other approaches include a
nonparametric maximum likelihood method (Mallet,
1986); Bayesian methods (Racine-Poon & Smith, 1990);
and variants of the nonlinear mixed effect model (Amisaki
& Tatsuhara, 1988; Lindstrom & Bates, 1990). Steimer
et al. (1984) review some of the earlier methods. There



L. Aarons

is some debate about the pros and cons of the various

methods, including such issues as software availability,
reliability and robustness. However, these arguments
tend to detract from the philosophy of the population
approach. Essentially any reasonable method will
suffice-the data rather than the data analysis present
the real problem.
The implementation of a population approach within
drug development programs is the subject of much
recent debate (Colburn, 1989). It has been suggested
that a 'population screen' be employed in which blood
samples are taken from a wide range of individuals so
that, essentially, the concentration-time profile is covered
within the population (Sheiner & Benet, 1985). The
advantages of such an approach are that data are collected
in the target population, an assessment of the variability
within the population is obtained and, hopefully, the
factors that control that variability may be discovered.
Although desirability of these goals is indisputable,

much concern has been expressed about the logistics of

implementing a population approach during Phase III of
the drug development program. A comment frequently
made is 'garbage in, garbage out'. Of couse this criticism
can made of any poorly designed or executed study, not
just population studies. However there are particular
problems associated with Phase III studies in that they
are generally multicentre and in many cases conducted
in outpatients. Compliance and accurate timing of both
dosing and sampling are clearly critical issues. At present
there are virtually no guidelines on experimental design,
either in terms of sample timing or subject numbers,
particularly within subgroups. Similarly, we have no
idea of the power of the approach to detect important
intersubject differences and overall there is no hard data
on the cost-to-benefit ratio. If the current level of interest
is maintained these important issues will be addressed
and the future looks exciting. At present we are still on
the learning curve.

Abernathy, D. R. & Azarnoff, D. L. (1990). Pharmacokinetic
investigations in elderly patients. Clinical and ethical considerations. Clin. Pharmacokin., 19, 89-93.
Amisaki, T. & Tatsuhara, T. (1988). An alternative two stage
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11, 335-348.
Beal, S. L. & Sheiner, L. B. (1982). Estimating population
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Colburn, W. A. (1989). Controversy IV: population pharmacokinetics, NONMEM and the pharmacokinetic screen;
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L. C. (1989). Evaluation of theophylline pharmacokinetics
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Gitterman, S. R., Drusano, G. L., Egorin, M. J. & Standiford,
H. C. (1990). Population pharmacokinetics of zidovudine.
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(1986). An evaluation of population pharmacokinetics in
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Graves, N. M., Ludden, T. M., Holmes, G. B., Fuerst, R. H.
& Leppik, I. E. (1989). Pharmacokinetics of felbamate, a
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Launay, M.-C., Iliadis, A. & Richard, B. (1989). Population
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Lindstrom, M. J. & Bates, D. M. (1990). Nonlinear mixed
effects models for repeated measures data. Biometrics, 46,

Mallet, A. (1986). A maximum likelihood estimation method

for random coefficient regression models. Biometrika, 73,
Moore, E. S., Faix, R. G., Banagale, R. C. & Grasela, T. H.
(1989). The population pharmacokinetics of theophylline
in neonates and young infants. J. Pharmacokin. Biopharm.,
17, 47-66.
Racine-Poon, A. & Smith, A. F. M. (1990). Population
models. In Statistical methodology in the pharmaceutical
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Dekker, Inc.
Sheiner, L. B. & Beal, S. L. (1982). Bayesian individualisation
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Sheiner, L. B. & Benet, L. Z. (1985). Premarketing observational studies of population pharmacokinetics of new drugs.
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Steimer, J.-L., Mallet, A., Golmard, J.-L. & Boisvieux, J.-F.
(1984). Alternative approaches to estimation of population
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(Received 10 June 1991,

accepted 17 June 1991)

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