Mental Health Services Research Methodology 2002

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International Review of Psychiatry (2002), 14, 12–18

Mental health services research methodology


1Institute of Psychiatry, London & 2Bart’s and The London School of Medicine, London, UK

Evidence-based mental health is an important goal, and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are currently used as the currency.
Significant gains have been made in overcoming technical difficulties with RCTs, but conceptual issues with the use of RCTs as ‘best’
evidence can also be identified. Some limits of RCTs for research into individual patients, local services, and national policy will be
identified. The central thesis is that RCTs have an important contribution to make, but are only one form of evidence. Another frame-
work for research—realistic evaluation—is described, in which the context and mechanisms of action are considered, as well as the
outcome. Realistic evaluation will lead to different forms of evidence, including but not limited to RCTs, and will be more illuminating
for some research questions than solely considering RCTs.

Introduction not in the control group. This encourages the asking

of particular types of research questions, typically of
Biomedical science methods are widely used within the form ‘Does intervention X work for disorder Y?’
mental health services research. These methods It will be argued that the RCT methodology limits
involve the empirical testing of hypotheses deducted the questions that can be asked, and hence can
from theory, and involve research methodologies restrict the potential findings from research. Further-
which allow replication and generalization. The more, if different questions were being asked, then
methodological standard bearer is the randomized RCTs would not always be the best methodology to
controlled trial (RCT), since a control group allows employ.
the inference of change due to the treatment, rather
than other causes, and randomization minimizes bias
at the point of inclusion. The importance of Current research methods
biomedical science methodologies has led to the pro-
posal that a hierarchy of evidence exists, with The methods of the biomedical sciences have many
systematic reviews and meta-analyses of RCTs at the strengths. The emphasis on empiricism has given rise
top, followed by RCTs with definitive results, RCTs to a culture of statistical and methodological rigour.
with non-definitive results, cohort studies, case- The ability to characterize the strength of a finding
control studies, cross-sectional surveys and case has indicated where further work is needed. The
reports (e.g. Greenhalgh, 1997). The ‘unit of development of meta-analytic technologies has max-
currency’ for this hierarchy is the RCT, with pooled imized the use of available data. In particular,
groups of RCTs being the best form of evidence, statistics such as ‘Number Needed to Treat’ allow the
followed by individual RCTs, in turn followed by common patient question of ‘How likely is it that this
studies which do not possess all the characteristics of will help me?’ to be answered, with a probabilistic
RCTs. The implication of this is that RCTs are the statement.
‘gold standard’ of evidence. As with any methodology, a number of technical
This focus on RCTs brings many benefits: uncon- problems with RCTs have also been identified. For
trolled or poorly controlled studies are given less example, the meaning of available evidence is not
weight, more importance is attached to methodolog- always understood, with the danger that ‘unproved’
ical issues, and more caution is exercised in is equated with ‘disproved’, which may account for
evaluating outcome. However, another result is that the emphasis on medication over psychosocial inter-
research questions are designed so that they can be ventions in schizophrenia (e.g. Gilbody & House,
answered by RCTs. Specifically, the use of RCTs 1999). Other identified issues include recruitment
involves the identification of an intervention which is bias, differential expectations, problems with rand-
given to the patients in the experimental group, but omization and obtaining informed consent,

Correspondence to: Dr Mike Slade, MRC Clinician Scientist Fellow, PRISM, Health Services Research Department,
Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8AF, UK. Tel: 020 7848 0735; Fax: 020 7277
1462; E-mail: [email protected]
ISSN 0954–0261 print/ISSN 1369–1627 online/02/010012–07 Institute of Psychiatry
DOI: 10.1080/0954026012011401 4
Mental health services research methodology 13

maintaining blindness, insufficient follow-up, meth- interaction between patient and therapist character-
odological bias (e.g. insufficient use of intention-to- istics—some patients will ‘connect’ with some
treat analyses), and defining ‘improvement’. therapists, and some with others. Since therapists are
However, creative and methodologically-sound solu- also people, differences apply not just to skills and
tions to all these problems have been proposed techniques, but also to personal characteristics such
(Blacker & Mortimore, 1996; Bradley, 1997; Taylor as appearance, sense of humour, and speech accent.
& Thornicroft, 1996). Technical problems are all Many aspects may impact on the outcome of ther-
potentially amenable to methodological resolution. apy. Given the complexity of a dynamic process of
Conceptual problems are not so easily resolved. interaction, attempting to control fully for individual
The biomedical sciences methods have been devel- differences through larger, more targeted studies
oped most fully in drug trials, in which both the may prove an elusive goal.
object of enquiry (the dose of medication) and the RCTs undoubtedly have an important role to play
entity in which change will be measured (the patient) in answering the question ‘Does intervention X work
are relatively clear. Conceptual limitations become for condition Y?’ However, the question ‘Which
most evident when considering attempts to use these patients with condition Y does intervention X work
methods in other domains. The limitations will be for?’ may prove to have more clinical relevance, and
illustrated with reference to the three levels proposed answering this question may involve asking the ques-
in the matrix model for mental health services: tion ‘How does intervention X work?’, a question
patient, locality, and regional/national (Thornicroft which cannot be answered just by using RCTs.
& Tansella, 1999).

Conceptual problems at the local level

Conceptual problems at the patient level
The difficulties with biomedical sciences methods
Implicit in the RCT methodology is the assumption become more pronounced with investigation into
that the intervention can be given in the same way service-level interventions. The research question
and to the same extent to each person in the experi- typically asked at this level is ‘Does service configu-
mental group, and that its mechanisms of action are ration X work with group Y?’ This has involved
the same for whomever receives it. In other words, it identifying comparable experimental and control
assumes that there are no differences in any relevant programmes (e.g. contiguous catchment areas),
respect in either the multiple instances of the inter- ensuring fidelity of programme administration, and
vention (providing treatment fidelity is ensured) or before and after measurement of change in a broad
between the people in the experimental or control range of areas. Recent examples include the UK700
groups (providing allocation is random and hence study of case management (Burns et al., 1999b) and
any differences are due solely to chance). The most the PRiSM Psychosis Study of community care
widely used application of this method has been in (Thornicroft et al., 1998).
medication, resulting in a large and expanding evi- The UK700 study has also been criticized, for fail-
dence base for pharmacotherapy. However, the ing to differentiate between case management and
natural science methods have also been applied to assertive community treatment models of care
other interventions, such as psychotherapy. Because (McGovern & Owen, 1999). The response by the
of the methodology to be employed, the question authors has been to highlight the similarities between
that has been investigated is ‘Does intervention X the two models (Burns et al., 1999a). Disagreement
work for condition Y?’ The problem is then how to therefore focuses on what intervention was being
make what is an essentially interpersonal interven- evaluated. Although not an RCT, the PRiSM Psy-
tion sufficiently uniform that it can be provided in chosis Study also illustrates the difficulty of service-
the same way to each person. The solution adopted level research using the RCT approach of giving an
has been to utilize manualized protocols to ensure intervention to a group of patients, where the inter-
treatment fidelity, supported by the development of vention is a service configuration. The study has
assessments to measure the extent to which the been criticized for employing a mixed model of care
treatment accords with the protocol. This has (Marshall et al., 1999), and for inadequately specify-
resulted in clear findings of high relevance to mental ing the structures and processes of the interventions
health services (e.g. Kuipers et al., 1997; Sensky (Sashidharan et al., 1999). The response by the
et al., 2000). authors to these criticisms has been to highlight that
However, there is a problem with this approach. the study was intended to test differently configured
Some therapists are better than others (Roth & catchment-area services, rather than different
Fonagy, 1996). This difference can be exhibited in a models of care (Thornicroft et al., 1999). Disagree-
number of domains of competence (Bryant et al., ment therefore again seems to revolve around what
1999). This is not solved by identifying skill levels, intervention was being evaluated.
and differentiating between expert therapists, com- This line of critique and defence is predictable,
petent therapists and so on, since there will be an since the intervention is a social programme, and is
14 Mike Slade et al.

simply too complex to be adequately characterized. mental health research funding should be
In different examples of the ‘same’ programme, prioritized?
there will be important differences in resources For all of these questions, the type of information
(such as quality of buildings, locations relative to which is used in practice to make decisions does not
patients, amount of money for continuing profes- routinely come from RCTs. For some questions,
sional development of staff), processes (what is current practice is based on anecdote—community
done, by whom, and in what way), and structures, treatment orders worked elsewhere, so they should
such as the debate regarding the necessary compo- work here. For others, current practice is based on
nents of assertive community treatment (e.g. Deci precedent—current resource allocation formulae
et al., 1995; McGrew & Bond 1995; Teague et al., have been developed iteratively from previous esti-
1998). Indeed, it would be easy to compile a list of mates (Jarman et al., 1992). Current practice is not
several hundred service characteristics which may based on evidence of the RCT form (Kane, 2002).
impact on outcome for specific patients. Most of Indeed, consider what gathering such evidence
these factors are not measured, especially given the would involve. To decide how much to spend on
lack of standardization regarding what characteris- mental healthcare in England, for example, one
tics of a service to report. The limited efforts to could design a study which used Health Authorities
develop standardized assessments of services, such as cases. But to identify the effectiveness of the inter-
as the European Service Mapping Schedule (John- vention (funding level) a number of factors need to
son et al., 1998), have highlighted the complexity of be controlled for, including characteristics of the
characterizing services. Therefore, although in any population, current service development levels,
individual study random allocation will ensure that current levels of mental health spending, and popu-
any initial differences in the two groups are due to lation-based needs assessment? One would soon run
chance, it will be impossible to generalize the find- out of Health Authorities for matching. Similarly,
ings, since the ‘intervention’ (the social programme) what would be the intervention? Give half the Health
will be inadequately characterized (Slade & Priebe, Authorities high funding and half low, and investi-
2001). gate the resulting health gain? But all Health
High-quality RCTs have an important contribu- Authorities would want more money, so some would
tion to make in generating evidence about feel they are getting a bad deal from this trial, leading
programmes of care. Perhaps the best hope for the to a demoralized work-force, whose more able mem-
RCT approach, as expressed by the UK700 authors, bers might move to working in nearby Health
is that ‘Real progress will be made when essential Authorities who were randomized into high funding.
ingredients in complex interventions are individually What if some Health Authorities decided to invest
subject to equally rigorous evaluation’ (Burns et al., heavily in primary care services, some in specialist
1999a, p. 1386). However, even such a knowledge services such as early intervention in psychosis, and
base would be unable to account for interactions some in generic mental health services? This would
between different components of the programme, or immediately confound the trial, since health gain
emergent properties of the system. The goal of differences might be due to service configuration
ensuring internal validity by adequately characteriz- rather than money spent.
ing all relevant characteristics whilst retaining
external validity such that what is investigated gener-
alizes to what can be done in routine practice may be Unresolvable problems
impossible to meet. RCTs cannot generate all the
necessary evidence for developing mental health The above example is elaborated to underline the fact
services. that some questions simply cannot be investigated
using RCT methodologies, and for other questions
RCTs are not the best form of enquiry. For example,
Conceptual problems at the national level RCTs require the use of groups of patients who differ
only by chance in all relevant respects. The technical
It is at the national level that the conceptual prob- solution is large RCTs—‘mega-trials’—to allow the
lems with biomedical sciences methods become most ‘true’ effect size to be identified. However, it may not
prominent. Questions which are asked at this level be practical to undertake RCTs of a size sufficient to
include: How will a higher national expenditure on discriminate between groups when investigating
mental healthcare impact on outcome criteria? What complex psychological, interpersonal, social, ethnic,
are the effects of different approaches to distributing cultural, ethical or political questions. Examples of
this money? What is the best balance between central research questions which are difficult to address
and localized control of spending? What is the best using RCTs are shown in Table 1.
balance between clinical governance and profes- Some of these areas are, of course, subject to sub-
sional self-regulation? What effects can be expected stantial research efforts using RCTs, by changing the
from the introduction of Community Treatment question to fit the methodology. For example, by
Orders? How can stigma be reduced? What type of changing the individual differences question to
Mental health services research methodology 15

Table 1. Examples of research questions which are difficult to investigate using RCTs
Level Topic Research question
Patient Culture Is it better to be seen by a therapist of the same cultural background?
Ethnicity Do service-related factors account for any of the association between being Afro-
Caribbean and compulsory admission?
Social context Should a patient whose depression occurs in the context of domestic violence be
prescribed anti-depressants?
Individual differences Will this treatment work for this patient?

Local Social programmes What skills and competencies are needed in this team?
Inter-agency working How can communication be improved between health and social services?
Mixed economy of care What is the best balance between voluntary and statutory sector provision of services?
Service structures Should we start an assertive community treatment team in this area?

National Social change How do we get the media to report mental illness in a more balanced way?
Relationship with other Which Government department should be responsible for long-term nursing care?
funding demands
Role of professions How far should patients be involved in planning and developing services?
Research funding priorities What type of research should be commissioned?

‘Does this treatment work for groups of patients The development of knowledge in the physical
similar in some defined way to this patient?’ allows sciences happens through a process of progressive
the generation of Number Needed to Treat data. development, testing and refinement of causal
However, the findings are often equivocal, for hypotheses. Refinement focuses, at least partly, on
example ‘sometimes yes, sometimes no’ (for the the limits within which proposed rules appear to hold
culture question) or ‘it helps some patients, so it’s good, and the imperfections in the hypotheses giving
worth trying’ (for the social context question). The rise to these limits. The limits are often as illuminat-
technical solution of matching control and experi- ing as the rules. This article has highlighted some of
mental groups on all relevant characteristics cannot the limits, and it will now be argued that what is
sufficiently account for the differences which impact needed as well is a different type of research, aimed
on the intervention, leading to inconsistent and non- at answering different questions. Such a framework
generalizable results. Although these problems occur may be offered by an alternative methodology, which
in pharmacotherapy research, they become more has been termed ‘Realistic Evaluation’ in a recent
evident when evaluating psychotherapy, service con- book (Pawson & Tilley, 1997).
figurations and national programmes, due to the
increasing complexity of the intervention and the
difficulty in operationalizing all defining elements. Another framework for research: realistic
The attempt to overcome conceptual problems with evaluation
RCTs by adopting technical solutions may be
likened to the process of trying to increase the speed Realistic evaluation is the process of evaluating the
of a stage-coach by adding another horse—there is a effectiveness of particular social programmes
limit to the gains arising from just doing more of the targeted at specific social problems. Pawson & Tilley
same thing. (1997) discuss social programmes, which they define
To summarize the argument, RCTs are an impor- as ‘the interplays of individual and institution, of
tant method of enquiry, which can provide high- agency and structure, and of micro and macro social
quality answers to some questions. They should not processes’ (p. 63). The central message of the book
be abandoned. However, sometimes RCTs cannot is the need to move from a successionist model to a
be used to answer the question of interest, and hence generative model of causation (Harré, 1972).
they are not always the ‘best’ evidence. This is not a Successionist theory holds that causation is unob-
new observation—it has been noted by other authors servable (following Hume, 1739), and observational
that RCTs are not suitable for questions of (for data are the only mechanism for inferring causality.
example) aetiology, diagnosis and prognosis (Sackett This theory leads directly to the methods of experi-
& Wennberg, 1997). However, a hierarchy of mental manipulation, and the pre-post-comparison
evidence with meta-analyses RCTs at the top of experimental and control groups which permeate
continues to be widely propagated (e.g. Guyatt et al., mental health services research today. In other
1995; Roth & Fonagy, 1996; Geddes & Harrison, words, an observed statistical association between a
1997; Greenhalgh, 1997; Department of Health, defined service configuration and individual out-
1999). This (or any other) universal hierarchy is, in comes is the basis for predicting effects of services,
our view, unlikely to be universally applicable to the since a full understanding of why a service achieves a
evaluation of any but the most simple of more or less favourable outcome is not possible. The
interventions. dynamic processes linking service configuration and
16 Mike Slade et al.

outcome remain unknown. Generative theory, by identify eight possible mechanisms by which the
contrast, holds that there is an observable connection intervention could reduce crime and six contextual
between causally connected events, and that internal issues which could limit the potential for some of
features of the thing being changed are central to the these effects. Even if only even a few of these were
understanding of causality. To illustrate, a succes- really operative, it is predictable that testing the
sionist notion of causality is involved in the statement intervention using RCTs will produce conflicting
‘gravity causes an apple to fall to Earth’, and a gener- results. The best hope of progress is to develop and
ative understanding in the statement ‘bereavement test a series of more detailed hypotheses, based on
causes depression’. Generative theory suggests that causal models of how the approach might be operat-
‘causal outcomes follow from mechanisms acting in ing. The relevance to mental health services research
contexts’ (Pawson & Tilley, 1997, p. 58). An under- is the challenge of whether the right questions are
standing of the causal mechanisms linking input with being asked—or rather being asked in the right way.
outcome and of the contextual factors influencing The overall approach of realistic evaluation is to go
these processes provide the basis for a prediction of back a stage in scientific research. It involves starting
what may happen in a concrete situation. with hypotheses about mechanisms which produce
So what is the relevance of this to mental health particular outcomes, and the context within which
services research? The above definition of a social these mechanisms operate. These hypotheses sug-
programme accords exactly with the subject matter gest initial patterns likely to be found in whatever
of mental healthcare, whether the ‘intervention’ be a problem is being investigated. When a specific inter-
psychiatrist prescribing for a patient, the develop- vention is targeted at altering particular aspects of
ment of an assertive community treatment service, or the mechanism in particular ways, hypotheses about
attempts to reduce the stigma of mental illness. It is the relationship between context and outcome allow
proposed that the current ethos of ‘evidence-based the formulation of specific research questions. As in
mental health’, where the term ‘evidence’ is equated meta-analysis, studies seldom stand alone. However,
with RCTs and meta-analysis (i.e. successionist the goal of grouping studies is to identify ‘middle
methods), can only provide one form of evidence. range theories’, which lie between minor hypotheses
The seminal example of this fate in other areas of and all-inclusive systematic theories of social pro-
social research is the review by Martinson (1974) of grammes (Merton, 1968). The central difference
offender rehabilitation programmes. The review between this approach and the current focus on RCT
considered all published reports in English between methodology is that theories of mechanism under
1945 and 1967, and the full version ran to 1400 test and the contextual issues hypothesized to be
pages. He concluded: influencing them need to be spelt out, so that related
studies (including but not limited to RCTs) can be
I am bound to say that these data, involving over
linked. This already happens to some extent, notably
two hundred studies and hundreds of thousands
in pharmacotherapeutic and psychological interven-
of individuals as they do, are the best available
tion research. However, middle range theories do not
and give us very little reason for hope that we have
appear to be central to research at the local and
in fact found a sure way of reducing recidivism
national levels.
through rehabilitation. This is not to say that we
have found no instances of success or partial
success; it is only to say that these instances have
Implications for mental health services
been isolated, producing no clear pattern to
indicate the efficacy of any particular method of
treatment. (Martinson, 1979, p. 49)
What kind of studies are undertaken within this
As Pawson & Tilley (1997) note, the problem at one research framework? There would be more focus on
level is the impossible criteria for success, in which an identifying mechanisms of change and contexts in
intervention ‘works’ only if it produces positive out- which these mechanisms are activated. One
comes in all trials in all contexts. The RCT approach is to use RCTs, as is beginning to be appar-
proponent might argue that the Martinson review ent in trials of psychological interventions. For
simply did not have access to an adequate (i.e. RCT- example, the London and East Anglia RCT of cog-
based) evidence base. However, the pattern of devel- nitive-behavioural therapy for psychosis identified
opments in mental health research is depressingly ‘response to hypothetical contradiction’ as a moder-
similar, with an increased emphasis on methodolo- ator of outcome (Garety et al., 1997). This both
gies which cost more and more to implement (larger accords with the cognitive model of schizophrenia,
samples, increased programme fidelity, etc.), in the and is of practical clinical utility when assessing an
belief that interventions will ultimately be individual for suitability for treatment. However,
categorized into ‘effective’ and ‘ineffective’. investigating contexts and mechanisms involves
Pawson & Tilley (1997) use as an example the more detailed questions than RCTs have been
installation of closed circuit television cameras in an designed to answer, indicating a need for a broader
attempt to reduce thefts in car parks. The authors range of methodologies.
Mental health services research methodology 17

Table 2. Possible context–mechanism–outcome combinations for an early psychosis service

Domain of improved outcome Mechanism Context (compared with standard service)
Remoralization Improved self-esteem through being seen Service is described as ‘specialist’ by referrer
by a specialist service
Contact with motivated staff High levels of within-team support
Being seen outside of mental health Service is not seen as part of mental health services

Remediation Iatrogenic effects are minimized Service is less institutional than standard care
Specific intervention is of benefit to the Service provides relevant intervention with
individual patient expertise
More attention from expert staff Low caseloads, high expertise in team

Rehabilitation Improved coping strategies Team uses stress/vulnerability model of psychosis,

rather than biological model
Relapse warning signs identified sooner Early warning signs work done with more patients
Long-term engagement Patient gets on with team members

At the local level, consider an attempt to evaluate rather than historical precedent or clinical anecdote,
a service aspiring to offer early intervention in then the challenge for health planners, practitioners
psychosis. Possible mechanisms for improved out- and researchers is to understand not only which
come (compared with standard care) in terms of services work, but also why, how, when and where.
remoralization, remediation and rehabilitation are New methodologies have to be developed and
shown in Table 2. applied in mental health services research for
Each context-mechanism combination indicates a achieving such an understanding.
research question. Since multitudinous mechanisms
might account for improved outcome, attempts to
evaluate an early psychosis service as identical in all Acknowledgements
implementations will result in conflicting findings.
The ideas for this article have been developed
What is needed is to identify what putative mecha-
through discussion with many colleagues, including
nism is being investigated, and what context is
Jonathan Bindman, Derek Bolton, Gyles Glover,
required for that mechanism to be activated. Once
Morven Leese, James Tighe and Graham
identified, a range of methodologies might then be
appropriate for testing hypotheses, including but not
limited to RCTs.
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